bbqbot changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | GETT SMARTSTAY EX NAO | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <codeworkx> samsung phones are accidents | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting.
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<Jiangyi> @geo user Guest64142
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Guest64142
<bbqbot> {"range":[772210688,772255743],"country":"IE","region":"07","city":"Dublin","ll":[53.3331,-6.2489]}
<Jiangyi> :-D
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<Trae32566> how is addi op o.O
<ibrahima> (i have no idea who addi is lol)
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<MacDrunk> hello
<MacDrunk> sup
<ibrahima> ponies
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<MacDrunk> hmm
<MacDrunk> need some help whit cm9 issues whit network connection and disconnection
<MacDrunk> codework you here
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<nevyn> a
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<codeworkx> b
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<nevyn> codeworkx: so you're in quite the mood arn't you.
<nevyn> btw.. i9000GT with JB big fan of your work ;)
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<hillerstorm> this is freaky, or maybe it's a feature... but ever since BACONWARMER :) (2012-08-22) my i9300 puts me at,+-122.327881&num=1&t=w&vpsrc=6&ie=UTF8&z=18&iwloc=A in google maps
<bbqbot> derp
<hillerstorm> with a fixed position
<hillerstorm> the trick is
<hillerstorm> im in sweden
<hillerstorm> :P
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<hillerstorm> /ping codeworkx
<hillerstorm> so basically my google now shows weather for Lynnwood and Facebook checkins only search around Lynwood :P
<hillerstorm> must be some new wifi around here i guess
<hillerstorm> without "Google's location service" turned on it's fine
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<Thracky> you are all so horribly boring today.
<chadouming> @kick thracky
<bbqbot> chadouming: You are not allowed to run that command!
<chadouming> -_-'
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<Thracky> ha.
<Thracky> I'm invincible.
<Thracky> (Or you could just, you know, kick me manually)
<chadouming> I know but i'm on my phone and it's complicated xD
<Thracky> lol
<chadouming> I'll just keep crying at bbqbot
<Thracky> /kick doesn't work?
<chadouming> Yup but i must enter the full command
Thracky was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by chadouming [loooooooong]
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<chadouming> Still borinv ?
<Thracky> yup.
<Thracky> I'm the only person in this half of our entire office today.
<Thracky> and it's my 2nd last day
<chadouming> xD
<Thracky> so hard to actually do anything useful
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<chadouming> Poor you
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<chadouming> @bomb thracky
<bbqbot> thracky, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<chadouming> :D
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
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<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
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<Thracky> I was busy playing dead trigger on my phone :P
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<chadouming> Hey pepe
<peterperfect> :P
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<ernie`> nice
<ernie`> recommended to you in Play Store
<Thracky> Rogers My Account, popular with TELUS My Account users.
<Thracky> play store fail.
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<Mardos> sweet might trade my s3
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<Thracky> why?
<Thracky> and for what
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<Mardos> for the s3 lte lol
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<gala> hello together
<chadouming> Oh god
<chadouming> Hi
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<gala> my i9300 hangs in bootloader. immediately after cyanogenmod it is restarted. and I have not changed anything super far CM10
<gala> someone has an idea where problem is
<Mardos> bootloader?
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<gala> sorry for my bad english
<gala> I mean cyanogen bootlogo
<addi> did you just install CM10?
<addi> or was it running fine before but not anymore?
<gala> yes CM10 runs already for weeks
<chadouming> Wipe system, data and cache in recovery and flash cm10 and gapps back
<gala> I have not changed, and it hangs on start
<gala> hmmm wipe :(
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<ninettthree> hi
<addi> or just reinstall CM10 without a wipe first
<ninettthree> how do i add a recover to my rom?
<bbqbot> derp
<ninettthree> *recovery
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<addi> gala, try re-installing CM10 from recovery without a wipe first. might work
<gala> I've tried but I am now looking for a newer version of the've 22/08/2012
<ninettthree> each time i try to install my ported rom it removes my recovery, so how do i add a recovery to my ported rom?
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<chadouming> Recovery is not a part of the rom
<ninettthree> but how comes when i install my ported rom my cwm recovery is removed?
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<EgoElf> if you use odin / heimdall, it obliterates the phone/recovery likely
<EgoElf> also, sgs1/2 have no recovery partition, so recovery is built-into- the kernel
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<chadouming> Yup, but kernel ia not part of the rom
<ninettthree> ok thanks
<ninettthree> when you wipe data is all the data stored in the internal sd card removed?
<chadouming> True that sgs 1/2 are fucked
<chadouming> Should not
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<ninettthree> then what data does wipe exactly remove?
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<chadouming> Only wipe the data partition, which contain app data
<addi> ninettthree, only the installed apps and settings and stuff
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<chadouming> And app
<ninettthree> thank you
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<ninettthree> but a nandroid in cwm touch backs that data up right?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> yes
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<chadouming> Yup
<ninettthree> ok thank you, im going to try and run my ported rom, atm at the boot screen
<chadouming> Ported rom for ?
<ninettthree> sorry to sound noobish but data wipe did make a difference, now i see my ported roms boot animation :D
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<chadouming> Ofc, if it has a different app storage pattern, then not wipping app screw you
<ninettthree> ive ported aokp from galaxy nexus using cm10 from the s3 as the base, the rom size is 150mb, is that ok or is it too small?
<chadouming> Ehhhhh
<chadouming> You have ported a galaxy nexus rom to sgs 3 ?
<ninettthree> yeah, ?
<ninettthree> is that a problem?
<chadouming> And 150mb sounds right for aokp
<chadouming> Yeah, it sound like a pain in the ass for nothing
<chadouming> No aokp rom avalaible for s3 ?
<bbqbot> derp
<ninettthree> not a jb one
<MotoMudder> there is
<MotoMudder> IDK intl tho
<ninettthree> for the s3 international?
<chadouming> Pretty sure there is at least one
<ninettthree> theres one for the tmobile variant
<ninettthree> should i have ported that instead?
<chadouming> Definitivwly
<chadouming> Definitively*
<ninettthree> wouldnt i have ended up with a brick since s3 int users have to stay away from s3 US roms?
<chadouming> As long as you dont flash bootloader you wont brick
<chadouming> And you think that using galaxy nexus rom is better ?
<chadouming> Not a single piece of hardware is the same xD
<ninettthree> by that do you mean using cm10s boot.img
<chadouming> Nah, i mean use the whole d2 rom for the s3 rom base, mod the needed library and use good kernel
<chadouming> Cm10 kernel should do the trick yes
<ninettthree> d2 rom?
<chadouming> Ofc, building it from source would be better
<chadouming> That's us sgs 3
<ninettthree> ok
<ninettthree> im following the porting guide on xda.
<ninettthree> so far the phone is still in AOKP animation loop.
<chadouming> way too long xD
<ninettthree> ahh ok
<chadouming> Do you use s3 cm10 kernel ?
<ninettthree> yeah the s3 boot.img
<chadouming> Hmk
<ninettthree> ive taken out the phones battery and now im restoring my nandroid
<chadouming> Hmk
<chadouming> Honnestly, i doubt it may be done to port gnex rom to s3
<chadouming> There is way to much different thing in both phone
<ninettthree> my aim is to learn more about android and roms, it was woreth a try :/
<chadouming> Yup
<ninettthree> well i would like to port an AOKP rom to the phone as i like some of the features of AOKP,
raXuz|Away is now known as raXuz
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<chadouming> My best tips, would be : download aokp and cm source, see what diff between cm 10 d2tmobile source and cm10 s3 source and try to do the same with aokp d2tmobile and s3
<ninettthree> ok
<ninettthree> ill boot up my virtual ubuntu now and dl cm's source
<chadouming> Good to see a not so noob noob :P
<ninettthree> ahh thanks!
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<ninettthree> im hoping to be an android dev in the future!
<Mardos> thats good
<chadouming> Yup, good beginning
Alram is now known as zz_Alram
zz_Alram is now known as Alram
<chadouming> You have a base in java/c++ ?
<bbqbot> derp
<ninettthree> nope
<Mardos> any knowledge
<ninettthree> :D im starting my uni course this year! where ill learn it all"
<chadouming> You gonna have fun then xD
<chadouming> Hmk
<ninettthree> HMk? what does that stand for?
<chadouming> That's a good project to have beside university, gonna help you on unix and c++ mostly. Java if you touch app
<chadouming> Read it fasy
<chadouming> Fast*
<whitequark> is there a way for SGS2 to connect to an AdHoc network?
<whitequark> that is, on JB.
<whitequark> I found several wpa_supplicant binaries, but none work due to (apparent) driver incompatibility
<ninettthree> yeah im going to study a full MSc for Computer Science!
<whitequark> wifi refuses to go to IBSS mode for some reason
<chadouming> Kernel limitation ? You might have to insert a module
<whitequark> chadouming: nfc. that's why I'm asking here what should I do.
<chadouming> Hmk, idk then xD
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<chadouming> Ninettthree, i hope you have good logic, cause you will need that for prog.
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<chadouming> Seems like no xD
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<NinetThree> yeah i think im logical
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<Vetikender> Hello, can someone help me? I'm using samsung galaxy tab 2 7.0 cm9.1.0 and my touch and lock sounds stopped working today.
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<Vetikender> @nebkat Hello, can someone help me? I'm using samsung galaxy tab 2 7.0 cm9.1.0 and my touch and lock sounds stopped working today.
<bbqbot> Vetikender: Command does not exist!
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<Vetikender> hey @nebkat Hello, can someone help me? I'm using samsung galaxy tab 2 7.0 cm9.1.0 and my touch and lock sounds stopped working today.
<Thracky> holy fuck calm down.
<Thracky> maybe nobody is around who can help.
<Thracky> have some patience.
<Vetikender> sorry, never used this before, I was thinking my messages wasn't going through
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<Mardos> LMAO
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<mongi> minha mãe me disse, filho vem cá
<mongi> passou a mãe em meus cabelos e começou falar...
<mongi> *maõ
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<Mardos> english
<mongi> kkkkk
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<mongi> why has now i9100 and galaxys2. aren't they the same?
<chadouming> look if that's not i9100G
<chadouming> and galaxys2 was the old notation for i9100 iirc
<mongi> no it's not
<mongi> there is i9100 and galaxys2
<Thracky> galaxys2 = cm9
<Thracky> i9100 = cm10
<Thracky> it was changed in between
<mongi> i9100 = cm10?
<mongi> why not put as galaxys2 =s
<addi> um, I've opened, and BOTH i9100 and i9100g are there. separately
<Thracky> well, that's when the device name was changed.
<Thracky> between cm9 and 10
<Espenfjo> mongi: because galaxys2 = *
<Thracky> 9100g is still a galaxy s2 :P
<Espenfjo> yes
<Thracky> but it's also totally different heh
<Thracky> I guess this means cm10 nightlies are coming soon for i9100? ;-)
<Espenfjo> yes
<mongi> according to gplus of cyanogenmod it'd be this week
<mongi> but i don't thing so...
<mongi> they said they were updating for kernel update7 i guess
<Espenfjo> galaxys2 is i9100 i9100g i9100p, i9210, E110S, GT-I9108, D710, T989, I777, I727, I927, R760
<Espenfjo> and eeeeeven more
<chadouming> damn samsung
<mongi> samsung will also release galaxy s2 plus
<mongi> will it be a galaxys2 too? kkkk
<chadouming> it will be galaxy s 2 yes
<chadouming> but the code will change
<mongi> kkkkkkkk
<chadouming> that's why they use codename instead of name
<chadouming> hence why they change galaxys2 to i9100
<mongi> samsung should stop this
<Thracky> well, different carriers need different phones.
<chadouming> false
<chadouming> different carrier WANT different phone
<mongi> releasing tons of phone and no updates
<chadouming> i may understand 1 cdma
<chadouming> 1 gsm
<chadouming> and 1 lte
<Thracky> what about the carriers that run on different frequencies chadouming
<chadouming> but not 12 times the same devices
<chadouming> like the GS3
<Thracky> are the frequencies set in the hardware or software?
<Thracky> (intentionally stupid question :P)
<Thracky> mongi: there's no date mentioned there btw, just saying they WILL come.
<mongi> yeah, they said this week there, no?
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<Espenfjo> update7 is the kernel that has been in use for X weeks already
<chadouming> "that, and even our BBQ update post gets swarmed with questions on these devices." --> they talk about us :D
<mongi> cody kernel is based on samsung?
<bbqbot> derp
datagutt has quit [Quit: kthxbai]
<Thracky> they said Andrew will *try* to get i777/N7000 going
<peterperfect> chadouming WHO?
<Thracky> chadouming: no, the big android bbq
<chadouming> cyanogenmod
<chadouming> shissh
<chadouming> fu
<Thracky> :P
<chadouming> @bomb thracky
<bbqbot> thracky, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<Thracky> red
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<chadouming> mouahhahaha
<bbqbot> 1
<Thracky> red
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
Thracky was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was green]
<mongi> Espenfjo: X = ?
Thracky has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Espenfjo> dunno, some
<Thracky> gay bot didn't even listen to me at all :P
<chadouming> mongi : y - x² + 3
<Espenfjo> ca.
<chadouming> dont say bot is gay again
<mongi> x² -y -3 = 0?
<Thracky> bot is down with bot on bot loving?
<Thracky> robosexual?
<mongi> y = x² -3
<mongi> then you substitute the y for that value and done...
<mongi> then you prove that 0 = 0
<Thracky> is it bad that I want a CM t-shirt?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> nah, you say x = ?
<mongi> no 0 = 0
<mongi> i want one too
<chadouming> so i told you x = y - x² -3
<peterperfect> shut up idiottes
<Espenfjo> y+3^1/2?
<Thracky> might buy one to enhance my nerd cred at school.
<Thracky> :P
<Espenfjo> makes no sense
<mongi> 0 too
<Espenfjo> Thracky: I will
<Espenfjo> To up my cred at work :D
<mongi> 42! the answer is alway 42
<chadouming> xD
<Thracky> I am gonna be an unemployed student this school year
Vetikender has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<Thracky> can't wait
<chadouming> the answer to life, univers and everything
<Thracky> except that whole no 2nd small income thing.
<Thracky> wife makes ok money though so we just have to live cheap :P
<chadouming> and i'm pretty sure x = y - x² -3 does not = 0
<mongi> xD
<mongi> i tought you said y - x² -3
<Thracky> he didn't say it was = 0
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<Thracky> he didn't say it was = to anything actually.
<chadouming> you in answer to : <mongi> Espenfjo: X = ?
<chadouming> thracky, in that case, it equal 0
<Espenfjo> lol
<Espenfjo> my matlab says:
<Espenfjo> (4*y + 13)^(1/2)/2 + 1/2
<Espenfjo> 1/2 - (4*y + 13)^(1/2)/2
<Thracky> I missed Espenfjo's question though cause SOMEONE kicked me.
<Espenfjo> matlab on acid
<Thracky> cause he can't come to terms with his robosexuality so he throws bombs at people.
<Espenfjo> solve(x^2-y-3==x)
<Thracky> out of sheer anger.
Jug6ernaut is now known as jug6-note
<frankdrey> Oooh math :D
<chadouming> god i love that website
jug6-note has left #teamhacksung-support ["Leaving"]
<frankdrey> is the bot here a supybot?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey> @info
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Command does not exist!
<chadouming> supybot ?
<frankdrey> @about
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Command does not exist!
<chadouming> it's our own brew bot
<chadouming> @ping
<bbqbot> Version: 0.1, source at:
<frankdrey> Ah
<frankdrey> because I have a friend with a supybot that has a plugin for that site
<chadouming> hmm, DATAGUTT
<frankdrey> Huh?
<chadouming> bah, not here
<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> he is the bot maker
<frankdrey> Ah
<chadouming> i'll ask him to make a plugin for that xD
<frankdrey> Cool :D
<frankdrey> My friends bot you do !!alpha 2x/0=6
<frankdrey> And he'll solve it
<frankdrey> Or anything
<frankdrey> Whatever that site can
<chadouming> @google wolfframealpha 2x/0=6
<bbqbot> No search results returned for that keyword.
<chadouming> @google wolframealpha 2x/0=6
<chadouming> @google wolframealpha
<bbqbot> Wolfram|Alpha: Computational Knowledge Engine -
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> There's an api I think
<frankdrey> @commands
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Command does not exist!
<frankdrey> :T
<chadouming> probably
<frankdrey> @list
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Command does not exist!
<chadouming> @command
<bbqbot> chadouming: Command does not exist!
<chadouming> @help
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @join @part @kick @kickban @unban @op @deop @voice @devoice @mute @unmute @supported @downloads @changelog @google
<frankdrey> @list
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Command does not exist!
<frankdrey> Ah
<chadouming> @help command
<bbqbot> Command does not exist
<chadouming> @help commands
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @userlevel @eval @owners @admins @mods @nick @prefix @say @join @part @kick @kickban @unban @op @deop @voice @devoice @mute @unmute @topic @invite @autoOP @supported @downloads @changelog @addDevice @removeDevice @log @google @eightball @bash @addQuote @bomb @nuclearbomb @geo @timer @money @nebkatQuote
<frankdrey> :o
<frankdrey> Btw
<frankdrey> I'm known for being an irc bot hackaholic :3
<frankdrey> But ill try abstain in here
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> My other friend is making his own bot
<frankdrey> So many times I've found all his security flaws xD
<frankdrey> And I still have a small exploit into the supybot I was talking about. I get a few admin commands xD
Yoshimo has quit [Quit: Yoshimo]
<DuperMan> oi
mongi has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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<chadouming> aww
<chadouming> why he went away
<Thracky> he didn't want to scare us with his leet irc hacking skills
NeoPhyTe-x360 has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> awwww
<chadouming> i want him to hack bot
frankdrey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<chadouming> nice, talking about you
<chadouming> hack that bot
<frankdrey> Hmm?
<chadouming> whatever way you wnat
<DuperMan> omg santa!
<frankdrey> :p
<DuperMan> he saw when you were naughty
<DuperMan> :D
<chadouming> you said you were hackaolic
<chadouming> hack it
<DuperMan> if it's anything like being an alcoholic it means you do it pointlessly until you pass out
<DuperMan> not that you're good at producing alcohol, or hackery
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> @help command
<bbqbot> Command does not exist
<frankdrey> @help commands
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @userlevel @supported @downloads @changelog @google @eightball @bash @addQuote @geo @money @nebkatQuote
<DuperMan> @eval leet=frank
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<chadouming> you dont have same commands than me :P
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> chadouming: HOW CAN HE HACK IF U CHEATING?
<frankdrey> @echo " ' * % @ #
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Command does not exist!
<chadouming> @nebkatQuote
<DuperMan> ^^
<bbqbot> what's up dood
<frankdrey> Egh
<frankdrey> Be back later
<DuperMan> @dood
<bbqbot> what up dood
<chadouming> @nebkatQuote
<bbqbot> <xplodwild> see the August whore on my balls
<DuperMan> lol
frankdrey has quit [Client Quit]
<DuperMan> bbl FOOD
<Thracky> nebkat is the August whore
<Thracky> ?
<chadouming> @quote
<bbqbot> chadouming: Command does not exist!
<chadouming> @bash
<bbqbot> quote:
<bbqbot> <Relevant> get oral_sex_training_video.mpg
<bbqbot> <Relevant> Oops wrong window.
<xplodwild> see the August whore on my balls
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<brick> hello
pier|tv is now known as pier|znc
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<brick> nebkat, can you help me?
<bbqbot> derp
conantroutman_ is now known as conantroutman
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<chadouming> you need help with ?
<chadouming> i suppose you think you bricked your phone ?
<brick> טקד
<brick> yes///
<brick> odin got stuck in the dataf part
<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> if you have flashed the bootloader, then you should be alright
<chadouming> can you boot in download ?
<brick> now i restarted the phone and it says "firmware upgrade encountered an issue. please select recovery mode in kies & try agian"
<chadouming> this is far from being bricked
<brick> restarted on download mode
<chadouming> remove the battery
<brick> oh!! :)
<chadouming> restart in download mode
ciwrl|work has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<chadouming> and flash again software in odin
<brick> ok
<brick> trying...
<brick> pass!
<brick> 10x!!!
<addi> brick, always retry the flashing in Odin if it gets stuck
<brick> i'll now for next time :)
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<chadouming> addi, love that
<chadouming> know * :P
<addi> well, think of it as a reminder :P
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<cedi> hallo ist hier jemand der deutsch spricht? (notfall) :(
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raXuz|Away is now known as raXuz
<chadouming> Sorry, sollten Sie versuchen, Englisch zu sprechen.
<Jiangyi> Whoa.... WTH broke almost all the nightly builds today......... O_O
<chadouming> shit happen
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g_byers is now known as g_byers[Away]
<Jiangyi> Canada is always excluded. T_T
rodries has quit []
* Jiangyi wants drunk Cid T-shirt
Devourz has quit [Quit: ‹‹UPP››]
<addi> good thing I'm not that big a fan of these ROMs to want such stuff.. the AOKP guys specially love their custom unicorn shiz >.>
<Jiangyi> addi: I'd never want to wear that unicorn stuff out in public. =[
<Jiangyi> What I really want is a T-shirt with the new boot animation logo. lol
<addi> xD
<Thracky> Jiangyi: I bet they probably ship from the US to Canada
<Thracky> it's just clothing after all
brick has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Idk why, but it seems that most of the US sites just freaking don't want to ship to Canada. =|
<addi> because they know Canada has the smarter and more intelligent people and are jealous? :P
<Thracky> usually that's to do with electronics though, and I believe there's regulatory issues there.
<Thracky> clothing they don't give a shit about
<Thracky> so most clothing shops will ship to canada
* Jiangyi can't even get new pads for headphones lol
raXuz has quit [Quit: Miranda IM! Rulez!]
<chadouming> jiyagi, why you no get everything on ebay ?
<chadouming> no worry about shipping to canada ?
<chadouming> xD
conantroutman has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
<Thracky> chinese people don't need ebay, they just go to Markham and go to Pacific Mall :P
<Jiangyi> eBay is still kinda shady to me. lol
<Jiangyi> LOL Thracky, you racist :-P
<Thracky> It's not racism if it's TRUE
<addi> Jiangyi, same with us Indian people. we go to the malls and local shops, not to online stores :p
<Jiangyi> It's not true
<Thracky> it would be racist if I said you probably had a little sweatshop in your basement with children making tshirts and iphone accessories.
* Jiangyi hasn't been to Pacific Mall in the last year.
<addi> of course it isn't. Y U NO TAKE JOKE?!
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> addi: Talking to Thracky lol
<Thracky> Jiangyi: I've been there once in my life :P
<Thracky> now I've only been in ontario for like 8 years but still.
<chadouming> thracky, it's not racist, it'S true too
<Thracky> that used to be the closest canada computers to me when i lived in barrie.
<addi> Jiangyi, me commenting on your answer to Thracky :p
<Mardos> lmaoo pacific mall
<Jiangyi> addi: Touche.
<Jiangyi> :P
<Mardos> hate that place
<Mardos> all racist bastards
<Thracky> addi: Pacific Mall is a specific, stereotypical asian mall in Toronto :P
<Mardos> if your not asian your not gettin a good pric e
<Thracky> Mardos: except at canada computers :P
<Thracky> cause they don't haggle heh
<chadouming> what feature would you like in bbqlog premium ?
<Mardos> exactly its a chain lol
<addi> but my recent excursion to online store and buying motherboard turned out to be a bad move. the CPU wasn't supported, BIOS was old xD
<Jiangyi> Mardos: Don't worry, all my Asian friends who can't speak Chinese get ripped off too. lol
<Thracky> chadouming: actual barbeque.
<Jiangyi> chadouming: Support for CM10?
<Thracky> I had this fucking incredibly barbequed bacon last week
<Thracky> shit was like 3 mm thick
<Thracky> *incredible
<Mardos> lol ok good
<chadouming> support for CM10 is comming for the app
<Jiangyi> Yay :-D
<Mardos> f i n a l l y
<Thracky> chadouming: vibrate mode for the ladies.
<Mardos> is there a whore mode in this app lol
<Mardos> like saints row does
<chadouming> i am not kidding Thracky
<Thracky> I am?
<Thracky> I actually have no idea what you would put in premium other than no ads
<Thracky> notifications maybe?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> those are only idea
<chadouming> notification
<chadouming> private download mirror
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<frankdrey> umm
<Mardos> notification of new update of your specific device!!
<frankdrey> chadouming
<Thracky> I'm so hooked on dead trigger right now.
<chadouming> yup
<Thracky> mostly because I have nothing to do at work.
<frankdrey> chadouming, i shouldnt get in trouble right?
<Mardos> COD for me lol
<chadouming> nope
<frankdrey> :P
<Thracky> I'm on my phone tho Mardos
<frankdrey> because im 99% sure that was me xD
<chadouming> what did you make ?
<frankdrey> i did /msg bbqbot * " ' @
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> since those usually cause problems in scripting languages xD
<Mardos> oh ya /clear
Faryaab has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<Jiangyi> Mardos: I'm done with CoD lol
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<Thracky> I've been playing sleeping dogs at home lately
<Jiangyi> BF3 for me.
<Thracky> but I imagine I'll finish that this weekend then back to Tribes :)
<Flibertigibit> Yo!
<Jiangyi> I'm considering BO2.
<Thracky> and maybe Just Cause 2 multiplayer beta if it runs this weekend again
<Jiangyi> Probably gonna arggg it to try the campaign.
<Thracky> Tribes is the only shooter i can stand anymore
<Thracky> and that whole free thing is pretty nice.
<Thracky> might hop into tf2 again though
<Flibertigibit> anyone available to lend a hand?
<Thracky> I'm currently using both of mine, sorry.
<Thracky> and you probably won't want the left one once I'm finished.
* frankdrey can, since im done hacking bbqbot :D
<Flibertigibit> Awesome
<frankdrey> actually, it depends what for :P
<Flibertigibit> Got a funky issue with trying to flash CWM onto my GT-5110, odin reports a success and MD5 checksum is hunky dorey on all the iterations of CWM I've attempted
<Flibertigibit> yet the stock recovery refuses to budge
<Flibertigibit> It's not a driver issue as I've *just* flashed my GS2
<frankdrey> gt-5110 = galaxy tab 2?
<frankdrey> no
<frankdrey> :p
* frankdrey checked the back of his
<Flibertigibit> Galaxy tab 2 10.1, yeah.
<Thracky> yes frank
<frankdrey> oh:O
<frankdrey> well, get back to me once i get around to rooting mine xD
<Flibertigibit> I want to get in on the CM10 nightly goodness though ;_;
<Thracky> Flibertigibit: you did download the *correct* cwm right? not for the 5100 or 5113?
<frankdrey> mine is a 5113, though
<Flibertigibit> Yeah, Thracky.
<Thracky> what version of odin?
<Flibertigibit> The one that was linked to on the XDA page - 1.85
<Thracky> cody mentions in the cwm thread that it's something to do with the rom you're using
<Thracky> flash it, boot directly into recovery (don't let the rom boot) then flash cm10.
<Thracky> would be my best guess
<Thracky> stock rom probably overwrites recovery every boot heh
<Flibertigibit> Here's what I've been doing;
<Flibertigibit> yeah I think it may be
<Flibertigibit> boot to download -> flash CWM -> auto restart. CWM nowhere to be found, yet the download screen lists 6 custom installs having been done
<Thracky> yeah but you're restarting into the rom correct?
<Thracky> when it does the auto restart
<Flibertigibit> Yeah
<Thracky> which means it's overwriting the recovery :P
<Thracky> so as soon as it reboots yank the battery (CAREFUL WITH THIS)
<frankdrey> stupid stock :p
<Flibertigibit> Oh, derp
<Thracky> don't yank too soon
<Thracky> obviously
<Thracky> then power on directly into recovery and flash cm10
<Thracky> either that or don't have odin auto reboot, but I dunno how that works tbh :P
<Flibertigibit> could I not just tell it to stop auto rebooting, power off after odin is complete and power on into cwm?
<Thracky> yeah you can probably try that heh
<Flibertigibit> ;p
<frankdrey> shoot, do i have to do this for the 5113?
<chadouming> yup, untick the auto-reboot case
<Thracky> frankdrey: probably
<Flibertigibit> giving it a whirl, wish me luck
<Thracky> #blamesamsung
<frankdrey> nvm :P
<Thracky> and now I go home... YAAAAY 1 more day of work
<Flibertigibit> glorious success, all have a swig of vodka or something
* frankdrey wants work :(
<frankdrey> in cm10 for the tab 2 10.1, is everything working?
<Flibertigibit> take a look
<Flibertigibit> I'd love to tell you, but CWM doesn't like the cm10 file I slapped on earlier. Infuriating.
sbrissen is now known as sbrissen_gone
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<Flibertigibit> grr
<frankdrey> lolz i love the contradiction between instructions on the wiki and instructions in the topic :P
<Flibertigibit> yeah lol
<Espenfjo> @nuclearbomb frankdrey
<Espenfjo> grr
<Espenfjo> *bite*
<Baskey> :(
<chadouming> bbqbot is not ok right now xD
<frankdrey> xD
<chadouming> damn datagutt goes away and does not tell us how to start it
<Baskey> I miss old bbqbot
<frankdrey> sorry :P
<chadouming> not your fault
<chadouming> i told you to do it xD
<frankdrey> :o
<frankdrey> oh
<frankdrey> yeah xD
<Baskey> he was so open and... friendly
<Baskey> ;(
<chadouming> he is still friendly xD
<chadouming> not because it has nuclearbomb and skynet function that it mean he is bad
<Baskey> maybe, but he seems to be disabled or something
<frankdrey> do you guys want a replacement?:P
<frankdrey> Baskey, i crashed him :D
<Baskey> DID YOU?
<frankdrey> YES :D
bbqbot has joined #teamhacksung-support
bbqbot has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<frankdrey> but chadouming said i could :P
<frankdrey> lol
<chadouming> true
<chadouming> i told him to hack it
<chadouming> so we know the flaw and correct it
<frankdrey> yeah:P
<frankdrey> is it perl?
<chadouming> nope, node.js
<Baskey> I don't like conspiracy behind my back :(
<frankdrey> ah
<frankdrey> because i killed my friend's perl bot a similar way:P
cedi has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<frankdrey> im guessing it parsed the quotes
<frankdrey> and took them as part of the code
<Baskey> @geo user frankdrey
<Baskey> gaaah
<frankdrey> :P
<Baskey> addi: I hope you're still here
<chadouming> ohhh, bbqbot has log :D
<chadouming> i know what you all said !!!
<Baskey> nooooo(o)
<chadouming> didnt logged you frank tho
<Baskey> chadouming: I found some logz on the interwebz
<chadouming> me too
<chadouming> but it's not ours
peterperfect has quit [Quit: Light travels faster then sound, which is why some people appear bright, until you hear them speak]
<Flibertigibit> check out these wicked governmental logs
|Cero| has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
<Baskey> sleeping dogs, sleeping dogs everywhere
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> brb
frankdrey has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )]
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<Jiangyi> OK BF3 time.
<Jiangyi> :-P
<Flibertigibit> Enjoy
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|BF3
<Jiangyi|BF3> Why thank you good sir.
<frankdrey> So is bbqbot coming back?:P
<frankdrey> My friend could bring his awesome bot :D
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
<frankdrey> it doesn't spam or anything:P
<frankdrey> Please?:P
bbqbot has joined #teamhacksung-support
<chadouming> @ping
<bbqbot> Version: 0.1, source at:
<chadouming> :D
<frankdrey> D'aw
<frankdrey> :P
<chadouming> @test
<bbqbot> chadouming: Command does not exist!
<xplodwild> @join #blamesamsung
<bbqbot> xplodwild: You are not allowed to run that command!
<chadouming> hmm, frankdrey pretty sure you didnt made it crash
<xplodwild> orly?
<chadouming> @join #blamemsamsung
<chadouming> @join #blamesamsung
<chadouming> @ping
<bbqbot> Version: 0.1, source at:
<chadouming> tha fuck
<xplodwild> chadouming: redo join
<chadouming> @join #blamesamsung
<Flibertigibit> @join #makeflibertigibitahotdog
<bbqbot> Flibertigibit: You are not allowed to run that command!
<Flibertigibit> I don't like this bot
<chadouming> pff
<chadouming> @bomb Flibertigibit
<bbqbot> Flibertigibit, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<Flibertigibit> red
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
Flibertigibit was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was green]
<chadouming> i love that bot
<chadouming> dont worry it was volounteer this time
Flibertigibit has joined #teamhacksung-support
ibrahima has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Flibertigibit> that was so intense
bbqbot has joined #teamhacksung-support
<chadouming> @join #blamesamsung
bbqbot has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
bbqbot has joined #teamhacksung-support
<chadouming> @join #blamesamsung
<chadouming> @join #blamesamsung
<Flibertigibit> fuck shitty internet
<Flibertigibit> 139 MB - 2 hours left :|
<chadouming> @join #blamesamsung
<chadouming> HAHA
<chadouming> poor you
<Flibertigibit> yeah
<Flibertigibit> I'm back home, been languishing over 40 Mb/s speeds up north but now I'm stuck with 600 Kb/s peak speeds
<Flibertigibit> it sucks
<frankdrey> chadouming, it wasn't my fault?:P
<frankdrey> Why did he crash, then?
<chadouming> well, i tried what you said and the bot didnt gave fuck
<chadouming> try again
<frankdrey> Ok
<chadouming> i know how to start it now xD
<frankdrey> Hmmm
<frankdrey> Yeah
<chadouming> dont know why it crashed tho xD
<chadouming> @geo user frankdrey
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for frankdrey
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1206350080,1206350335],"country":"US","region":"WA","city":"Kent","ll":[47.3618,-122.1033]}
<frankdrey> Lol
<frankdrey> Its actually closer to my new house than my old house
<frankdrey> I'm moving like today
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> And my internet is at my old
<Flibertigibit> I'm gonna head to bed, thanks for the help guys o/
<chadouming> :D XDA unboxxing
<chadouming> they unbox everything :D
Flibertigibit has quit [Quit: Page closed]
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<koud> chadouming: >>
Jug6ernaut has joined #teamhacksung-support
Jug6ernaut has quit [Excess Flood]
<chadouming> koud : :D :D
<koud> :P
Dcomp has joined #teamhacksung-support
<koud> you know what it means?
<bbqbot> derp
jug6-note has joined #teamhacksung-support
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<chadouming> look at comment :D
<chadouming> someone is wise
<chadouming> well, look wise, he could bullshit everyone
mcored has joined #teamhacksung-support
<chadouming> sorry, not comment
<chadouming> but video information
<koud> :)
<koud> no not bullshit
<chadouming> xD
<koud> that is the truth
nebkat has quit []
<chadouming> there is still some part i dont understand like, why use so much horse
<chadouming> or why asian girl try to sing like kid being fucked
<koud> make fun of kpop girl group
<koud> and maybe horses are reference to being rich
<chadouming> having a horse make you rich xD ?
<chadouming> i like maximum the hormone tho
<chadouming> it's jpop
<chadouming> jrock *
<koud> no
<koud> lol
<koud> kpop
<chadouming> but still, the girl the girl doesnt sing like a stupid 5 years old girls
<koud> well it is a joke
<koud> it was not supposed to be serious :P
jug6-note is now known as Jug6ernaut
<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> worst website i saw
<chadouming> HAZ FRAME !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
Dcomp has quit [Quit: Page closed]
Karbowiak is now known as zz_Karbowiak
<chadouming> who the hell make website with frame now ??
<chadouming> ok guys, we got someone to kill right now
<Jiangyi|BF3> lolz
<frankdrey> Hmmm
<frankdrey> Not unlocking is a pretty bad bug :P
<frankdrey> For cm10
<chadouming> hm ?
Diwad has joined #teamhacksung-support
<frankdrey> I'm looking at known issues for cm10 for my tab
<frankdrey> One claims that it won't always unlock
<frankdrey> And you need to reboot
zz_Karbowiak is now known as Karbowiak
<frankdrey> Meh, ill stick with stock then
regardtv__ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
<Jiangyi|BF3> Frakdrey: Go CM9 then. =|
Anthony1s has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<frankdrey> Is it fully working?
<frankdrey> Any bumps?
<chadouming> @dood all
<bbqbot> all: what up dood
<chadouming> later
chadouming has quit [Quit: I'M GOING DOWNNNNNNNN]
<Jiangyi|BF3> Doubt it.
<Jiangyi|BF3> It's stable for a reason.
<frankdrey> Yeah
<frankdrey> All features working?:p
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey> ?
<frankdrey> Working?
<frankdrey> Hmmm
<Jiangyi|BF3> I think so?
<frankdrey> What triggers him
<frankdrey> Alright
<frankdrey> I guess ill root it later
<Jiangyi|BF3> No need to root to flash CM.
<Jiangyi|BF3> bbqbot derps at every 7th question.
<frankdrey> ah yeah
<frankdrey> *install cwm
slainer68 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
Karbowiak is now known as zz_Karbowiak
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stumped2 has joined #teamhacksung-support
<stumped2> i have a question as to which tuna branch CM10 nightlies are using
Baskey has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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<stumped2> do i use the JB branch or the linux-3.1.y?
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