chadouming changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | SmartStay Ex available now ! | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | If you have a problem, fill this first : | If you dont like your device, sell it. -codeworkx
<evil-doer> anyone know of a good windows formatting app that might fix formatting problems on a new 64gb microsd? i first let the phone format it, it said worked, but then i plugged it into the pc to transfer files, and it had errors, and from then on i cant even format it
<sinc> man, I would really love to upgrade my network connection, but I'm not sure if 350Mbps/20Mbps (with 10e increase in monthly price) would be big enough upgrade from 200Mbit/15Mbit connection
<Jug6ernaut> formatting problems?
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<Jiangyi> chadouming: I don't think there are any residential Static IP services in Canada. =|
<Thracky> wow, windows 8 is balls.
<evil-doer> teksavvy has static ips
<DuperMan> Thracky: win8 win
<DuperMan> f u
<DuperMan> die
* DuperMan drunk
<Jiangyi> Thracky: You just realized? ._.
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<Thracky> Jiangyi: I got win 8 pro for free so figured I'd give it a whirl
<Jiangyi> Ah.
<DuperMan> f u all. get S7
<DuperMan> S7S
<DuperMan> Samsung Galaxy Slate
<Thracky> I'm entering some MS devel competition thing with some friends and we'll probably have to design it for win8 heh
<DuperMan> win8 makes the most pious of puppies cry
<DuperMan> for the beauty
<Thracky> yeah honestly I didn't read anything about how to use it and it confused the fuck out of me for like 15 mins.
<Thracky> I was like wat? THIS is the start menu??
<DuperMan> 15 < a lot
<DuperMan> then you were 'arm and intel stuffs play cozy'
<DuperMan> and fell in love?
<bbqbot> derp
<Thracky> no I'm back on w7 now :P
<DuperMan> get a slate
<DuperMan> or surface
<DuperMan> it is the hot
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<Jiangyi> Hmm..... I finally found another guy that knows about the whole custom ROMs scene at my school today.
<Thracky> was he by himself eating lunch?
<Jiangyi> You'd think there would be more people who knows this shit in a school of 1400, but it doesn't look like it.
<Thracky> or having things thrown at him by girls?
<Thracky> :D
<Jiangyi> This school is actually nice to nerds. :-P
<Thracky> hipster nerds sure
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<Jiangyi> Mainly cause of the extreme Asian population. :-|
<Thracky> aka hipster nerds
<Thracky> no love for basement dwelling neckbeards at ANY high school
<Jiangyi> Sure?
<Jiangyi> Are you speaking from experience? o_O
<Thracky> asians can be nerdy but it's still cool
<Thracky> 2 things people have no clue about me when they meet me, I'm nerdy as hell, and I used to be a nationally ranked figure skater :P
<Thracky> so no, I never had that issue.
<Thracky> I don't give off the nerd vibe.
<Thracky> only the wife knows how bad it is lol
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<Jiangyi> Thracky: Figure skater? O_O
* Jiangyi would've never guessed
<Thracky> exactly.
<Thracky> nobody ever does :P
<chadouming> i was in a prestigious school harmony !
<chadouming> nobody ever figure that out too
<chadouming> well, i try to bring it less possible now
<chadouming> teacher was found guilty of fraud and to have touch young girl xD
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<nitoh> sup guys
<nitoh> whats better cm9 or 10
<chadouming> you kidding i hope ?
<nitoh> no im used to cm9
<nitoh> still a noob @ this srry
<Jiangyi> chadouming: O_O
<chadouming> ok, so i'll give you advice
<chadouming> never ask that kind of question
* Jiangyi is shocked
<Jiangyi> At the teacher part.
<chadouming> Jiangyi: all this happened after i leaved xD
<Jiangyi> ._.
<Jiangyi> Well, good thing that you're not a girl then.... I guess. ._.
<chadouming> true xD
<chadouming> we still won best note at Boston heritage festival breaking a 30 years old record :D
<chadouming> 98,6%
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<chadouming> with that song
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> but i'm not able to listen it here
<Jiangyi> Yeah I can't play it either.
<Jiangyi> But either ways, impressive. Most impressive.
<chadouming> you know music ?
<chadouming> well, how to read a partition
<chadouming> there press on listen then play :D
<DuperMan> no play FIRST
<DuperMan> i so bored
<Jiangyi> I'm sad. Alto sax does very little in this piece. :-(
<Jiangyi> Nice piece though.
<DuperMan> beethoven's sonatas are so win
<DuperMan> try tschaicovski too
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<chadouming> lol, i'm listening to other band on youtube
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<Jug6ernaut> still my favorite montage ever
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<o0phantom0o> hello
<o0phantom0o> I just installed cyanogenmod 10 on my sgs 2
<o0phantom0o> when it asks to sign in into my google account
<o0phantom0o> it doesnt seem to sign in
<o0phantom0o> just goes on and on
<o0phantom0o> could this be because i installed from my external sd card instead of internal?
<o0phantom0o> anyone?
<o0phantom0o> ???
<o0phantom0o> plz reply
<o0phantom0o> =(
<o0phantom0o> helloooooo
<o0phantom0o> =(
<evil-doer> vagina
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<o0phantom0o> ??/
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<o0phantom0o> hello
<o0phantom0o> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<o0phantom0o> can ayone help?
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<o0phantom0o> hello
<o0phantom0o> i installed cm10 on gs2
<o0phantom0o> now it is taking too long on the google signin screen
<o0phantom0o> what could be the problem?
<o0phantom0o> anyone here?
<o0phantom0o> ???
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<o0phantom0o> ???
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<o0phantom0o> please reply anyone who can help
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<frankdrey-g1> Hai, I would like to see vibration support for the gtab2
<frankdrey-g1> :P
<frankdrey-g1> (Joking)
<frankdrey-g1> Have the speakers buzz at a frequency that makes the tablet vibrate?:D
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<nj_> hey there.. i need some help..i just flashed the CM9 on my Samsung Galaxy Tab2. It is working fine..
<nj_> but it is not allowing me to remount the system
<frankdrey-g1> I've never tried remounting system...hmmm.
<nj_> what could be the possible reason?
<frankdrey-g1> Hold on
<nj_> okay
<frankdrey-g1> What's it say?
<nj_> it says "remount failed: Operation not permitted"
<frankdrey-g1> I just did it fine on cm10
<frankdrey-g1> mount -o remount,rw system
<frankdrey-g1> wait, are you using some app?
<nj_> let me try the same on cm9
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<frankdrey-g1> Explain what your goal is here :p
<frankdrey-g1> Ok
<nj_> well i want to remove contacts.apk from system/app
<frankdrey-g1> Ok, you mess stuff up, your problem :P anyway, that command should work
<nj_> i am working on linux. this command will work on linux?
<nj_> yea need to remove the app...working on Contacts app...need to push our development in the device to check
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<frankdrey-g1> nj_, you're supposed to do the command in a shell on the device
<frankdrey-g1> Use adb shell or something
<nj_> ok..just a min...let me try
<nj_> well it remounted the system. but it is not allowing me to push my apk into it
<nj_> we were able to remove the
<nj_> Contacts apk from system app
<nj_> log:
<nj_> shell@android:/ # mount -o remount, rwx system shell@android:/ # mount -o remount, rwx system/app mount: Invalid argument 255|shell@android:/ # cd system shell@android:/system # mount -o remount, rwx app mount: Invalid argument 255|shell@android:/system # cd app shell@android:/system/app # rm Contacts.apk shell@android
<frankdrey-g1> Why x?:P
<cdesai> and /system is one partition
<cdesai> just type adb remount
<cdesai> adb pull /system/app/blah.apk
<frankdrey-g1> Adb remount didn't work for him apparently
<cdesai> adb root first
<nj_> just wanted to give all of them r, w, x :P
<nj_> adb remount is not working..
<cdesai> eh, you don't remount a partition as executable
<frankdrey-g1> ^
<cdesai> nj_: type adb root first
<frankdrey-g1> :p
<nj_> ok..still learning :)
<frankdrey-g1> cdesai, my way is more 1337 :P
<cdesai> no, more leet is editing init.rc to keep it rw always :p
<frankdrey-g1> I did that before :P
<frankdrey-g1> Or was it an init.d script?:|
<bbqbot> derp
<nj_> after adb root...things started i dunno what exactly worked...the combo..or..? anyways, thanks to both of you for ppl saved the day :)
<frankdrey-g1> Either way should work :P
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<frankdrey-g1> Whale...
<frankdrey-g1> Good night
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<timmaeh> hey guys, quick question just to go sure... when i upgrade vom 20120927 to 20120928 (CM10) on my i9300 S3 do I have to make a factory reset again or do I just have to reboot?
<timmaeh> and no, this is not in the XDA-thread...
<timmaeh> (...anymore)
<bealtine> no factory reset needed
<timmaeh> bealtine: thanks a lot :)
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<_slax0r_> hello, I'm searching the cyanogenmod download site and I come up agains Samsung Galaxy S2(which I always used so far) and Samsung Galaxy S2(intl), what's the difference? Except that intl includes CM10, is this for a different version of SGS2?
<bbqbot> derp
<gladiac1337> they renamed the branch to i9100 to make the naming more consistent. but this was only done for cm10 builds. cm9 stays with the old branch name.
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<Terra2k> #teamhacksung-support
<Terra2k> hey . is this channel only for samsung devices ?
<addi> yes
<addi> #Cyanogenmod for all devices
<Terra2k> ok thanks .
<Terra2k> why does it say : #Cyanogenmod :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services
<bealtine> cos you need to identify with services
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<roniez> Terra2k: that means u need to use a registered nickname with nickserv and be identified to that to be able to join
<Terra2k> i got that thank you
<Terra2k> I gotta go for now will try later
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<_slax0r_> gladiac1337 thanks for clearing that up, one more question. Is the CWmod that I used to flash CM9 good for flashing CM10, or should I update CWmod too as suggested on xda-developers forum?
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<Henrique> can anyone tell me if cm10 for intl i9300 supports tethering/hotspot? I see it listed as a known bug, but in an outdated forum post
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* interloper is away: see ya soon goon
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<codeworkx> Henrique: broken
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<Henrique> thanks codeworkx.. that's unfortunate, but I guess I can deal with usb tethering
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<pacolux> Does any here have issues with the back soft button touch area being misaligned to the left on last few night builds?
<peterperfect> pacolux which device?
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<pacolux> Dang gt-3113
<pacolux> Can't type today
<pacolux> It seems in portrait mode that a few nights ago the running app and back button switched places...currently it is opposite to landscape mode...after that it seems the touch area is closer to the home button.
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<o0phantom0o> hello
<o0phantom0o> I installed cm10 on sgs 2
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<o0phantom0o> signing into google account is taking too long
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<o0phantom0o> can anyone help me?
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<codeworkx> o0phantom0o: a) your internet connection sucks b) google server are derping
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<bahbel> Hello
<bahbel> is anyone around to confirm somethings for me?
<bahbel> Thanks in advance?
<bealtine> ask question
<bahbel> ok thanks
<bahbel> 1st I have a Samsung galaxy tab 2 10.1.. the GT-P5110
<bahbel> I've read in the known issues on the wiki at
<bahbel> there is this issues with home screen always in ladnscape mode and sometimes a reboot is needed cause the tablet stops detecting touches..
<bahbel> is this accross all devices
<bahbel> or just the p5100 (as it says in title)
<bahbel> I got confused cause the page title is for 5100, the description is for 3110 and mine is a 5110
<bahbel> *for 3100
<bahbel> so, will mine be affected by those issues? :X
<bbqbot> derp
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<Yoyo_> Hey all, another newb looking for support ;p
<Yoyo_> I have the Samsung S3 (International) and installed CM10 with success. However, I have gestures.
<Yoyo_> Like the palm swipe, or the tap at the top to bring to top features
<Yoyo_> Is this normal or am I doing something wrong
<datagutt> cyanogenmod does not support the gestures that the original samsung firmware has
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<Yoyo_> I see, not to disrespect CM but are there any mods out there that do?
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<datagutt> not that i am aware of
<Yoyo_> One last question - Will other ROMS seek to integrate s3 features into their makes?
<bbqbot> derp
<Yoyo_> In the future
<bealtine> unlikely
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<bealtine> just joined #Cyanogenmod and its like retard central:~P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: ordered the XT some hours ago today. it's already on the way. :-D
<bealtine> monday so
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Nice :-D
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<Jiangyi> How fast is German shipping btw?
<codeworkx> 1 day normally
<codeworkx> might arrive tomorrow
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<Jiangyi> Damn that's fast. ._.
<Xello> und betrogen worden!
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<Assid> yeay!! wassup my crazy peeps
<frankdrey-g1> I don't know you...but hi :P
<bealtine> my rabbits are flying today
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<logcat> mah, bealtine, that might explain my flying wolf xD
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<bealtine> but mine are chasing flying lettuce:~P
<Pergius> I wanna get what you guys are eating.. ^^
<pmgnet1> @changelog i777
<Wechner> hey, I followed this guide to downgrade from cm10 to cm9 on my s2 international: but I'm stuck at booting into Recovery after flashing the cm9 kernel: vol up + home + power button just gives some sort of screen test ... can someone help me restoring a usable CWM?
<bealtine> did you wipe first?
<pmgnet1> why downgrade? cm10 isn't stable?
<Wechner> I wiped cache and dalvik cache as described in that post
<Wechner> no, cm10 is not stable and has some bugs that bothered me
<Wechner> but anyway I'm stuck now...
<logcat> wipe data
<Assid> arghh so .. my gps still doesnt work.. and i cant figure out why
<Wechner> how? I can only access download mode
<bbqbot> derp
<pmgnet1> I have it on my i777 and it looks great. My dad has the bigger sprint model... was hoping to put JB on it.
<Wechner> and will I loose my personal data in internal memory like photos, etc.?
<pmgnet1> Wechner: you should ALWAYS back up.
<logcat> you wont loose thing like photo or musi
<logcat> c
<Pergius> why are there no "slide effects" in cm10? will it be there later?
<pmgnet1> but normally photos persist a ROM flash
<Wechner> ok...
<logcat> you will however loose your ap
<logcat> Pergius, because and never ask if or when
<Wechner> I know about the backup part, just figured I won't need it :]
<logcat> Wechner, listen, that guide is borked
<Wechner> ok
<Wechner> seems so :(
<Wechner> so how can I wipe data?
<Pergius> logcat.. ok, sorry.. just wondering, really loved them effects on cm9
<Wechner> I thought it would work because people in follow up posts said it worked :/
<logcat> the fact that it make you flash a kernel, reboot into recovery, flash a kernel and reboot recovery get you stuck for sure
<logcat> hmm
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<logcat> at least it was doing so for me with my good old SGS I
<logcat> i suppose GS2 is the same
<logcat> hmmm, flash a cm9 kernel with odin and try to boot
<logcat> it wont i know
<logcat> but tell me if you get to boot anim
<Espenfjo> hm.. how were this signal strenght thing? Did it only update itself when going to stock->about phone?
<logcat> hmm Wechner, you didnt follow the instruction in fact
<logcat> wipe data and reboot
<Wechner> I didn't get to wipe data
<bealtine> do it
<Wechner> yeah, I will try to flash cm 9 kernel via odin
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<Wechner> logcat: the guide says just to wipe caches before flashing cm9 kernel, that I did
<Wechner> then I flashed kernel and could't get to CWM
<Wechner> are the official cm9 kernels from this thread good to go?
<Wechner> for example ?
<bbqbot> derp
<logcat> false, it says to do a wipe data/factory reset before reboot
<logcat> ing
<logcat> step 8
<Wechner> are we looking at the same post? here it says: -Boot in recovery (CM10) -Wipe cache -Wipe dalvik cache -Flash CM9 Kernel [e.g.] -Reboot into recovery again of the new CM9 Kernel
<Wechner> there are no numbered steps
<logcat> i know there is no numbered step, i still know how to count from 1 to 9
<Wechner> logcat: I see, then I didn't get to step 8
<Wechner> I'm stuck at step 5
<Wechner> the reboot into recovery is not working
<logcat> flash cm9 kernel with odin then reboot into recovery with key combo
<Wechner> ok
<Wechner> I am trying that right now...
<Wechner> is the kernel from the above post the one I should use?
<logcat> just so you know, you said you are stock in recovery and says that you can't enter recovery. That's seems a good problem for me
<logcat> <Wechner> hey, I followed this guide to downgrade from cm10 to cm9 on my s2 international: but I'm stuck at booting into Recovery after flashing the cm9 kernel: vol up + home + power button just gives some sort of screen test ... can someone help me restoring a usable CWM?
<logcat> hmm, nevermind seems i read fast
<logcat> anyway, get CF-root kernel
<logcat> the one for ICS and not jelly bean
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<Wechner> ok, will do
<Pergius> anoyne has some great tips for some good beginner-guides on coding apps for android? would appreciate it alot!
<Wechner> hm, can you point me to the right kernel? I don't know which version of CF-Root to download:
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<Pergius> thnx logcat!
<Pergius> just one little more: is there any main difference in coding for cm10 then stock-android?
<jcase> Pergius, majority of hte code is identical
<logcat> all the code
<logcat> you want to code for android or for android xD
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<Pergius> :) lol.. thnx
<Wechner> logcat: thanks, I could get a working CWM, flash cm9 and I've now successfully booted it, data is also still there
<Wechner> logcat: thank you very much for your help
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<Assid> err any suggestions? im unable to get gps working
<Assid> i have cm10 nightlies.. on the i9100
<codeworkx> shake it
<codeworkx> first lock can take some time
<codeworkx> also make sure to be outside
<Assid> codeworkx: i tried it while i was outside.. i tried it while holding out of my window
<Assid> it happened last time.. it started working .. idid the whole shaking thing too.
<Assid> any more shaking and people will have the wrong impressio
<Assid> gps status app shows me 0/5 so there are satellites.. just doesnt lok on
<Espenfjo> first lock after a while / wipe can take 10 minutes+
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<Xello> shake u booty
<Xello> not u phone
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<logcat> xD
<logcat> you must dance to get the GPS locking
<Assid> i did the chicken dance and it still didnt work
<Assid> Espenfjo: is there anything specific we can save between wipes/caches etc
<Assid> i just used gps status to download agps data
<Assid> haha yeah right
<Assid> like your ever gonna give up android
<logcat> haha
<Assid> okay the phones at the window still for a few minutes now.. lets check
<Xello> i remember that sony
<Xello> 2006ish?
<Assid> btw.. i used rom manager.. and for whatever reason.. it said the latest recovery is and it flashed that
<Assid> and now. everytime i boot it keeps asking me for root permissions for everything it already has access to
<Assid> weird thing.. rom manager actually says the current recovery is the correct one
<Assid> and its no longer showing me the premium content.. like cody's repository
<logcat> latest recovery is like
<Assid> exactly
<logcat> dont use rom manage
<Assid> interestingly.. if i boot into recovery from the OS itself.. i get the 6.x recovery
<logcat> r
<Assid> logcat: but what about the crap it did with my permissions ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Assid> everytime i boot its asking for root access to the few apps ive already given access to
<logcat> well, you shouldnt have used rom manager
<Assid> :(
<Assid> i know.. but now i wanna fix it.. i thought it would be easy to manage the roms/radio etc
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<Assid> logcat: any suggestions now that this took place
<logcat> reinstall CM without flushing data
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<asd_> what is on your tab 2 right now??
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<Assid> rom manager still shows weird recovery AND i still get those root access permissions. even if its mentioned to allow /save permission
<Guest74151> maybe rom manager is uncompatible with tab 2
<Assid> what tab?
<Assid> i said i9100
<Guest74151> oh i was thinking you are talking about galaxy ta 2
<Guest74151> tab 2
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<logcat> lawl
<logcat> <asd_> what is on your tab 2 right now??
<logcat> * asd_ is now known as Guest74151
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<logcat> win
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<Assid> err you sure the latest recovery is ? cause its showing me
<Assid> damn,... forgot the siter where you get recoveries
<logcat>, samething
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<codeworkx> Assid: ? xD
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<Assid> aah yes :P
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<danyasd> cm @SGS3 has a very poor wifi connection quality...
<logcat> bad for you
<Assid> err i read that the tablet 2 has bad wifi ?
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<danyasd> who's talking about a tablet 2?
<Assid> just saying..
<Assid> i was considering it for my mom.. but my bro said it had wifi issues and sent me a few lnks
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<Assid> finally i told him to buy whatever he wants so he picked up an ipad for her
<Assid> all she does is play some weird ass games on it anwyasy
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<Xello> wifi fine on gs3 here
<logcat> ipad, perfect for mother or people who dont want to understand more than open the game and shoot fucking bird
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<Assid> yeah well 2nd hand ipad vs spanking new tablet
<Assid> + she coulda used hangout to speak to everyone
<danyasd> with the stock rom I had quite a good signal trough 4 thick steel reinforced concrete walls ;)
<logcat> who the fuck has steel wall
<logcat> you live in a bank ?
<Assid> actually
<Assid> i thought all buildings have steel structures
<logcat> there is a few steel part, in most, not all
<Assid> my office safe is 12" steel and concrete re-inforced walls
<logcat> but that's not steel wall xD
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<chieftex> anyone use the sixaxis controller app?
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<Assid> hmm i think the touch sensitivity on my phone is starting to die or something
<Xello> chieftex yup
<Assid> if im "holding" a page its shaking on its own
<Assid> hmm what good is that app chieftex
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<Assid> hey nice.. i should probably consider that
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<danyasd> steelgrid inside the concrete
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<unreal-dude> looking for some info for an S3, SCH-R530U always locking up in sleep, stock and CM 10, everything ive tried does it
<mongi> does i9100 has usb otg feature?
<Espenfjo> mongi: Yes, but dunno if it works
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<mongi> Espenfjo: you mean dunno if it works in cm rom or even on stocks?
<Espenfjo> SCH-R530U aka d2usc, hm, dont think no-one here has it
<Espenfjo> mongi: dunno
<Espenfjo> :D
<Espenfjo> mongi: I would presume it works on stock roms
<mongi> Espenfjo: ok, thanks... guess i'll buy a cable on dx, just 2 usd, make it a try
<Espenfjo> yeah
<Espenfjo> test it, and if it doesnt work fix it
<Espenfjo> quite simple
<Espenfjo> unreal-dude: try asking in #cyanogenmod or #cyanogenmod-dev instead. There are more people there with the US variants of the S3
<mongi> wish i could fix it hehehe. i'm not a dev =/
<Espenfjo> unreal-dude: This channel is mostly used by people with international version devices
<unreal-dude> right, no such issue been seen on the international version?
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> Not as far as I know
<Espenfjo> I guess the d2usc version have /proc/last_kmsg as well. when you reboot after a SoD(sleep of death) try catting it and see if it says something smart
<bealtine> i had "sleep of death" some time ago but it seemsto be fixed now
<unreal-dude> will do
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Battlefieldz?
<codeworkx> hmm. why not
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<logcat> cause i can't play :'(
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<MarioTME> guys can someone please push this to Gerrit (prebuilt/common/etc/apns-conf.xml): <apn carrier="Zain JO" mcc="420" mnc="03" apn="zain" user="zain" password="zain" type="default,supl" />
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<bealtine> better to put it on xda i guess
<MarioTME> I did post it on XDA also hoping somone would go ahead and push :)
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<MarioTME> Oh thank you sir
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<MarioTME> @Codeworkx thanks for your time and cooperation buddy
<bbqbot> MarioTME: Command does not exist!
<MarioTME> @ Codeworkx thanks for your time and cooperation buddy
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<codeworkx> MarioTME: i still think your settings are wrong
<codeworkx> <- from google
<MarioTME> The screenshot i provided is the default settings that i haven't touch.
<MarioTME> and with these settings i never had any data loss
<MarioTME> i wish i have better knowledge to elaborate more ><
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<codeworkx> MarioTME: get the correct settings from your provider
<codeworkx> should be on their webpage
<codeworkx> but i can't read chinese
<logcat> isnt it arabic ?
<MarioTME> thats in english
<MarioTME> they dont mention anything about MCC/MNC
<codeworkx> MarioTME: that's probably from 1970
<MarioTME> yeah =/
<codeworkx> maybe they didnt hear about smartphones yet?
<codeworkx> can you write them a email?
<bbqbot> derp
<MarioTME> idd :P
<MarioTME> ill call them
<MarioTME> Is there any way i can force edit the MCC/MNC and try these values? mcc="420" mnc="03"
<codeworkx> adb pull /system/etc/apns-conf.xml
<codeworkx> edit it
<codeworkx> adb root
<codeworkx> adb remount
<codeworkx> adb push apns-conf.xml /system/etc
<codeworkx> then reboot
<codeworkx> i can create a zip for you if that helps
<logcat> or you can use QtADB, extract the file, edit, push back and reboot :D
<MarioTME> Just caled them and LOL
<MarioTME> i would appreciate it codeworkx :)
<Ntemis> hey guys
<Ntemis> is there a fix if someones nand becomes read only?
<MarioTME> They said there is no need to modify any of the other settings. all I need to enter is the following: Name: Zain APN:zain user:zain pass:zain
<logcat> hmm
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<Jiangyi> You can always try HiAPN. :-P
<Ntemis> The /dev/block/emmcblk0 is read only, everything you put on it or even if you zero it with dd on next reboot goes back as it were never erased
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<Ntemis> any fix or thoughts about it?
<codeworkx> MarioTME: consider changing to a serious provider ;-)
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<MarioTME> thats the best locally lol :P
<codeworkx> omg
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<MarioTME> Okay i managed to pull and edit the APN and pushed it back and set its permission
<MarioTME> now the APN doesnt show :P only MMS settings show
<MarioTME> tried reset defaults also
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<MarioTME> LMAO i dont have a APN settings for data and i have fully functional HSPA connection wtf
<codeworkx> MarioTME: GT-I9300?
<logcat> gratz, you just entered the world of free internet !
<MarioTME> yup
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<Jiangyi> Hmm.... Seems that encrypted hotspot doesn't want to work. :-P
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<Entropy512> Jiangyi: on which device?
<Jiangyi> 9100G
<frankdrey-g1> I can't decide if I should go back to stock once I get JB for my p5113 :|
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<MarioTME> Thanks bro flashing
<Entropy512> hmm, did I9100G just get a kernel update of some sort?
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<Entropy512> I know I9300 is having issues thanks to JB
<Entropy512> I9100/I777/N7000 needed legacy sta events
<Jiangyi> Not that I know of. :-|
<Entropy512> has it always been broken?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Entropy512: lemme check
<danyasd2> Anybody with nfc problems at sgs3 with cm10?
<Jiangyi> I think so. :-P
<Entropy512> danyasd2: known issue, you must activate NFC on ICS before going to CM10
<Jiangyi> Since I don't use it a ton, I don't really pay too much attention.
<Entropy512> JB upgrades the NFC firmware to something incompatible, and CM can't downgrade it
<Entropy512> if G has always been broken, probably needs legacy sta events
<bealtine> androis apps will run on winphone...
<codeworkx> Entropy512: it's using legacy sta event since some time
<danyasd2> Okay.. any solutions or just wait for an update?
<codeworkx> Entropy512: before it used ics hostapd
<MarioTME> codeworkx its the same APN settings shipped with CM10
<MarioTME> Ah there are 4 settings 2 old and 2 new
<MarioTME> only the old ones are showing
* frankdrey-g1 has decided. I will go to stock once it goes JB. But as soon as we have CM11, I'm going to that :3
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: running 20120914 and works
<codeworkx> WPA2
<Entropy512> danyasd2: flash a Sammy ICS firmware, turn on NFC, nandroid back to CM10
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<codeworkx> Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2012 14:33:01 +0200
<codeworkx> Subject: [PATCH] i9100g/p31xx/p51xx: remove prebuilt hostapd
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: your phone is faulty
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Mine refuses to connect o-o
<codeworkx> haha
<Jiangyi> Oh noes
<Jiangyi> D:
<danyasd2> Entropy512 no incompatibilites wih
<danyasd2> *with apps ect?
<Entropy512> not that I am aware of
<danyasd2> I never needed a nandroid backup
<logcat> clever amd :D
<Entropy512> do a nandroid backup of CM10
<Entropy512> then flash a sammy ICS firmware (including wiping) - activate NFC
<Entropy512> that should downgrade the PN544 firmware
<Entropy512> then do a nandroid restore of CM10
<danyasd2> I know how to do that ;)
<MarioTME> @ codeworkx only old settings showing under APN settings the new ones doesnt show
<danyasd2> I just wanted to say that I had no need to restore a nandroid backup
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<danyasd2> But if I wipe all my apps are gone? Are they all included in the nandroid backup? The one at mnt/sdcard/?
<frankdrey-g1> :|
<frankdrey-g1> That's why he said do a nandroid backup
<frankdrey-g1> It'll restore it EXACTLY how it was
<frankdrey-g1> Apps and everything
<frankdrey-g1> Iirc it gets the sdcard ones too
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<danyasd2> Ok, but for example music i saved at the internal sd card are not included?
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<MarioTME> Codeworkx testing
<codeworkx> that's what i felt when i powered on my SGS3 for the first time and tried to enter PIN:
<bbqbot> derp
* bealtine huggles s3
<MarioTME> codeworkx same shit >< only the stock APN showing the new one you added isnt showing
<codeworkx> factory reset xD
<codeworkx> i deleted the mobily ones
<MarioTME> O_o
<codeworkx> so the only one with 420 03 is yours
<MarioTME> hmm does wiping caches do shit in such situation?
<codeworkx> no
<MarioTME> ouch
<MarioTME> ok backing up and wiping :P
<codeworkx> cache is cache. means cached but non important stuff
<MarioTME> yup :)
<codeworkx> data is where all the data goes ;-)
<codeworkx> and settings
<codeworkx> and stuff
<MarioTME> :>
<MarioTME> onne last question is there any kind of logcat info that can help pinpoint the cause of the data drops?
<codeworkx> adb logcat and adb logcat -b radio
<logcat> everyone talk about me :D
<codeworkx> MarioTME: xplodwild will help you because i'll stop supporting i9300 in short.
<codeworkx> :-D
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<MarioTME> those commands when the data drops only?
<xplodwild> :)
<MarioTME> yeah yeah i know :<
<MarioTME> quitter :P
<MarioTME> wiped/datafactory rest flashed zip and booting :P
<MarioTME> crossing fingers
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: If my phone really is faulty, I blame CM9 testing for it. xD
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<MarioTME> @ codeworkx same shit only old APN showing
<pier> codeworkx, sold?
<codeworkx> MarioTME: which old?
<codeworkx> pier: not yet
<pier> kk
<codeworkx> pier: gimme one or two weeks
<pier> :)
<pier> you should wait a little more
<MarioTME> this Zain JO" mcc="416" mnc="01" apn="internet" type="default,supl"
<MarioTME> the one you added doesnt show in the list
<pier> so I can sell some stuff too :D
<codeworkx> MarioTME: ok wait
<MarioTME> sure
<codeworkx> pier: which stuff? xD
<bbqbot> derp
<MarioTME> should i wipe once more ?
<codeworkx> just check it
<codeworkx> if doesn't work, wipe
<MarioTME> booting /crossing fingers
<MarioTME> no wipe didnt work
<MarioTME> wiped and booting
<MarioTME> :P
<MarioTME> weird shit lol
<MarioTME> zero APN's showing
<MarioTME> MMS APN disappeared now also
<codeworkx> 420 03 isn't for you
<codeworkx> 416 was right
<pier> codeworkx, maybe my i9100 and the tf101 :D
<MarioTME> alright boss restoring nandroid then
<MarioTME> but the stock APN needs modifing APN: zain User: zain Pass: zain :P
<codeworkx> MarioTME: stock jellybean
<codeworkx> <apn carrier="Zain JO Internet Postpaid"
<codeworkx> mcc="416"
<codeworkx> apn="internet"
<codeworkx> mnc="01"
<codeworkx> type="default,supl"
<codeworkx> />
<codeworkx> <apn carrier="Zain JO Internet Prepaid"
<codeworkx> mcc="416"
<codeworkx> mnc="01"
<codeworkx> apn="internetpre"
<codeworkx> user="zain"
<codeworkx> password="zain"
<codeworkx> type="default,supl"
<codeworkx> />
<codeworkx> <apn carrier="Zain JO MMS"
<codeworkx> mcc="416"
<codeworkx> mnc="01"
<codeworkx> apn="mms"
<codeworkx> user="mms"
<codeworkx> password="mms"
<codeworkx> mmsc=""
<codeworkx> mmsproxy=""
<codeworkx> mmsport="80"
<codeworkx> type="mms"
<codeworkx> />
<codeworkx> oops ;-)
<bealtine> lucky theres no flood bot:)
<MarioTME> O_o
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<MarioTME> What did you want to say codeworkx? =P
<codeworkx> 416 01
<codeworkx> is right
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<MarioTME> seems so ;)
<frankdrey-g1> Yep
<MarioTME> But APN User Pass isnt
<codeworkx> [00:20:23] <codeworkx> <apn carrier="Zain JO Internet Prepaid"
<codeworkx> [00:20:23] <codeworkx> mcc="416"
<codeworkx> [00:20:23] <codeworkx> apn="internetpre"
<codeworkx> [00:20:23] <codeworkx> user="zain"
<codeworkx> [00:20:23] <codeworkx> mnc="01"
<codeworkx> [00:20:23] <codeworkx> password="zain"
<codeworkx> [00:20:23] <codeworkx> type="default,supl"
<codeworkx> [00:20:23] <codeworkx> />
<codeworkx> apn is zain?
<frankdrey-g1> Pastebin dammit! D:<
<frankdrey-g1> J/k
<MarioTME> yes sir!
<MarioTME> my line is postpaid donno if it does any differance
<Thracky> probably.
<codeworkx> MarioTME: stock jellybean says apn internet, no pass, no user
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<MarioTME> thats what the customer representative told me
<MarioTME> i always edit APN / User / Pass to zain and always have internet
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<frankdrey-g1> :| stupid G1
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<MarioTME> i guess ill try pulling a logcat when data signal drop :/
<chadouming> logcat -b radio iirc
<MarioTME> adb logcat and adb logcat -b radio
<MarioTME> =D
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<MarioTME> thank you :)
<MarioTME> is it okay to keep the postpaid not modified?
<codeworkx> this values are now like samsung stock rom
<MarioTME> btw apn is zain also
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> you still can't prove it
<MarioTME> check the Internet: Please send a message with the word Internet to the number 95000 For non-supported handsets; please check the below table: Zain JO InternetPostpaidPrepaid connectiongprsgprs userzainzain pwdzainzain apnzainzain
<MarioTME> shit sorry
<MarioTME> check the third grey box
<MarioTME> thats what the customer care told me also :P
<MarioTME> Post paid and prepaid use same settings it seems
<mongi> anyone able to run usb otg on cm in a i9100?
<bbqbot> derp
<MarioTME> hahahah
<MarioTME> thats it! :D
<MarioTME> Thanks bro much apreicated
<MarioTME> lets hope ill be able to grab some logs for Xplod when data drops now :P
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<MarioTME> more love for Zain JO :D
* frankdrey-g1 is gonna go be productive
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<chadouming> ahhhhh, codeworkx. always so . . . Gentle xD
<Jiangyi> lol
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<MarioTME> ^^
<MarioTME> Alright am off for now. Thanks a million codeworkx for your patience :D yca
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davi has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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<chadouming> woah, for the 1st time i saw a president showing a plan to be elected instead of telling other are stupid
<pier|cig> woah
<pier|cig> Espenfjo, kudos for the mali patch ... <3 it
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Perka has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
pier|cig is now known as pier
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jug6-note is now known as Jug6ernaut
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Alram is now known as zz_Alram
Charkey has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]