bbqbot changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | GETT SMARTSTAY EX NAO | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <codeworkx> samsung phones are accidents | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting.
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<EgotisticalElf> probably 10
<mongi> i think so too... but there says about kernel source 7, and on xda cody said there'll only be cm10 nighlies for i9100 if i9300 kernel help or samsung release jb for i9100
<mongi> but ok, let's wait till next week
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<pmgnet1> How do I get to "su" from adb shell on cm10? I'm getting 'permission denied'
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> pmgnet1: Go into Settings -> Developer options -> Root access
<pmgnet1> Jiangyi: thanks
<Jug6ernaut> bamb
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<seVIIn> hey guys do any of the new JB builds have working butter?
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<seVIIn> hey guys do any of the new JB builds have working butter? everything is so confusing and nothing is clear about it
<Thracky> no.
<seVIIn> kk thanks
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<Jug6ernaut> is hwcomposer in native?
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<Dahlum> Hello everyone, I'm having an issue with a build thats been driving me absolutely crazy and I'm hoping you guys can help. I'm building jellybean for the i777 and I can not for the life of me get the galaxy-s2-common overlays to apply. Any ideas?
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<Dahlum> Meant to say I was building CM10
<Dahlum> Here is exactly what I've done and maybe it will help
<Dahlum> I have a freshly built ubuntu 12 laptop with all the dependencies installed.
<Dahlum> grabbed the repo command from google and then initialized the repo - repo init -u git:// -b jellybean
<Dahlum> synced the repo - repo sync -j16
<Dahlum> created my local_manifest.xml file with the following: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <manifest> <project name="teamhacksung/buildscripts" path="buildscripts" remote="github" revision="jellybean"> <copyfile dest="" src="samsung/" /> </project> <project name="teamhacksung/android_device_samsung_i777" path="device/samsung/i777" remote="github" revision="jellybean" /> <project name="teamhacksung/and
<Dahlum> resynced the repo - repo sync -j16
<Dahlum> pulled the proprietary files from my phone - device/samsung/i777/
<Dahlum> all was well and no errors at all so I started the build - ./ i777 and got a working zip but none of the common overlay settings were compiled. I've tried everything!!
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<dvine> any ideas on what could be causing slow usb transfer speeds using ums on cm10?
<bbqbot> derp
<dvine> problem was even evident in cm9
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<Espenfjo> no
<Espenfjo> Something is weird
<Espenfjo> blamesamsung
<gladiac1337> i had the same problems on cm10
<Espenfjo> Everyone do
<gladiac1337> i tried to transfer files using mtp and after a short while it became slower and slower until my phone did not turn on the screen again - SOD i guess
<dvine> so it's a common problem, ok cool.. just wasnt sure if i was doing something wrong or not, but it varies with rom's though
<Espenfjo> I get about 3.2MBps over UMS
<Espenfjo> It is slow, but I guess I will live with it :)
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<dvine> aint fun when you transferring 20gb of music lol
<dvine> just plugged it directly into my sd adapter and into the laptop, at least i get around 10mb/s that way
<Espenfjo> If you know basic C it should be an easy fix
<Espenfjo> It is just 141871 lines of code to review
<Espenfjo> Should be a breeze
<gladiac1337> :)
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<MacDrunk> hello
<MacDrunk> been using cm9 for 3 days and i love it
<MacDrunk> have some issues but other than that is ok
<MacDrunk> if i use a otg cable and plug my 32 gbs usb it wont say is connected
<MacDrunk> but on storage menu it is detected
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<Espenfjo> Then you will have to fix it I guess :)
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<kldoc> hi, i have a particular question regarding I9100G, i had a talk with Codeworkx that told me the firmware for my camera was causing troubles with aosp drivers, and this could not be fixed because it was in the camerahal, which is closed source, i did flash bac stock rom, and what i found is really weird, my camera firmware if OMEF01, ISP is Fujitsu M5MOLS, but the phone firmware part is really weird, it's called TBEC00 and
<kldoc> should i try to flash TBEC28, or OMEF01, or do nothing at all ?
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<Ntemis> codeworkx: what you would done if you had led backlight on and blackscreen and stuttering sound RANDOM crash problem that doesnt go away?
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<Jiangyi> ..........
<Jiangyi> My phone rebooted in the middle of a file transfer. O_O
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<NinetThree> Hi
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<NinetThree> Hi
<NinetThree> Are any of you familiar with the AOKP on S3 built by Faryaab
<NinetThree> How does one build that?
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<Bhabotosh> after installing Jelybean experimental ROM my wifi is not working... any solution??
<Bhabotosh> any body there ?
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<Bhabotosh> after installing Jelybean experimental ROM my wifi is not working... any solution??
<addi> Bhabotosh, what device?
<addi> and wait for someone to answer
<Bhabotosh> Galaxy s2
<Bhabotosh> not switching on
<Bhabotosh> MAC address and IP address unavailable showing.
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<Bhabotosh> anybody reply me please..
<addi> those will not show up until wifi turns on once
<Bhabotosh> ok
<Bhabotosh> then whats the problem ? why its not swtching on ?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Bhabotosh> addi , how can I solve my problem ?
<addi> i'm not sure, so wait for someone to answer. or try wiping data and reinstalling ROM from recovery
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<GabMus> hello
<Bhabotosh> @addi,ok, but in the instruction they wrote after ROM installation install kernel. but which kernel may I install ??? where can I get that ?
<bbqbot> Bhabotosh: Command does not exist!
<Thracky> the kernel is included in the rom.
<Bhabotosh> ok
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<GabMus> we should not give support if you dont use the rom provided kernel. know it
<Bhabotosh> Thracky , can u tell me why my wifi is not working ?
<Thracky> I am not a wizard.
<Thracky> nor is anyone else.
<GabMus> brb guys
<Thracky> Reflash, wipe data/factory reset, try again :P
GabMus is now known as GabMus----away
<Thracky> welcome to custom ROMs.
<Thracky> and EXPERIMENTAL roms.
<Bhabotosh> I installed ROM downloaded from this sie
<Mardos> hey hey i moved the mms apk from cm10 to sammy rom it works however all the messages are not threaded any ideas why? each message comes in single thread
<Bhabotosh> I am using experimental ROM CM10
<Thracky> Reflash, wipe data/factory reset, try again.
<Bhabotosh> ok
<Thracky> what ROM did you previously have?
<Thracky> Mardos: not sure anyone in here will help you with that.
<Bhabotosh> XXLPQ ICS
<Thracky> Bhabotosh: samsung's ICS?
<Bhabotosh> yeah
<Bhabotosh> galaxy s2
<Thracky> did you do a wipe when you installed cm10?
<bbqbot> derp
<Bhabotosh> yeah
<EgotisticalElf> Mardos, from CM10 to a sammy rom? is said sammy rom 4.1 or 4.0?
<Bhabotosh> two times I did
<Bhabotosh> CM10 4.1
<Bhabotosh> Thracky , please provide me the link for CM10 so I can download again the ROM and will reinstall it
<EgotisticalElf> :)
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<Bhabotosh> nedd for i1900
<Bhabotosh> i9100
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<Thracky> only has nightlies not cody's previews
<Thracky> one sec.
<Bhabotosh> ok
<peterperfect> has cody previews too
<peterperfect> Thracky idiotte
<Thracky> it does?
<Thracky> since when
<peterperfect> xD
<EgotisticalElf> ah, ic
<Thracky> peterperfect: it doesn't even have i9100 device name yet :P
<Thracky> still galaxys2
<Thracky> unless that's not actually changing
<Bhabotosh> this is the one i downloaded
<Thracky> but i9300 and i9100g are there
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<Mardos> damn it thanks thracky
<Bhabotosh> ok will install it
<GabMus----away> ok here i am
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<Thracky> Bhabotosh: all I can suggest is wipe, reflash, flash gapps and see what happens.
<Thracky> if there was a widespread wifi issue you'd read about it on the xda thread
<Bhabotosh> ok thank you
<GabMus> need to quit the channel. later
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<GabMus> ok
<GabMus> there was something wrong with the client
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<GabMus> gotta go bye
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<whitequark> heh
<whitequark> try *#*#197328640#*#* in dialer
<whitequark> (works on Infineon modems, e.g. GT-i9100
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<whitequark> the command will bring up a service menu. if you don't know what it is, don't touch it or you could brick the phone.
<whitequark> also, I strongly advise to backup /efs.
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<nebkat> @invite nebkat #blamesamsung
<bbqbot> nebkat: You are not allowed to run that command!
<nebkat> ffs
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<nebkat> datagutt: help
<datagutt> invite nebkat #blamesamsung
<datagutt> @invite nebkat #blamesamsung
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<billak> a question what is this command doing "lunch cm_i9100-userdebug " thank you
<Espenfjo> It is setting up your build environment for building the i9100 in userdebug mode
<Espenfjo> You should rather use breakfast i9100
<billak> What you mean breakfast i9100
<Espenfjo> breakfast is an cm addition afaik. which takes care of room service, and CM dependencies for the build service which lunch do not
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<Espenfjo> Type "type lunch" and "type breakfast" to see the technical difference
<Mardos> god damn it anyway to remove voicemail icon from the taskbar i have no new message
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<mongi> ohoy
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<Mardos> whats a good website to purchase NFC Tags
<Mardos> why thank you kind gentleman
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<Mardos> can i flash a whole sammy rom from mobile odin ?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Mardos> hows cm10 on the s3 att ?
<Mardos> ahaha funny video !
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<Thracky> Mardos: I'll find out tonight. I'm getting one and immediately getting rid of the stock rom :P
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<Thracky> once I get my 50 GB dropbox that is
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<NinetThree> Hi
<NinetThree> Can someone help me with rom porting please
<NinetThree> I would like to port the jb aokp galaxy nexus build to the galaxy s3 with cm10 as a base
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<NinetThree> Which Is a good guide to follow
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<cantIntoCode> why?
<NinetThree> Because I like some features of AOKP and also want practice rom porting
<Thracky> this probably isn't the place to ask tbh
<NinetThree> Well then Ok thanks anyways
<NinetThree> Another question what's a device tree?
<cantIntoCode> a tree
<cantIntoCode> that grows phones
<Thracky> lol
<cantIntoCode> also tablets
<cantIntoCode> it's pretty magical
<Thracky> generally refers to the device's github stuff
<cantIntoCode> NinetThree: <3
<NinetThree> Really well thanks
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<Thracky> but I'm probably doing a shitty job of explaining it :P
<NinetThree> I didn't know that
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<Mardos> i dunno if i trade my 16gb i9300 for a 32gb s3 rogers striaght trade
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<simech> hi, lost a sgs2 (i9100) in the water (cm9) and the back and menu buttons stopped working. Is there a way to enable on screen buttons?
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<simech2> hi, lost a sgs2 (i9100) in the water (cm9) and the back and menu buttons stopped working. Is there a way to enable on screen buttons?
<bbqbot> derp
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<chadouming> great
<Thracky> Mardos: I'm getting a telus i747 in like an hour heh
<chadouming> i747 = GS II ?
<Thracky> at&t gs3
<Thracky> at&t/telus/bell/rogers
<chadouming> simech2, sry for you, but this went on lot of trouble and i think they finally rejected the idea
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<simech2> ..
<chadouming> hmm, Thracky you are lucky, glitch should release a kernel for the i747 :D
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<Mardos> thracky how much?
<chadouming> well, iirc it's 99.99$
<chadouming> nvm
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<bealtine> hola
<chadouming> hi
<bealtine> just lurking:)
<chadouming> yeah like, 141 other persons here :P
<bealtine> and considering cm10...
<chadouming> everyone is stalking here xD
<bealtine> heh
<bealtine> i come from efnet...
<bealtine> never really checked out freenode
<chadouming> bah it's not on the whole freenode server that everyone is stalking
<chadouming> only on this channel xD
<bealtine> :)
<chadouming> gonna do a random thnig
<bealtine> hows cm10 coming along?
<chadouming> @bomb mez
<bbqbot> mez, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
Mez was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue]
<chadouming> i love CM 10 :D
<chadouming> if you are still considerating it
<bealtine> ok for everyday use?
<bealtine> i'm running cm9
<chadouming> on wghich phone ?
<chadouming> which*
<bealtine> sg3
<bealtine> international
<chadouming> i think cm10 is the way to go
<chadouming> take a backup
<chadouming> if you dont like, revert ^^
<bealtine> true
<chadouming> never forget your backup
<chadouming> this saved me so often xD
<bealtine> sure looks tempting
<bealtine> nandroid backup?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> yes
<chadouming> cool, it's not often that someone not completely retard come here and talk a bit xD
<bealtine> :)
<chadouming> usually ,we have the "How do we install" or "My phone is bugged, what do i do?" or "I want moar swag" people xD
<bealtine> gonna load eclpse here next week and do a bit of java
<chadouming> even better
<chadouming> eclipse is easy
<bealtine> I'm mostly c++ and c#
<chadouming> real dev does it the hard way :P
<bealtine> java should be a bit of fun
<chadouming> yeah
<chadouming> android in c/c++ would be so nice :D
<bealtine> ja I wite factory automation apps
<bealtine> lots of sockets and ipc shit
<Jiangyi|Voluntee> chadouming: We get about 1-2 everyday? :p
Jiangyi|Voluntee is now known as Jiangyi
<chadouming> 1-2 good person or 1-2 stupid ?
<Jiangyi> good person
<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> that's not often
<Jiangyi> Well, new ones anyways.
<bealtine> you should see the morons on #c++
<Jiangyi> Other good persons just stay here all the time. lol
<Jiangyi> people*
<bealtine> how to color my skreenz
<bealtine> how script write
<chadouming> lawl
<chadouming> c++ != bash
<bealtine> right
<chadouming> you should have a google bot on #c++ :P
<chadouming> @google How to color output c++
<bbqbot> colors - stdlib and colored output in C - Stack Overflow -
<bealtine> they all write console apps :#P
<bealtine> with flashing text
<bealtine> sucks
<chadouming> lol, i was writting console apps at college
<dizko> has anyone managed to get samsung stock camera (and touchwiz dependencies) working in cyanogenmod?
<chadouming> nope and it wont happen
<bealtine> i tried that and failed:)
<bealtine> too many .so missing
<dizko> it definitely wont happen if the attitude is "it wont happen"
<chadouming> nope, it wont happen because samsung camera require touchwiz framework to work and no dev want to spent time on that shit
<dizko> ill spend time on it
<crowboth> @chadouming I thought with the new cm10 build nandroid backups won't work due to the change in partition layout or is that only in regards to the Fascinate Alpha Rom
<bbqbot> crowboth: Command does not exist!
<dizko> given the camera is the only thing from samsung that was better than stock
<bealtine> get your apktool skillz working then
<chadouming> haha
<chadouming> crowboth, probably only because of the new fascinate alpha rom
<dizko> i ported d2att to d2dcm recently, im fairly familiar with sgs3 internals
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<chadouming> and what did you make to port it ?
<dizko> make?
<abz> yo, where do I find the files for Samsung devices?
<bbqbot> derp
<abz> does samsung provide those?
<chadouming> yeahm what code did you change or wat file did you replace ?
<dizko> abz: aosp?
<dizko> custom kernel, all the vendor files, a shitload of prop settings and conf files in etc
<abz> dizko: Sorry I meant for devices like Tab 10.1
<abz> or Tab 2 10.1 or Note 10.1
<abz> I see CM has some, wonder if they wrote them themselves
<abz> or got them from Samsung
<dizko> abz: yea but are you wanting boardconfig to build stock aosp or like cm9 or what
<abz> I want to build AOSP for Tab 10.1
<abz> I downloaded their kernel and built that
<abz> I extracted their platform stuff
<abz> on top of my AOSP
<dizko> ic, but they dont include the device config in the platform stuff?
<abz> nope :(
<dizko> heh
<abz> weird shit
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<abz> they just update the
<abz> and their file target product is 'full' so I assume emulator
<chadouming> nice, we got another copy&paste master
<dizko> chad: are you reffering to me?
<chadouming> yup
<chadouming> i'm reading old logs
<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> yeah i know, i'm that strange
<dizko> im relatively new to android development
<dizko> but ive been a professional systems admin / technologist since the mid 90s
<abz> anyone else with some advice?
<dizko> so you can go fuck yourself for having a bad attitude
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<chadouming> kthxby
<bealtine> uhuh
<chadouming> kthxbai*
<dizko> im just trying to be constructive, im not underestimating the difficulty in porting touchwiz
<dizko> if you say, had specific areas of concern, that'd be more helpful than 'never gonna happen'
<chadouming> Well, i say what i think. It wont happen
<chadouming> and if you can prove me i'm wrong
<crowboth> thanks chadouming, CM10 is working great on my Mesmerize till I can get an S3 :) I'm going to try the latest nightly build tonight
<chadouming> i'll gladly excuse my self
<chadouming> crowboth, yw, but i did nothing xD
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<dizko> im not really questioning your pessimism as much as your approach. and resulting to insults and assumptions about me was unecessary
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<chadouming> and for my " nice, we got another copy&paste master" comment, i am referring on what you said
<bealtine> you like poking ppl with a sharp stick?
<bbqbot> derp
<dizko> specifically?
<bealtine> an op :)
<chadouming> 00:20 <dizko> this is less development and more just configuring things and putting files in the right place and compiling
<chadouming> 00:20 <dizko> there no actual coding outside of maybe a few shell scripts
<chadouming> 00:20 <dizko> i have a background in unix but im not a software developer
<dizko> someone who was clearly clueless as to what goes into it was suggesting it was development, which i consider coding
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<bealtine> well if you extract all the relevant so and then do the port, it might work
<dizko> theres no java that needs written to port a custom android mod
<dizko> and there's no coding that's going to need done to port touchwiz
<dizko> so i stand by my statement
<chadouming> yes there would be coding involved into porting touchwiz
<chadouming> either in the camera app or in the framework
<chadouming> since camera is dependant on feature of the framework
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<chadouming> it's not only a lib copy&paste work on that one
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<dizko> im proposing finding all the relevant framework classes and configuration, and the stock camera, and overlaying them
<chadouming> hmk, doit
<chadouming> and show to me that it work
<dizko> i plan to. just thought id check and see if anyone had done any work on it before i started
<chadouming> hmk, then my naswer to that is : no. And I dont believe it will happen since it would be a waste of time
<bealtine> ja isee it as a wste too
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<dizko> it wouldnt be a waste of time to have a camera that doesn't crash =)
<chadouming> lol, i never crashed CM camera
<dizko> it crashes a lot for me, except when i run it under strace
<dizko> then i cant reproduce it =(
<dizko> but the samsung stock camera was the only thing i thought was better than stock out of all their bloat, so i thought i might put my effort into making that work as opposed to solving issues im having with the cm one
<chadouming> then , using the camera, you does it wrong
<chadouming> why not belive the other way ?
<Jiangyi> Camera crash?
* Jiangyi has heard enough about that for a lifetime
<chadouming> if you have a lot of camera crash, then you are probably not the only one
<dizko> chad: i accept that it is likely related to my port. but im not sure why
<chadouming> "probably"
<chadouming> so fixing it would bring much more to everyone than porting the touchwiz camera
<Jiangyi> dizko: There's a wild possibility that you have a camera that doesn't like AOSP. :-P
<chadouming> which will never reach CM git
<dizko> except that i like the touchwiz camera
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<Jiangyi> Wouldn't be the first time.
<chadouming> what do you like about touchwiz caera that isnt included in CM one
<dizko> yea, i havent tried to get my d2dcm port pulled in either.
<chadouming> camera*
<dizko> partly because i had to change things in the -common dependencies to make it work
<chadouming> why not ?
<dizko> as they make assumptions about what is really common
<chadouming> lol, you create a new tree
<chadouming> or modify the file in common
<chadouming> so you can build with every device
<chadouming> that's how it work
<dizko> i admit it was partly laziness, partly having other shit to do
<chadouming> on what ratio ?
<dizko> i started playing with my nexusq
<chadouming> 10:1
<chadouming> :P
<dizko> once i got cm working on the d2dcm
<dizko> and i have a job
<chadouming> like everyone else xD
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<dizko> i was working on getting an admin at xda to actually create a forum for the device
<dizko> but no progress there
<chadouming> Pulser ?
<dizko> then i was going to find someone whos more seasoned with android/cm to check out my rom and see if it could use some polish
<dizko> before folding it into the tree
<dizko> Mike Channon
<chadouming> hmm, try pulser here if you have time
<dizko> the FAQ on how to add a device referenced a forum that was closed
<dizko> so i asked about that
<chadouming> well, when he will be here
<dizko> im in GMT+9 which also makes it difficult to chat with the US peeps
<chadouming> pulser is in UK
<dizko> ok that's doable
* Jiangyi still thinks that I9100G should get a standalone forum :-|
<dizko> if he comes on in the morning ;)
<Jiangyi> It has so little to do with the I9100 to be put there.
<chadouming> i'm often to talk to him during day in canada
<dizko> i meant his morning
<chadouming> GMT-4 if i remember wel
<chadouming> well*
<bealtine> london?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> Yes, we're GMT-4 atm. :-P
<chadouming> no, quebc
<chadouming> quebec*
<bealtine> is gmt :)
<Jiangyi> Daylight savings and stuff.
<Jiangyi> We officially go by GMT-5 I think.
<dizko> no dst here, so i cant ever keep track of exactly how many off i am
<Thracky> got my s3 :)
<Thracky> time to root and flash
<chadouming> lol, how much time since you have it ?
cantIntoCode|zZz has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Thracky> chadouming: an hour?