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<openfpga-github> [openfpga] azonenberg pushed 2 new commits to master:
<openfpga-github> openfpga/master f16d4e8 Andrew Zonenberg: Removed long-dead function that was never called
<openfpga-github> openfpga/master 1bc4a73 Andrew Zonenberg: Continued initial netlist reading support
<cyrozap> azonenberg: Check this out:
<cyrozap> That guy does hardware teardowns and takes some very nice-looking die photos.
<openfpga-github> [openfpga] azonenberg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<openfpga-github> openfpga/master ffaddc0 Andrew Zonenberg: Greenpak4CrossConnection/Greenpak4Inverer: Implemented Load()
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<cyrozap> rqou:
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<openfpga-github> [openfpga] azonenberg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<openfpga-github> openfpga/master 353707d Andrew Zonenberg: Added bitstream reading support for abuf, flipflop, pwrdet, POR
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<openfpga-github> [openfpga] azonenberg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<openfpga-github> openfpga/master e47ccc4 Andrew Zonenberg: Added bitstream loading support for bandgap, clock buffer, and DCMP mux
<openfpga-github> [openfpga] azonenberg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<openfpga-github> openfpga/master 766dc7a Andrew Zonenberg: PGA: added bitstream loading support
<rqou> azonenberg: "in greenpak devices it's possible for one net num to correspond to multiple logical HDL ports depending on device configuration"
<rqou> what does this mean?
<azonenberg> Bitstream config can change the port name
<azonenberg> So, for example
<azonenberg> GP_DFF Q and nQ are the same routing path
<azonenberg> there's a 2:1 mux on the DFF output
<rqou> can't you just model it as a mux instead?
<azonenberg> So if i have a signal sourced by the DFF, i have to look at the mux bit to see if the signal is coming from the Q or nQ output
<azonenberg> It works fine for synthesis
<azonenberg> It's only a problem going the other way
<rqou> oooh i see
<rqou> doesn't coolrunner2 have that too with DFF/TFF/latch?
<azonenberg> possibly. but i'm only working on gp4 so far
<rqou> also the xor output
<azonenberg> i'm implementing all of the Greenpak4*::Load()
<azonenberg> blocks
<rqou> btw at mtvre somebody asked about bitstream->netlist for some ancient xilinx fpga (pre-xc4000)
<azonenberg> Most likely what i'll do is add an arg to GetOutputPorts() to make it filter and only return ports that are valid in the current device configuration
<rqou> apparently the bitstream is known, there's just no tools for what to do next
<azonenberg> Then i just have to figure out how to load that config
<azonenberg> Ooh
<azonenberg> I may be interested in helping with that
<azonenberg> Short term my targets are gp4, cr2, ice40, s3a
<azonenberg> in that order
<azonenberg> for RE
<azonenberg> i'm going to try to lift them all up to RTLIL
<azonenberg> then write analytics as yosys passes
<rqou> while you're working on it, you might want to keep in mind things like uncommitted logic arrays
<rqou> iirc mame is stuck with a few of those
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<azonenberg> So, the eventual plan
<azonenberg> is to make something that can convert die photos to json netlists as well
<azonenberg> and then use the same RTLIL-based analytics flow from there on
<azonenberg> There will most likely be one importer for standard cell CMOS SEM photos
<azonenberg> one for standard cell CMOS optical photos
<azonenberg> and we could make one for gate array optical photos too
<rqou> is there a "state of the art" subcircuit extraction algorithm that actually works?
<azonenberg> Dont know
<azonenberg> i'm focusing on getting some bitstream, any bitstream (slg46620 to start) into RTLIL
<azonenberg> and then working from there
<azonenberg> there have been calls for impeachment before
<azonenberg> but this is the first time anyone has actually submitted a formal written article to the house
<cyrozap> balrog: To answer your question from earlier, I've only really just started up on this again. I started working on a bitstream->Verilog parser for the whole CPLD (including the interconnect and DSI, not just the UDBs), but by that I mean I've literally just copied my old code into a new file :P
<rqou> ugh, more trump news
<azonenberg> cyrozap: rather than going to verilog
<azonenberg> Can you make it export to a yosys json netlist?
<azonenberg> that's a much more useful, machine-readable format
<azonenberg> Which can be easily converted to verilog by yosys should you so desire
<rqou> why does it seem like all PAR research is canadian while all subcircuit extraction research is taiwanese? :P
<azonenberg> did you look at names on those papers?
<azonenberg> hypothesis: it's one university research group for each
<rqou> hmm yeah the subcircuit extraction papers are all by the same group of people
<rqou> didn't look too closely at the PAR papers
* azonenberg is going to get some sleep
<rqou> already?
<azonenberg> yeah i have work in the morning and i'm getting tired
<cyrozap> azonenberg: Sure, that'd probably be easier for me to generate, anyways. I just went with Verilog at the beginning because that's the format I know.
<azonenberg> Making good progress
<rqou> ahh finally found a "reasonably common" referenced algorithm for subcircuit extraction that happens to _not_ be taiwanese :P
<rqou> SubGemini
<azonenberg> I now have bitstream->in memory netlist for everything but some IOBs (there's two encodings and i only wrote a parser for one), counters, shift regs, acmps, dcmps, dcmpref's, dacs, delay lines, one clock buffer type, oscillators, reset, and SPI
<azonenberg> As well as a JSON exporter that creates the top level structure of the file but not any of the actual circuit stuff yet
<azonenberg> I'll be AFK all weekend for a SAR training event
<rqou> lots of people hacking on this problem apparently, but not all specialized for circuits
<azonenberg> but hope to get a bit more coding done this week, we'll see
<cyrozap> balrog: Anyways, my immediate goal is to develop some scripts to dump the PSoC config registers (via OpenOCD) and convert that dumped config into a nicer format (i.e., an ELF file with sections for each of the major config regions).
<rqou> azonenberg: we need a private-ish (so no copyright problems) notes dumping ground
<cyrozap> balrog: The next step will then be to actually write the config-to-yosys-json-netlist code.
<cyrozap> azonenberg: Is there a spec for the Yosys JSON netlist format? Or is it just a "read the source" kind of thing?
<rqou> afaik it's "read the source"
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<rqou> digshadow: apparently some h8 mcus also have a similar warning about their mode pins
<rqou> your turn to try the same exploit?
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<rqou> azonenberg: something is weird with the xc2c512s i've obtained
<rqou> the top markings are identical but the bga substrate is different colors
<rqou> please make sure to take high-res photos before decapping
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<indy> hi all, can i attach icestick directly to fx3/fx2lp?
<indy> i want to play with fx2/fx3 fifo examples and yosys/arachne-pnr/icestorm
<pointfree> balrog, cyrozap: I feel I'm almost done with an on-chip spnr tool for the PSoC 5LP.
<pointfree> I wrote it mostly on an airplane trip.
<balrog> pointfree: wow :)
<pointfree> Thanks to the logic fabric's conveniently regular structure it may just fit in a tweet -- that includes synthesis, placement, and routing of the primitives AND, OR, NOT but not the portpin mappings.
<balrog> ...darn
<pointfree> The portpin mappings don't really follow a regular pattern so much.
<pointfree> These are Forth (glue) words and I'll use them for implicit parallelism in a forth, but the functions could of course be translated to other languages for embedding logic spnr into a project.
<pointfree> Before release I'd like to tweak the code to leverage the PSoC's short circuit routing -- something that the SoftJin tools used by Cypress don't seem to leverage at all.
<pointfree> That means smaller bitstreams than the proprietary tools but more importantly I think leveraging the short circuit routing will mean faster routes without the overhead of timing characterization.
<pointfree> I've been a bit distracted by the PSoC5LP's Digital Filter Block and the UDB Status & Control blocks. The latter I pretty much understand, the former not so much. I'm still trying to get a picture of how I would use everything from the DFB in a project. I don't have much experience with DSP's.
<balrog> rqou: -- were you working on yosys vhdl?
<pointfree> cyrozap: The HC and VS tiles are correct in but I need a moment to update the HV mappings in that diagram. The correct HV block pattern happens to be very convenient for logic synthesis.
<pointfree> The newfangled crosshairs in the diagram won't crash your browser :) But the coordinates are only correct when the page is not zoomed or zoomed out. I should put this into an svg image and that into a leafletjs map for easier searching and browsing but I'm not really prioritizing that right now.
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<azonenberg_work> pointfree: Wasnt following the entire conversation
<azonenberg_work> but if i'm following this
<azonenberg_work> you think you can get better QoR than the official cypress toolchain?:D
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<azonenberg_work> LOL ylamarre's CPLD RE project was codenamed "poutine"
<azonenberg_work> I knew he was working on it but... not the codename
<pointfree> azonenberg_work: Yes. I deleted parts of a bitstream and it still worked.
<pointfree> Cypress uses stock SoftJin placement and routing tools that were probably designed for mux-style cplds and fpgas and therefore don't take advantage of the short-circuit routing. The short-circuiting is even mentioned briefly in the patent.
<azonenberg_work> lol so they put all of this stuff in the silicon
<azonenberg_work> and dont use it?
<azonenberg_work> Typical HW/SW team siloing
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<azonenberg_work> back
<azonenberg_work> pointfree: what was last you got from me?
<azonenberg_work> Cell reception on the water is spotty
<pointfree> azonenberg_work: "Typical HW/SW team siloing"
<pointfree> azonenberg_work: "Cell reception on the water is spotty"
<azonenberg_work> ah ok yeah that wsa all i sent
<azonenberg_work> Boat is docking in a few mins so will have to run off and pack up my laptop in a min or two anyway
<balrog> pointfree: hah. I'm not surprised at all
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<whitequark> azonenberg: oh wow you did
<whitequark> I remember wondering about it for the longest time lol
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<rqou> why is it so expensive for me to ship things but not for me to get things shipped to me?
<balrog> rqou: which country are you located in? and where are you shipping things from?
<rqou> USA domestic
<balrog> which shipping providers are you using?
<balrog> for shipping things out
<rqou> usps
<balrog> parcel post?
<rqou> priority because i always want tracking
<balrog> or for small things, first class?
<balrog> first class and parcel post come with tracking
<balrog> if you're buying labels online at least
<balrog> I usually use paypal multiorder shipping to generate labels
<lain> first class is tracked for domestic shipping
<lain> oh you said domestic, ok
<rqou> hmm maybe i got upsold by the staff
<balrog> lain: as long as you buy labels online, and not at a post office
<lain> balrog: yeah
<rqou> wait really?
<balrog> if you're using post office labels or stamps, then it's untracked
<lain> ^
<rqou> so it's worse to go to the brick and mortar post office?
<balrog> yup!
<rqou> TIL
<lain> you can print first class stuff online
<balrog> and then bring it into the post office
<lain> it's like $3 or something for most stuff 3oz or less iirc
<lain> it went up this year I think it used to be $2.something
<rqou> nah it's apparently heavier than i thought (thanks azonenberg :P )
<balrog> rqou: how heavy?
<rqou> ugh, but then i have to get more paypal on me
<balrog> rqou: I just find that to be the easiest way :/
<balrog> paypal annoys me too
<rqou> my receipt says 2lb 3oz
<rqou> apparently azonenberg's frivolous items are heavy :P :P
<rqou> otherwise i could have mailed some ICs in just a normal envelope or whatever
* balrog has an 85lb package coming
<rqou> arcade?
<balrog> nah
<balrog> synthesizer
<rqou> hmm, apparently i need to mail physical things more :P
<rqou> imagine: pay 1 satoshi to send this email
<balrog> rqou: for something that large I'd also price out ups and fedex ground
<balrog> those are very distance oriented
<rqou> wtf
<rqou> CA->WA shouldn't be considered "distance"
<lain> rqou: how much are they charging?
<rqou> $11
<lain> oh
<lain> fedex would be more
<balrog> rqou: which service is that?
<rqou> usps priority
<balrog> try parcel select ground
<balrog> I get like $6.60
<lain> also consider the flat-rate services if it fits in a flat-rate box (but then you have to get a flat-rate box)
<lain> I forget how they're priced
<balrog> that's good for heavy stuff right below the limit
<Zorix> flat rate boxes are free
<Zorix> you can go into any post office and get it or request it on their site and the mail delivery person will drop some off
<Zorix> they are the most economical option if your item fits in it
<balrog> Zorix: no, they are not always. often you can pay a lot less without flat-rate, if your item is light.
<balrog> (with first class or parcel post)
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<Zorix> sure you can stuff something into a padded envelope
<Zorix> and thats chaper
<Zorix> but if it needs a box its usually cheaper
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