xplodwild_work changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | <Baskey> POKAŻ CHUJA, PIERDOLCU | <codeworkx> KalimAz: i can see my panties | IRC stats : http://irc.nebkat.com/ | NO ETAs | Everything is borked on CM10. Don't ask
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<Jiangyi> Hmm.....
<Jiangyi> The latest nightly broke my GApps. o_o
<Jiangyi> A reflash of GApps fixed it though.
<Jiangyi> Kinda weird.
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<DallasJones> I love you Team Hacksung. <3
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<Jiangyi> DallasJones: Random much? lol :-D
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<DallasJones> god, google's voice search is amazing
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<Assid> on JB ?
<DallasJones> yeah :)
<Assid> ive heard the voice recognition on JB isnt as accurate as its ICS counterpart
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<DallasJones> i just had a bit of a play and it seemed great
<DallasJones> i might actually use it, i've never been a fan of voice recognition in the past
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<Assid> if they can push the recognition part into the phone.. without needing net access.. thats gonna be awesome
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<DallasJones> for me it wouldn't be much good. i can tell i'm going to say "show me pictures of puppies" 90% of the time. which will require internet
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<Assid> argh.. i got this stupid app i made which only has a webview and it still says it wants to launch the browser..
<Assid> anyone care to help me with this
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<xplodwild_work> @eval xplod()
<xplodwild_work> BBQBOT
<cdesai> gone
<xplodwild_work> anyone knows how to restart it?
<xplodwild_work> xD
<cdesai> where are you botty
<xplodwild_work> datagutt is the only one that knows
<xplodwild_work> I think
<cdesai> nebkat should
<cdesai> but both are away
<xplodwild_work> nebkat is away until tomorrow or the next day
<cdesai> xplodwild_work: come to #bs ?
<xplodwild_work> must be invited
<xplodwild_work> bbqbot was my pass
<cdesai> xplodwild_work: oh
<cdesai> i could +i if i was op
<cdesai> asking an op
<xplodwild_work> xda borked for anyone else?
<xplodwild_work> I can login, but as soon as I access login-protected pages, I get d/c'd
<cdesai> fine here
<Espenfjo> xplodwild_work: just join
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<davednut> morning guys is anyone free for a bit of advice?
<davednut> its ok now sorted myself :D
<addi> xplodwild_work,
<addi> whats up dood
<addi> cdesai,
<addi> whats up dood
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<davednut> what the hell after reboot i lose my apn
<davednut> and have to flash to get it back
<xplodwild_work> davednut: your phone hates you probably
<davednut> lol i agree
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<roniez> bah
<roniez> i hate samsung repair centers.
<roniez> they so douche bags
<davednut> hmm airplane off and on and it comes back weird but at least its a workaround
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* Dwarken tired... ZZzzZZ
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<Perka> when I try to build I get this http://pastebin.com/yGzyeu7j I have tried and I have searched but I cant get the right java to be default. any help is welcome. thx
<addi> Perka,
<addi> whats up dood
<addi> :p
<Perka> addi:
<Perka> java is wrong
<Perka> dont know how to uninstall 1.7 or set 1.6 to default
<addi> i is noob, no knows anything :/
<Perka> :p
<cdesai> sudo update-java-alternatives
<Perka> cdesai: so what cmd do I use?
<Perka> for setting the default
<Perka> or uninstall 1.7
<cdesai> Perka: read the page i linked
<Perka> I did
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<Perka> thx
<Dwarken> addi: woop woop
<addi> Dwarken,
<addi> whats up dood
<Dwarken> in a phone meeting.. ZZzzZZV :D
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<addi> but can't they see you sleeping on the phone? :P
<Dwarken> Haha, mostly listening, i'm involved in a Windows 7 project, and just following up on the progress and says what problems i have encountered with the users migrating, mostly with software.. :)
<addi> hehe. start dancing and give them a good show :p
<Dwarken> they can't see me i'm afraid.. Can't see my awesome Napoleon Dynamite dance skills..
<addi> xD
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<addi> Dwarken, that dance is awesome. do eeet! ^^
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* Dwarken hides, cannot dance..
<Dwarken> ^^
* addi can't dance either.
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<xplodwild_work> 'coz this is thriiiiiileeeeeeer
<addi> xplodwild_work,
<addi> whats up dood
* addi hides
<xplodwild_work> too bad bbqbot isn't here
<xplodwild_work> :(
<xplodwild_work> it lost netchip idiocy count
<addi> :O no bbqbot!
<addi> chaos shall ensue!
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<addi> WHAT THE HELL?!
<xplodwild_work> I'm going to patent "Display an image on a screen"
<xplodwild_work> Fig.1 "Logo displayed on top"
<xplodwild_work> Fig.2 "Logo displayed on bottom"
<xplodwild_work> "This patent applies to all devices capable of showing a moving or changing image"
<addi> :/
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<xplodwild_work> I must admit the UI is nice
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<addi> yeah, looks good
<addi> and I guess the Metro start screen is ok when you have a set number of items on the screen
<addi> oh wait, those Office icons are with the other icons in the Start screen -.-
<xplodwild_work> that concept of docked tablet + keyboard + mouse wireless is actually nice
<xplodwild_work> for casual people
<addi> heh, yeah. not a fan of tablets myself though
<addi> it also looks 'cool'
<xplodwild_work> for checking your mails, youtube, writing some docs, that's pretty nice
<addi> yup
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<addi> now to wait for Apple to sue MS for copying their design -.-
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<datagutt_> metro...
<addi> .. sucks
<datagutt_> addi, good boy
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<addi> but let me get this clear, it only sucks on computers. perfectly fine on phones and tablets
<datagutt_> yup
<datagutt_> exactly what i mean
<datagutt_> it doesnt for nor… work on computers
<addi> unless Windows 8 has performance improvements over Win 7, might stick to 7 for a long time
<addi> though me heard it does have performance improvements
<xplodwild_work> yeah I heard too
<xplodwild_work> especially at boot
<xplodwild_work> and since I have an SSD, I might give it a try one day
<addi> ah, boot times. the bane of Windows
<dizko> is there no "classic mode" or something like that?
<addi> time it takes to give me a usable desktop is too much
<addi> usable as in everything starts opening without delays
<addi> nope
<xplodwild_work> I think there was in early previews
<xplodwild_work> but got disabled
<datagutt_> wait they removed it
<xplodwild_work> metro all the way
<addi> that new Start menu is the only choice
<xplodwild_work> sucks on desktops
<xplodwild_work> @eval xplod
<bbqbot> ReferenceError: xplod is not defined
<bbqbot> undefined
<datagutt_> they also removed the trick for disabling metro in the registry
<addi> and they also fixed the exploit for bringing back the old Start menu in the consumer preview -.-
<regardtv> hmm
<xplodwild_work> @eval xplod = function() { IRC.invite("#blamesamsung", "xplodwild_work"); return "Yes master, I will destroy the world."; }
<bbqbot> [Function]
<regardtv> morning all
<addi> hehe
<addi> nice timing :p
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<datagutt_> microssoft takes away all the fun
<addi> :/
<regardtv> quick one for the i9300 'nightlies' --- moved from 0716 to 0717 and now microphone on outbound calls has gone mia
<xplodwild_work> regardtv: first call only or all calls?
<regardtv> suggestions - do the 'modems' testing -- ala test a bunch of modems?
<falkowich> datagutt_: No news there :p
<regardtv> bud - assumed it was 1st call .. but now tested and it's on all calls
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<regardtv> logcat I guess? ;-)
<xplodwild_work> what modem do you currently have?
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<regardtv> have run with LFB for past 4 nightlies without issue
<dizko> this is painful....i think my phone is faster than my laptop...and has the same amount of ram
<dizko> fatal: Out of memory, malloc failed4), 769.80 MiB | 1.21 MiB/s
<dizko> fatal: index-pack failed
<addi> @8ball 123
<bbqbot> Yes.
<roniez> ghfuy..
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<roniez> @changelog i900
<roniez> lol
<roniez> @changelog i9100
<xplodwild_work> galaxys2
<xplodwild_work> oh
<regardtv> no, i9300
<xplodwild_work> I have to add some cm10 to bbqlog
<xplodwild_work> will do that this afternoon
<roniez> man
<regardtv> oh .. not talking to me ;-)
<roniez> i updated to latest sammyh firmware
<roniez> and it started overheating my phone
<roniez> ><
<roniez> and now if i downgrade a couple of builds it still fcking overheats
<roniez> had to send my phone to service. :(
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<datagutt_> roniez hey
<roniez> sup datagutt_
<datagutt_> well im installing some cm9 kang on this motorola razr
<slainer68> hey gyus
<roniez> datagutt_: i had to send my phone to service. :( i feel naked man
<datagutt_> aw
<roniez> i am stuck with some nokia c30-00
<datagutt_> atleast your phone is flashable/brickable
<roniez> C3-00*
<datagutt_> meizu protects me from evil
<roniez> lol
<datagutt_> so i gave up and im now using this motorola
<datagutt_> which has aokp, cm9 kangs and miui
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<roniez> i updated with latest sammy firmware.
<datagutt_> lots of different roms to try xD
<roniez> and now battery fubard.
<datagutt_> ouch
<roniez> haha dont like your meizu?
<datagutt_> not since they locked my bootloader
<roniez> lool
<datagutt_> on the latest update they locked everything, stopped people from downgrading and made it almost impossible to get root using software
<datagutt_> now either use UART or gtfo
<roniez> wow
<roniez> thats messed up
<datagutt_> yeah
<roniez> so meizu is working against the grain so to say
<roniez> since most phone makers now work on a open bootloader due to public demand
<roniez> meizu goes the otherway and locks it down
<datagutt_> even if they release HK version firmware
<datagutt_> in a update.zip
<datagutt_> they locked my bootloader by me installing CN firmware
<datagutt_> lol
<roniez> lolz
<datagutt_> (which never happen before)
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<roniez> fcking 2 weeks man
<roniez> to check why the phone is overcharging the battery
<roniez> atleast
<roniez> i amanged to clear my counters.
<roniez> and install a sammy firmware
<roniez> before sending it in. ;)
<datagutt_> triangleaway?
<bbqbot> derp
* Dwarken thinks that datagutt_ is gutt ^^
<datagutt_> YOU DONT SAY
<datagutt_> :)
<Dwarken> ∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐
<dizko> anyone have one of the US LTE sgs3's? do they get hot as hell with LTE on?
<addi> ∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐
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<xplodwild_work> bbqlog geared up for cm10 on my local copy
<xplodwild_work> though it filters by cm9 nightlies dates
<xplodwild_work> pointless to fix until there's cm10 nightlies
<datagutt_> roniez: https://www.facebook.com/meizu?ref=stream i do know why i got sucked in
<xplodwild_work> general log will be fine
<datagutt_> their marketing
<datagutt_> good reviews
<datagutt_> screw you engadget & gsmarena
<datagutt_> lol
<datagutt_> i guess its more a phone for… people who dont want roms or root
<datagutt_> like
<datagutt_> normal people
<Dwarken> is it because of the locket bootloader the phone sucks?
<datagutt_> yes
<datagutt_> because
<datagutt_> i bought a device advertised with unlocked bootloadr
<datagutt_> a special version
<datagutt_> then they locked it on the latest fw update
<datagutt_> and blocked any way of root other than UART
<datagutt_> :p
<Dwarken> Why do you update official firmware?!?! scumbag! :P
<Dwarken> no one does simply not update official firmware from any vendors..
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<Dwarken> :P
<piksi> howdy! i'm trying to root my second galaxy s i9000 and having trouble getting into the clockworkmod recovery menu. whenever i hold vol down+menu+power it just goes to the stock recovery
<piksi> vol up+menu+power and other combos do nothing and the device stays in the boot loop
<piksi> i didn't have this problem with my previous root
<regardtv> xplodwild, reflashed nightly cleaning cache ... problem seems gone
<regardtv> so moving on ;-)
<regardtv> the cm10 stuff for samsung -- that mainly i9100g still or some i9100 stuff too?
* regardtv is sticking to cm9 on my 9300 for now ;-)
<davednut> anyone found a work around for mic on calls?
<bbqbot> derp
<roniez> datagutt_: naw i jigged it. :)
<datagutt_> ah
<roniez> datagutt_: so you are saying the Meizu is the Iphone of China? :)
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<datagutt_> Dwarken: when its the only way to get ICS, and you have been waiting for it for months, and most other phones have it.. you dont think straight
<datagutt_> roniez: except, you can jailbreak and get su on a iphone
<datagutt_> on meizu you cant
<datagutt_> they even took their time to jail /system, so any changes get reverted
<roniez> Well at first you could not on the Iphone either.
<datagutt_> true
<roniez> the meizu is still relativevly new and unknown on the global market.
<datagutt_> yeh
<roniez> just need some time
<roniez> its a pain to be bleeding edge user. ;)
<datagutt_> i cant look at my mx without getting mad
<roniez> haha
<datagutt_> lol
<roniez> Send it to me,
<roniez> i can use it as a backup. :)
<datagutt_> haha
<Dwarken> datagutt_: buy me a Mx and i'll assure you i'll break the bootloader.
* Dwarken .oO(With a big hammer >:{)Oo.
<roniez> hehe
<datagutt_> roniez: if you root it, find a way to install custom firmwares, port cm10, then give it back once you get your sgs2 back
<datagutt_> i might consider it
<datagutt_> lol
<roniez> haha
<dizko> sell it and buy an international phone..
<Dwarken> Chinese people like copying, but don't like people to copy them or tamper with their products.. lolz
<roniez> dizko: he has already
<datagutt_> i have a international phone
<datagutt_> shame its a motorla
<roniez> whizh razr u got btw datagutt_?
<datagutt_> xt910
<Dwarken> Meizu = Apple, locked system :P
<datagutt_> most roms are on xt912
<roniez> welcome to the conversation Dwarken i just stated that a few line sback
<slainer68> wooo, i'm waiting for nightly builds before testing CM10. hope it comes soon ;).
<datagutt_> infact i cant get anything working on this so my last resort is miui
<datagutt_> which is one of the few roms that arent made for xt912, it should work by installing a gsm patch but it doesnt
<dizko> one nice thing about having a phone that is uncommon is its a good motivator for DIY
<Dwarken> roniez: i hate reading 100 lines of chat when i'm away for 5 min.. only a quick look is enough for me.. some of us are at work ya know :P
* datagutt_ probably should install official ICS
<datagutt_> :p
<roniez> Dwarken: i am at work as well. :)
<roniez> datagutt_: isnt that the Droid HD?
<Dwarken> roniez: but i actually work :P
* Dwarken lies
<datagutt_> hm
<roniez> Motorola DROID RAZR XT912 also known as DROID HD
<roniez> Yea it is
<roniez> its that?
<datagutt_> i got the xt910 the international variant
<datagutt_> but yes
<addi> "Also known as DROID HD"
<roniez> yea
<roniez> hm lol
<davednut> two minutes to sell an iphone 4 haa goodbye apple
<roniez> i would defintly consider getitng a iphone as a backup device.
<roniez> just i would need to clone my simcard.
<roniez> since the bloody iphone uses mini sims
<dizko> so does the s3
<datagutt_> and meizu
<datagutt_> and motorola razr xt910
<Dwarken> I would consider buying an iphone just to throw it in the face of an Apple fanatic
<Dwarken> :P
<datagutt_> buy my meizu and blow it up using tnt
<dizko> i wanted to make a cannon to shoot mine
<dizko> like a potato canon
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<piksi> anyone able to assist with getting into CWM recovery? image sent with heimdall but vol up+home not working
<dizko> totally getting that...ill surely need to fall back to my nexus s when i brick this stupid s3
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<dizko> piksi: you say you have two of the same phone but the second one won't flash cwm ?
<piksi> dizko: yes, and the second one is an older galaxy s (like 6 months). i don't know if that makes any difference
<piksi> dizko: i now managed to get adb shell on it btw
<piksi> but still no cwm recovery. i'm using the hardcore's Kernel with the ClockworkMod Recovery 2.5 from cyanogenmod site and have flashed it with heimdall
<dizko> is that all the same software you used for the other one?
<bbqbot> derp
<piksi> dizko: yes
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<dizko> so are you trying to flash it with adb instead of heimdall? im not familiar with galaxy s or heimdall
<dizko> also, is the bootloader unlocked? maybe the first phone was unlocked but this one isnt?
<piksi> the phone allows booting into download mode so i assume it's unlocked
<dizko> ah
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<piksi> heimdall is for getting the initial boot image for galaxy devices that gives root and allows booting into cwm recovery
<piksi> but if there's a way to do it through adb i'm more than happy to do it that way (as i just got shell access)
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<dizko> look into fastboot flash recovery
<dizko> im not positive that works on your phone, but in the past ive used that method for flashing nexus s
<piksi> where should i look for a recovery image for galaxy s?
<piksi> the teamhacksung wiki only lists the actual rom and google apps
<dizko> man its a pain to search on galaxy s now that the newer models are out
<dizko> the heimdall method does seem to be the right way
<piksi> heimdall seems to work (the console output is as expected), only problem is that it the device itself doesn't have the "screen flash" during boot which indicates the right moment to let go of the buttons to get into the recovery menu
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<dizko> gf is whining about dinner....ill bbiab
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<roniez> anybody here knows alot of excel?
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<dizko> only remotely advanced thing i know how to do in excel is a VLOOKUP
<dizko> actively suppress knowledge of such things as much as possible
<dizko> piksi: did you make any progress with cwm?
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<regardtv> hmm xplodwild_work I spoke too soon. The mic worked for a while .... then randomly stopped. Have taken logcat of 'broken state' -- will take one of working state and compare... then let you know if I find anything ;-)
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<xplodwild_work> regardtv: okay
<xplodwild_work> regardtv: in calls or media?
<bbqbot> derp
<regardtv> in calls
<xplodwild_work> did you plug earphones or something special?
<regardtv> hmm, there was one 'state change' in that before it stopped I had bluetooth connection
<regardtv> ie working mic in office; drove to meeting (had working bluetooth call); back at desk - no mic on call
<xplodwild_work> working bluetooth call?
<regardtv> I'll try get a consistent reproducible behaviour 1st
<xplodwild_work> that shouldn't happen xD
<regardtv> yes - bluetooth carkit - wife heard me perfectly!
<xplodwild_work> hmm well ok
<regardtv> lol ... I smell a DEV not believing me ;-)
<xplodwild_work> well it might work
<xplodwild_work> but I didn't do anything in the HAL for BT yet xD
<xplodwild_work> so I guess some of the routes gets automatically to bluetooth
<xplodwild_work> because everyone reported that media audio doesn't get routed to BT
<xplodwild_work> so I wasn't expecting calls to work on BT
<xplodwild_work> plus, I just cleaned up the code and commented out some BT leftovers from tuna
<xplodwild_work> so I might have broke it
<xplodwild_work> but well, we'll see
<regardtv> reboot and audio back now ... so I have it in working state... lemme go BT and see if I break it ;-)
<regardtv> will report in a bit
<xplodwild_work> regardtv: if peterperfect reports the last file is fine, could you try using the cleaned HAL to see if bt still works?
<regardtv> sure
<xplodwild_work> k
<piksi> dizko: i'm retrying with odin on win7 as heimdall on linux didn't work
<regardtv> I need the excuse for some headspace today
<Lenny> xplodwild_work, I think bluetooth in call works when the phone is working first, the people who reported problems may have tried to use bluetooth before they confirmed their calls work working
<Lenny> obviously though its not playing nice with the call mic bug thing
<chadouming> xplodwild_work, bluetooth media and bluetooth call works on different channel
<chadouming> if i remember well, call are on channel 1 and media on channel 2
<xplodwild_work> chadouming: yeah I know, that's why I'm surprised
<xplodwild_work> BT_PORT is 3 iirc
<xplodwild_work> or 2
<xplodwild_work> there's a MEDIA, MODEM, BT and INPUT port
<xplodwild_work> so I thought all bluetooth stuff would go to BT port
<xplodwild_work> but seems like MODEM can be routed to bluetooth directly
<chadouming> lol
<Lenny> lol
<chadouming> so, once it has been routed to bt, it always think it need to go to bt ?
<addi> whats up doods
<xplodwild_work> chadouming: don't think so, it should be properly handled... I think
<Lenny> I guess it just tiggers the mic bug again
<Lenny> you may have to make a few calls before it works, or reboot and make 2 calls
<Lenny> cm11 :P
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<chadouming> lol
<Lenny> could do some serious trolling with that
<piksi> dk
<piksi> dizko: so actually it seems just that adb/heimdall combo was unable to flash the rooted kernel properly. so problem solved, thanks anyway for patience :-)
<Lenny> lol
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<slainer68> grrrr, just had the audio-call bug with i9300, CM9 and LFB modem. caller could not hear me. :(
<regardtv> ok
<Lenny> make a second call
<Lenny> it should be ok
<Lenny> without rebooting
<Lenny> if you reboot it comes back until you make 2 calls
<regardtv> rebooted: 1st call (no BT) works. Switch to BT - call works. Disconnect BT - Call fails
<regardtv> - let me be more precise -- mic fails
<slainer68> Lenny: looks like you're right! only first call has the bug. woo
<chadouming> say what lenny said, try to make another call
<chadouming> do*
<chadouming> lol
<Lenny> if it fails forever you probably have to wipe and reflash (I had to do that)
<regardtv> 2nd call still no mic
<regardtv> reboot and mic is back and fine
<regardtv> xplodwild, seems you hit it -- in my case its the state changes
<xplodwild_work> regardtv: codework will probably take care of the bluetooth part as I don't have a bluetooth headset myself
<chadouming> bad that dennisbpm is not there, i'm listening to his song at radio xD
<xplodwild_work> or I could hijack my mother's car to test
<chadouming> lol
<Lenny> I will test in my car when I go to it
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<regardtv> xplodwild, link you can refer me to for basic building of i9300 image? Looking at audio/audio_hw.c select_mode seems wrong .. want to test myself before bugging you guys ;-)
<regardtv> and its a great excuse for me to get some android dev under the belt
<xplodwild_work> regardtv: cm10 sources are not open yet
<xplodwild_work> and we're using a different HAL for JB
<xplodwild_work> so if current audio_hw.c is wrong then #blamecody :D
<xplodwild_work> he did the ICS one, and I did a different JB one
<xplodwild_work> he started off wolfson HAL, I did off tuna
<slainer68> Lenny: do you think this audio bug in call gonna be fixed in a next nightly? thanks.
<bbqbot> derp
<Lenny> no
<Lenny> it also exists in cm9
<Lenny> and paranoid android (cm9 based)
<xplodwild_work> we might do an ugly hack to simulate call conditions at boot
<slainer68> I thought hal is now open source, so why do you have to do an ugly hack?
<slainer68> i thought ugly hacks were only for closed source blobs...
<chadouming> cause yes HAL is opensource, but samsung didnt said how their original work
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<xplodwild_work> slainer68: audio is opensource
<xplodwild_work> RIL isn't
<xplodwild_work> eventually if we trigger a call audio routing at boot it might help
<xplodwild_work> except if the issue is purely in RIL
<slainer68> xplodwild_work: thanks for the explanation.
<Lenny> xplodwild_work, i like the sound of that dirty hack
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<lightx> @downloads i9100g
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<lightx> @downloads
<bbqbot> Downloads: http://get.cm
<chadouming> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 tf300t
<Lenny> G is not upheld by TH is it?
<Lenny> maintained would have been a better word to use
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<lightx> @downloads i777
<bbqbot> Download at: http://get.cm/?device=i777
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<Lenny> wtf is wrong with some people, why can't they learn not to post in the dev thread..
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<joydisee> Hello
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<chadouming> hi
<chadouming> lenny link
<joydisee> I have a question about cyanogenmo10 for i9100g, is it ok to ask my question here?
<bbqbot> derp
<Lenny> "everything is borked on CM10. Don't ask"
<Legion6789> Can anyone give me a link to a site or something that talks about what I'd need to do to install stock AOSP jelly bean on my GS2 LTE? I know I can't just build the AOSP code and install it, but I don't even have a general list of things that I'd need to do to get it to work. I just need a starting point.
<joydisee> @Lenny, it works Ok for me, I'd just want to know how can I get Google Now for it?
<bbqbot> joydisee: Command does not exist!
<Lenny> joydisee, tried clicking the search bar?
<joydisee> Yeah :)
<Lenny> or opening the app in the app drawer that simply says "google"
<Lenny> just checking :P
<Lenny> I don't own that phone so no idea if it is meant to have it or not
<joydisee> Yeah, actually, some people on the same thread said they have it
<joydisee> But I guess I choosed the wrong version of GApps to download
<Lenny> there should only be on JB version of gapps
<joydisee> Where can I get the JB version of Gapps? Really sorry to ask, but I tried to find it, and couldn't...
<Rewolution> (untested by myself, but the name seem to be ok)
<joydisee> Thanks :) I'm gonna try this right now !
<hillerstorm2> you're supposed to access it from a long press on home i think
<hillerstorm2> oops
<hillerstorm2> was scrolled up a bit
<hillerstorm2> google now that is
<Lenny> long press home on the s3 just brings up multitasking
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<chadouming> oh, sorry veyka, i wrote after you re-cleaned the thread
<chadouming> CM10 thread
<Veyka> I will cut you :3
<chadouming> awww
<chadouming> was full of sense :(
<Veyka> Fineeee
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<chadouming> haha ^^
<Veyka> You owe me one ;)
<chadouming> haha
<cdesai> w00t xda down ?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> ok , i wont bomb you one time when i want to bomb you :P
<Veyka> Bahaha
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<Veyka> @bomb chadouming
<bbqbot> Veyka: You are not allowed to run that command!
<Veyka> :(
<Veyka> Bitch
<addi> chadouming,
<addi> whats up dood
<addi> cdesai,
<addi> whats up dood
<chadouming> bomb me
<Veyka> <3
<Veyka> @bomb chadouming
<bbqbot> Veyka: You are not allowed to run that command!
<Veyka> :(
<chadouming> aww
<chadouming> xD
<gladiac1337> :)
<addi> it's for owners only :p
chadouming was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by Veyka [BOMBBITCH]
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<Veyka> :D
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<cdesai> github status - y u no tell it down?
<chadouming> hmm
Veyka was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by addi [no one kicks chadouming!!!]
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<Veyka> :(
<chadouming> xD
<addi> :P
<chadouming> gimme one sec
<cdesai> @bomb chadouming
<bbqbot> cdesai: You are not allowed to run that command!
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<cdesai> bbqbot bot only allows people it likes to bomb
<Veyka> bbqbitch
<addi> now, only owners, you noob
<addi> :P
<cdesai> bitchbot
<cdesai> addi: owners are the people it likes :p
<Veyka> I used to be an owner, then I stopped paying rent
<Veyka> :P
<addi> oh, that's why i no onwer :p
<addi> owner*
<cdesai> i used to be an owner, but then the bot took an arrow to teh knee
<chadouming> @bomb chadouming
<bbqbot> chadouming, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<chadouming> green
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
chadouming was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue]
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<chadouming> aww
Cityhunter has quit [Client Quit]
<addi> @8ball isn't 42 the cheat answer that chadouming should have used?
<bbqbot> Outlook not so good.
<addi> @8ball isn't 42 the cheat answer that chadouming should have used?
<bbqbot> Reply hazy. Try again.
<addi> @8ball isn't 42 the cheat answer that chadouming should have used?
<bbqbot> It is certain.
<addi> ^_^
<chadouming> haha
<chadouming> i know that
<chadouming> just wanted to be fair
<chadouming> @bomb addi
<bbqbot> addi, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<addi> 42
<bbqbot> Correct wire!
<bbqbot> Bomb disarmed!
<chadouming> @deop addi
<chadouming> @bomb addi
<bbqbot> addi, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<addi> 42
<bbqbot> Correct wire!
<bbqbot> Bomb disarmed!
<chadouming> hmm
addi has left #teamhacksung-support [#teamhacksung-support]
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<chadouming> @owners remove addi
<bbqbot> User addi got removed as owner.
addi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by addi [no cheating!]
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<chadouming> @bomb addi
<bbqbot> addi, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<addi> 42
<bbqbot> Correct wire!
<bbqbot> Bomb disarmed!
<chadouming> @owners
<bbqbot> Owners: Espenfjo Cubox peterperfect datagutt nebkat nebkat|beer cdesai chadouming xplodwild chadouming|beer codeworkx pulser Kaik541 xplodwild_work beer Baskey DuperMan
<addi> chadouming, i think it works for all
<cdesai> w00t i'm owner ?
<chadouming> should not
<cdesai> then y it no +o me
<cdesai> @bomb addi
<bbqbot> cdesai: You are not allowed to run that command!
<Lenny> haha how did pulser get on that list :P
<addi> cdesai, owner is different :p
<chadouming> @bomb addi
<bbqbot> addi, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<addi> 42
<bbqbot> Correct wire!
<bbqbot> Bomb disarmed!
<chadouming> @bomb alram
<bbqbot> alram, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
Alram was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was orange]
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<cdesai> lol tab fail?
<Alram> Rude :(
<xplodwild_work> addi: I didn't remember that the cheat still work xD
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<addi> xplodwild_work, thank God it does xD
<chadouming> xplodwild_work, it was supposed to work only on op
<chadouming> sorry laram
<chadouming> Alram,
<cdesai> xplodwild_work: @owners lists all owners ?
<chadouming> yup
<addi> @owners
<bbqbot> Owners: Espenfjo Cubox peterperfect datagutt nebkat nebkat|beer cdesai chadouming xplodwild chadouming|beer codeworkx pulser Kaik541 xplodwild_work beer Baskey DuperMan
<addi> @ban
<bbqbot> addi: Command does not exist!
<cdesai> see
<Alram> I am crying IRL now chadouming
<addi> @kickban
<cdesai> @owners
<bbqbot> cdesai: You are not allowed to run that command!
<Alram> I hope you are happy with yourself
<chadouming> and ping everyone btw
<addi> cdesai, only ops can do it
<cdesai> and addi, stop doing that
<chadouming> Alram, that's your problem
<cdesai> @owners
<bbqbot> cdesai: You are not allowed to run that command!
<cdesai> see
<chadouming> i can kick you again if you want
<addi> :O
<cdesai> bbqbot owners can do that
<cdesai> not ops
<addi> guess it wants ops added to bbqbot's op list
<Alram> I can only cry once a month chadouming
<addi> ops as well, though only those added to bbqbot's list
<chadouming> hmm, owners are based on host
<addi> ChanServ has almost no power here :P
<chadouming> so if you changed it's normal you dont get owners right
<addi> yeah, i can't get op by logging in from freenode
<addi> webchat*
<cdesai> chadouming: yea got a cloak
<addi> only from BNC as that's the IP it has for me
<cdesai> chadouming: won't change nao
<addi> i.e bbqbot
<cdesai> remove and readd should fix it?
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<chadouming> shissh, i dont owe you one anymore veyka :P
<Veyka> Nope
<Veyka> I always reserve to change my mind :D
<chadouming> xD
<Veyka> ;)
<chadouming> only idiot doesnt change their mind !
<chadouming> @bomb veyka
<bbqbot> veyka, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<Veyka> Pfft
<bbqbot> 8
<Veyka> 42
<bbqbot> 7
<Lenny> lol
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<Veyka> blue
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<Veyka> red
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<chadouming> mouhaahaha
<bbqbot> 0
<Veyka> green
<bbqbot> BOOM!
Veyka was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was green]
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<Lenny> type quicker than that
<Veyka> I typed like 3 colours :(
<Lenny> you should have time to type them all
<Lenny> but you went "pfft"
<Lenny> wasted time
<Lenny> :P
<chadouming> nah, some tiem it does that
<chadouming> like when i bomb mardos
* Veyka thwaps Lenny
<Veyka> Pffft
<Lenny> no colours work?
<chadouming> nope
<Lenny> lol
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<cdesai> @op
<bbqbot> cdesai: You are not allowed to run that command!
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<addi> cdesai, Rajesh Khanna is no more
<cdesai> :/
<cdesai> R.I.P
<addi> to think he died just after he came back home from the hospital
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<Baskey> @op
<bbqbot> Baskey: You are not allowed to run that command!
<Mardos> yaaa cm10 on s3 lol
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<Lenny> I might be wrong, need to do more tests, but modifying system apps and then not rebooting seems to still have the effect of killing everything as if you had rebooted
<Lenny> e.g. call bug back, juice defender and lux both got killed
<xplodwild_work> Lenny: perms
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<Lenny> ah ok
<Lenny> JB is a bitch with permissions then?
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<cdesai> yea Lenny
<Mardos> call bug works after first call weird
<addi> w00t, Titanium Backup now detecting pro version without need of installing pro key
<addi> nice
<chadouming> nice
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<Lenny> well is it nice?
<Lenny> or is it a bug/
<Lenny> ?*
<Lenny> not fair on joel if its just a bug
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<addi> emailed them asking them the same
<addi> i wanted to flash a new ROM right now, went to data/app to backup both the main Titanium app and the Pro key and was surprised to see no pro key apk there
<addi> then installed only the main app on new ROM, and it already says Pro
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<h4rdco2e> addi: What changes got the Play Store?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> Play Store? I don't know
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<h4rdco2e> addi: You're taliing about TB Pro without Pro APK?
<addi> yes. TB is running as pro even without installing the pro key app
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<admk> hello
<admk> any italians?
<xplodwild_work> english only
<admk> hello
<admk> can u help me?
<evil-doer> ciao
<admk> ciao evil
<evil-doer> thats all i know
<admk> lol
<pawitp> anyone here on CM9 nightly and has STK on their SIM? (Galaxy S I9000)
<admk> i have 1 problem with the fk keyboar on cm9
<admk> the keyboard crash all times
<admk> i dont know why
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<Mardos> ciao bello com esta
<admk> an1 know why this problem?
<slainer68> ok, so to prevent the incall no sound bug in CM9/CM10 on i9300, we just have to make one call after each reboot. nice to know.
<Mardos> yes weird bug but it works..
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<slainer68> maybe just tell that in the README/known issues on xda so that people stop telling other people to flash their modem.
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<Mardos> lmaoo yaaa i almost started the flashing process of modems but decided to not and try the stupid method
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<admk> no1 know the bug of keyboard
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<slainer68> ok great this bug has been noted in the release notes
<admk> my bug??
<bbqbot> derp
sixstringsg|afk is now known as sixstringsg
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<admk> slainer68??
<slainer68> admk: the first in-call no sound bug.
<admk> oh ok
<admk> can u note this bug
<slainer68> what keyboard bug are you talking about?
<admk> of keyboard
<admk> the keyboard crash all time
<admk> i dont know why
<admk> i try with swift key 3
<admk> but crash
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<Mardos> how does google now work? i click the mic im talking and then it shows some weird characters but nothing happens
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<slainer68> Mardos: please switch phone language from traditional chinese to english.
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<slainer68> xD
<admk> :(
lenny|offline is now known as Lenny
<admk> i hate this fk bug
<admk> stupid keyboard :((
<Lenny> fk bug?
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<admk> fuking*
<Lenny> ah
<Lenny> the call bug?
<admk> my keyboard crash all time
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<Neorick> Hi to everyone...
<h4rdco2e> admk: FullWipe?
<bbqbot> derp
<Mardos> it is in englush us
<Neorick> I have a question... The cyanogenmod 10 will be installed in Galaxy S2 GT-i9100???????? (just i9100, not have another character)
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<h4rdco2e> Neorick: wtf?
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<h4rdco2e> Cm10 is not out
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<hippoman> Hello. Has anyone using this new CM9 ROM been able to mount a P5113's sdcard on MacOSX? I can't get my Mac to see that sdcard, even when I use Android File Transfer.
hillerstorm is now known as hillerstorm_phon
<h4rdco2e> hippoman: do not buy a Mac ;-)
<hippoman> If I revert to the original bloatware Samsung ROM for my device, I can mount the sdcard with no problems
<hippoman> Too late, h4rdco2e :)
hillerstorm2 is now known as hillerstorm
<hippoman> By the way, I have used CyanogenMod ROMs with 4 Android phones, and all of them have no problem mounting on my Mac
<hippoman> What is different regarding USB mounts between this CM9 ROM and the standard bloatware Samsung ROM?
<Lenny> s3's have issues with macs and sdcards at the moment
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<hippoman> Related question: has anyone been able to mount the P5113's sdcard on any Linux devices when using this CM9 ROM? I'm happy to use Linux instead of MacOSX. I just don't want to use Windows, in any way, shape, or form
<h4rdco2e> hippoman: I've got no Problem mounting anything on Linux or Windows!
<h4rdco2e> Apple is shit!
<hippoman> OK. We can leave Apple out of the discussion then, h4rdco2e. What do you need to do under Linux to mount the P5113's sdcard under linux? I've tried gmtp, and it sees the device but hangs forever after that
<hippoman> I'm talking about using the CM9 ROM, by the way
Fissurez has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.]
<h4rdco2e> I use Mass-Storage
<hippoman> Is "mass-storage" a linux program?
<bbqbot> derp
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<h4rdco2e> hippoman: no
<h4rdco2e> its USB Mass Storage
<h4rdco2e> Settings -> Storage -> USB-Connection -> Mass Storage
<hippoman> Oh, I see. When I plug my P5113 into my linux box, "Mass Storage" is permanently greyed out with this CM9 ROM. All I see is PTP and MTP.
<hippoman> Is there a CM9 setting that I'm missing, which will enable "Mass Storage"?
<h4rdco2e> I dont know I dont even know what the P5113 is
<hippoman> P5113: "Galaxy Tab 2 10.1"
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<h4rdco2e> what
<h4rdco2e> it should work
<hippoman> I wish it _did_ work for me :(
<h4rdco2e> My Galaxy S2 does work under Mac, Windows, Linux
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<hippoman> Mabye there's a difference between the S2 and the Galaxy Tab 2
<hippoman> I'm using the CM9 ROM that's specifically labeled as being for the P5113 (Galaxy Tab 2 10.1)
<h4rdco2e> Maybe the Display is bigger...
<hippoman> It is indeed bigger
<hippoman> But how could that affect USB mounts?
<hippoman> Everything else works fine with the CM9 ROM and my P5113
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<h4rdco2e> hippoman: I dont know anything abut this may you could ask codeworkx he is Device Maintainer
<h4rdco2e> hippoman: It doesn't affect USb Mounts
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<hippoman> I have left messages on the thread in XDA that codeworkx created to discuss this ROM. So far, no responses. Is there a better way to reach codeworkx?
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<h4rdco2e> hippoman: in this IRC!
<hippoman> I'm here because codeworkx listed this IRC channel in his XDA thread as the place to go for support for this ROM
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<h4rdco2e> or per Mail, he answers in some minutes
<hippoman> OK. I'll try to find his email address. Thanks
<h4rdco2e> hippoman: I think it is dani.hillenbrand@gmail.com but I'm not shure
<hippoman> OK. Thanks h4rdco2e. I'll check
<h4rdco2e> hippoman: I will do this for you
<h4rdco2e> hippoman: daniel.hillenbrand@codeworkx.de
<hippoman> Thank you!
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<h4rdco2e> hippoman: Maybe the last adress is outdated: codeworkx@cyanogenmod.com
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<hippoman> OK. Thanks h4rdco2e. If the original address doesn't work, I'll try the second one
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Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
* chadouming is away: Dinner :D
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<Mardos> anyone got a link for ebay for nfc tags
<Espenfjo> yes
<Espenfjo> There you go
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<masterwix> hello guys today i flashed my samsung tab 2 10.1 p5100 and work perfect, i can to make calls now :-) but sms still not working,maybe a carrier restriction?
<bbqbot> derp
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<fuss132> any jelly bean device tree for i9100g available yet? :D
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<masterwix> guys somebody.....
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<MeHazHotWief> hello everybody
<MeHazHotWief> i've got a question
<IamSachin> wait i know
<IamSachin> ur question is
<MeHazHotWief> WHEN THE F*CK ringtones stopped playing repeatedly?
<IamSachin> why usb transfer rate is slow :P
<MeHazHotWief> IamSachin nah
<MeHazHotWief> i use MTP now and i am happy
<IamSachin> :) good to know bro
<MeHazHotWief> i wonder why ringtones playing once?
<MeHazHotWief> it is shit shit
MeHazHotWief is now known as noxxx
<noxxx> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 tf300t
<noxxx> @changelog galaxys2
<noxxx> no new features
<noxxx> shit
<noxxx> pure disappointments day
<slainer68> all devs are working on cm10 (-_-)
<slainer68> yayyyyyy
<slainer68> \\o//
<noxxx> there will be no cm10 for sgs2
<noxxx> so i have no point in dat
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<slainer68> noxxx: YAYYYYYY
Perka has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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<IamSachin> addi
<slainer68> adios
<IamSachin> addi: if i ask my friend to purchase a Nexus 7 and FedEx it to me, will it require him to pay extra customs?
<slainer68> IamSachin: him > you mean "me"
<IamSachin> actually i pinged addi :P
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* chadouming is back (gone 00:49:21)
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<Jiangyi> Hmm....
<Jiangyi> I9100G nightly didn't get built today. :-(
<akSeya> noxxx, what do you mean with no cm10 sgs2!????
<koud_> he is just crying
<pier> lalala
<Jiangyi> <3 BBQLog
<akSeya> >.<
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<davidism> Getting the following error while compiling, any suggestions?
<davidism> private static final String LOG_TAG = "EthernetSettings";
<davidism> private static final String PREF_FILE = "config";
<davidism> private static final String IP_ADDRESS = "ipAddress";
<davidism> private static final String ALTERNATE_IP = "altIpAddress";
<davidism> private static final String SUBNET_MASK = "subnetMask";
<davidism> private static final String ETHERNET_MANUAL = "ethernet_manual.sh";
<davidism> private static final String ETHERNET_DHCP = "ethernet_dhcp.sh";
<davidism> oops, wrong clipboard :/
<IamSachin> LOL :P
<davidism> this is the right one:
<davidism> ERROR: could not open directory /home/david/workspace/hacksung/out/target/product/galaxys2/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/../../system/usr/lib/modules/ No such file or directory
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<noxxx> akSeya no JB on sgs2 until sammy release sauce or JB-compatible binaries for sgs2
<noxxx> soeh
<noxxx> NO JB FOR SGS2!
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<roniez> noxxx: u figured that now_
<Jiangyi> noxxx: Or until codeworkx/xplodwild haxx it. :-P
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<Baskey> addi: what's up dood
<h4rdco2e> noxxx: whaaat? SGS2 user have to wait for Samsung again?
<Baskey> yep
<akSeya> noooooooooooooooooooooo :(
<IamSachin> no.jpg
<codeworkx> probably
<codeworkx> audio is probably undoable
<codeworkx> hwcomposer is bitching
<codeworkx> it's not buttery
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: running cm10?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: About to flash it. :-P
<Jiangyi> Was doing backups and such just in case.
<IamSachin> codeworkx: xplodwild's s3 cm10 experimental has ur open source hal?
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> but uploading a build
<codeworkx> right now
<IamSachin> wow :) thanks mate
noxxx has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: If you have a new build for I9100G, then I'll wait a bit and flash, if not, I'm gonna do it now. :-P
<RoBz> have samsung even confirmed they'll be doing JB for the sgs2?
<IamSachin> 2012 phone of the year at MWC, they better do it :)
<Jiangyi> RoBz: There was an article I read where they gave a bunch of excuses for not doing it. :-|
<Baskey> [19:50] (Baskey) SPICA > SGS3
<Jiangyi> lol SPICA
<RoBz> ah damn
<Jiangyi> I'm surprised that the HTC HD2 is still going strong. :O
<RoBz> was the i9100G released in all the same countries as the i9100?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> RoBz: Nope. Mostly Asia, MiddleEast, Africa, and a few countries in Europe. :-P
<RoBz> ah
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<Jiangyi> My room is like a burning oven. :-(
<Jiangyi> Hmm.... Someone tried to flash CM9 through Samsung's stock recovery.
<Jiangyi> Funny part is, it worked for him. o.o
<IamSachin> WTF!
<IamSachin> how!!!
<Jiangyi> Dunno :-S
<Jiangyi> I9100G Black magic?
<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats up dood
<addi> IamSachin,
<addi> whats up dood
<addi> Jiangyi,
<addi> whats up dood
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<Baskey> [19:43] (Baskey) addi: what's up dood
<IamSachin> addi: Listening to Kaka songs...RIP :(
<Baskey> who's Kaka?
AndChat526161 has quit [Client Quit]
<IamSachin> Rajesh Khanna...a classic Indian actor
<Jiangyi> OK, flashed JB, booting up. :-
<Jiangyi> :-D*
<akSeya> i want cm10 NAO!! :(
<akSeya> not blamesamsung.. killsamsung >.<
<mauimauer> it's still basically aosp ;)
<Baskey> #lamesamsung
PiCkLeS has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Jiangyi> Yay I'm in.
<Jiangyi> :-D
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: Will Samsung even update there Binarys?
<Jiangyi> Holy smokes the volume is loud :O
* Jiangyi now understands funny sound bug
<addi> -ChanServ- #lamesamsung is now registered to addi.
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: Why is volume loud?
<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: dunno. from gb to ics they did horrible things
<Baskey> [20:16] (@addi) -ChanServ- #lamesamsung is now registered to addi.
<Baskey> :|
<addi> ^_^
<h4rdco2e> WOAAH no! I hate fucking Samsung with there assfucked closed saurce binarys!
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: can you check headset fast? also to loud?
<IamSachin> codeworkx: build uploaded man?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Alright, one sec. Do you mean in-call or through headphones?
<codeworkx> headphones
<codeworkx> music
sixstringsg|afk is now known as sixstringsg
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: n7000 does have the same issues than i9100?
<Jiangyi> Got it.
<Jiangyi> SD Card, why u no scan faster? :-P
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<datagutt> [20:18:16] <Baskey> OMG I'M NETCHIP'S BROTHER
<datagutt> the truth
<Baskey> no, he's lying
<Baskey> @8ball is datagutt lying?
<bbqbot> Cannot predict now.
<datagutt> @8ball Am i lying?
<bbqbot> Better not tell you now.
<datagutt> @8ball Am i lying?
<bbqbot> Yes.
slainer68 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<datagutt> DUMB BOT
<datagutt> I MADE YOU
<Jiangyi> This scanning is taking forever. :-[
<datagutt> @kick bbqbot no dinner tonight!
bbqbot was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [no dinner tonight!]
<DAGr8> @8ball did datagutt made you ??
<DAGr8> dman I missed it
<DAGr8> lol
bbqbot has joined #teamhacksung-support
<DAGr8> @8ball did datagutt made you ??
<bbqbot> It is decidedly so.
<DAGr8> @8ball did datagutt made you ??
<bbqbot> Ask again later.
<bbqbot> Sorry datagutt, i promise to be good.
<h4rdco2e> bbqbot: DIE!!!!!!!!!
<h4rdco2e> bbqbot: I'm your father!
<IamSachin> luke: Noooooooooooooo
cantIntoCode has joined #teamhacksung-support
<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: yes
<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: i777 too
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Headset seems OK to me, nothing's crackling/piercing.
<codeworkx> k
<Jiangyi> Speaker is just louder, and only cracks a little bit sometimes. =|
<codeworkx> i'll reduced it already
<codeworkx> next build
<Jiangyi> At least I can hear the touch key sounds now lol
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: bluetooth wile calling is broken
<codeworkx> just 4 info :-D
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I don't use bluetooth, so whatever lol xD
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Anything else you need me to do? :-P
<Baskey> Jiangyi: do me
<Jiangyi> Baskey: No. ._.
<Baskey> :(
* Jiangyi is gonna root this instead
<h4rdco2e> There will be no fix (or even a Build) for Audio or HwComposer until Samsung release binarys?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: stop asking questions. we're working on it
<codeworkx> but we're no wizards
<akSeya> let's ask netchip to code a new opensource hwcomposer
<codeworkx> debugging takes time
<codeworkx> and i'm lacking time
<akSeya> Xd
<akSeya> XD
<Jiangyi> Google Now's pretty cool. :-P
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: I'm just very very excited, sorry for asking.
<Jiangyi> Not getting pictures on it for some reason. =[
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: Are you teesing me?
<codeworkx> i'm not excited about exynos
<codeworkx> KILL IT WITH FIRE
<Jiangyi> h4rdco2e: Mayyyybe? :-D
<h4rdco2e> haha
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: If there's a G variant of SIII with OMAP, would you get it?
<codeworkx> no
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: reasl?
<codeworkx> next enxus
<codeworkx> nexus
<codeworkx> omap5!
<codeworkx> pwns all teh things
<h4rdco2e> me too, I give a fuck on Galaxy
<codeworkx> why? JellyBean touchwiz will look like gingerbread. fucking awesome
noxxx has joined #teamhacksung-support
<noxxx> lol
<Jiangyi> lol
<Espenfjo> But with Butter!
<h4rdco2e> Butter Lags!
<Espenfjo> Your mom lags
<Jiangyi> Butter On Gingerbread.... Hmm...... :-P
<IamSachin> preview 3 released:D
<Jiangyi> OK, getting hungry from this, gonna go eat, brb.
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|Lunch
<noxxx> y no jb 4 sgs2 FUEACK!
<h4rdco2e> Ohhhh, I'm waiting for Galaxy S4 with ICS look :-)
<codeworkx> lol
<Espenfjo> :D
<codeworkx> wanna flash custom rom? U BUY GNEX!!!!
<IamSachin> codeworkx: preview 3 has opensource hal?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> i haz GNEX !
<codeworkx> IamSachin: ya
<IamSachin> :)
<codeworkx> IamSachin: preview 2 too. but another one
<IamSachin> Okk.. all the best dude
<noxxx> codeworkx is it possible to hax jb to work on sgs2?
<codeworkx> maybe
<codeworkx> but probably without audio
<noxxx> i expected yep or nah
<codeworkx> we've it running
<noxxx> no audio = no jb
<codeworkx> but lags
<codeworkx> and no audio
SeLkCiP has joined #teamhacksung-support
<noxxx> who needs phone with no audio?
<codeworkx> nobody
<codeworkx> <3 i9100g
<addi> codeworkx, so basically, OMAP = ultimate win?
<codeworkx> currently yes
<codeworkx> cause gnex is omap and TI is very open
<noxxx> daem
<codeworkx> omapzoom.org
<codeworkx> omapedia.org
<codeworkx> win
<noxxx> everyone told me dat 9100g is shit comparing to 9100nong
<codeworkx> now you see
<h4rdco2e> http://blamesamsung.org/ hahahahahahaha, Nebkat <3
<addi> noxxx, in raw power, 9100 comes ahead of course
<addi> otherwise both are the same
<addi> and the OMAP in I9100G is good enough for everything right now
<codeworkx> right
<codeworkx> Jiangyi|Lunch: if build works, i'll upload
<codeworkx> i'm pretty sure my 6 galaxytabs get cm10 before i9100
<codeworkx> :-D
<addi> xplodwild, xD
<addi> poor Apple
<cantIntoCode> seen it ^ :D
<codeworkx> muhahaha
<codeworkx> blameapple.org
<addi> "hello. welcome to Apple's home page. Did you know Samsung didn't copy the design of that iPad you're holding in your hand? Yeah, they didn't. Too bad"
Ravenheart has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<noxxx> why9100nonghaznojb.org
akSeya has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Jiangyi|Lunch> Ok, made noodles. :-P
<Jiangyi|Lunch> codeworkx: Yayyy :-D
<noxxx> soeh
<noxxx> what about p1
<noxxx> would it haz jb with sound?
<Jiangyi|Lunch> xplodwild: lol Justice at its finest xD
<noxxx> daemn
<noxxx> there's test build for p1
<Jiangyi|Lunch> codeworkx: So much for your order of CM10 and the tabs being last eh? :-P
<noxxx> WHY SGS2 IS SO SHIT???
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> noxxx: codeworks would say: ask samsung
<noxxx> h4rdco2e nebkat would say: idiotte
<h4rdco2e> noxxx: nebkat allways say idiotte
<noxxx> coz why?
<noxxx> coz he's an idiotte
SeLkCiP has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Jiangyi|Lunch> lol I just noticed I have 2 cameras in my app drawer. Doesn't make a lot of sense, but OK. :-|
<h4rdco2e> noxxx: http://blamesamsung.org/ he leaves a message for us
noxxx is now known as MeHazShity9100no
MeHazShity9100no is now known as MeHazShity9100
<Jiangyi|Lunch> Wait, isn't nebkat supposed to be back already? o_O
<MeHazShity9100> h4rdco2e i saw it
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi|Lunch: nebkat is blaming samsung in korea
<Jiangyi|Lunch> lol
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<MeHazShity9100> jewish gay black basketball players don let him go
<h4rdco2e> :-( I will use AOKP the next time cuz JB is not ready for SGS2!
<MeHazShity9100> h4rdco2e aokp?
<MeHazShity9100> it is shit
<MeHazShity9100> it haz gay unicorn in it base
<h4rdco2e> I know but I get bored about CM9 while CM10 is getting features and more features...
<Jiangyi|Lunch> CM 4 life.
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi|Lunch: AOKP is CM!
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<h4rdco2e> just changed System-Ui and Settings
* Jiangyi|Lunch doesn't think that teamhacksung likes AOKP
* h4rdco2e knows that teamhacksung hates AOKP because they don't giving somthing back.
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi|Lunch: however then I will use Paranoid-AOSP
* Jiangyi|Lunch thinks that codeworkx hates MIUI more than AOKP
<Jiangyi|Lunch> h4rdco2e: OK, Paranoid does seem interesting, I'll admit that. :-P
<IamSachin> cody <3 MIUI and xplod <3 netchip
* h4rdco2e thinks that codeworkx hates Exynos more than MIUI.
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<Jiangyi> Well, that was weird. Random disconnect. :-[
<MeHazShity9100> what is the main point of paranoid?
<h4rdco2e> acceptable
<addi> tablet UI
<addi> MeHazShity9100, ^
<h4rdco2e> MeHazShity9100: its Hybrid
<MeHazShity9100> addi why use tablet ui on sgs2?
<h4rdco2e> it is very nice I think
<addi> * h4rdco2e knows that teamhacksung hates AOKP because they don't giving somthing back <--- what can they give back? except a few nice customization options (some of which are quite nice) :P
<bbqbot> derp
<IamSachin> codeworkx: xplodwild: 2 bugs that i m not able to recreate on preview 2: random network signal loss... and sometimes the live wallpaper is going dead, replaced by black screen
admk has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<addi> MeHazShity9100, why use tablet ui on SGS1? i don't know :p
<addi> but it's a hybrid like h4rdco2e said, so actually usable
<MeHazShity9100> nah
<MeHazShity9100> not needed by any1
<addi> at least usable on the GNex which also has a 4.3" usable screen
<h4rdco2e> addi: Money
<addi> but again, not for me either
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<addi> h4rdco2e, they kang, they use open source, they provide the code they use as open source
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<addi> they are not supposed to give back money
Jiangyi|Lunch has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<h4rdco2e> addi: for the work of TeamHacksung!
<h4rdco2e> addi: from th donations
<addi> wait, it's open source and community work, no one gets paid anything!
<neoD|ml> <3 opensource hal
<addi> you get credits
<h4rdco2e> 5% or sth like that
<addi> that's it
<Jiangyi> I thought GNex was 4.65 in.
<h4rdco2e> addi: codeworkx said this to me!
<addi> Jiangyi, rest goes away in onscreen buttons
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: Touch buttons
<Jiangyi> Right. :-P
<addi> h4rdco2e, wait, so basically, they are supposed to give 5% of their donations?
<IamSachin> Changelog in Preview 3:
<IamSachin> - First call issue fixed
<IamSachin> - OpenSource HAL
<IamSachin> - Bluetooth audio fixed
<IamSachin> - CM extra settings added
<IamSachin> From what I noticed :P
<neoD|ml> annoying!
<h4rdco2e> addi: I they could give some code back ;-)
<h4rdco2e> this would be fair
<neoD|ml> IamSachin what is that from
<addi> like I said, they can't really give anything except their customization features
<addi> which are already open sourced, so available for everyone to use ;)
<SeLkCiP> Setting "Advanced" fc:s for me
<addi> apart from that they aren't doing anything new
<IamSachin> neoD|ml: from what I noticed till now :P
<h4rdco2e> addi: but not in CM9 tree
<neoD|ml> IamSachin what is the changelog from tho :P
<addi> h4rdco2e, okay, so that's a valid point, but still, not much important in their code :P
<SeLkCiP> Xda thread
<h4rdco2e> addi: just custumasition
<Jiangyi> Hmm... I'm surprised that the 9100 has more advanced settings than the 9100G in CM9. :-P
<h4rdco2e> its called
<addi> some customization options are awesome, otherwise i found AOKP to be slower on my GNex than CM9
<h4rdco2e> KANG
<h4rdco2e> KANG isn't something new/special
* Jiangyi noticed it when he was translating 9100 Advanced Settings
<addi> and they do it freely and without hiding it ;)
<addi> more than me or you are doing :p
<h4rdco2e> addi: there is no AOPK for SGSw
<h4rdco2e> 2
<addi> none? :O
<h4rdco2e> just Kangs of Kangs
<pier> erm
<pier> I would say kangs
<addi> damn, even Jelly Bean came out on SGS1 first. seems SGS2 is fail device compared to others :P
<h4rdco2e> addi: it's out?
* pier baps h4rdco2e
<neoD|ml> did anyone try Slim ICS
* Jiangyi blames the Yamaha DAC
<h4rdco2e> neoD|ml: its Sammy based
<h4rdco2e> or wait no
<neoD|ml> h4rdco2e no
<addi> h4rdco2e, out and works pretty well. pawitp working on it ;)
<h4rdco2e> Pure ICS is sammybased
<neoD|ml> mm ok
<neoD|ml> slim is quite nice
<pier> slim works well
<neoD|ml> abit too many bugs tho
<h4rdco2e> addi: audio too?
<neoD|ml> and few updates
<addi> yer
<addi> but not CM10
<addi> or wait, it IS CM10
<neoD|ml> pier except camera and some stuff
<addi> not really sure, but most stuff works
<h4rdco2e> addi: i9100 is fail devic
<pier> some stuff ?
<bbqbot> derp
<neoD|ml> pier got some random stuff not working when i tried it
<neoD|ml> dont remember specifics
<neoD|ml> didnt feel as stable as cm
<pier> neoD|ml: if you've time to test last builds,tell me what's wrong
<pier> aye
<neoD|ml> not to mention he didnt update it for weeks
<neoD|ml> doing other stuff
<neoD|ml> probably
<h4rdco2e> addi: but SGS1 hase many other issues
<Jiangyi> And the 9100 users were laughing at 9100G users. :-P
<addi> but still, considering how old it is, it;s better than SGS2 :p
<h4rdco2e> addi: just shut up!
* Jiangyi loved his Galaxy S Captivate
h4rdco2e was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by addi [OKAY]
h4rdco2e has joined #teamhacksung-support
<pier> :p
<IamSachin> anyone: what's RILJ partial wakelock
<Jiangyi> It was the only carrier version of any phone that I liked.
<h4rdco2e> Why does addi got OP?
<addi> h4rdco2e, :P
<Jiangyi> Metal backplate <3
<addi> because I asked nebkat for it
<addi> and me got it
<Baskey> cause addi is awesome
<addi> not as awesome as DuperMan, but still awesome
<h4rdco2e> nebkat >.<
<Baskey> yep
<h4rdco2e> nebakt is an idiotte!
<Baskey> don't say like that
<addi> not any more than you are h4rdco2e :P
<neoD|ml> so who tried preview #3 of cm10 sgs3 ?
<addi> h4rdco2e, the thing is, SGS can get many things working cos it's similar to Nexus S. SGS2 has no similar AOSP device
<akSeya> Jiangyi, did I see it right?! i9000 got a experimental cm10 before i9100??!
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<addi> it did xD
<akSeya> damn!!!
<addi> and US variants of S3 got it before the international variants :O
<h4rdco2e> BUUUUUT SGS2 has 3.y.y Kernel, Dual Core which is faster than Omap will ever be, n7000 & SGH-I777
<addi> though natural seeing as how cyanogen himself behind AT&T and T-Mobile version :p
<akSeya> not fair
<addi> h4rdco2e, SGS is just not so lucky ;)
<addi> SGS2*
<Baskey> #lamesamsung
<addi> just because it's faster and got dual core doesn't mean it will get a ROM first -.-
<h4rdco2e> but it's fast
<addi> so?
<bbqbot> derp
angelsl has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<h4rdco2e> addi: most of the Cyanogenmod users using SGS2
<addi> so?
<addi> why are you so idiotic at times?
<Jiangyi> akSeya: So did the I9100G variant.
<h4rdco2e> addi: because I startet to hate Samsung things!
<addi> OMAP + cody = win :p
<addi> h4rdco2e, then next time, get a Nexus device
<h4rdco2e> Exynos + JB = angry Codeworkx
<addi> if not, then please do not cry about stuff not working with AOSP ROMs
<h4rdco2e> addi: I will
<Baskey> h4rdco2e: DO NOT PING CODY
<Jiangyi> Actually, Exynos + Anything = Annoyed Codey. :-P
MeHazShity9100 has quit []
<Jiangyi> Baskey: Then I think I broke that rule over 9000 times already lol
SeLkCiP has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Baskey> :(
<addi> but Exynos lets you run a server on your phone with quad-core! Y HE NO LIKEY?!
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<h4rdco2e> addi: Why does Audio actually workx on Exynos 4412?
<addi> how would I know? :O
<h4rdco2e> addi: cuz you're having op rights
<Baskey> lol
<Baskey> so?
<Jiangyi> h4rdco2e: SGS3 uses a Wolfson DAC, not a crappy Yamaha one.
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: and n7000?
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> #blameyamaha
<Jiangyi> h4rdco2e: N7000 = I9100 with a bigger screen
<addi> oh, right, hahaha, Yamaha on SGS2.. that explains it xD
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<Jiangyi> 9100G doesn't have Yamaha btw
<Jiangyi> :-P
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<addi> "so supercurio improved sound on SGS1? let's use a crappy chip this time around for audio in SGS2, so he can't make anything better" xD
<h4rdco2e> addi: I will kick my keyboard (yamaha) out of my window
<addi> chadouming,
<addi> whats up dood
<addi> chadouming_,
<addi> whats up dood
<Baskey> @geo user chadouming_
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for chadouming_
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ~chadoumin@mailm7.metal7.com
<bbqbot> {"range":[3454874624,3454875647],"country":"CA","region":"QC","city":"Drummondville","ll":[45.8833,-72.4833]}
<Jiangyi> Yelling Baskey is yelling. :-|
<Baskey> :)
* addi rapes Baskey
* addi looks at Jiangyi
<Jiangyi> chadouming: You're in QC? :O
<chadouming_> wtf, drummondville xD
<chadouming_> that's almost 10 hours from where i live xD
<chadouming_> but yes i'm from quebec
<chadouming_> -_-'
<Jiangyi> .........
<chadouming_> 950km then
* akSeya must haz SG3
<Jiangyi> Do you speak French then?
<chadouming_> yes
<Jiangyi> Nice.
<h4rdco2e> Baskey: you shouldn speak bad about canada in front ob chadouming_ and Jiangyi
* Jiangyi sucks at french
<chadouming_> xD
<Jiangyi> And I'm in the Extended French program at school. =[
<Jiangyi> Oh the irony.
<chadouming_> just let my account time out, i'll have my revenge
<Baskey> h4rdco2e: chadouming_ knows I love him
<Jiangyi> Baskey: And clearly, the feeling is not mutual.
<Jiangyi> :-P
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<h4rdco2e> WORLD NEEDS MORE NOKIA 3312!
<Ravenheart> 3310
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<Espenfjo_> what
<Espenfjo_> ping timeout my ass
<Jiangyi> LOL Looks like I wasn't the only one who timed out. :-P
Espenfjo has quit [Disconnected by services]
Espenfjo_ is now known as Espenfjo
<danyasd> hey, the recovery v5.5.0.4 CF v1.5 does not work properly. If I press Backup, after a few minutes it looks like the backup is done but there's no backup on the extsd oder the internal sd. Does anyone know a solution for that or another recovery? thanks
<chadouming_> damn
<danyasd> It's the sgs3 ;)
<chadouming_> my nick doesnt want to timeout xD
chadouming_ has quit [Quit: I'M GOING DOWNNNNNNNN]
<Espenfjo> ghost it
chadouming_ has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Espenfjo> ghost it
<chadouming_> yeah, that's what i was going to di
<chadouming_> do*
dixipix has quit [Quit: Lämnar]
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chadouming_ is now known as chadouming
chadouming has quit [Changing host]
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<chadouming> @bomb baskey hope you like it
<bbqbot> baskey, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<Jiangyi> OK, Baskey bomb time.
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was green]
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<danyasd> So nobody wants to help me?
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<codeworkx> gerrit down, work done
<h4rdco2e> is gerrit running on cyanogenmods servers?
<EvilBelgian> can anything be done to fix the fact that everytime I flash I have to reset my notification tones and ringtones
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Yeah I can't access it either. :-(
<EvilBelgian> all because I'm not using defaults
* Jiangyi was going to add reviewers
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Aren't your CM10 stuff local anyways? :-P
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: but need patch from gerrit xD
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: and it's on teamhacksung github
<codeworkx> private repos
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Ah. Darn it then. :-(
<codeworkx> no build then
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You might as well get some sleep now lol xD
Shaffe has joined #teamhacksung-support
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> sleep if for noobs
<chadouming> haha
<Jiangyi> True, but those are healthy noobs :-D
<chadouming> used to say that when i was playing world of warcraft
<chadouming> anyway : codeworkx = god and god = no need sleep
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx should change name to godworkx then. :-P
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romann|afk is now known as romann
<Jiangyi> Wow, CyanogenMod is down completely. o_o
<Jiangyi> Even the wiki.
<danyasd> Do you use the chainfire recovery for the s3?
<neoD|ml> anyone with knowledge about the difference between CPU governors: hotplug, ondemand, pegasusq, performance
<neoD|ml> in cm9
<neoD|ml> sgs3
<Jiangyi> @google android governors
<Jiangyi> ^^
<neoD|ml> aww :D
<neoD|ml> xperia-mini =)
Alram is now known as zz_Alram
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<Jiangyi> Close enough. :-D
<davidism> at the end of ./build.sh galaxys2, I get the following message, not sure what it actually means since everything seems to be fine
<davidism> No instructions to create out/target/product/galaxys2/kernel-cm-9-20120718-galaxys2-signed.zip... skipping.
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<coolaid> hello
coolaid has quit [Client Quit]
<L551_> Is there any way to protect against IMEI loss? Or progress on such a thing? I want to try out some ROMs but don't want that to happen.
<bbqbot> derp
<IamSachin> this is funny
SeLkCiP has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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<danyasd> @codeworks In the CM10 thread (started by xplodwild) I can find 2 versions, the #2 und #3. the #2 is called xplodwild and the #3 codeworks. do you work together or are these two equivalent developed cm10s or is the #3 an upadate/improvement of the v #2?
<bbqbot> danyasd: Command does not exist!
<danyasd> codeworks: In the CM10 thread (started by xplodwild) I can find 2 versions, the #2 und #3. the #2 is called xplodwild and the #3 codeworks. do you work together or are these two equivalent developed cm10s or is the #3 an upadate/improvement of the v #2?
<xplodwild> danyasd: no need to say twice
<xplodwild> we both work together
<xplodwild> he fixed some things on audio and uploaded his build
SeLkCiP has joined #teamhacksung-support
<xplodwild> I put it as preview #3 as it would be the same if I built myself
<danyasd> aah thank you ;) I sent it twice because I got an error: danyasd: Command does not exist!
<xplodwild> that's not an error
<xplodwild> that's our bbqbot
<xplodwild> his commands starts with @
<xplodwild> @help
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @join @part @kick @kickban @unban @op @deop @voice @devoice @mute @unmute @supported @downloads @changelog @google
<regardtv> just how big is the 1st repo sync?
<peterperfect> a lot of big
<xplodwild> 6GB
<danyasd> sorry I'm not very in to IRCs
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<regardtv> ok, so 2 to go ;-)
<Jiangyi> 6GB? :O
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<Jiangyi> OK, I definitely need to reinstall my VM then.
<danyasd> Can I use CM10 #3 as my rom for daily use? I don't mind if there are system crashes every 5 hours
<Jiangyi> danyasd: That's a personal opinion thing, no one can tell you that. :-|
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<danyasd> Yeah but there's a difference between a ROM that's crashing every time you try to do something or only sometimes or very infrequenz
<danyasd> *t
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<Jiangyi> OK, it probably should be fine. :-P
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<neoD|ml> i dont wanna go cm10 until its more stable, or maybe i dont wanna leave the butter :P
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<neoD|ml> 9 working great
<danyasd> yeah, in my opinion cm9 is more stable than the stock rom. I used both for about 2 weeks. cm9 so fast!
<neoD|ml> yea
<neoD|ml> and better looking!
* Jiangyi is used to unstable stuff xD
<Baskey> better looking?
<Jiangyi> It's all about the latest for me xD
<Baskey> Jiangyi +1
<danyasd> of course!
<neoD|ml> better looking ye :p
<Jiangyi> Baskey: He's referring to CM9 VS TW :p
<neoD|ml> y:P
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<danyasd> I can almost say that I hate the design of the stock rom
<Jiangyi> #lamesamsung
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Gerrit's back. :-D
* addi just bought Tasker. doesn't think he's bright enough to use it -.-
<Baskey> [22:14] (Jiangyi) Baskey: He's referring to CM9 VS TW :p
<Baskey> ah
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<regardtv> hmm, so reviewed the logcats of the 3 call states working mic [earpiece] --> working mic [BT} --> broken mic [earpiece] for CM9-20120717-i9300 and not seeing anything obvious. Shall I pastepin it xplodwild?
<bbqbot> derp
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<rkk101> can i flash galaxy s alpha rom on my samsung captivate?
<Jiangyi> rkk101: I don't think so.
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<rkk101> is it the kernel?
Baskey is now known as Idontliekxplodwi
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: build almost finished
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: and tablet changes done :-D
<Jiangyi> Yayy :-D
<codeworkx> OMAPZ!!!
<Jiangyi> More jealousness from 9100 users any second now.... :-P
<Jiangyi> rkk101: the Galaxy S and Captivate still have some hardware differences. :-P
<rkk101> so i guess i need to wait for cm10 alpha to come out on captivate xda page..
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pier|brb is now known as pier
<L551_> Constant S-Voice network errors suck
fuxplodwild is now known as Baskey
<Jiangyi> S-Voice is pretty crappy. :-P
<danyasd> does google now work in cm10? also in germany?
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<Jiangyi> Toronto is damn simple compared to other places. :-P
<Jiangyi> danyasd: You won't get text-to-voice unless you set the language to English (US).
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<Jiangyi> lol straight lines ftw! :-D
<Jiangyi> Hmm....
<Jiangyi> My TB restore is stuck. :-P
<Jiangyi> (No, I'm not restoring system apps like an idiot, only user apps)
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: uploading
<danyasd> well I can't find google now :D
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Are you uploading it to your own server like last time or?
<Jiangyi> Cuz apparently, Chinese users can download straight from codeworkx.de :-P
<codeworkx> bbqdroid
<Jiangyi> Ah OK.
<codeworkx> codeworkx.de is located in strasbourg
<codeworkx> datadock
<codeworkx> you know, green data centre
<Jiangyi> :O
<Jiangyi> That's a nice place.
<codeworkx> let's get the tablet up
<codeworkx> less than 30 minutes and everything fixed?
<codeworkx> cause its omap?
<codeworkx> *hrhr*
<Jiangyi> Hmm... So Chinese censorship is utterly random. OK then. Screw dat "firewall".
<codeworkx> i shouldn't say such things while i9100 users are here
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: i9100 users are EVERYWHERE! :-P
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: I'm a Observer
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> danyasd: It is on my phone. o.o
<danyasd> at this place? :O
<Jiangyi> Well, see if it's in your app drawer.
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<danyasd> is now included in the gapps or in cm10 itself?
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<koud_> gapps
<danyasd> ok could be that I flashed the wrong one wait a moment..
<Jiangyi> OK that would explain it. :-P
<Jiangyi> danyasd: Did you flash the 0713 JB one?
<danyasd> I should have flashed that one but I there are about 4 gapps in the same folder so it's not unlikely that I took the wrong one :D
<Jiangyi> lol
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: dl-bacon.bbqdroid.org/dinner/cm-10-20120718-EXPERIMENTAL-i9100g-CODEWORKX.zip
<danyasd> the german translation is not thaaat great :D
ciwrl|work is now known as ciwrl|away
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Thanks. :-D
<trackz> wts: i9100 wtf: i9100G :P
<trackz> wtb*
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: BTW, I spoke with the developer of Spirit FM, and he said that FM on I9100G is purely digital (Unlike Analog on 9100), and needs FM audio to be enabled in the ROM. :-P
<codeworkx> -.-
<codeworkx> cm9 is deprecated
<codeworkx> :-P
<Jiangyi> He asks if you have any insights.
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<codeworkx> since we've opensource audio now on i9100g, i9300 we'll might be able to implement it
<codeworkx> if cm10 get ever fm support
<peterperfect> CM9 IS DEPRECATED!!!
<peterperfect> :D
<codeworkx> that's a fact xD
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: It's open-source on 9100G too? o.o
<codeworkx> si
<codeworkx> used the galaxy nexus one and modified it
<cantIntoCode> awesome :)
<codeworkx> :-D
<Jiangyi> Didn't know that :-D
<peterperfect> the point is..when cm10 gets in a state where only fmradio is missing
<codeworkx> and on i9300 it's a mixture from wolfson, gnex and nexus 7 + 30-40 hours of work
<peterperfect> google will drop another release
<peterperfect> so its cm11
<peterperfect> and shit startz again
<peterperfect> ahahah
<codeworkx> -.-
<peterperfect> true story?
<Jiangyi> And codeworkx will keep on hating Exynos over and over again lol
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: +10
<codeworkx> i'll buy the first omap5 device
<codeworkx> doesn't matter how it looks like
<danyasd> why do you hate exynos?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Exynos or Snapdragon S4?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> :-P
<codeworkx> OMAP5
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: the snapdragon galaxy s3's are also up and running with cm10
<codeworkx> exynos = loose
<Jiangyi> ...... OK, screw Exynos. lol
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: You make me angry
pier|afk is now known as pier
<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: just wait for samsung
<codeworkx> then the s2 can live for some month more
<regardtv> all this deprecated comments is making my i9100 look more and more like a coffee stand ;-(
<codeworkx> but it will never be a htc dream
<codeworkx> or a hd2
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: sure see you at xmas
<regardtv> thank goodness my s3 is keeping it warm ;-)
<codeworkx> s3 is also not perfect.
<codeworkx> hwcomposer has bugz
<codeworkx> with transparency
<codeworkx> and tvout....
<h4rdco2e> haha fail
<codeworkx> will never work
<Jiangyi> ...... I can't copy stuff onto my phone all of a sudden. o.o
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: did you see my tvout pic with cm10? xD
<h4rdco2e> I hope i9100G dies sometime
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Yes xD
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: boot into recovery and wait some time, then use adb to push :-D
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: So it's a known issue?
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: do not speak about CM10
<Jiangyi> h4rdco2e: NUUUU I don't wanna go buy another phone til a year from now. :-(
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: FUCK YOUR TELEFONE!
<regardtv> biggest frustration in SouthAfrica is that the Nexus phones take months to arrive
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: OK ADB push works fine even when inside Android, but it just won't copy over MTP regularly. :-P
<regardtv> thus me being a samsungger for the forceeable future
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: wanna change telephone?
<Jiangyi> h4rdco2e: You probably wouldn't want mine, it's Chinese. :-P
<Jiangyi> Damn, bad copy.
romann is now known as romann|afk
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: haha, I love my i9100 and I stay to my i9100 ICS
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<Jiangyi> h4rdco2e: Think of it as fair. You guys got CM9 months before we did lol
<Jiangyi> OK time to redownload, my copy's bad. :-(
romann|afk is now known as romann
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: Hm what does codeworks actually needs. open Audio HAL and open HWcomposer?
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: but i9100G has no issues
<Jiangyi> Ehhhh :\
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<Jiangyi> There we go. Now it's flashing. :-D
<Jiangyi> I just realized that even the boot animation is smoother in CM10. (Yes h4rdco2e I'm taunting you again :-D)
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: I'm starting to get jealous!
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<codeworkx> tab up
<Jiangyi> All 6? :O
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<codeworkx> 3
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<Baskey> @geo user Perka
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Perka
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ~Perka@153-82-ftth.onsneteindhoven.nl
<bbqbot> {"range":[1486831616,1486839295],"country":"NL","region":"06","city":"Eindhoven","ll":[51.45,5.4667]}
<Jiangyi> I'm guessing the P51xx?
<codeworkx> yep
<koud_> @geo user koud_
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for koud_
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ~quassel@h-88-47.a163.priv.bahnhof.se
<bbqbot> {"range":[1334335488,1334336767],"country":"SE","region":"16","city":"Link�ping","ll":[58.4167,15.6167]}
<regardtv> uhm ... what am I doing wrong --- initial repo sync of ics ... ~/android/system/devices .... I see no samsung there?
<bbqbot> derp
* regardtv might need beer to solve this
<Jiangyi> regardtv: Which device do you have?
<regardtv> I have an i9300 and i9100 (yes yes I know) -- playing with cm9
<koud_> regardtv: you need to add the device trees you want later
<codeworkx> regardtv: try to build. gets fetched auto
<regardtv> kewl! will try codeworkx
<akSeya> what's the phone that CM devs like most?
<koud_> codeworkx: oh it does? cm feature?
<codeworkx> yep
<codeworkx> roomservice
<koud_> nice
<Jiangyi> lol nice name.
<koud_> very nice :P
<akSeya> :P
<koud_> then I understand that cm dependency file
<Jiangyi> Freaking TB keeps asking for Root even though I said remember allow. >_<
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<codeworkx> fuc, this tab is having an wm8994
<codeworkx> :-D
<codeworkx> funny
<koud_> codeworkx: what tab is that? :)
<codeworkx> tab2
<codeworkx> p5100
<codeworkx> 10.1"
<koud_> ok :)
<koud_> too many tabs... :P
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<codeworkx> audio is probably also easy going then
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<Jiangyi> O_O
<Jiangyi> OK, now I'm jelly.
* Jiangyi missed Wolfson DAC
<Jiangyi> misses*
<codeworkx> lol
<codeworkx> push I9300 audio hal -> sound
<codeworkx> i like wolfson
<codeworkx> consistent naming
<codeworkx> of the mixers
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Who doesn't like Wolfson!? :-P
<regardtv> code - is the audio the only holdback on getting JB onto i9100 (sorry if this has been asked to death ;-) )
<Jiangyi> OK, SuperUser is just borking for me, going to install SuperSU. :-P
romann is now known as romann|afk
pier is now known as pier|afk
<codeworkx> *dancing*
<codeworkx> <- sleep
<cantIntoCode> just seen it on twitter haha
<regardtv> crap that was fast
regardtv is now known as regardtv|afk
<Jiangyi> Aha!
<Jiangyi> So codeworkx do need to sleep! :-P
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<slainer68> is the new hal for i9300 with first call sound bug already backported into nightly ?
<slainer68> CM9 ?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Thiagovfar> My SGS2 is crash-freezing on some graphics intensive apps. It does it regularly, but I'm not able to reproduce it -- it happens in its own time. Could you suggest an app that would make it more likelly to crash?
<Jiangyi> Wait, you want to make it more likely to crash? o.O WHAT
<Thiagovfar> Yes
<Thiagovfar> I'm almost sure the device is broken, but I'll need to prove it to samsung
<Jiangyi> Umm... GLBenchmark?
<Jiangyi> If it's an I9100, you can try ChainFire3D to see if it helps the situation. :-P
<Thiagovfar> I'll try them both
<Jiangyi> GLBenchmark is very graphics-intensive AFAIK.
<Thiagovfar> It has cool screenshots
<Thiagovfar> must be very gpu-heavy
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<Thiagovfar> But, Chainfire 3D? What does it do?
<Jiangyi> It takes care of a lot of the graphics problems that the I9100 has from what I've heard, along with enabling 16x AA.
<Thiagovfar> Oh, Chainfire is the fix, not the one that will make it crash. Got it
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<Thiagovfar> Pretty cool movie they made at GLBenchmark
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<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Any luck?
<Thiagovfar> Didn't crash yet.
<Jiangyi> Then it's probably apps not playing well with the Mali GPU. :-|
<Thiagovfar> =(
<Thiagovfar> It already crashed on My Tracks, Temple Run and StabilityTest. Then, I tought the apps were not to blame.
<Thiagovfar> Since it crashed in more than one.
<Jiangyi> Well, Mali doesn't play well with a lot of things, so....
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<Jiangyi> Things should be fine after ChainFire3D though.
<Thiagovfar> Why the hell did I buy this phone
<Thiagovfar> Next time, I'll come by and ask first
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<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> #blamesamsung
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Wait... Did you buy it recently?
<Thiagovfar> Yes, its not new, tho.
<Thiagovfar> used for 10 months
<Thiagovfar> I mean, it's second-hand, 10 months with the previous owner.
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<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Device hot as hell. I could fry an egg on it. Still no crash.
<Thiagovfar> I guess it is caused by something else.
<Jiangyi> lol Yeah, S2's known to get really hot. :-P
<Jiangyi> I was just asking to see maybe you have not the original S2, but a variant. :P
<Thiagovfar> It won't crash on graphics alone. The culprit is yet to be found.
<Jiangyi> Well, try a few mixed benchmark like Quadrant and Antutu
<Thiagovfar> They finish so quickly, I don't think they'll stress the device until it crashes.
<Jiangyi> Well, I'm starting to run out of ideas. :-P
<Jiangyi> Wish there was something like Prime95 for Android lol
<Thiagovfar> I'll put some sound on it
<Thiagovfar> and gps
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: I suppose I should've asked you what ROM you were on. lol
* Jiangyi derped
<Thiagovfar> If it doesn't crash, I'll just blame the apps and walk away. Slowly.
<Thiagovfar> CM9, latest nightly
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<Jiangyi> Hmmm.... I'm out of ideas. =[
<Jiangyi> Don't have a I9100, so I can't speak from experience. Sorry. :S
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<Jiangyi> On stock Samsung ROMs, I can understand if there's a lot of problems, but on CM9.......
<Thiagovfar> Lol
<Jiangyi> It'd be kinda odd that it doesn't work after ChainFire3D. :-P
<Thiagovfar> Thanks for the help, you suggestions helped a lot.
sixstringsg is now known as afkstringsg
<Thiagovfar> I'll activate ChainFire3D later, see if it anything breaks after it.
<Jiangyi> Yeah no problem, if nothing works, then I guess a long shot would be to wipe data. :-|
<Thiagovfar> I've never seen this device get so hot, so my best guess it is that it has nothing to do with gpu/cpu.
<Thiagovfar> It crashes a lot cooler that this, so it's probably something else.
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<Thiagovfar> Which log files survive system crashes?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> System crashes or app crashes?
<Thiagovfar> System crashes
<Thiagovfar> When it crashes, its for real. Have to take the battery out.
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<Thiagovfar> Or use the reboot key combo.
<Jiangyi> o.o
<Jiangyi> If you're on CM9, that's not even supposed to happen.
romann is now known as romann|afk
<Thiagovfar> And this is why hardware fault is my prime suspect.
<Jiangyi> Did you try wiping and reflashing?
<Thiagovfar> Warranty expires in less than a month, so I've got to find out if it is indeed a hardware defect.
<Thiagovfar> Wiped everything but data.
<Thiagovfar> The problem with this crashes are that they are kinda random.
<Thiagovfar> Yesterday, I've gone from 100% to 0% battery just playing temple run, which crashes more often.
<Jiangyi> Yeah, data's kind of the big one. I guess you can go back to stock ROM and see if it also crashes there.
<Thiagovfar> Today, it crashed twice, with less than ten minutes of play.
<Jiangyi> Well, stock 2.3, since stock 4.0 has the superbrick bug.
<Thiagovfar> superwhat bug?
<Jiangyi> It's a bug where your phone can become permanently bricked.
<Jiangyi> It's not in CM9 though :-P
<Thiagovfar> Nice bug to have around. How do you trigger it?
<Jiangyi> By wiping in recovery. :-P
<Jiangyi> Or a factory reset.
<Thiagovfar> It happens any time you do that?
<Thiagovfar> Because that's just what the old owner did, before handing the device to me.
<Thiagovfar> Also, I don't have a GB stock
<Jiangyi> Well, if he did that, your phone would've been permanently bricked lol
<Thiagovfar> note: The battery drained from the benchmarks running, even connected to the wall charger.
<Jiangyi> You can download stock GB from sammobile.com
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: He did it, I saw it. I will avoid doing it like the plague, tho. Thanks for the advice.
<Jiangyi> Oh. In that case, he's lucky lol
<Jiangyi> Or your phone has one of the safe chips. :-P
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<Thiagovfar> Or the Brazillian ICS rom doesn't have the bug.
<Thiagovfar> http://fus.nanzen.se/ won't let me download anything except for the newest ROM, correct?
<Jiangyi> I actually don't know. I've only used SamMobile for stock ROMs. =[
<Jiangyi> brb dinner
<Thiagovfar> Checfus downloads from samsungs servers, disguised as Kies.
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|Dinner
<Thiagovfar> Checkfus*
<Jiangyi|Dinner> Thiagovfar: In that case, probably only the latest. :-P