bbqbot changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | GETT SMARTSTAY EX NAO | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <codeworkx> samsung phones are accidents | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting.
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<Jiangyi> xplodwild: Only 1 signature so far? o.o
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild> just created
<Jiangyi> Ah.
<Jiangyi> I never understood why these things needed your address. :-P
<Jiangyi> Time to use my old one!
<xplodwild> heh
<Jiangyi> xplodwild: All done. I'll send it around too. :-P
<xplodwild> Jiangyi: it's funny, some people like, some people dislike
<xplodwild> what's scaring me is that the only way to get in a mission without having to wait hours is through valve official matchmaking
<xplodwild> otherwise I'm fearing that you have to wait hours for either a free slot or having someone join you
<Jiangyi> xplodwild: I don't even play TF2, but I'm on your side on this, it makes sense. :-P
<xplodwild> well now I might be wrong but MvM requires someone to be present at the beginning of a mission, and throughout the full mission
<xplodwild> I don't think you can join in the middle of it (that would be nonsense)
<xplodwild> Now I can't wait to see all these people spend hundreds of dollars to play regularly
<Jiangyi> I understand that it's a game with a F2P structure and all, but hundreds of dollars is just too much.
<Jiangyi> I sure hope that doesn't get approved. ._.
* Jiangyi does not like that animation at all.
<xplodwild> Jiangyi: I hope so too
<Jiangyi> xplodwild: Isn't that the one that you called ugly a while back? :-P
<xplodwild> very likely
<Kenji> seems kinda boring
<Jiangyi> Seriously though, the userbase should decide on these things. =\
<xplodwild> hop, -1'd
<Alram> <xplodwild> what's scaring me is that the only way to get in a mission without having to wait hours is through valve official matchmaking
* Alram pats xplodwild on the back
<Alram> its ok
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<xplodwild> Alram: well we'll see
<xplodwild> but I'm very skeptical
<Jiangyi> lol xplodwild has spoken! It shall not be approved! xD
<Alram> im not
<Alram> uhh ok Jiangyi
<Alram> anyways xplodwild, if this does not work out
<Alram> Valve will remedy it
<Jiangyi> Alram: I'm talking about the boot animation, not the Valve thing lol
<Alram> oh ok
<Alram> They don't want people not to play MvM because they have to pay
<Alram> And the missions can be recreated just fine on custom servers, you just dont get lewts
<xplodwild> I don't care about the hats (I have like 48 refined metal in my inventory), I just don't want to be mad because I can't make a proper game
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<xplodwild> I had my inventory full of weapons, so a few days ago I spent half an hour crafting everything
<Alram> And even so
<Alram> You can get tickets by trading apparently
<Alram> Current price is at 2 refined (and its not even out yet)
<xplodwild> oh?
<xplodwild> well trade with other players?
<Alram> if this is true and tickets are tradable
<Alram> i do not actually mind anymore
<xplodwild> well tickets are tradable
<xplodwild> I read it multiple times on fp
<Alram> read it yeah
<Entropy512> so TF2 now has an economy???
<Alram> havent read it myself on the tf site
<Alram> please Entropy512 they hired a top notch economist a while back
* Jiangyi is going to go ask a bunch of users whether they like that boot anim or not
<Alram> just to oversee it
<Alram> sorry for the offtopic Jiangyi :P
<Jiangyi> They hired an economist!? :O
<Thiagovfar> What for are the tickets?
<Jiangyi> I am impressed.
<Entropy512> I know WoW has done that but not TF2
<Entropy512> or wait not WoW
<Entropy512> EVE
<Entropy512> CCP hired an economist for EVE
<Jiangyi> Alram: It's ok, this is interesting anyways xD
<Thiagovfar> EVE is one giant game world. Nothing can go wrong, or everyone is screwed.
<Entropy512> time to do my final N7000 build before trying to switch to the _new kernel
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<mongi> hey sinc
<mongi> you still there?
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild> Alram: hmm, looks like tickets are consumed only for new missions
<Alram> Q: What if I complete a Mission that I have already completed on my Tour of Duty Badge?
<Alram> In this case, your Tour of Duty Ticket will not be consumed, and your ToDB progress will not be updated.
<Alram> yep.
<xplodwild> was this Q already there or they added?
<mongi> tried again, mass storage get 1.2 mb. but mtp gets higher, but is fails while transfering
<Thiagovfar> So I have this guy asking if I can make this patch on JB. Is it necessary for me to do so, or should I expect it to be merged on its own?
<Alram> was there already xplodwild
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: I'd say do it again for jb. :-P
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: So, let's build jb.
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: You don't have to build the entire thing, just Apollo xD
<xplodwild> Alram: they should've put it on top
<Alram> yeah
<xplodwild> I guess everybody stopped after the few first questions speaking mostly about money
<mongi> hey guys
<mongi> who here is i9100 user?
<xplodwild> mongi: just ask
<mongi> about file transfer, i'm getting only 1.2 mb/s =s
<mongi> is that normal?
<xplodwild> UMS or MTP?
<mongi> ums...
<xplodwild> UMS is known to be slow. #itsnotabugitsafeature
<mongi> but i changed to mtp on cm10
<xplodwild> #wontfix
<mongi> is crashed the transfer
<mongi> trying in cm9 again to see
<mongi> thanks xplodwild
<Kuzon> #hashtagsnotontwitter
<mongi> how to change to MTP in cm9?
<bbqbot> derp
<mongi> since when conected go right to ums
<xplodwild> settings
<xplodwild> storage
<xplodwild> menu
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: It seems to me that apollo depends on many other things
<mongi> thanks one more time, xplodwild
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: You'll need to sync the whole repo yes, but you can just build Apollo, not the whole ROM.
<xplodwild> TF2 MvM update rollout starting
<Thracky> yeah I see a bunch of people playing tf2 on my steam friends lol
<xplodwild> Thracky: update hasn't pushed yet
<xplodwild> but HLDS mailing list got a ping
<xplodwild> "beginning rollout"
<xplodwild> so update should be pushed on steam soon
<xplodwild> I'd love to be at Valve right now to see how stuff happens
<xplodwild> it's interesting to know how to manage and push updates to an international worldwide CDN connected to game files
<Thiagovfar> I think I've asked this before. Nevertheless: How do I switch my repo from ICS to JB?
<xplodwild> repo checkout jellybean ?
<Thiagovfar> xplodwild: is that an answer ?
<Thiagovfar> lolkidding
<Jiangyi> ...... You can do that?! O_O
* Jiangyi learned something new today
<Thracky> ahh the wonder of youth.
<Thracky> I actually still react like that on a daily basis lol
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<Jiangyi> lol
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<Jiangyi> Hmm.... It appears that there's a Wikipedia article on cyanogen. o_o
<Jiangyi> Like CM cyanogen, not the chemical compound.
<xplodwild> annnd update started
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<Thiagovfar> xplodwild: repo checkout jellybean: error: no project has branch jellybean
<Thracky> prolly need to add the hacksung stuff into your local_manifest.xml
<xplodwild> Thiagovfar: then init with different branch
<Thiagovfar> can I re-init the tree?
<Thiagovfar> or have to download it all again?
<xplodwild> download
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<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: It's painful I know. I've done it 4 times already. :-S
<Jiangyi> About to do it for the 5th time soon. T_T
<xplodwild> next time setup a local mirror
<Jiangyi> xplodwild: Haven't the disk space. :-(
<Thiagovfar> cd .repo/manifests; git checkout jellybean; cd -; repo sync
<Jiangyi> ..... I showed this one user that bootanim, his reaction: "Looks like the opening scene of Pokemon."
<Jiangyi> ._.
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: I just initialized the jellybean branch in another folder and sync'd it separately from the ics branch. :-P
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<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: I don't have hdd space to keep two cm trees
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Ah. That sucks.
* Jiangyi doesn't have a ton of disk space, but has enough to keep both trees
<Thiagovfar> I have like 7 different partitions
<Thiagovfar> 4 of them inherited from my now dead laptop
<Thiagovfar> This thing is a mess
<Thiagovfar> And I used to work with windows, so my ubuntu partition is *this* thin
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* Jiangyi freed out an 80GB IDE drive for Linux :P
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* Thiagovfar can't do that on a laptop
<Thiagovfar> this guy here is going to sleep. Good night.
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<Jiangyi> Good night!
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<lodder_> the memory leak issue with the hwcomposer for the sgs2 i9100 , is it still an issue with the latest build 1508? Or can it only be solved with a new blob from samsung?
<bbqbot> derp
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<gladiac1337> hey lodder, what kind of memory leak issue are you referring to?
<gladiac1337> i was on vacation the last two weeks and did not really follow development
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<GabMus> hello everybody
<IamSachin> old news? :P
<GabMus> dunno, lets see
<GabMus> maybe
<GabMus> i think that sgs3 already has jb support
<lodder_> gladiac1337: the leak with the system getting really slow, low memory error
<IamSachin> they didnt have updated blobs
<IamSachin> did any one try XXDLG4 leak?
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<GabMus> do you see that in the top right corner there is the old android market icon instead of the new play store one?
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<GabMus> :[
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<IamSachin> Yeah, old icon
<GabMus> why i ask :P
<GabMus> and possibly how do i fix it
<GabMus> (or "i do fix it"?)
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<GabMus> IamSachin: any idea? it is ugly!
<bbqbot> derp
* gladiac1337 gets some more coffee - why the hell am i so tired?!
<IamSachin> use Apex/Nova maybe :P
<GabMus> :[
<GabMus> no way to fix it in the original cm10 launcher?
<IamSachin> actually while making the build for an app, all such stuff go into drawables folder...which comes under compiled stuff...if it is in assets then maybe we can
<IamSachin> but i doubt
<GabMus> so, if i find a way to... decompile the launcher apk
<GabMus> replace the image
<GabMus> and re-compile it
<GabMus> it will be done
<GabMus> but it is a system apk
<GabMus> and i usually try not to fuck up with system stuff
<IamSachin> I have just started learning android app dev...i think you should ask nebkat, he handled the trebuchet part
<GabMus> ill keep the old icon... they'll fix it a day or another
<GabMus> do you?
<GabMus> ok, i no more care about that icon
<IamSachin> I have been using Apex since day one though, not that i dont like trebuchet, but apex is much more customizable
<GabMus> do you think so=
<GabMus> ?
<GabMus> AND what about resources? do apex use less resources than trebuchet?
<IamSachin> yeah, but again it is individual preference
<IamSachin> i think it uses a little more, but on devices like S2/S3 you should not worry about that
<GabMus> i worry about battery life
<GabMus> ok, ill try it
<GabMus> 3€ D:
<GabMus> mh...
<IamSachin> doesnt cause any wakelocks and its not a memory hog :P
<IamSachin> so do try it
<GabMus> oh oh
<GabMus> old ics style
<IamSachin> Apex is JB style
<IamSachin> now
<IamSachin> compiled from JB source
<GabMus> maybe screenshots are old
<IamSachin> there is not much visual difference between the two
<IamSachin> its more of functionality
<IamSachin> auto arrange icons and all
<GabMus> what about nova launcher?
<GabMus> is it better?
<bbqbot> derp
<IamSachin> Both are on par ... you can use either one of them, I support Apex more coz updates are very fast and the developer is very interactive
<GabMus> nice
<GabMus> bought
<GabMus> lets see
<IamSachin> you can try first and buy later
<GabMus> nah
<GabMus> i think ill use it
<IamSachin> unless u are super rich :P
<IamSachin> okk :)
<GabMus> pretty similar to the original one
<GabMus> 3€ loss isnt that negative
<IamSachin> yeah, crafted from original launcher
<GabMus> oh
<GabMus> the pro version is just an unlocker
<GabMus> nice
<IamSachin> it unlocks many features
<GabMus> yeah
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<cantIntoCode> hmm jb leak for i9300
<cantIntoCode> idk wether to try it or not ;p
<cantIntoCode> yep
<IamSachin> official firmware, never :P
<IamSachin> updated CM10 with new blobs, hell yeah :D
<GabMus> new blobs?
<GabMus> define a blob
<cantIntoCode> jb blobs
<cantIntoCode> binarys
<GabMus> i still dont get it
<cantIntoCode> look up what a binary is
<IamSachin> consider them as drivers :P
<GabMus> oh
<GabMus> kernel extensions
<GabMus> nece
<GabMus> nice*
<IamSachin> exactly
<GabMus> wait a second
<GabMus> when was released this version?
<GabMus> and are we talking about the i9100?
<xEnt> .join #projectrsc
<GabMus> xEnt: why
<cantIntoCode> I think he meant / instead of .
<GabMus> oh
<IamSachin> GabMus: this is for i9300
<GabMus> ok
<h4rdco2e_> Galery is not showing my Photos!!!
<cantIntoCode> omfg!!!!11onee!!!!111!!
<GabMus> wut?
<IamSachin> see if there is .nomedia file in pictures folder
<h4rdco2e_> IamSachin: In DCim is no .nomedia folder
<cantIntoCode> not folder
<cantIntoCode> file
<h4rdco2e_> cantIntoCode: There is no folder/file with . on the begining
<cantIntoCode> idk then
<cantIntoCode> ask the people in #cyanogenmod
<h4rdco2e_> codeworkx: Gallery is not showing my Pictures
<h4rdco2e_> cantIntoCode: SDcard has a .nomedia file wtf?
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<cantIntoCode> theres your problem
<cantIntoCode> delete that file
<cantIntoCode> reboot
<GabMus> what does it do?
<cantIntoCode> hides files from gallery
<h4rdco2e> GabMus: skips mediascanner
<GabMus> awesome!
<GabMus> i want it :3
<GabMus> save it somewhere and send it to me!
<GabMus> please
<h4rdco2e> GabMus: ok
<IamSachin> just make an empty file in notepad
<IamSachin> save it as .nomedia
<GabMus> oh
<cantIntoCode> this ^
<h4rdco2e> GabMus: give me a mopent
<GabMus> it cecks the name
<cantIntoCode> this .nomedia file is not sacred
<GabMus> dont worry h4rdco2e
<cantIntoCode> or
<cantIntoCode> open up terminal
<cantIntoCode> touch .nomedia
<GabMus> i think it is just an empty file
<h4rdco2e> GabMus: it is
<GabMus> ok
<GabMus> can someone tell me why nano doesnt work on term emulator?
<bbqbot> derp
<GabMus> it says... wait, im cecking
<GabMus> "error opening terminal: screen"
<h4rdco2e> how do I start mediascanner?
<GabMus> reboot
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<GabMus> i have not this problem
<h4rdco2e> GabMus: I've got many many many files on my i9100
<h4rdco2e> ~10000
<h4rdco2e> 2000 songs
<h4rdco2e> 1000 pictures
<h4rdco2e> 7000 porn movies hahahahaha, just kidding
<GabMus> massive
<GabMus> collection
pier|afk is now known as pier
<GabMus> i have kinda 500 songs
<GabMus> just a few pictures
<GabMus> not much
<h4rdco2e> This could be a battery lack on my phone
<GabMus> yep
<GabMus> try using that nice .nomedia file
<GabMus> oh
<GabMus> i have a question
<GabMus> is there a way to mount my sgs2 as mass storage?
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<IamSachin> i missed mass storage in the beginning, but trust me MTP is much better than MS
<GabMus> i dont fuckin use windows
<GabMus> and mtp works fine just on windows
<IamSachin> I use a macbook too, works perfect
<gladiac1337> gabmus: mtp works fine on linux, too :)
<IamSachin> u need to install android file transfer
<GabMus> android file transfer is a crap
<IamSachin> works perfect here :)
<GabMus> how do you make mtp work on linux?
<GabMus> i tried uploading my music library, it stops with an error
<GabMus> how do you make it work on GNU/Linux
<codeworkx> libmtp
<gladiac1337> yes, libmtp
<gladiac1337> gvfs makes use of that
<GabMus> or gmtp
<GabMus> ok, ill try it
<IamSachin> anyone tried the JB leak ?
<GabMus> what?
<gladiac1337> on my gnome3 (fallback) it's really a plug and play experience
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<GabMus> IamSachin: define JB leak
<IamSachin> this leak :P
<GabMus> oh
<GabMus> i have an sII
<GabMus> so nope :P
<IamSachin> :)
<GabMus> brb
<IamSachin> h4rdco2e: how do you confrm? :D
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> GabMus: install mtp-tools and mtpfs
<h4rdco2e> IamSachin: I hope that it is Updated
<IamSachin> haha :P
<h4rdco2e> IamSachin: This would be very very nice for SGS2 user
<GabMus> here i am
<GabMus> ok, ill try
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: is Sammys JB also shit?
<codeworkx> dunno
<codeworkx> probably. its using crapwiz
<GabMus> going to make coffe :P
<IamSachin> yeah it is using TouchWiz, we need blobs only though ...
<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: why fot s2 users?
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: HWcomposer?
<codeworkx> will probably not work
<h4rdco2e> but why?
<codeworkx> different
<codeworkx> depencies
<codeworkx> inconsistency
<IamSachin> codeworkx: did u have a look at the leak? for blobs?
<codeworkx> no
<IamSachin> for s3
<IamSachin> okk
<codeworkx> some people have to work
<codeworkx> maybe saturday
<GabMus> wait a minute... are you THAT codeworkxx?
<GabMus> the cm developer?
<bbqbot> derp
<IamSachin> LOL hahahaha :P
<GabMus> freakin bbqbot
<h4rdco2e> GabMus: *__*
<GabMus> ???????
<GabMus> wait
<GabMus> '
<IamSachin> yeah he is the one :D ... what did you think man?
<GabMus> ?
<GabMus> ?
<GabMus> ?
<GabMus> ?
<GabMus> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<GabMus> ?
<GabMus> ?
<GabMus> here derp is
<codeworkx> derp
<GabMus> lol
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx is famous lol
<GabMus> yeah i knwo
<GabMus> thats why im surprised he is here chatting with common mortals
<IamSachin> cody is more famous than rebecca black
<codeworkx> yay, imma rockstar
<gladiac1337> plus you have groupies
<GabMus> i really love the work that you and your team are doin :D
<GabMus> ok, ceckin coffe... brb
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<GabMus> coffeeeeeeee
<GabMus> tasty :3
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<h4rdco2e> GabMus: Mediascanner does his job
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<GabMus> nice
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<GabMus> ok guys, gotta go. See ya
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<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: why does the phone restarts sometimes?
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<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: log or it didnt happen
<h4rdco2e> sure
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<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: logcat couldn't help, because if I connect the phone to the PC it will never enters Deepsleep
<h4rdco2e> It's nearly like Kernelpanic's but just the system prozess crashes and I have to enter the PIn anagin
<h4rdco2e> maybe its kernelpanics
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<codeworkx> wifi adb
<codeworkx> last_kmsg?
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<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: ok, sec
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<Assid> wifi adb started working again ?
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<h4rdco2e> Assid: no it doesn't -.-
<h4rdco2e> I tried
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<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: It just happens if I'm connected to Mobile networkx
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<Xeon3D> ssure
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<h4rdco2e> nebkatt: no problem
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<Xeon3D> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 tf300t
<Xeon3D> @downloads galaxys2
<bbqbot> Download at:
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<nebkat|s3> please somwan
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<nebkat|s3> Jiangyi:
<nebkat|s3> Jiangyi:
<nebkat|s3> Jiangyi:
<nebkat|s3> Jiangyi:
<nebkat|s3> Jiangyi:
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|s3:
<h4rdco2e> n
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|s3:
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|s3:
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<nebkat|s3> h4rdco2e: can u crop a pic for me?
<h4rdco2e> h4rdco2e: yes
<h4rdco2e> h4rdco2e: gimme link
<nebkat|s3> Chuck_Bartowski: w00t
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|s3: send me the picture!
<nebkat|s3> h4rdco2e: you need to pixel perfect crop the switches on the right
<Chuck_Bartowski> nebkat|s3: nothing
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|s3: no problem
<nebkat|s3> Chuck_Bartowski: bart bartowski
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<h4rdco2e> nebkat|s3: you nee the ON thing?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Chuck_Bartowski> nebkat|s3: s3|nebkat
<tat-> hm. phone has asked me for pin a couple of times the last hour. apperently it havent rebooted
<nebkat|s3> h4rdco2e: tnxx
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<h4rdco2e> nebkat|s3: is this what you want?
<nebkat|s3> h4rdco2e: wat
<nebkat|s3> oh
<nebkat|s3> h4rdco2e: no
<nebkat|s3> h4rdco2e: the whole switch
<nebkat|s3> with the part on the right
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<nebkat|s3> also gief raw link if posdible
<nebkat|s3> takes too long too load
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<nebkat|s3> h4rdco2e: send again plz
<nebkat|s3> dc'd
<nebkat|s3> h4rdco2e: perfect
<nebkat|s3> h4rdco2e: same for the one in off state
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|s3: :-) its the Switch on the right side!
<nebkat|s3> was that the 2nd or 4th switch?
<nebkat|s3> of all 4
<h4rdco2e> the 4th and the 3th
<h4rdco2e> Or do you want all of them?
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|s3: Do you want all 4 switches?
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<h4rdco2e> @dood cdesai
<bbqbot> cdesai: what up dood
<IamSachin> addi: whats up dood
<addi> h4rdco2e,
<addi> whats up dood
<addi> IamSachin,
<addi> whats up dood
<h4rdco2e> addi: OP me
<addi> i is not allowed
<tat-> was rild changed in the 20120815 i9100 build?
<h4rdco2e> tat-: do not update
<tat-> i'm allready on it :-p
<h4rdco2e> tat-: Kernel Panics ;-)
<tat-> i dont get kernel panics, but rild keeps crashing
<h4rdco2e> tat-: mhm
<h4rdco2e> But more crashes than becore :-(
<tat-> up time: 11:11:38, idle time: 17:57:08, sleep time: 01:48:15
<tat-> so, anyone know if it was changed? guess i could just flash the old rild back.
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<tat-> hm, no. same md5sum for system/bin/rild in 20120812 and 20120815
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<tat-> ah, its libril
<tat-> those doesnt seems to be changed either
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<ernie`> How are you today, good people.
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<Cubox> xplodwild: ping
<xplodwild> Cubox: pong
<Cubox> So, du you have news of my files ?
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<IamSachin> xplodwild: leaked blobs any good? :P
<xplodwild> IamSachin: not so much
<IamSachin> hmm :(
<ernie`> shame
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<Thracky> just like the ics leaks, not really super useful until source is out.
<IamSachin> yeah
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<Thracky> strange, my network is dropping every few minutes or so until I force something to attempt to use data again
<Thracky> doing a radio logcat to see what happens.
<ernie`> lets show up at samsung HQ and demand sources!
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<Thracky> or just wait until an official rom release then they release the source.
<IamSachin> only kernel sources, no userspace sources :P
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<mongi> let's hope it's true =D
<mongi> hey guys, when the phone is conected via MTP, to disconected is it safe just to unplug the phone?
<mongi> No need to someway do a safe remove?
<addi> no need
<mongi> just unplug?
<mongi> is that right?
<addi> even with mass storage, the default setting in Windows doesn't require you to unplug USB devices ;)
<mongi> hm... thanks
<addi> USB devices are set to "Quick Removal" in device settings = not needed to safely remove unless you know you're writing something to the drive
<mongi> thanks addi
<mongi> addi, does your phone in UMS gets what speed in file tranfer?
<addi> doesn't tell, but seems good enough
<mongi> mine doesn't tell in MTP, in UMS get's only 1.2mb/s
<addi> ah, wait, sorry. i meant MTP. UMS not there on my GNex :p
<mongi> haha, ok ;p
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<mongi> thanks one more time, dude
<addi> mongi, see, default setting for all USB devices on Windows, which not many know and hence religiously safely remove drives :P
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<mongi> hm... now I remember, have seen this once. Now I wonder if changing to better perfomance, the transfer gets faster... will test latter
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<mongi> addi, nice man. will read
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<wayno93> Hi, my RIL and baseband don't match, could this be the reason for poor signal?
<mongi> wayno93: where do you check the RIL?
<lodder_> getril probl?
<bbqbot> derp
<wayno93> yeah getril
<mongi> hmmm
<wayno93> i have LPO RIL and LPS baseband... I was on the understanding that lps was the best modem for the uk
<lodder_> I changed it also using that program and had a beter reception
<wayno93> took the punt and installed the lq5 ril it recommended
<Tr0jAn> wayno93 Im in uk and find xxlpx modem is pretty good
<wayno93> Tr0jAn: I'll give that one a go then
<wayno93> did you install manually or using getril?
<Tr0jAn> im on t-mobile
<Tr0jAn> installed from cwm recovery
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<Veyka> derp
<Tr0jAn> ?
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<wayno93> just downloading it from codeworkx page, I'm on virgin too so I assume I would see the same performance as you
<Tr0jAn> hopefully.. but it seems to change on each phone so hit and miss
<wayno93> are you on cm10?
<Tr0jAn> I am
<Tr0jAn> sgs2
<Tr0jAn> A stripped out version of codeworkx 15th build date
<wayno93> same but the normal version
<Tr0jAn> ahh ok
<wayno93> did you remove the tvout apk?
<Tr0jAn> yes
<Tr0jAn> and a load of other stuff ;)
<wayno93> lol
<Tr0jAn> mines 85mb in size
<wayno93> another thing i have noticed is that it's not possible to enter download mode from the power menu
<Tr0jAn> yes it is
<Tr0jAn> Im looking at it now
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<wayno93> mine just reboots :s
<Tr0jAn> mine goes into downlaod
<wayno93> recovery mode works for me but download doenst
<Tr0jAn> let me test now
<Tr0jAn> here goes
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<Tr0jAn> yea.. download mode
<Tr0jAn> working as it should
<wayno93> ah, somethings gone wrong on my phone somewhere then
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<wayno93> just tried it again and it just reboots straight into cm10
<wayno93> signal has definitely increased now though, gone from half to full, thanks
<Tr0jAn> ;) see what its like after a few hours
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<Jiangyi> Damn
* Jiangyi randomly shot compressed iar at his keyboard
<Jiangyi> Whole bunch of dust came right out onto my table. ._.
<Thracky> those are dead skin cells from your penis
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<Thracky> yeah I've done it before mongi
<mongi> works?
<Thracky> there's similar methods for pin and password unlock iirc
<Thracky> yes it works
<mongi> =s
<Thracky> but if the phone doesn't have debug on you're fucked :P
<mongi> i don't have haha
<mongi> either you're fucked or safe haha
<Pulser> wait... that won't work without root
<Pulser> you can't just mess around in /data/data without root
<mongi> but cm7 had the option to send the pattern to your email...
<mongi> doesn't?
<bbqbot> derp
<mongi> yello
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<Jiangyi> thracky: .......... o_O daflip?
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<jethro> hi guys. built cm10 from source today, gallery won't display my old photos, just the ones shot after the update. They are all in the same directory on the same filesystem tho, any reason for that? I noticed I have over 1G of photos, is there a limit somewhere?
<Jiangyi> jethro: It takes the system time to index them or something.
<jethro> it did not happen with earlier builds of cm10
<jethro> I tried a reboot but it did nothing
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<mongi> search about media scanner on treath
<mongi> is something about this
<Thracky> Jiangyi: ??
<bbqbot> derp
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<jethro> so let the media scanner run while display is on ?
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<Jiangyi> <Jiangyi> Damn
<Jiangyi> -*- Jiangyi randomly shot compressed iar at his keyboard
<Jiangyi> <Thracky> those are dead skin cells from your penis
<Jiangyi> <Jiangyi> Whole bunch of dust came right out onto my table. ._.
<Jiangyi> <Jiangyi> thracky: .......... o_O daflip?
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<mongi> i'd like to see an app by cm just as samsung's memo
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<macross> hello
<macross> is this kernel acceptable for cm10 ?
<bbqbot> derp
<macross> <witty response referencing reddit>
<macross> i think that's recursive
<mongi> it says ics on topic...
<macross> omg hehe
<macross> first line even
<mongi> haha
<Thracky> Jiangyi: oh lol
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<macross> wrong pastew
<macross> here it is
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<mongi> [KERNEL][Multi-ROM|JellyBean]
<macross> aye
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<izealia> hi everyone, could anyone tell me if paranoid-rom has any advantages over cm10 other then the hybrid mode?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Jiangyi> izealia: Wrong channel to ask that. We only like CM here. :p
<Jiangyi> daflip
<izealia> oh sorry
<Jiangyi> Devices with the t1 kernel didn't build today.
<Jiangyi> o_o
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: w00t?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Did you break something? :-P
<Jiangyi> I'm talking about CM9 nightlies btw
<codeworkx> normally not
<codeworkx> didn't commit anything
<codeworkx> it's not broken
<codeworkx> it was hanging and got canceled
<Jiangyi> Hmm.
<macross> which launcher do you folks prefer ? touchwiz always hangs on me
<Jiangyi> Jenkins says that i9100g hanged, and that the p31xx and p51xx just couldn't find repo. o_o
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<macross> hung
<mongi> stock one
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<macross> the latest cm9 i dl'd from the sII section on the website says it's for the gt-I9100
<Thracky> and?
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<bbqbot> derp
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<Jiangyi> Seems that the fix only worked for some of us. Lots of users are reporting that it still goes back to stock settings after reboot.
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: a) it works for all b) it works for nobody
<Jiangyi> Damn it, why do these crazy things keep happening to the I9100G? T_T
<Jiangyi> Samsung, y u do this
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<Thracky> #blamejiangyi
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<Jiangyi> I go find someone to film this not working and then film my phone working. :-P
<Ricardo___> hi, have a problem during installing cm10, emmc can not mounted ?! Can anyone help me?
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<macross> sweet
<macross> doubtful my provider will and regardless who wants the bloatware
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<Jiangyi> And as always, the I9100G update will be 3-4 months later. :-P
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<addi> Jiangyi, but AOSP will work 10x better than I9100 always :p
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: do you need a i9100g update? :-D
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<neoD|ml> i have this odd problem, if anyone have time please..
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<neoD|ml> Im having some weird problem, since the "stable build" really, but it just started the other day..
<neoD|ml> when i connect it to the PC, sometimes i cant see anything on the internal sdcard, sometimes i can see only some of it.
<neoD|ml> mp3s that used to be recognized as ringtones, arent found nomore when im gonna choose ringtone.
<neoD|ml> this only happends with CM/aosp, have only tried cm9 different builds etc, full wipe and what not, its just not working what i said above, the samsung rom ive tried it works..
<neoD|ml> havent had problems before since cm9 first started coming out for SGS3
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<neoD|ml> thx alot
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<neoD|ml> its the same with cm10
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<BLiTZTN> yo
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<Kenji> couldn't really care less, why do i care if i download 20mb or 2 mb
<IamSachin> well you have good speed and maybe no data cap on ur data plan :)
<IamSachin> previously if a game was 150MB, then we had to download whole of it again while updating
<IamSachin> now only an increment will be updated :)
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<Kenji> well ye ok when you get into the hundreds of mb then it would make a big diff :)
<DuperMan> as said before, never beer and ebay
<DuperMan> but yay my collector's edition skyrim's on it's way
<DuperMan> also, megatron
<IamSachin> Finished Dawnguard :D DuperMan
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<DuperMan> IamSachin: :DDDDDDD nice! does the thing make the awesome where the known character does the thing you don't expect?
<IamSachin> LOL, boy you are so drunk :P
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<DuperMan> the thing of alcohol is contained safely and my next quest is for actual walkage of paces 12, aye
<DuperMan> a striahgt line I must contour in my passing or I'll fail:D
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<IamSachin> lol...try that
<DuperMan> n o
<DuperMan> madenesss
<DuperMan> asnjfklhoifd
<DuperMan> ^teh drunk
<DuperMan> rofl
<DuperMan> another thing of import: never drink and flash
<DuperMan> XD
<DuperMan> I actually used rom manager ffs
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<neoD|ml> why cant i all of a suddon not see the contents of my internal sdcard when i connect it to pc, and not find ringtones in the list anymore
<neoD|ml> cm9 sgs3
<DuperMan> * all of a sudden, suddenly ] can't I
<neoD|ml> :P
<DuperMan> phone it is the booting now:D
<addi> DuperMan,
<addi> whats up dood
<addi> neoD|ml,
<addi> whats up dood
<Tr0jAn> addi dont leave me with him
<Tr0jAn> lol
<addi> i'm thinking of a smartass reply for him :p
<Tr0jAn> ;)
<neoD|ml> hey addi
<neoD|ml> having some problems with rom manager
<neoD|ml> otherwise fine :p
<addi> stop using that shit!!!
<addi> manual flash FTW!
<neoD|ml> ye im not using it
<neoD|ml> but its installed
<neoD|ml> cause it comes with cm
<neoD|ml> and somehow it fucks stuff up
<neoD|ml> even by having it
<neoD|ml> since the version has some bug
<addi> o_0
<neoD|ml> cant i just uninstall it
<neoD|ml> not sure what it does to the system
<addi> yeah, delete its APK from /system/app
<neoD|ml> uninstall with titanium?
<neoD|ml> should wokr
<addi> same thing
<DuperMan> wha zup a d
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<DuperMan> sick sad life (lessness)
<DuperMan> looking for a good deal on a kindle dx
<addi> bad deal not fineness with you?
<DuperMan> bad deal is faily fail, kindle dx as product failed
<DuperMan> over 60$ for fully workers dx - failorama
<DuperMan> under 60$ - f u sober me, I was drunk
<DuperMan> felt like dx
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<addi> splash water on face for becoming soberings
<DuperMan> addi: y?
<DuperMan> haz 1 moar beer
<DuperMan> need to take finger size for new ring
<DuperMan> don't ask
<addi> okay, 1 more beer drinkings
<DuperMan> 1.78
<addi> then becoming soberings?
<DuperMan> sober is for fridays
<DuperMan> duh
<addi> then what is for saturdays?
<DuperMan> I want a parasol or whatever that shit was called color ereader
<DuperMan> for teh oldschool pron
<DuperMan> saturdays are a mystery wrapped in an enigma protected with a +100 absinth field of derangement
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Yes. lol why wouldn't I? xD
<Jiangyi> (Even though I'm almost 3 hours late)
<codeworkx> i mean a update from sammy
<DuperMan> rofl
<Jiangyi> Oh.
<DuperMan> a whatnow?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> -.-
<peterperfect> ahaha
* codeworkx is going to travel to korea
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Oh. :-(
<peterperfect> now that is rage
<codeworkx> now it's time
<codeworkx> DIE SAMSUNG
<Jiangyi> There's that though. :-P
<codeworkx> omg
<codeworkx> i have to resetup ma cm
<codeworkx> omg
<codeworkx> omg
<codeworkx> omg
<codeworkx> C R A P W I Z
<addi> P O O P W I Z
<Jiangyi> lol
<codeworkx> COLORZ
<codeworkx> LAZORBEAM
<peterperfect> codeworkx y u no keep nandroid on freaking sdcard?
<addi> it's a prequel to Toy Story, it's that shitty!
<DuperMan> codeworkx: f.
<codeworkx> BURNS HY HEADZ
<DuperMan> sorry
<DuperMan> :/
<Jiangyi> .........
<DuperMan> :( :/
* Jiangyi is lost
<codeworkx> peterperfect: freaking internal one -.-
<peterperfect> (idiotte)
<codeworkx> should move them to external
<peterperfect> should!
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Y U NO KEEP COPY ON PC? :\
<codeworkx> how can they simply wipe my stuffs?
<DuperMan> SHOULDA COULDA will kill ppl saying shouldacoulda srsly
ciwrl|work is now known as ciwrl|away
<peterperfect> one no simply wipe cody stuff
<DuperMan> codeworkx: blamesa... oaiedhoifgerhgoierh
<DuperMan> f
<codeworkx> that's the most big accident that can happen
<codeworkx> worlds end
<tat-> they didnt repartition or something?
<Jiangyi> What did you even have on there? o_O
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> just fucking 'shitware file rescure 99999'
<DuperMan> pr0n
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: my cm10 backup.... flashed crapwiz to grab the blobs -.-
<addi> now MTP-only has this disadvantage too. can't recover data using recovery tools :/
<Jiangyi> Anything important in that backup?
<addi> have recovered SD card files on SGS quite a few times when I had the phone. but when GNex screwed up, no recover >.<
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: MY WHOLE LIFE!!!
<peterperfect> meh
<DuperMan> codeworkx: no hitting me!!!!! butttttttttttt errrr dude, download mode flash without insurance?
<DuperMan> DUDE!
<peterperfect> were pictures there?
<DuperMan> pr0n dead
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: What DuperMan said. :/
<codeworkx> bbbbb b bbb but
<DuperMan> codeworkx: I think we all share this:
<peterperfect> ahahaha
<DuperMan> but derp
<DuperMan> :(
<codeworkx> xD
<codeworkx> because CLOUD
<Jiangyi> lol grouphug time
<Jiangyi> :-D
<DuperMan> @grouphug
<bbqbot> DuperMan: Command does not exist!
<Jiangyi> This really is kindergarten again :-D
<DuperMan> lazy nebkat!!!!
<DuperMan> :D
<peterperfect> scumbag cody...haz 6 ssds, leave backup on internal sd
<Jiangyi> +1
<codeworkx> fu
<DuperMan> slash hop
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<codeworkx> @grouphug
<bbqbot> codeworkx: Command does not exist!
<codeworkx> fu
<DuperMan> ^ LAZY NEB
<addi> @google grouphug
<bbqbot> Group Hug | Confessions -
* addi rubs oil on everyone's body for better grouphug
<DuperMan> I drunk flashed and it worked:D
<peterperfect> bad luck cody, want to fix bugs for people, sammy wipe his phone..
* DuperMan gits nekkid
<codeworkx> peterperfect: i'll flash buttery cm10 in short
<codeworkx> and nobody else does
<codeworkx> :-P
<peterperfect> true story
<codeworkx> i win
<codeworkx> toystory
<peterperfect> well
<DuperMan> codeworkx: you're mnade of win mofo, is why we here
<DuperMan> :D
<Jiangyi> codey no want to share? :-P
<peterperfect> you know how it works cody
<codeworkx> share is out of stock
<peterperfect> share or doesnt exists
<DuperMan> so.....
<codeworkx> lets see how it works
<DuperMan> how is stock sammy btw?
<Jiangyi> cody being bad D:
<DuperMan> since you tried and stuff
<DuperMan> xD
<peterperfect> DuperMan its idiotte
<Jiangyi> Damn, I forgot what punishments I got in kindergarten. :-P
<DuperMan> peterperfect: I try
<DuperMan> booze helps:D
<peterperfect> 5 minutes are thrilling
<peterperfect> cody testing new blobs
<DuperMan> new. blobs. sexyyyyyyyy
<peterperfect> might bring great news
<peterperfect> or just another: lets wait sauces
<DuperMan> I'm getting the collector's edition skyrim
<Jiangyi> +1
<DuperMan> so I rock
<DuperMan> :D
<Jiangyi> I go play BF3 while cody does black magic. :-P
<DuperMan> 60$ for only the swag, game owned on steam
<DuperMan> :D
<peterperfect> O_o
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|BF3
<peterperfect> some classify this as dumb wasting of moniez
<peterperfect> but
<peterperfect> who am i to say
<DuperMan> no buts
<DuperMan> I'm drunk
<DuperMan> derp
<DuperMan> never said I not stupid
<DuperMan> :/
<Jiangyi|BF3> o_O
<DuperMan> (and a sweet artbook)
<Jiangyi|BF3> Damn, Google really did a half-ass job on the Chinese translations in JB.
<Jiangyi|BF3> Honestly Google, how hard is it to translate "heart"? :-|
<DuperMan> chichi
<addi> honestly Google, how hard is it to actually use the actionable notifications in all of your apps? :p
<bbqbot> derp
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<DuperMan> BORED
<Jiangyi|BF3> Faith in Google: -1
<addi> Jiangyi|BF3, Google loves half-assed jobs, that's why their products are always "almost finished/beta" :p
<Jiangyi|BF3> addi: OK, Faith in Google: -2 then. :-P
<addi> Google loves leaving stuff up to OEMs to fix, who take the chance and add 1000000x bloatware :p
<DuperMan> it very matter a los
<DuperMan> google caressss
<DuperMan> sklidfjoijfdwoi
peterperfect has quit [Quit: Take my advice. I don't use it anyway]
<DuperMan> drunk
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<addi> Jiangyi|BF3, Google is so nice they forgets to add timer in camera app. and also forgets to tell Samsung to add at least hardware cam button to GNex :p
<DuperMan> google isn't gives teh fuck
<addi> yer
<DuperMan> ^ truth
<addi> Google is evilz
<Jiangyi|BF3> addi: IKR? CM FTW.
<addi> yer, FTW
<DuperMan> no. evil make no sense
<addi> though I don't think even CM has timer in camera app on GNex xD
<DuperMan> to be evil u must understand all teh things
<DuperMan> else u act bad because not understanding
sbrissen is now known as sbrissen_gone
<DuperMan> evil not bes. ppl is dumb
<DuperMan> depp
<DuperMan> deep
<addi> Google's advice: use our half assed AOSP device, or use bloated OEM phones. we got money from advertising, we no care :p
<DuperMan> hey addi use the api
<DuperMan> LOL
<addi> xD
<DuperMan> see? google releasing actual api?
<DuperMan> iofdsoidh lol
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<koud> addi: I thought timer was already added to cm
<koud> I think xplodwild did
<xplodwild> I didn't do timer
<xplodwild> I did burst
<xplodwild> though timer was in CM9
<xplodwild> so if it's not in CM10, it'll come soon
<Jiangyi|BF3> Everything will come eventually xD
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<DuperMan> use drugs
<DuperMan> works every time
<xplodwild> natural timer
<DuperMan> I know right? ;))
<xplodwild> give some to netchip
<DuperMan> so tempting
<DuperMan> but he's 9
<xplodwild> I told him if I ever meet him irl I'll kill him
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<xplodwild> <netchip> I'm not a dumb nerd who can't fight lol
<DuperMan> that makes me like him better man
<DuperMan> why the fuck bother threatening:?
<DuperMan> :(
<DuperMan> jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj oh
<xplodwild> because he stabs me on twitter
<DuperMan> got itxD
* DuperMan stabs xplodwild on irc. sooooo matters
pier|afk is now known as pier
<DuperMan> ><
<DuperMan> ffs
<xplodwild> then comes and speaks me
<xplodwild> "ohai how are you?"
<xplodwild> when he tells 1 hour ago that you're an idiot
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<DuperMan> might he be a ~14 y/o douche" and "not as smart as he thinks"?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> just a hunch
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> let life hand him fat psycho bitches and mind boggling pointlessness
<DuperMan> best punishment rly
<xplodwild> heh true
<DuperMan> me? Imma install legal rtm 28
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> *w8
<DuperMan> shit is gonna del my shit:/ mofo balmer
* addi is currently downloading it :p
<DuperMan> ahhhh.. methyl phenidate
<DuperMan> ^^
<DuperMan> I ordered my s7s a stand case. w8 is love
<addi> w8 is love after bypassing the metros
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<xplodwild> I'll install w8 the day they put our start menu
<xplodwild> or they give me a touch device
<addi> the 1st won't happen, so wait for touch device :p
<DuperMan> I can touch your device
<DuperMan> need a post office box to mail it?
<addi> i shall carry out canglelight vigil for those that will be having to use Metro start screen in W8
<DuperMan> I just missed a 1000$ modbook. should I have?
<DuperMan> could afford
<DuperMan> :(
<DuperMan> wouldv'e been my first true mac
<xplodwild> modbook?
<DuperMan> yeahhhhhhhhh
<DuperMan> $:
<Alram> hey xplodwild how long until gttv
<DuperMan> core2duo 2gb ram though
<xplodwild> Alram: 7:15 hours
<xplodwild> well 7:13
<Alram> wow
<Alram> jeez
<DuperMan> gttv?
<xplodwild> 1am est = 7am gmt+1
<DuperMan> wwttff?
pier is now known as pier|afk
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<xplodwild> DuperMan: know Valve Software?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> xplodwild: no. what are the steam puppeteering crew?
<xplodwild> heh anyway, know Half-Life series?
<DuperMan> never heard of three finally rumourdly becoming real
<DuperMan> srsly not liked 2 much
<xplodwild> GTTV is airing an episode tonight with Geoff Keighley at Vlave
<xplodwild> valve
<DuperMan> hot
<xplodwild> now bring your imagination
<xplodwild> everyone will see clues to HL3 everywhere
<DuperMan> so u says "crysis 3"
<DuperMan> yes?
<DuperMan> I want
<xplodwild> crysis 3 is crap
<xplodwild> the 1 was good
<xplodwild> 2 is crap
<xplodwild> 3 is as 2
<DuperMan> heard 3 is 1 good
<xplodwild> I love how every night this channel turns into a gaming review
<DuperMan> heaar means 'think']
<DuperMan> me too
<addi> Crysis 3 might be good, no guarantees
<xplodwild> well graphics might be good
* Jiangyi|BF3 doesn't stab anyone on twitter
<xplodwild> but 2's story was crap
<DuperMan> bought sleeping dogs btw
<DuperMan> will hate self in morning
<addi> story became crap because they went all serious
<xplodwild> bash aliens, forward, bash, forward, bash bash forward bash forward forward
<addi> Crysis 1 story was light and fun and not too serious
<xplodwild> bigger aliens bashed forward jump aliens
<DuperMan> crysis one was a fun superman sim
<addi> Crysis 2 = try to write Matrix like story and fail :p
<xplodwild> in crysis 2
<xplodwild> everyone dies
<xplodwild> the city is empty or all zombified
<xplodwild> then at the end
<DuperMan> fuck story
<xplodwild> after this and a flooding
<DuperMan> lemme be demigod and kill much
<xplodwild> everyone goes back towork as if nothing happened
<xplodwild> they get out of buildings look at the sun and call it a day
<DuperMan> :/ kill joy\
<addi> a sun that's no longer beautiful to look at as it was in Crysis 1
<xplodwild> crysis 1 had some back story at least
<xplodwild> it was interesting
<xplodwild> you discovered new things
<Jiangyi|BF3> I didn't like Crysis in general. :-P
<addi> ah the times I just stopped and looked at the sunlight through the trees, specially in the ice levels later. BEAUTIFUL
<xplodwild> crysis 1 left story very open
Jiangyi|BF3 is now known as JIang
<addi> xplodwild, like I said, back story + not too serious
JIang is now known as Jiangyi
<DuperMan> STORY
<xplodwild> sortu.
<addi> Crysis 2 story crap was a result of making story take center stage and make it really flashy
<Jiangyi> Oh flip.
<xplodwild> DuperMan: WRITE A GOOD SORTU PLZTHX
<Jiangyi> My IDE drive is failing to be recognized by windows.
<xplodwild> IDE
<xplodwild> does that ancient thing still exists?
<addi> IDE drive is ancient. kill it
<addi> ^^
<xplodwild> it's like an antiquity
<Entropy512> <xplodwild> the 1 was good - 1 sucked. epic security architecture fail
<DuperMan> WITH FIRE
<xplodwild> retro/collector
<xplodwild> Entropy512: well that's another story
<Jiangyi> xplodwild: Better to have it in my system than have it lay there collecting dust. :-P
<xplodwild> Entropy512: talking mostly about singleplayer campaign
<DuperMan> I want new shades
<xplodwild> Jiangyi: I have 4 hdds on my desk
<Entropy512> don't care too much for FPS singleplayer
<Entropy512> if multi sucks
<Entropy512> the game sucks after 1 week
<Entropy512> I played Crysis for about 3 weeks
<addi> i care only about single player FPS, rather FPS in general. cos me no buy games :p
<Entropy512> 1 to finish SP
<xplodwild> Entropy512: so you love CS and CS:GO
<Jiangyi> xplodwild: Stop making me jealous. T_T
* addi has played Crysis 3 SP 7 times -.-
<addi> Crysis SP*
<DuperMan> cool?????????????
<bbqbot> derp
<Entropy512> 1 to get my ass kicked by blatant cheaters
<Entropy512> 1 to see just how far I could go without anyone calling me a cheater - it was sad how far I could go. Then I deleted the game and never reinstalled it
<Entropy512> too goddamned easy to cheat
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<Tee_Pee> evenin'
<Entropy512> my favorite was classic QWTF
<Entropy512> I miss Canal Zone
<Entropy512> :(
<DuperMan> I miss sex
<Tee_Pee> One quick question, hoping someone might be able to help me out here... been using CM9 on my SGS2 for well... forever really, never had any issues, yada yada, until today.
<Tee_Pee> My entire music library shows as empty, as does my image gallery.
<Tee_Pee> If I were to take a few pictures now, they'd appear in the "Camera" album, but after a reboot they'd be gone too.
<Tee_Pee> The files are there
<addi> DuperMan, me too, been 1.5 months since I did it :p
* Jiangyi cries
<Tee_Pee> It's just that the media scanner went completely bonkers and decided that he doesn't like anything anymore. Forcing a scan through the dev tools doesn't help.
<Tee_Pee> Neither does wiping cache / dalvik cache.
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<Jiangyi> xplodwild: My main HD is only 320GB. T_T
<xplodwild> Tee_Pee: nothing weird in logs?
<xplodwild> Tee_Pee: no .nomedia at sdcard root?
<addi> Jiangyi, me recently uploaded to 1 TB main HDD! and I has 500 GB secondary internal HDD. and 500 GB USB drive! :p
<xplodwild> Jiangyi: well I used to have some random 80GB/250GB/500GB hdd, now I cleared up everything through a 128GB SSD and a 2TB HDD
<Tee_Pee> The first one I'm not sure how to check I must admit, the latter one I haven't checked
<Tee_Pee> Should note two things though - this is all internal storage, no SD card present in the phone.
<xplodwild> Tee_Pee: adb logcat, and look for lines saying something about media scanning
<addi> i used to have 500GB/160 GB/160GB/120GB (laptop disk) and 500 GB USB drive. switched to 1TB/500/500 u_u
<Tee_Pee> ah, logcat... sorry, brain fart
<addi> next up is SSD, though a couple of months away
<Tee_Pee> let me check, give me a few
<addi> i hears SSD will make me cum in under a second O_O
<DuperMan> MADE BIDS for 2 oakleys's
<xplodwild> addi: true
<DuperMan> I hipster
<xplodwild> PC boots fast even with shitload
<DuperMan> shot me
<Tee_Pee> But also - I've been using this phone A LOT for development in the past few weeks as I just got a new involving mobile development... This whole shebang started today after work.
<Jiangyi> xplodwild: Nice guitar. :O
<Jiangyi> (Picasa lead to G+ page)
<xplodwild> yup
<Tee_Pee> Well, fml... can't download the SDK at this PC.
<Tee_Pee> is it possible to check logcat without the sdk?
<Entropy512> Tee_Pee: I saw a comment somewhere that latest ROM Manager puts a .nomedia somewhere it shouldn't
<Entropy512> dunno if that's true
<xplodwild> Tee_Pee: there are apps on the playstore to read log
<xplodwild> or there's the painful way of typing "logcat" in terminal emulator
<Tee_Pee> Ok, wait, something's horribly wrong.
<Tee_Pee> When I connect my phone to my PC and open up its internal storage
<Tee_Pee> I only see the DCIM/Camera folder and the one picture in it I took just now.
<Tee_Pee> But over ES Explorer on the phone
<Tee_Pee> I see everything
<Tee_Pee> I should probably update to the latest build...
<DuperMan> SHADES
<tat-> Fix bug that places .nomedia file in the wrong directory if directories are missing.
<DuperMan> new shadse
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<Tee_Pee> hmpf... Rom Manager did update today while I was at work.
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<Tee_Pee_> fuck my internet
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<Tee_Pee_> As I tried to say... broken wi-fi at home, but Rom Manager did update at work today... could that be the cause?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Entropy512> yeah probably
datagutt has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
<Tee_Pee_> Well, I got, which should have the issue fixed.
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<tat-> Tee_Pee_: the .nomedia file would probably still be there
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<Tee_Pee_> aye, thought as much... trying to figure out where it is and how I would go about fixing it
<tat-> think i solved the empty gallery problem here now, by deleting the file and clearing data for Media scanner, rebooting and wait for the scanner to complete
* Jiangyi never updates ROM Manager. :-|
<Jiangyi> It's useless anyways lol
<tat-> Oh, the buggy version is the one in the latest nightly, apperently
<Tee_Pee_> can't see the .nomedia file, great...
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<tat-> use root explorer?
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<GabMus> hello
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<Tee_Pee_> well fuck me, now it fixed itself.
<Tee_Pee_> Thank you phone, what would I do without your random mindfucks.
<GabMus> lol new technologies have an artificial... stupidity
<GabMus> totally non-sense
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<whitequark> sigh, I should hang a poster on my wall with words "do not install experimental roms on your main phone" written in 160pt caps
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<Jiangyi> whitequark: And that's why I have a backup Nokia. :p
<Jiangyi> Damn it. My IDE Drive just corrupted itself.
<whitequark> Jiangyi: technically I have a backup of CM9
<whitequark> but the new language change button is SO much better than long-tapping space that I can tolerate the occasional glitches
<whitequark> like Chrome FC'ing all of the time or almost-hung system during package installation
<Jiangyi> o_O What phone do you have?
<whitequark> SGS2
<whitequark> more precisely, I9100
<Jiangyi> That's messed up.
<whitequark> JB mostly works just as well as ICS, and UI improvements are great (especially the fonts and the keyboard), but it isn't as smooth as I'd wish
<Jiangyi> Haven't heard anyone else mention such things. =\
<whitequark> I should try doing a FR probably
<Jiangyi> Well, that's cuz I9100 doesn't have butter. :p
<whitequark> nope, it's due to graphics blob
<Jiangyi> No, it was the hwcomposer.....
<whitequark> well, does butter have a stricter HW requirement than just Mali-400?
<Jiangyi> Last time I heard, there's no butter because hardware composer wasn't working at all.
<Jiangyi> And it wasn't related to graphics.
<whitequark> hm
<whitequark> could you elaborate or give a link?
<Jiangyi> I'm just going off of what codey has been saying for the past few weeks, and his posts on XDA. :-P
<Jiangyi> Let's see if I can recover data from this drive........
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<whitequark> well, whatever is broken, we'll probably have to wait the jb update from samsung.
<whitequark> (ide drive) try ddrescue
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<Jiangyi> whitequark: I'm using EASEUS right now :-P
<whitequark> well, whatever it is able to do, it has exactly zero advantages over ddrescue for getting the data out of the drive
<Jiangyi> Well, it's kinda halfway done scanning it, so I'm going to let it run.
<Jiangyi> If this fails, I'll try ddrescue. :P
<Jiangyi> thanks
<whitequark> basically, unless you have a very old drive, your drive either can read the sector and pass it to the driver, or it cannot
<whitequark> and the program which issues the requests either fails in case of a bad sector or not
<whitequark> ddrescue does not
<whitequark> to recover a filesystem with corrupted FAT/MFT/superblock you'll need to use different tools
<Jiangyi> Hmm...
<Jiangyi> Looks like ddrescue's only on Linux.
* Jiangyi is on windoze atm
<whitequark> ah.
<whitequark> it indeed is
<whitequark> there's a Cygwin port, but I won't count on that to work any good
<Jiangyi> That IDE drive held a Linux Mint VM which would be nice to recover, but it's not extremely important.
<whitequark> what filesystem did it have? what parition layout did you use?
<Jiangyi> NTFS
<whitequark> er
<whitequark> so there was a disk image on NTFS which has contained Linux Mint?
<Jiangyi> I guess you can put it that way.
<Jiangyi> I had a VMWare setup of Linux Mint located there.
<whitequark> ah. not very wise in regards to data accessibility
<Jiangyi> Yep. :-P
<Jiangyi> Oh well, if this doesn't work, I'll just format it into ext4 and install Linux Mint without a VM on.
<whitequark> if the vmware disk image is corrupted and dynamic (i.e. grows on demand), then you're probably out of luck
<whitequark> I'm not aware of any tools that can reliably fix that
<Jiangyi> Damn. I completely forgot about that part.
* Jiangyi chose dynamic
<Jiangyi> Derp move now I think about it. ._.
<whitequark> note that if you still want to use the disk drive on Windows systems, you should create two partitions and make _first_ of them formatted as NTFS
<whitequark> Windows won't recognize any partition after first on an USB drive for some weird reason
<whitequark> I have no fucking clue why, but it just does not.
<whitequark> even trying to mount it in devmgmt.msc fails
<Jiangyi> ._. That's screwed up.
<whitequark> if you want to have R/W access to the embedded Linux image from Windows, format it as ext3 and use ext2fsd
<whitequark> ext4 won't work, writes on ext3 would force an fsck each time you boot into Linux
<Jiangyi> I need to think this through first.
<Jiangyi> I do plan on making this a Linux-only drive. :-P
<Jiangyi> However, access to it from Windows would be nice, but not necessary.
<whitequark> ah, forget about write support to ext3, it doesn't work properly at all
<whitequark> well, R/O still won't work with some ext4 options, and if you don't want to suddenly find that your FS is not readable by ext2fsd anymore, use ext3
<whitequark> on SSD it doesn't matter whether you use ext3 or ext4
<whitequark> ext3 most importantly does not support TRIM
<whitequark> er, on HDD.
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<Jiangyi> Does TRIM even matter on an IDE drive? o.o
<bbqbot> derp
<whitequark> nope, I typoed
<whitequark> well, you'll probably set up _another_ drive for linux, because this is effectively dead ;)
<Jiangyi> OK screw Windows access then. ext4 it is.
<Jiangyi> Wait, you think my HD is completely dead? o_O
<whitequark> well, if it has some bad sectors, chances that there will be orders of magnitude more soon
<whitequark> I just declare such drives dead and throw away
<Jiangyi> Fair enough.
<Jiangyi> Thing is, it just suddenly became unrecognizable today.
<Jiangyi> Was fine yesterday. :-P
<whitequark> yeah, that's how drives usually fail
<whitequark> Google's study revealed that in >50% of cases even SMART doesn't tell you anything before it actually fails
<whitequark> so basically you have no excuses for not having everything backed up
<Jiangyi> Well, at least I had family photos and other stuff taken off of it beforehand, it was only a Linux Mint VM that didn't have anything super-important.