bbqbot changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | GETT SMARTSTAY EX NAO | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <codeworkx> samsung phones are accidents | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting.
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<CallMePop> Where can i see the changelog for CM10?
<CallMePop> Is there any way to view the changelog for CM10?
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<Assid> hey
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<frequent> hi, I was wondering if you can help me with a problem.
<frequent> The thing is I keep getting error 492 on google play, this only happens with big apps, more than 100 mb
<frequent> I have googled the problem with no success...
<frequent> @nebkat hi, I was wondering if you can help me with a problem. [23:38] <frequent> The thing is I keep getting error 492 on google play, this only happens with big apps, more than 100 mb [23:38] <frequent> I have googled the problem with no success...
<bbqbot> frequent: Command does not exist!
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<CMLover> How do i change the keyboard settings in CM10?
<bbqbot> derp
<CMLover> Hey guys im new here , how do i change the keyboard settings in CM10 ? Like maybe turning off the predictive text?
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<neoD|ml> im wondering, if anyone have an idea
<neoD|ml> sgs3 cm9
<neoD|ml> nightly
<neoD|ml> but also with older ones, and even stable
<neoD|ml> i cant see all contents of sdcard when i plug it into PC
<neoD|ml> can see some of it
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<PandaUK> hallo, anyone here?
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<Frd> ye
<PandaUK> im trying to get my S3 working with the s3 hdmi adaptor, the right cables are plugged in but im not getting any signal on my tv or moniter, im using cm10
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<Espenfjo> PandaUK: IT wont work
<Espenfjo> hdmi isnt supported
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<caisse> j #connection
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<PandaUK> Espenfjo : yeah i finally found a thread saying that, thanks though for the reply
<Espenfjo> You are awake too early :)
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<aman_aman118> hello friends
<PandaUK> Espenfjo : i havent slept yet xD
<aman_aman118> i am facing some issue with the cm10 build
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<Espenfjo> PandaUK: You are awake too late ;)
<PandaUK> Espenfjo : i know but its so hot
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<sj> guys
<sj> my smsc gateway numbers dont work.
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<sj> Mobifone Vietnam +84 90400012
<sj> this is the number.
<sj> when i convert it, do i have to erase the space there?
<bbqbot> derp
<sj> or do i just convert it?
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<slainer68> > wat? official cm10 for sgs3 us and not international :'((. crying.
<peterperfect> i9300 is not ready to go
<peterperfect> you dont need to cry since there are builds going on
<cdesai> and there are official previews out already
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<Jiangyi> lol
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<Jiangyi> There's a guy who showed up asking for help, and he has an I9100 running a single-core CPU at 798MHz with 512MB of RAM and Android 4.0.9.
<EgotisticalElf> lol
<Jiangyi> Either his phone's messed up, or his hardware analyzing software's just plain stupid.
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<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> Baseband version is A102.V401.w11.19.Sp.v3
<Jiangyi> OK, definitely fake phone. :-P
pier is now known as pier|afk
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<Veyka> Hahaha
<Veyka> 4.0.9
<Veyka> Noice
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<Veyka> Hmm, is the rootz gapps the newest recommended ones?
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<Espenfjo> 726 ones?
<Veyka> Mhhm
<Espenfjo> yes
<Veyka> Cheers
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<Jiangyi> Yeah, I just saw that.
<Jiangyi> I always thought 0726 was a little wonky compared to the 0724.
<Veyka> I meant the JB gapps
<Veyka> I should have said
<Veyka> ;(
<Jiangyi> Yeah I know.
<Jiangyi> =\
* Jiangyi prefers 0724
* Veyka facedesks
<Jiangyi> .....?
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<Veyka> Im just having a fucktard day
<Jiangyi> Aww :-(
<Jiangyi> I just got up, so idk how my day's going to go... :-P
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<Veyka> I didnt wake up till midday
<Veyka> Spent was awake till 3am playing MvM like a smart person
<Veyka> (tf2)
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<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> Today's goal: Fix all my Linux issues and build CM10. :-P
<Veyka> !!!!
<Veyka> I was supposed to be going out drinking
<Jiangyi> Which could take a while since it just doesn't freaking want to pull proprietary files.
<Veyka> But nooo
<Veyka> Fucking MRI at 7am tomorrow morning
<Veyka> I mean, what kinda sadistic fuck schedules something for 7am on a sunday :(
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<Veyka> Jiangyi cant pull ;(
<Veyka> :P
<Jiangyi> ..............
<Veyka> :P
<Jiangyi> That didn't sound right. ._.
<Veyka> ikr
<addi> <Veyka> Jiangyi cant pull ;( <--- XXX stuff going on? o_0
<Veyka> CMxXx
<Veyka> Devs after dark
<Jiangyi> addi: Pull proprietary files from phone*
<Veyka> ;)
<Veyka> So, question
<Veyka> Lets say an idiot, hit the key test option in CMW6.0.1.1
<Veyka> How does one hit the back button, on a phone without one?
<Jiangyi> o_O I didn't even know there was a key test option.
<Veyka> Yeeeeh
<Veyka> There is
<Veyka> :D
<Veyka> I have 3 buttons, none of them are doing anything
<Veyka> >__<
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<Veyka> Im gonna have to battery pull to escape from CWM :( :(
<addi> <Jiangyi> addi: Pull proprietary files from phone* <-- that's what they all say after getting caught.. u_u
<Veyka> I caught Jiangyi pulling "files" once
<Jiangyi> .............
<Jiangyi> ._.
<Veyka> It wasnt pretty
<Veyka> Um, are you supposed to be able to get stuck in the Cm10 emergency dialler on first boot?
<Veyka> oh, toogle the screen
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<GabMus> hello everybody
<cantIntoCode> ermahgerd
<GabMus> wut
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<Xeon3D> erm, is there any website where one can see the changelog for a specific device for cm10 nightlies?
<bbqbot> derp
<GabMus> uh....
<GabMus> Xeon3D: there should be...
<GabMus> what device
<Xeon3D> i9100
<addi> xplodwild, that motherboard I bought that didn't support my CPU had a BIOS update two days ago that added support, haha
<GabMus> ok ive the same
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<GabMus> I'm actually using CM10 and its really stable and fully working
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<Xeon3D> thanks
<Xeon3D> I'm using PA 1.98
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<GabMus> i dont know this rom
<GabMus> anyway, i reeeally suggest you to use cm10
<addi> He means ParanoidAndroid I think
<GabMus> i imagined
<GabMus> it is strange
<GabMus> that hybrid interface thing
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<addi> it's actually quite useful to have per-app DPI settings in that ROM, don't have to live with hybrid interface everywhere
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<addi> cdesai,
<addi> whats up dood
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<codeworkx> @dood addi
<bbqbot> addi: what up dood
<addi> codeworkx,
<addi> whats up dood
<codeworkx> #blamenebkat
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<addi> for @dood? xD
<codeworkx> @dood nebkat
<bbqbot> nebkat: what up dood
<codeworkx> @dood Kaik541
<bbqbot> Kaik541: what up dood
<addi> nebkat,
<codeworkx> @dood bbqbot
<bbqbot> bbqbot: what up dood
<addi> whats up dood
<addi> Kaik541,
<addi> whats up dood
<addi> y u no talk lately dood?
<codeworkx> @grouphug
<bbqbot> codeworkx: Command does not exist!
<codeworkx> bbqbot: stfu
<addi> @man-to-man-oil-rub
<bbqbot> addi: Command does not exist!
<addi> no u
<Jiangyi> Internet, y u no upload faster!?
<Jiangyi> =[
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<addi> um, is this the right page for getting a buildbox?
<bbqbot> derp
<cantIntoCode> addi: Y U NEED BUILDBOX
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<addi> i heard I can use it for building since my own internet connection isn't enough for repo sync :p
<addi> i starts repo sync on me's 2 mbps connection, and it sucks it up and makes it unusable everywhere else. NO OPEN EVEN GOOGLE SOMETIMES
lenny|offline is now known as Lenny
<cantIntoCode> ermahgerd
<cantIntoCode> THERT SERCKS
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<addi> yer, and the irritating thing? the terminal itself says it's downloading at 60-70 KB/s, while full speed of internet is 256 KB/s. guess it's lying to me :X
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<Chieftexi> jiangyi confirm something for me again plz - flashing custom rom and/or kernel with cwm or mobile odin = no triangle but pc odin = triangle?
<Jiangyi> Yes.
<addi> even Samsung employees use mobile Odin or TriangleAway for internal testing :p
<Pulser> :)
<Chieftexi> addi - really?
<addi> nah, kidding. or maybe they do, will have to ask Trae who works at Samsung :p
<Chieftexi> oh :)
<Chieftexi> any of you guys have the galaxy note?
<bbqbot> derp
<Chieftexi> regarding timing - when ?you flash a kernel, does it have "immediate effect" or do you have to reboot first
<addi> you'll see it after a reboot of course
<Chieftexi> and what happens if you flash a gb kernel to an ics rom?
<addi> i guess even the phone registers it after a reboot
<addi> the ROM doesn't boot, simple as that :p
<addi> will get stuck at the initial splash text
<Chieftexi> but i could still get to cwm?
<addi> yes
<Chieftexi> aha - thats good
<Chieftexi> im asking due to the emmc brick bug
<Chieftexi> that i am lucky enough to have lol
<addi> like codework|x says, to get around emmc brick is simple. flash CWM (even with an ICS kernel), then boot to CWM, flash ROM without wiping data so that the safe CM kernel gets flashed, reboot to recovery and then wipe data
<Chieftexi> it seems that wiping anything when using an official samsung ics kernel is a huge no no
* Chieftexi reads that again
<addi> basically, flash the ROM first without a wipe, then reboot into recovery, then wipe data
<addi> instead of wipe data -> flash ROM, you do: -> flash ROM -> reboot to recovery -> wipe data
<Chieftexi> yeah thats my understanding too - flash rom (but if the rom has a crap kernel, make sure to flash a safe one on top) then reboot to recovery, wipe data/dalvik/cache
<addi> if you're flashing an AOSP ROM like CM, then it won't have a crap kernel :)
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<JRobson23> hello?
<addi> yes?
<Chieftexi> im not flashing CM sadly - mhl is needed
<Xeon3D> stupid question, but maybe someone here might know the answer. Mobile Odin is incompatible with JB right?
<Chieftexi> brb
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<JRobson23> I am currently running CM9 and this is probably the noobiest question ever so laugh at my expense, please. Do the nightly builds and their fixes get incorporated into the Stable build?
<bbqbot> derp
<JRobson23> at a later date of course.
<addi> yes, the ones that are good enough to be incorporated
<JRobson23> and how often do these updates happen? every month?
<addi> Xeon3D, well, technically, all mobile odin does is flash images to the necessary system partitions, so if those aren't changed in JB, don't see why it wouldn't work
<addi> JRobson23, that isn't certain. they happen when they are good enough to happen I guess :P
<JRobson23> ahh fair enough :D and one final question.. on the forum where there are hacks and mods, are they device specific or not?
<Jiangyi> That depends on each individual hack/mod.
<addi> well, the ones in the general mods section should work with (mostly) all devices
<addi> otherwise according to the hack/mod and according to what device's section they are in
<addi> and you must also check ROM compatibility. not to flash stock ROM mods on CM :p
<Jiangyi> Nor vice versa.
<JRobson23> ah thats cool, becaue I was just looking at one on XDA
<Jiangyi> Could result in explosions if you do. :-P
<JRobson23> but its defunct but damn it looked awesome
<JRobson23> ooooo can't be having that Jiangyi, I love my SGS2 thanks to CM9 :3
<JRobson23> with there were more white themes though haha
<JRobson23> wish*
<Jiangyi> I was just kidding lol
<JRobson23> I know ;)
<addi> bear in mind, lots of defunct mods still exist, and usually only the defunct mods are really awesome :p
* addi goes to look for theme chooser themes.
<JRobson23> I tried looking but every time, SystemUI stopped working so I'll keep searching :D
<JRobson23> I can only find 1 white theme and thats called 'Theme Chooser Ghost' on market which is far from being complete, I wouldn't mind a standard ICS witth White Status bar and notification drawer and obviously the menus tuning.
<addi> you no want black on the sexy SAMOLED screen? :p
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<JRobson23> No. hahaha, the thing is, most roms these days all look the same. Its always black and then a certain color? pretty sure its racist! haha we need white themes too.
<JRobson23> I used to theme from UOT kitchen but christ thats turd now... no offence :3
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<addi> well, I'm racist. I only like fully black wallpapers on my phone, and even black background in apps if possible. SAMOLED HD + blacks = awesome
<JRobson23> haha, you see this shiz, I love you guys already! easy to have a laugh with, anyway, best be on my way :D and if your wondering what mod I was looking at, it was this one. it can do everything by the looks of it haha.
<addi> ^_^
<JRobson23> see you later and thanks :D
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<addi> wth, TF300 already getting Jelly Bean update. o_0
<cantIntoCode> addi: ?
<addi> Transformer Pad 300 is getting the JB OTA in US already!
<addi> ASUS FTW! xD
<cantIntoCode> like just now?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> some people have got it today
<cantIntoCode> oh crazy
<addi> and ASUS also teased it on their FB page
<addi> writing about it now, already wrote about the teaser :p
<cantIntoCode> :D
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<Chieftexi> bax
<Chieftexi> addi here?
<addi> yes
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<Jiangyi> Hmm...
<Jiangyi> Could anyone help me get MTP working on Linux Mint 13?
<Jiangyi> =[
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* Jiangyi is kinda stuck in a bunch of places atm
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: On the topic of non-optimal solutions:
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: I already use AirDroid, I'm just curious as to how to get this working.
<Jiangyi> Having a Camera Error -60 everytime I plug in my phone is not comforting lol
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<Jiangyi> Well what do you know. gMTP seems to work.
<Jiangyi> nevermind, it just FCed when I tried to add something.
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<cantIntoCode> these inline comments are hilarious xD
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<Kaik541> addi: codeworkx: I am a ghost
<Pulser> rofl cantIntoCode
<cantIntoCode> right? haha
<Assid> wadddup
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<Kaik541> it's netchip, didn't anyone expect anything different?
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<lAxe> hey guys the volume issue (40% is 100%) is fixed on build 15082012?
<bbqbot> derp
<lAxe> (CM10 GTi9100)
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<Nimi> hey guys
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<Nimi> my RIL doesnt match my baseband, where can i download a baseband for my gt-i9100 to match it up
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<Nimi> my RIL doesnt match my baseband, where can i download a baseband for my gt-i9100 to match it up
<Nimi> anyone?
<Pulser> app get ril?
pier is now known as pier|smoke
<nebkat> #apple
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<Stonos> it's like Apple uses HDDs that never crash :/
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Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|Cooking
<Fissurez> ♪
<Fissurez> half posts - "YAY" other half "MAEK EET FUR ME PHONE"
<Fissurez> me? someone buy me a god damned nexus 7.
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<EgotisticalElf> Fissurez: that's normal..
<codeworkx> Jiangyi|Cooking: stop cooking!!!!
<codeworkx> Jiangyi|Cooking: you'll hurt yourself
<codeworkx> Jiangyi|Cooking: i can smell it!
pier|afk is now known as pier
<addi> Parth,
<addi> whats up dood
<Baskey> ADDI,
<Baskey> @dood addi
<bbqbot> addi: what up dood
<addi> Baskey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<addi> Baskey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<addi> whats up dood
<Baskey> addi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Jiangyi|Cooking is now known as Jiangyi
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I'm fine lol
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You're just jealous of the Asian noodles that I made xD
<codeworkx> asian boobies?
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<Jiangyi> O_O
<Jiangyi> Whut?
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<Jiangyi> Anyways.....
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I keep getting this when trying to pull files: "cannot create '../../../vendor/samsung/i9100g/proprietary/system/vendor/lib/': No such file or directory" Any advice?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> All the files are like that, not just
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<Espenfjo> Jiangyi: try mkdir -p ../../../vendor/samsung/i9100g/proprietary/system/vendor/lib/ first
<pier> wow I missed Baskey
<Baskey> ditto
<Baskey> I mean, I missed you :D
pier is now known as pier|icecream
<Jiangyi> Espenfjo: Bunch of permission denied errors after I did sudo mkdir -p for most of the missing folders.
<Jiangyi> Running the script in sudo just tells me adb: command not found.
<Espenfjo> Oo
<Jiangyi> Yeah, this is why I've been stuck. =[
AwayCat is now known as PspHellcat
<Jiangyi> Why do my first experiences with Linux have to be so frustrating. T_T
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: are you on cm10?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Yeah, today's nightly.
<nebkat> codeworkx: Y NO NEW BUILD TODEH
* Jiangyi thinks it's problems on the PC-side, not the phone-side.
<Baskey> NO NEW*
Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [IT HAS A LOT :'(]
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<nebkat> codeworkx: how to speed up adb :P
<nebkat> get usb3.0? :P
pier|icecream is now known as pier|fixx
<codeworkx> nebkat: adb push?
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<nebkat> codeworkx: tooooo slow
<nebkat> 42s to push a rom ffs
<codeworkx> how much mbs?
<nebkat> 152mb
<codeworkx> per second?
<nebkat> @eval 152/42
<bbqbot> 3.619047619047619
<nebkat> 3mb/s
<nebkat> SLOW SHIT
<Espenfjo> Buy a faster sdcard
<codeworkx> lulz
<codeworkx> right
<nebkat> Espenfjo: s3
<codeworkx> buy highend device
<nebkat> im setting up nginx on pc localhost
<nebkat> so i'll download over wifi at 25mb/s :D
Ravenheart has joined #teamhacksung-support
pier|fixx is now known as pier|afk
<nebkat> only 6mb/s download
<nebkat> WHAI
<nebkat> so now im going to have to do this
<nebkat> rather than downloading at 100kb/s on phone
<nebkat> I do
<nebkat> 10mb/s download to bbq
<Jiangyi> ........
<nebkat> then 5mb/s download to localhost
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<nebkat> then 5mb/s download to phone
<nebkat> in other words
* Jiangyi wonders how nebkat even lived in the age of Dialup o_O
<nebkat> @eval 20/3
<bbqbot> 6.666666666666667
<nebkat> in other words, 6mb/s
<nebkat> 60 times faster than the first case :D
<nebkat> I really need to position my wifi router better :P
<nebkat> seems im gonna need a new antenna
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<whitequark> TIL that SGS2 supports video calls
<whitequark> actually, I never knew that carriers support them directly at all...
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<codeworkx> ohai, arch dropped the installer. do it like a man!
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<Jiangyi> ..... lolwhut?
<Thracky> arch linux has no installer :P
<Thracky> you have to do everything by hand heh
sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|afk
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<codeworkx> Thracky: it had an text based installer
<codeworkx> Thracky: but it's gone :-D
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<Chieftexi> codeworkx: re the emmc bug, were you suggesting to flash as a first step?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Chieftexi: woot? flash an secure kernel first
<Chieftexi> yes thats what i thought
<Chieftexi> ok nvm, you are obviously up to date lol
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<cancer> sup
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<Guest84555> :c