bbqbot changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | GETT SMARTSTAY EX NAO | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <codeworkx> samsung phones are accidents | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting.
<bealtine> did you even start it?
<Thracky> yeah, got my 50 gig dropbox
<Thracky> then I realized how shitty touchwiz is
<Thracky> within about 10 seconds
<Jiangyi> Thracky: You have it easy with TriangleAway and everything. =|
<chadouming> h,,, 30 min after i had my nexus it was rooted and CM9. since it took me 15 mins to get from seller to school, i thinks it not that bad :P
<Thracky> yup
<bealtine> i kept mine for a week...
<chadouming> bealtine, 1st phone ?
<bealtine> 2nd
<bealtine> i had a wildfire before
<Thracky> I'm actually making money off trading my s2 in and getting this heh
<chadouming> well, 1st android
<chadouming> hmk
<bealtine> great phone, lasted nearly 3 days on charge
<bealtine> battery
<chadouming> yeah
<chadouming> well your new phone wont last taht much :P
<bealtine> eh no:)
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<bealtine> lucky to get a day
<Thracky> I love how battery life is just not an issue anymore
* Jiangyi has 2 batteries
<Thracky> I'm buying another 2
<Jiangyi> It has never been an issue here xD
<Jiangyi> .........
<bealtine> i remember my SE lasted a week
<Jiangyi> That's a lot of batteries.
<Thracky> 20 bucks including wall charger for the standalone battery
<Jiangyi> O_O
<Thracky> for 2
<Thracky> and they have awesome warranty
<Thracky> and they're slightly larger mah
<Jiangyi> So not Sammy stuff?
<Thracky> no, Anker.
<Thracky> no NFC antenna tho
<Thracky> don't really care
<chadouming> but who use NFC ? :P
<Thracky> in Canada? nobody.
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> soon my dear
<chadouming> soon
<dizko> sadly no NFC support in my phone....only felica =(
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<dizko> but i have digital tv instead of radio!
<chadouming> i cant wait till google wallet work in canada
<chadouming> yeah, i read that on the log too :P
<dizko> i thought maybe since NFC is a superset of felica that it would work
<dizko> but appears not to be the case
<Jiangyi> Canada is so technologically behind in some things. :-P
<chadouming> not in cellphone
<dizko> japan is just isolated and proprietary
<Thracky> LTE is kinda nice, good thing I have 6 GB of data
<dizko> always finding ways to make stuff that could follow standards break them
<chadouming> with telus ?
<bealtine> LTE is a conjob
<Thracky> yeah chadouming
<Thracky> staff plan :P
<chadouming> i got taht 6GB too
<chadouming> i'm not staff xD
<dizko> im only getting 10Mbps at best with LTE here
<Thracky> 6 GB, my10.. 40/month taxes in
<chadouming> ho
<chadouming> well, i have 6GB + a lot of feature + caller id for 57/ month
<Thracky> that's pretty good
<bealtine> LTE cant control contention so cant guarantee any specific speeds
<chadouming> and i'm getting around 10mbps here with HSPA
<bealtine> lucky you
<bealtine> you must be the only user in the sector
<dizko> yea....and there are like 30 million people with 80 million cell phones in this town
<chadouming> and i tested LTE in a store in montrealk
<chadouming> montreal*
<chadouming> with 2 bar, i could reach 9mbps download / upload
<chadouming> not really
<bealtine> lte works great if you are the only user in the sector and are real close to the mast
<chadouming> i live in a 25k person town xD
<Thracky> I just speedtested at 11.5
<bealtine> wait until all your neighbours start using it:)
<chadouming> with speedtest app ?
<Thracky> yea chadouming
<chadouming> most of the server doesnt output enough for cellphone
<chadouming> go on google and write videotron speedtest
<chadouming> and try the first speedtest link
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<Jiangyi> Hmm........
<Jiangyi> That's a sneaky way of doing things.
<Thracky> 14 on that one chadouming
* Jiangyi might actually do it
<chadouming> that's about 30% more :P
* Jiangyi is currently on this Speakout 7-Eleven prepaid :P
<Thracky> 6.3 up
<Thracky> k so the thread with odin for s3 says triangle away "may or may not work"
<bealtine> it works
<Jiangyi> $10 for Unlimited data is tempting.
<chadouming> wow
<chadouming> 13.25$ / month
<Jiangyi> Yeah, excluding texting and phone calls lol
<chadouming> SpeakOut prepaid cell phones are available to residents of Canada, excluding Quebec, and are sold exclusively at 7-Eleven stores or online.
<bealtine> texts are extra?
<Jiangyi> .......
<Jiangyi> Poor Quebec.
<chadouming> kills those bastars
<chadouming> bastard !!
<chadouming> like the last time i saw a contest
<chadouming> for everyone of the US & canada except quebec -_-
<chadouming> i dont want to leave here anymore :(
<Jiangyi> bealtine: It's a prepaid thing, so it's 5 cents per text.
<bealtine> i get 15GB/800 texts and 400 mins talk
<bealtine> for 40
<Jiangyi> If you're an extremely minimal user, it's like $25/year lol
<bealtine> plus i have an app that uses webtexts like they were ordinary texts
<Jiangyi> Plus, Speakout piggybacks on Rogers's network, so signal's not an issue. :-P
<Jiangyi> chadouming: You mean "live here anymore"?
<chadouming> yeah
<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> poor english
<chadouming> i think i just killed it
<bealtine> you a french speaker?
<chadouming> yup
<bealtine> thought so:)
<chadouming> haha
<chadouming> so easy to see xD ?
<bealtine> well quebecois is a give away
<chadouming> contest, give away all the samething xD
<Jiangyi> chadouming's English is bad?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> Then my English is even worse. :P
<bealtine> i used to live in france so i see the idioms that french speakers use
<bealtine> the english is perfectly fine btw
<chadouming> hmm, we have a lot more english in our french than french people btw
<bealtine> obviously...
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<bealtine> evidement
<chadouming> xD
<bealtine> my french spelling sucks
<chadouming> mine too xD
<Jiangyi> evidemment I think
* Jiangyi needs to improve ASAP
<Jiangyi> School's starting. =[
<chadouming> french is so fucked up
<Thracky> I'll tutor you Jiangyi
<Thracky> I won an award for english last semester :P
<Thracky> (for an essay on Anonymous lol)
<Jiangyi> Thracky: I'm talking about French improvements. lol
<Thracky> oh. I suck at french
<Thracky> lol
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<Jiangyi> I'm doing OK in English, but by no means the best.
<Jiangyi> 88 was my average :P
<Jiangyi> French was a downhill ride from Term 1 to 3 lol
<bealtine> pretty good:)
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<chadouming> 88 is really good
<chadouming> i dont even have that score in french xD
<Jiangyi> And then you have typical Asian parents. lol
<Jiangyi> "ONLY 88? WHY NOT ABOVE 90!?"
<Jiangyi> :p
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<chadouming> we only 88 Y U NO HAVE 101 !!<
<Jiangyi> I actually got like 110 in Music, but my parents were like "meh". :-|
<chadouming> lol, never had more than 100% in music
<chadouming> but i was in music concentration
<Jiangyi> Private sax lessons for 3 years + dead-easy school music lol
<chadouming> 5 years of trumpet 5 days / week
<chadouming> classic jazz
<Jiangyi> Nice^^
<chadouming> and about 3 repetion per week on dinner time
<Jiangyi> #teamhacksung jazz band! :p
<chadouming> and when we had concert on contest, it was more 5/5 repetitions on dinner
<chadouming> on 5 years, 5 contest
<chadouming> we have won 9 times gold
<chadouming> 1 time
<chadouming> silver
<chadouming> and 3 outstanding performance trophy
<Jiangyi> HOLY O_O
<chadouming> and had the boston heritage festival higest mark
<chadouming> for an orchestra
<chadouming> of 98,6%
<chadouming> but i think it got beaten
<Jiangyi> What was the name of your orchestra?
<chadouming> alwys gold 1st place xD
* Jiangyi must go find it
<chadouming> harm'manik
<chadouming> for harmonie de manikoutai
<chadouming> xD
<Jiangyi> How many years ago was this? lol
<chadouming> hmm , something like 6 or 7 years
* Jiangyi attempts to find chadouming on site :p
<chadouming> goes as far as my high school xD
<chadouming> chad cormier roussel
<chadouming> but it'S this year harm'manik i think
<Jiangyi> Well, I can't find you on the site :-(
<Jiangyi> Found your G+ though lol
<chadouming> lol
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<Jiangyi> I get the chad part of your name now, but what's ouming? o_O
<Jiangyi> This is incredibly...................
<chadouming> lol
<chadouming> had a bet with a friend i could add my own page on wikipedia
<chadouming> dropped the project xD
<chadouming> and the ouming part come from a really old friend
<chadouming> she used to call me chadouming
<chadouming> and it has stayed
<Jiangyi> Ah I see.
<Jiangyi> tbh, I thought your name sounded really Asian at first lol: Cha Dou Ming xD
<chadouming> lol
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<Thracky> odd, rom manager doesn't even give me an option for s3 att for cwm :|
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<Jiangyi> Thracky: Isn't ROM Manager whacked anyways?
<Thracky> yeah, but I think for the at&t s3's they can just flash cwm in rom manager
<Thracky> I had to do it with odin
<Thracky> just downloading latest nightly now
<Thracky> goddammit. assert failed.
<Jiangyi> Oh boy.
<Jiangyi> ._.
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<Thracky> wrong cwm that was why
<Thracky> flashing now heh
<Thracky> woops forgot gapps in my haste :D
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> Thracky: tsk tsk tsk, being noobish are we? :-P
<bbqbot> derp
<Thracky> a bit
<Thracky> wtf, mtp shows all folders as "local disk"
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<Thracky> well, pretty happy with it now. De-samsunged and cm10 working nicely heh
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<Jiangyi> ^^
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<kasvindda> I flashed cm10 and then gapps-jb-20120724-signed (gapps) and then did a date wipe/factory reset. But phone loops at "Samsung galaxy sii " screen
<kasvindda> without the gapp it work well
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<Jiangyi> kasvindda: Redownload GApps, yours could be messed up.
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<billak> how to submit translations NYONE PLS
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<Edisonedw> LOL ..hi ,i wan to root my samsung galaxy S2 ,can i know wat is ZCLP7 & DDLP5, which should i download?
<Edisonedw> my phone model is GT-I9100G ..
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<Edisonedw> Any1 here ?nobody answer me ?
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<MacDrunk> hmm
<MacDrunk> wich androi ver do you have
<MacDrunk> and which galaxy version??
<MacDrunk> ayone here
<MacDrunk> need help too
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<Frd> MacDrunk: what?
<MacDrunk> i need help
<Edisonedw> actually i dont no what is this ..zzz ... keep coming out weird thing ..zzz
<MacDrunk> ive been using cm9 for 4 days now and i found some bugs,, i think they are,, not sure if those fetuers are not implemented on porpuse
<Edisonedw> i oso neid help ..
<Edisonedw> mac ,u ady root ur phone?
<bbqbot> derp
<MacDrunk> huh
<MacDrunk> you ment adb root my phone??
<Edisonedw> wat u do on first step ?
<Edisonedw> ya
<MacDrunk> found out wich android version my phone have
<MacDrunk> hmm edison were u from???
<Edisonedw> From KL ~
<Edisonedw> Msia ~
<MacDrunk> huh
<MacDrunk> korea??
<Edisonedw> Malaysia ,where r u from ?
<Edisonedw> nope ..
<MacDrunk> mexico
<Edisonedw> icic ~
<Edisonedw> how u found out ur phone version ?
<MacDrunk> well first you need to find out which android version you phon has
<MacDrunk> which samsung SGS II do you own
<MacDrunk> internationla version???
<bbqbot> derp
<Edisonedw> nope ,not inter ~ my phone version is GT-I9100G
<Edisonedw> tis is model or version ?
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<Edisonedw> got many version ,Kernel version ? Baseband or android ?
<Flumdahl> y0 y0 y0 . any updates on how the work against the 9300 is done ? Omega have released a fully functioning rom now
<Flumdahl> :P
<MacDrunk> hmm edisonw have you been on xda developers page??
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<Edisonedw> ya
<Edisonedw> i viewing xda developers page now ..
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<codeworkx> Flumdahl: what has omega to do with android? it's crapwiz
<MacDrunk> hey code
<MacDrunk> can you explain some cm9 issues
<MacDrunk> sorry for the q?
<bbqbot> derp
<MacDrunk> ive been using cm9 for 4 days now and i totaly love it
<MacDrunk> i have some issues,,, goole translate works fine but if you want to listen to the transtlation it wont work,,, wifi direct is not shown on the chare menu
<MacDrunk> if i want to share a photo direclty from the galery it wont apper
<MacDrunk> and doble tapping the home button wont popup galaxy menu power by viligo i think
<MacDrunk> hello
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<acheron> hello guys
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<acheron> anyone tried to switch from a stock Galaxy note kernel DXLR2 to CM9?
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<addi> are you worried about the brick?
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<Stonos> bah, woke up to a low battery warning. Checked logcat and it was full of "rfkill: WLAN unblocked" messages. #blamesamsung or #blamebroadcom? :P (I9100)
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<nebkat> Espenfjo: peterperfect: /invite nebkat #blamesamsung
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<addi> nebkat,
<addi> whats up dood
<nebkat> addi: dood
<nebkat> type @invite nebkat #blamesamsung
<addi> @invite nebkat #blamesamsung
<nebkat> addi: tnx dood
<nebkat> @geo user addi
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for addi
<bbqbot> {"range":[2991554560,2991570943],"country":"GB","region":"","city":"","ll":[54,-2]}
<nebkat> oh yeah :P
<nebkat> you use that proxy
<addi> you need someone else to invite? :D
<nebkat> lol
<addi> yeah xD
<addi> @invite addi #blamesamsung
<nebkat> addi: ha.... hahahah.... hahahahahahhaha...... nice try :D
<addi> xD
<addi> i was leaving anyway ^^
<nebkat> addi: waht is your real locattionne
<addi> India. "welcome to customer care helpings"
<nebkat> :D
<nebkat> yesterday I talked to british support and indian support
<nebkat> results, as expected
<nebkat> well actually, the indian support, for once, actually was useful
<nebkat> but the dell support are fucking idiottes
<addi> you know something? I think they on purpose recruit those with horrible English and grammar to take international calls. the ones we talk to, the domestic guys, they speak it quite well ^^
<nebkat> addi: I know
<nebkat> its like in china
<nebkat> anyone who can speak good english and has an iq over 100 gets a great job
<nebkat> and they are very well paid
<addi> but it's appalling how they select anyone despite having such training and what not procedures after recruitment
<nebkat> that is why in the average companies, they are mostly idiottes
<nebkat> the dell support guys always get it down to: "i'll email you an offer in 15 minutes"
<nebkat> and they don't, ofc
<addi> call center is mainly a way for those to get a job who don't get a job elsewhere or haven't studied past school and need an easy job :/
<nebkat> and they dont understand what im talking about
<nebkat> true
<addi> ah, but making an offer is necessary xD
<nebkat> they occasionally forget what I was talking about DURING the conversation ffs
<addi> hahahahaha
<nebkat> but the EA guy was hilarious yesterday
<nebkat> i tell him
<nebkat> I bought crysis 2, blablabla, serial key isnt working
<nebkat> so after a few minutes he says
<nebkat> I'll send you a password reset link
<addi> good thing they don't try selling and getting us to get a credit cards here in India xD
<nebkat> im like "wtf why you sending me that"
<addi> xD
<nebkat> and he says: "sorry type. I meant desktop sharing link"
<nebkat> typo*
<addi> EA guy was Johm Smith from India too? :P
<nebkat> I had some SujeetKama or something...
<nebkat> do they always use their real names?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> 0_o he used Indian name?
<nebkat> what you mean?
<addi> well, for American calls they are supposed to use their fake names
<nebkat> ahahahaha
<nebkat> well the thing is
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<addi> but then again, Americans are a special breed who throw tantrums if they get to know they aren't talking an American or whatever
<nebkat> when I see im connected to a "Charlie" rather than a "SujeetKumaraBaskakbabaka"
<nebkat> kinda more happy lol
<addi> the motto in call centers here is this: The Americans are the most stupid, most rude customers. And they can't really differentiate an Indian guy from a guy from some other country xD
<nebkat> xD
<addi> yeah, that's why those names are used I guess ^^
<nebkat> why are so many call centers in india?
<nebkat> which names
<addi> big population :p
<nebkat> oh no
<EvilBelgian> My Mother works in a Call Center for American South Africa
<nebkat> I meant
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: +1
<nebkat> addi: I meant charlie as in a real charlie, british charlie
<nebkat> not an indian with a different name
<nebkat> although it still applies
<addi> ah, right
<addi> yeah
<nebkat> honestly, if they could employ a third of the people
<EvilBelgian> It gets better...Handling the french markets. So she spends all day talking to french Canadians
<nebkat> that speak english and arent idiottes
<addi> call centers provide a very easy job opportunity, plus huge population = they took it up as a business I guess :p
<nebkat> it would work just as well and customers would be happy
<addi> that's the thing, those kind of people don't want to work in the call center
<nebkat> addi: how realistic is slumdog millionaire, btw, hahaha
<addi> well, I haven't seen it, so no idea :p
<nebkat> right
<nebkat> good movie
<addi> but yes, from what I heard they showed, that stuff does happen
<nebkat> ah
<addi> but India is a big country so can't call those things common
<nebkat> was thinking maybe it is slightly over-exaggerated for the movie
<nebkat> ofc
<nebkat> well
<EvilBelgian> The Reason they put call centers in obscure third world countries is because they don't have to pay american wages
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: yeah
<addi> we still have a LOT of parents who believe in intercaste and arranged marriages
<nebkat> they moved dell ireland to poland
<nebkat> because assembly workers wages are 1/3 of the irish wages
<EvilBelgian> nebkat, wages here for french speaking specialists are 1000 euros a month...that's high for call centres...friend of mine works at the Amazon Call Centre in town working Night shifts...she makes about 500 euros a month.
<nebkat> in what country/where?
<addi> wages in call centers here is good if you have experience of a few years. for starters it's shit
<EvilBelgian> nebkat, here in South Africa
<addi> though some companies do have good enough pay for even starters
<nebkat> I just dont get it
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: right
<nebkat> I just dont get it with the idiottes in call centres
<nebkat> sometimes it comes to common sense
<EvilBelgian> Her rent btw is 400 Euros a month. Only reason she can afford is because she splits it with her BF
<addi> IBM e.g is known as a company that pays shit and makes you work too much as well
<nebkat> I mean, they act as if they are mentally retarded
<nebkat> addi: yeah, its like that in ireland too
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: that's a lot?
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: but how big is the house/apartment?
<addi> nebkat, I joined a call center for making some money during the holidays in 2010, stayed there 1 week and got out of there. why? because I felt really stupid and moronic with the other low IQ people there
<bbqbot> derp
<EvilBelgian> for a one bedroom property 30 kilometers out of the city centre
<nebkat> seriously?
<nebkat> in serbia
<addi> and that was 1 week of training, job hadn't even properly started :p
<nebkat> my family has a few apartments that we rent
<nebkat> one in the most ideal place in belgrade the capital, cant rent for 300
<EvilBelgian> yes it's a increases between 5% and 15% a year.
<nebkat> well actually, I guess the building is a bit old and fuct
<nebkat> build after WW2
<nebkat> built*
<nebkat> so it's not as easy to rent
<nebkat> but the location is ideal
<EvilBelgian> and No one is buying at the moment because the banks are too scared to give out loans after the whole recession thing.
<nebkat> yeah
<nebkat> here they have welfare for unemployed people
<nebkat> and its good enough to live off
<nebkat> so there are many lazy people that live like that their whole lives
<EvilBelgian> I guarantee you if there was welfare in south africa...white people would not be eligible
<nebkat> heh
<nebkat> but the thing is
<nebkat> yeah, its hard to find jobs, but many people just dont feel like working
<nebkat> and the government is losing so much money to pay for them
<nebkat> but anyway
<nebkat> I should tell you how lucky I got with Crysis 2
<nebkat> so I bought it a week ago over amazon
<nebkat> with the free/shitty shipping
<nebkat> arrived 3 days before expected delivery date - with UPS for some reason
<nebkat> so I installed it and ran
<nebkat> then the activation screen comes up, I enter my serial code and it says serial invalid
<nebkat> bit annoyed
<nebkat> so 2-3 days i try to contact EA Support, but their twitter support is useless and I couldnt get the support site to give me call/chat/email links (was my fault though, didnt realise)
<nebkat> then I contacted Amazon
<nebkat> explained what happened
<nebkat> and the guy says he can give me a new copy for free, but I have to return the old one
<nebkat> I told him i'll wait a few more days then, because I might fix it somehow and dont want to go to the post office to return
<nebkat> so then he says, as a one time exception, he will give me a new copy without returning the old one
<nebkat> which was great
<nebkat> but it got even better
<EvilBelgian> the serial key started working
<nebkat> I found out how to contact EA support, and received a working serial number
<EvilBelgian> and then you got the new copy
<nebkat> so now im getting another copy for free :D
<nebkat> yep
<nebkat> <3 amazon
<nebkat> their return policies and are just great
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<nebkat> like when I bought a joystick that arrived with one button broken, I asked them on chat and immediately they said they could give me money back when I return
<nebkat> no questions asked
<nebkat> also I get UPS delivery on the new cd so it arrives quickly (the first time it was accidental it seems) :D
<nebkat> #win
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<EvilBelgian> Amazon...accidentally giving you amazing service
<EvilBelgian> Only company in the world that fucks up in your favour almost constantly
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<nebkat> oh and for some reason
<nebkat> when I ordered Crysis 2
<EvilBelgian> I'm trying to figure out what was the bigger mistake last night...the Caramel Vodka or Bubblegum tequila
<nebkat> it started off in GB midlands, then went to London, then to Cologne, then to Dublin, (and then magically to Dublin a second time), and then to me
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: both
<EvilBelgian> you're probably right...ah Hangover medicine in the world...Dyaln Moran
<EvilBelgian> except spelt correctly
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<Mardos> Thracky
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<Mardos> hi
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<Jiangyi|Voluntee> hai
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<DuperMan> fall. of. cybertron.
<DuperMan> worth it.
<DuperMan> also, I hate people slightly more.
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<Ravensoul> movie or game
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<DuperMan> there is movie?
<DuperMan> how excitening
<Ravensoul> erm isn't hte last one called that?
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<DuperMan> no. it was called 'dark of the moon'. it was one of the least logical names in cinema history
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<Mez> wtf?
<Mez> why was I kicked for no reason
<Mez> That's just abuse.
<DuperMan> lol
<DuperMan> ^the answer
<Mez> :'(
<Mardos> loool abuse for being kicked
<DuperMan> vengence is just getting even with a downpayment
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<Mardos> how long does google wallet take to add a card!
<Ravenheart> was instant for me
<Mardos> well im running the new version of wallet and im in canada i added my cousins american address on my capital one credit card
<Mardos> it got approved and google charged me $0.99 for the transaction
<Mardos> so when im in wallet it continues to say adding wallet
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<Thracky> I won't mess with google wallet until it's actually in Canada
<Thracky> anything to do with my finances heh
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<lunatik_> hi, anybody knows to to install weather widget on CyanogenMod fo 9100G
<lunatik_> i mean on the screen
<Mardos> yo Thracky hows the S3
<Thracky> awesome
<Thracky> runs like a dream on cm10
<Mardos> whats not working on cm10 ?
<Mardos> is butter working ?
<Thracky> 2 immediate improvements over the i9100 are the audio quality and the general UI speed
<Thracky> I dunno if butter works or if the extra 2 cores make that much difference heh
<Thracky> I haven't had a chance to read all the dev shit
<Thracky> but it's super fast
<Mardos> camera working?
<Thracky> yup
<Thracky> tested video and stills last night
<Thracky> audio recording volume is low
<Thracky> i haven't run into any dealbreakers yet at all
<Thracky> I did see a bit of the flicker they reported so I disabled hw overlay
<Thracky> and netflix is broken but I haven't tested it cause everyone agrees
<Mardos> fuck netflix lol ok cool
<Mardos> telus lte or rogers?
<bbqbot> derp
<Thracky> telus
<Thracky> I speedtested at like 14 mbps last night
<Thracky> I have it off right now tho cause I unseated my phone from my dock at 2 am last night and am a bit low on juice since I stream music all day at work
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<Thracky> Since cyanogen himself has a d2 variant (I think vzw iirc), the d2 common stuff is getting a lot of attention from what I see in changelogs
<cdesai> he does att and tmo
<cdesai> vzw = noobnl / cvpcs
<Mardos> very nice
<Thracky> ah yeah it was tmo
<Thracky> I imagine the biggest issue is going to be lack of official jb, and when it does come out, will there even be kernel soruce
<Mardos> i dunno if i should trade lol its harddd
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<Mardos> whattttttt i got my capital one added to wallet !!! :D
<Mardos> efficng sweett
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<GabMus> hello
<whitequark> could someone write an IPA transcript of the word "hashtag"?
<bbqbot> derp
<whitequark> because when translated/transliterated to Russian, first and second "a" can be represented by either "е" or "э", and I'm not sure which of the four variants is correct
<whitequark> and m-w doesn't know "hashtag" and lists æ as the second vowel both in "hash" and "tag"
<EvilBelgian> clearly I'm an idiot
<EvilBelgian> because
<EvilBelgian> although the individual words
<EvilBelgian> and most of the symbols make sense
<EvilBelgian> I did not understand that
<EvilBelgian> for shite
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<whitequark> EvilBelgian: well
<whitequark> "hashtag" might be transliterated to "хештег", "хештэг", "хэштег" or "хэштэг", through the last one sounds pretty weird
<whitequark> and no one here actually knows for sure which variant is correct one
<whitequark> so I wondered if the first and second "a" in "hashtag" are pronounced in the same way
<EvilBelgian> it's the last one
<EvilBelgian> google translate woot woot
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<DuperMan> they are, but the different follow-up gives them entirely different 'feel's
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<whitequark> EvilBelgian: thanks, I speak Russian myself, I don
<whitequark> 't need google translate ;)
<whitequark> DuperMan: so, could you explain the differences somehow?
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<DuperMan> whitequark: no. you go 'shhhh' after the first and 'ugh' after the second
<DuperMan> 'ggh even
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<EvilBelgian> I feel like I've missed something, I thought you didn't...I'm confused
<DuperMan> yes
* DuperMan is in a 'killy' mood after a hard day's work
<DuperMan> trying to explain to cab drivers just how / why they are objectively, functionally, retarded psychos is tough
<whitequark> meh. yes, not very inspiring.
<DuperMan> I needed a good after-shift rant though. and the dude was a weirdo starting his 'journey into understanding'
<DuperMan> i.e becoming another zealot zombie
<DuperMan> the only good thing about my job is that I work in the company of attractive women
<DuperMan> and it's a call center/:
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<whitequark> DuperMan: er... you work at a call center?!
<whitequark> from what I remember that'd be a gross underuse of your capabilities, no?
<DuperMan> whitequark: sorta. doubt I'll keep up with that shit for long. might finally be motivated into fulfilling my potential and becoming a dictator
<EvilBelgian> thoughts on anywhere in particular
<Thracky> sealand
<Thracky> you should definitely take over sealand
<DuperMan> no, first I rouse the rabble into decrying it's misfortune with a strawman to blame
<DuperMan> then hedonism
<EvilBelgian> you could do that with a 9 mill
<EvilBelgian> and two lackeys
<Brat81> hey guys
<Brat81> thinking of flashing JB to my partners SGS II
<DuperMan> I did it with a cynical speech and a crowd once
<Brat81> is it fairly stable ?
<DuperMan> but that was highschool
<whitequark> Brat81: fairly. I have once seen how RIL hanged itself on a metaphorical tree and dried the battery down
<whitequark> so I doubt you actually want to use that in production
<whitequark> erm, for everyday use.
<whitequark> but apart from general instabilites, it's pretty usable.
<Brat81> reason i ask is my partner has no understanding of what to do if something messes up
<DuperMan> so it's like life
<DuperMan> but moar stablez
<EvilBelgian> so it will destroy your battery but other than that its fine
<DuperMan> if your parner has a vagina I might be willing to help her directly
<Brat81> has batt drain ?
<whitequark> Brat81: occasionally
<Brat81> wow
<Brat81> love the feedback
<whitequark> DuperMan: I like how you handled every possible case with that sentence
<Brat81> prob get better repsonspe from a brick
<DuperMan> whitequark, Brat81: everyone's a winner
<DuperMan> yay
<DuperMan> :)
<whitequark> Brat81: CM10 is experimental. experimental means it's unsupported
<whitequark> you're lucky you have received *any* feedback.
<Brat81> yes i understand i'm not noobish
<Brat81> i have a draw filled with android phone :)
<Brat81> s
<whitequark> that doesn't say anything about your ability of understanding how these phones work.
<Brat81> so very true
<whitequark> *shrug* whatever
<Brat81> ok
<Brat81> i repair phones enough ?
<DuperMan> no
<Brat81> lol
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<Brat81> i've been messing with android since dream
<whitequark> I dunno what you expect as a feedback
<Brat81> hows the kernel for sgs II ?
<bbqbot> derp
<whitequark> Brat81: codename? smdk4210
<Brat81> ....
<Brat81> hows the jb kernel for the sgs II ?
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<whitequark> DuperMan: could you explain what exactly "hows" means?
<Brat81> how is
<Brat81> is it stable
<DuperMan> no
<Brat81> ie: not a stupid amount of fc's
<whitequark> jb kernel is the same as ics one.
<whitequark> and kernel doesn't cause fc's anyway
<whitequark> (that is, for sgs2 they're the same.)
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<Brat81> xda sgsii forum is horrible
<whitequark> as per the userspace, XXLPQ firmware with the whatever RIL provided in nightlies sometimes does drain battery
<whitequark> otherwise it's stable. that's what I told you. is that not enough?
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<Brat81> oh sorry didn't see that
<whitequark> and every fucking xda forum is horrible, get over it. internet is generally a pile of crap, and especially xda
<DuperMan> I'm so bored I could eat a lobster
<Brat81> why not zoidberg ?
<Brat81> i should really get around to fixing my sgsII
<DuperMan> his nose is too large for a cartoon character anthropomophised from a division without any noses
<Brat81> instead of buying new phones
<Brat81> damn glass is that strong that screen broke
<whitequark> Brat81: what's with it?
<Brat81> and the glass is fine
<whitequark> ah, you tried to detach glass from screen.
<Brat81> no
<Brat81> i dropped
<whitequark> hm
<Brat81> can't detached glass from screen
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<Brat81> it's one peice
<Brat81> well you could
<Brat81> but it's a hell lot easier to just replace led/glass
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<whitequark> Brat81: local repairmen said you practically can't
<whitequark> no matter how hard they tried, either screen or glass broke
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<whitequark> and a screen+glass assembly costs some $230
<whitequark> at least here
<Brat81> yeah $179 eher in aus
<whitequark> but yes, replacing it is pretty trivial, you just need two of those thin plastic things I don't know how they're called
<Brat81> here*
<whitequark> and a philips screw
<whitequark> driver
<Brat81> or other suppliers sell the whole sub frame
<Brat81> for around $255
<whitequark> hm, what do you mean by subframe?
<Brat81> 1 sec i'll get suppiler page up
<Brat81> the whole assembly for the screen
<Brat81> ah only $245 now
<whitequark> could I take a look?
<whitequark> ah I see. no, I was offered to buy just the display itself and glass
<Brat81> yeah that requires heat gun and what not with
<Brat81> but with frame just swap over
<Brat81> well you don't need a heat gun
<Brat81> but if you want it done nice and cleanly best off
<whitequark> hm, isn't every other part detachable?
<Brat81> in terms of ?
<Brat81> the back plate ?
<whitequark> I didn't disassemble my SGS2 completely, but I was left with that impression
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<Brat81> yeah it's pretty easy
<whitequark> the 'frame' has some pcbs attached; the one at bottom and the one at top with connectors
<whitequark> I think they can be just lifted off, no?
<bbqbot> derp
<Brat81> i myself haven't done a sgs II
<whitequark> or are they soldered/welded to the frame somehow?
<whitequark> ah ok
<Brat81> i tried mine
<Brat81> got as far as getting to the screen
<Brat81> was like shiiit
<Brat81> k
<whitequark> yup, I stopped at that point too
<whitequark> that was my only SGS2
<whitequark> btw, I plan on keeping this phone for at least 3, probably 5 years
<whitequark> how realistic is it to expect it repaired if it'll break in this period?
<Brat81> but i imagine it would be easier that a iphone/ipod touch
<Brat81> depends on what breaks tbh
<Brat81> screen/glass
<Brat81> sellers will still have them around
<Brat81> flex/ribbons yeah might be harder
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<whitequark> the audio jack has broken once, was quite hard to get a replacement
<Brat81> where do you buy from ?
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<whitequark> well, my heat gun skills is not good enough to swap that myself
<whitequark> so I paid $50 to a local repairman, and he sent a courier somewhere
<whitequark> took him several hours to find a replacement
<whitequark> *skill
<Brat81> yeah heat gun is a tad scary
<whitequark> well I can e.g. swap an LQFP208 or something like that
<Brat81> you only need to apply small amount of heat
<whitequark> but plastic+Pb-free is a disaster
<whitequark> I never managed to not damage anything
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<Brat81> yeah i've broken a frame on my ipod touch before
<Brat81> my = a
<Brat81> ergh
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<Brat81> i should really s-off my saga
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<Brat81> instead of having to flash kernels via fastboot
<whitequark> SGS2 has pretty cool bootloaders
<whitequark> they theoretically have some kind of protection, that is, signature checking
<whitequark> but the fuse which controls it is off on production devices
<whitequark> even better, the modem has a RAM in place of flash, and it doesn't have a key flashed
<whitequark> so it does not actually verify the firmware
<Brat81> ha
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<Brat81> ever play around with a xperia x10 ?
<whitequark> nah
<whitequark> sgs2 is my first and only android device
<Brat81> would have to be the worst android phone ever made
<Brat81> drm chip
<Brat81> that cross checks bootloader,firmware
<Brat81> everything
<whitequark> well, every cpu has bootloader verification nowadays
<Brat81> one miss match = no boot
<whitequark> pre-Android Motorolas were especially paranoid about it
<Brat81> drm chip was not bypassable
<whitequark> they nevertheless have had gaping security holes in the bootloader
<Brat81> flashing "firmware" which wasn't really firmware it was more a modded back-up from cwm
<Brat81> or nandroid
<Brat81> flashing that require so many procudres
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<Brat81> could only flash on a 32bit machine
<Brat81> since java x64 had hissy fits for some reason
<whitequark> ohhh
<whitequark> those people who can mess up 32-bit vs 64-bit in a bitness-agnostic language
<whitequark> I've seen these fuckups more than once and I never managed to understand just how they can do that
<Brat81> and getting adb to see the device was quite in apita at times
<whitequark> why support that shit then?
<whitequark> vote with your wallet :)
<Brat81> that was the result of about a hour of trying to getting it to work
<Brat81> i raged
<Brat81> and raged hard
<whitequark> haha
<whitequark> understandable :)
<whitequark> is the display covered with plastic?
<Brat81> but i fixed it
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<Brat81> thats the glass
<Brat81> very cheaply built phone
<whitequark> hah, impressive
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<Ravenheart> my galaxy s2 hit hard ground twice at quite the hight
<Ravenheart> not a scratch on the display :)
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<Brat81> yeah glass is amazing
<Brat81> led panel on the other hand doesn't quite handle that force the same
<Ravenheart> it might sound cheesy, but i for sure will not buy a phone without gorilla glass
<Brat81> yeah even nokia are using it now
<Brat81> thats gotta amount to something
<Ravenheart> did you see the lumia 900 video where they hammered a nail
<Ravenheart> the 3310 would be proud
<Brat81> gorilla glass 2 is said to be like 3 times as strong and half the thickness
<Brat81> nothing
<Brat81> can
<Brat81> destroy a 3310/3315
<whitequark> Brat81: I killed three.
<Ravenheart> liez
<whitequark> within four months.
<Ravenheart> we played football with one
<Brat81> well
<Ravenheart> battery fell out but other than that it wokred when we assembled it
<Brat81> tbh i did kill one
<whitequark> and no, I did not do that deliberately
<whitequark> well, a little bit yes
<whitequark> but no I did not play football with it
<whitequark> just didn't care about dropping it at all. it's not as indestructible as it seems
<whitequark> through it's well good
<Brat81> eh drop it the case came off
<whitequark> my SGS2 also hit the floor like a dozen times maybe. not a single scratch
<Brat81> clip it back on
<Brat81> all good
<Brat81> after a few drops case gets scuffed up
<whitequark> Brat81: well all three began to behave weird at times. I guess there was a microcrack in the pcb
<Brat81> so you go down to local store buy a new $5 clip on case
<Brat81> new phone!
<whitequark> btw 3310 displays are absolutely awesome
<whitequark> trivial SPI protocol, and so easy to drive
<whitequark> you need a 3V3 source and a cap for contrast voltage multiplier
<whitequark> I have a small stack of them
<Brat81> ha
<Brat81> make a tv
<Brat81> DO IT!
<whitequark> lol
<Brat81> make a large 3310
<whitequark> the refresh rate is abysmal through
<whitequark> you can pump data in at 3MHz, I tested it
<whitequark> but it'll only display 10hz or so
<whitequark> *at 10hz
<Brat81> :S
<Brat81> my old device line up
<Brat81> no longe have play or desire
<Brat81> longer*
<Ravenheart> i like the right most
<whitequark> IPHONE
<Brat81> tis not
<Ravenheart> tis an LPhone?
<bbqbot> derp
<Brat81> ipod touch
<whitequark> ah
<Brat81> note the headphone jack is at bottom
<Brat81> note: no speaker hole at top
<Brat81> well ear peice*
<whitequark> hm I see
<whitequark> what do you generally think of htc? build quality?
<Brat81> good
<Brat81> sometimes a bit plasticy
<Brat81> but overall good
<Brat81> s/e normally good
<Brat81> samsung sigh
<whitequark> hm? what's wrong with samsung?
<whitequark> seems pretty good for me
<Brat81> *cough* lets make out shit look like apple *cough*
<whitequark> indeed, but what does that have with build quality? :)
<whitequark> *have to do
<Brat81> i9100 was good
<Brat81> prob best build qualirt i've seen from a sammy hanset
<Brat81> sgs III i beg to differ
<Brat81> it just feels werid
<whitequark> hm, I dislike how it looks
<whitequark> but never actually touched
<Brat81> talking about the sgs II here and not penis ?
<whitequark> about SGSIII
<whitequark> and tbh I'm male so that'd be pretty unlikely...
<Brat81> eh should go to bed
<Brat81> 2am here
<whitequark> cya, it was interesting to talk
<Brat81> yeah me saying i should goto bed never eventuates
<Brat81> ergh
* Brat81 waits for google play to download 62 apps
<whitequark> er
<whitequark> do you actually use all of them?
<Brat81> yeah
<Brat81> most are like pro keys
<whitequark> huh, I have 31 and that's a bit much...
<whitequark> *too much
<Brat81> 10 updates found
<Brat81> i have like 3 camera apps
<Brat81> facebook, twitter, g+
<Brat81> steam
<Brat81> irc
<whitequark> steam? O_O
<bbqbot> derp
<Brat81> xbox live
<Brat81> they all add up
<Brat81> yes steam
<Brat81> so i can chat to people on steam
<whitequark> ah, I see
<Brat81> oh flash
<Brat81> errr
peterperfect has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
<Brat81> shall remove that
<whitequark> ewww, flash
<whitequark> so much work put into that crap
<whitequark> I hate it passionately
<Brat81> ever used that ?
<Brat81> it's like samsungs overbloated Kies
<Ravenheart> air is superb
<Brat81> yeah i like it
<Brat81> just need file drag and drop
<Brat81> iirc thats coming
<whitequark> nope
<whitequark> I won't trust an external service to manage my phone
<Brat81> lol
<whitequark> don't have cerberus for same reason, felt the pain when my previous SGS2 was stolen
<whitequark> and yes, I didn't have market for a very long time
<Brat81> i use cerberus
<whitequark> had to install it because something in jb broke without it, not sure what
<Brat81> whats wrong with cerberus ?
<Brat81> it's pretty much all securtiy,tracking apps rolled into one beastly package
<whitequark> well, it's an external service which has full control over your phone
<whitequark> suppose someone hacks cerberus' server
<Brat81> and ?
<whitequark> he can then, for example, install malware
<whitequark> and I have banking apps on my phone
<Brat81> well use a malware scanner ?
<whitequark> bullshit. antivirus software is snake oil
<whitequark> it doesn't actually catch the latest malware, and when it does, it's too late
<whitequark> blacklists never work
<Brat81> so it's pretty much like all av scanners :)
<whitequark> of course, I don't use any
<whitequark> it's pretty pointless
<Brat81> neither do i
<Brat81> i use common sense
<Brat81> and hey haven't had one virus
<whitequark> won't protect you from e.g. printer spooler 0day in Windows (if you use that OS)
<whitequark> because it's network exploitable
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<whitequark> that hole was used in Stuxnet, for example
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<Brat81> well tbh
<Brat81> i don't have printer spooler running
<whitequark> and yeah, I'm all for common sense, but I accidentally clicked a phishing link when I was really tired and got a email which was absolutely authentic that it was from Amazon
<whitequark> no one is infallible
<whitequark> well, I just deleted ~/.wine and that was it, but still :)
<Brat81> lol
<whitequark> (printer spooler) yeah, but it's one of 4 holes which stuxnet used
<Brat81> i'm yet to make the move over to a unix
<whitequark> and you might have had a printer
<Brat81> i use it on my htpc and fileselver
<Brat81> but kinda need windows for main rig
<whitequark> yup, flashing often works only on bare-metal windows setup
Nabil is now known as zz_Nabil
<whitequark> virtualization doesn't really help, I've bumped into that more than once
<Brat81> not just that
<Brat81> gaming as well
<whitequark> well, actually no
<whitequark> I have quite a few games on Steam and all of them just work
<Brat81> not everything works in wine
<whitequark> yup, but most things do with recent wine
<Brat81> and steam isn't quite there yet
<Brat81> but once steam is in full works
<Brat81> i'm over
<Brat81> spesh if m$ are going to force this tablet interface shit
<whitequark> they are
<whitequark> and that's suicide for them as a pc company
<Brat81> win8 will die
<Brat81> it's the trend
<whitequark> not to mention that all the DRM is Apple-level bullshit
<Brat81> my raspberry pi is on it's way
<Brat81> WOOP!
<Brat81> been waiting for almost 2 months
<whitequark> sigh
<whitequark> raspi is incredibly overrated
<whitequark> and overhyped
<Brat81> yeah not for my 4 year old
<whitequark> it's just a mediocre ARM platform with not OSS friendly Broadcom chip
<Brat81> for who it's intended for
<whitequark> ah
<whitequark> for 4 year old it's perfectly fine :)
<Brat81> well he's not doing anything with it
<whitequark> but I seen some 54-year-olds who worked in IT and were very excited about it...
<Brat81> i get to play with it but he will be using it for a low end xbmc machine
<Brat81> and maybe have some low spec indie games for him
<Brat81> like angry birds *cringe*
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
<whitequark> angry birds won't work on raspi
<whitequark> unless you're going to install android on it
<Brat81> browser based
<Ravenheart> if you do not install Worms on it, YOU SHALL NOT PASS!
<Brat81> hahaha
<Brat81> i was playing that last night
<Brat81> armageddon
<Brat81> best ever
<whitequark> Brat81: not going to work
<whitequark> too slow
<whitequark> HTML5 AngryBirds require at least a decent Intel Core CPU and a plenty of RAM
<whitequark> not a shitty ARM
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<Brat81> hmmmm
<Brat81> but can play 1080p content fine ?
<Ravenheart> doesn't chrome take advantage of your GPU and do all fancy stuff
<Brat81> ya
<whitequark> Brat81: yes, it has a hardware 1080p decoder
<whitequark> it could not decode that on CPU alone
<Brat81> hmm much like my htpc
<whitequark> heck, even low-cost intel cpus from the recent series cannot
<Ravenheart> btw for anyone itnerested
<whitequark> and per gpu, there is a big problem. remember that I said it has Broadcom SOC (and thus GPU)?
<Ravenheart> they are gonna open some package from 1912
<whitequark> Broadcom isn't known for doing good FOSS work
<Ravenheart> some famous norwegiant left it
<whitequark> the GPU driver is exceptionally shitty
<whitequark> especially the X one
<whitequark> and AB/Chrome is CPU-heavy too
<whitequark> they compiled Lua to JavaScript and execute the bytecode with this monstrous, multimegabyte VM
<Brat81> ok
<whitequark> not Lua code, mind you; the Lua interpreter itself
<Brat81> going to bed for sure this time
<whitequark> so AB/Chrome is a very cool experiment
<whitequark> but not going to work on raspi
<Brat81> 236 am
<whitequark> heh
<whitequark> fuck timezones
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<Mardos> wow i just got handed a galaxy tab p1000
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karbowiak is now known as Karbowiak
<Mardos> anyone know how i can install cwm on the galaxy tab p1000 i got hte device rooted
<Thracky> try rom manager?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Mardos> ahh found hte chainfire thread lol done
_Fissurez_ has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Mardos> oh crap i think i flashed the wrong version
<Mardos> now its in a boot loop
<Thracky> put it in download, try again :P
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<Mardos> yaa trying which file it is now ll
pier is now known as pier|shower
<Mardos> there is 4 cfroot files
Fissurez has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Mardos> tried 3 and they all reboot and get stuck on the samsung screen
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<Mardos> i need an account for
<bealtine> sign up
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<gencka> Hi to all of you
<gencka> I have one problem that nobody could help me
<gencka> @codeworkx
<bbqbot> gencka: Command does not exist!
Brat81 has joined #teamhacksung-support
<gencka> My touch screen is not responding if i let phone in direct sun light for a minute
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<bealtine> dr dr it hurts when i do x...dr: dont do x
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<Mardos> wtffff is going on here !!! this stupid P1000 just reboots everytime it doesnt boot into OS
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<GabMus> what version are u using?
<Mardos> Friend just flashed one of the CFRoot files without checking the version and now its stuck in a boot loop so
<Mardos> i tredi the overcome kernel but again in a boot loop
<Mardos> tried all the versions of cf root available and nothing still boot loop
<GabMus> recovery works?
<GabMus> maybe it is stuck in boot loop cause it has no compatible OS to start
<Mardos> boots and says china unicom and some chinese language stuff
<Mardos> recovery volume up and pwer right?
<GabMus> i thik
<Mardos> or volume up and down and power
<GabMus> volume up + power
<Mardos> no recovery
<GabMus> mh...
<GabMus> try home+power+volume up
pier|food is now known as pier
<Mardos> nope nothing i will flash overcome kernel which has recovery with odin 1.7
<GabMus> ok
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<Mardos> ok flashed rebooting now
<Mardos> stil stuck in a boot loop
<GabMus> no recovery?
<bbqbot> derp
<Mardos> nope :(
<GabMus> :/
<GabMus> i dunno how to help you
EvilBelgian has joined #teamhacksung-support
<GabMus> maybe it is a specific p1000 problem
<Mardos> yaa oh well ill read up first and come bak
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<GabMus> wait
<GabMus> im calling a friend
<Stryker> quick question for CM10 SGSII (i777) does local encryption work? - I cant find it listed as a known bug
<GabMus> ok Mardos
<GabMus> my friend Cero is going to connect
<GabMus> he had a p1000
<GabMus> and knows far more than me about android
<GabMus> hold on
Cero9 has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Cero9> hello
<GabMus> here he is :)
<GabMus> the guy who needs help is Mardos
<GabMus> i think he is looking for something on google cause he isnt answering
<GabMus> anyway
<GabMus> do you have any ideas how to solve his problem?
<Mardos> im here
<GabMus> ok perfect
<Mardos> so the friend flashed a cfroot file without checking hte version and hte phone is in a boot loop
<Mardos> i tried to flash overcome and redpill but hte device still goes in a boot loop
<Cero9> can you boot into recovery?
<GabMus> nope
<Mardos> recovery is volume up and power correct?
<Cero9> not sure
<GabMus> it should be
<GabMus> it is in the i9100
<Mardos> this is a P1000 galaxy tab
<Cero9> yes :D
<GabMus> you must release the buttons after about 3 secs
<Cero9> it's Samsung, so it has to have a download mode also
chadouming is now known as logcat
<Mardos> ive been flashing the kernels via download mode
<Cero9> you should look for a stock ROM to flash via download mode
<Mardos> thats what im currently doing downloading htis P1000ZHJQ5 full odin rom
<Mardos> 4 mins left
<Cero9> good
<Cero9> I think that you'll fix it
<Mardos> im hoping
<Mardos> is slowwwwww
<Thracky> logcat: MIAW
<Mardos> ive heard of htat user he came out
<logcat> logcat or GTFO
Mardos was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by logcat [Mardos]
<GabMus> D:
<GabMus> logcat: MIAW
<Cero9> :O
<GabMus> omg
<logcat> hmm
Mardos has joined #teamhacksung-support
<logcat> @bomb GabMus
<bbqbot> logcat: You are not allowed to run that command!
<chadouming> @bomb GabMus
<bbqbot> GabMus, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
GabMus was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was green]
pier is now known as pier|food
GabMus has joined #teamhacksung-support
<GabMus> dafuq
<Mardos> jeeez hes a hater!!
<Cero9> lol
<GabMus> oooh
<logcat> xD
<logcat> you had a bomb asnd didnt cut any wire
<GabMus> got it
<Mardos> GabMus logcat is mad
<logcat> then, Y U NO ANSWARH
<GabMus> NOW i got it
<Thracky> also, bbqbot is a terrorist.
<GabMus> probably
<Thracky> he has lots of bombs
<Mardos> @8ball you ok
<bbqbot> My reply is no.
<logcat> I hiz no mad
* logcat puhr puhr
<Thracky> french cats are wierd.
<Thracky> :D
<Mardos> alright flashing the new download
<Mardos> hopefully this does it
<Mardos> french people are weird
<GabMus> @8ball umad?
<bbqbot> You may rely on it.
<Cero9> it should
<Thracky> logcat: shouldn't you say "le meow" like the cat in Pepe Le Pew cartoons?
<Mardos> @8ball what is your outlook on french pople
<bbqbot> It is certain.
<Mardos> @8ball what is your outlook on french pople
<bbqbot> Cannot predict now.
<logcat> "omelette du fromage"
<Mardos> cheese omelette yummyyy
<GabMus> @boom logcat
<bbqbot> GabMus: Command does not exist!
<GabMus> D:
<Thracky> (hint: it's called a bomb, and you can't access the command anyways)
<MotoMudder> @commands
<bbqbot> MotoMudder: Command does not exist!
<MotoMudder> ~help
<GabMus> @commands
<bbqbot> GabMus: Command does not exist!
<GabMus> O:
<Mardos> factoryfs
<chadouming> nick logcat
<chadouming> @owners add logcat ~chadoumin@unaffiliated/chadouming
<bbqbot> User logcat got added as owner.
<Mardos> alright got a pass and it reboot it self back into download mode
<logcat> @bomb GabMus
<bbqbot> GabMus, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<GabMus> red
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> Correct wire!
<bbqbot> Bomb disarmed!
<GabMus> yay
<MotoMudder> wow!
<logcat> wtf
<logcat> HAXXER
<GabMus> lol
<logcat> given the fact that this is an almost random color choosen, i can tell you that your chance of having it right with "red" where near 4% :/
Cero has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Fissurez> ♪
<Mardos> cero9 its at the samsung screen now glowing
<Mardos> and blinks randomly
<Cero> mmm
Cero9 has quit [Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client -]
<Cero> so it isn't working?
<Mardos> no same thing stuck at boot
<GabMus> gotta go guys
<GabMus> good luck with your tablet :\
joethc has joined #teamhacksung-support
<GabMus> bye
GabMus has left #teamhacksung-support [#teamhacksung-support]
<Cero> what about recovery?
<Mardos> thanks bye
<Cero> what happens if you try to boot it?
<bbqbot> derp
<Stonos> logcat, why 4%? 1/5 = 0.2 = 20%
<Mardos> got into recoverry 3e
<Mardos> android system recovery
<Mardos> just did a complete factory wipe and tyring again
<Mardos> ok booting seeing the samsung sky and now the logo is on again
<Cero> just try to boot after the wipe
Cero has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
<Mardos> trying now
Cero9 has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Cero9> so?
<Mardos> got setup screen and im in now
<Cero9> great
<Mardos> 2.3.6
<Mardos> now i want to cm9
<Mardos> should i just flash the overcome kernel and hten cm9 ?
<Cero9> wait
<Cero9> you need a custom recovery
<Thracky> usual process for sammy devices is root, recovery, rom :P
<Thracky> dunno about tab tho
<addi> wow, carrier delays may not happen with the SGS3. TMo S3 Jelly Bean OTA leaked o_0
<Cero9> yeah, if I remember well, it's the same
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<Mardos> the overcome kernel has the recovery built in
<Cero9> oh, so yes
<Cero9> it should work
<Mardos> but do i need root first?
<Mardos> becuase overcome is odin
<Cero9> if you can flash it from download mode, I think you can just do that
<Mardos> ok flashing
<Mardos> reset pass
<Mardos> booting up lets see if it boots
<Cero9> just start downloading cm9
<Cero9> I'm not sure stock ROM will boot
<Mardos> wtff its talking... on samsung boot
<Mardos> jut said data partition
<Mardos> restore operation
<Mardos> robotic voice lool wtfff
<Cero9> o.O
<Mardos> conver system partition in 2 mins
<Thracky> addi: do you know if sources come out for the carrier specific releases? I've only ever dealt with the international versions before heh
<addi> Samsung usually posts them pretty soon for all variants, not sure though
<Mardos> sweet got cwm
<Cero9> great
<Mardos> fuck cm9 installation aborted wtf
<Cero9> why?
<Mardos> maybe a bad download
<Cero9> try the options below about signatures
<Cero9> (probably a bad download)
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<Mardos> ok downloaded again still recovery moving file over now the new one
<Cero9> ok
<Mardos> whats the best rom for hte p1000 tab
<Cero9> don't know, I sold it months ago :D
<Mardos> god damn it failed again
<Cero9> wtf
<Mardos> it says assertfailed getprop ro.product.device galaxytab getprop
<Mardos> error status 7
<Cero9> try to download another rom
<Cero9> sorry I'm not at my PC so I can't look for it
<Thracky> assertfailed usually means wrong recovery or wrong rom heh
<Thracky> well, the device assert.
<Cero9> thracky what do you mean by wrong recovery?
<bbqbot> derp
<Thracky> well, last night I flashed a recovery tar that was supposed to be for the at&t s3, but when I went to use it to flash cm10 the device assert failed.
<Thracky> so the device name was wrong
<Thracky> then I grabbed the proper one from cwm, made a tar out of it, and voila.
<Mardos> so for me now what lol
<Thracky> Mardos: where did you get the recovery from
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<Mardos> tried this and it didnt work
<Mardos> its cwm from overcome
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<Thracky> Mardos: is the p1000 wifi only?
<Mardos> no
<Mardos> 3g
<Thracky> well, the device name for it with cm is p1
<Thracky> for the gsm tab 10.1
<logcat> @changelog p1
<logcat> @download p1
<bbqbot> Download at:
<Mardos> is 2.3.6 froyo?
<logcat> nopr
<logcat> nope*
<Mardos> or gingerbread
<logcat> it's gingerbread
<logcat> froyo is 2.2
<logcat> eclair 2.1
<logcat> donut is 2.0 iirc
<Mardos> ok so i am on gingerbread god damn it hate this shit lol
<logcat> cupcake 1.6
<logcat> 1.6 donut
<logcat> 2.0 and 2.1 eclait
<logcat> eclair*
<logcat> 1.5 cupcake
<logcat> 1.0 apple pie
<MotoMudder> what was b?
<bbqbot> derp
<Thracky> try those suggestions Mardos
<Thracky> (3rd & 4th post)
<MotoMudder> Ive ran all but 1.0 and whatever B was
<Thracky> I know the OP has a 1000n but same shit.
<logcat> hmm, android 1.0 name and "b" name are often countersaid
<logcat> 1.1 was only on HTC magic
<Mardos> You can skip installing overcome rom by editing the updater script too and remove the assert line at the top and zip it back.
<Mardos> Only if you know what you are doing
<logcat> and was android bender
<Mardos> any help on that part lol
<Thracky> Mardos: Ignore that part.
<Thracky> just flash overcome in odin
GabMus has joined #teamhacksung-support
<MotoMudder> magic was after the dream
<Thracky> dude linked it on the post below
<logcat> htc dream right
<logcat> xD
<GabMus> here i am guys
<GabMus> BOMB ME
<logcat> @bomb GabMus
<bbqbot> GabMus, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<GabMus> green
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
GabMus was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was red]
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<MotoMudder> I miss that phone. the OG
<GabMus> :(
<Mardos> ok i did that already but ill do it agian
<Thracky> or that :P
<Thracky> that's for GSM, I assume that's what you have.
<Mardos> ok kernel installed
<Mardos> same error
<Mardos> trying redpill recoveryu
<Mardos> still same error i need this overcome rom
<Cero9> did you already try with another ROM?
<Mardos> yaa a official rom with odin
<Mardos> i need this overcome rom but the links are dead
<Mardos> something about MTD
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<GabMus> alleluja
<Mardos> removed the stupid assert lines from updater script then installed redpill removed assert verification or w.e it was called and now its installing system
<Mardos> rebooting again and now i see a cyanogenmod logo
<Mardos> im in now done
<Mardos> thanks for all the help everyone
goli has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Mardos> im out ofr the weekend ttyl
<GabMus> brb
GabMus has quit [Quit: GabMus]
Mardos has quit []
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<Jiangyi> Finally, the weekend.
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<GabMus> not yet
<Jiangyi> Well, for me it is. :-P
<GabMus> here i have to wait 1 more hour
<Baskey> @geo user GabMus
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for GabMus
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[2182676480,2182742015],"country":"IT","region":"","city":"","ll":[42.8333,12.8333]}
<GabMus> ???
<bbqbot> derp
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Remember my friend with the screwed-up camera? :-P
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<Jiangyi> His issue turns out to be that the PHONE F/W for the cam has never been updated through flashing anything.
<Jiangyi> And that specific F/W shows no results on Google. :-P
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: kewl
<codeworkx> #blameuser
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Not his fault that no firmware flashing would update it. :-P
<Jiangyi> Any ideas on how to make it update?
<Jiangyi> :-S
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: samsung special app on stock rom
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: can update it
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: That app tells him that he's on the newest firmware, which he's not. :-S
<Jiangyi> Us normal phones have TBEC28, he has TBEC00.
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<Jiangyi> Actually, reading about it just now shows me that the app seems to only update Cam F/W, not Phone F/W.
<Jiangyi> Screwy Samsung. :S
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<Thracky> anyone know of a decent way to do a DoD wipe of internal sd without root on the i9100? :P
<Thracky> i went back to stock GB lol, but forgot to wipe internal sd before I did.
<Thracky> just paranoid that when I sell this the shop buying it will run recovery shit on it.
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<Jiangyi> Kenji: Thanks. :-)
<Thracky> this is like the OJ trial for nerds.
<Kenji> it will probobly just be appealed anyways:P
<Thracky> oh for sure
<Thracky> regardless of the result
<Thracky> apple won't be happy with less than 2 billion
<Thracky> which is fucking retarded
<GabMus> gotta go guys
<GabMus> bye
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<Kenji> here we go
<Jiangyi> Here it comes.
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<nebkat> datagutt: peternotperfect: /i
<Thracky> HOLD ME NEBKAT! I'm scared for the verdict.
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<nebkat> Thracky: oh shiz going down?
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<Thracky> yeah
<bealtine> so corners can be patented
<Jiangyi> Aw crap.
<nebkat> crapwat?
<Jiangyi> This isn't going to be pretty. :-|
<Kenji> apple landslide
<nebkat> dammit
<nebkat> i wuz reading livestream backwords xD
<nebkat> I was thinking wtf why it aint updatin
<nebkat> haha
<Thracky> that's only one patent so far
<Jiangyi> lol
<Thracky> isn't it?
<Jiangyi> #nebkatfail
<Kenji> ye
<Jiangyi> Yeah, but that's a lot of devices.
<Jiangyi> :-|
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<Kenji> but setting a president:P
<Thracky> precedent :P
<bealtine> president:)
<Thracky> looks like an apple fanboy jury
<Kenji> what ever! :P
* Jiangyi is glad to live in Canada now
<Thracky> probably a case of " 'Merica, fuck those slanteyes!"
<Jiangyi> No stupid bans here :P
<nebkat> this Koh person seems like a fucking idiot btw
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<Kenji> just hope they dont say yes on the tradedress
<nebkat> shit goin down rite?
<bbqbot> derp
<Kenji> also they can still say the patents are invalide
<Kenji> samsung can infringe the patents, but they can be invalide
<Thracky> oh really?
<Thracky> so why do it in this order?
<Kenji> jury form is retarded:P
<nebkat> why cant I just rule the world?
<nebkat> when I become a multi-trillionaire im gonna buy all of apple's shares then close it down
<Thracky> I really hope the iphone 5 flops.
<Thracky> that would be great.
<Drybones> So it looks like Samsung lost the enture trial?
<bealtine> you'd outlaw rounded corners right?
<Drybones> and Apple's invalid patents are not validated?
<Thracky> Drybones: not necessarily.
<nebkat> look
<nebkat> they got the rectangle
<Thracky> Drybones: the jury form doesn't handle the validity yet.
<nebkat> im gonna get the square
<nebkat> :D
<nebkat> im gonna earn sooo much money
<bealtine> pairabollix
<Thracky> ty
<nebkat> tnx
<Thracky> lol
<Jiangyi> So many lines...... @_@
<Kenji> question 11 is the big one
<Thracky> sue them. it's square.
<Thracky> you own that shape
<Thracky> question 10 is kinda big too
<Thracky> willful infringement
<nebkat> true
<Kenji> ye but it doens't matter if they are invalide
<Thracky> yeah but the likelihood of them agreeing that it was willful AND invalid are slim.
<Thracky> woo a NO :P
<Kenji> so no on tablets
<nebkat> are they not skipping 10 and 11
<nebkat> only doing 9?
<bbqbot> derp
<Thracky> 9 = 10
<nebkat> I dont understand what they mean on question 9 with the skipping
<Thracky> I think
<nebkat> hmk
<Kenji> lot of yes on willfull infringement :P
* Jiangyi is lost
<nebkat> fuckers
<nebkat> guys
<nebkat> lets get some hitmen
<Thracky> oh maybe this is 9
<nebkat> to kill them idiots
<Thracky> I dunno
<Thracky> liveblogger fucked up
<Thracky> this is whether samsung should have known
<Thracky> fuck
<nebkat> what?
<Thracky> hope they invalidate some patents
<Kenji> 11 coming up, lets invalide som pattents!
<Thracky> but I doubt it
<nebkat> hmk
<nebkat> Thracky: verge?
<bealtine> nIH syndromw at work
<Thracky> yea nebkat
<zcat> Depressing. Samsung better get vindicated on appeal
<nebkat> idioootes
<Thracky> yeah there will be appeal for sure
<Kenji> that has been samsongs defence really, not that they didn't break patents but that they are invalide
<nebkat> appul Y U SUCH IDIOTTICCO
<Thracky> litigate, don't innovate.
<Thracky> not one invalid patent
<Thracky> what bullshit
<nebkat> (the page about the fruit :D )
<bealtine> that sucks
<nebkat> this jury must be on pot or something
<Thracky> only the ip3g is trade dress protectable though
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<nebkat> they're worse than me
<nebkat> Thracky: wat wit da big 15?
<Thracky> question 15
<Jiangyi> OK so only the older devices.
<nebkat> honestly
<Thracky> the trade dress thing isn't going so badly
<Thracky> and damages won't be that high
<nebkat> why dont they just ditch america
<Thracky> or shouldn't be
<nebkat> europe ftw!
<nebkat> and forget about apple
<nebkat> they'll die with only 300 million people to earn from
<nebkat> heheheheheehheheheheehhehe
<nebkat> and samsung gets the rest of the world
<nebkat> #nebkat-logic
<Thracky> that's the thing right, this shit only stands in the US.
<Jiangyi> Nah, Canada's the way to go. :-P
<Thracky> no Jiangyi, harper is basically american and will do whatever big brother asks.
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<bealtine> 3 moose and some guy in newfoundland?
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<Jiangyi> Thracky: I have yet to see Harper do anything uber idiotte :P
<Thracky> because you're not paying attention :P
<Jiangyi> touche.
<Thracky> o shit
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<Thracky> most 15 year olds don't give a shit about politics and I don't blame you
<Thracky> they'll appeal those damages for sure
<Kenji> 1.51 billion damages
<Jiangyi> I care a bit, not a ton though. :-P
<Kenji> or 1.05 mabye that is
<Jiangyi> Ouch.
<Thracky> yeah
<Thracky> better than 2.75
<Thracky> :P
<Thracky> but still
<Thracky> they'll appeal
<Thracky> and there's still the issue of samsung's patents
<Thracky> I feel like that won't go so well though
<nebkat> I guess
<Kenji> ye
<nebkat> it is partially sammies fault
<nebkat> they shouldnt have copied that shit in the first place
<Thracky> the thing is, the money is irrelevant. it makes little difference to either company
<Jiangyi> It's all Steve Jobs' fault!
<nebkat> Thracky: 1 billion, you sure?
<Thracky> and the only devices possibly barred would be older ones.
<nebkat> well
<nebkat> I guess they'll handle it
<nebkat> im off
<nebkat> ttyt
<Thracky> heh later
<Kenji> they will feel a billion
<Kenji> but it won't ruin them:P
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<Thracky> that's my point
<Thracky> long term it's meaningless.
<Jiangyi> it's chimp change to a company like Sammy. :P
<Thracky> well, and apple.
<Thracky> they're gonna say no on all these patents
<Thracky> for sure
<Kenji> looks like it
<Thracky> cause they're douches
<zcat> imagine if Steve Jobs founded Ford instead of Henry ford... everybody else would be sued for 4-wheels, and the ground-breaking steering wheel & foot pedal interface
<Kenji> wasn't flashy enough
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<Thracky> zcat: definitely
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<nebkat> ok wait
<nebkat> I just saw this shit
<Jiangyi> chump*
<nebkat> wtf
<nebkat> for samsung's shit it is all YES
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<Guest56517> and for apple it is all NO
<Thracky> yup
<Thracky> of course
Guest56517 is now known as nebkat|webchat
<Thracky> apple owns everything
<nebkat|webchat> wtf
<nebkat|webchat> what were samsungs patents?
<zcat> magical
<nebkat|webchat> were they pretty obvious?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat|webchat> or kinda meh
<Thracky> well I can certainly say I will never ever even consider buying an apple product after this shit :P
<Kenji> very technical nebkat|webchat
<Kenji> network implementation stuff
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<nebkat|webchat> Thracky: and you have considered it so far?
<nebkat|webchat> Thracky: idiotte
<Bilange> Brace yourselves, Apple lawsuits are coming :(
<Thracky> nebkat|webchat: I did get an ipad 1 for 30 bucks.
<Thracky> so I don't feel bad about that
<nebkat|webchat> dammit
<nebkat|webchat> I would kick if I had op
<nebkat|webchat> lol
<nebkat|webchat> wtf
<Thracky> I never use it though
<nebkat|webchat> apple 0, samsung 1 billion
<nebkat|webchat> WTF
<Thracky> and I'd still rather have a nexus 7
<Thracky> Google needs to take down apple :P
<Jiangyi> Well, here comes the nightmare for Sammy.
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<nebkat|webchat> wat now
<Thracky> they're going to appeal it anyways
<Kenji> more like ppl need to stop selling shit in the us:P
<Thracky> just a question of what grounds
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<nebkat|webchat> wat dat meenz now?
<Bilange> at least samsung got away with the tablets (so I understood)
<Kenji> ye
<Jiangyi> Screw US anyways. :-P
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<bealtine> the real deal^
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<Jiangyi> Wait, so is it done?
<Kenji> so then i guess you can in fact patent a rounded square
<nebkat|webchat> dudez
<nebkat|webchat> lets make petition on obama petition site thing
<nebkat|webchat> im off for real
<nebkat|webchat> bai
<Jiangyi> nebkat|webchat: Doesn't do shit AFAIK.
<Thracky> nope never has
<bealtine> so if you make square mobile phones...stop apple owns that
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<Kenji> samsung q4 2011 operating profits 4.7 billion
<Thracky> yeah that's a big chunk of money then, but again, not the end of the world.
<Thracky> s3 is selling well
<Thracky> note is doing well
<Thracky> note 2 will probably do well
<bealtine> i just bought an s3
<bealtine> :)
<Thracky> note tablet should do well also
<Thracky> I got my s3 yesterday also heh
<bealtine> i was offered an iphone or an s3
<Kenji> i'd say about a month of profits is worth it for the dominent market share samsung has now
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<Thracky> Kenji: yup, 11 more months where that came from.
<bealtine> i chose an iphone :~P
<Jiangyi> S3 > iPhone
<Jiangyi> Even though i give S3 a lot of flak.
<bealtine> cos i knew apple owned rund corners
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<evil-doer> a month of world profits. this trial was for US phones only
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<Kenji> "Samsung's Q2 2012 earnings show $5.86 billion operating profit"
<Thracky> Jiangyi: honestly, once touchwiz is gone, it's fucking awesome.
<koud> Kenji: is that only phone department?
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<Jiangyi> Well, I give the Intl S3 a lot of flak. NA S3 is better. :p
<bealtine> the US version of the s3 sucks anyway
<Kenji> koud: no, hole company
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<Thracky> bealtine: how so?
<Jiangyi> bealtine: I beg to disagree.
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<koud> I guess it would be most fair to just compare their profit of those phones that have been accused of infringine
<bealtine> its not nearly as powerful as the international ver
<koud> probably not close to the fine
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<Thracky> bealtine: benchmarks.
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<bealtine> its dualcore underpowered in comparison
<Kenji> looks like about 3 billions came from phone sale koud
<Thracky> it's quad core.
<bealtine> not the sme processor tho
<Thracky> oh wait
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<koud> Kenji: yeah but then you check us only and only those phones :P
<Kenji> ye
<Kenji> i'm guessing that not 1/3 of that came from the us
<Kenji> they are not that many people
<Kenji> but still this is just 1 quarter, damages are for total sales
<Thracky> benchmarks are kinda split between the US S3 variants and the i9300
<Thracky> US has an advantage on some, intl on others.
<Thracky> mali seems to handle the graphics better
<Thracky> but I don't game on my phone so I don't care
<Jiangyi> Snapdragon S4 and A15-like architecture. :-P
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<Kenji> Judge Koh is back in the courtroom. There are at least two problems with the verdict form.