bbqbot changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | GETT SMARTSTAY EX NAO | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <codeworkx> samsung phones are accidents | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting.
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<Dahlum> Just a quick question, just finished up a build of CM10 for the i777 and all is well except the input method will not stick on reboot. It defaults to Hardware Keyboard on reboot and I have to toggle everytime to change it back to AOSP keyboard. Is there something I can change prior to the build to disable the hardware keyboard altogether?
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<pkugan03> hello
<pkugan03> i need help
<pkugan03> Galaxy S2 CM10
<pkugan03> how do i remove homescreens?
<pkugan03> any1 here?
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<Jiangyi> Dahlum: Shouldn't do that, never heard anyone ever mention such a problem. You made sure that you changed the default in settings?
<Jiangyi> Sorry for the late response, got back just now. :S
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<Dahlum> Yes made sure I changed the default and it doesn't stick. I see the setting in the overlay as well but for some reason it's not disabling the hardware keyboard during the build either.
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<Jiangyi> Well, I have no idea then. Not a coder. :S
<Jiangyi> Sorry.
<Jiangyi> Wait, hardware keyboard? o.o
* Jiangyi doesn't quite understand that
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<pransss> hi
<pransss> Just wondering bluetooth is enalbed in cm-10?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Assid> is sms message/notification tones working for you guys?
<Assid> this is on i9100 0812 exp.
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<lolz84> Assid
<lolz84> hows the battery for you?
<Assid> messed up..
<lolz84> yeah huh
<lolz84> i reverted back to cm9 and the problem persists.
<lolz84> I can't figure out why
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<Assid> modem?
<Assid> ril?
<lolz84> yesterday on cm10 it was draining at around 1% every 2.5 min... now on cm9 it's draining at about 1% every 2 min
<lolz84> well, I tried changing model
<lolz84> s/model/modem
<lolz84> to the original one too.. but hasn't helped
<lolz84> ugh, I ordered a new usb flex for my other i9100. it's taking forever to arrive.
<dmakun> My cm9 nightly has been sitting down very frequently. pls help
<dmakun> sorry, I mean shutting down
<lolz84> shutting down how?
<dmakun> can anyone suggest a solution pls?
<lolz84> just shutting down isn't explaining what the problem is. AFAIK you are holding down the power button while it's in your pocket.
<Assid> lolz84: your gps works ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> dmakun: If you are on the latest nightly, check if you have /proc/last_kmsg
<lolz84> Assid: It did yesterday, but it took a while to lock
<Espenfjo> if so, paste it contents after a shutdown into some pastebin somewhere
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<Jeff_> Hello
<Jeff_> Am i connected?
Jeff_ is now known as Guest80129
<Guest80129> hi
<Guest80129> im here to ask about CM9
<Guest80129> anyone there?
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<Espenfjo> ask away
<Guest80129> according to the cyanogenmod blog it says its rolling out the stable cm 9 on August9th
<Guest80129> is this for Samsung S3 gt-i9300 also?
<Guest80129> is this stable release for Samsung S3 also?
<Espenfjo> Check the site for a download?
<Guest80129> do you guys post it on xda-developers?
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> No, the stable isnt posted at xda
<Guest80129> Okay thanks
<Guest80129> Btw
<Guest80129> is there any news on the next CM10 update?
<Espenfjo> Just follow the thread on xda
<Espenfjo> They are somewhat nightly
<Guest80129> Alright thanks.
<Guest80129> My last question , if i root a stock ics rom , can i install cm10 without wiping?
<Espenfjo> No
<Espenfjo> Going from stock to an AOSP based rom (CM*) you will need to wipe
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<coldEvo> oi, what tool do i use to change my dpi settings?
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<george> hi
<george> im new to jellybean interface
<george> i have a question
<george> how to turn on the data on CM10 rom?
<george> anyone there?
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<freezonelite92> hello , i have a question
<freezonelite92> how to turn on the mobile data on cm10 rom?
<freezonelite92> im new to jellybean interface.
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<EvilBelgian> @download galaxys2
<bbqbot> Download at:
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<Stanzchan> hi, i just upgrade my rom from stock ics to cm9 20120813, all is working fine except the camera. each time i open the camera, it will show unfortunately, camera has stopped.
<Stanzchan> any fix for that?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> you didnt tell which device
<Stanzchan> oh sorry, it is I9100G
<codeworkx> known problem for a few users
<codeworkx> did it happen on earlier releases?
<codeworkx> ah no, you're new
<Stanzchan> i didnt try on any previous release. i directly install the 20120813
<codeworkx> yeah, happens on a few devices. 2 or 3
<codeworkx> we dunno why
<Stanzchan> erm....
<Stanzchan> no solution?
<Fissurez> cody - what's Kswapd0?
<Fissurez> (as a process)
<codeworkx> no solution yet
<codeworkx> kernel swap daemon?
<codeworkx> dunno xD
<Stanzchan> maybe i should try to install the earliest version then only upgrade it to the latest.
<Fissurez> is it supposed to eat my cpu every now and then >.>
<cdesai> do you use swap?
<Unhelpful> or zram?
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<Stanzchan> wish me luck, i have now installing the 20120723. hope it will work.
<Stanzchan> aw... still the same, the camera still giving issue.
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<Daev> Hi there!
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<Daev> How well does CM10 behave in daily use?
<Espenfjo> Very well
<tat-> works well, as long as you check if the phone has rebooted and wants you to re-enter the pin from time to time ;-)
<Daev> haha
<nathan433> i have no problems
<nathan433> no reboots and it runs very smoothlyu
<Daev> So, I dare does it compare to other JB roms, like TAJB or JRO03L? Anyone compared?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> Daev, why don't you try each ROM yourself?
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<Daev> are these confirmed bugs or did people just report them as their issues?
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<cybpsy_> Hello! I wish to upload cm9 to my galaxy tab p5100. I'm using atserg mod of stock firmware. Can I save settings of some apps and restore them after cm9 flashing?
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<datagutt> THIS IS AWESOME
<datagutt> PONYSAY
<datagutt> :D:D::DD:D::D
<Daev> cybpsy: no idea, but wouldn't Ti Backup allow you to do that?
<bbqbot> derp
<Daev> grsmbl
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<cybpsy> Daev: there is a string in instructions: : - Don't restore Apps using Titanium Backup!
<Daev> oh, okay.
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<Daev> can bbqbot do any cool stuffs?
<codeworkx> @dood Daev
<bbqbot> Daev: what up dood
<bbqbot> Daev: hello
<Daev> hi
<bbqbot> Daev: h
<bbqbot> Daev: how are you?
<Daev> Confused, too many options. You?
<bbqbot> Daev: enjoying my digital life between a lot of bits and bytes
<Daev> swell
<Daev> bbqbot: image me bbq
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<codeworkx> cybpsy: you can backup and restore apps. but be carefully. and never try to restore system apps + system data. this will kill your system
<cybpsy> codeworkx: I only need some games progress, connectbot keys and waypoints in navigation program called navitel
<codeworkx> cybpsy: give it a try
<cybpsy> no phonebook or sms
<cybpsy> codeworkx: what system apps and system data do you mean? for example?
<codeworkx> cybpsy: settings data, samsung apps and so on
<codeworkx> cybpsy: basically any google play app can be restored
<codeworkx> cybpsy: anything else is a no go
<cybpsy> codeworkx: thanks a lot!
<Daev> Anyone know how I can backup internet bookmarks from Gingerbread?
<Daev> I want to switch from JVU -> CM10
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<addi> Daev, Titanium can back those up
<addi> but not sure if its recommended to restore them
<Daev> hm, it looks like Ti stores the bookmarks from the stock browser in an xml file
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<Daev> Is it possible?
<Daev> Voodoo audio and CM10...?
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<addi> if you have bought Voodoo Sound app, then the ROM doesn't matter. not sure if the kernel on CM10 still uses Voodoo audio
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<Daev> Anyone use Semaphore kernel on CM10? Or is it advised against using it?
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<Joey_> Hi
<Daev> Hi
<Joey_> I think i have the super brick bug
<Joey_> I used chain fires app to chdck
<Joey_> is it ok for me to flash cm10
<codeworkx> Joey_: which kernel you're running
<Joey_> Whatever came with CM9 rc2
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<Daev> What's the super brick bug?
<Joey_> Google Samsung super brick bug
<Joey_> essentially a bug Samsung is trying to fix, but if you have it and format your emmc your phone will get bricked
<Joey_> Codeworkx did that help?
<codeworkx> Joey_: cm kernels are safe
<Daev> So I wipe data/factory reset + wipe cache partition + wipe dalvik + reboot and slap the CM1o zip on the internal SD + reboot into recovery and install zip
<Daev> that it?
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<codeworkx> Daev: you're on a samsung rom, right?
<Daev> stock JVU or JVT
<Joey_> Thanks Codeworkx just wanted to confirm, don't wanna risk anything with the super brick bug
<codeworkx> Daev: copy cm zip and gapps to sdcard, flash recovery, boot into recovery, flash cm, flash gapps, wipe, done
<Daev> nice, thanks
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<Daev> Am I a bad person for not liking the boot animation of cm10?
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<Fissurez> is there one?
<Daev> weird blue alien
<Fissurez> isnt it just the cm9 one?
<addi> saw someone say the cm10 one is out
<qwebirc21456> I'm having trouble downloading gt i9100 cm10 from the rom manager website
<addi> then try redownloading or try later :)
<Daev> it says cm9 in the boot animation...booting cm10
<addi> oh, then its the CM9 boot animation, none yet for CM10
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<qwebirc21456> Is there an alternative link
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<dizko> is it possible to manually install a gapps zip using adb?
<bbqbot> derp
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<addi> qwebirc21456, probably not
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<Tr0jAn> codeworkx you about?
<dizko> like, if i just unzip it, tar it up, push the tar, untar it into /system
<dizko> so long as i maintain file owership and perms
<dizko> should be the same thing as flashing it from cwm right?
<cdesai> why not unzip system
<cdesai> and yea it'll be the same if you don't want face unlock
<dizko> there seems to be a shell script which deals with face
<dizko> but it definitely work work on this device
<dizko> er wont work
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<dizko> is there an unzip binary somewhere in android that im not seeing?
<cdesai> yea, it checks and unpacks accordingly
<cdesai> open updater-script, look where it sets perms and do that manually
<dizko> oh ic, this expects busybox already, which presumably provides unzip
<dizko> makes sense
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<qwebirc52751> Yo
<qwebirc52751> is there another link for cm10 other than the Ron manager one
<qwebirc52751> like another mirror
<Tr0jAn> dont think so
<Tr0jAn> why is that
<Tr0jAn> problems
<Tr0jAn> qwebirc52751 you going to answer?
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<qwebirc52751> No
<qwebirc52751> I keep getting unsuccessful download when I try and download it off my phone
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<Tr0jAn> what One?
<qwebirc52751> Gt i9100
<Tr0jAn> what rom date?
<bbqbot> derp
<qwebirc52751> Aug 12
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<Tr0jAn> weird.. just downloaded fine on mine
<Tr0jAn> you on 3g or wifi
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<qwebirc52751> H
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<xplodwild> @invite xplodwild #blamesamsung
<qwebirc52751> Tr0jAn I am using hspa
<Tr0jAn> you might havre to use a pc to get it then
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<dizko> set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0755, 0644, "/system/app");
<dizko> is that setting 755 on dirs and 644 on files?
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<Kuzon> HP created a new WebOS company called gram?
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<Legendhidde> Hello?
<Legendhidde> I have a question.
<Legendhidde> Can I ask it to any of the experts here?
<bbqbot> derp
<Legendhidde> Hello?
<Legendhidde> Any expert in reach?
<Legendhidde> Hellooooww?
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<Legendhidde> Helluuuuw?
<Legendhidde> Dammit
<Legendhidde> well
<Legendhidde> too bad
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<Thracky> lol
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<Daev> hm, tried all three JB roms, didn't really like any of them. I guess I'll stick with GB for a little longer.
<Tr0jAn> lol
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<Tr0jAn> jb is far superior
<Tr0jAn> nd its only experimental
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<Daev> GB as pretty icons :D
<Tr0jAn> gb sux
<Daev> any rom with voodoo colors?
<Daev> Aslo, the phone displayed that is was in Roaming mode, thus no mobile data...
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<Jiangyi|zZzZz> Only reason that I even remotely consider stock GB is the far-superior camera. :-|
Jiangyi|zZzZz is now known as JIangyi
<Daev> I was surprised the cam is so basic on JB
<JIangyi> Google = Simple camera. :-P
<JIangyi> Although it's getting better as CM10's been adding more features to it.
<Daev> so, about voodoo colour...does CM10 support it?
<Daev> or a CM10 kernel
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<JIangyi> No clue. :-S
<JIangyi> Don't think that my phone has voodoo colour, so I can't say.
<Daev> the stock colors and the JB color theme are way too cold for my taste
<codeworkx> do you prefer the fluffy messed up samsung settings?
<JIangyi> Hmm..... Well, ROM Manager just borked. :-|
<JIangyi> codeworkx: It's showing i9100 and i9300 things on your i9100G page. o-o
<cdesai> JIangyi:
<cdesai> that shows everything no matter what device you choose
<JIangyi> cdesai: Didn't do that yesterday. o-o
<codeworkx> koush did something
* JIangyi prepares for brick-fest
<Thracky> #blamekoush
<Thracky> You can't flash the wrong rom unless you turn asserts off
<Thracky> and you'd have to go full retard to do that.
<JIangyi> Thracky: You'd be surprised at some of the users. =|
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<Thracky> JIangyi: what's with the capital I today? :P
<JIangyi> Thracky: Bad typing skills. xD
JIangyi is now known as Jiangyi
<Thracky> and no, I wouldn't be surprised. I deal with restoration contractors all day.
<Jiangyi> Just got out of bed xD
<Thracky> asshole.
<Jiangyi> =|
<Thracky> my alarm went off at 10 to 6
<Thracky> I got out of bed at 10 to 7 lol
<Jiangyi> o_O
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: bed? wtf?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: you slept when i had hard times in gun master?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Umm..... Yes? xD
<codeworkx> fu
<Daev> codeworkx: The stock colors on CM10, when I tried it hours ago, were very dark and dull. I like warmer colors and a punchy contrast.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You could've just spam-pinged me, I left Quasseldroid on last night. xD
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Well actually, I don't have gun master since I don't have Premium. ;_;
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<Thracky> bf3??
<Thracky> meant only one question mark
<Jiangyi> Yep. :-P
<Thracky> I don't even have back to karkand heh
* Jiangyi got B2K for $7.50
<codeworkx> Daev: which phone?
<Jiangyi> Origin sales ftw^^
<Thracky> I don't even have origin installed at the moment
<Daev> codeworkx: Galaxy S I9000
<codeworkx> oh the old and rusty one
<cdesai> codeworkx: aries ain't rusty
<Jiangyi> That thing's still got Voodoo sound. :-P
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<Daev> Jiangyi: You got anything that measures better?
<Jiangyi> What? o.o
romann is now known as romann|afk
<Daev> Jiangyi: Voodoo audio makes measurable improvements
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<Jiangyi> Daev: Oh.
<Jiangyi> Well, I actually wasn't into the whole custom stuff back when I had a Captivate, so Idk. =[
<Karbowiak> seriously weird problem
<Karbowiak> which i have had in both CM9 and in CM10, the contacts list gets all jumbled up and weird
<Karbowiak> and sometimes lists people whose name starts with C under B
<Karbowiak> and D under C
<Karbowiak> not everyone, just a single person
<Karbowiak> if you make it sort by last name instead of first name, then it's working fine
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<EvilBelgian> Hey Guys
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<EvilBelgian> Enjoying yourselves?
<Jiangyi> o_O
<Thracky> I really hate dealing with a webhost where I have little control over the DNS records :|
<Thracky> I've had to ask them like 8 times to make modifications to our spf records.
<tat-> Thracky: change hosting company?
<Thracky> not my decision.
<Thracky> the COO is stubborn and it's his call. (Small'ish company)
<lolz84> holy crap. samsung made it so easy to replace the usb flex cable on the i9100 :|
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<Jiangyi> Hmmm
<Jiangyi> I have finally saw a guy on the streets that was running CM on his phone.
<Jiangyi> First time ever. lol
<Jiangyi> Dunno which phone it was though, looked like a HTC with a slideout keyboard. :-\
<Thracky> Motorola Droid Pro maybe?
<EvilBelgian> Jiangyi ...the G1?
<Jiangyi> EvilBelgian: There's CM9 for the G1? o.o
<EvilBelgian> I dunno
<EvilBelgian> lets check
<Jiangyi> According to the CM wiki, there's not. =\
<EvilBelgian> you sure it was CM9?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> EvilBelgian: Pretty sure. Saw CM9-styled notification menu and Apollo. :-P
<EvilBelgian> ah ok
<Jiangyi> AOKP doesn't have Apollo right?
<EvilBelgian> anyway...a part of me deep down inside is screaming to get broken is it?
<Jiangyi> I9100?
<EvilBelgian> yup
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<Jiangyi> It's basically without butter. =\
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<Thracky> 0812 runs very smooth though
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<Jiangyi> Thracky: Care to make a vid of CM10 on I9100? :-P
<madLyfe> as new CM9 nightlies come out can i just flash them over the old one? or do i have to wipe/clear cache/dalvik?
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<Jiangyi> madLyfe: No need to wipe/clear anything.
<Thracky> Jiangyi: for what? :P
<Jiangyi> Thracky: So I can compare the smoothness to the G. :-D
<madLyfe> ok thanks
<Thracky> oh. maybe tonight if I feel like it :P
<EvilBelgian> Jiangyi, Kinda pointless installing it for now then I guess. Is G-Now backwards compatible with ICS?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> EvilBelgian: No, but last time I heard, folks on XDA-developers were trying to hack it. :-P
<Thracky> Jiangyi: what do you want me to show specifically? just moving around the menus and app drawer and such?
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<Thracky> tried some free screen recorder and it looked like crap heh
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<Jiangyi> Thracky: Sure. :-P
<Jiangyi> Just film it with a video camera lol
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<Thracky> who the hell owns a video camera?
<Thracky> oh right. asians.
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<Thracky> uploading to Drive right now
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<limitless> Hey, i read the main XDA page but i cant seem to find a link to CM10 to download it for my SGS2. Could somone point me in the right direction please? thanks
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
<Tr0jAn> limitless the link is there
<Tr0jAn> in the op
<Tr0jAn> its an inteligence test
<Tr0jAn> if you find it you are smart enough to flash it
<Jiangyi> Thracky: ....... o_O
<limitless> ahh lol
<Tr0jAn> ;)
* Jiangyi thought almost everyone had some type of camera
<limitless> i was just about to say im either blind or stupid
<limitless> i guess i know which one now lol
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<Assid> err.. im confused.. there seems to be quite a few modem and ril releases
<Assid> if you go for the LPG modem.. does that still need LQB rils ?
<limitless> i found this like 20 mins ago, but i wasnt sure it was the right thing to downloadCyanogenMod 10.0.0 10-20120814-EXPERIMENTAL-i9300-CODEWORKX
<Assid> do you see the file name ?
<Assid> does it say i9100 ?
<limitless> Well i can see the right file now
<limitless> In all other OP pages its not standarb to put it their so i didnt want to download /flash something just incase
<Assid> and?
<bbqbot> derp
<Assid> once again.. do you see your phones model number in the file ?
<limitless> yes
<limitless> CyanogenMod 10.0.0 10-20120812-EXPERIMENTAL-i9100-CODEWORKX
<Assid> so thats what you need
<Tr0jAn> The page for i9100 has got mixed up.. you will now be requiered to READ
<Tr0jAn> thats another test
<Tr0jAn> to see how many people actually try and flash the i9300 rom on there i9100
<Tr0jAn> and yes.. lots have already and posted abpout it.. #FAIL
<limitless> well i wasnt going to flash anything
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<limitless> untill i read, didnt think the rom would be put with the modems thats why i didnt flash
<Assid> anyone here tred the lpg modem?
<limitless> first time flasing cm, going to do some more reading. Thanks for the help
<Tr0jAn> limitless reading is good
<Tr0jAn> correct approach
<Tr0jAn> your street cred just went up
<limitless> sure is, i read the op post like 5 times before i came here
<Tr0jAn> Unlike
<Tr0jAn> <DKMIUI> what and how do i do it?
<limitless> hehe
<Assid> crap.. the links are not for the right modem
<Assid> theres something wrong with someting.. dont know what.. battery been draining like crazy..
<Assid> anyone here on 0812 with lq6 ? im having crappy battery life recently./. phone gets hot for no reason ether
<limitless> i read that 0812 is having battery issues, im going to flash 0806 for my first flash
<Assid> randomly heats up
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<limitless> im going to install bvlp7 modem for my phone
<limitless> what kernel are you use Tr0jan?
<bbqbot> derp
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<GuineaPiet> Hey, should I update the RIL?
<GuineaPiet> saw them in the downloads section
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<Kenji> hm my phone seems to be twice as battery efficient after i went from stock to cm10 :P
<Kenji> used to have to charge after 8-10 hours, no matter how much i used it during the day. now after 7 hours i am still at 63% power
<limitless> which version of the build are you using kenji?
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<Kenji> 20120812
<limitless> thats weird, the only reason im not installing that one is because pople have said how bad the battery life is on it when using wifi
<Jiangyi> My battery's been kind of iffy. :-|
<Kenji> well i have 100% wifi uptime so can't say i have noticed any of that
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<Tr0jAn> limitless Im on a slightly newer than 12-08 but I have had NO battery issues with any so far
<limitless> hmm maybe ill try 0812 then
<Tr0jAn> you wont be sorry
<limitless> :)
<limitless> checking the changelog while downloading
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<Kenji> think i will have to try this kh3 modem people are talking about as well. have problems with the phone getting really warm, and phone signal just shutting down for periods of time
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<klnu> hi
<klnu> i need help
<klnu> i tray to install cm9 on my galaxy tab 2 10.1 but i get erorr when unzipping the file in cwm
<klnu> i think this problem came from that i didnt install the cm9 kerenel
<klnu> ho to install it
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<Assid> Jiangyi: 0812 kills battery i think
<Jiangyi> Assid: Could be. =\
<Kenji> not for me
<Jiangyi> JB for SGS3.....
<Jiangyi> Like Sammy official JB.
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<Thracky> Assid: I think 0815 is available, except rom manager is fucked up
<Assid> when did it rerlease ??? i saw about 2 hrs ago it didnt exist
<Thracky> i think really recently
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<Assid> yep see it
<Assid> lemme quickly grab it
<Thracky> you probably won't be able to download it yet, but I think someone did a dropbox mirror on the thread
<Thracky> unless rom manager is back up
<Assid> im getting it :P
<Assid> thanks
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<Thracky> ah yeah there it goes
<Assid> i'll have a mirror setup in a few mins
<Assid> willl be up at in about 8 minutes
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<Assid> okay my mirror should be up in 2 minutes
<Thracky> I'm done downloading from rom manager in like 5 seconds heh
<Thracky> if you post the mirror on the thread provide an md5 with it for paranoid people
<Assid> i never post a mirror back on the thread
<Assid> only here
<Thracky> ahh ok
<Assid> d87ba60f481e7d3860fe9b929029748c
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<Assid> does that match ?
<lonlon> ?
<lonlon> FUck everyone here lol\
<Thracky> lemme look
<lonlon> look for my ass?
lonlon was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by addi [I found it!]
<Assid> if you wanna post it on the thread.. go ahead :P
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<Assid> err whats the md5sums ?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Espenfjo> aaaawwww
<Espenfjo> I missed a kick
<addi> :D
<addi> now's your turn :p
<addi> kick kick kick!
<Thracky> yep that's correct Assid
<chimchim> hey is Cm10 stable yet?
<Thracky> oh gee it's the same fucking troll
<Thracky> with the same IP
chimchim was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by Espenfjo [i don't like you, go away!]
<Espenfjo> :D
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<Thracky> o hai fgfgfdg
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<fgfgfdg> hi Tracky
<Thracky> how goes the trolling game
<fgfgfdg> no more pro
<Assid> Thracky: okay .. just posted on the thread
<fgfgfdg> is sixstringsg here too?
<sixstringsg> Hrm?
<fgfgfdg> what's up ,Bro!
<fgfgfdg> why is so quite here?
<fgfgfdg> let chat ppl
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<Thracky> wow, I just noticed es file explorer can do md5 checksums. fancy
<Thracky> Assid: I agree with you on the 0812 battery drain though, mine has dropped a TON in the last hour
<Thracky> like 30% probably
<Assid> plus overheating
<Thracky> i have no heat issues at all
<Assid> i wonder if its the RIL or what
<Thracky> flashing 0815 right now
<Assid> Thracky: move your phone into a 2g area.. while leaving 3g on
<Thracky> heh we don't have 2g anywhere here
<Thracky> I'd ahve to drive for like 12 hours or more
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<Assid> which modem you using btw?
<Thracky> LQ6 iirc
<Thracky> seemed to fix the RIl crashes for me
<Thracky> haven't had one in a long while
<mongi> what are those RIL in clockworkmod?
<Thracky> strangely enough when I flashed 0812, and it does the android is upgrading, it did optimizing app for 99, now 125 and I haven't installed or removed any apps since heh
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<Assid> okay time to hit the sack
<Assid> gnight
<Thracky> night
<Assid> u using stock or siyah kernel ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Thracky> stock
<Assid> hmmm ok.. alrite.. ciao
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<Thracky> ah nice swiftkey was just updated with JB fixes today
<Espenfjo> have they had problems?
<Thracky> yeah I had a lot of issues with chrome
<Thracky> hmm... my phone is hot as fuck and draining battery :|
<Thracky> leave it alone for a bit and see what happens.
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<Kuzon> Galaxy Note 10.1 reviews are already up
<Kuzon> not sure how they could do a full review on a device that was announced today
<Espenfjo> its quite some time since it was announced
<Espenfjo> in the rest of the world atleast..
<addi> official announcement happened a few days ago
<Espenfjo> early last week
<addi> and S3 has shown up running 4.1 from Samsung >.>
<Espenfjo> yeah
<peterperfect> awwwww
<addi> xD
<Kuzon> yeah, touchwiz pisses me off by basically keeping the Froyo look
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<pmgnet> cm10 on i747 is so nice.
<Drybones> I find it styrange how ATT Galaxy Phone model numbers go down
<Drybones> I897, I777, I747
<peterperfect> 'Americans'
<peterperfect> making logics more dumb since ever
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<addi> dood, their logic is awesome. like adding S to iPhone 4 and selling it as a full upgrade :p
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<peterperfect> addi,mod%3D2&q=americans+logic&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=pt-BR&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=M_srUKazCZC_0QGe74GoAQ&biw=1366&bih=667&sei=UPsrUOzHHuTJ0QGmkYDIDA
<addi> ah, so MM first is stupid American logic. got it xD
<limitless> for the SGS2 running cm10 i've read though the known issue and it dosent mention anything about the sd card not working. is that an issue or is it just my phone
<Espenfjo> just you
<limitless> ok
<limitless> :)
<peterperfect> MM, measure units
<Kenji> Thracky: the chrome+switfykey bugs aren't just jb, had them on ics too
<Kuzon> Okay
<Kuzon> this is not right
<Kuzon> I enjoy American date formats
<Espenfjo> nay
<Espenfjo> its awfull :D
<Espenfjo> 911
<Espenfjo> :(
<Espenfjo> its 11/9/01
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<Espenfjo> 2001 that is
<p3100> hello, why no stable cm9 for p3100? any bugs left to test?
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<limitless> cant find my external sd card on es exploerer, but its showing me the size of my card in the 'storage area of settings' the button to mount the sd card is greyed out though
<limitless> should i reinstall the rom?
<p3100> (p3110 and p3113 have stable cm9)
<Espenfjo> limitless: perhaps es explorer is looking in the wrong place
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<Espenfjo> limitless: adb shell, go to /storage/ and check sdcard0 and sdcard1
<limitless> ok
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<Kenji> what app is bbs?
<Espenfjo> "better battery stats"
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<Kenji> cheers
<IamSachin> For?
<Espenfjo> for loop
<IamSachin> Without a counter :P
<IamSachin> Let's donate teamhacksung enough cash to buy :D
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<Espenfjo> +1
<limitless> espenfjo ive opened adb shell not really sure what i should type to do the check
<Espenfjo> ls -l /storage/sdcard*/
<limitless> all the data on my sd card came up
<Espenfjo> ok, then it is es explorer looking in the wrong place
<limitless> will everything be looking in the wrong place?
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<limitless> because titanium backup found nothing as well
<limitless> hmm i feel like im bothering you guys too much and i dont want to lol, might just go back to ICS :(
<limitless> thanks for your help espenfjo, i appreciate it
<Espenfjo> You should be able to find it in es explorer tho
<Espenfjo> You might just need to navigate to /storage instead of /mnt
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<limitless> yeah i read something like that, but im sure their will be other things and as the xda site said its in development and i shouldnt expect support (not that i expect anything, you guys are fab for helping out)
<Thracky> Kenji: the update mentions ICS/JB bug fixes for swiftkey so maybe it'll help there too
<Thracky> I can't really test much cause my battery is really freaking low
<limitless> oh but i did test the NFC enabler on JB and it seems like its working
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<limitless> maybe somone from the CM10 mod team can take a look/ add it to the rom and thats one more thing taken off the list of 'known issues'
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<Kenji> Thracky: hope so, phone freezing every 5min isn't that fun
<Thracky> yeah. I really love swiftkey too :|
<Thracky> not sarcastic heh, I hate using other keyboards
<Kenji> can't use others, i'd rather crash every 5min then change :P
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<brins0> anyone around that can help with a gpu issue on the i9300?
<bbqbot> derp
<peterperfect> brins0 just say it..maybe someone pops
<brins0> fair enough
<brins0> I've got this issue with HTTP Live Streaming in chrome
<brins0> causing the entire system to fall over
<brins0> even the power button ceases to respond
<peterperfect> brins0 you are on cm10 with stock cm10 kernel?
<brins0> yep
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<brins0> yesterdays CM10 build
<brins0> fresh install. full wipe
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<peterperfect> FIMC problems
<GabMus> hello
<peterperfect> i think
<peterperfect> cody says fimc is the problem of the problems
<GabMus> can i ask you a pretty dumb question?
<brins0> what's the FIMC then?
<peterperfect> GabMus ask it and see
<GabMus> ok, im writing it
<Espenfjo> peterperfect: no, not fimc. this is gralloc/hwc.
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<GabMus> on my galaxy s2 im using a previous version of cm10. no problems... now i want to update, i downloaded from rom manager hosting the latest version for i9100. should i make a backup of the apps? i know that i should wipe everything after the installation
<peterperfect> brins0 exynos camera interface module
<brins0> ah
<GabMus> AND
<peterperfect> Espenfjo gralloc classic
<Espenfjo> GabMus: no, you dont have to wipe to upgrade CM10 versions
<peterperfect> Not GRALLOC_USAGE_PHYSICALLY_LINEAR can not supported
<GabMus> is there something negative i should know about this new version?
<Espenfjo> peterperfect: yup, classic :D
<peterperfect> Espenfjo but it has runfimc failure too
<GabMus> i read the hacksung (or kinda) wiki and it says to wipe AFTER flashing the zip
<Espenfjo> GabMus: nah, only time you wipe is when upgrading from a stock samsung ROM
<Espenfjo> GabMus: When upgrading from CM9 -> CM10. or CM10 -> CM10 you should not wipe
<peterperfect> GabMus not needed
<GabMus> interesting
<Espenfjo> Common misconception
<GabMus> ok thanks guys
<brins0> out of interest, is it a bad thing to wipe?
<bbqbot> derp
<peterperfect> E/SECHWC_LOG( 1911): int hwc_set(hwc_composer_device_t*, void*, void*, hwc_layer_list_t*)::runFimc fail : ret=0
<peterperfect> brins0 no..its just not needed
<Espenfjo> brins0: Yes and no. Yes because you lose all settings. No because you get a fresh start
<brins0> I always do, in case I've screwed something up with my faffing
<peterperfect> ah ok
<peterperfect> full wipe
<peterperfect> :P
<Espenfjo> brins0: But it shouldnt really be needed when going between AOSP versions
<brins0> k
<peterperfect> just for you that love
<peterperfect> Not GRALLOC_USAGE_PHYSICALLY_LIN EAR can not supported
<brins0> just for clarification, it's not chrome the error ocurrs in
<brins0> i've got a link on the page that opens a stream, which opens int he gallery
<peterperfect> uh?
<peterperfect> why a stream opens the gallery
<brins0> since H.264 support has been removed from chrome
<brins0> don't know, that's the default app it opens in
<brins0> the devices we use at work are vanilla (no other media players installed)
<brins0> I can pull a copy of the page from the work servers and host it locally if you want to try and reproduce it youself
<GabMus> installing
<GabMus> ...
<xplodwild> Not GRALLOC_USAGE_PHYSICALLY_LINEAR can not supported
<xplodwild> was my hack removed?
<peterperfect> brins0 nah..relax...cody or xplop will look into it
<GabMus> installed
<GabMus> rebooting
<peterperfect> xplodwild was it?!
<peterperfect> blame who?
<GabMus> >_< seeing the cm9 boot screen with the cm10 is baad
<Thracky> why
<Thracky> there is no cm10 boot logo
<peterperfect> cuz
<peterperfect> someone got to do it
<Thracky> obviously. I wasn't asking why there isn't one
<Thracky> I should have punctuated better.
<Thracky> *why?
<Thracky> *There is no cm10 boot logo, so cm10 will show the cm9 logo.
<Thracky> fixed. :D
<GabMus> i think that changing that 9 with a 10 isnt that difficult
<GabMus> anyway
<GabMus> it booted normally
<GabMus> why do they think that a normal user wants it?
<Thracky> you sound like you should just flash MIUI or stock and be done with it :P
lenny|offline is now known as Lenny
<GabMus> me?
<GabMus> nah
<GabMus> i hate ios like interfaces
<Thracky> you hate a lot of things
<GabMus> i like the ics/jb holo interface
<brins0> if you wanna try and reproduce it yourself:
<GabMus> i do
<brins0> launch in chrome, click the links to the right, open in the gallery
<Thracky> and with apollo, just don't use it?
<GabMus> i cant stop hating
<GabMus> haters gonna hate
<GabMus> xD
<Thracky> clearly you're a hater :P
<GabMus> seriously
<GabMus> i like google play music
<Thracky> then use it
<GabMus> i do
<GabMus> am i annoying?
<Thracky> so wtf is the problem with apollo? just ignore it
<GabMus> ill uninstall it with titanium backup
<GabMus> it is just annoying
Jiangyi|Swimming is now known as Jiangyi
* Jiangyi is back
<brins0> I take it this problem isn't just my fault then, yeah?
<bbqbot> derp
<brins0> something i've done to my rom
<Thracky> home time.
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<GabMus> ok, this is serious stuff
<Originalwhite> Hi all
<GabMus> i have the froyo search application
<GabMus> instead of the jb one
<GabMus> WHY?
<Originalwhite> who could help me out get a galaxy s i9000 booting again?
<Jiangyi> GabMus: Did you not flash GApps?
<Kenji> the verge crushed the note 10.1 :P seems like it needs a custom rom bad
<Jiangyi> Originalwhite: Flash a stock ROM with Odin usually solves everything.
<Jiangyi> Kenji: Define crush. o_O
<Kenji> sais not to buy it
<GabMus> i did not flash the gapps
<Originalwhite> Jiangyi: I need to find out my baseband version without being able to boot.
<GabMus> i upgraded from a previous version of cm10
<Originalwhite> can i do diz?
<Originalwhite> or find universal rom
<Originalwhite> or find universal rom?
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<Jiangyi> Originalwhite: I9000 ROMs are universal, except maybe the Chinese ones. :-P
<Originalwhite> great thanks
<Jiangyi> So yeah, just find one from your country and you're good to go.
<GabMus> hello?
<Jiangyi> GabMus: You'll need to flash GApps to get the new Google Now search.
<GabMus> actually
<GabMus> if i use voice recognition
<GabMus> it starts a working jb search app
<GabMus> dunno whats happening
<Kenji> Jiangyi: they basically sais to get a nexus 7 instead
<Jiangyi> Oh. :-|
<GabMus> i'll try flashing gapps
peterperfect has quit [Quit: Don't push the red button!]
<Kenji> 10.1 tablet with the same resolution as a 7" seems kinda waste
<Kenji> at twice the price
<Jiangyi> GabMus: You'll need the 0724 one, some of the others are borked. :-|
<brins0> doesn't the note 10.1 have sPen support?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> Kenji: It's probably the Wacom tech that costs that much.
<GabMus> Jiangyi: WHAT?
<Jiangyi> ?
<Kenji> brins0: sure but a pen that is just a "finger" really in anything other then samsung apps
<Kenji> normal apps don't understand the pen
<brins0> ah, right
sbrissen is now known as sbrissen_gone
<brins0> I though it worked like a virtual mouse
<Kenji> Jiangyi: ye probobly, and the damn pen is probobly also the reason why the screen has such low resolution
<Kenji> makes it easier
ciwrl|work is now known as ciwrl|away
<brins0> I often look at my Xoom and think the screen res is very low
<Jiangyi> Yeah :-|
<brins0> specially compared to my i9300
<Jiangyi> The screen is the only thing that makes the new iPad even remotely enticing.
<brins0> get android on an iPad, then I might be interested
<GabMus> what is the "0724 one"?
<Jiangyi> GabMus: The GApps dated 20120724.
<Kenji> haha oh ye and the fancy new "divide the screen in 2 and run 2 apps side by side" that the tablet has. It only works for samsung apps. And even though they are shown side by side, they don't run at the same time, so there is massive lag when switching between them because only 1 is really running
<GabMus> u mean 726?
<Jiangyi> No, 0724.
<Jiangyi> Kenji: That's Samsung software fail right there lol
<Kenji> yep
<GabMus> so... i download this package, i flash it and everythinhg should work correctly?
<limitless> with the sgs2 running cm10 can you mount your sd card to use as a flash drive on the pc?
<Jiangyi> GabMus: Pretty much.
<GabMus> nope
<GabMus> im talking to limitless now
<GabMus> @limitless: nope
<limitless> :) thanks
<bbqbot> GabMus: Command does not exist!
<GabMus> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> GabMus: No need for the @. That makes the bot thinks you're trying to type a command.
<Jiangyi> think*
<GabMus> oh
<GabMus> lol
<brins0> why does the bot derp out on ?'s
<GabMus> sorry
<GabMus> maybe it is programmed to do that
<GabMus> i remember that in another chatroom
<limitless> is it the same bug thats stopping titanium backup and other file expoloers finding the card?
<GabMus> there was a bot that said "pizza, i like pizza" if you wrote "pizza"
<GabMus> limitless: i dont think so
<limitless> do you think that its something thats high on the devs list to fix?
<GabMus> limitless: it isnt a bug... it is a jb "feature". sounds crazy but its true
<Jiangyi> brins0: It derps at every 7th question.
<brins0> ah
<limitless> sounds mad
<GabMus> yup
<Jiangyi> limitless: Nah, no one else has reported that.
<GabMus> kinda the ios protection: you cant sync files without itunes
<GabMus> pretty much the same thing
<GabMus> i think that cm team will solve it
<GabMus> i think that this "feature" was in ics too
<limitless> im really shocked at jelly bean
<brins0> to my knowledge, SD cards are managed how they are now so you can mount them on the desktop, and the host still has access to them
<GabMus> but only on the original galaxy nexus firmware
<Jiangyi> OK, I'm lost now.
<brins0> unless that's just a side effect
<limitless> yeah a little lost too
<Jiangyi> What's wrong with MTP?
<GabMus> i dont use windows
<GabMus> thats the problem
<brins0> I can list loads of problems myself, even though I use windows, but it's still good
<Jiangyi> GabMus: Works fine for code, who's on Linux Mint.
<GabMus> i use arch linux
<Jiangyi> Ah. Dunno about that, I'm not big into Linux. :-P
<Jiangyi> No reason that it shouldn't work though.
<GabMus> i dont know
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<brins0> my biggest grips with MTP is that you can't drag from non-explorer apps onto your device
<GabMus> for now i use a sort of crappy driver on my os x partition
<brins0> like, from foobar straight to your device
<GabMus> (yes, i use os x, but just cause i need adobe ps)
<brins0> you have to copy to your desktop, or navigate to the folder first then drag to your phone
<Jiangyi> What's wrong with PS on Windows?
<GabMus> nothing
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<GabMus> windows itself is wrong
<brins0> oh lawd
<GabMus> i dont use windows
<GabMus> and ill never use it
<brins0> get yourself an iPhone, I hear they work great with OSX
<GabMus> yes
<GabMus> but ios is crap
<apider> SGS2 just installed CM10 20120815: Google Now wont launch! Nyone seen this?
<GabMus> really
<GabMus> apider: kinda same problem
<GabMus> try flashing 20120724 gapps
<limitless> and what about exploerers like es file explorer finding not finding the card in the usualy spot?
<bbqbot> derp
<GabMus> im still downloading them
<apider> GabMus: sucks!
<limitless> how would i get around that?
<GabMus> download speed= 60kbps
<Jiangyi> limitless: Works fine over here with root explorer. =\
<brins0> you could make a symlink to the directory in / with the name it's looking for perhaps
<GabMus> oooh
<GabMus> i know what's jour problem
<GabMus> you dont find the directory where the sd is actually mounted
<GabMus> ok
romann|afk is now known as romann
<GabMus> are u using jb?
<limitless> yeah
<limitless> reinstalling it now actually
<GabMus> ok
<GabMus> just navigate to /storage
<GabMus> ull see 3 folders
<GabMus> sdcard0 sdcard1 usbdisk0
<GabMus> dunno what usbdisk0 is
<GabMus> but sdcard0 is the internal memory
<brins0> that's for usb host devices
<Jiangyi> GabMus: usbdisk0 is for USB OTG.
<GabMus> sdcard1 is the external one
<GabMus> ... ok, makes sense
<limitless> usualy i find my sd card in external sd card inside my internal sd card
<limitless> sorry that came out bad
<GabMus> now you dont
<Jiangyi> limitless: That extSdCard never did anything for me. lol
<GabMus> so try my method
<limitless> ok
<apider> Any resolution for the Now problem that anyone knows about?
<GabMus> yeah, extSD is quite useless IMHO
<GabMus> apider: try flashing 20120724 gapps
<limitless> what do you mean quite useless?
<limitless> dont you put music and pictures on it?
<GabMus> i mean that i only use my internal memory
<limitless> oh right
<GabMus> i think its enough
<GabMus> for me at least
<limitless> i use the external just for media
<GabMus> makes sense
<limitless> movies, tv shows music and camera
<GabMus> but i think (just think) that is slower
<GabMus> isnt it?
<Jiangyi> GabMus: That depends on the speed of the card.
<GabMus> seems legit
<limitless> i have all my old pictures from way back on the touch hd
<limitless> i think i may even have one or two pictures from my HTC Orbit days lol
<GabMus> i have an old 2 gb sd from who know what phone
<GabMus> works just fine
<GabMus> i never seriously tried it
<limitless> i just bought a class 10 for the sgs2
<GabMus> so i cant tell
<limitless> pretty cheap nowadays
<Jiangyi> My first Smartphone was the Galaxy S Captivate
<GabMus> gapps almost downloaded
<Jiangyi> Now I'm on the I9100G.
<limitless> oh i had the xda original :D
<GabMus> my 1st one is my sgs2
<bbqbot> derp
<brins0> I joined the smartphone bregade back with my old Orange SPV c550
<Jiangyi> Interesting list.....
<brins0> those were the days
<limitless> each phone i get is almost completly diffrent way to flash route and do all the rest
<limitless> i have a c550 right infront of me lol
<limitless> my mums phone got stolen so i gave it to her
<limitless> after she broke my touch hd lol
<brins0> lol
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<GabMus> ok, rebooting in recovery
<GabMus> lets try
<limitless> what kernel should i use with cm10? siyah any good?
<Jiangyi> limitless: USE STOCK.
<limitless> ok
<Jiangyi> :-P
<Jiangyi> In all seriousness, no stock kernel = no support here.
<limitless> thought i read that
<GabMus> it is written somewhere
<limitless> but then i saw somones sig that said cm10 with siyah
<limitless> so i thought id ask
<brins0> damn, cold coffee
<limitless> you know i tried to unlock my phone
<GabMus> disgusting
<limitless> did it for my brothers sgs2
<limitless> sim unlock it
<limitless> lucky i backed up my efs because it totaly screwed it up
<GabMus> ok, now google now works
<limitless> wouldnt register on the network, phoned Orange and they are sending me a free unlock code....didnt want to mess around anymore
<limitless> great Gabmus
<brins0> google now is awesome
<GabMus> :D
<brins0> been playing with it at work
<GabMus> yeah, kind of
<brins0> "define: <random thing>"
<GabMus> in italy is still limited
<brins0> "what is the square root of minus one"
<brins0> etc
<limitless> yeah its pretty awsome
<GabMus> :(
<GabMus> most of the google now features dont work in italy
<brins0> kinda poops all over siri in that respect
<GabMus> no voice output
<GabMus> no cool commands
<brins0> you can download the voice pack you know
<GabMus> this isnt the problem
<GabMus> the problem is that it isnt optimized for italy
<GabMus> the voice pack
<limitless> the camera on cm10 is sooo much better then ics
<GabMus> is just a voice recognition pack
<GabMus> to recognise italian and write it down
<brins0> try taking a picture with flash, lol
<brins0> it messes up
<limitless> i think i did
<limitless> hmm ill try again
<brins0> the image slides over, then it focuses and takes the picture
<brins0> looks really odd
<GabMus> limitless: is the cm10 camera different from the cm9 one?
<GabMus> oh
<GabMus> that difference
<limitless> never used cm9
<Jiangyi> Yeah, the Google Now stuff only works if the system language is set to English (US)
<GabMus> yeah, kinda... the coolest feature in a camera! xD
<limitless> phone is 1.5 days old
<brins0> it slides when you release the shutter, rather than when it's taken the snapshot
<brins0> i've got my language set to english UK, and it's ok
<GabMus> another problem
<GabMus> in the drawer
<brins0> and we set out nexus to spanish earlier, that worked ok
<GabMus> in the top right corner
<brins0> but we didn't get vocal feedback
<Jiangyi> brins0: Doesn't work if it's set to English (Canada). :-(
<GabMus> i see the old market icon instead of the new play store one
<Jiangyi> Google is racist towards Canadians!
<brins0> I didn't know there was canadian english too :s
<GabMus> google is racist towards non-americans
<brins0> why cna't we just have "English" and be done with it
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<GabMus> yeah, theres canadian french too
<brins0> give us our language back!
<GabMus> it is sooo funny
<joeeyyy> hi guys
<GabMus> hello
<joeeyyy> i have a problem
<brins0> I don't serialize things...
<GabMus> tell us
<brins0> I serialise them
<joeeyyy> i was tyring to upgrade from cm9 to cm10
<joeeyyy> on my gt-i9100
<limitless> dont see the problem with the flash on tbh
<joeeyyy> using the newest augut 15 rom
<GabMus> and?
<limitless> seems to be working fine for me
<GabMus> and?
<GabMus> write it down in one time
<joeeyyy> and when i installed the cm10, it aborted
<GabMus> it or you?
<joeeyyy> symlink: some symlink failed
<brins0> limitless: do you have options in your gallery settings?
<joeeyyy> cmw
<GabMus> oook
<GabMus> now it boots?
<bbqbot> derp
<limitless> yeah
<joeeyyy> no
<GabMus> ok
<brins0> mine's empty :s
<GabMus> can u boot into recovery?
<brins0> and I still have the front camera preview issue
<joeeyyy> it it stops at the Samsung galaxy logo with the alert triangle
<joeeyyy> ya im in recovery
<GabMus> ok
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datagutt has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
<joeeyyy> also
<GabMus> have u got an external sd card?
<joeeyyy> after it aborted
Originalwhite has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<joeeyyy> i thought it was a success
<joeeyyy> i didnt check
<joeeyyy> and i installed gapps for jb
<joeeyyy> :(
<GabMus> dont worry
<GabMus> well try resetting it
<GabMus> so
<joeeyyy> now my baby wont turn on
<GabMus> ??
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
<GabMus> you said you can go into the recovery page
<joeeyyy> so what do i do GabMus
<GabMus> so
<GabMus> download the last cm10 and put it in the ext sd card
<GabMus> if you already downloaded it
<GabMus> download it again
<joeeyyy> ya ive been trying to
<joeeyyy> but i cant mount my sd card
<GabMus> when done tell me
<GabMus> ??
<joeeyyy> the recovery wont let me mount my sd
<GabMus> dont u have a usb sd card adapter
<joeeyyy> ooo
<joeeyyy> true
<joeeyyy> good thinking
<GabMus> xD
<joeeyyy> i totally forgot u could do that
<joeeyyy> lemme look around for it
<GabMus> yeah, i used to use it in my previous phones
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<joeeyyy> 2 mins left for the old version to download
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<GabMus> old version?
<GabMus> i said the last one
<joeeyyy> cm10
<joeeyyy> soo august 15th
<joeeyyy> todau
<joeeyyy> i already have that on my sd
<GabMus> ok
<GabMus> ok
<apider> GabMus: GNow - just tried 20120724 gapps but same thing. I had to rename Velvet to QuickSearchBox.apk though... launches first time. Next-> Next-> then fc's
<GabMus> ok guys, gotta go... ill be back in just a few minutes, hang on!
<Jiangyi> apider: You're not supposed to rename it......
venezia64 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<apider> Jiangi: sure? OK, will try that, permissions seem wrong though:rw-------
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<Jiangyi> Should rw-r---- if I remember correctly.
kalpik has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<apider> Jiangyi: rw-r--r-- well it starts the first time then "Unfortunately, Google Search has stopped" damn!
<Jiangyi> apider: Well, that's screwed up. Did you try clearing the data on that app?
<bbqbot> derp
goli has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<joeeyyy> WHAT THE FUCK
<joeeyyy> ..........................................
<Jiangyi> o_O?
<joeeyyy> the boot animation for cm10 is x1000000000000000 faster than cm9
<joeeyyy> freaked me out
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<brins0> project butter jellybean!
<GabMus> oook
<GabMus> here i am
<Kenji> why doesn't google now have the weather card?
<GabMus> joeeyyy: really? it is normal for me?
<brins0> the CM10 one is faster and smoother
<GabMus> the boot animation?
<GabMus> are you serious?
<GabMus> i have just the normal old cm9 one
<joeeyyy> ya
<joeeyyy> ok
<joeeyyy> new problem
<GabMus> ...
<joeeyyy> my battery is draining fast
<GabMus> oh
<GabMus> calibration needed
<joeeyyy> it was at 42 and now its 38
<GabMus> ok
<GabMus> charge it at 100%
<joeeyyy> and its plugged it
<GabMus> oooh
<GabMus> nice
<GabMus> wait, brb
<GabMus> ok
<GabMus> charge to 100%
<GabMus> then open the app
<GabMus> and press calibrate
<GabMus> it should do the trick (i guess)
<Jiangyi> Battery calibration is a myth. =|
<joeeyyy> ok 1
<GabMus> do you think so?
<bbqbot> derp
<joeeyyy> i cant get to 100%
<joeeyyy> because its pluigged in and the battery is decreasing
<GabMus> it is charging by usb
<GabMus> or wall charger
<Jiangyi> GabMus: It was a myth busted by a Google engineer a while back.
<GabMus> oh
<joeeyyy> Jiangyi: what should i do
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<Jiangyi> joeeyyy: I guess you can shut the phone off, pull the battery out for a few min, and put it back in.
<GabMus> baybe
<GabMus> maybe*
<GabMus> or
Fissurez has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<GabMus> you could charge it while turned off
<GabMus> i'd try both
<Jiangyi> GabMus: Don't think CM10 supports that yet.
<GabMus> really?
<joeeyyy> question
<GabMus> i think it is something like in the bios
<joeeyyy> does google now work with cm10
<GabMus> sure
<Jiangyi> Last time codey said that the code for that is missing atm.
<GabMus> wait
<GabMus> do you live in usa?
<joeeyyy> canada
<GabMus> ook
<GabMus> most features
<GabMus> wont work
<GabMus> for now
<GabMus> you have to use it as a usa user
<GabMus> so set the language to english (united states) and everything
<GabMus> question
<GabMus> is canadian english actually that different from american one?
<Jiangyi> Slightly.
<GabMus> i dont know, i live in italy
<joeeyyy> no it really isnt
<Jiangyi> We speak like Americans, we write more like British.
<joeeyyy> except for colour/color and flavour/flavor
<Jiangyi> Exactly.
<GabMus> ahah nice
<GabMus> ok
<joeeyyy> Jiangyi: ur canadian
<joeeyyy> ?
<Jiangyi> And some of our words are influenced by the French.
<Jiangyi> eg. Center/Centre
<brins0> British people, yeah!
<joeeyyy> do u remember me btw? u helped me help my french cousin
<Jiangyi> joeeyyy: I'm Chinese-Canadian. :-P
<GabMus> do you actually speak french?
<Jiangyi> joeeyyy: Oh yeah I remember you :-D
<joeeyyy> ben ouais
<GabMus> i do... kind of.
<Jiangyi> Pas vraiment.
<Jiangyi> lol
<GabMus> lol
<joeeyyy> ok gonna put my battery back in
<GabMus> oook
<Jiangyi> Mon francais est mauvais =[
<GabMus> mon aussi
<joeeyyy> c;east pas ci mal
<joeeyyy> avec une peut de practice vous pouvez ameliorer
<Jiangyi> J'ai beaucoup des difficultes avec l'ecriture
<GabMus> probablement
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<GabMus> moi aussi
<Jiangyi> Mais je peux comprendre des choses. :-P
<GabMus> il est tres dur
<joeeyyy> ok
<joeeyyy> my phone is at 13% now
<joeeyyy> wtf
<GabMus> maybe it is the true charge
<GabMus> if it dies
<joeeyyy> IF IT DIES
<joeeyyy> IM DONE
<GabMus> try with another battery
<joeeyyy> I NEED HELP
<joeeyyy> nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
<GabMus> maybe from a friend
<GabMus> dont panic
<joeeyyy> none of my other friend have a gt-i9100
<joeeyyy> what am i gonna o
<joeeyyy> i have a spash game in 20 minutes
<GabMus> ok
<joeeyyy> ahhhhhhhh
<GabMus> listen to me
<joeeyyy> squash*
<GabMus> uh...
<GabMus> have you completely made a fresh install?
<bbqbot> derp
<joeeyyy> no
<joeeyyy> it was from cm9
<joeeyyy> no data wipe or anything
<GabMus> that should be the problem
<GabMus> ok
<GabMus> wait
<Jiangyi> joeeyyy: So it was fine in CM9?
<joeeyyy> yesss
<GabMus> 1. wipe everything 2. flash rom 3. flash gapps 4. wipe everything 5. restart
<GabMus> try this
<GabMus> maan
<GabMus> its 00:23 here
<GabMus> xD
<Baskey> @geo user GabMus
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for GabMus
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for 0223fc99@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<Baskey> @geo host
<bbqbot> {"range":[35815424,35913727],"country":"IT","region":"","city":"","ll":[42.8333,12.8333]}
<GabMus> whats happening?
GabMus has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<Baskey> lawl
<brins0> lol
<joeeyyy> ...
<Jiangyi> GabMus: Don't worry about it, Baskey's just being Baskey. :-|
<joeeyyy> wtf was that
GabMus has joined #teamhacksung-support
<joeeyyy> @geo user Baskey
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Baskey
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ~intersect@unaffiliated/baskey
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for unaffiliated/baskey
<Jiangyi> <Jiangyi> GabMus: Don't worry about it, Baskey's just being Baskey. :-|
<joeeyyy> @geo user Jinagy
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Jinagy
<bbqbot> Error resolving hostname for Jinagy
<brins0> none of the passing, all of the time
<GabMus> here i am
<joeeyyy> @geo user Jiangy
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Jiangy
<bbqbot> Error resolving hostname for Jiangy
<GabMus> there was a little problem
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<joeeyyy> @geo user GabMus
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for GabMus
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for 0223fc99@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<GabMus> what
<joeeyyy> i don t get what this does
<GabMus> ...
<GabMus> ok?
<joeeyyy> figa
<GabMus> italian
<joeeyyy> ?
<GabMus> nice word dude
<GabMus> figa
<Jiangyi> joeeyyy: It tracks the defined user's location.
<joeeyyy> ya
<GabMus> is rude for vagina
<joeeyyy> O_O
<Jiangyi> ................
<GabMus> loool
<GabMus> why did u used this word
<joeeyyy> should i wipe casche and dalvik
<joeeyyy> too
<GabMus> sure
<GabMus> sure
<GabMus> loool
<Jiangyi> Sure, not that it's necessary. =\
<GabMus> watch out this video
pier|afk is now known as pier
<Jiangyi> ..............
<GabMus> the video?
<GabMus> this guy is freakin awesome!
<GabMus> ok, never mind... what about you joeeyy
<brins0> that's brilliant
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<joeeyyy> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<GabMus> ?
<joeeyyy> iwas watching the original first
<GabMus> lol
<joeeyyy> the phone is still burning hot
<GabMus> its cpu is working, i think its quite normal
<GabMus> are you doing something?
<joeeyyy> 1.2 all the time is too much
<joeeyyy> no im not
<joeeyyy> and
<joeeyyy> itsbattry is still draining like DAYUM
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<dizko> if cm9 doesnt support exFAT, what are people doing to format their 64gb sd cards?
<joeeyyy> why
<joeeyyy> is this happening
limitless has quit [Disconnected by services]
<brins0> have you checked your baseband and ril match?
<joeeyyy> quoi?
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<joeeyyy> check what?
<brins0> anyone care to explain ril in a logical fashion?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> RIL = Radio Interface Layer
<brins0> install that
<Jiangyi> @google RIL
<bbqbot> RIL :: Reliance Industries Limited :: Reliance Group -
<Jiangyi> damn it
<Jiangyi> @google Radio interface layer
<bbqbot> Radio Interface Layer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
<Jiangyi> ^^
<joeeyyy> i kno what ril is
<joeeyyy> i didnt know what baseband wa
<brins0> thatg's the underlying radio firmware
<brins0> i've read that if they don't match, you can get odd things like large bettery drain
<brins0> and call drops etc.
<brins0> don't use that to flash the ril though
<brins0> or is it the baseband it flashes... can't remember
<brins0> just check if they match
<brins0> could be the cause
<Jiangyi> baseband = modem
<joeeyyy> ok
<joeeyyy> so
<joeeyyy> i use get ril
<joeeyyy> get the ril
<joeeyyy> and i thaas to match the modem/baseband in settings?about
<brins0> pretty much
<brins0> it will tell you the version for both
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<joeeyyy> brins0:
<joeeyyy> they dont match
<joeeyyy> what do i do now
<brins0> you'll need to find the baseband that matches you ril
<brins0> i've not got an SGS2, so I don't know where you'd find it
<brins0> you could have a look in here:
<joeeyyy> they have recommendations
<brins0> well, you could try one of those if you like, but personally, I like to do it myself in CWM
<brins0> feels safer for some reason
<brins0> even though it's likely doing the same thing
<joeeyyy> my ril is i9100xwlpo
<joeeyyy> what is this perkopolis thing
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<hugo2> hi
<hugo2> can anyone tell me how to flash kernel thru odin? im newbie i cant boot my phone :O
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<hugo2> got it ;p
<Kuzon> yeah iot's easier after you figure out a lot of the options are not needed to be touched
<Kuzon> just make sure to refer to things to make sure if it's PDA or Phone file
<hugo2> i flashed kernel and i got recovery. .so back to home uff :)
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<hugo2> just checked bootloader and click start
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<Jiangyi> bootloader? o_O
<Jiangyi> Kernels are supposed to be flashed in PDA.
<hugo2> well it worked
<hugo2> :)
<Jiangyi> Hmm......
<Jiangyi> What phone is this again?
<hugo2> s2
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<Jiangyi> Hmm.
<Jiangyi> Shouldn't have worked, but OK.... :-|
<hugo2> just checked bootloader select the kernet .tar file and start all OK :O
<hugo2> -t+l
<hugo2> so anyway, how do i get pure cm10 s2 rom? i see only the users created ones
<Jiangyi> That should've bricked your phone, but again, if it works, then it works. ._.
<hugo2> yeah it works well, but i do nandroip recovery now anyway
<hugo2> that was my first of 50s roms ive tryd that didnt loadup and even broken my recovery
<bbqbot> derp
<sinc> I think the bootloader and pda fields are actually the same in odin
<sinc> since you can flash a bootloader by putting it in the pda field too
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<hugo2> Jiangyi ahh thanks i was looking all time on original development and development threads only so couldnt find it :)
<Jiangyi> oh lol
<mongi> Hey guys, wich speed you guys get transfering files trought usb in a I9100?
<Jiangyi> sinc: No clue, I have heard of people bricking by doing what hugo2 just did though. :-|
<mongi> I get 1 mb/s =s
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<mongi> very low... is this tight?
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<mongi> hello
<sinc> seems like your phone is connected in usb 1.1 mode
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<sinc> that would explain the speed
<mongi> but here is 2.0
<nevyn> screen -dr
<nevyn> oops
<Jiangyi> Isn't slow speeds in UMS a known issue?
<sinc> most of the ports have been 2.0 for many years, but on some cases the phone connects only in usb 1.0/1.1 mode, this is usually fixed by just reconnecting the phone
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<mongi> will try some stuff here...
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<sinc> UMS is still usually around +20MB/s
<mongi> will try in another pc tomorrow too
<sinc> btw, is this a desktop pc or a laptop?
<mongi> dell laptop
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<mongi> from last year
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<mongi> it came with some usb 3.0 ports, so the others must be 2
<sinc> yup
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<sinc> have you tried to connect it with the 3.0 ports?
<mongi> yep
<sinc> and always the same result?
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<mongi> yep, always aroud 1mb/s
<mongi> will try some thing here, brb
<mongi> thanks sinc
<mongi> see u later