peterperfect changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting.
<Jiangyi> dizko: Broken Japanese ftw :-P
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<Shamisen> who knows japanese?
<dizko> why?
<dizko> shamisen: do you speak japanese?
<Jiangyi> dizko: I'm kidding lol
<Shamisen> i know some
<dizko> jiangyi: i knew you were
<Shamisen> like, hacking in japanese
<Shamisen> it's hakkingu
<Jiangyi> haha
<dizko> shamisen: ok youre in tampa...i was hoping to find one of the actual sgs3 rom devs here in japan
<dizko> i'd spent time working on my own port to d2dcm
<dizko> and then found some guys who'd made one "successfully", although it doesnt work for me and their git repo is a bit.....chaotic
<dizko> trying to get a dialog with them so that i can a) successfull build their port, b) get it folded into mainline cm9, and c) press harder on xda to create a forum specific to our model
<dizko> most japanese technology words are butchered english
<dizko> konputa, pasokon
<Jiangyi> dizko: How chaotic are we talking? o.O
<dizko> its not that bad really, just like the device config is one repo, the kernel is another, the bootimage is another
<dizko> which is all fine,
<dizko> except like, their device config references the same defconfig that d2att does
<dizko> but they've clearly got a device specific defconfig in their kernel source
<Jiangyi> Hmm..... So conflicts eh?
<bbqbot> derp
<dizko> and ive had a hell of a time getting it to build anything like the rom they released (which, strangely doesnt work on my device but works on others supposedly)
<Jiangyi> ........
<dizko> its overclocked all to hell, not sure if my specific phone just doesnt liek that or what, it gets screen corruption and crashes
* Jiangyi has no idea why it shouldn't be working
<dizko> me either
<Jiangyi> Unless Sammy pulled some weird trick again :S
<dizko> well, other people in japana supposedly installed their rom and it worked
<dizko> which is pretty odd, i dont see how i could be doing it 'wrong'
<dizko> in any case i'd already been working on building my own so id like to sort out the issues with the source
<Jiangyi> Sigh....
<dizko> and ultimately if it works get it pulled into the official cm9 tree
* Jiangyi wish he knows how to do development :-P
<dizko> this is less development and more just configuring things and putting files in the right place and compiling
<dizko> there no actual coding outside of maybe a few shell scripts
<dizko> i have a background in unix but im not a software developer
<Jiangyi> Ah I see.
<dizko> in terms of getting it working on a new device, its a bit of reverse engineering
<dizko> looking at how prop files on your device are configured compared to others
<dizko> and msotly just dealing with device specific hardware
<dizko> for example, the japanese model has digital tv instead of fm radio
<Jiangyi> Oh right, I forgot that Japanese and Korean models tend to have those.
<Jiangyi> Still kind of cool to have TV though. :-P
<dizko> there are radio differences but thats mostly all in the modem image
<dizko> yea, although i was disappointed to find out that the hdmi out won't work while runing the tv
<dizko> hoping thats a limitation of the app and that there'll be a work around
<Jiangyi> I don't even know if you can get the TV tuner to function properly in AOSP.
<Jiangyi> These kind of features are usually not supported or really hard to implement. :-|
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<dizko> well, the kernel supports 1seg (the technology that provides it), and you can just pull all the proprietary shared objects and pacakages and prop files, etc from the working device and bring them in
<dizko> im fairly optimistic about that part
<dizko> one other difference is that japan was using NFC years before the US, but its a subset called FeliCa
<dizko> so the stock device has that instead of NFC, and the device wont work with google wallet and so forth
<dizko> but ive got my fingers crssed that they implemented felica using the same NFC hardware and that i can just add that in
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<dizko> but....they couldve put different chips in the phone given that they put the 1seg stuff in there
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<bellil> hi
<bellil> how i can change home pages?
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<Argon_> can i put my bot in here? its handwritten
<chadouming> nope
<chadouming> bbqbot has exclusivity
<Argon_> even though it will not respond to commands?
<chadouming> then why bring a bot here ?
<Argon_> it has some "web visialization"
<chadouming> ?
<Argon_> i'll have to show you. its hard to explane
<Argon_> it does not post anything in here
romann is now known as romann|afk
<dizko> so its just logging and producing web output?
<bbqbot> derp
<Argon_> yep
<dizko> so why not just log from your normal client
<dizko> parse the output with your tool and generate what you want from it
<Argon_> because i want to live publish that data
<chadouming> karbowiak already have somethnig that does that
<dizko> why wouldnt it be live
<Argon_> so you whould put apache on your local machine or what?
<dizko> personally
<dizko> id use a bouncer like znc to connect to the irc server
<dizko> that can then be connected to by multiple clients, the one youre typing on, as well as your 'bot'
<dizko> which, id have log to whatever format the thing that gernates the web output produces
<dizko> have that just tail the log file as its written to and generate the output
<dizko> or, have the 'bot' parse it and put it in a database if you want to get fancy
<Anthony1s> personally, i'd hire my 3yr old nephew to sit in front of my pc and write down everything
<Anthony1s> we'd have a blast and go to chuckie cheese on lunch break
<Argon_> it acts like a client anyway
<Jiangyi> I lol'd at Anthony1s's idea. xD
<dizko> its just not very elegant to put irc connection code in the same thing thats serving up a web page
<Anthony1s> haha
<dizko> doing it my way is more modular, plus then you only have one irc client
<Argon_> its not
<Argon_> i'm using nodejs
<Argon_> the webserver is a child process
<dizko> i read it as "sit on my face in front of the pc" and did o.O
<chadouming> ah, our bot already log everything in DB xD
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<Argon_> no xD
<dizko> regardless, its best practice and etiquette to not connect with multiple clients for no good reason
<dizko> andif you use a bouncer then you wont part/join all the time
<dizko> and you can do whatever you want behind the scenes
<chadouming> from command up to every letter
<chadouming> passing by every command sent
<dizko> the bouncer looks like an irc server to your client
<dizko> so just do it and you dont even have to "ask permission"
<chadouming> anyway i'm out
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<Argon_> god. wth do you want me to do this local. I'm not renting a server because i could run it locally
<Argon_> also my pc won't run 4 ever because its too loud and i can't sleep at night if it runs
<dizko> lol
<dizko> so you want to run a bot that joins and parts all the time? whats the point of putting it non the web if its only going to gather data while your pc is on
<Argon_> no, why should it part?
<dizko> when you turn your pc off?
<Argon_> no i whould run it on my server!
<dizko> i wasnt suggesting you do otherwise
<dizko> run znc on your server
<dizko> run your 'bot' on your server
<dizko> connect your client at home to znc, connect your bot to znc
<dizko> voila
<Argon_> you znc?
<dizko> i do elsewhere
<Argon_> ok i got the point
<dizko> there are other bouncers, but i recommend znc
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<Argon_> so you're arguing because of i more nick inside here?
<dizko> i personally dont give a shit so long as it doesnt part/join a lot or make a lot of noise
<Argon_> *1 not i
<Argon_> if he crashes he won't join again
<dizko> but, generally speaking, its 'nice' to not have a bunch of separate clients
<Argon_> *it
<Argon_> yea, makes sense
<dizko> znc will take you 20 minutes to setup at most
<dizko> has other benefits
<dizko> especially if you have your server, etc
<Argon_> you coded znc or what? ^^
<bbqbot> derp
<dizko> yes, please send me 29.99.95
<dizko> there are a few other bouncers, do what you like. personally i use znc (and no i didnt write it)
<dizko> disco 1032 0.0 1.1 53292 6860 ? Ss 2011 3:25 znc
<Argon_> thanks for the tip dizko
<Argon_> znc seems very simple to configure
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<dizko> argon: np, hope it helps
<dizko> anyone here familiar with building android from source? specifcally trying to better understand how the ramdisk image is produced
<Jiangyi> Don't know a ton about it, just know how to build. :-|
<dizko> i see during the compile that it makes the image, and ive seen stuff on how to extract it from the partition on the device
<Jiangyi> Think that the ramdisk is part of the device tree, and the ramdisk is merged with the kernel later on.
<dizko> im not clear on where that part of the source is though
<dizko> well, its essentially just a root image for the kernel to boot up with
<dizko> i understand what a ramdisk is
<dizko> im just not clear on where in the source it gets built from
<Jiangyi> I think it's the device-specific part of the source. eg. android_device_samsung_galaxys2
<Jiangyi> Don't quote me on that though. :-|
<Argon_> thats what my bot does (currently on another channel)
<dizko> just says the nick when someone types?
<Argon_> yep ;)
<Argon_> and if someone parts/Joins
<dizko> well thats...unique ;)
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<akSeya> hi there :)
<Argon_> hi
<akSeya> folks, quick question. I'm running cm10 experimental on my i9100 (not g)
<akSeya> on xda post, code posted a modem too
<akSeya> why should I change my modem?
<akSeya> i mean, i'ts working fine, what can I gain on changing it?
<dizko> 100% speculating, its possible that changes in jellybean require modem changes for compatability
<dizko> try searching on the filename of that modem and see if you can find further details
<dizko> otherwise, make a copy of your current modem and try it w/o that one
<dizko> and if it has issues then flash the modem
<akSeya> modems are there just in case the default one does not work for you?
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<dizko> well, usually you can find out exactly what is supposed to be b etter about the new one
<dizko> so you could use judgement on whether you need it
<dizko> always make sure you have a copy of your working one though
<dizko> or at least a record of which image it came from so you can flash it back if needbe
<dizko> even if you need/want the new one to run cm10, if you decide to revert to an older version you might want to revert the modem, etc
<akSeya> when I flash a new version of CM, the modem is replaced, right?!
<bbqbot> derp
<dizko> not usually, afaik
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<dizko> pretty sure its 'no'
<raymonddull> except when its yes
<dizko> cm should just be the system partition, your kernel & ramdisk
<akSeya> so I am probably still using a GB modem
<akSeya> :S
* raymonddull is using an eclair modem
<dizko> you can go in your settings and find out the modem version
<akSeya> XXLP6
<raymonddull> I think its funny how people say there are eclair modems and froyo modems,... its a firmware for a piece of hardware, it has nothing to do with the os other than that the update shipped with an os update.
<raymonddull> thats like saying I have a windows xp bios on my laptop
<akSeya> :P
<akSeya> i think it's cause the the last time it was "updated" was in os version XY
<raymonddull> well yeah
<raymonddull> but on my fascinate I'm running a modem that shipped with eclair, I'm running CM10, everything works fine.
<akSeya> so if you say "i have a win 3.11 bios on my laptop" everyone assume it's pretty old ;)
<raymonddull> lol yeah
<Jiangyi> Is it only the I9100G that needed a bootloader update for ICS? :S
<akSeya> that's what I think... my modem is working fine.. i don't know what could be better if I upgrade it
<Jiangyi> Sounds like none of the other phones needed one.
<akSeya> and there are so many :S
<raymonddull> Jiangyi, the sgs1 devices needed gingerbread bootloader to show kernel splash, other than that I havent really noticed any issues with running an old bootloader
<raymonddull> with the eclair bootloader on my fascinate it showed nothing on the screen till the boot animation
<Jiangyi> raymonddull: Ah OK.
<raymonddull> same with vibrant and cappy
<akSeya> ohhh,... i have modem issues
<akSeya> sometimes if I disable data or change it to 2g, when I enable it again it does not connect
<akSeya> only sometimes.. it's a modem issue. right?
<dizko> i think that could totally be a software issue
<raymonddull> yeah that seems like typical ics
<raymonddull> my vibrant did that too
<raymonddull> fascinate just sits there with no data icon for what feels like forever then eventually connects
<akSeya> i'm flashing LPS modem, it was the most downloaded one.. must be good
<raymonddull> pretty sure my stepdad's nexus s does too
<akSeya> XD
<raymonddull> I should try a newer modem on the fascinate and see if it changes anything
<raymonddull> I doubt it will but meh worth a shot
<raymonddull> no matter what I do it won't fix sprint's shitty data speeds
<raymonddull> 200kbps down, 900kbps up ftw?
<dizko> sad when up is faster than down
<raymonddull> yeah this is pretty typical sprint here
<raymonddull> in other areas its fine but here they just dont care.
<dizko> i went to see some fireworks recently and had issues like that
<dizko> million other people on their phones right next to me, etc
<akSeya> well... using LPS, it connected, made a call,
<raymonddull> supposedly all of the towers in the area are scheduled to have data capacity and data speed upgrades within the next 6 months according to so I have hope
<akSeya> i guess it's good..
<akSeya> ;)
<akSeya> going to bed.. c ya
<Argon_> bye
<raymonddull> bye
* dizko runs brunch and goes to get lunch
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<Jiangyi> Wait.... You can post patch sets for other people's commits on Gerrit? o.O
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<suikhei> Hello. I wish to install cm9 on (another) n7000. The way I did it before was using (the temporary touch based recovery) flash speedmod kernel, then in speedmod kernel recovery flash cm9.
<suikhei> But I saw that is now labelled as dangerous and should not be used.
<suikhei> my problem is that I need to install cm9 without the use of a computer
<suikhei> since I currently do not have a computer with an admin account available, so no drivers for ODIN etc.
<suikhei> what are my options then?
<suikhei> is there a newer version of that has fixed the superbrick bug? or can I compile it somehow?
<suikhei> or is there another way of getting cm9 on the note?
<bbqbot> derp
<suikhei> or should I ask these questions in #cyanogenmod ?
Gapone- is now known as Gapone
<suikhei> alternatively, is the safe if I *just* flash the kernel and nothing else? the info in the xda thread is note very good.
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<dizko> porting sgs3 to d2dcm, anyone know what might be wrong if i can see my ap's ssid but it won't connect?
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<smart01> hallo..
<smart01> anybody can help me??
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<Shin_> hi
<djevrek> xplodwild: when we can expect update to bbq mobile app where we can see cm10 changelog _
<djevrek> as we can see it on website
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<xplodwild> djevrek: the day CM10 nightlies will start
<xplodwild> it's pointless to do so now
<djevrek> ah ok, you planned it that way, thanks for info
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<lodder> pier|afk: is the LQ6 radio any good?
<lodder> xplodwild: this commit is it in the build of i9100 preview version of cm10?
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<xplodwild> ask cody not me
<lodder> codeworkx: this commit is it in the build of i9100 preview version of cm10?
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<codeworkx> lodder: think about [WIP#]
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<Pawandeep> I Friends
<Pawandeep> I am experinceing Battery backup and Radio issue
<Pawandeep> phone lost signal every evening
<Mardos> yo yo i bought a nexus 7 from a dude was wondering how i can retrieve the $25 credit
<cdesai> Mardos: first account to sign in gets it
<cdesai> if he did that, you can't
karbowiak is now known as Karbowiak
<Mardos> oh damn it!
<Mardos> no way around it eh
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<Mardos> why is there so many cm10
<Mardos> for the n7
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<Mardos> cdesai im trying to restore to factory image with nexus toolkit however it freezes on fastboot when i plug in my usb
<cdesai> try another port
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<Mardos> ya that didnt work ll
<Mardos> nexus toolkit says waiting for device
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<DuperMan> fuck. plain fuck. psychos. /blink
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<Mardos> wtfff adb is not finding my device !!!
<DuperMan> over wifi?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Mardos> noo over usb
<Mardos> debugging is on nexus 7
<DuperMan> oh
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<PandaUK> test
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<DuperMan> have you tried resetting? har
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<DuperMan> grats on the s3
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<nebkat|s3> get smartstay ex!!!!!!
<nebkat|s3> DuperMan: youvgot SS Ex?
<DuperMan> nebkat|s3: I got a 'no clue what u means'
<DuperMan> counts?
<nebkat|s3> DuperMan: dud get it
<nebkat|s3> on playye store
<DuperMan> arauighreiufgash byut the virus! -- wait seeing what 'it' is
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|s3 [eviljew]
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<Thracky> it will spy on you DuperMan
<DuperMan> finally something will
<Thracky> and watch you wank
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<DuperMan> all them years of paranoia... not in vain
<DuperMan> :D
<nebkat|s3> Thracky: it aint eyespy no moar
<DuperMan> bitches love watching me wank
<DuperMan> ehrm... srsly, y the network communication? :P
<DuperMan> ><
<DuperMan> wait, flashing latest jb-ness then trying to see if you steal my bankstuffs
<nebkat|s3> DuperMan: ganalytics
<Thracky> nebkat|s3: simple rebranding, the purpose is still the same :D
<DuperMan> nebkat|s3: figured, can't make it an undeclared toggle via mail-on-crash or something?
<DuperMan> Thracky: TO SEE ME WANK
<nebkat|s3> Thracky: +1
<Thracky> make sure you finish on the camera, nebkat loves that shit
<Thracky> :D
<DuperMan> I puked a little in my mouth. should I have had it cammed?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> ^^
<Thracky> derp is right.
<DuperMan> +>9000
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<Jiangyi> ...... lolwhut
<Thracky> go back to making shoes Jiangyi
<Thracky> I mean uhh.... sorry :D
karbowiak is now known as Karbowiak
<Jiangyi> ........
<Thracky> I gotta stop with the smiley faces
<Jiangyi> :-/
<DuperMan> simple: I was brain-raped by fools at work, nebkat was awesome nebkat
<DuperMan> :P
<Jiangyi> Thracky: I'm not THAT Chinese :p
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<DuperMan> Jiangyi: SMILE
<DuperMan> I dare you :)
<Thracky> aww I'm touched by your heartfelt popup message on Smartstay nebkat
<Thracky> I shed a tear
<DuperMan> 'devs are slaving la dee da'?
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: >8-{D
<Thracky> yeah
<DuperMan> :)
<nebkat|s3> Thracky: fuck you
<nebkat|s3> xD
<nebkat|s3> stupid users
<DuperMan> installing latestetst jb :P then to download NebSeesMe ^^
<Jiangyi> nebkat|s3: Why u have s3?
<nebkat|s3> one portugeez guy said something about Brazil Politics in his comment
<nebkat|s3> ffs
<nebkat|s3> Jiangyi: ya
<DuperMan> lol pp
<Thracky> hey this stupid user gave you a 5 star review dammit
<DuperMan> har
<DuperMan> nebkat|s3: may I facepalm?
<DuperMan> w0000000000t
<DuperMan> an app putting an open palm image onscreen when you make a silly face
<DuperMan> =FacePalm===sheep.exe2012
<nebkat|s3> DuperMan: +999999
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<DuperMan> shit, hemmoraged the brain again :/
<DuperMan> bbiab seeing teh nu jb is worx
<nebkat|s3> DuperMan: wish i hadd pc
<nebkat|s3> i'd be loling to your every sentencce
nuriaion has quit [Client Quit]
* Jiangyi should probably test if it works
<DuperMan> nebkat|s3: obviously I do have a pc, I was taking a dump while I flashed DUH
<DuperMan> now it hates booting. yay
<DuperMan> bbl RimCraft
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<cdesai> Baskey: !
<Baskey> cdesai: !
cdesai is now known as casey
casey is now known as cdesai
<cdesai> sup
Baskey is now known as Bryce
<Bryce> SUP
<DuperMan> hau bist smdk4210 nu?
Bryce is now known as Baskey
<cdesai> still no chuck 4/5 for me
<Baskey> that's a bummer
<Baskey> :(((((
* cdesai wantz intersect
<DuperMan> season 2 was fun
<cdesai> i don't really remember 2
<Baskey> [16:34] (+DuperMan) season 2 was fun
<Baskey> indeed
<DuperMan> and stuff
<Baskey> wtf :D
<DuperMan> voom, woosh
<Baskey> DuperMan: HI DUPEY
* DuperMan installs NebSeesMe
<Baskey> cdesai: WHA
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<cdesai> hey guys, chuck 4 was about volkoff?
<Baskey> yep
<cdesai> the whole russian thingy then finally he's arrested
<cdesai> i've watched that lol
<Baskey> lol
<DuperMan> chadouming: B CUZ FUN
<cdesai> in the end the general brings the cavalry in
<Baskey> so U HAV 2 WATCH SEASON 5TH
<cdesai> for volkoff
<cdesai> yaay :D
<cdesai> yea
<Baskey> yeah, yeah
<DuperMan> srsly
<Thracky> wow. channel just went full retard. never go full retard.
<Baskey> 5th season is a little bit boring
<Baskey> but finale is EPIC
<Baskey> AND SAD
<chadouming> Thracky, +1
<DuperMan> WER D RETARD?
<Baskey> Thracky: are u implying THAT DUPEY IS RETARDED?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> :( can't notice
<DuperMan> too reatard
<Baskey> chadouming: AND U?
<cdesai> Baskey: last episode?
<cdesai> just read on wikipedia
<Baskey> YEP
<cdesai> bomb under beckman xD
<DuperMan> yay. pin the tail on the donkey ^^
<Baskey> no, that's not sad part
<cdesai> i know
<Baskey> :((((
<cdesai> how?
<DuperMan> only sad if sarah lose boobs
<DuperMan> ONLY
<Baskey> because broken intersect
<DuperMan> no exception
<DuperMan> NO
<DuperMan> exception
<chadouming> yup, full retard
<cdesai> Baskey: intersect bork all teh stuff
<Baskey> yep
<DuperMan> chuck had prostate derived brain anoryeusmoisdjfhoish
<Baskey> cdesai: intersect is even moar borked than bbqdroid
<DuperMan> bleh
<cdesai> Baskey: xD
<cdesai> so true
<Baskey> lol, Jeff is creepy
<Thracky> scott bakula?
<DuperMan> he awesome
<DuperMan> ^^
<Thracky> who the fuck is jeff barnes
<DuperMan> scott
<DuperMan> duh
<Baskey> :D
<Thracky> quantum leap motherfuckers
TeMpTiN has quit [Quit: I need to return some videotapes]
<DuperMan> F YEAH
<DuperMan> he play no football fool
<Baskey> I bet TeMpTiN haz sex tape to return
<DuperMan> yeah mine
<Baskey> :o
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<Baskey> HI DUPEY
<DuperMan> nebkat: drunk me is confused with SmartStay. bye bye SmartStay 'till sober
<Baskey> NETCAB
<DuperMan> nerdhat
<DuperMan> stfu <3
<Baskey> <3
* DuperMan hump
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<Baskey> xplodwild: HI DUPEY
<Baskey> @dood xplodwild
<bbqbot> xplodwild: what up dood
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<xplodwild> @dood baskey
<bbqbot> baskey: what up dood
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<xplodwild> @dood addi
<bbqbot> addi: what up dood
<Baskey> xplodwild: NO KICK?
<Mez> hmm... what apps that most people would use take advantage of the JB notifications?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Mez> also - just installed JB and got really confused when it still had CM9 splash :)
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<addi> DuperMan,
<addi> whats up dood
<addi> xplodwild,
<addi> whats up dood
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<chadouming> @dood addi
<bbqbot> addi: what up dood
<addi> chadouming,
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<addi> whats up dood
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<chadouming> @ping chadouming
<bbqbot> Version: 0.1, source at:
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<DuperMan> addi
<Jiangyi> Yay, got 8GB of DDR2 RAM off of a friend. :-D
<DuperMan> baskey y thee pinging
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: 8gb? SIZE MATTERS
<Jiangyi> So now I have 12GB, but only enough slots for 8GB...... :-/
<DuperMan> :)
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<DuperMan> just use 16gb like me, the trick is to have it at an awesome 1600mhz
<DuperMan> my mouse is beer soaked:/
<DeX> Русские есть?
<addi> @ping addi
<bbqbot> Version: 0.1, source at:
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<DMoult> could you remind me, PTP does not work, correct?
<DMoult> on CM10 that is
<DMoult> only MTP does
<chadouming> DDR2 !!!!
<chadouming> that's so obsolete
<Jiangyi> chadouming: I still have a core 2 quad system :/
<chadouming> haha
<chadouming> 2 * 32bits xD
<chadouming> instead of 64bits :P
<Jiangyi> Wait what? o.O
<chadouming> that's intel speciallity
<chadouming> instead of writing a 64bits architecture, they adapted 32bits to 64bits
<Jiangyi> Ah.
<chadouming> hence why it's faster doing 32bits code than amd
<Jiangyi> :-P
<tuhoojabotti> @bash
<bbqbot> quote:
<bbqbot> <Hostile> And now that i think of it, the west coast should be all renamed to the wastelands
<bbqbot> <Scofco> It should be renamed to the east coast
<bbqbot> <Scofco> then we would have 2 east coasts
<bbqbot> <Scofco> it would rid gang violence
<bbqbot> <Scofco> end the east coast / west coast struggle
<bbqbot> <Scofco> with a simple name change
<bbqbot> <Hostile> AGREED
<tuhoojabotti> ouch :D
<chadouming> oh, and core2quad is not real 64 bits
<Jiangyi> chadouming: What do you have?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> and it doesnt have L3 cache
<chadouming> i have an APU
<chadouming> from amd
<Thracky> ew
<Jiangyi> Got 12MB of L2 cache though :P
<chadouming> had a phenom 2 x4 955 before
<chadouming> yeah, 2 x 6mb :P
<Jiangyi> Q9550 is pretty decent. :-P
<Thracky> i7-2600k :D
<Jiangyi> Stop making me jelly D:
<Thracky> radeon 6990
<chadouming> radeon 6850 xD
<Jiangyi> radeon 4870 :(
<chadouming> got it when 6970 was to
<chadouming> i had 4870, pretty decent card
<chadouming> but mine died
<Thracky> I finally put an ssd in that computer a month ago too
<Jiangyi> Yeah, I want an upgrade.
<Thracky> I had slow ass sata2 hdds in there
<chadouming> i want to upgrade too
<chadouming> hmm, i have 3 sata2 HDD
<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> raid 0
<Jiangyi> I can't even run BF3 on medium :(
<Thracky> I'm good, since OSAP is screwing me this year there will be no computer upgrades for a long while
<Jiangyi> I have a WD Blue drive.
<chadouming> but gonna get a 240GB SSD
<chadouming> and put every storage thing on my raid
<Thracky> ssd sale prices have been awesome this year
<chadouming> with a 7970 card
<Jiangyi> It's either SSD or GPU for me.
<Thracky> gpu if you want to game heh
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<chadouming> and maybe intel 3rd generation
<Jiangyi> But I'm stuck with SATA2, so... :-/
<chadouming> because i like newest thing xD
<chadouming> or a bulldozer
<chadouming> because i like AMD
<chadouming> i'm a fanboi
<chadouming> i know xD
<Thracky> I have zero brand preference on computer components heh
<Thracky> whatever is faster/best bang for the buck
<Jiangyi> Any unlocking thing for the 7950 to a 7970 like the 6th generation?
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<Jiangyi> Haven't been keeping up :S
<Rocky> Hey guys..just wondering.. Is project Butter working on latest release? Is the ROM still laggy?
<Thracky> or whatever intel had on their retail edge holiday/summer deals in my case heh
* Jiangyi prefers Intel
<chadouming> well, my first custom computer was a phenom 9900 with msi dka-790GX and radeon HD 4870 (spider platform) and it was runnning smoooth ^^
<Jiangyi> Rocky: That depends on what device.
<Rocky> Galaxy s2
<Jiangyi> I9100?
<Rocky> yes.
<Rocky> i9100
<Thracky> Rocky: no project butter is not working
<Jiangyi> Then no.
<chadouming> now i haz an apu, cause i wanted to try
<Rocky> okay. Thank you :)
<chadouming> and it didnt deceived me
<Jiangyi> chadouming: I haz APU in my lappy :P
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<chadouming> for about 400$
<chadouming> apu + gpu + motherboard
<Jiangyi> laptop was $400, so....
<Thracky> speaking of butter, I haven't seen much discussion of it past the initial mention that it likely wasn't going to be supported, is that still the case?
<Thracky> on i9100
<Thracky> omg teh spamz
<Jiangyi> I thought that code needs to wait for Sammy to release 4.1 to fix hwcomposer.
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkatt> get it
<nebkatt> nao
<chadouming> i can play any game on high detail
<chadouming> with about 42fps
<Thracky> Jiangyi: yeah, but I also remember reading that even with that, butter may not be supported.
<Jiangyi> Wow, 7950's only $300 now. :O
<Thracky> skyrim on ultra with mods
<Thracky> :D
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Really? That'd be odd. o.O
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<Thracky> lemme see if I can find the post
<nebkat|s3> Thracky: you dlodded and gieffed 5 staz?
<nebkat|s3> chadouming: u too
<Thracky> nebkat|s3: like 3 days ago
<chadouming> nope
<nebkat|s3> Thr
<nebkat|s3> Thracky: <3
<nebkat|s3> chadouming: ploxx do it :/
<Thracky> that's the post Jiangyi
<chadouming> ?
<chadouming> and i wont buy it for sure
<chadouming> haha
<nebkat|s3> chadouming: dont
<chadouming> 160.91
<nebkat|s3> chadouming: just get free v and rate 5 star
<chadouming> and why did you team with that other guy ?
<nebkat|s3> and if you want i'll gief you pro v
<nebkat|s3> chadouming: btw you need this versionne
<nebkat|s3> chadouming: less competition
<chadouming> the fuck
<chadouming> not the one from ?
<bbqbot> derp
nebkatt has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
<Jiangyi> Thracky: I think he's talking about Samsung's ICS hwcomposer. :-P
<nebkat|s3> EVERYONE GET ITT
<Jiangyi> Hmm.... BO2 looks actually pretty good. :O
nebkat|s3 changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | GETT SMARTSTAY EX NAO | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting.
<chadouming> there.
<chadouming> even gave you a nice review
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<nebkat|s3> chadouming: :D
<nebkat|s3> tnx
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<DMoult> woot, new release!
<DMoult> have been waiting for this
<chadouming> nebkat|s3, thanks me again
<chadouming> and go see changelog webpage
<DMoult> could someone confirm exactly what 'led timeout feature ported from i9300' means?
<DMoult> i'm not familiar with this led timeout
<nebkat|s3> chadouming: wa u didd
<chadouming> go see
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<mw0cqu> hi all....the [rom][gt-p51xx][404]cyanogen mod9 nightly builds....a couple of quick questions please.....does it include cifs.ko and tun.ko support? and does it incorporate the stock gsm dialler and keybord please ?
<Thracky> Jiangyi: ah ok, hard to tell
<Thracky> CEO walked in with someone like 3 mins ago lol
<Thracky> so couldn't respond
<Jiangyi> haha
<DuperMan> P0RNH]
kalpik has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
<Jiangyi> OK
* Jiangyi goes to clean his PC and install new RAM :-p
<Thracky> well, irssi probably looks like some crazy hacking tool to him
<Jiangyi> haha
<Thracky> he has no clue. this company deals with property restoration :P
<Jiangyi> Interesting place to work. :-P
<Thracky> yeah, just for the summer. my friend is the CTO heh
<Thracky> but damn, trying to get a bunch of contractors to migrate to Google Apps is painful.
<addi> Jiangyi,
<addi> whats up dood
<Jiangyi> Contractors, y u no like Google!? :-P
<Thracky> they don't like computers period. bunch of cavemen
<Thracky> one I was dealing with yesterday is pretty much illiterate, and I'm not just talking computers
<Jiangyi> Oh boy.
<Jiangyi> Sounds like 80% of my classmates. :-/
<Thracky> lol
<Thracky> they're literate, just not in english
<DMoult> * Jiangyi goes to clean his PC and install new RAM :-p
<Thracky> although high school literacy rates are pretty bad
<DMoult> *download new RAM, you mean
<Thracky> I'm downloading a new video card right now
<Jiangyi> Thracky: I'm talking about computer literacy lol
<Thracky> oh :P
* chadouming is away: lunch
<Jiangyi> They're as compiter illiterate as my teachers. :-P
<Thracky> that can be fun
<Jiangyi> Yeah, means I'm tech support. lol
<Thracky> take screenshot of desktop, put it as desktop background, hide icons.
<Thracky> enjoy.
<Jiangyi> Although I use that to my advantage sometimes, especially when helping teachers. :-P
* Jiangyi do things really slowly for teachers to waste class time xD
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<DMoult> ahaha Thracky i remember doing that back in high school
<DMoult> or just ctrl-alt-del, lock screen, then hide the window at the bottom corner off screen
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<DMoult> or ctrl-alt-arrow key to change the screen alignment
<Jiangyi> I made a few friends ran a batch script that set a shutdown timer as an April Fools day joke. xD
<Thracky> yea that's pretty fun :D
<Thracky> throw something in scheduler that plays rick astley at full volume every day at a certain time :P
<Jiangyi> ahaha
<Thracky> in a hidden window no less
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<Jiangyi> Darn it, I'm out of compressed air. :-(
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<Thracky> maybe he should pay attention to her instead of his phone
<Thracky> then he could turn her on
<peterperfect> Jiangyi you mean A/C?
<DMoult> my brother's a pretty good coder, he managed to hack all the school printers to show 'insert coin' on their small LED screens
<Jiangyi> peterperfect: No, I mean compressed air to clean a computer with. :/
<peterperfect> ah ok
<Thracky> I go through that stuff so fast Jiangyi. 2 cats and a rabbit in an apartment and a desktop with 5 fans running :|
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<luke__> Hey, it's is normal if I touch the searchbar on the homescreen that i get the old google search
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Wow.
<Jiangyi> Damn, the NCIX nearby doesn't have it in stock. T_t
<Jiangyi> T_T*
<Thracky> 3 bucks for me at future shop heh
<Thracky> for 2 cans
<Thracky> one of the few good staff discounts there
romann|afk is now known as romann
<Jiangyi> Damn, that's good. :O
<DuperMan> get me 7
<DuperMan> what is?
<Jiangyi> Meanwhile, I can't even get one for at least 2-3 days.
<Jiangyi> Ah screw it, back to using a brush. :-/
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<newbie> Hi. I'd like to know how stable is CM10 for SGS
<Thracky> which model
<newbie> i9000m
<newbie> I use CM9 and find it very stable.
<newbie> I wonder if it's time to switch.
<Thracky> check the known issues on the teamhacksung wiki
<Thracky> and you'll have an idea
<Thracky> also check any discussion threads
<newbie> well there are reported issues such as "wifi does not work" but I beleive that must be false isn't it?
<Thracky> dunno, I see little to no discussion of the i9000 phones in here
<Thracky> mostly S2/S3
<Ntemis> wifi is working
<Thracky> best checking the wiki and any relevant thread on xda
<newbie> of course, my phone is getting old
<Ntemis> why? it works, has the latest update and is not slow :)
<newbie> yeah that's why I keep it
<Jiangyi> Darn it, can't find my brush either.
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<Jiangyi> yay found it.
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<Gossamer> is there a changelong for 8/3 update from 7/27?
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* chadouming is back (gone 00:49:55)
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<BHSPitMonkey> :D
<bbqbot> derp
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<Jiangyi> lmao
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<penkeerthi> Hi
<chadouming> hi
<penkeerthi> just wanted to know if there is HW video acceleration with the Jelly bean rom
<penkeerthi> for Samsung Galaxy S2 running on CM
<chadouming> i doubt so
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<noxxx> helou
<Motogeekchris> penkeerthi: about as much as cm9 did
<penkeerthi> aww well i guess thats a no :)
<penkeerthi> thanks .. i had a few times it flashes as a HW for a second
<penkeerthi> and then the phone gets stuck
mw0cqu has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<penkeerthi> THANKS guys.
<noxxx> hey guys any progress on cm9 for p4?
<noxxx> official ics is out
Barna has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
<noxxx> but afaik camera doesnt work on cm9
<penkeerthi> thanks,i have seen this thing , thanks again
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<noxxx> ffcamera, y u no work?
* Jiangyi keeps laughing with the I9100G
Jug6ernaut is now known as Jug6-away
<Jiangyi> jk :-D
<noxxx> me waetn skaep
<noxxx> Jiangyi you troll
<noxxx> lafin troll
<Jiangyi> noxxx: What's life without a bit of trolly fun? ;-)
<bbqbot> derp
<noxxx> anyway nong is better than g
<noxxx> it is more exynosish
<noxxx> anyway jb does work on nong
<noxxx> but not as smooth as it could be
<noxxx> but i am on cm9 anyway
<Jiangyi> noxxx: Only problem G has with JB is that we get a little screen flash after CRT-off animation. :-P
<noxxx> Jiangyi *pokerface*
<noxxx> sammy promised to update i9100 to jb
<noxxx> soeh just waiting
<noxxx> oh
<noxxx> i didnt told you
<noxxx> i bogut new car
<noxxx> skoda superb
<noxxx> awesome
<noxxx> but still no cm10 for it
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<Baskey> Fissurez: DUUUUUUDE
Malmis has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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<chadouming> for 5 minutes !
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<Thracky> the derp is strong in here today
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<timmaeh> Hey guys - biiig problem... everytime when I phone someone or I get an ingoing-call on my i9300, I have to disable and enable the noise suppression so they can understand me. Otherwise the only hear a static sound. And this is really a problem when you get an ingoing-call, because you can barely restart the noise suppression then. Is there anything known to fix this problem? :/ Free beer as reward - see how desperated
romann|afk is now known as romann
Gapone has joined #teamhacksung-support
<timmaeh> bump
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<chadouming> sry forgot you
xplodwild_ is now known as xplodwild
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<mwzerocqu> so...anyone around with p5100 + 4.0.4 /cm9 experience please ? trying to find out if cifs and tun are part of the cm9 build ?
pier|afk is now known as pier
<mwzerocqu> also. does is the dialler app the standard one please ?
<mwzerocqu> [does?/
<mwzerocqu> spill chequers are grout aunt they <turns off predictive text> ;}
<Assid> i wonder if the openvpn binary can be updated to support ipv6
Ntemis has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713224758]]
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<Jiangyi> lol part of the Spirit FM code:
<Jiangyi> java.util.Locale loc = java.util.Locale.getDefault ();
<Jiangyi> if (loc == java.util.Locale.CHINA ||
<Jiangyi> loc == java.util.Locale.CHINESE ||
<Jiangyi> loc == java.util.Locale.TRADITIONAL_CHINESE ||
<Jiangyi> loc == java.util.Locale.SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE ||
<Jiangyi> loc == java.util.Locale.PRC //||
<Jiangyi> ) {
<Jiangyi> loge ("zx Free for China, LOL. ");
<Jiangyi> return;
<Jiangyi> }
peterperfect has quit [Quit: Few women admit their age. Few men act theirs.]
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Told ya it was free for China. :-P
<Baskey> @dood Jiangyi
<bbqbot> Jiangyi: what up dood
angelsl has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Jiangyi> @dood Baskey
<bbqbot> Baskey: what up dood
<Baskey> :)
<Baskey> @geo user Jiangyi
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Jiangyi
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1427701760,1427708959],"country":"DE","region":"","city":"","ll":[51,9]}
<Jiangyi> Oh boy.
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> Right.
<Baskey> Codyland?
<Jiangyi> Baskey: Oui :-)
h4rdco2e has joined #teamhacksung-support
choirboy has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: Android 4.1.1_r4 is out! (XDA)
<h4rdco2e> you'r post *_*
<Jiangyi> h4rdco2e: Could I get a link pleasE?
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: haha, I just copied it from xda
pier is now known as pier|brb
Mojtaba has joined #teamhacksung-support
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: is Opensource HWcomposer Projekt on Gerrit taken off?
<Fissurez> oh i'm unmuted
<Baskey> YES U R
<Baskey> [20:08] (Baskey) chadouming: it's -q time
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<tincmulc> heloo boom bot, I chalenge you!
<chadouming> @bomb tincmulc
<bbqbot> tincmulc, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
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<bbqbot> 6
<tincmulc> red
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
tincmulc was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was orange]
<tuhoojabotti> @bomb chadouming
<bbqbot> tuhoojabotti: You are not allowed to run that command!
<tuhoojabotti> :(
<chadouming> @bomb tuhoojabotti
<bbqbot> tuhoojabotti, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
tuhoojabotti was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue]
<ernie`> I'm on a plane!
<chadouming> @bomb bbqbot
<bbqbot> bbqbot, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
bbqbot was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was green]
<sixstringsg> chadouming loses bet :)
bbqbot has joined #teamhacksung-support
<chadouming> shisssh
<datagutt> fudontkillthebot
<datagutt> also i got like
<datagutt> a million features to kang for bbqbot now
<datagutt> now
<datagutt> i need to code it
<datagutt> BASKEY
<datagutt> HOW YOU BEEN MAN
<Baskey> AND YOU
<datagutt> FINE
<chadouming> haha
<Baskey> I KNEW THAT
<chadouming> i haz more thing to do than missing someone
<Baskey> HE LOVES ME
<datagutt> HE CIRES AT NIGHT
ryan123 has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<datagutt> also
<datagutt> why am i followed > 300 repos on github
<datagutt> its a pain to read every new commit
<datagutt> :(
<datagutt> following*
<Baskey> datagutt: MEIZU STALKERS
<datagutt> yes
noxxx has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
<datagutt> i constantly seek for code to kang so i can send it to meizu
<datagutt> i made a deal with them, they will give me root and open bootloader if i find stuff to kang for them
<datagutt> ITS WONDERFUL
<h4rdco2e> datagutt: hi
<datagutt> HI
<Baskey> datagutt: U HAZ AN INTERSECT IN YOUR HEAD?!?!?!?!
<datagutt> NEBBY HAS TOO
<Baskey> :O
<h4rdco2e> datagutt: capslock is on
fatezero has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
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<Thracky> sweet mother of derp it's extra retarded in here today :P
<h4rdco2e> @kick dat
<bbqbot> h4rdco2e: You are not allowed to run that command!
<chadouming> i wonder why everytime baskey join the conversation, everything goes full retard
<h4rdco2e> chadouming:
<h4rdco2e> +1
<Baskey> better not to tell you now
<Thracky> Baskey's retardation is contagious
<Thracky> we should probably place him under quarantine
romann is now known as romann|afk
<Baskey> am I sick? :(
<Thracky> in many many ways yes.
<Baskey> damn
<Baskey> too much viagra
datagutt has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Baskey> @google remove spica from teh premises
<bbqbot> Rental Agreement for Wheatland Self Storage Located at 5 ... -
<Jiangyi> Thracky: +1
<Baskey> I seriously doubt it
<chadouming> lol
<datagutt> doubt what
<chadouming> datagutt got infected
<Jiangyi> lol
<datagutt> do you doubt the greatness of meizu?
<datagutt> for some reason
<chadouming> i'm sorry, but we will have to kill you
<datagutt> it seems like
<chadouming> KILL THEM
<chadouming> KILL THEM WITH FIRE
<datagutt> everybody here likes samsung
<Baskey> datagutt: they are implying that we're sick
* Jiangyi leaves so that he won't be affected
<datagutt> must just be some weird side effect of the chip
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|Hiding
<datagutt> maybe it got affected by a korean virus
<Baskey> LIFE*
<Jiangyi|Hiding> chadouming: OC them to death. :-D
* Baskey bites Jiangyi
<chadouming> hmk, datagutt : you remember that OC module you have ?
<Jiangyi|Hiding> Baskey: I'm hiding, you can't bite me.
<Baskey> Jiangyi|Hiding: I can see you
<Jiangyi|Hiding> Baskey: No you can't, there's a sea of Asians around me. :-P
<mongi> I was looking teamhacksung wiki and the Know Issues about JB in I9100 is this (Hardware Composer: doesn't support all JellyBean features). I was wondering when Samsung release the officil JB for I9100 if this issue will be solved...
<Baskey> you're special Jiangyi, you're special
<datagutt> @eval chinesenet = function(kickList){var toKick = kickList || ["chadouming, "Jiangyi|Hiding"]; for(user in toKick){IRC.kick("#teamhacksung-support", toKick["user"], "BELIEVE!");}
<bbqbot> SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
<bbqbot> undefined
<datagutt> @eval chinesenet = function(kickList){var toKick = kickList || ["chadouming, "Jiangyi|Hiding"]; for(user in toKick){IRC.kick("#teamhacksung-support", toKick["user"], "BELIEVE!");}}
<bbqbot> SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
<bbqbot> undefined
<chadouming> @deop bbqbot
edude03 has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
<chadouming> better do that before problem arise xD
<datagutt> brb outsourcing to meizu
<Jiangyi|Hiding> chadouming: Win.
Jiangyi|Hiding is now known as Jiangyi|HidingX2
<chadouming> @op
<chadouming> @deop bbqbot
<chadouming> gonna stop that now
<Jiangyi|HidingX2> Hmm....
<datagutt> @eval chinesenet = function(kickList){var toKick = kickList || ["chadouming", "Jiangyi|Hiding"]; for(user in toKick){IRC.kick("#teamhacksung-support", toKick["user"], "BELIEVE!");}}
<bbqbot> [Function]
<Jiangyi|HidingX2> This is one occasion where I actually want temporary admin.
<datagutt> @eval chinesenet()
<bbqbot> undefined
<datagutt> i have failed
<Baskey> @eval FUCKING SKYNET
<bbqbot> Baskey: You are not allowed to run that command!
<datagutt> @eval chinesenet = function(kickList){var toKick = kickList || ["chadouming", "Jiangyi|Hiding"]; for(user in toKick){IRC.kick("#teamhacksung-support", toKick[user], "BELIEVE!");}}
<bbqbot> [Function]
<datagutt> @eval chinesenet()
chadouming was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [BELIEVE!]
chadouming has joined #teamhacksung-support
<bbqbot> undefined
Fissurez has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<datagutt> ...
<datagutt> autojoin is no fun
* Jiangyi|HidingX2 was smart to change names :-D
<chadouming> lol
<datagutt> @eval skynet
<bbqbot> ReferenceError: skynet is not defined
<bbqbot> undefined
<Jiangyi|HidingX2> datagutt: I can change names faster than you can set them. lol
<chadouming> @eval chinesenet = 'fuck you datagutt'
<bbqbot> 'fuck you datagutt'
<datagutt> you know
<datagutt> i added a datagutt protection once
<datagutt> if you tried to do anything with the variable skynet
<datagutt> it kicked me
<chadouming> yeah i know
<datagutt> (no matter who)
<chadouming> i know too
<datagutt> if you evaled it i still got kicked
<datagutt> fail
<datagutt> @eval nebkat
<bbqbot> 'posh meizu employee'
<Baskey> indeed
<Jiangyi|HidingX2> @eval Jiangyi
<bbqbot> Jiangyi|HidingX2: You are not allowed to run that command!
<Jiangyi|HidingX2> :-|
<datagutt> @eval meizu = 'this company is so… ALL GLORY TO THE MEIZU'
<bbqbot> 'this company is so… ALL GLORY TO THE MEIZU'
<datagutt> @eval nebkat = 'not so posh employee of the best company in the world'
<bbqbot> 'not so posh employee of the best company in the world'
<datagutt> ohwait
<datagutt> @eval nebkat = 'posh samsung employee'
<bbqbot> 'posh samsung employee'
romann|afk is now known as romann
<Baskey> datagutt: SET EVAL FOR ME
<datagutt> @geo user Baskey
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Baskey
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ~intersect@unaffiliated/baskey
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for unaffiliated/baskey
<datagutt> hah intersect
<Baskey> :D
<datagutt> @mods add Baskey ~intersect@unaffiliated/baskey
<bbqbot> User Baskey got added as mod.
<Baskey> remvoe this
maltloaf has joined #teamhacksung-support
<datagutt> @mods remove Baskey
<bbqbot> User Baskey got removed as mod.
<Baskey> :)
h4rdco2e has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<datagutt> SOUNDS JEWISH
datagutt has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
<Baskey> chadouming: xoxo
Baskey has quit [Quit: Baskey]
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Jiangyi|HidingX2 is now known as Jiangyi|BF3
<Thracky> i haven't played bf3 in ages
<Thracky> don't even have it installed heh
<Thracky> Tribes and Civ V have been sucking up all my gaming time
pier|brb is now known as pier
akSeya has joined #teamhacksung-support
<akSeya> hi there :)
<akSeya> folks.. just want to make sure.. changing the modem can increase battery drain?
<chadouming> yes
<peterperfect> and guess what
<peterperfect> also can decrase
<peterperfect> :P
<akSeya> hum.. i was using lp6 and now changed to LPS .. battery is at 90% ... with LP6 it would be at 70% :P
<peterperfect> i use LF5
<peterperfect> the same as cody
<akSeya> pucha saco
<akSeya> ;)
<peterperfect> hahahah
<peterperfect> tem que seguir quem entende
<peterperfect> :D
<akSeya> there is no LF5 on cody download from rom manager
<bbqbot> derp
<peterperfect> humn...wait
<akSeya> peterperfect, i9100, right?
<akSeya> no no.. you have a S3 already
<peterperfect> yep
<peterperfect> s3
<akSeya> never mind then :)
<peterperfect> no problem
<akSeya> peterperfect, do you remember which modem you used on S2?
<ernie`> @mods add ernie`
<bbqbot> ernie`: You are not allowed to run that command!
<ernie`> hmm
<ernie`> The guy besides me is eating McDonalds and I got a craving for some too :/
<peterperfect> akSeya nop
chadouming has quit [Quit: I'M GOING DOWNNNNNNNN]
cantIntoCode has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
Alram is now known as zz_Alram
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<addi> ernie`, i went to McDonalds last night, was standing in line and took out my GNex, and a guy next to me says aloud to his friend "Oh man, Nexus, I love it". not available here in India so hard to come by, made me feel so nice :P
endstille has quit [Quit: I'll be back.]
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peterperfect has quit [Quit: Take my advice. I don't use it anyway]
Jiangyi|BF3 is now known as Jiangyi
<Jiangyi> addi: lol nice
<Jiangyi> Wait, Modems affect battery life?
* Jiangyi goes to try different modems
<addi> haha, they do. some affect it quite a lot ^^
<Jiangyi> Probably not the smartest move to use a Chinese radio in Canada, but hey, who knows. :-|
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chadouming has quit [Changing host]
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<mongi> akSeys: é do brasil?
<mongi> akSeya
<addi> Jiangyi, actually, ZSLPG, a Hong Kong modem was great in many countries during the SGS1 days :p
Fissurez has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Jiangyi> addi: Oh really? That's interesting. :-P
<addi> yeah, epic modem that was. some people stuck to it even though it was from Froyo, haha
<addi> ZS modems were generally good back then
<mongi> Who here has a I9100?
<koud> <-
<mongi> a good modem for it? would be wich?
<bbqbot> derp
<mongi> lps?
<Thracky> I dunno , I use LQ6
<Thracky> I have no complaints
<koud> same here
<mongi> the one i using is draning battery really fast
<koud> used LPX before, I don't see much difference
<koud> mongi: what rom are you using?
<mongi> cm9
<Thracky> my battery is so fucking strange, it goes to 12%, then goes back up to 13%, and sits there forever.
<koud> I did not have problem with LPX and cm9
<mongi> you using cm10 now?
<koud> but modem result may be different depending on what country you are in
<koud> yes I am
<Thracky> hoooome time.
<mongi> hmm... to flash modem is same as flashing a zip rom?
<Thracky> yes mongi
<mongi> need to wipe?
<Thracky> no, shouldn't need to.
<mongi> ok
maltloaf has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<Jiangyi> addi: Hmm.... I wonder if GB modems work on ICS.
<addi> they do
<addi> at least on SGS they did :p
<koud> worked for me on i9100
<koud> international
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Mine too. Takes forever to go down from 100%, then it's a landslide to 5%, where it would take forever to drain again.
<Jiangyi> Alright, that opens up a lot more modem options. :-P
<Jiangyi> Lots of people started getting signal drop issues after Sammy's ICS for I9100G.
<Jiangyi> Most of them are 2G users though.
<addi> but the modems do work, not enough changes for them to stop working from one Android version to another
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TeMpTiN|tab has quit [Client Quit]
<Jiangyi> addi: What modem are you on right now?
edude03 has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
<addi> I'm on Gnex so no use to you :p
<addi> i don't even know what modem it is xD
<addi> just grab the latest and be happy. is what I did on SGS as well :D
sbrissen is now known as sbrissen_gone
<Jiangyi> addi: I know it's no use, just wanted to know which country. I gotta start somewhere xD
<addi> I am in India, but GNex not available here, so don't think the modem is optimized for India in any way :p
romann is now known as romann|afk
<mongi> How can I "Extract" a Modem from my phone?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> on SGS it was a normal modem.bin file in the phone
crispybacon is now known as smokinbroccoli
<addi> not sure if that changed with newer Galaxy devices
<mongi> do you remember where the file was located?
<addi> so a copy paste was all that was needed to change modem :D
<Jiangyi> mongi: It's inside the .tar.md5 file of a stock ROM that you would download.
<mongi> oh... i see
<mongi> but if i get this modem.bin from the rom
<mongi> and want to flash in cwm
<Jiangyi> addi: No I9100G sold in Canada, so definitely no optimizations for here. :-P
<addi> mongi, i think it was in root of the system itself
<addi> not really sure
<mongi> how to flash if its .bin?
<Jiangyi> mongi: You can flash it with Odin in PHONE.
<addi> i never flashed, just copied :D
<addi> and yes, need to use ODIN
<mongi> damn, odin haha =/
<addi> or replace a CWM package with the modem.bin you want to use ^^
<Jiangyi> mongi: Or you can take an existing CWM-flashable modem for your phone and replace the modem.bin inside.
<Jiangyi> Damn, addi was faster.
<addi> shorter sentences :p
<mongi> cause the one i'm using is uhlpf and there's anywhere to download, in case i want to get bakc to it
<addi> mongi, confirmed, it was in root on SGS1
<addi> though i think my copying of new modems to root to replace them only changed the name of modem shown in Settings, didn't actually flash it. but not sure :p
<Jiangyi> addi: Don't see it on my phone. =|
<addi> cos the block bml12 needed to be written to for flashing modem, which I'm sure copy pasting didn't do xD
<addi> yeah, they probably changed in later devices
<addi> ah wait, of course they did. later devices use mtd, not the old bml
<addi> as on SGS1, which sucked
<addi> so it probably changed to radio.img like on CM :p
<addi> Jiangyi, check in /radio?
<Jiangyi> addi: In /system or?
<addi> root
<Jiangyi> addi: Don't see a /radio. :-|
<addi> not sure if even that will be there
<addi> CM used /radio for it, and named it modem.bin on SGS
<mongi> found in /dev/
<mongi> file name modem_br
<addi> that's not modem, it's a normal file I think :p
<Jiangyi> Hmm...
* Jiangyi doesn't have that file
<addi> though i'm not sure how /dev works. on my GNex it's a 347 MB partition, has lots of files in it, but only uses up 32 KB. all empty blank files
<ernie`> addi, haha nice :D
<addi> :D
raXuz is now known as raXuz|Away
mongi has quit []
raXuz|Away is now known as raXuz
<Jiangyi> lol seems legit.
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Baskey has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
pier is now known as pier|afk
raXuz is now known as raXuz|Away
LPirro has joined #teamhacksung-support
<LPirro> Hi i have created a image with photoshop. The SMS reply button directly on the notification bar. I want to know if this will be applied in the next or future CM10 build? Just for information.. thanks in advance for any reply.
raXuz|Away is now known as raXuz
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<Jiangyi> LPirro: Someone would have to code it and submit it for review. Not a bad idea though. :-P
<chieftex> anyone here use an n7000 galaxy note?
<LPirro> @Jiangyi Yes, but i'm not able to made this function. I asked here so codeworkx and xplodwild can view this idea, and If They want, add in the next builds. I'll wait for Their response..
<bbqbot> LPirro: Command does not exist!
<Jiangyi> LPirro: This actually isn't the place to suggest these things from what I've seen. Plus, code and xplod don't do UI.
raXuz is now known as raXuz|Away
<LPirro> Yes, but this fuction exists yet! But only for missed calls:
<bbqbot> derp
<LPirro> so it's easy to add, i think. :)
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<xplodwild> LPirro: I'm forwarding to the right person
raXuz|Away is now known as raXuz
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<LPirro> Thanks xplodwild, Codeworkx add the call button on the notification bar in 2 or 3 builds ago: i think he can add the SMS reaply too...
<xplodwild> LPirro: though, what would do the button?
<xplodwild> LPirro: when you tap an SMS notification, you're already brought to the thread
<xplodwild> so what's the point?
<LPirro> When you tap the 'reply' button on the notification, he open SMS for the reply..
<xplodwild> but when you tap the notification, it already does that
<LPirro> No.. when you get the SMS notification, you have just one option (call):
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<LPirro> I added the reply button with photoshop, for better understanding
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<Jiangyi> xplodwild has a point, I didn't even think about that. :-P
<xplodwild> LPirro: you can tap the notification itself, not the button
<xplodwild> and it'll bring you to the thread
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<Jiangyi> *cricket* *cricket*
<jaket> peep
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<dizzy> heyppl
<dizzy> just a little question... can someone post me a link to a changelog for the nightly builds since the RC?
<dizzy> cant find any..
<Jiangyi> dizzy: Which device?
<dizzy> oh sorry, sgs2
depressedcat is now known as cantIntoCode
<Jiangyi> @changelog galaxys2
<Jiangyi> dizzy: ^^
<dizzy> that was too easy ;)
<dizzy> just a little non CM specific question... I had my sgs2 on a unintendet dive in a water bucket... it still works (yay:>) but sometimes the battery jumps from like 55% on a reboot to..12%..sometimes even lower... Should I reset the batterystats or is it simple damaged? :> any experiences? :D
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