Espenfjo changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | SmartStay Ex available now ! | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting. | Support employee of the month: peterperfect
<DuperMan> chieftex: maybe, if you'll hold on to the gb kernel. or hide the fact you need the gb pit
<chieftex> hmm
<chieftex> im trying to install a kernel in cwm now
<chieftex> its crashed, twice
<chieftex> just says "installing update"
<chieftex> but its not doing anything
<DuperMan> should it? explain what you were trying to accomplish
<DuperMan> it obviously went wrong
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<chieftex> yes clearly :)
<chieftex> im using hyrdacore kernel
<Jiangyi> chieftex: Isn't that kernel safe already?
<chadouming> not a shit made by netchip or paradoxxx i hope ?
<chieftex> i should just flash another from from that, as its a safe (emmc cap erase)
<chieftex> but since i wanted to be triple sure, i thought id flash abyss kernel 4.2
<chieftex> which is fine in principle, but cwm says "installing update" for like 10 mins (ie, doing nothing)
<chieftex> so i reboot to recovery again
<chieftex> try to flash hydracore over it, same thing
<chieftex> which is where i am now
<chieftex> chadouming - certainly not :)
<chadouming> lol
<chadouming> i was hoping
<chadouming> i would have to ban you xD
<chieftex> put away your malice sir!
<chadouming> hymm
<chadouming> <malice}
<chadouming> <malic>}
<chadouming> <malice>
<chadouming> ***
<chieftex> yes malice
<chieftex> ideas fellows? shall i just reboot to recovery again?
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<DuperMan> malice is mean
<chadouming> just dont flash custom kernel
<chadouming> yeah
<chadouming> but ban because you use netchip or paradoxxx shit is not mean xD
<Jiangyi> Pretty sure flashing GB kernel on ICS = Brick =|
<chadouming> nope
<DuperMan> chadouming: haven't we been through this? I'm nice, just indulge in the perogative of abusing those I help in none-meaningful manners
<chadouming> wont boot for sure
<DuperMan> <3
<chadouming> but no brick
<chieftex> anyway recovery to cwm means the abyss flash cant have worked anyway, as thats 5 something
<DuperMan> odin/heimdall a stock headache
<DuperMan> profit
<chieftex> is there a way to see what kernerl im on from recovery?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> nope
<chieftex> yeah I thought not
<chieftex> might as well reboot and see if i get back to my rom
<DuperMan> well you really aren't on it in cwm
<DuperMan> :P
<chieftex> true
<chieftex> i wanted to flash a safe kernel (even though im 99% sure im on one) and then flash another ics custom rom
<DuperMan> so in the immortal words of the Floyd, you come from nothing
<DuperMan> you go to nothing
<DuperMan> what'd you get?
<DuperMan> nothing
<chieftex> nothing is what I understood from what you just said :)
<DuperMan> nothing is what you achieved :)
<chieftex> wrong, I achieved far less than that!
<chieftex> i get crashing in cwm, this is worse than nothing :)
<DuperMan> yup. total brick. gimme phone for 10$
<chieftex> no its fine, im back into my rom again
<chieftex> its just odd that i cant flash a kernel from cwm, makes me concerned about flashing a rom from it
<chieftex> oddly im on quite a recommended one
<Jiangyi> chadouming: Yeah that's what I meant. :-P
<Jiangyi> chieftex: Just flash from it, you won't brick! :-P
<chieftex> ill try and flash this rom anyway - if it doesnt work ill just flash pre rooted gingerbread via odin
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<chieftex> check my thinking please. when you install a new rom, you have a choice whether to do the wipes etc before or after you flash. If you dont wipe, and just install the rom, then wipe (without rebooting), its technically still using the kernel from before the flash. Is that right?
<Jiangyi> Yes.
<chieftex> excellent. ok, its crashed again :)
<chieftex> pc odin time - prerooted GB here i come
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<Jiangyi> These kind of situations makes me want to laugh at phones with brick bugs again. :p
<chieftex> yeah i hope this isnt the bug manifesting itself somehow
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<chieftex> hmm thats odd. I just flashed stock GB using PC odin. Now im in recovery, it should be the same recovery as my ics rom...
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<frankdrey-g1> CRACKLE SUCKS BALLZ
<frankdrey-g1> Just sayin'
<frankdrey-g1> Ohey, maybe the webgl fixes in the latest nightlies will help
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<MacDrunk> hello
<MacDrunk> need some help,, why some dial pad codes wont work on cm0
<MacDrunk> cm9
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<Jiangyi> Some codes rely on the Samsung framework, and those aren't in CM.
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<roger_n> Hey guys does anyone know if a How to build CM10 from source for the captivate exist?
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<MacDrunk> hello anyone here
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<MacDrunk> hello
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<datagutt> dafuq is happening with nickserv
<datagutt> @op
<bbqbot> datagutt: You are not allowed to run that command!
<datagutt> hm
<datagutt> nebkat?
<datagutt> Espenfjo?
<datagutt> anyone
<datagutt> lol
<nebkat> datagutt: yes?
<bbqbot> derp
<datagutt> op? and invite me to blamesamsung+
<datagutt> freenode has some hardware failure or something so nickserv + chanserv is down
<pier> derp
<pier> datagutt, nebkat morning :)
<nebkat> datagutt: oh services server is dead
<nebkat> notice this morning
<pier> yep
<nebkat> [Global Notice] - We've had some hardware problems this morning on the server that hosts services for us. We're currently working on moving services to another host. In the meantime, nickserv, chanserv etc. are not available. Thanks for your patience and thanks for flying freenode.
<datagutt> im installing black mesa on a vm right now
<nebkat> idiot xD
<datagutt> osx is useless
<nebkat> is it worth getting?
<datagutt> Yeah
<nebkat> and if so, where should I download it from
<nebkat> what is it?
<pier> yes where
<pier> lol
<pier> HL mod
<datagutt> nah
<datagutt> pier: it is made from scratch
<datagutt> with hl story
<pier> cool
<datagutt> original hl uses goldsrc engine, half life 2 uses source, black mesa uses source
<datagutt> Requires only a FREE installation of the Source Sdk Base 2007!
<Espenfjo> it is nice
<pier> sweet
<datagutt> if only source sdk base 2007 existed for osx
<datagutt> oh well
<datagutt> vmware ftw
<pier> yup
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<nebkat> datagutt: anyone have direct link
<nebkat> ?
<pier> datagutt, are u on twitter? I think I'm missing u
<datagutt> my name is datagutt
<nebkat> I see pedro has on his www
<datagutt> bbq was slow for me
<nebkat> peterperfect: is the blackmesa on your bbq www good for dload or what/
<nebkat> ?
<datagutt> it should be
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<pier> datagutt, added to my android list :)
<datagutt> just don't download the corrupted file from Espenfjo's server
<pier> <- @xnix on twitter
<datagutt> i hope you dont tweet much
<datagutt> i already follow 1,200 people
<pier> this is why I created lists :(
<datagutt> (yes i am slightly crazy aint i?)
<bbqbot> derp
<pier> ahah yep data, even your github is busy :D
<datagutt> i follow 350 repos on github iirc
<datagutt> but many of them are inactive
<datagutt> like.. 2 years since last commit etc
<pier> aye
<pier> nebkat is a good twitter talker :D
<nebkat> what?
<pier> you and daxxmaxx are my android-list most active users
<pier> I think
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<cdesai> hey DuperMan
<cdesai> datagutt: *
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<datagutt> hey
<datagutt> services are b0rked today
<cdesai> ye seems so
<cdesai> can't connect to 7070
<cdesai> pfft
<cdesai> brb
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<pier> chanserv is back finally :)
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<datagutt> sorted itself out now
<datagutt> :D
<pier> ja :)
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<Syphyr> hi, howz it going
<Syphyr> I was having a problem with the a/v sync when I played avi videos while using my bluetooth headset (mp4 did not have the problem). But, I think i figured out why.
<Syphyr> I just tried a different bluetooth headset that did not support AVRCP, and now the a/v sync is perfect
<Syphyr> apparently, it really depends on which version of bluetooth is supported
<Syphyr> I think the overhead on the avrcp is what is causing the lag in the audio
<Syphyr> and it did not have the problem with mp4 because mp4 is hardware accelerated, therefore, the overhead was not enough to cause the lag
<Syphyr> because most of the playback is offset by the hardware acceleration
<Syphyr> and I'm testing both devices with the same video files
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<nebkat> bealtine: HELLPPPPPPPP
<nebkat> im pissed off with this UPC 100mb/s giving me only 2mb/s xD
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<nebkat> only realized how shit it was now :P
<nebkat> when I have to download a 3gb file
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<p_l|backup> nebkat: ... sounds like someone not knowing how internet works, sorry
<nebkat> p_l|backup: ofc I know how it works
<nebkat> point is their advertising is bullshit
<nebkat> i've already talked about it with bealtine
<p_l|backup> or somewhere further from you you could have hit a bottlenec
<bealtine> hey neb
<nebkat> hey bealtine
<bealtine> I'm out but see /msg
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<DuperMan> bill teen
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<DuperMan> sounds like [random oft drunken celebrity]
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<Akshay> I flashed to my tab 2 P3100 but the UI is different than the given screenshots The notification drawer comes from top. How can i change as they are shown in screenshots?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> glue
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<cdesai> screenshot is of the 10 inch tab Akshay
<Thracky> I believe you'd have to change your dpi to get the tablet layout, but I know nothing of tablets :P
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<Akshay> @Thracky : how can i change the dpi? @cdesai : is there any way to get the UI like that screenshot?
<bbqbot> Akshay: Command does not exist!
<cdesai> change the dpi, search a bit on that
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<Akshay> thnx cdesai...i will do that.....can you sujjest some threads?
<Akshay> *suggest
<cdesai> is all you need
<DuperMan> I do believe the first result for googling 'change the dpi' is goodness
<DuperMan> unless it fails
<DuperMan> in which case it's fail
<Thracky> maybe try "change dpi p3100 android"
<DuperMan> or glare hard and intently at the tab
<Thracky> the correct search terms = everything
<DuperMan> glaring works too
<DuperMan> usually better than google
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<Akshay> I tried to change the dpi of my tab 2 P3100 but on anything below 140 i get msg "the system UI has stopped" i am using latest CM10 nightly build.
<Akshay> is there any solution? or its just a bug?
<peterperfect> nebkat: yes the blackmesa on my www is good to go
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<nebkat> Peter`Pan: you fixed it?
<nebkat> peterperfect: ?
<bbqbot> derp
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<DuperMan> it haz co-op? me no drool if not
<Thracky> I can't see why it would have coop
<DuperMan> for the chickens
<DuperMan> silly
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<rajaspidey> Is HW acceleration working in Latest CM 10 nightly ??
<Thracky> does it matter?
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<DuperMan> you can't go back from butter
<DuperMan> nowai
<rajaspidey> Is Hardware acceleration working in Latest CM 10 nightly ?? i will download it only if it has got HW acceleration !! i have low data !!dont wanna waste it for another nightly !!
<DuperMan> google os x quartz
<Thracky> then stay on stock.
<DuperMan> :P
<Thracky> and don't ever use a custom rom.
<Thracky> cause you sound like you can't deal with it.
<rajaspidey> Am on CM 9 stable
<DuperMan> the kitchen is a lie
<DuperMan> heat isn't
<rajaspidey> i have CM10 as my secondary ROM !!
<DuperMan> lol@secondary rom
<DuperMan> wtf
<DuperMan> it's like when I yelled 'my other ride is a porsche' at my (now) ex
<DuperMan> :P
<rajaspidey> I have some bugs in my ROM so contacts app loads slowly !! i like CM10 !! the only reason am staying behind is HW acceleration !!
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<DuperMan> if it has real or emulatededed driverness it works
<DuperMan> where the question?
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<Thracky> yea I just see a lot of exclamation points
<DuperMan> so many they merit a loving bbqbot kickban
<DuperMan> cough cough
<Thracky> what difference do you feel that working hw accel would make?
<DuperMan> hw rendering will be more acceledy
<DuperMan> sexier battery life
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<Thracky> I mean, if the rom is smooth enough, why not just use it?
<rajaspidey> Some format of videos wont work (i mean no audio) if there was no Hardware acceleration !!
<Thracky> use mxplayer
<rajaspidey> sorry its codec support
<rajaspidey> my question is wrong !!
<DuperMan> mxplayer for pr0n
<Thracky> read the threads on xda.
<DuperMan> +1
<DuperMan> ^
<rajaspidey> MX with codecs too not working !!
<rajaspidey> k i ll search.
<DuperMan> random: f u google integrate podcasts into play music
<DuperMan> is past tense for having blinked 'blunk'?
<Thracky> blinked.
<Thracky> you already said it.
<rajaspidey> some ppl were just here for wasting time !!
<DuperMan> bad adherence to archaic inflectioning
<DuperMan> fails
<DuperMan> rajaspidey: the ones helping, usually
<rajaspidey> well i checked BBQ log, lotta new goodies am gonna download it
<DuperMan> rajaspidey: the ppl with the issues aren't apt to deal with android usually :D
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<DuperMan> f. Jiangyi? that was u?
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Huh?
<Jiangyi> What's going on? :S
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: you snuffed origin when the bottomfeeder quit, I made a false connection assuming it was a poe
<Jiangyi> Uhh..... Whaaaaaaa?
<DuperMan> :)
<Jiangyi> NO
<Jiangyi> It's only for teh G :-P
<DuperMan> hehe NO it's an essential freedom thingy, I deserve
<DuperMan> the feature
<DuperMan> bbl happy rosh ha shannah nebjew
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<Baskey> lolwat
<lolwat> lolwat?
<Baskey> LOLWAT
<lolwat> LOL WAT?
<Baskey> @google lolwat
<bbqbot> Lolwat -
pier|brb is now known as pier
<lolwat> better don't click
<Baskey> @8ball LOLWAT
<bbqbot> Yes — definitely.
<Baskey> @geo user lolwat
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for lolwat
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1599639552,1599643135],"country":"DE","region":"08","city":"B�hl-iggelheim","ll":[49.3806,8.3039]}
<lolwat> fk u hark
<Baskey> @dood lolwat
<bbqbot> lolwat: what up dood
<lolwat> hakr*
<Baskey> @dood Fissurez
<bbqbot> Fissurez: what up dood
<Fissurez> 'sup
<Baskey> soup
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<koud> why is no one leaking i9100 4.1 firmware... :(
<Espenfjo> It wont help unless you use the leaked kernel
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<DuperMan> ayyyyyyyyyyye
<DuperMan> I can leak it. got a source?
<DuperMan> :P
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<nebkat> DuperMan: #fail
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<DuperMan> their sources all 404
<DuperMan> n00b
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<dakid> hey
<dakid> i was wondering if someone could help me out
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<chieftex> dakid - ask and let's find out :)
<RoBz> hes gone >_<
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<chieftex> :(
<dakid> i cant veiw anything on my sd card any help
<chieftex> !
<chieftex> ok which sd card? internal or external? what phone do you have? you cant view it on the phone itself or when connected to a computer?
<dakid> its the external
<dakid> and i can take it out my phone and view things on it
<dakid> but even with usb from my phone to computer i cant view anything on it
<DuperMan> with usb connected concurrently with your attempts = no
<dakid> yea
<chieftex> dakid, how long has this been happening?
<DuperMan> moisturize
<dakid> it started after i did the mod
<chieftex> what mod?
<DuperMan> ninja
<dakid> after i put cyanogenmod
* chieftex puts a biscuit in duperman's mouth
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<chieftex> which cyanogenmod?
* DuperMan shoots face, limps bizkit, kills much
<dakid> 10
<dakid> for galaxy s3 sprint
<chieftex> have you read the "known issues" of cm10?
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<dakid> no
<DuperMan> chieftex: is he here?
<DuperMan> ,,,,,,,, DERP
<dakid> readingit now
<chieftex> duperman are you serious?
<bbqbot> derp
<chieftex> yes
<dakid> reading it now
<DuperMan> .......
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<Jiangyi> lol
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<DuperMan> nutch
<Espenfjo> Their size makes sense
<DuperMan> for a dead man
* DuperMan hops
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<Espenfjo> My GF tested. She cant make her thumb go any longer than the width, but she has a lot to go on on the height
<DuperMan> what's that to do with phones?
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by Espenfjo [*facepalm*]
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<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> but srsly, apple is dead in the water. no f'ing pun:/
<DuperMan> not really cool too, since it was the only other ios beside android samsung made devices for
<Jiangyi> lol
<DuperMan> :/
<Xello> yeke yeke?
<Espenfjo> It is really an iphone 4ss
<Espenfjo> nothing new, except screen siz
<Espenfjo> e
<DuperMan> you're jewking
<addi> there's a new chipset inside, a 28MP picture taking panorama mode in camera, an extra row of icons. enough for the sheep. kthxbey :p
<DuperMan> incrementals are incrementally bettah
<DuperMan> what's a sheep besides 'tastey'?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> oh oh, also larger screen with really common "1136 x 768" resolution :P
<chadouming> espenfjo, they made a new soc
<Espenfjo> adding no value
<chadouming> not an cortex-a9 or a15, a apple a6 xD
<Espenfjo> useless
<DuperMan> they nudged shit up a notch... will anyone be shocked if nfc is hidden feature?
<addi> no value, except they will again get awesome games, while Android suffers from fragmentation hence awesome graphics hard to come by
<chadouming> NEW USB PLUG !!!!!!!
<Espenfjo> gief exynos5 with mali t605
<DuperMan> for super secret club shit?
<DuperMan> :P
<p_l|backup> chadouming: i.e. paid Samsung for exynos with powerVR MGX? ;)
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<DuperMan> p_l|backup: all previous iphones were awesome samsung phones
<addi> that Mali T605 will fail cos no one will make games that take advantage of it cos there are weaker chipsets to take care of in Android :p
<chadouming> hmm, i haz galaxy nexus yes :D
<DuperMan> apple was dumb to act macho on the lawsuit:D
<DuperMan> :/
<Espenfjo> addi: hm, true enough
<addi> SGS3 = awesome GPU, but is it useful? no :(
<Xello> addi i dont think iphone devs give 2 shits about android lol
<DuperMan> :)
<addi> Xello, even companies like Gameloft don't, who make Dark Knight Rises with awesome graphics for iPhone 4G/new iPad, while Android got horrid graphics
* DuperMan herps some derps at the wall
<Xello> too many devices to cater for
<Xello> dev laziness sets in
<addi> the fragmentation is a problem in that regard
<DuperMan> android haz dx8
<addi> hence WP8 will also get better games >.<
<DuperMan> it should haz hl:s
<DuperMan> ..
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<chadouming> hmm, you cant have a device making company named orange cause apple patented the use of fruits in name
<DuperMan> apple are entirely the original fruits
<p_l|backup> chadouming: ... I'm tempted to make such a company... making weaponry
<DuperMan> not preventing further success from the rest of the basket
<DuperMan> :/
<addi> enough with the patent jokes already! btw, did you know Apple has patent on 326ppi hence they kept same ppi on iPhone 5? :P
<DuperMan> ever since ppi became a thing I have to tell my supervisor I need to piss at work
<DuperMan> :P
<p_l|backup> addi: they managed to do so? cause all their new "retina" displays had lower res
<p_l|backup> DuperMan: well, some people don't want to say "dot" ;)
<addi> p_l|backup, yer, same 326ppi on iPhone 5's display, hence resolution kept to odd 1136x640 :p
<DuperMan> I say I need to wash cups at the headquarters actually
<DuperMan> they get the clue
<DuperMan> ><
<addi> and also because they wanted 16:9 I guess.
<p_l|backup> addi: doesn't help the fact that now there'll be yet another layout to make for all those apps :D
<DuperMan> *felt 16:9 might benefit the consumer in ways new and exciting
<p_l|backup> since iOS doesn't do res-indpendent stuff
<addi> and black box around old apps xD
<DuperMan> render all the rasters
<Espenfjo> black box is smart
<p_l|backup> iphone's 4 "retina" was specially chosen to be exact doubling of pixels, iirc
<addi> smart, but will really look bad till devs update apps
<DuperMan> as much as farting when you need to s**t
<DuperMan> :/
<Espenfjo> addi: That is the point
<DuperMan> i.e very very short term workaround to a major life risking issue
<p_l|backup> so that you can render old GUIs, just instead of one pixel a point takes 4 or something like that
<addi> certainly smarter than stretching old apps to higher size
<Espenfjo> yes
<addi> and making them look even shittier
<DuperMan> like some 1990's crap with black bars
<DuperMan> damn
<DuperMan> that'd be gay
<addi> but there's still one thing iPhone 5 will have. everything working together nicely. which is what the newbies want
<addi> "it just works, ERHMEGAWD"!
<DuperMan> itunes
<DuperMan> I ain't sure and it soooooo applies
<DuperMan> :D
<addi> but it's sad to see that Apple's shitty "new stuff" in iPhone 5 gets their share price up, while Nokia adding good stuff like that camera and that display gets their share price down because they didn't "do anything special". even investors and analysts are fanboys
<DuperMan> addi: may we be hating on nokia and reminiscing on apple's flash at glory a year from now
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> Amen
<addi> ^^
<addi> I want PureMotion HD vs SAMOLED comparisons. NAO :|
<addi> (pretty sure it will be helluva brighter than SAMOLED)
<DuperMan> if w8 does gain headway we will like it less than we do ios
<DuperMan> but only if it inches ios' filthy stinky mark off our playground
<addi> nope, I will like it more. MS clearly isn't as bad as Apple to just keep functionality away, which is what I liked
<DuperMan> so would I, it was a colloqoual ideal "we"
<DuperMan> like nintendo's
<DuperMan> :P
<addi> heh, okay :p
<p_l|backup> DuperMan: well, among people who move a lot internationally WinPhone as is won't get much
<addi> I'm actually eagerly waiting for MS to reveal WP8's full features
<addi> till now it's all been about "resizable tiles"
<DuperMan> p_l|backup: winphone as such is steroids 'don't kill yourself I love you wallstreet guy' from Balmer to wallstreet guy
<DuperMan> was
<DuperMan> hopefully win8p is win8 rt with some p
<DuperMan> ><
<p_l|backup> DuperMan: the problem is actually with Windows Phone Marketplace. The whole windows accounts can't be migrated outside of original country :D
<DuperMan> p_l|backup: technically applies to google xD
<DuperMan> deeeeeerp
<p_l|backup> DuperMan: not really, I migrate phones between countries easily
<addi> btw, Nokia has gone mad. They selling Lumia 900 here in India for $659, just $30 less than Galaxy S3, heh
<p_l|backup> can't do so with MS ones
<DuperMan> rofl. anybody buying that should send me their sister
<DuperMan> if shen weighs under 120lbs and isn't a midget
<addi> haha, no one is, everyone says "this is not the US, this is India where people want bang for their buck, GTFO Nokia" :p
<addi> people here not so easily fooled into spending so much money just for the cool factor
<DuperMan> so.... hash, it's the only consumable that'll survive a zombie apocalypse
<DuperMan> noted
<DuperMan> xD
<p_l|backup> DuperMan: didn't you hear? They are
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> I heard it's a one way street
<p_l|backup> or rather, you get someone who, while high on pot, gets idea of using bath salts, and bam, zombie-like guy
<DuperMan> yo mama jokes though abounding being redundant
<DuperMan> :)
<p_l|backup> DuperMan: well, real zombie are created through certain vicious drug coctails, but potheads wouldn't know how to... most, that is
<DuperMan> potheads will assume they had a train of thought between begging the question and the faux conclusion
<DuperMan> most, that is :)
<p_l|backup> (and yes, zombies are real. They aren't undead, though it was part of their myth and how shamans would present them)
<DuperMan> they're intentionally brain damanged
<DuperMan> Imma had lingual fun with a native word lately circumferating this notion
<DuperMan> ra'tza'tz
<p_l|backup> DuperMan: yes. It's actually a crime in the originating country, to "make a zombie out of someone", considered a premeditated murder iirc
<DuperMan> basically taken to mean bash a person's head in but only applicable insofar as 'rendering the victim stupid'
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> my lanuguage is undead
<DuperMan> and I love it
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<chieftex> in the cm10 wiki, clicking on known issues on some phones shows nothing, while others show a few
<chieftex> should we assume that all phones share the majority of known issues?
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<Jiangyi> chieftex: Assume the phones that have the same chipset to share the known issues. :-P
<chieftex> yeah, fair enough
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<Sklooai> Is it possible to downgrade from nightly to stable without reseting phone?
<tat-> cm10 -> cm9?
<Jiangyi> Sklooai: Just flash and reboot. No need to wipe, etc.
<Jiangyi> Unless you're talking about CM10 nightly to CM9 stable, that's different.
<Sklooai> Didn't know cm10 existed...
<jspboix> on cm10 after a few minutes of screen lock I get "sim card locked" and have to put my sim pin again to unlock the phone, has anybody experienced this?
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<Sklooai> jspboix, my friend got that
<p_l|backup> I think I encountered it once after installing monday's(?) nightly
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<Sklooai> maybe then it started
<Sklooai> :/
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<jspboix> I've got staurday's, first time I installed cm10 so I can't really tell if it happened before :(
<chieftex> for samsung apps (such as S note), should we be using an alternative when on a CM based rom?
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<Thracky> well, if you go to a non samsung rom you lose some of the samsung functionality :P
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<chieftex> yes thats cool, but im saying i shouldnt try to use any of the samsung apps, is that right?
<Thracky> correct, they won't work
<chieftex> cool
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