bbqbot changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | GETT SMARTSTAY EX NAO | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <codeworkx> samsung phones are accidents | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting.
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<Jiangyi> talib: Go into recovery mode and wipe data.
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<talib> I get errors in standard recovery mode
<talib> while trying to wipe data
<talib> Jiangyi, rfs format failed on /dev/block/stI10 , rfs format failed on /dev/block/stI11 , failed the mount /cache
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<talib> apparently the error might be due to a lagfix
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<Jiangyi> talib: Sorry, internet died. :-S
<Jiangyi> talib: lagfix? o_O
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<khanh> can someone fix bug in message
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<Assid> heya
<Assid> so.. im on mint .. live.. waiting for the installation to complete
<Assid> codeworkx: cinnamon seems nice
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<Assid> codeworkx: you were saying something about ATI on linuxmint.. do i go for the post-release update or the one without that
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<codeworkx> Assid: the one without that
<Assid> yeah doing that .. the first one failed :(
<Assid> looks nice tho
<Assid> trying to get rid of duckduckgo
<Assid> codeworkx: so hows your sunday going?
<Assid> i need to pick up a few "tablets" for work.. some cheap ones..
<cdesai> Assid: idhar?
<Assid> idhar ?
<cdesai> here.
<Assid> yeah i know what idhar means. but dont get the context
<cdesai> in india?
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<cdesai> cos nexus 7's too costly here (well not really, but compared to US)
<Assid> yep. thinking of hitting croma or e-zone to pick it up
<Assid> cdesai: how much you getting it for.. here?
<bbqbot> derp
<cdesai> Assid: 16k on flipkart
<Assid> 250 * 55 13750
<Assid> i guess i'd be ok to spend upto 15 on it
<cdesai> Install Wine sounds funny
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<Assid> yep.. i remembered the firefox hack about 2 mins ago :P
<Assid> did most of them tho
<Assid> err.. brb.. need to restart X
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<Assid> back
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<chieftex> for flashing GB rom in Odin, select only auto-reboot and F. Reset Time?
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<Yappy> hey guys :)
<Assid> dammit.. it died :(
<Assid> my video is tearing now..
<Yappy> just installed CM9 on my tab 2 p5100, and im trying to grab gapps via ROM Manager
<Yappy> it seems is down, though
<Assid> plus for some reason .. i feel like im getting a headache when i stare at it
<Yappy> perfect timing too :/
<Yappy> i assume rom manager grabs the latest gapps from
<Assid> cdesai: you using linuxmint as well?
<Assid> apparently when i boot up. id ont even get the boot logo/animation
<cdesai> nope, ubuntu
<Assid> argh.. ATI
<cdesai> kya hua?
<Assid> doesnt wanna work right
<cdesai> last time i tried to install their shit it won't boot
<Assid> mine boots.. i just get a blank screen. my video tears.. (giving me a headache) so i think vsync screwup or something along those lines..
<Yappy> yay, it's back up
<Yappy> should i just grab the gapps in the table here: ?
<Yappy> not sure if that's a "nightly" non-supported versiom, that's why i ask
<Assid> cody you still around?
<cdesai> Yappy: get the one matching the CM version you're using
<Yappy> yeah, 4.0.4 cm9
<Yappy> but in the xda trhead, it says to grab the latest version from rom manager, which comes with cm9
<Yappy> but, when i do that, rom manager tells me to flash a clockwork mod recovery first
<Yappy> fair enough, so i press on flash clockwork mod recovery
<Yappy> it downloads it
<Yappy> about 98% halfway through the progress bar at the top, the app freezes
<Yappy> and im prompted by a window to kill the app
<Yappy> have picked "wait" and "OK"
<Yappy> wait just leaves it frozen
<Yappy> ok kills it
<Yappy> now im just manually going to install gapps taken from
<cdesai> you already have cwm
<cdesai> do you?
<Yappy> yeah i do, that's how i installed cm9 in the first place
<cdesai> also, make sure it's the latest version (rom manager)
<Yappy> but ROM manager wants me to flash it again, otherwise i cant do anything
<Yappy> well, that's a problem then. the only way to get latest rom manager is via play store
<cdesai> so, press menu, then it allows you to tell it that you've flashed recovery already
<cdesai> no
<Yappy> and the only way to get play store is to use rom manager to grab gapps :/
<cdesai> has the latest apk
<cdesai> always
<Yappy> yeah, well
<Yappy> nothing like that was mentioned in the thread
<Yappy> just says to download CM9 (the ROM)
<cdesai> here
<cdesai> yea
<Yappy> and to get Google Apps, use rom manager
<cdesai> this is cos you can't flash gapps
<Yappy> but rom manager doesnt even work :|
<cdesai> try the apk i linked
<Yappy> well, i have the gapps zip here now, just finished downloading
<Yappy> ima flash that via CWM
<Yappy> or should i use that rom manager apk instead?
<bbqbot> derp
<cdesai> flash the gapps
<Yappy> then update rom manager if it works
<Yappy> via play store first
<Yappy> otherwise, apk
<Yappy> urgh, so shit not having a spare microsd card around
<cdesai> usb cable
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<Yappy> CWM doesnt read internal sdcard, iirc
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<Yappy> plus, computer didnt detect the tab anyway :S
<Yappy> brb
<cdesai> it does
<talib> Can I restore the partition on my SGSi9000 using Heimdall?
<codeworkx> Assid: i'm always here
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<Assid> codeworkx: am stuck.. video is tearing.. i think the sync is off.. cause its causing a headache too
<codeworkx> Assid: how does it look like?
<bbqbot> derp
<Assid> when i play anything you can see the horizontal line when people walk quickly across the video
<Assid> also im one of the "few" people who get a headache with low frame rate/ or sync issues.. like really sick.. not sure how common/uncommon that is
<codeworkx> Assid: sudo amdcccle
<Assid> codeworkx: already in the catalyst control
<Assid> dont know what to do.. it says its doing 60hz
<codeworkx> Assid: no idea, never had a problem
<talib> frfs format failed on /dev/block/stI10 , rfs format failed on /dev/block/stI11 , failed the mount /cache , apparently I need to reformat the drive or flash the .pit file but I'm unsure which to use with my SGS1 from Australia and only have access to Heimdall
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<Assid> doesnt geenerate the new file
<codeworkx> talib: the pit which comes with stock rom
<talib> codeworkx, Someone in another channel recommended but it doesn't contain a .pit file
<Assid> codeworkx: getting parsing of the command-line failed
<codeworkx> talib: then choose another one
<Assid> not able to use aticonfig --initial
<codeworkx> Assid: copy & paste plx
<codeworkx> Assid: sudo?
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<Assid> yeah with sudo.. it worked after running the command 10-15 times ina row.. but i cant enable the sync etc it mentions again problem
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<codeworkx> Assid: copy the error
<Assid> hold a sec.. i think it happens when i copy paste.. it works if i retyped..
<Assid> crap machine didnt wanna reboot.. gimme a sec.. lemme see what happens now
<Assid> blank screen on boot bug still exists (no boot animation/logo)
<Assid> post login blank screen bug still exists.. ( can only see cursor during then)
<Assid> checking video
<codeworkx> Assid: bootanimation? never had one :-D
<bbqbot> derp
<Assid> codeworkx: nope.. still not seamless.. slightly better than before (worse than without drivers)
<talib> codeworkx, Is it likely that one of these contains the .pit file I require? I'm downloading the optus firmware from Australia and I only have limited bandwidth
<Assid> oh man screw it.. the headache of the hsync/vsync whaterver is messing with me.. eyes turn red and what not
<Assid> anyone know what its called/
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<dsathe> hey is butter working on the latest cm10 for the galaxys2 (i9100), It seems a load smoother :)
<Assid> crap i think im gonna puke
<Assid> i cant play FPS games.. and now this..
<dsathe> lol
<codeworkx> dsathe: no
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<dsathe> the commit logs for 08 have a lot of commits relating to vsync and libhwcomposer so asked :D
<Espenfjo> Those are not for our devices
<Espenfjo> qcom and such
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<dsathe> ah ok my bad , didnt' go into the details , just looked more closely right now
<Assid> theres a new releasE?
<dsathe> yep 12
<dsathe> for the s2 dunno about the rest
<dsathe> Espenfjo: any particualr thing blocking hwcomposer can i help ?
<Espenfjo> You can take this, and and find out why stuff like movie playback isnt working. And figure out if anything is missing from the hwcomposer :D
<Espenfjo> I am not 100 % sure what is missing from it
<dsathe> hmm
<Assid> okay i seriously think something is messed up in my head.. or my eyes
<Assid> or the linux hsync/vsync isnt right for me
<Assid> hmm.. so i need to find a decent cheap tablet at croma/e-zone
<Assid> wonder what i'll find
<dsathe> Assid: what happened ?
<Assid> dsathe: tablet?
<Assid> or the sync thing?
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<Assid> ati wasnt working right for me with linuxmint.. and wheni look at the screen.. im getting a headache
<Assid> so i cant even edit the config and search for anything on the desktop
<Espenfjo> crt?
<bbqbot> derp
<Assid> nope.. lcd .. sharp 32"
<dsathe> Gah goddamn sammy ,too many refs to their proprietary libs, hope this doesn't mean it'll need some sources,etc from them Espenfjo
<talib> damn, that file I downloaded is missing the .pit file too
<Assid> Espenfjo: i knew i had problems with FPS games.. but apparently it affects me with sync as well
<dsathe> Assid click the reconfigure button on your monitor
<dsathe> :D
<Assid> dsathe: its a television
<Espenfjo> dsathe: yup, but most of it should be in those two gerrit commits.
<Assid> forgetit.. i put back the windows drive..
<Assid> couldnt take it.. any more and i would have puked..
<Assid> heads still feeling heavy. i think i need to get outta the house a little now..
<Assid> must be some weird ass syndrome
<dsathe> Assid: what Gpu ?
<Assid> dsathe: ati 6570
<dsathe> have you got the right drivers
<Assid> yeah.. it downloaded it itself
<dsathe> fglrx ?
<Espenfjo> Download the drivers straight from
<Yappy> it seems my tablet only charges when connected via USB
<Yappy> no MTP mode or usb mass storage device shows up in computer
<Yappy> codeworkx, any advice?
<Yappy> P5100
<Assid> forget it.. cant take it.. i couldnt look at the screen anymore.. was already pukish
<dsathe> Assid: large chance your xserver is not configured to fglrx
<Assid> could be.. i tried aticonfig as well
<dsathe> so is running some basic drivers from the kernel
<dsathe> though AFAIK 3.4 up ati works flawlessly
<Assid> err it wasnt that bad .. before it downloaded the drivers. then it just got worse
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<Shamisen> does project butter work on anything but the galaxy nexus yet
<Shamisen> maybe it can onlyt work on the galaxy nexus :(
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<codeworkx> Yappy: adb shell setprop persist.sys.usb.config mtp,adb
<codeworkx> Yappy: adb shell setprop sys.usb.config mtp,adb
<Yappy> cheers
<Yappy> those exact codes?
<codeworkx> yep
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<Yappy> ok will giv eit a go
<Yappy> give it*
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<addi> codeworkx, or use Terminal Emulator on phone, after entering su root
<addi> su for root*
<addi> tablet*
<addi> eek, not codework|x, Yappy. so many mistakes :X
<Yappy> oh wow derp wtf
<Yappy> didnt even have to use coes
<Yappy> codes*
<Yappy> just restart device (cuz i thought i had to do thoe via adb from computer in recovery mode)
<Espenfjo> yup, that happens from time to time on JB
<Espenfjo> usb completely gone bonkers
<Yappy> funny thing - CM9 :P
<addi> ah, so nothing was working on your tab. then it was a temp error, haha
<Yappy> or maybe i triggered something
<Yappy> because i thought inserting an SD card would make it work lolol
<Yappy> no sd card before
<Yappy> oh well, all working now
<Yappy> flashed gapps
<Yappy> got play store now
<Yappy> cheers guys! :)
* Yappy disappears
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<addi> "Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to even wipe cache and dalvik-cache when upgrading between CM9 versions. You only need to wipe if you are doing a major upgrade" <-- very few sensible ROM devs out there, most will have you wiping everything before a flash for no reason
<codeworkx> i upgraded my GFs phone from cm9 to cm10 without wiping anything
<addi> stupidest thing I come across is wipe data, wipe cache, wipe dalvik cache, format system, then flash -.-
<codeworkx> lol
<Espenfjo> Wipe nothing when flashing between AOSP roms
<addi> i wipe only data, no matter how many warnings a dev might give of having to wipe cache and dalvik cache separately as well
<addi> and yeah, no wipes between AOSP ROMs, specially on Nexus. have tried 5 ROMs on my GNex in past week, all without wipe :p
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<Jiangyi> Wait, you don't need to wipe between CM9 and 10?
<Jiangyi> Damn, I've been telling people the wrong thing. ._.
<codeworkx> :-D
<addi> ^^
<addi> always try it without, if there's problems, then wipe the bitch :p
<Espenfjo> :D
<Espenfjo> yup
<Espenfjo> Only wipe if it goes to hell
<Espenfjo> And if some app is broken just wipe that app
<addi> if it wasn't possible as many people say, manufacturers would be wiping data before every major update -.-
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<addi> cdesai,
<addi> whats up dood
<Jiangyi> Umm... I take it that going from CM10 to CM9 requires no wipe too then?
<cdesai> Jiangyi: NO you need to wipe
<addi> yes
<Espenfjo> That might be something else
<cdesai> when switching android versions
<cdesai> or going to an AOSP / CM ROM from OEM's shit
<cdesai> addi: enjoying the rains
<addi> but more chances of problems
<addi> cdesai, now when switching between Android versions in AOSP ROMs. like CM7 - CM9 - CM10 :p
<addi> not*
<Jiangyi> cdesai: [08:42:45] <codey> i upgraded my GFs phone from cm9 to cm10 without wiping anything
<cdesai> well you can
<cdesai> but it's not recommended
<cdesai> cody knows what he's doing
<cdesai> :P
<Espenfjo> cdesai: wiping isnt recommended
<cdesai> oh
<Espenfjo> never ever wipe when your old rom is AOSP based, and your new one is AOSP based
<addi> it's only required if you run in 10000000000000x issues :p
<addi> into*
<cdesai> ^
<Jiangyi> blah.
<Jiangyi> Now I have to go rewrite Chinese forum posts. :-P
<addi> so, we got another dev to understand it isn't necessary -> cdesai :P
<cdesai> :P
<cdesai> i actually never do that
<cdesai> but well...
<addi> yes, but you do tell others to :p
<addi> but i guess better safe than sorry when a dev :p
<Jiangyi> Yay new CM10 build. :-D
<Jiangyi> Thanks codey :-D
<addi> Jiangyi, where exactly are you from? China? living in China? TELL ME
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> you certainly know Chinese enough :p
<Jiangyi> addi: I'm from China, I live in Canada, and I translate CM stuff for Chinese I9100G users. :-P
<addi> ah, nice :D
<addi> next time you go to China, drop by in India and meet me and cdesai :P
<Jiangyi> haha
<addi> or just climb over Himalyas xD
<cdesai> +1
* Jiangyi is going to need an Indian Visa
<addi> nah, come to the border, we'll have drinks there :p
<addi> no need to cross the line xD
<Jiangyi> You can't go anywhere without a visa when you have a Chinese border. :-|
<Jiangyi> Chinese passport*
<cdesai> Jiangyi: all you need is a few bucks
<addi> cdesai, I think they'll hang you in public in China if you get something illegally like that :P
<Jiangyi> cdesai: It's over $100 for most countrys' Visas here. :-P
<Jiangyi> addi: Uhh..... No?
<addi> though only if you get caught I guess ^^
<addi> Jiangyi, :P
<cdesai> addi: for indian visa
<Jiangyi> Where'd you hear that? o.o
<addi> Jiangyi, nowhere, I heard they hung a politician caught of wrongdoings, so I was just using that as example :p
<Jiangyi> O_O
* Jiangyi never heard such things
<addi> I did, but who knows if it's true or not :P
<Jiangyi> Well, at least not one which happened in the 21st century.
<addi> then I must have heard wrong, I don't hear of things from previous centuries anyway :p
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<Jiangyi> :-|
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<Jiangyi> Oh boy.... I'm going to have one hell of a time trying to translate the changelog. @_@
<Jiangyi> IT'S HUGE
<Espenfjo> google translate?
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<addi> Google translate = not so nice when you have a live translator like Jiangyi around :P
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<Jiangyi> Espenfjo: That turns out so bad that it doesn't even look like Chinese anymore. ._.
<cdesai> Espenfjo: go translate something in chinese, then back to english
<ldiamond> Anyone running CM9 on a SGS2 here?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> hmmm, haven't seen Parth around for quite some time
<cdesai> +1 to that too
<cdesai> Parth: kya 6e baka
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<Jiangyi> lolz
<Jiangyi> I gave the phone to my dad without turning off the alarm
<Jiangyi> All of a sudden, I hear CyanAlarm going off really loudly in my parents' room xD
<Espenfjo> auch
<Jiangyi> Random User: "I forgot how to wipe data." ._.
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: that's not bad. i forgot how to develop
<Jiangyi> Oh noes we're all screwed now!!! D-:
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: At least you now have a spare SSD. :-P
<codeworkx> no. why? we can flash stock roms
<Jiangyi> And use ICS that doesn't look like ICS? No thanks. :-|
<addi> or buy Galaxy Nexus or other Nexus devices.. solved
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i can winzip that out of it
<addi> Jiangyi, you no like PoopWiz? o_0
<Jiangyi> lol I never thought codey would winzip xD
<codeworkx> CodyROM with awesome JellyBean Look and PoopWiz feel
<Jiangyi> addi: Cuz it's Poop and not enough Wizardry. :-P
<addi> ^^
<cdesai> ro.speed=fast
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<codeworkx> somehow.... i don't know.... i need to play a shooter.... i think
* belZe schiebt codeworkx einen Anti-Stress-Ball rüber
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You haz all teh BFz. Just pick one and play. :-P
<addi> i finished BF3 campaign yesterday. not played multiplayer, but from the campaign, gameplay sucks and campaign sucks as well -.-
<mongi> come play counter strike in my sv
<mongi> cs > all
<codeworkx> belZe: I've enough of them
<cdesai> addi: we know you can't play mp :P
<addi> cdesai, yeah, because I pir**es :p
<codeworkx> addi: campwhat?
<codeworkx> addi: i never started it xD
<belZe> lol
<addi> xD
<Jiangyi> addi: Campaign was not good lol
<addi> good thing :p
<addi> Jiangyi, but unless they using different engines or something for SP and MP, I don't see how the gameplay is liked by people. shooting is no bloody fun in SP
<addi> same was the case with the new Medal of Honor
<Jiangyi> addi: I only played campaign when I arggg'd BF3 to try it out and see if it runs on my computer. :-P
<addi> yeah, when it came out that was what I did too, then got new GPU because of it for DX11 :p
* Jiangyi is playing it with DX10 GPU
<addi> ^^
* addi is gonna get SSD in two months, then his computer will be complete. :P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i didn't play BF3 for a long time... Update: 2269,47 MB
<Jiangyi> MP is a lot of fun though.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: That would be the Close Quarters DLC.
<addi> Jiangyi, that's what I'm wondering, how the basic gameplay can suck in SP but be so nicely received in MP :p
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I downloaded that with my school's internet at 12MB/s :-D
<Jiangyi> addi: Lot more elements in MP.
<addi> yes, but the way the gun fires and hits the enemy is freaking boring and stupid, at least in SP :p
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: pm me ur origin id
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<Dars2> and MW3? the enemys bleed at least xD
<addi> well, SP in CoD is 100x better than BF3. again, no idea about MP :p
<addi> Bad Company 2 had a great campaign though, and the destructive stuff was so much better
<Dars2> yes it was!
<Dars2> i never ended bad company
<addi> this is what you call going backwards with a new game. same as what happened with Crysis
<addi> Crysis just removed destructive stuff altogether o_0
<Dars2> hm
<addi> Crysis 2*
<cdesai> cryengine 3 is cool
<addi> probably consoles unable to handle all the fancy stuff. f*** consoles
<Dars2> crysis 1 good warhead good crysis 2 not likely
<addi> cdesai, hopefully will be used nicely in Crysis 3..
<Dars2> im waiting 4 crysis 3
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<addi> Dars2, as I was nearing the end of Crysis 2 campaign, my heart actually stung realizing what a disappointment and step down from Crysis 1 it was
<Dars2> but... crowsbow and arrow ARE YOU FIKING KIDDING ME CRYTEC!!
<addi> and oh man, the facial animations. from the most realisitic facial animation in Crysis 1 to the ghost like and horrible facial animation in Crysis 2. like all good artists left o_0
<addi> Dars2, don't judge before you've played it :p
<Dars2> OKAY
<addi> maybe that will become your weapon of choice in the game, haha
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<Dars2> hehe, like shot knifes in CoD Black ops
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<Jiangyi> BO2 looks nice though. :-P
<addi> not nice enough in graphics though, looks like incremental update :p
<addi> though I only saw the initial trailer and nothing after that. one more game with same engine and looks = I will smash screen
<Dars2> question: what is the more stable JB rom?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> addi: CoD graphics have always been good enough for me. :-P
<Jiangyi> Not good, but not too shabby
<Jiangyi> Especially compared to CS lol
<Dars2> everything compared with CS is better
<Dars2> what about dead trigger, those graphics are awesome
<Jiangyi> CS is like the borderline for me.
<Jiangyi> Anything lower than that, I really don't wanna play lol
<Dars2> haha
<Dars2> doom 2 has better graphics than CS!!!
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<addi> Jiangyi, the graphics in CoD are fine, but it's the same gameplay and same kinda graphics in last 5 CoD games with a few improvements :p
<addi> while the engine is good, too much of the same thing is never a good thing.
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<chieftex> when i flash a custom ics rom, do i flash the kernel first or the rom first?
<Thracky> most have the kernel in the rom
<Espenfjo> rom first. Most roms come with a kernel
<chieftex> thank you. Do i then go straight into the recovery after flashing rom (to flash a kernel) if it doesnt come with a kernel?
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<Jiangyi> addi: Well, I'm hoping BO2 will at least change the gameplay part
<Jiangyi> And there goes my lunch.
<Jiangyi> It died in a fire.
<Jiangyi> :-|
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<chieftex> :(
<chieftex> sorry to hear it
<chieftex> this is probably normal, but after rooting i cant see the internal or external sd card
<addi> chieftex, they all come with kernels
<addi> you only need to flash a kernel if you want to use a custom kernel other than the one the ROM comes with
<chieftex> thanks addi
<chieftex> im now backing stuff up (nandroid, ktool) before i flash a rom
<chieftex> but i cant see my internal or external sd, so i cant backup lol
<DuperMan> oi
<DuperMan> chieftex: use your eyes to see. if cm not finds - logcat^^
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<chieftex> oops, i was using my ears to look. noob mistake.
<DuperMan> n00000000000b
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<chieftex> im sure its something simple. i didnt wipe when i downgraded my rom, but i dont want to wipe until i use the back up tools lol
<DuperMan> chillax, jb changes numenclature from /sdcard or /sdext or whatever /mnt/sdcard# was to /storage
<DuperMan> also, I spelled chillax correctfully - righteous
<chieftex> well done :)
<DuperMan> :)
<chieftex> im not on JB :) I went from GB to GB for root
<DuperMan> you probably had /sdcard swapped with /emmc or /sdextcard or /sd_external moved /mnt/sdcard
<DuperMan> (/sdcard or /emmc in cwm)
<chieftex> i thought that wasnt the case with GB
<DuperMan> chinese adage says; when looking down can't see sky
<DuperMan> bbqbot: nebkat ping
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<chieftex> the CWM backup is nandroid based right?
<addi> it is what is called nandroid, yes
<DuperMan> same is similar to itself yes
<DuperMan> in many ways
<addi> anyone know what size the /system partition in the SGS2 is?
<DuperMan> wait addi
<chieftex> so it will throw a directory onto the int/ext sd card by itself
<addi> yes
<tat-> addi: check df?
<DuperMan> err... forgot to output my s2 stuffs to my thingy
<addi> clockworkmod/backup
<DuperMan> ><
<addi> tat-, i don't have an SGS2, that's why asking here :p
raXuz is now known as raXuz|Away
<addi> was just asking to see if Samsung has an excuse for not giving it Jelly Bean. like they said with SGS1 that the system partition wasn't enough
<addi> Samsung evaluating Jelly Bean on SGS2 = they simply looking for a reason to say no :p
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<Ravenheart> samsung ain't giving it jelly bean?
<DuperMan> shouldn't be different to s2 afaik
<DuperMan> might be wrong
<DuperMan> samsung ain't giving a shit when it doesn't have to, should it?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> why?
<addi> Ravenheart, they said they are evaluating it, will announce later. but since SGS1 got two major updates, SGS2 most probably should get it
<DuperMan> how does should conform with reality?
<addi> seriously though, giving a device ICS but not Jelly Bean = showing big finger to customers, specially on low-end devices that have a hard time with ICS
<DuperMan> unless whine>cost
<DuperMan> so $WHINE is greater than $COST?
<tat-> addi: 503MB
<addi> ah, big enough then. no excuse for Samsung xD
<addi> DuperMan, I haz no idea :p
<DuperMan> addi: search your soul, look for the PIT sizings
<tat-> addi: guess they could repartition if needed
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<tat-> /data is huge
<addi> yeah, but they didn't do that with SGS1, so I'm not sure they'll go to the trouble :p
<DuperMan> can do might do wanna be paid for doing
<DuperMan> all so different
<Baskey> @dood addi
<bbqbot> addi: what up dood
<addi> yeah, /data is huge but doesn't matter
<Baskey> DuperMan: DUPEY!
<DuperMan> aren't obliged to, so sammy
<addi> /system is the one that matters
<DuperMan> Baskey <3
<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats up dood
<Baskey> DuperMan <3
<Baskey> addi,
<Baskey> what's up dood
<DuperMan> Baskey: ew. what's up? dood
<Baskey> DOODH
<Baskey> Y M C A
<DuperMan> I invented a wonderful word toady. "correctfully"
<pier> what's that device called phantasm?
<DuperMan> shake that off at your ymca mixer!
<DuperMan> gabriel knight 2
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Want to play BF3?
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<DuperMan> Jiangyi: wish I still had enough brains
<DuperMan> :(
<Jiangyi> :-(
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: u getting nuuuuu transformers 21st?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> xD
<Jiangyi> uhhh
<Jiangyi> no?
<DuperMan> it'll be both enough 'sweet' and 'new!!!' to bother. oh well :)
<DuperMan> argh, wait
<chieftex> oh crap, is paranoid android based on cm9?
<DuperMan> chieftex: 10 iirc
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: y u no origin?
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: I am.......
<Espenfjo> gah.. Something has changed regarding USB/UMS
<DuperMan> Espenfjo: it became cogent and learned to suck harder?
<chieftex> that means no mhl support
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<chieftex> espenfjo are you mainly working on cm10 now or do you still do some cm9?
<Espenfjo> cm10 only
<Espenfjo> hmm.. I see in my commit for ICS "p4: Fix mysterious bug where USB notification is not fired when switching from UMS.
<Espenfjo> "
<Espenfjo> Y U NO STILL WORK
<chieftex> I see. I will get to cm10 eventually (once you clever people make it a great day to day rom). But until then, i need to find a rom that allows mhl
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<Espenfjo> Basically TVOUT?
<bbqbot> derp
<chieftex> yes basically - from what ive read cm9 only allows video through it. apps etc freeze
<chieftex> although, im looking at this opensensation rom which is based on cm9, and it seems to have mhl fully working, which doesnt make sense according to the cm9 known issues
<DuperMan> use your imagination. mine makes my 5.3 inch screen into a home cinema!
<chieftex> you have a G note?
<Espenfjo> tvout isnt working, no
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<chieftex> yes it is a known issue. But this video ( shows the opensensation (cm9 based) with it working
<chieftex> maybe it is possible in certain configs
<addi> has no files on it right now o_0
<codeworkx> chieftex: did you notice that it's an htc phone?
<codeworkx> chieftex: MHL works on i9100g too
<codeworkx> chieftex: just not on haxxinos phones
<chieftex> i dont know of an htc phone that is 5.3 inch
<chieftex> oh wait - were you referring to the video?
<DuperMan> codeworkx: u haz Origin bugging too?
<codeworkx> yes
<chieftex> oh right sorry
<codeworkx> DuperMan: no
<DuperMan> thx o.i
pier is now known as pier|brb
<chieftex> codeworkx i see, i was just going off the "known issues" part of the wiki
<codeworkx> chieftex: known issues for samsung phones are not known issues for htc phones
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: DuperMan's gonna join us lol
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: I'm gonna die!:D
<codeworkx> can we do some city fights?
<chieftex> you guys playing bf3?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: What city fights? o_O
<Espenfjo> city fights? aka My city is larger than Your city? :P
<DuperMan> close quarters?
<Entropy512> <chieftex> although, im looking at this opensensation rom which is based on cm9, and it seems to have mhl fully working, which doesnt make sense according to the cm9 known issues - what does opensensation have to do with Samsung hardware
<Entropy512> the hardware is COMPLETELY different
<chieftex> yeah sorry - i missed that rather obvious point
<chieftex> codeworkx pointed it out
<chieftex> i thought it was a samsung phone and didnt look close enough
<Entropy512> heh opensensation should've been a hint. :P
<Entropy512> die in a fire broadcom
<Entropy512> I hate broadcom
<chieftex> i know - but you know when you don't want to see something, you kind of don't see it? thats what happend :)
<Entropy512> even worse I'm annoyed at Google for just pulling in source megadrops from them without commit history
<Entropy512> :)
<chieftex> mhl is important to me , so unforunately im going to have to use a touchwiz based (cue vomiting) rom, until the time comes that i move to cm10
* chieftex sheds a single, poignant tear
<codeworkx> chieftex: mhl will never work ;-)
<chieftex> sadface
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<Petter_> Hi
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<Petter_> Do you know if the ROM apps CM9's support of S-Pen?
<Espenfjo> Think so
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<DuperMan> first time bf3/bf at all online. I died 7 times then realized baddies are orange xD
* DuperMan whines
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<Jiangyi> lol
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<DuperMan> shotgun sniping ain't the worx >< imma bbl when less 'too stupid for AWESOME new thing'
<DuperMan> I keep hitting 'T' for chat like it's Duke3d
<DuperMan> ^^
<pmgnet> Why do people complain about touchwiz? Can't anyone install some other preferred launcher and never look at touchwiz?
<DuperMan> yes but
<EgotisticalElf> touchwiz is launcher + inner framework
<EgotisticalElf> you can replace the looks and launcher, but not the framework half
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<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> -skyrim
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* Jiangyi cannot hit codey at all
<Jiangyi> but codey can kill me while having 300 ms ping.
<Jiangyi> ._.
<DuperMan> I have more ping and less win :D
<DuperMan> also, I used to be taking arrows in leg oriented joins and then I joined a city watch
<DuperMan> joints *
<Jiangyi> Oh right, I should update CM10 now.
<Jiangyi> Silly me, I almost forgot. :P
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<DuperMan> derp
<DuperMan> :)
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<DuperMan> yay ums jb supporters now maybe I not fear making a dumb commit because of edited fstab
<DuperMan> :D
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<Espenfjo> :)
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* DuperMan will totally get reset by peer as c.o.d
<DuperMan> some day^^
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<DuperMan> *cause of death
<Jiangyi> Espenfjo: You sir, have just made a whole bunch of I9100G users happy. :-D
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<Espenfjo> Each device maintainer will have to add support as well
<chieftex> what happened?
<DuperMan> teh things
<chieftex> no kidding
<DuperMan> no
<DuperMan> srsly
<DuperMan> check git
<chieftex> ums?
<DuperMan> no u m
<Espenfjo> Usb Mass Storage
<DuperMan> yes it is :P >< I shut up again :D
<chieftex> :)
<Kuzon> >opensensation have to do with Samsung hardware
<Kuzon> <Entropy512> the hardware is COMPLETELY different
<Kuzon> I wait for a day where manufactures will make a single version of the device they flagship
<Entropy512> that will never happen until the North American carriers get taught a lesson in humility somehow
<chieftex> so it will just never happen :)
<DuperMan> Kuzon: keep waiting
<DuperMan> good luck <3
<Kuzon> maybe if Smasung made an LTE Exynos, we wouldn't need Qualcomm in Samsung lte devices
<Kuzon> I mean Samsung was so close and so was HTC. Dumb lte
<DuperMan> private owned companies owe you WHAT?
<Jiangyi> Kuzon: They made the I9100G even though Exynos worked. :-|
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<DuperMan> I don't get
<Kuzon> I mean at least Galaxy S III is nothing like Galaxy S I and II. it's like 2-3 varients instead of 12-20
<Kuzon> well 3 that I know of
<DuperMan> so it's less variants where company line held 'MOAR'
<DuperMan> thank you, I'm sure they apreciate the dubvious compiment
<DuperMan> compliment
<Jiangyi> Kuzon: Samsung's probably tired of making multiple firmwares. :-P
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<addi> they already have an LTE Exynos in the Japan variant, no? By next year it should go into larger production I guess
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<Kuzon> Next year will be Exynos 5
<DuperMan> phones have modems and cant not have a modem, derp?
<DuperMan> a cool cpu but no system on chip modem no fun for a given network supporting said modem?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> shocking
<DuperMan> I'm quoting but "k"
<Jiangyi> addi: That's Korea.
<addi> ah, right, Korea
<Jiangyi> Hmm.... Are there any rules for submitting patch sets to other people's reviews?
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: don't be silly about it
<DuperMan> that's why I haven't commited yet
<DuperMan> :)
<Jiangyi> Cause this guy half-started a translations and disappeared. :-|
<DuperMan> he was silly. peer review says 'I for one find him silly and am his peer"
<addi> Kuzon, don't forget, next year it will also be TouchWiz 6 :P
<Jiangyi> TouchWiz6: Will still look like GB. :-P
<Espenfjo> TW6 will be awesome!
<addi> yer
<DuperMan> when is honeycomb portings>?
* DuperMan bangs head on a wall
<addi> Espenfjo, of course, TouchWiz has always been awesome :p
<DuperMan> HC
<Kuzon> whoa wat
<Kuzon> have you ever used a galaxy S I?
<DuperMan> I saw a person using one once
<DuperMan> that counts?
<Kuzon> Touchwiz made my Captivate poop
<Espenfjo> Jiangyi: no rules
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<Jiangyi> Espenfjo: Okie-dokie. :-)
<DuperMan> Espenfjo: if he too silly for too long he gets internetted:D
<Espenfjo> Yup
<DuperMan> ^ not rule, guideline
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<Jiangyi> Damn, this guy had Simplified Chinese translations attached to Traditional Chinese ones.
<Entropy512> I only submit patch updates if it's something that's unmaintained, or was broken by something I did (such as rebasing against a patch I committed - one of the stylus patches was like this)
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<Kuzon> why is the International GS III GT-I9300 have the least amount of ram?
* chieftex sends an irc log to samsung
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<DuperMan> Entropy512, Jiangyi: law of the jungle, geek style
<DuperMan> ^^
<Jiangyi> Yeah, I'm still deciding whether I should or not.
<Jiangyi> :-\
<chieftex> duperman what phone do you have?
<Jiangyi> On one hand, it'll make CM10 more Chinese
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: +1 on "maybe", with gusto and best wishes mate :)
<Jiangyi> On the other, it's not the nicest thing to do.
<DuperMan> chieftex: n7000, a rabid xplodwild fanboi
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: if you know how to set it proper-like, do it. otherwise, go for the ... de facto standard
<DuperMan> (?)
<bbqbot> derp
<chieftex> yeah i have the n7000 too. im on rooted GB atm. To go to an ics rom, do i just reboot to cwm, wipe data/dalvik/cache then flash rom?
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: I've already done the translations and all, it's just sitting on my hard drive right now. =\
<DuperMan> yes chieftex, you just follow the thread in which it is stated wheather you must flash a specific firmware with some bootloader the first xda post says (by master xplodwild tm) or not
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: I'd look up codepages and language initial commiting if I was you and had the time
<DuperMan> and submitting to "something that's not blatantly some other language" while I do
<chieftex> what first post by xplodwild? are you talking about CM?
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: I've done this plenty of times to the ICS branch before lol
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: :) derp at me
<DuperMan> chieftex: derp at you
<Jiangyi> Well, the commit part, not the send patches to other people's commits part
<chieftex> derp you all!
<DuperMan> thanks chieftex:D
<chieftex> np
<Jiangyi> Hmm.... On another note, could someone tell me a bit about spn-conf.xml? I do believe that at least half of the Chinese overrides aren't working.
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<loswillios> hi
<loswillios> what was the command again, for checking the model of the phone/modem etc
<loswillios> something with *#1234 or so
<loswillios> it seems *#1234# doesn't work with jb anymore
<addi> that works only on stock Samsung ROMs
<addi> not AOSP ROMs
<addi> check it in Settings - About
<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats up dood
<loswillios> thanks addi
<Baskey> @dood addi
<bbqbot> addi: what up dood
<datagutt> NO
<datagutt> IM PORTING TO SGS3
<datagutt> NO WAIT I KNOW
<addi> datagutt, gimme flyme os for gnex.. pl0x
<Jiangyi> .................
<Baskey> @dood Jiangyi
<bbqbot> Jiangyi: what up dood
<Baskey> @geo host Jiangyi
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for Jiangyi
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for Jiangyi
<datagutt> addi: dont have device
<datagutt> also
<datagutt> to get this the to the sgs3
<datagutt> i need to compile tvoutdummy
<Jiangyi> I9100G CM10 > I9300 CM10!!!!
<datagutt> and guess what
<Kuzon> all I want for Christmas is Stock Android
<Baskey> WHAT
<datagutt> source sync takes years
<Baskey> Jiangyi: SPICA FLYME OS > I9100G CM10 > I9300 CM10!!!
<loswillios> I'm running the latest cm10 build from pawitp, has anyone else noticed some serious performance issues with it? Or is it just me
<loswillios> sometimes apps take more than 10s to respond, if they show up at all
<loswillios> (I know it's a test release, just want to confirm)
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<bingmaster2> hi i cant find anything about an volume level bug in the faq
<chieftex> a question about going from rom to rom. I am going to install this rom: - in the installation instructions it says if you are on stock rom (im on GB pre rooted stock rom) then do the following "flash stock ics rom in PC odin". and there are a few steps after that. Since it asks for ics and Im on GB, does that mean i now need to go to stock ics before flashing this?
<bingmaster2> semms like after 30% the volume slider does not increase volume anymore
<bingmaster2> y chieftex its advised to do so
<bingmaster2> but i guess flashing the ics bootloader is enough
<bingmaster2> y iths the same bug like in cm9 . ich checked with alsa mixer and headphone volume does not go above 15 / 48 %
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<wergeld> @changelog nexus
<wergeld> so, got myself a galaxy nexus. so long vibrant!
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<wergeld> things to do while syncing repos?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> solitaire
<DuperMan> METRO
<wergeld> hrmm. dont think i installed any games on my linux box. olympics are dull. too hot to fish. i know! i will fix Unity!
pier|brb is now known as pier
<wergeld> time to kill the f-ing sidebar doohickey and move the app window menu strip to, oh, i dont know, how about ON the app window?
<addi> but then, Unity's apparent usefulness and ease of use goes away, no?
* addi hides
* wergeld finds addi and stabs him with the unity bar
<wergeld> if i wanted training wheels on my PC i would have bought a mac
* addi holds his pirated copy of Windows 8 in front of himself so wergeld can kill Metro instead
<wergeld> i think if you hit Metro with Unity it would be like Ghostbusters - don't cross the streams
<DuperMan> how can u pirate what is not priced?
<wergeld> he is wearing an eyepatch
<DuperMan> (by getting hold of it against the intellectual property holder's wishes)
<DuperMan> y'ar
<wergeld> sometimes i miss the days of XP+lightstep
<DuperMan> I don't
<wergeld> lightstep was great
<DuperMan> I miss girlfriends from the era though
* DuperMan old
<wergeld> custom windows windows manager...
<wergeld> wow, that was hard to type.
<DuperMan> good on it! :D
<DuperMan> does it manage windows ?
pier is now known as pier|afk
<wergeld> yep
<DuperMan> ...... windows blinds, dead scene is dead
<DuperMan> :)
<loswillios> heh, I flashed cm9 and the display is upside down
<wergeld> well, it did. appears to be dead now
<wergeld> yea, window blinds...meh.
<wergeld> lightstep FOSS ftw!
<wergeld> but windows vista+ locked out 3rd party window managers
<DuperMan> hopefully(?) metro (?) will (/might) revive that
<DuperMan> ^^
<wergeld> window blinds was just themed windows elements to me
<wergeld> ligthstep was a whole different shell
<DuperMan> what I'm trying to say here is 'no'
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> rofl, nt promised (and delivered) shell custumizing and this is the first time I hear of that option being well deservedly used
<DuperMan> nt=3.51iirc
<wergeld> aye
<DuperMan> ahhh... if only win was not even open but less fuckall kernel'ed
<DuperMan> ;)
<wergeld> but lots of dead links
<DuperMan> crumulently indubitable
<wergeld> litestep...sigh not lightstep. anywhoo
<DuperMan> well 'no' persists where litestep vista-failed
<DuperMan> so back to square one, "hi"
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<wergeld> anyway to sync a repo only for the device you have?
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<wergeld> why the hell is it syncing tuna?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> sleeping dogs, it gonna fail yeah?
<DuperMan> cause
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<Espenfjo> well.. tuna is just 5 megs
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<wergeld> that sounds dumb. here are the parts for a Ford. you build it but it fails to start. why, because you did not include the parts to a Yugo.
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<wergeld> tuna is just one example.
<wergeld> it is pulling down a shit ton of stuff from aosp
<DuperMan> take the toyota back mirror scented pine thing and stfu
<wergeld> lol
<DuperMan> no, srsly - change it or stfu :)
<wergeld> just saying it would be easier to a base file set then pull the requisite files for your device.
<wergeld> take the 99 terabyte download to about 700 mb
<DuperMan> good thing the cloud is so miraculous we don't need be thankful there's some base shits getting pulled any old way
<wergeld> firs time pulling down aosp on this box so only way to go. but it is google...i think they should have figured this out.
<DuperMan> or we'll be getting silly toyota pines redundantly
<Espenfjo> wergeld: CM9?
<wergeld> Espenfjo, no aosp
<Espenfjo> ah
<Espenfjo> too bad
<DuperMan> <3 teh ever reliable cloud
<wergeld> nah it is good
<Espenfjo> They are fixing it
<wergeld> just cutting into my fun time
<DuperMan> no, he means 'what aosp this no aosp chat' no? ^^
<wergeld> uh, yea, sure. what?
<codeworkx> aosp isn't as cool as cm
<wergeld> true. that is very true.
<DuperMan> I'm going for 'dude sounds like you're kinda excited to be building cm9/10/some aosp soon'
<DuperMan> work on a new bootanim while you wait:D
<wergeld> meh, i leave arty stuff to the arty people. i am more into function rather than form
<DuperMan> take my e
<DuperMan> ex
<DuperMan> har
<wergeld> ooo nice!
<Espenfjo> meh
<Espenfjo> roomservice is better
<DuperMan> /me
<DuperMan> w00 tom green is alive
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<mrbenjihao> Can someone help? I kee[ getting a Status (7) error when flashing cm9 to my i777
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<suikhei> mrbenjihao: which guide are you following to get cm9 on your device?
<bbqbot> derp
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<ke1n> hey guys quick question. I already have cm9. If i want to update to the latest nightly, do I have to reflash or is there another way without having to wipe my data? thanks
<wergeld> booo- error: Exited sync due to fetch errors
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<x7_> hey all :) does cm9 on the sgs2 Support bln ?
<codeworkx> no
<x7_> damn .. alright thanks
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<Krusnik04> I just posted my question here: any help would be awesome
<Krusnik04> oh I forgot to say I was coming from Serendipity 9
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<Veyka> Krusnik04: Odin flash a I777 stock rom
<Krusnik04> are there any in particular that you would recommend? I was just looking at
<Veyka> Should work fine
<Veyka> I assume you actually have an I777?
<Krusnik04> Indeed
<Veyka> Did you flash I9100 bootloaders?
<bbqbot> derp
<Veyka> Oh, you did resurrection edition
<Veyka> Hmm
<Krusnik04> Would the Odin3 one click work as well?
<Veyka> Flash the UCKH7 package from the thread you linked
<Veyka> plus the bootloaders from this thread
<Veyka> Note: updating bootloaders is risky, but if you flashed i9100 ones you need to get back to i777 ones so..
<Krusnik04> Kk, let me make sure I'm gonna do this right. To flash the UCKH7 I use Odin, then do the bootloader as well?
<Veyka> Hrrruhm
<Krusnik04> Sweet. Waiting on download now =)
<Veyka> The package isnt an odin package
<Krusnik04> Oh?
<Krusnik04> ah, Heimdall?
pier|afk is now known as pier
<Veyka> You want this package
<DuperMan> xplod
<DuperMan> xplod
<DuperMan> xplod
<DuperMan> where configs for teh n7000 with new kernelz?xD
<bbqbot> derp
<Veyka> Flash that, then flash the bootloaders, then flash CM9
<Krusnik04> Kk. Getting that package.
pier is now known as pier|afk
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<Krusnik04> Alrighty. Off to eat while it downloads. I'm very grateful for the help Veyka.
<Veyka> No worries, enjoy
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<wergeld> wow. nook tablet just dropped in price.
<wergeld> price wars, begin!
<dabear> 199 usd?
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<wergeld> yea
<wergeld> for 16gb
<Baskey> @dood addi
<bbqbot> addi: what up dood
<Baskey> @geo user Jiangyi
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Jiangyi
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1427701760,1427708959],"country":"DE","region":"","city":"","ll":[51,9]}
<Jiangyi> Baskey: Still there. lol
<Baskey> :D
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<endrancer> any idea why the latest cm10 build for sgs2 gets bricked by gapps from 20120724 ( jb build ) ?
<surma_> endrancer: I just installed those gapps this second. Let's see if it hangs o_O
<surma_> On a related note: Does anybody know which apk the Camera app is usually in? I think I may have accidentally deleted it :-/
<endrancer> w/o gapps the latest build boots flawlessly
<endrancer> surma_: i heared the app and gallery is one apk now
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<surma_> endrancer: The gallery is there, the camera app isn't. Camera itself works finde (Google Goggles works) :-/
<surma_> endrancer: And my phone boots fine with the new gapps
<endrancer> directly flashing gapps on cwm after executing the cm10 doesn't display those apps to me
<surma_> endrancer: have you tried logcatting?
<endrancer> newest gapps or the one provided by the cm10 preview thread?
<surma_> endrancer: the one from the thread
<endrancer> shouldn't be a problem to flash them after i have been in cm10 right?
<surma_> endrancer: I guess not. To be honest, I flashed CM10, rebooted, then I flashed 4.0.3 Gapps from RomManger, rebooted, and now I flashed the 4.1.1 gapps and rebooted
<surma_> endrancer: How about wiping your cache? (or /data?)
<surma_> endrancer: just to see if that changes anything
<endrancer> i did that before. i'll just download gapps again
<endrancer> 4.0.3 gapps shouldn't work on jb...
<surma_> endrancer: really? why? they did just fine, however ;)
<endrancer> otherwise i can just download them with rommanager as well
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<surma_> endrancer: Just keep in mind: You won't have google now then
<endrancer> not at all if i do the 4.0.3. way?
<surma_> Oh wait, are you on i1900 or i1900g?
<endrancer> non-g
<surma_> endrancer: Well, just the old, boring voice search thingy
<endrancer> well i d c about google now... i just want a smooth 4.1.1 to escape touchwiz ;)
<surma_> endrancer: Oh, well I'm on i1900g, that *might* be somehow related to the cause
<surma_> Then 20120304 gapps might be enough for you. I did not spot any other differences.
<endrancer> well it'll work out eventually soon. ;)
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<dsathe> hello anyone aropund ?
<dsathe> around ?
<endrancer> :)
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<dsathe> any stopgap solution / alternates to the broken gallery app in cm 10
<endrancer> once i really thought i had bricked my i9100 for good ;)
<dsathe> i miss my picasa web albums :D
<chadouming> Dsathe, i'm here
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<dsathe> :D
<surma_> endrancer: It is really hard to brick a android device just by flashin ROMs and apps
<surma_> As long as you can get into fastboot you will get your device back
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<endrancer> yeah...
<endrancer> but if your usb plug is broken-kinda ( or at least you think it is )
<endrancer> and your not booting anymore
<endrancer> it gets a bit tougher ;)
<surma_> That's something else, then ;)
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<endrancer> still not getting gapps running
<endrancer> always have to reflash cm10 as wiping factory, dalvik and cache doesn't give a sh*t on what time i am using here
<Krusnik04> Dunno if you're still here Veyka, but everything is working perfectly! Thanks again
<Veyka> Krusnik04: Goodo :)
<dsathe> gallery anyone ?
<bbqbot> derp
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<endrancer> trying the older gapps now
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<endrancer> older gaps version for 4.0.3 doesn't work as well surma_ :/
<surma_> endrancer: Then you have bigger problems, I'm afraid :-/
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