xplodwild_work changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | <Baskey> POKAŻ CHUJA, PIERDOLCU | <codeworkx> KalimAz: i can see my panties | IRC stats : http://irc.nebkat.com/ | NO ETAs | Everything is borked on CM10. Don't ask
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<Jiangyi> Argh computer fell asleep. =[
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Any luck?
<bbqbot> derp
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: No, couldn't make it crash
<Thiagovfar> I'll change to stock another day (fingers crossed).
<Thiagovfar> It's getting late here, I'll be off to sleep
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Thank you very much for your help
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Yeah no prob. :-)
<Jiangyi> Good night!
<Thiagovfar> thanks
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<DuperMan> teamhacksung hello this is The Man speaking what can you help me with?
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<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Ohai
<DuperMan> <3
<DuperMan> u awesome
<DuperMan> my win8 tablet is running for 10 days now, single charge. off n' on every couple days for major shit
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<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> Why I am Chinaman? :P
<Jiangyi> why no Canadaman?
<cantIntoCode> god samsung really need to learn build quality, third sgs3 and this one has ink spots all over the display -_- time for another replacement ...
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<DuperMan> :P ethnicity, bias
<DuperMan> :) j/k m8
<DuperMan> u is u
<DuperMan> derp
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<Jiangyi> cantIntoCode: Ink spots?
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Okies lol
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<cantIntoCode> Jiangyi: on a dark black background, you see these 'blotches'
<Jiangyi> cantIntoCode: Oh those. I only see them when the room is completely dark. :-|
<cantIntoCode> like that, mines isn't as bad as that but if you look at the L shaped one near the middle left
<cantIntoCode> mines is about 3x the size of that
<Jiangyi> Wait, that's not a dark black background.....
<cantIntoCode> first 3 phones never had that issue
<cantIntoCode> idk why that one is like that lol
<cantIntoCode> I was playing dead trigger and I thought the game was rendering something wierd then I checked the display and boom, ink spot
<Jiangyi> Yeah, mine has quite a few too, but not very big. =|
<Jiangyi> Maybe it's an AMOLED thing?
<cantIntoCode> idk if I can learn to live with it or I should go get it replaced
<cantIntoCode> yep, apparently really common with amoled screens, I take it I've been lucky so far
<Jiangyi> If you can get it replaced, heck, why not? xD
<bbqbot> derp
<cantIntoCode> true
<Jiangyi> I can't get mine replaced :-|
<cantIntoCode> I got my first 2 replaced no problem 10 minutes in the store
<cantIntoCode> why not?
<Jiangyi> To do that, I'll have to spend >$1000 on a flight back to China lol
<cantIntoCode> ahh lol
<Jiangyi> Canadian versions are all Qualcomm except one Exynos, so I bought my phone in China after I lost my Captivate. =[
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<Jiangyi> So far, it has worked out, with CM9 and CM10 and stuff :D
<cantIntoCode> haha
<cantIntoCode> the thing is though, do I get it replaced and risk getting one thats worse? argh
<Jiangyi> Except Chinese phones have a different bootloader than the ones in other countries, but if the ROM's flashable through CWM, it's all good. :-P
<Jiangyi> cantIntoCode: Keep replacing it until you get a good one? lol
<cantIntoCode> probably haha
<cantIntoCode> they'll probably think I'm at it -_-
<cantIntoCode> ah well, I'll see what happens probably get this one replaced
<Jiangyi> I wonder if this SAMOLED+ screen is gonna die faster than the SAMOLED ones.....
<cantIntoCode> samoled+? thats sgs2
<cantIntoCode> sgs3 has samoled hd
<Jiangyi> Yeah, I have the i9100G :-P
<cantIntoCode> ahhh haha
<Jiangyi> After hearing codeworkx, I don't think I want a 9300 lol
<cantIntoCode> i've had nothing but problems hardware wise
<cantIntoCode> but as a phone, its solid
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<Jiangyi> I wonder if the situation is better for the NA variants. :P
<DuperMan> na north american?
<DuperMan> god bless samsng that it never is
<DuperMan> if for nothing else
<DuperMan> :D
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<Jiangyi> DuperMan: It's not good for me >_<
* Jiangyi doesn't wanna go to China to get a phone everytime
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: camel central, land of the holy crap and variuous peoples:P
<DuperMan> VERY good for mehre
<DuperMan> mehere
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<DuperMan> well not good, just 'as bad as other places' - great improvement:D
<Jiangyi> lol
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<mipacho> just curious, anyone here already using cm10 for daily driver?
<DuperMan> mipacho: windows 8? yeah
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> awesome
<DuperMan> you do realize cm10 and win8 are about as close as apples and george michaels? hard to tell aparat
<mipacho> lol
<DuperMan> or was it 'california raisins and a roast lamb'....
<DuperMan> all so confusing
<mipacho> gonna flash the galaxys3 preview 3 CM10, havent checked it out yet
<DuperMan> 8ball says will beat stock. port to note kthanks
<Jiangyi> I'm going to use it as a daily driver. :-P
<DuperMan> use mipacho? nasty
<Jiangyi> Well, then again, 9100G haz OMAP, soo.... :-D
<cantIntoCode> mipacho: its pretty great
<cantIntoCode> few issues with camera, and transparency on ui
<mipacho> flashing on s3 now :-)
<DuperMan> issues? my pda is great 9 years late and has phone
<DuperMan> :D
<mipacho> man i hate gorilla glass 2, the screen on my s3 is all scratched up just being in my pocket. had none of these issues with my s2. (checking for scratches while flashing)
<EgotisticalElf> gg2 has mixed reviews
<DuperMan> thank pent... oled
<DuperMan> reviews are a mix of people telling what shit is and people talking out their ass
<DuperMan> ehrm
<DuperMan> a feature complete review must be segmented as; "while I believe stuff, this is what I played with"
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<yongjie> so is there any bugs?
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<mipacho> wow this project butter stuff is awesome
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<IamSachin> installed koush's CWM on sgs3 :)
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<xplodwild_work> @eval xplod()
<bbqbot> 'Yes master, I will destroy the world.'
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<roniez> bored much xplodwild_
<roniez> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<IamSachin> Darth: Luke, I am your father.
<IamSachin> Luke: Nooooooooooooooooo
<gladiac1337> It's a daily routine :)
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<xplodwild_work> @eval xplod
<bbqbot> [Function]
<xplodwild_work> @eval xplod()
<bbqbot> 'Yes master, I will destroy the world.'
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<neoD|ml> widget to see how much mA my phone is being charged with?
<roniez> is that a question?
<neoD|ml> yes?
<roniez> you formatted the scentence wrong.
<neoD|ml> k
<neoD|ml> i apologize
<neoD|ml> did u get a headache :p
<roniez> no just dislike illiterrates.
<roniez> and again malformated the scentence.
<neoD|ml> i dont see the error with it
<roniez> hm.
<roniez> You are missing a "Is there a"
<neoD|ml> yeah i can agree on that :p
<roniez> and you forgot the question mark on your "did you get a headache"
<neoD|ml> god ^^
<roniez> :)
<neoD|ml> anyway
<roniez> Sorry just morning pestering to start the day is always good.
<neoD|ml> usb3.0 manage 900mA charging
<neoD|ml> my sgs3 ac charger gives 1200mA
<neoD|ml> should be np to bump usb charging to 900mA then
<neoD|ml> and charge with usb3
<neoD|ml> for some reason im scared :D
<xplodwild_work> roniez: "scentence"
<xplodwild_work> you spelled sentence wrong
<neoD|ml> :DD
<neoD|ml> yeah roniez wtf :(
<neoD|ml> just dislike illiterrates.
<roniez> well xplodwild english isnt my primary language, so f off. :D
<roniez> i still know how to form a scentence
<xplodwild_work> roniez: then don't blame other people
<roniez> and again
<xplodwild_work> @kick roniez sentence
roniez was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [sentence]
<neoD|ml> is my theory correct xplodwild, u think
<neoD|ml> btw excellent work
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<roniez> I was going to help the guy, but now i just wont.
<roniez> no reason to get violent douche
<neoD|ml> cause its my fault u were kicked :p
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<roniez> Didnt say it was.
<neoD|ml> AND english isnt my main language either :P
<roniez> that dosent change the fact that you incorrectly formated the sentence.
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<neoD|ml> nope and it doesnt change the fact that you misspelled "sentence" ;p
<roniez> AWee.
<roniez> i spelled it right now didnt i_
<roniez> ?
<neoD|ml> when is "now" :)
<Kaik541> roniez: I don't give a shit about your spelling, I don't like people who are assholes for no reason
<Kaik541> roniez: that's my territory, and I don't like you encroaching it
<roniez> Haha
<roniez> neoD|ml:
<roniez> (08:50:22) neoD|ml: AND english isnt my main language either :P
<roniez> (08:51:03) roniez: that dosent change the fact that you incorrectly formated the sentence.
<neoD|ml> after you were corrected :D
<neoD|ml> 08:52:46 | hairlessmangina: how do I install CM9 on my iphone 4s?
<neoD|ml> =)
<roniez> neoD|ml: yes i was corrected and i adjusted my self to it.
<roniez> You still have not done so. :)
<neoD|ml> how so :P
<roniez> You still have not asked your question.
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<roniez> Awee. :*
<neoD|ml> well, i set usb charging to 800mA, we'll see if something goes wrong :P
<neoD|ml> it shouldnt in theory ^^
<roniez> neoD|ml: there is a battery widget in play store that can monitor this for you
<roniez> I am how ever unsure if the free version does it.
<neoD|ml> yeah it gave me the same voltage as i set
<neoD|ml> currentwidget
<neoD|ml> how ever is one word
<neoD|ml> :>
<roniez> bah, need more caffine. :)
<neoD|ml> caffeine i think it is!
<roniez> probbly, see what i mean. way to early.
<xplodwild_work> stfu you two
<roniez> xplodwild_work: <3
<neoD|ml> :p
<roniez> xplodwild loves us neoD|ml thats why he is so harsh to us.
<neoD|ml> i just corrected back twice since you acted so pro :P
<roniez> neoD|ml: aum.. i am having trouble coming back with an answer on that since your statement is now completly unrealted. i did not say anything against you correcting me. if anything i confirmed the incorrect spelling and the correction.
<roniez> bet i will get another kick soon.
<roniez> neoD|ml: "Battery Monitor Widget"
<roniez> Should be able to monitor your charging mA for you
<neoD|ml> currentwidget does it aswell
<xplodwild_work> marry him if you love him so much
<roniez> neoD|ml: Ok, was not sure if it would work well with the S3, currentwidget is reported to have problems with samsung devices.
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<roniez> xplodwild_work: dont think my girlfriend would approve of me doing that. but sure i can put it up on the table with her.
<xplodwild_work> I'll make her approve
<roniez> xplodwild_work: good luck.
<xplodwild_work> You need to say the right thing at the right time and put the right thing in the right place
<xplodwild_work> :D
<gladiac1337> Damn, a friend of mine posted me a last_kmsg of a one x showing an oops caused by a null pointer. The program counter ist is at clk_get_rate and linkregister is at clk_predict_rate_from_parent. Am I right to assume that something goes wrong in mach-tegra/clock.c?
<xplodwild_work> gladiac1337: one x is tegra powered?
<bbqbot> derp
<gladiac1337> xplodwild_work: yes
<xplodwild_work> thn yes
<xplodwild_work> then*
<gladiac1337> alright, thanks
<L551_> How prevalent (I think that's the word..) Is IMEI loss?
<xplodwild_work> L551_: prevalent...
<xplodwild_work> you mean "am I screwed if my IMEI is lost" ?
<addi> xplodwild_work,
<addi> whats up dood
<L551_> Ah, wrong word then. Was trying to say, how many people and how often in IMEI loss occuring
<L551_> I haven't flashed anything yet as I don't want that to happen
<xplodwild_work> L551_: 100% noobs, 0% clever people
<addi> Yes, you are screwed! at least until you flash a stock Rom and get it back on Samsung devices :p
<xplodwild_work> L551_: it only happens if you touch /efs
<xplodwild_work> L551_: if you do everything properly, then efs is untouched
<addi> and it comes back on flashing a full stock Rom with Odin
<L551_> I thought it didn't
<addi> at least it did on the Galaxy S
<xplodwild_work> addi: if efs is broken nothing helps
<addi> but like xplodwild_work says, efs in not touched
<L551_> Does EFS Pro work for this issue?
<xplodwild_work> L551_: as long as you have a backup yes
<addi> xplodwild_work, yeah, i guess only when it disappears due to a Rom flash can it be bought back
<xplodwild_work> addi: if efs is wiped it's wiped it's dead
<xplodwild_work> stock rom dontcare about efs
<xplodwild_work> it's generated at samsung centers
<addi> xplodwild_work, it did on sgs1
<xplodwild_work> no
<addi> if you lost your efs after flashing a custom Rom, reflashing stock Rom bought it back
<addi> if you delete it yourself, then no can do
<addi> again,i think it was merely a case of efs not mounting when it disappeared after a custom Rom flash
<xplodwild_work> and how does it knows it's a rom that deleted it and not "yourself"?
<xplodwild_work> if efs is cleared it's cleared, there's no user/rom flag
<addi> so case was different than wiping i guess
<addi> xplodwild_work, well, it's simple. sgs1 famous for losing imei on Rom flashes sometimes, which came back with a stock Rom flash, or by restoring a backup
<xplodwild_work> then it's the rom that is fauly
<xplodwild_work> the efs is untouched
<xplodwild_work> faulty
<addi> yeah, that's what i said later xD
<addi> not mounting because of the kernel or something
<xplodwild_work> L551_: but anyway, make a backup of /efs, save it somewhere, and you're safe even if something bad happens
<addi> back it up, save it on computer and cloud and you're good to go. never to worry
<L551_> I was under the impression that /efs was a partition, unless you're talking about the /efs folder. If so, can I just zip it with RootExplorer and copy it to the External MSD
<addi> Yes
<addi> it's just like your sdcard
<addi> a partition whose contents you can save and restore
<addi> I've flashed so many ROMs on my sgs for a year and a half, and i never lost imei
<addi> so don't worry, backup and go!
<L551_> Just got the GSIII yesterday, so I just didn't want to fuck it up already
<L551_> So if backing up /efs folder saves my IMEI, I am so trying out some jelly bean.
<gladiac1337> L551_: go for it :)
<addi> we are waiting to hear how you like it :p
<L551_> Last thing I wanna do is be heading back to AT&T with a IMEI borked phone
<neoD|ml> how do you loose your IMEI ?
<neoD|ml> lose
<addi> by deleting the efs folder :p
<neoD|ml> ye why would you do that :P
<addi> or sometimes a custom Rom messes up and bam
<addi> but the cases are few and far between
<addi> neoD|ml, just for the funz :p
<roniez> well
<gladiac1337> efs should be read only
<roniez> efs backup tool. :D
<gladiac1337> if you mount it rw it is your fault
<gladiac1337> according to the partition layout, /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 is the partition on which efs-data is located. you can make an exact copy by using dd.
<xplodwild_work> dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3 of=/sdcard/backup_efs.img
<gladiac1337> dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3 of=/sdcard/efsbackup.dd bs=4096
<gladiac1337> yeah...
* gladiac1337 is too slow
<xplodwild_work> the day something goes wrong
<xplodwild_work> go into recovery
<xplodwild_work> dd if=/sdcard/backup_efs.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3
<xplodwild_work> but it's really rare and I haven't seen this happening for months
<dizko> is there any reason i cant run a stock kernel with a mod rom like cyanogen? is there documentation on what specifically they tweak anywhere so i can build a custom kernel for my device that encorporates the mods?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> something to do with partitions or layout or something i guess. but then again, I'm a noob
<addi> partition layout*
<dizko> there kernel wont care about partitioning, that's all os config
<xplodwild_work> dizko: stock roms often have custom init.rc
<xplodwild_work> that aren't compatible with AOSP
<xplodwild_work> for Samsung devices it starts as early as the bootanimation
<xplodwild_work> then depending on the devices there are tweaks for MTP, video, etc
<dizko> i want to use the custom rom, but they dont have a kernel for my device so i want to compile my own
<xplodwild_work> is there a port for your device?
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<dizko> i have a japanese sgs3
<xplodwild_work> exynos?
<xplodwild_work> but anyway, you'll need a CyanogenMod build environment (see the wiki on how to initialize the sources)
<xplodwild_work> get the device tree (lunch cm_i9300-userdebug will fetch it automatically)
<dizko> i built the kernel from samsung and im setting up the build environment for cyanogen
<dizko> i just need to figure out the best way to integrate the configs
<xplodwild_work> copy your kernel in kernel/samsung/
<dizko> and im not clear on if its just config customization or if they have different drivers, etc
<xplodwild_work> change device/samsung/i9300/boardconfig.mk the lines related to kernel (directory and defconfig to use)
<L551_> The proximity sensor is a bit over-sensitive I've noticed
<xplodwild_work> then just type make bootimage
<xplodwild_work> L551_: placebo
<L551_> How so?
<dizko> the japanese model is actually the snapdragon, its lte
<dizko> sorry, this laptop is....slower than my phone
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<neoD|ml> isnt it like quadcore, 2gb ram, lte
<dizko> no only in korea
<neoD|ml> ah
<dizko> its basically the same phone as the US lte models, with a couple jp specific tweeks
<dizko> LTE here is 800mhz, so different baseband
<dizko> and it has digital tv instead of a FM radio
<dizko> there are also some GPS differences and the NFC is different
<L551_> *crosses fingers for no IMEI loss after factory reset through CWM and CM9 flash*
<xplodwild_work> L551_: proximity sensor is 1 or 0
<xplodwild_work> L551_: it's the component itself that decides if you're close enough or not
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<addi> l5
<L551_> I see. Well I was calling a number that had an automated system, and I had to select via the keypad, but if my hand was anywhere near the top right it would shut off the screen due to the sensor.
<neoD|ml> you will love it L551_
<addi> L551_, a factory reset never touches efs
<addi> never
<L551_> Guess I'll just have to curse my big hands.
<addi> it has clearly defined rules. while the partitions it is supposed to, and not touch what is not needed to be touched
<addi> factory reset even stock recovery lets you do, so it's not a danger
<L551_> Huh. Confuses me then how a lot say all they did was flash a ROM and boom, gone
<addi> flashing a Rom and wiping data are two different things
<addi> i was commenting about the wipe data part ;)
<neoD|ml> L551_ alot say?
<addi> neoD|ml, it's known to happen to a lot of people before
<addi> hence why you have efs backup tools and such
<neoD|ml> mm before ok
<neoD|ml> but cant you just go stock and get it back
<addi> well, you can
<addi> at least, you could on the original galaxy s, not sure if it happens on newer devices :p
<L551_> It annoys me how the Mac Android file transfer program doesn't see the S3, so I have to adb push files to the internal SD
<addi> L551_, blame it on stupid mtp
<gladiac1337> L551_: yeah, that's the problem with mtp
<gladiac1337> apple does not seriously support mtp and the android helper tool... sucks
<addi> mtp is something that doesn't run properly even on the OS it is designed for -.-
<xplodwild_work> L551_: Using adb isn't that bad either
<gladiac1337> or you can give easy ums a try
<xplodwild_work> L551_: knowing how to use it will help a lot if you have issues
<gladiac1337> but yeah, i also always use adb
<addi> gladiac1337, that is only for external
<addi> internal remains mtp :/
<L551_> All I really know is adb push/pull
<dizko> why not just use ftp/scp ?
<L551_> I'm sure there's a lot more to it
<addi> but i guess you can then transfer Rom to internal on the phone after copying to external :p
<xplodwild_work> dizko: ftp/scp on a phone?
<dizko> sure
<dizko> that's how i transfer stuff to / from mine
<dizko> since mtp is some horrible
<dizko> so
<gladiac1337> dizko: that would require you to install ftp/ssh servers
<xplodwild_work> dizko: ftp server is haxxy on a phone
<addi> uh, he's talking about using an Android app
<dizko> i only enable it when im using it
<xplodwild_work> ssh would be fine but tell that to windozians noobs
<addi> that creates a local ftp
<addi> or is he?
<bbqbot> derp
<neoD|ml> probably addi
<addi> like remote web desktop etc
<xplodwild_work> try to type "scp" in windows prompt
<addi> which i use for small files, certainly not for ROMs xD
<dizko> download putty or something
<addi> mtp is not that horrible :p
<neoD|ml> it works ifne when it works ?
<dizko> i cant even get it working in linux on this laptop
<neoD|ml> but how can you access levels below sdcard with mtp?
<dizko> well, it exceeded the time i was willing to invest in it
<addi> neoD|ml, the only real problem I've encountered with mtp is that sometimes it takes a while to display all folders or doesn't let you copy stuff into deep level folder like Android/data the first few minutes after connecting the phone
<addi> apparently takes time to read all stuff -.-
<neoD|ml> i can only access sdcard and above always
<addi> of course
<neoD|ml> and it takes awhile to display all folders with cm9 or aosp
<neoD|ml> samsung stock goes fast
<addi> you can't access system folders on the phone
<addi> on your computer
<neoD|ml> ye
<addi> that would have noobs deleting stuff :p
<neoD|ml> but thats bad with mtp :>
<addi> who are one of the reasons Google chose mtp :p
<addi> what is bad?
<neoD|ml> :>
<neoD|ml> well "bad" but it would be nice if u could
<dizko> even before mtp when it mounted a usb block data device you could only acess the flash card
<addi> you can't access below sdcard stuff even with mass storage
<dizko> and if people are installing custom roms, they shouldnt be entirely noobish
<addi> but those aren't Google's audience :p
<cantIntoCode> we are the 1%
<addi> I'm the .90 percent, you guys can share the rest .10% :p
<cantIntoCode> mtp does suck balls tho
<addi> cantIntoCode, what you gotta learn to live with? latest s3 also has problems?
<cantIntoCode> doesn't work on latest s3 rom with my i9300
<cantIntoCode> addi: ink spot on display -_-
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<addi> that is very common in these samoled hd screens
<cantIntoCode> also tried libmtp with fuse and that doesnt work
<cantIntoCode> yep :(
<addi> but very rarely noticeable
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<cantIntoCode> yeah it was like 3am and I was playing dead trigger and noticed it during the loading screen
<cantIntoCode> but thats about it
<addi> mainly when i open a game and screen goes all black :p
<addi> yer
<cantIntoCode> fucking hooked on that game
<cantIntoCode> mass effect is shit
<addi> nah
<addi> dead trigger i was playing only in bed in fear of it becoming repetitive
<cantIntoCode> its still fun when you start unlocking more things
<addi> yeah, but still, too much zombie killing can get repetitive
<L551_> This damn IMEI thing is in my head, I'm sitting at the "choose zip from SD card" and don't know if I should wait until it's figured out
<addi> cantIntoCode, and the graphics. oh man, do i love that water trickling down on the screen xD
<L551_> My old phone never had an IMEI issue, but it was an entirely different manufacturer
<cantIntoCode> haha yeah
<cantIntoCode> I enabled tegra 3 gfx
<cantIntoCode> it looks great
<addi> yeah
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<cantIntoCode> open up a .xml file and change a few values thats it
<addi> i went for cracked tegra version because then the xml hack wasn't out :p
<addi> that reminds me, gonna download from play store and do that hack
<dizko> surprised that game is so cheap
<dizko> i figured ftp games would be kind of expensive
<dizko> fps rather
<dizko> haha
<cantIntoCode> derp
<cantIntoCode> yeah its only £0.75
<dizko> 99yen here...
<addi> $1 here :p
<addi> .99 to be exact
<dizko> thats cheaper
<dizko> i wonder if i use marketenabler if i can pay in usd
<dizko> or vpn
<addi> dizko, it's not really cheaper once you consider the conversion rates. I'm in India, and talking in usd, so i guess it isn't exactly the same :p
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<dizko> well 99yen is probably about $1.25 or a bit more
<addi> hmm
<cantIntoCode> addi: dont you guys use rupees or something?
<cantIntoCode> how come you have to pay in usd?
<addi> we do, i was just saying in USD for you guys :P
<cantIntoCode> ahh
<addi> else people would go 'what the hell is a rupee?' :P
<bbqbot> derp
<cantIntoCode> if I had 8672.3
<cantIntoCode> would I be rich
<cantIntoCode> in rupees
<addi> 8672$ in rupees?
<cantIntoCode> 8672.3 is £100
<cantIntoCode> 8672.3 rupees = £100
<addi> haha, okay
<cantIntoCode> is that considered alot?
<addi> not that rich :P
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<cantIntoCode> indian guy I used to talk to wanted me to go to india with him for vacation, said to bring £100 and thats all I would need
<dizko> even if you have 8672 gbp, youre not "rich" ;)
<cantIntoCode> so if £100 is 8672.3 is that alot?
<cantIntoCode> dizko: true haha
<addi> 8000 is about one third of my salary
<cantIntoCode> ahh :(
<cantIntoCode> so I need £300! lol
<addi> and my salary is quite good enough for our standards
<addi> so do the math :p
<L551_> Here we go.. now, did I lose it or keep it..
<addi> that costs 8699 :P
<cantIntoCode> fuck that
<cantIntoCode> lol
<cantIntoCode> lolz ^
<L551_> Is the H icon the same as 4G in CM?
<dizko> in stock, i assumed the H icon was HSDPA, but then im nto clear on what the 3G icon means
<dizko> addi: japan prices are pure rape....id hate to tell you what a phone here costs in rupees ;)
<addi> cantIntoCode, very true that is :p
<cantIntoCode> yep lol
<addi> at least, some of them act like faggots. Linux is the best! all else is shite because Linux is free!! har har! :p
<addi> dizko, hehe, the Galaxy S3 here costs around 38000/- which is quite a lot (13000 above my salary). though still 6000 cheaper than an iPhone 4S 16 GB -.-
<addi> but for what the SGS3 has inside, the price is quite right I guess
<lodder> i see you guys talking about arch linux ... is there a way to go from arch to ubuntu? via a ssh session
<dizko> seems to be 53000 here
<addi> lodder, we are making fun of them, so no, we aren't really Linux users :p
<cantIntoCode> you obviously never read the info graphic lodder
<cantIntoCode> addi: oi
<cantIntoCode> I use mint and lion
<addi> and I'm pretty sure Mint is only for the dev stuff :p
<addi> Lion is what you love
<addi> I know it
<addi> but again, not all Linux users are faggots like the the one described in that infographic
<addi> only the few 'elite' are
<cantIntoCode> yep ^
<lodder> I know but I have been working on it for a while now
<cantIntoCode> zomg must use 100% cli
<addi> the elite who thinking having used IRC since the 90s makes them cool and better than others -.-
<cantIntoCode> gui is too bloated
<addi> think*
<lodder> and I'm tired of all the changes arch requires
<lodder> just want it plain and simple
<dizko> ive irc'd and used linux since the 90s
<dizko> i much prefer solaris
<addi> cantIntoCode, i asked nushor once how I can download files in Linux. he says: 'go to Terminal and type this'. i'm like w00t? i want to download many files! :p
<bbqbot> derp
<cantIntoCode> addi: wget
<cantIntoCode> lol
<addi> as in, i was asking for a download manager, but he had never used those ^^
<dizko> rsync? depends on what kind of files
<addi> broken up RAR files. warez.. :p
<dizko> jdownloader =)
<cantIntoCode> jdownloader
<cantIntoCode> ^^
<addi> yeah, got that later, but it never worked for some reason :/
<addi> double-clicked, waited, nada
<cantIntoCode> u updates ur javaz?
<addi> and then went back to Windows anyway :p
<dizko> i use jdownloader in windows too...
<addi> not sure, I was a noob then trying out Linux for the first time
<addi> i use Internet Download Manager
<addi> the best i've used
<cantIntoCode> >not being an efficient linux user
<cantIntoCode> why r u on the internet???
<addi> xD
<addi> is that what Linux users think? :P
<cantIntoCode> i'd say some do
<cantIntoCode> if you browse 4chans /g/ you'd think that
<addi> yeah. hopefully a minority u_u
<cantIntoCode> its all ponies, desktop threads, battlestations and linux extremists
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* addi has never used sites like 4chan etc
<dizko> anyone who is 'extreme' about linux is comically flawed
<addi> or even reddit :p
<addi> Linux is great as an OS that powers stuff
<nadley> hi all
<addi> i prefer Windows for everyday usage
<addi> Linux = behind the scenes
<addi> and pretty good at it
<addi> hello nadley
<cantIntoCode> theres no need to be a huge linuxfag though
<cantIntoCode> like linux > everything else
<cantIntoCode> those people need to realise that opinion != fact
<addi> yeah, though these people exist in every technology field :p
<addi> Android is the best they go. or iOS is the best!!!
<addi> news for you, your grandma hates Android and loves iOS :p
<dizko> my grandma wont even use email
<addi> dizko, um, Dead Triggers costs me 75.74 Japanese Yen?
<dizko> sounds right
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<addi> oh, okay. i thought it would be in decimals xD
<dizko> i really could care less about spending an extra 24 yen, but for more expensive stuff i do often buy from us / over vpn
<dizko> like steam games...
<addi> most costly stuff I've bought on Android is Tasker and Docs to Go, the latter of which I never use -.-
<dizko> isnt that always the way it is
<addi> and Tasker I just bought yesterday, totally confused on how to use it xD
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<addi> IamSachin,
<addi> whats up dood
<IamSachin> Porn :P
<IamSachin> whats up dood
<dizko> octomom porn?
<addi> IamSachin, porn at 2 in the afternoon? NOOB
<bbqbot> derp
<IamSachin> woke up a few hours ago :P
<addi> i woke up 2 hours ago after watching TV till 6 in the morning ^_^
<IamSachin> TV mein wat??? saas bahu? :P
<addi> nah, Ekka Raja Rani starring Govinda, and some other movie :p
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<addi> Bollywood drama, you know how it is :p
<IamSachin> xplodwild_work: why u no accept my friend's request on steam?? ... summer sale is on :P
<addi> and you looking for someone to gift you a game?
<IamSachin> LOL...govinda movies are bizzare and funny
<addi> NOOB
<nadley> I don't know if I'm on the right channel but I have a galaxy tab 2 7" and I would like to know which rom can I install on it ?
<xplodwild_work> IamSachin: oh sorry, haven't opened steam since
<addi> i love Govinda, from the time he was awesome though
<addi> now? i hate him
<xplodwild_work> "Hi, This might have been reported but have no time to search the thread atm so here it goes:"
<xplodwild_work> Thisis the best one I've ever read
<IamSachin> bring it on
<addi> IamSachin, Govinda, Johnny Lever, Kadar Khan, Amrish Puri, these are the guys I'd love to meet. And meeting Kadar Khan is actually like a lifelong dream for me :p
<addi> (and of course no chance of meeting Amrish Puri now :/ )
<dizko> ok this laptop is intollerably slow. gonna spin up ec2 node so i can compile there..
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<addi> seriously, HTC are fools. selling a stupid One V at the same prices as Sony's new dual-core phones -.-
<IamSachin> Kadar khan is a legend addi..what a versatile actor man!
<addi> most versatile of them all
<addi> we have other great actors, but he seems to just nail any role
<addi> nadley, you can install any ROM on it that's available on XDA or elsewhere
<dizko> are there any indian movies which dont turn into musicals halfway through? seems like the singing requirement would thin out the pool of actors
<addi> this is a channel for only CyanogenMod ROMs
<IamSachin> Kadar Khan and Anupam Khair too
<IamSachin> and of course, Om Puri :P
<addi> dizko, singing is done by the 'hero' and 'heroines', who are not really counted the same as the actors :p
<IamSachin> Morgan Freeman of India
<addi> IamSachin, Anupam Kher can be boring sometimes, but yeah, he's also up there in the list
<nadley> addi: ok, and for you which one is the best ?
<bbqbot> derp
<IamSachin> xplodwild_work: is there any way to enable dragging from bottom for Google Now on S3?
<addi> dizko, oh, and singing is done by singers, not by the actors themselves :p
<xplodwild_work> IamSachin: and where would you drag from? xD
<IamSachin> app list icon maybe :P... will submit this in OpenDesign :P
<xplodwild_work> IamSachin: add "Google" app shortcut on your homescreen
<IamSachin> I m using long press menu for it :)
<dizko> addi: oh really? like the actors lip sync?
<xplodwild_work> what's with this long press menu?
<xplodwild_work> it doesn't work for me xD
<cantIntoCode> maybe hold the app drawer for a sec then slide up :)
<addi> dizko, also, singing and dancing and those songs are something that will never go away. though we do have some movies where there's no such stuff.. those are the serious experimental movies
<addi> dizko, yea
<IamSachin> xplodwild_work: working perfect here
<addi> they just gotta dance and lip sync xD
<addi> we have many great singers singing in the studio for them :p
<xplodwild_work> IamSachin: nothing happens
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<dizko> do people in india enjoy foreign movies where the singing and dancing is absent?
<IamSachin> worked for me since forever, on CM9 and now on CM10...on S2 and now on S3 xD
<addi> dizko, of course
<IamSachin> dizko: different cultures man...Indian movies dont do good in India if there are no songs
<IamSachin> but we do enjoy foreign movies
<addi> singing and dancing is more for the lower class people, who aren't looking for critically acclaimed movies
<IamSachin> like we have been waiting yesterday in the line for Dark Knight Rises tickets in theatre pre-book :P
<addi> like the auto rickshaw drivers
<IamSachin> lol...well said addi :P
<addi> IamSachin, i is going 10 AM show tomorrow :p
<cantIntoCode> addi: submit this to cm gerrit: http://pastebin.com/wS2vnJAp
<IamSachin> me too...first show :D....and watching 1st two movies tonight back to back
<dizko> oh i see, so its a function of demographics...that makes a lot of sense
<addi> initially, those lower class people aka the rickshaw and labor people were the main audience of Indian movies
<IamSachin> dizko: they need to make money too, they cant make movies only for mature audience :)
<addi> something to get away from all their troubles with the dancing and singing
<addi> IamSachin, and sadly, nowadays it seems people don't want great movies. they are fine with only Bodyguard or Housefull and shit -.-
<addi> it's like the IQ in movie goers is seriously dropping :p
<IamSachin> omg, Bodyguard was such a bad movie
<addi> yeah, and people in the theater I was in were enjoying it -.-
<neoD|ml> youre too cool to like :P
<addi> i think Bollywood is trying to copy the crap humor prevalent in Hollywood
<neoD|ml> to cool for school
<addi> all the toilet humor and low brow stuff
<dizko> i think ive only seen one movie in a theater in japan in over 3 years
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<addi> and forgetting the great comedy of yesteryears
<addi> (yesteryeards as in before only 6-7 years back or so) :P
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<addi> if it's one thing I don't like in Hollywood's movies, it's the abundance of crappy, shitty, anything to get a laugh out of you comedy movies
<dizko> movie ticket price here appears to be 1400 INR
<addi> which people seem to enjoy, which goes to show humans are intrinsically the same everywhere
<addi> dizko, I will be watching it for 100 INR tomorrow morning, multiplex, big screen, awesome sound :p
<dizko> hehe
<addi> though that's just my city
<dizko> i just downlaod it and watch on my projector and 150" screen at home =)
<addi> IamSachin's city has horrid rates -.-
<addi> (iirc he is in Bangalore)
<dizko> yea im sure prices in bangalore are much closer to that of us/eur, etc
<addi> dizko, nah, theater FTW :p
<addi> Bangalore's prices are really shit
<addi> in cinemas that is
<dizko> but...i can get drunk and press pause and stuff at home =)
<addi> yeah, guess that's an advantage :p
<IamSachin> dizko: good projectors are INR 1,30,000 here :P
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<IamSachin> addi: i m gonna watch it in Imax, 250/-
<addi> i go to the movies so i can watch them undisturbed and focus on them. at home it's kinda hard to focus for me :p
<addi> and yeah, people here are quite civil, so no disturbance in the theaters
<addi> specially with serious movies
<IamSachin> addi beta khaaanaaa khaaa looooo :P
<cantIntoCode> yes
<dizko> japan is probably the most expensive place in the world to buy electronics. i just import from the us
<addi> IamSachin, where are you? Bangalore? or Mumbai?
<bbqbot> derp
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<IamSachin> Hyderabad..but i m from Nainital
<dizko> even with priority shipping its much cheaper
<addi> ah, okay
<dizko> unless its like a refrigerator
<addi> no Imax here in Pune. should I go to Mumbai for it? :p
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<IamSachin> yeah
<addi> nah, i'm not that much of a fanboy. I'll make do in Fame :p
<IamSachin> hahaha :P
<IamSachin> Swiftkey 3 finally updated for Jelly Beans, personalization wasnt working
<addi> and i've actually shifted my focus from Inox to Fame for these movies. Fame has awesome new screens
<addi> clear and crystal
<IamSachin> xplodwild_work: any quickfix for Settings>System crash?
<xplodwild_work> IamSachin: there's a fix on gerrit
<addi> IamSachin, ah, so that's why i couldn't login to Twitter. just recently started using SwiftKey on Jelly Bean xD
<IamSachin> have to try those yet
<xplodwild_work> now dunno if it has been merged
<IamSachin> addi same here, couldnt login anything in personalization screen
<xplodwild_work> but that's to expect from a preview
<addi> cantIntoCode, i don't know how to submit stuff in gerrit :p
<cantIntoCode> i was joking
<cantIntoCode> you dont want to run that code lol
<IamSachin> xplodwild_work: yeah, i dont think cody or you will make a preview unless nighlies start, or unless there is something major
<IamSachin> 500MB RAM, sounds nasty :(
<xplodwild_work> IamSachin: dunno where it comes from
<addi> IamSachin, too bad I went back to Swype after they updated SwiftKey :p
<xplodwild_work> I still have my audio HAL, I need to check with cody's one
<addi> before they updated*
<IamSachin> I keep going back to Swype whenever they release an update
<IamSachin> xplodwild_work: cody's HAL working good on last night's build
<xplodwild_work> IamSachin: are you using it
<xplodwild_work> ?
<IamSachin> for all i noticed there is no more RIL crashes
<xplodwild_work> IamSachin: go to settings => apps => running
<IamSachin> it was embedded want it? in preview 3?
<IamSachin> checking
<xplodwild_work> tell me memory usage
<addi> i frankly have almost no experience with normal keyboards, always used Swype since I got Android. thought i'd start using SwiftKey, but some things irritated me so went back
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<neoD|ml> whats better with swype
<IamSachin> Settings: 39MB, wClock: 11MB, Poweramp: 8.1 MB, Maps: 9MB, Maps: 9.5MB, Apex: 45MB, Google Services: 22MB, Swiftkey 3: 22MB
<xplodwild_work> IamSachin: look the bar at the bottom
<xplodwild_work> how much used/free?
<IamSachin> total: 597 used
<IamSachin> 173 free
<xplodwild_work> yeah so huge leak
<IamSachin> yeah
<addi> neoD|ml, you can swipe to form letters instead of typing each letter :p
<addi> and it's awesomely fast once you're used to it
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<addi> though not that great for non-English languages afaik
<IamSachin> addi: i found some typing problem in Swype while on CM9
<IamSachin> cursor was shifting back
<addi> wait, I had that problem with stock keyboard a few days ago :O
<IamSachin> xplodwild_work: and suddenly 648 used now :P
<addi> i was trying to erase the last word, but it kept erasing the first one xD
<IamSachin> its jumping, 619MB now, i didnt do a thing codeworkx
<IamSachin> oops :P
<IamSachin> sad autocomplete
<IamSachin> addi: the same thing
<xplodwild_work> yeah OOM is probably trying to do his best
<IamSachin> i am not getting that error with SwiftKey
<IamSachin> xplodwild_work: yeah
<xplodwild_work> now to track this...
<xplodwild_work> IamSachin: can you adb?
<IamSachin> yeah
<xplodwild_work> can you pastebin "adb shell top" ?
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild_work> and "adb shell ps aux"
<slainer68> xplodwild_work: hi! just wanted to know if the i9300 fixed audio hal was backported into cm9 nightly. thanks.
<IamSachin> okk..lemme do that
<xplodwild_work> slainer68: preview 3 should be using the same hal as latest nightlies
<xplodwild_work> cody overwrote my hal :'(
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<IamSachin> xplodwild_work: one more thing, MTP was not working on Mac on ur build, working good on preview 3
<xplodwild_work> IamSachin: ah? it worked fine for me
<xplodwild_work> but MTP is always random on mac
<IamSachin> yeah
<xplodwild_work> people have issues with it on CM9 too
<cantIntoCode> xplodwild_work: samsung fucked it on LFB
<cantIntoCode> cm9 / cm10 mtp works fine on my hackintosh / macbook
<cantIntoCode> alf2, need to use ptp for Android File Transfer to recognise it
<cantIntoCode> LFB = nothing at all but on winderps
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<xplodwild_work> cantIntoCode: that's samsung
<cantIntoCode> yep
<L551_> The GS III headset sucks
<xplodwild_work> L551_: don't expect anything from a headset packed with something else
<L551_> True. The ones from my old Captivate work great though.
<IamSachin> xplodwild_work: shell top http://pastebin.com/r2sJkg9K
karbowiak is now known as Karbowiak
<IamSachin> xplodwild_work: just getting this on ps aux
<xplodwild_work> IamSachin: adb root
<xplodwild_work> then relaunc command
<IamSachin> ok
<IamSachin> adb shell ps aux is unresponsive. Just a blinking cursor...
<xplodwild_work> IamSachin: unplug/replug
<IamSachin> ok
<xplodwild_work> adb root is something breaking usb
<xplodwild_work> sometimes*
<xplodwild_work> happens on all my JB devices, dunno why
<IamSachin> okk
<IamSachin> Sachin-Rajputs-MacBook:tools sachinkumarrajput$ /Users/sachinkumarrajput/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools/adb root
<IamSachin> adbd is already running as root
<IamSachin> Sachin-Rajputs-MacBook:tools sachinkumarrajput$ /Users/sachinkumarrajput/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools/adb shell ps aux
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<IamSachin> again the same line
<xplodwild_work> weird
<xplodwild_work> just ps then
<IamSachin> got something..pastebin link coming
<cdesai> xplodwild_work: ps aux returns nothing here as well
<cdesai> toolbox ps
<cdesai> so
<cdesai> shell@android:/ # which ps
<cdesai> /system/bin/ps
<cdesai> lrwxrwxrwx root root 2012-07-16 19:46 ps -> toolbox
<cdesai> shell@android:/ # ls -al /system/bin/ps
<xplodwild_work> cdesai: yeah it's weird on android, ps aux returns nothing whereas ps returns everything
<cdesai> #blamegoogle
<addi> cdesai!!
<IamSachin> what's aux parameter supposed to do?
<addi> whats up dood!
<xplodwild_work> all, user, x can't remember
<IamSachin> okk
<xplodwild_work> but on classic linux "ps" only shows your running processes
<cdesai> x processes w/o controlling ttys
<xplodwild_work> IamSachin: try to type ps and ps aux on your mac
<xplodwild_work> you'll see
<IamSachin> ok
<IamSachin> got it,...seems like ps is doing what ps aux should do
<cantIntoCode> use ls for 1337 terminal hax
<xplodwild_work> cantIntoCode: I prefer cd
<cantIntoCode> oh wow you haxor
<IamSachin> so ps is doing ps aux thing xplodwild_work ?
<bbqbot> derp
<cdesai> yep IamSachin
<IamSachin> strange
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<dbdbb> elo. any1 bought the nexus 7 and are running cm10?
<xplodwild_work> dbdbb: why?
<addi> cm10? what's that? new ROM?
<dbdbb> dbdbb: cause im getting mine tomorrow and there is a kang on xda in the dev section
dbdbb is now known as PiCkLeS_
<xplodwild_work> PiCkLeS_: better wait a bit, since everything is broken pretty much
<PiCkLeS_> yeah I figured. A guy calling himself grouper on G+ that compiles kangs aswell I see now.
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<addi> IamSachin, damn, just went online to book tickets, very few seats left even for a 10 AM show on Friday :O
<cdesai> addi: konsi movie ?
<addi> Dark Knight Rises
<cdesai> ah
<cdesai> once again, where do you live ?
<addi> andhera raja uth gaya :p
<addi> raja or whatever you call a knight :p
<addi> Pune
<cdesai> kshatriya
<addi> okay, andhere ka kshatriya uth gaya. something like that :p
<addi> "Your ticket(s) confirmed! Show awaits."
<addi> ^_^
<cdesai> dekh le
<addi> cdesai, will watch tomorrow, then Surat aur Baroda se mere 2 friends aa rahe hai weekend pe Pune, unke saath Sunday ko dekhoonga :p
<cdesai> mai bhi try karta hun weekend me jane ka
<cdesai> addi: school here :p
<cdesai> addi: gujaratis <3
<addi> okay, book tickets for Sunday then. NAO!
<cdesai> puchna padega
<cdesai> chu hain, aehem moment pe dost na bol dege
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<addi> dost Bodyguard etc movies prefer karte hai kya? :p
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<cdesai> kuch
<addi> my Surat wala friend watches movies like Dark Knight as well as movies like Bodyguard :p
<addi> and the Baroda one is a fan of Batman etc
<cdesai> mera bhai
<addi> so me will have no problems :p
<cdesai> surat vado
<cdesai> vado = wada
<addi> okay, Surat vado yaar :p
<cdesai> gujarti aavde 6e?
<addi> samajh aavde 6e, bol nahi pata :p
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<addi> 6 years of all Gujarati friends, and me can't speak it still -.-
<addi> though not my fault, they also spoke in Hindi when I was around! :P
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<IamSachin> 10 years in hyderabad, cant speak telugu :P
<addi> my college friends were all Gujjus, the first girl I had a crush on (and my project partner) was Gujju as well. let's just say I spent my time with Gujjus all day :p
<IamSachin> dhokla kha raha hai addi? :P
<addi> though in the final two years, we had two girls in the group who spoke only Hindi, so Gujju aura was kept under control ^^
<addi> IamSachin, me no like dhokla :(
<cdesai> badhiya
<neoD|ml> i wanna go london and watch dark knight in IMAX
<addi> hah, nothing like rainy weather and listening to Presley's ballads xD
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<addi> neoD|ml, what's stopping you? :p
<cdesai> we have imax here too
<cdesai> science city
<neoD|ml> i dno addi :D
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<goingjvbjbjb> Hi
<goingjvbjbjb> Hi !
<goingjvbjbjb> anyone here?
pier is now known as pier|afk
<goingjvbjbjb> ..
<addi> hello goingjvbjbjb
<goingjvbjbjb> hi
<addi> you should learn the meaning of patience ;)
<goingjvbjbjb> lol sry
<goingjvbjbjb> erm i am here to ask cm10 known bug
<addi> not sure if bug reports on CM10 are allowed, but ask away, someone might answer :p
<goingjvbjbjb> WiFi | Bluetooth | Camera | Google Now/Google Search | Audio <<<
<goingjvbjbjb> does any of this having issue ?
<IamSachin> device?
<bbqbot> derp
<goingjvbjbjb> sgs2
<goingjvbjbjb> i9100
<IamSachin> Audio, HWComposer, Butter are broken
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<goingjvbjbjb_> sorry i just dc
<IamSachin> Audio, HWComposer, Butter are broken
<IamSachin> for sgs2
<goingjvbjbjb_> What does Audio broken means ?
<goingjvbjbjb_> means i can't play any sound on my phone ?
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<IamSachin> yeah.
<addi> <IamSachin> Audio, HWComposer, Butter are broken
<addi> <IamSachin> for sgs2
<addi> poor SGS2 owners :p
<addi> owners of the first device that practically never lagged waiting for JB like this :/
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<goingjvbjbjb_> ...
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<goingjvbjbjb_> i think i should have a try
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<goingjvbjbjb_> does google now works on sgs2 ? that's the one i am hungry for
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<Jagster> mm
<Jagster> I see
<addi> "Nokia's North American phone sales fall flat in Q2, just 600,000 phones sold http://vrge.co/NIr9De"
<Jagster> ouch
dark3n is now known as dark3n|off
<addi> trying to conquer the US market, heh. nothing but disappointment for them there
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<ivkos> hey
<ivkos> I downloaded CM9 and galaxys2 sources
<ivkos> How do I build only GalaxyS2Settings.apk
<cdesai> mka GalaxyS2Parks
<cdesai> ivkos: ^
<ivkos> It says there's no rule to make it
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<cdesai> ivkos: device/samsung/galaxys2/DeviceParts
<cdesai> open the android.mk and get the module name
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<IamSachin> wtf, who are those 600000 people who bought nokia :P?
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<IamSachin> maybe they have 600000 employees in total
<addi> IamSachin, a lot of guys love WP and Lumia you know ;)
<addi> some people think WP is better than iOS and Android -.-
<addi> just because it's smooth xD
<cantIntoCode> lol
<IamSachin> its smooth coz its soooo plane
<IamSachin> plain*
<addi> yer
<IamSachin> i work at MS, and I hate windows mobile :P
<addi> Windows Phone damn you!
<addi> Windows Mobile is dead :p
<IamSachin> lol yeah :P
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<cantIntoCode> addi: check my latest tweet / retweet pl0x :)
<addi> xD
<cantIntoCode> :D
<koud_> <addi> owners of the first device that practically never lagged waiting for JB like this :/ <- almost same problems with ICS so it is not new
<addi> i would have thought it would have been an easier road with JB
<addi> but oh well, bad luck
<ivkos> cdesai, i still cant seem to build GalaxyS2Settings
<cdesai> ivkos: lunch galaxys2 ?
<cdesai> *lunched
<ivkos> nope
<ivkos> let me try
<koud_> ivkos: building cm9?
<ivkos> no, I just want to build only GalaxyS2Settings
<ivkos> to test a translation
<ivkos> i previously tried to baksmali the apk with apktool and then build it agin
<ivkos> but it crashes
<IamSachin> xplodwild_work: another strange problem. My wClock widget is not updating the time..it's updating it at periodic intervals
<xplodwild_work> IamSachin: blame your widget
<IamSachin> xplodwild_work: hmm, will mail the developer
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<Mardos> yaaa incall volume is fixed !!! :)
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<neoD|ml> what do you mean fixed Mardos
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<h4rdco2e> Baskey: SGS2 is not be able to run JB until Samsung leaks there shit binarys?
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<Baskey> [14:12] (h4rdco2e) Baskey: SGS2 is not be able to run JB until Samsung leaks there shit binarys?
<Baskey> it is, but audio is broken
<h4rdco2e> Baskey: and HW composer
<Baskey> yeah, and so is hwcomposer
<h4rdco2e> but Audio would never run if Samsung don't make Jb form SGS2
peterperfect is now known as sgs3cm10
<pier> :P
<h4rdco2e> Baskey: is this right?
<bbqbot> derp
sgs3cm10 is now known as peterperfect
<pier> h4rdco2e, I think we'll have to wait a few
<h4rdco2e> years?
<pier> nah
<Baskey> h4rdco2e: we have to wait, that's all
* pier nods
<Baskey> Cody and Espenfjo are working on it
<slainer68> Baskey: but some devs said the same thing about JB on SGS3 ("sorry nothing will work before sammy leaks bin shit blabla")...
<Espenfjo> fu samsung
<Espenfjo> some devs?
<Espenfjo> None from teamhacksung?
<xplodwild_work> I do
<Baskey> fu xplodwild_work
<pier> mr xplod :D
Baskey is now known as fuxplodwild
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<Espenfjo> pft
<xplodwild_work> we have our plans for S2 audio
<pier> and now we'll see a kick
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<xplodwild_work> just wait
* pier sits and grabs popcorns
<h4rdco2e> xplodwild_work: I love you
<fuxplodwild> fu
<cdesai> ah baskey :P
<cdesai> fuxplodwild: :p
fuxplodwild has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<pier> :o
<trackz> plans?
<pier> blame peer
<gladiac1337> are these plans top secret? :P
<trackz> ETA? ;PPPP
<trackz> :D
<gladiac1337> @bomb :)
<bbqbot> gladiac1337: You are not allowed to run that command!
<Espenfjo> hax all the things
<Espenfjo> quite simply
peterperfect is now known as sgs3cm10
sgs3cm10 was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by Espenfjo [i don't like you, go away!]
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<Baskey> [14:22] (@xplodwild_work) I'm kanging from netchip
<pier> like everyone
<pier> :p
<pier> it's our secret we dream
<pier> *wet
<Baskey> yeah...
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<Baskey> [14:25] (cdesai) xplodwild_work: netchip is always helpful
<xplodwild_work> [14:26] <cdesai> xplodwild_work: ssh is always helpful
<xplodwild_work> I think your internet is fuct Baskey
<xplodwild_work> you should repair it
<Baskey> na-ah
<akSeya> is this some kind of parallel universe?!
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild_work> buy another internet
<Baskey> #blameorange
<cdesai> derp wrong link
<cdesai> [17:56:28] <xplodwild_work> I think your internet is fuct Baskey
<cdesai> see? :p
<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats up dood
<Baskey> addi: I'm drinking a doodh
<addi> it should be 'i'm drinking doodh'
<addi> not a doodh :p
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<addi> that would be drinking a milk.. that's odd o,0
<addi> odd like BASKEY
<addi> whats up dood
<Baskey> yeah
<Baskey> that's true
<Baskey> HEH, SGS2 HAZ CM9 RC2, HEH
<Baskey> addi: what's up dood
<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats up dood
<Baskey> dood
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<Baskey> @geo user xz
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for xz
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ~xz@90-191.tau.pl
<bbqbot> {"range":[1540184064,1540185087],"country":"PL","region":"75","city":"Biala Podlaska","ll":[52.0313,23.1214]}
<pier> @geo user pier
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for pier
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ~pier@unaffiliated/pier
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for unaffiliated/pier
<pier> hohoho
<DarkLegend> @changelog galaxys2
<DarkLegend> :o
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<xplodwild_work> @geo host
<bbqbot> {"range":[459931648,459964415],"country":"IN","region":"16","city":"Mumbai","ll":[18.975,72.8258]}
<pier> cool
<cdesai> weird ip
<pier> @geo host
<bbqbot> {"range":[3585916928,3585920767],"country":"IT","region":"16","city":"Lucca","ll":[43.8333,10.4833]}
<pier> wrong
<pier> it's PISA!
<cdesai> for mumbai
<Mardos> anyone use the touch recovery on s3 for JB?
<Mardos> Rumour: New iPhone coming with LTE, NFC and double the RAM
<xplodwild_work> lawl
<xplodwild_work> NFC: "This is a revolution"
<xplodwild_work> iOS Beam
<datagutt> [14:36:06] <+addi> you mean a beat up party
<datagutt> [14:36:14] <+addi> Y U NO HAVE SAMSUNG DEVICE ALL THIS TIME?!
<datagutt> [14:36:15] <+datagutt> netchip pinata
<datagutt> [14:36:16] <+addi> BAM BAM BAM!
<addi> :O
<addi> w00t?! :p
<addi> xplodwild_work, don't laugh, Google stole everything from Apple. they have a nice time machine for that :p
<datagutt> netchip pinata… it was supposed to be funny
<Mardos> invite netchip her elol
<datagutt> Y U NO LAUGH
<addi> :/
<Baskey> datagutt: ha, haha, hahaha
<addi> <Baskey> datagutt: ha, haha, hahaha
<addi> there you go!
<datagutt> lol
<xplodwild_work> Mardos: I think he's banned from here in every possible way
<Mardos> darn it lol
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<datagutt> xplodwild_work: kangster nick too i hope
<datagutt> did we ban kangster and not just netchip?
<Baskey> chippy teh kangstah
<xplodwild_work> datagutt: he's back on his classic "netchip" nick
<xplodwild_work> [12:13] <nperry> netchip: Maybe you should mature a bit. [12:13] <netchip> nperry: nope, then others should also [12:14] <nperry> I can't comment by the others, I just see very immature comments coming out of you in this channel.
<Mardos> wtf ? you have old logs lol
<bbqbot> derp
<cdesai> Mardos: this happened today :P
<datagutt> we should start a collection of all logs related to netchip
<datagutt> oh and tweets and xda posts
<datagutt> (before he was banned)
<datagutt> netchip.org
<roniez> isn't he pestering the teamkang group now?
<cdesai> datagutt: kangers.bbqdroid.org/netchip
<datagutt> +1
<datagutt> you know
<pier> +1
<datagutt> blamesamsung.org
<datagutt> has a unfinished hall of shame
<datagutt> i should probably move it to kangers.bbqdroid.org
<Mardos> damn netchip lol
<h4rdco2e> datagutt: is there a way to dump modem?
<datagutt> ping xplodwild_work, ping Espenfjo
<datagutt> they probably know better
<datagutt> im not quite sure what you mean though
<cdesai> dd should work
<datagutt> modem should be inside the firmware files
<cdesai> dd if=/teh/block of=/sdcard/teh_modem.img
<datagutt> so why not just untar the fw file
<datagutt> :)
<slainer68> me want bbqlog for CM10 plizze guys, kthx bye
<xplodwild_work> slainer68: there is already, idiotte
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<slainer68> xplodwild_work: pardon aux familles toussa
<Mardos> preview #3 is the best so far
<IamSachin> u dont say
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<slainer68> i'll switch to jb as soon as nightlies are available :). but i tried pr #2 and it was rather good.
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<h4rdco2e> CWM looks nice
<pier> h4rdco2e, which device are u on'
<pier> ?
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<h4rdco2e> pier: SGS2
<pier> ok
<pier> who built the cwm?
<pier> I've a problem on my on the sgs2
<cdesai> koush
<cdesai> what problem pier?
<Baskey> #blamekoush
<pier> no I mean who compiled it
<pier> I know that koush wrote cwm -.-
<pier> cdesai, I cant see internal sd directories
<pier> works ok for ext sd
<cdesai> he probably got it from a nightly
<pier> at least on latest
* cdesai checks
<pier> he = me
<pier> I compiled from github and cm's repo
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<cdesai> pier: which branch ?
<h4rdco2e> pier: your koush wtf?
<pier> ics
<h4rdco2e> you're*
<pier> no lol
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<pier> cdesai, I can see full /emmc from adb
<pier> cdesai, but If I choose "install zip from internal sd" I can only see root directory
<Mardos> #baskey
<Mardos> start a trend on twiter lol
<Baskey> [15:07] (@datagutt) cocks makes it much easier
<Baskey> lol
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<datagutt> THATS FALSE
<cdesai> yaay
<cdesai> <3 datagutt
<datagutt> I SAID CLOAKS
<Baskey> no, you said COCKS
<addi> datagutt, don't mind Baskey, he loves COCKS and MEN
<datagutt> yeah
<datagutt> dude Baskey
<datagutt> chill out
<datagutt> we dont judge in here
<datagutt> :p
<addi> Baskey, you missing nebkat?
<Baskey> yep
<Mardos> cock meat sandwhich?
<datagutt> ...
<addi> at least you got xplodwild and dwarken to play with!
<datagutt> this is getting weird
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<addi> datagutt, too hot for you? xD
<Baskey> dwarken is doing nebkat
<Baskey> they're both in ireland
<addi> all this is daily routine for Baskey
<addi> oh, so you being cheated on
<addi> NOT NICE
<Baskey> yep
<Baskey> that's why I'm sad
<Optimus_Noob> Baskey,
<Optimus_Noob> whats up dood
pier is now known as pier|afk
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<hugo2> @downloads sgs2
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<hugo2> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 tf300t
<cdesai> it's galaxys2 hugo2
<hugo2> thanks hello :)
<hugo2> @downloads galaxys2
<bbqbot> Download at: http://get.cm/?device=galaxys2
lenny|offline is now known as Lenny
<hugo2> i heard there is some testing version of cm 10 for galaxys2
<cdesai> preview
<cdesai> get it on xda
<cdesai> *from
<hugo2> is it functional don't you know ? i mean like radio wifi and camera
<bbqbot> derp
<hugo2> ok thanks
<hugo2> :)
<xplodwild_work> xD
<xplodwild_work> hugo2: you have i9100g ?
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<cdesai> i9100great
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<hugo2> no
<hugo2> just I9100
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<hugo2> from czech republic
<xplodwild_work> hugo2: then it's not supported
<xplodwild_work> hugo2: the galaxy s2 preview is only for I9100G
<hugo2> o i see
<hugo2> good to know
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<trackz> haha @ pic, true story
<trackz> :D
<hugo2> :P i read today that apple must apologize to samsung, on public
<hugo2> in uk or so
<roniez> lol
<hugo2> that more funny then diablo3 :P
<pier> diablo3.. I'm stuck @ chapter 2
<pier> :8
<hugo2> i kill diablo on inferno almost closed eyes its boring :P
<pier> bet u spent huge money on equip
<hugo2> well i spend what i gained by selling items , like normal :) sold xbow for 10m bought weapon for 10m but lets not talk it here ... :D
<Mardos> i dont understand how google now works
<Mardos> i click the mic i say something like weather
<Mardos> but nothing happens
<hugo2> my girlfriend has HTC Desire some ooold rom and se says the browsers are crashing alot.. anyone know that device, or any good rom for it by the way ?
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<hugo2> Mardos i know in sms you can dictate, but search works same as before for me :O
pier is now known as pier|afk
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<htchd2sucks> Hi all,
<htchd2sucks> Can anyone kindly reply to that question: (asked in the forum but already 8 pages behing due to numerous: "CM10 is better, when it's CM10, blablabla"
<htchd2sucks> Are we suppose to update the default apps of CM9, when GooglePlay ask for update?
<bbqbot> derp
<htchd2sucks> (such as Root terminal or something similar)
<Veyka> Sure
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<htchd2sucks> Hm because it crashed, kind off (phone would not rotate, lag, etc... all that after the update of that terminal): original Cm9 rom, only 1 nightly flashed, etc... (its older from may)
<Veyka> never had any problems like that
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<WhyCantBoot> Hi
<WhyCantBoot> Anyone here
<WhyCantBoot> i got a question.. i am using android 4.0.3... i want to install cm10... but i don't know why after i flash cwm5.5 via odin.. my phone cant boot up
<WhyCantBoot> stcuk at boot screen
<htchd2sucks> ok Veyka thanks. I guess it was ramdom bug them
<Veyka> htchd2sucks: Most likely
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<h4rdco2e> Comming back to CM9 (Why is it so damn better than every other rom?)
<hugo2> @suported
<bbqbot> hugo2: Command does not exist!
<hugo2> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 tf300t
<hugo2> is there some port of cm9 for htc desire? prolly not
<cdesai> this is teamhacksung support
<cdesai> samsung devices only
<hugo2> ahh sorry got lost :O
<datagutt> hugo2: go on xda, there IS but this is the wrong channel
<datagutt> :)
<hugo2> trying tweak my girlfriend phone
<WhyCantBoot> erm but i already tried 4 times...
<hugo2> i got galaxy :))
pier|afk is now known as pier
<WhyCantBoot> i am currently usin stock firmware
<Mardos> hugo2 when i search no matter what i say nothing happens lol
<htchd2sucks> ok thanks, bye
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<xplodwild_work> WhyCantBoot: what device?
<WhyCantBoot> sgs2 i9100
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<WhyCantBoot> now i reflash stock firmware agn
<WhyCantBoot> 4.0.3
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<WhyCantBoot> hey does super one click support ics?
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<brgroover> no
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<peterperfect> lulz Espenfjo you kicked me times ago and i just noticed now
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<chadouming> WhyCantBoot, you know that you could have chosen a username that was not related to your problem ?
<chadouming> xD
pier is now known as pier|afk
<h4rdco2e> chadouming: where is brobot?
<chadouming> it's bbqbot now
<bbqbot> Yup, that's me
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<WhyCantBoot> ok
<chadouming> @google brobot
<cdesai> @google bbq bot
<bbqbot> BBQ BOT Round Two - YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DwDBR1IlzgRk
SeLkCiP has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Optimus_Noob> chadouming,
<Optimus_Noob> whats up dood
<chadouming> i know you ?
<chadouming> @geo user Optimus_Noob
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Optimus_Noob
<bbqbot> {"range":[2991554560,2991570943],"country":"GB","region":"","city":"","ll":[54,-2]}
<Mardos> whats the best nexus 4.1 rom right now ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Optimus_Noob> <Optimus_Noob> whats up dood
<cdesai> chadouming: addi
<chadouming> haha
<Optimus_Noob> that should be enough to tell you who I am :p
<Optimus_Noob> cdesai,
<Optimus_Noob> whats up dood
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<Optimus_Noob> Mardos, they all work well :p
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<cdesai> Optimus_Noob: mukhtasar, mulakat hain :p
<mesc604> hiya
<Optimus_Noob> cdesai, yeh toh mere sir ke upar se chala gaya :p
<cdesai> Optimus_Noob: teri meri kahaani ka song
<chadouming> mardos, i use black jelly 1.0.4
<chadouming> hi mesc604
<Optimus_Noob> cdesai, sorry then, me no watches these shitty movies of today or listens to their songs, so me no understand :p
<cdesai> :P
<cdesai> me only listens to songs
<mesc604> anyone using cm9 with sgs3 (i9300) + extsd 64gb exfat formatted?
<Optimus_Noob> good lad
<Optimus_Noob> and i guess the songs now are better than the 'jab tak rahega samose mein aaloo' ones :p
<cdesai> lol
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<Mardos> chad can yyou send me a link please
<Fatih> Hello
<Mardos> buddy has the original and his phone.apk is all messeddd
<Fatih> i want to upgrade from cm9 to cm10 on sgs 2
<chadouming> good for you fatih
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<Mardos> thank you good sir
<Fatih> Data wipe is necessary?
<Fatih> even if i have cm9?
<chadouming> fatih, can you link me where you found your CM10 rom please ?
<mesc604> so are there any probs with cm9 using 64gb sdcard exfat formatted?
<bbqbot> derp
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<chadouming> mesc604, it should work yes
<chadouming> fatih, why didnt you read the OP ?
<mesc604> chadouming, ok coz i've read somewhere on xda there can be probs, but now i can't find it anymore and i've forgot which thread it was :>
<Fatih> I red it
<Fatih> Just i didn't understand
<chadouming> then why do you ask a question that has clearly be answered ?
<chadouming> First time installing CyanogenMod 10 to your Galaxy S II, or coming from another ROM:
<chadouming> - Make sure you're running ICS bootloaders! (if you're unsure, flash a official ICS rom and proceed)
<chadouming> - Make sure you're running a proper working ClockworkMod-Recovery
<chadouming> - Copy GApps and CM10 ZIPs to your internal SDCard
<chadouming> - Boot into Recovery
WhyCantBoot has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<chadouming> - Flash CM10 zip from internal SDCard
<chadouming> - Flash GApps zip from internal SDCard
<chadouming> - DO A DATA WIPE / FACTORY RESET (otherwise your device will be stuck at boot)
<Fatih> So i should follow first time installing instructions
<chadouming> - Reboot
<Fatih> ok
<chadouming> - Don't restore Apps using Titanium Backup!
<Fatih> sorry for being not clear from beginning
<Fatih> thanks
<Lenny> nothing wrong with titanium if you use it right :)
<Fatih> ok
<Lenny> just don't moan here if things go wrong
<Optimus_Noob> shouldn't that say don't restore system apps?
<Optimus_Noob> or is restoring apps altogether is not allowed? :p
<Mardos> i enabled dropbox in titanium but it never asked for email and passowrd
<Lenny> well system apps should never be restored
<Lenny> on any rom, especially an experimental rom
<Lenny> Mardos, it will when you first sync
<Fatih> gapps-20120429-signed.zip is the correct one?
<Fatih> for sgs2 cm10
<Lenny> should have "jb" in the title I believe
<Mardos> i did sync never happened
<Fatih> this is the latest version of gapps for cm9
<Fatih> is this supported?
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<Lenny> no you need new jelly bean gapps
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<davisc> I take it from the forum that was posted in, that CM10 build is only for thr I9100G?
<chadouming> that's possible, since exFat blob is proprietary i think
<xplodwild_work> G only
<koud_> geeee
<davisc> Ah well. I'll wait :-)
<koud_> :p
<mesc604> chadouming, seems i have to convert my exfat sdcard to fat32 then hrhr
<chadouming> easiest way
<mesc604> hm should be, but my card reader does not read sdcards >32gb :D
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<Fatih> Sorry
<Fatih> i had a connection problem
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<Fatih> can someone provide me link for jellybean gapps?
<koud_> check cm10 thread
<Fatih> i am on cm10 thread i think
<Fatih> isn't this cm10 thread
<Fatih> ?
<chadouming> Google Apps:
<chadouming> Get the latest Version from Rom-Manager.
<chadouming> Newer, unsupported versions can be found at http://goo.im/gapps
<chadouming> from that thread
<Fatih> 20120304 ICS
<Fatih> this is the newest one in rom manager
<Fatih> are you sure that this is correct?
<chadouming> look at the link
<chadouming> http://goo.im/gapps
<hillerstorm> :)
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<pier> gapps-jb-20120717-signed.zip :P
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<Fatih> thanks man
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<WhyCantBoot> cfqw
<WhyCantBoot> Hey
<WhyCantBoot> i got problem while flashing the cm10 in recovery
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<fel-x> hi all...
<fel-x> I've been having a annoying bug on mu i9100g with CM9
<fel-x> I was hoping maybe some people here could help me out
<WhyCantBoot> lol !!! wtf i did saw that the cm10 is only for g version....
<Optimus_Noob> WhyCantBoot, I9100G is ahead
<Optimus_Noob> so is SGS1
<Optimus_Noob> so is SGS3 :p
<WhyCantBoot> lol so is there any 4.1 release for non g version s2?
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<WhyCantBoot> hey does cm9 include google now ?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> no
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<davisc> Is all the work done on CM9 helping with CM10?
chadouming changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | <Baskey> POKAŻ CHUJA, PIERDOLCU | <codeworkx> KalimAz: i can see my panties | IRC stats : http://irc.nebkat.com/ | NO ETAs | Don't talk about CM10
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<IamSachin> with Voice
<roniez> yea
<davisc> BTW, not sure if it's helpful but I can setup a mirror for CM10/Gapps builds that could handle a could of GB per day. Let me know if that'd be helpful
<koud_> how much could it handle davisc ?
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<davisc> 10GB a day wouldn't be a problem
pier is now known as pier|afk
<davisc> Just wondering at what stage the University IT dept would start asking questions :-)
<roniez> haha
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<koud_> davisc: could probably get you in trouble
<davisc> 0.5MB/sec would work out at 1.8GB/hour - can't see a problem with that
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<koud_> 10 gb is not a lot
<davisc> koud_: I know the IT Dept personally and since it's an open source project, as long as it's not chewing a good chunk of the connection, should be OK
<roniez> just setup some seti controlls and blame any issues on that. ;)
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<koud_> I think cm does TBs per day in be
<davisc> Webserver is currently doing about 43GB/day
<koud_> bandwidth
pier|afk is now known as pier
<davisc> koud_: sure, but I'm offering to host an alpha build for a particular set of devices
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<koud_> ok then maybe :)
<sorcio46> Hi Dev, I submitted a bug report with logcat for N7000 here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=29014921#post29014921
<davisc> Only reason I offer is that it seems the CM10 builds aren't on the official CM servers and people are posting mirrors. I can't offer anything near the official CM servers but may be able to help with one that isn't yet on the CM servers
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<WhyCantBoot> google now and S voice.... which u all prefer?
<sinc> google now is superior
<Jiangyi> Google Now FTW.
<Jiangyi> S Voice is pretty crappy last time I tried it. :-|
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<WhyCantBoot> hmmm can g now set alarm book airline ticket such things?
<WhyCantBoot> and all voice command apps like siri, svoice,g now all only works online ?
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<Jiangyi> Yeah they only work online. :-|
<WhyCantBoot> erm...
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<Jiangyi> JB has offline voice-to-text recognition now, but it still needs access to the web to use Google Now.
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<Mardos> does everyone have issues with touch recovery ?
* Jiangyi doesn't use touch recovery
<Lenny> touch recovery doesn't have external sd support
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chadouming is now known as wifi
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<WhyCantBoot> where's is the "Task Manager" For CM9 ??
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<Jiangyi> There isn't one.
<Jiangyi> It's unnecessary. :-|
wifi is now known as maybe
maybe is now known as wifi
<WhyCantBoot> = =
<wifi> that's true
<wifi> task manager are useless
<wifi> let android manage how it need memory and need task to be kept in memory
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<EgotisticalElf> task managers are useful for killing apps that are stuck, for that you can goto developer tools and turn on "long back press to kill app"
<WhyCantBoot> hey i got problem at this
<WhyCantBoot> i am using rooted cm9
<WhyCantBoot> is that possible to edit system file ?
<WhyCantBoot> system/app
<jojo_> with busibox
<addi> yes, you can edit files if you are rooted
<WhyCantBoot> lol i feel like something missing in cm9
<wifi> hmm, certainly not the sp33d
dark3n is now known as dark3n|off
<Jiangyi> Thing is, the guy's still gonna buy a S3. :-|
Fatih has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Fatih> Hello Guys,
<Fatih> when i try to upgrade from cm9 to cm10
<Fatih> i receive this error message
<Fatih> assert failed: getprop("ro.product.device") == "i9100g" || getprop("ro.product.device") == "i9100g" || getprop("ro.product.device") == "GT-i9100g" || getprop("ro.product.device") == "GT-i9100g" error in /sdcard/cm-10-20120718-EXPERIMENTAL-i9100-CODEWORKX.zip (Status 7) Installation aborted.
<Fatih> what the problem could be?
<peterperfect> Fatih during CWM flash?
<Fatih> Yes sir
<peterperfect> bad download maybe
<peterperfect> oops
<peterperfect> no
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<peterperfect> you have
<peterperfect> wrong version
<Fatih> of ?
<Espenfjo> cm10
<Jiangyi> No, bad download. =\
<Espenfjo> i9100 != i9100g
<peterperfect> yep
<Jiangyi> there's no CM10 for I9100......
<Espenfjo> very not the same
<Espenfjo> very very not the same :D
<peterperfect> thanks Espenfjo
<Jiangyi> Or did something happen while I was asleep?
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> But then again, as Jiangyi, there shouldnt be any releases of the i9100 ;)
<Fatih> Ohhh sh**
<Jiangyi> Espenfjo: OK, so I didn't miss anything. lol
<Espenfjo> Not as far as I know atleast
<Fatih> Thanks guys for fast response and bad news
<Jiangyi> Fatih: You have 9100 or 9100G?
<Fatih> 9100
<Espenfjo> ah
<Espenfjo> Nothing for the i9100 yet
<akSeya> Jiangyi, you were saying about that guy who asked about which phone to buy...
<akSeya> it's hard to decide too, if I were him..
<wifi> google phone all the way !
<akSeya> i would love to have a phone "from" google.. but a quadcore is tempting too
<Jiangyi> AkSeya: Yeah, he's in the I9100G group on fb, so I know him. He just lost his phone. :-|
<Jiangyi> He's only worried about the lack of sdcard slot and poorer camera on the GNex
<akSeya> lost as in "i don't know where I put it"?
<Fatih> Fuckin' Sammy
<peterperfect> tell him to buy sgs3
<Fatih> i9100 and i9100g
<akSeya> or lost in "i bricked my phone"
<akSeya> lamesamsung
<Espenfjo> ah, I get my gnex tomorrow <3
<Espenfjo> That will be smooth
<Espenfjo> literally
<peterperfect> Espenfjo how much?
<Espenfjo> 600 brl
<Jiangyi> no, as in stolen lost. :/
<wifi> @money 600 brl eur
<bbqbot> 600 BRL = 241.83 EUR
<akSeya> poor poor
<wifi> nice
<akSeya> i use cerberus :P
<peterperfect> Espenfjo cheap
<Espenfjo> yup
<peterperfect> Espenfjo where did you bought from?
<Jiangyi> that is pretty cheap.
<wifi> you will love that device
<Jiangyi> Google, y u no sell gnex direct in Canada!?
<Espenfjo> peterperfect: From finn.no :P (local ebay)
<Espenfjo> So it is second hand
<Jiangyi> We want $349 Gnex too!
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<addi> Jiangyi, whats up dood
<addi> me heard you was in US
<addi> Y U NO BUY IT THERE?!
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<wifi> addi, Y U NO 5P34K 13373R ?
<akSeya> @geo user Jiangyi
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Jiangyi
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ade6b250@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<akSeya> :O
<addi> @geo user bbqbot
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for bbqbot
<bbqbot> {"range":[2953408000,2953429503],"country":"DE","region":"","city":"","ll":[51,9]}
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<addi> booom
<wifi> @bomb addi ?
<bbqbot> wifi: You are not allowed to run that command!
wifi is now known as chadouming
<chadouming> @bomb addi ?
<bbqbot> addi, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<addi> 42
<bbqbot> Correct wire!
<bbqbot> Bomb disarmed!
<chadouming> @kick addi
addi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [addi]
addi has joined #teamhacksung-support
<addi> ^_^
<addi> people can't accept defeat
<addi> so must kick
<chadouming> 42 is not a fucking color !
<addi> Y U
<addi> but it defuses
<addi> as long as lives saved, no matter how it done :p
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<chadouming> yeah, but that's cheated
<chadouming> cheat*
<addi> cheat death
<addi> save lives
<addi> save myself
<utkanos> hey guys, anyone in here with a rooted d2att that can do me a quick favor?
* addi harasses utkanos
* addi looks at chadouming
* chadouming get a magnum and look at addi
* addi continues looking at chadouming
<addi> eye contact power -.-
<chadouming> xD
<trackz> hey guys, cant belive it, i just rooted my nokia 3310!
<trackz> ;P
* chadouming point the gun toward addi
<IamSachin> xplodwild: found memory leak cause?
* addi ducks and pushes utkanos towards chadouming
<utkanos> er.. no one with d2att in here?
* chadouming shots everywhere. PEW PEW PEW
* chadouming PEW PEW
<IamSachin> pew pew pew = star wars
<utkanos> as much fun as irc cosplay is... need to retrieve a file.
<addi> IamSachin, no, Star Trek too. they all the same silly sounding guns -.-
* chadouming POW POW POW POW POW
<IamSachin> yeah
<IamSachin> Darth: Luke, I am your father
<addi> utkanos, never heard anyone talk about a d2att here
<IamSachin> Luke: Nooooooooooo
<addi> Darth: Luke, I am a bitch.. oops
<utkanos> its sgs3 on att
<utkanos> aka d2att
<chadouming> as much fun as helping people can be, i dont have a d2att
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<Jiangyi> utkanos: This is more of the international variant channel, so.... :-P
<addi> MacBooom, y u booom?
<addi> he's not here dood
<Jiangyi> derp
<addi> dood
<Jiangyi> saw that just as I pressed enter.
<addi> look before you press. applicable everywhere
<bbqbot> Derp. Indeed Jiangyi, Indeeed.
<Jiangyi> :O
<Jiangyi> bbqbot is being not-botlike!
<addi> derp
<akSeya> he ignored you AdamG-
<akSeya> addi,
<AdamG-> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<bbqbot> I am not a simple bot Jiangyi, i am a thinking programmed entity.
<akSeya> sorry AdamG-.. i was talking to addi but autocomplete trolled me
<akSeya> @help
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @supported @downloads @changelog @google
<akSeya> @say something
<bbqbot> akSeya: You are not allowed to run that command!
<chadouming> @bash
<bbqbot> Bash.org quote:
<bbqbot> <Moot> wanna hizack AOL?
<bbqbot> <Chrix> i already did, i made it a horrible isp
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<IamSachin> anyone with s3 and preview 4 here?
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<Lenny> preview 4?
SeLkCiP has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
* Lenny feels he missed a release
<IamSachin> just got out
<IamSachin> downloading
<IamSachin> Changelog:
<IamSachin> Upstream changes and various fixes
<Lenny> haha xplodwild "fixes random things"
* Lenny downloads
<Jiangyi> lol
<Lenny> race against time here, nova 3 downloading, preview 4 and the phone running out of power
<Lenny> what will give up first
<Jiangyi> Disregard games, acquire ROM. :-D
<IamSachin> donno if the massive memory leak is fixed or not
<IamSachin> sick of launcher redraws
<addi> damn Nova 3 no run on JB :(
<Lenny> you sure?
<addi> yer
<Lenny> seems to be working for me
<IamSachin> xplodwild's troll changelog: fixed random things :P ...now you'll get another 100 questions about which random things :P
<addi> doesn't work on GNex -.-
<Lenny> I had to wipe data though
<Veyka> ffffuuuuu xplodwild
<Veyka> and your troll changelog
<Veyka> :P
<xplodwild> :D
<Veyka> I have never had to sanction so many idiots
<Veyka> Its amazing
<Lenny> they are retards
<Jiangyi> xplodwild: You should just do what codey does and that is provide no changelog. :-P
<Jiangyi> lol
<IamSachin> anyone with s3 and preview builds here?
<xplodwild> Jiangyi: but then they all ask for changelogs
<Veyka> trollw0rkz best troll
<chadouming> Veyka, simply send them a warning, they will think twice before posting bullshit next time
<Lenny> 6%
<IamSachin> you tell them that I fixed Darth Vader's head, they'll ask you who's darth vader
<Jiangyi> xplodwild: They do on code's thread too, but code just ignores everyone. xD
<Veyka> Im infracting everyone who posts useless shit
<Veyka> They have had enough warnings
<chadouming> xD
<Veyka> If it keeps up, ill get a SM in to banhammer :)
<IamSachin> use the force xplodwild :P
<chadouming> yeah, that's what i meant by a warning
<chadouming> pulser will use his ban hammer :D
<chadouming> hmm, infraction
<chadouming> this remember me my old time
<IamSachin> anyone: how is LightFlow app with CM9? ...should i buy it?
<chadouming> never got banned tho
<Veyka> You want one? Im just giving them away today
<Veyka> :P
<chadouming> i guess i never pushed the line to far
<chadouming> or never too far with the same moderator xD
<Lenny> haha someone with a bricked ATT s3 is in the #villainrom channe
<Lenny> l
<chadouming> always pissing different mod
<Lenny> lightflow works with paranoid android and with cm10
<chadouming> it's funnier cause they will all get pissed at the same time :D
<Lenny> so I guess it would work find with cm9
<Lenny> lmao he flashed the wrong devices kernel
<Lenny> some people never learn
<Jiangyi> Tsk tsk tsk chadouming. :-P
<chadouming> hmm, flashing wrong kernel dont brick a phone
<Jiangyi> What happened to Canadians being peaceful? lol
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> jk
<Lenny> apparently it overwrote his bootloader
<chadouming> flashing wrong bootloader brick phone
<Jiangyi> Uh oh
<Espenfjo> Perhaps he wiped
<chadouming> then this men deserve it
<chadouming> hmm, i wonder how he wiped sbl
<Jiangyi> Yeah, that was what I was gonna say.
<Espenfjo> wiping with the wrong kernel == instant kill
MotoMudder has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Espenfjo> infamous emmc bug
<Lenny> odin maybe
<chadouming> if he really did, he is one of the biggest retard i ever saw
<Veyka> sgs3 doesnt have the eMMC bug as far as I know
<Jiangyi> Plenty of I9100G people tried to flash I9100 stuff and vice versa, but nothing permanent ever happened. :-|
<Lenny> it doesn't, at least the international version doesn't
<chadouming> i never bricked a phone of my life 1
<chadouming> !
<chadouming> and i flashed I9000 bootloader on SGH-T989 often
<chadouming> !
<Veyka> Well you are just an idiot
<addi> <chadouming> i never bricked a phone of my life!
<addi> me neither
<Espenfjo> Veyka: yeah, true enough. sgs3 seems safe for now
<chadouming> in the end, i needed to have a jig to boot
<addi> only douches brick devices
<chadouming> Veyka : No, it was wanted
<Veyka> ;O
<Lenny> xplodwild, you and codeworkx need to learn to use the same naming scheme for your previews :P
<chadouming> Veyka, this was the only way to get newer rom on the telus SGS
<Veyka> Aaaahhh
<Jiangyi> Well, I've only bricked my phone once, and I blame that on codeworkx for giving me a bad file to flash. :-P
<xplodwild> Lenny: #dontcare
<xplodwild> :D
<addi> even had to flash I9000 bootloader on Captivate and Vibrant afaik
<chadouming> so i flashed internationnal bootloader on telus phone
<Lenny> xplodwild, would be surprised if anyone did
<IamSachin> xplodwild: just 2 questions :P cody's hal? and memory leak fixed? :P
<Lenny> booting preview 4
<chadouming> internationnal SGS = have home button and need it to reboot recovery / download. Telus SGS = have capacitive button and doesnt have home button to reboot recovery / download
<xplodwild> IamSachin: cody hal, didn't have time to take a look at memleak
<IamSachin> thanks mate
<Jiangyi> chadouming: Touch recovery = solution to that :-D
<chadouming> this mean the only way i had to reboot recovery / download was software or with a jig
<sorcio46> Hi Dev, I submitted a bug report with logcat for N7000 here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=29014921#post29014921
<Jiangyi> Oh wait nvm
<Jiangyi> I misunderstoof
<Jiangyi> misunderstood*
* addi is a dev. sorcio46 is talking to him. all else are his testers
<chadouming> Jiangyi, i dont talk about using the recovery xD
<Jiangyi> Yeah, I just realized that lol
<IamSachin> sgs 3 international guys install CWM from ROM Manager :)
<chadouming> ahh, good old time with my SGS
<addi> IamSachin, TWRP FTW. :P
<addi> ah, wait, no TWRP for SGS3 xD
* Jiangyi never got a chance to flash his Captivate :'(
<IamSachin> :( i hatez u addi :P
<chadouming> twrp is really awesome
<chadouming> full of useless feature, but really cool :D
<Lenny> I am on from when I got koush to publish it last night :P
<Veyka> sgs2 never got a twrp port :(
<Jiangyi> Honestly, how long do we even spend in recovery everyday?
<chadouming> ask them ?
<Jiangyi> Does it really matter? lol
<chadouming> Jiangyi, hmm, i spend about 30 mins-1hr everyday in recovery xD
<Veyka> Real shame that the sgs2 has a fused recovery/kernel
<Jiangyi> oO
<Jiangyi> o_O
<Jiangyi> o______O
<chadouming> Veyka, yeah, that's really stupid
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<Veyka> Means you are stock with w/e recovery your kernel ships
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<chadouming> Jiangyi, i always : backup , flash all the new things then keep it like that or restore to the start of the day
<addi> well, SGS was the same :p
<Veyka> SGS1 was equally retarded then
<chadouming> true
<addi> they didn't see reason till the Note and later I guess
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<addi> on the other hand, Sony went to fused kernel + recovery on 2011 devices
<chadouming> it also make kernel really smaller !
<addi> before they had it separate
<Lenny> still can't use to flash zips from external sd
<Veyka> Why oh why
<chadouming> some progress other regress xD
<Lenny> but can use backup/restore from external
<Jiangyi> Do have to say, something about stock ICS made it so a lot more things were flashable through Sammy's stock recovery. o_O
<IamSachin> is twrp open source?
<IamSachin> koush might be working on it
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<addi> IamSachin, it is, but koush probably not interested
<addi> he doesn't like improvements much
<n30-mobil> Hi. Where are the original pictures hiding. Backgrounds
<IamSachin> he is full time working on CWM now...left his job :P
<addi> that's why ROM Manager still can't download stuff correctly -.-
<addi> oh, then I guess there is hope
<addi> for CWM to not be ancient one day
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<chadouming> n30-mobil : Somewhere behind a resistor and a flash cell
<n30-mobil> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<n30-mobil> Hahaha
<Jiangyi> Ou est Baskey aujourd'hui?
<n30-mobil> Wich path
<n30-mobil> Were
<n30-mobil> Dont find them
<addi> the wallpapers you mean? :p
<n30-mobil> Yeah
<addi> you should find them in CMwallpapers.apk or whatever that file is named
<chadouming> Jiangyi, et bien, il vient tout juste de se connecter
<n30-mobil> Hmm
<Baskey> [20:29] (Jiangyi) Ou est Baskey aujourd'hui?
<n30-mobil> Is that file on system or internal memory
<addi> Jiangyi, chee mao mao mikosan moshi moshi tika meek
<Baskey> WTF
<Jiangyi> chadouming: D'accord :-P
<addi> n30-mobil, /system/app
<n30-mobil> Ok. Ill check
<chadouming> Jiangyi, you better not have used google translate
<chadouming> Baskey , you are stupid
<Jiangyi> Mon francais est tres mal lol
<chadouming> @kick Baskey
Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [Baskey]
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<addi> chadouming, chee mao mao mikosan moshi moshi tika meek
<Baskey> chadouming: idiotte
<chadouming> hmm, Jiangyi mauvais, pas mal
<addi> i didn't use translate
<addi> that's gibberish of my own making
<Jiangyi> Ya see what I mean? :-P
<chadouming> lol
<n30-mobil> Addi. I only have cwm manager
<addi> huh?
<chadouming> lol, it's not that bad
<addi> use a file explorer with root explorer to access /system/app
<addi> there should be a wallpapers file
<n30-mobil> Yes
<n30-mobil> I do
<addi> so open it
<n30-mobil> In /system/app i have one file with cwm
<addi> no idea then, sorry mikosan
<n30-mobil> And that is cwm manager
<Jiangyi> J'ai beaucoup des difficulties d'apprendre la grammaire de francais. :-P
<chadouming> yeah i see that
<chadouming> well, i'm making a lot of small mistake too xD
<Jiangyi> The masculinity/femininity of words drive me nuts. :-P
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<chadouming> yeah, i believe it's pretty stupid too. But that's how french was made xD
<Jiangyi> Honestly, why are male body parts feminine and female body parts masculine!? O_O
<Jiangyi> btw, does anyone know where carrier names are defined in CM?
<IamSachin> doest let choose from external.. is letting us choose :)
<addi> CWM sucks
<addi> TWRP FTW
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<Baskey> addi <3
<addi> Baskey <3
<addi> XXX
<Baskey> xoxo
<addi> XXX
<Baskey> (no homo)
<chadouming> that was still homo
<Baskey> starting nao
<Baskey> @8ball is chadouming idiotte?
<bbqbot> Concentrate and ask again.
<Baskey> @8ball is chadouming idiotte?
<bbqbot> Better not tell you now.
<Baskey> :(
<addi> <Baskey> (no homo) < YES HOMO
<chadouming> you see even the bot is scared
<addi> XXX
<addi> @8ball homo?
<bbqbot> Most likely.
<Baskey> @google why bbqbot is scared?
<bbqbot> Does anyone else do their vacation souvenir shopping at local ... - http://chowhound.chow.com/topics/780747
<addi> ^^
<addi> @google rageface 324
<bbqbot> chitownINTHEMIX Presents: RAGEFACE.m4v - YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DvA-I9v55mOo
<addi> :O
<addi> tomorrow me does while watching Dark Knight Rises: http://ragefac.es/324
<Baskey> addi: gross
<Lenny> I am seeing that tomorrow too
<addi> no
<addi> XXX
<addi> not gross
<Baskey> yes
<Baskey> still gross
<addi> Lenny, just 9 hours left before it starts for me, hehe
romann|afk is now known as romann
<addi> Baskey, that's why. me and you = XXX
* addi ties Baskey to the bed
<Baskey> :|
<chadouming> ok guys
* addi looks at chadouming
<chadouming> keep that for pm
<IamSachin> this is so dumb...TWRP is made for Verizon Galaxy S3 and not international
<Baskey> [20:44] (@chadouming) ok gays
<addi> chadouming, too hot for you?
<addi> @8ball too hot for chadouming?
<bbqbot> Cannot predict now.
<addi> @8ball too hot for chadouming?
<bbqbot> Reply hazy. Try again.
<addi> @8ball too hot for chadouming?
<bbqbot> Most likely.
* chadouming take his magnum again, put back some bullet in it and point at addi
* addi gets under the bed
<addi> shoot Baskey!!
<Baskey> no!
<addi> he's all tied up and ready to be shot
<addi> kill the bitch!
Baskey is now known as CM10
<addi> he the reason for everything
<chadouming> hmk
addi is now known as CM12
<chadouming> @kick CM10
CM10 was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [CM10]
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<chadouming> @kick addi
CM12 was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [CM12]
CM12 has joined #teamhacksung-support
<CM12> i can kill you CM10!!
<chadouming> the fuck
<CM10> wtf
<CM12> -NickServ- Nick CM12 is now registered to your account.
<CM10> [20:46] (435) Baskey #blamesamsung :Cannot change nickname while banned on channel
<CM12> kthxbey
CM12 is now known as addi
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> CM10, leave channel dood
<addi> rename nick
<CM10> I'm banned lol
<addi> then ask to get invited again :p
<Jiangyi> ..............
<addi> okay, me sleeps, waky waky for movie in the morning
<addi> goodnight
* addi takes CM10 along
<chadouming> yeah, w/e
<chadouming> later addi
CM10 has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )]
<addi> hmm, trying to hide from me.
<Jiangyi> Bye.
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Jiangyi> Now, does anyone know the answer to my question? :-|
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<chadouming> what was your question already ?
<Jiangyi> [14:38] <Jiangyi> btw, does anyone know where carrier names are defined in CM?
<chadouming> apn.xml ?
<Jiangyi> OK, I feel derpish now.
IamSachin has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
<Jiangyi> In vendor_cm?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> /etc/apn-conf.xml
<chadouming> /etc/apns-conf.xml*
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<Jiangyi> chadouming: Any idea why what's displayed in CM is not matching what's written on that file?
<chadouming> nop
<Jiangyi> One more thing: The spn-conf file
<Jiangyi> I don't believe that the language overrides in there are working. :-|
<chadouming> that's possible
<joethc> hey chadouming
<chadouming> hey
<joethc> whats up bud
<chadouming> nothing much, went from SGS II to gnex
<joethc> im still on the og tab 7
<chadouming> keep lying around here helping noob
<Jiangyi> OK, I'm kinda lost now. Aren't the spn numerics supposed to be defined in apns-conf?
<chadouming> yes
<joethc> im hopping into the g3 international asap
<Jiangyi> Yeah, I don't see them in the apns-conf file. :-|
<joethc> just need to trade some unsuspecting persons some north american ones
<chadouming> i'm not too pressed to get the SGS III
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<chadouming> still have a lot of fun with my GNex
<joethc> i heard glitch just got one...changed my outlook about it
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<joethc> im still rocking the og tab until it dies
<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> glitch just got the GNex or the SGS III
<joethc> the 3 international
<chadouming> ohhh
<chadouming> this might make me more in a hurry xD
<joethc> ya he plans on finishing v15 first ...but said he already has plans for the 3
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<chadouming> :D
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<joethc> what you running on your gnex?
<khabu> hi
<chadouming> a lot of different kernel
<chadouming> always trying to get the best of my phone so i change often
<chadouming> hi khabu
<khabu> how are you?
<chadouming> i'm fine, you ?
<khabu> very good thinks
<khabu> are you the developer?
<chadouming> hmm, that a ratter large question
<khabu> lol
<khabu> so what does that mean?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> that mean that you will have to be more specific. Yes i'm a dev, but THE developer, i doubt about it
<Baskey> he's just a random canadian
<joethc> lol
<khabu> who?
<Baskey> chadouming
<Baskey> chadouming: hi, random canadian
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<Baskey> hello IamSachin
Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by chadouming [Ciao random person]
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<chadouming> aww
<IamSachin> yo man
<Baskey> chadouming :3
<chadouming> that's boring
<chadouming> @timer set 60 @unban baskey
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<khabu> is this support room?
<chadouming> @kickban baskey
Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [Baskey]
<Jiangyi> Yes.
<chadouming> hehe
<joethc> flexxin like usual i see :P
<khabu> if im here thats mean i need help !!
<bbqbot> chadouming: Command does not exist!
<IamSachin> VLC update released on play store
<Jiangyi> khabu: What do you need help with?
<IamSachin> better integration to 4 and 4.1
<chadouming> lol
<chadouming> hmm
<khabu> oohh thinks ,,, i have a problem
<chadouming> @unban baskey
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Baskey> :)
<chadouming> khabu, that also true. Very few people come here only for fun
<chadouming> some people come here to stalk tho
<khabu> do i need to FACTORY RESET my phone ?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> but anyway, is there anything we can help you for ?
<Baskey> @geo user khabu
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for khabu
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for 5e639876@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<chadouming> hmm, why ?
<Baskey> @geo host
<bbqbot> {"range":[1583578624,1583611903],"country":"SA","region":"10","city":"Riyadh","ll":[24.6408,46.7728]}
<khabu> i want to install the 4.1
<chadouming> from 4.0.X, yes you will have to wipe data
<chadouming> (factory reset)
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<khabu> oh thinks for the help
<chadouming> hm, we say thanks :P
<khabu> nice yo meet you developer good man
<khabu> to**
khabu has quit [Quit: Page closed]
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<Mardos> merci
<Jiangyi> Shoot, can't test CM9 translations now that I'm on CM10. :-|
<IamSachin> first world problem :P
<Jiangyi> +1 to that lol
Baskey has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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<Jiangyi> OK, I have 47 weather strings that have to be translated. O_O
* Jiangyi didn't even know there were that many types of weather
<IamSachin> lol
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<IamSachin> rainy, foggy, snowy, sunny, misty.thats all i know :P
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<khabu> im baaaack
<Jiangyi> ohai
<khabu> guys i need help
<Jiangyi> OK, what's wrong?
<khabu> im using Resurrection Remix ICS v2.6 and i cant install 4.1
<Jiangyi> KhaBu: What phone?
<khabu> galaxy s2
<Jiangyi> I9100G?
<bbqbot> derp
<khabu> yup
<Jiangyi> Should be as simple as booting into CWM, flashing it, and wiping data.
khabu has quit [Client Quit]
<Jiangyi> ...
<Lenny> god dammit, going to have to go back to stock rom this weekend just to review an app - stupid samsung
MotoMudder has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
<Jiangyi> lol
<chadouming> ??
<chadouming> why revert to stock to review an app ?
<chadouming> no one want or has to return to stock
<chadouming> if you can't use on CM, then doesnt deserve to be reviewed
<Jiangyi> chadouming has a point. :-P
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<Lenny> they asked me to review an app, the app only works on s3's on stock rom
<Jiangyi> ......
<chadouming> the question is why ?
romann is now known as romann|afk
<chadouming> it does only work on stock rom
<Lenny> why? I am a samsung Mob!ler
<chadouming> haha
<Lenny> oh because they are retards
<chadouming> haha(more)
<Lenny> I could hack the apk... but I shouldn't need to
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<chadouming> true
slainer68 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<IamSachin> which app?
<Lenny> Official Top 40 (uk only I believe)
<Lenny> but meh, nandroids are there for a reason
<chadouming> lol
<chadouming> they are there for dev
<chadouming> not for reviewing stoopid add that only work on samsung bullshit
<chadouming> app*
<IamSachin> chadouming: any of your apps on Play Store?
<chadouming> nope
<IamSachin> ok
<chadouming> no one has to see my apps !
<Jiangyi> lol
<IamSachin> lol...child porn apps? :P
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> ehh, no *cough cough*
mazoun has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<Lenny> chadouming, but reviewing the app gives me points, and points can lead to prizes.... so... I think I will do it
<chadouming> hmm
<chadouming> money > *
<chadouming> do it
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<Jiangyi> Hmmm......
<Jiangyi> I haven't much of a clue as to how to translate mixed rain and sleet. ._.
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<Jiangyi> Mardos: That's Canada for ya. :-|
mrrivet has quit [Quit: Bye]
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<Mardos> effig bulll
edude03 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Jiangyi> OK, all these weather terminology is killing my head @_@
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<Jiangyi> Hmm.... I didn't know "dust" was a type of weather. ._.
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
peterperfect is now known as sgs3cm10camera
<chadouming> hmm, never saw dust falling from cloud xD
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sgs3cm10camera is now known as peterperfect
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<L551_> My Phone's battery was drained about 30% in an hour, later I find out due to an app crashing silently
<Mardos> which app
<L551_> MailDroid
<L551_> log cat showed something about SQL errors
<IamSachin> #boycottMailDroid :P
<L551_> :P
<L551_> Uninstalling and reinstalling seemed to fix it though
<L551_> Also, is anyone else unable to clear dalvik cache in CWMR?
<bbqbot> derp
<L551_> Probably should mention GS3
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<msaraiva> Aquamail ftw.
<Mardos> whats a gs3
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<m1la> good evening and hello!
<Jiangyi> Hello.
<m1la> can maybe anyone give me an information about cm9 rc2 and cifs support? currently installed is the rc2 from today. lsmod tells me that cifs module is loaded but i'm not able to mount anything.
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<m1la> also didn't find any hints in the support thread ;)
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<m1la> can nobody help?
<Veyka> Im so proud, the newest lot of idiots all posted logcats
<Veyka> :D
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<Baskey> @geo user guvner
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for guvner
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ~vircuser@ip-92-50-101-17.unitymediagroup.de
<bbqbot> {"range":[1546805248,1546807295],"country":"DE","region":"05","city":"Frankfurt Am Main","ll":[50.1167,8.6833]}
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<Jiangyi> Veyka: At least it's a step in the right direction? :-P
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<Veyka> Jiangyi: Yup
<Veyka> Next we will get them reading before posting
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<Jiangyi> Veyka: If only the I9100G people would do the same... :-P
<Veyka> Jiangyi: i9100G is a ghetto sgs2, good luck with that ;)
<Jiangyi> Veyka: Apsh we're not ghetto. :-P
<Veyka> Sureeeee
<Veyka> ;P
<Jiangyi> Proof: We got CM10 before I9100.
<m1la> can maybe anyone give me an information about cm9 rc2 and cifs support? currently installed is the rc2 from today. lsmod tells me that cifs module is loaded but i'm not able to mount anything. is it currently possible or notß
<Veyka> OMAP BS
<Veyka> :P
<Jiangyi> Oh well, still means we're not ghetto. :-D
<Veyka> Bitches and your CM10
<Veyka> :(
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<neeljain> is der ny bug in cm10 for s2 i9100
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<neeljain> is der ny bugs in cm 10 for i9100
<neeljain> abe talibani rply kar
<neeljain> abe rply karo
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<neeljain> is der ny bugs in cm10 for i9100
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<Jiangyi> There is no CM10 for I9100.
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<m1la> can maybe anyone give me an information about cm9 rc2 and cifs support? currently installed is the rc2 from today. lsmod tells me that cifs module is loaded but i'm not able to mount anything. is it currently possible or not?
<Jiangyi> m1la: I'm sorry, but I don't know the answer. :-(
<Baskey> hi, Jiangyi
<Baskey> :)
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<m1la> ok, thanks for your answer jiangyi
<Mardos-Away> you guys are awesome possum
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<Jiangyi> Baskey: Bye
<Jiangyi> lol jk :-D
<bla_> could i possibly flash cm9 Resurrection Edition for GT9100 on GT9100G without messing the phone up?
<Jiangyi> bla_: You shall brick it. :-|
<Espenfjo> bla_: no
<bla_> I'm asking cause there's no link on the g-specific thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1419102
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> bla_: It's because code stopped putting them up a month ago. :-|
<Veyka> bla_: Thats the i9100 not G discussion thread
<Jiangyi> Just flash stock 4.0, then the CWM kernel, and then flash CM9. :-P
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<neeljain> is der ny vugs in cm10 for i9100
<neeljain> bugs*
<akSeya> neeljain, there is no CM10 for i9100
<Veyka> There is no fucking CM10 for I9100
<Veyka> There is for I9100G
<Veyka> Go read the fucking thread
<bla_> there's no stock ics. hence the flash
<neeljain> why????
<m1la> Jiangyi: I found a solution. To mount a samba/cifs share you not only need the cifs.ko loaded but also the md4.ko. Its working fine now.
<akSeya> I9100G is completely different from i9100
<Veyka> Why?!?!? WHyyyy?!
<Veyka> Because there isnt
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<Jiangyi> m1la: Cool, glad it worked out for you. :-)
<neeljain> so wen its realsin for i9100
<akSeya> because netchip is in vacations
<Veyka> neeljain: Now you asked, never
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<Jiangyi> bla_: Yes there is. ._.
<akSeya> look what have you done!!! >.<
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<bla_> not for my provider. would any ics-rom do?
<neeljain> wat did i du
<Veyka> Yes
<Veyka> Asked a stupid question
<Veyka> Without doing any reading
<Jiangyi> bla_: Yes, as long as it's not a Chinese one. :-P
<Jiangyi> Unless you bought the phone from China that is.
<bla_> not that i know of
<Jiangyi> Then flash any stock ROM that's not Chinese.
<Veyka> You can convert a Chinese G to normal anyway
<Jiangyi> Verka: Nope.
<Jiangyi> Many have tried, all have failed. :-P
<neeljain> so wen is it realsin
<Jiangyi> neeljain: Never..
<neeljain> why
<neeljain> wat did it do
<akSeya> neeljain, ask netchipTl on twitter
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* Jiangyi is going to head out for a bit
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|Away
<neeljain> cm10 for i9100
<neeljain> is realsin tom
<neeljain> im realisin it
<Veyka> Jiangyi|Away: oh my bad, it was Chinese i9100 not G
<akSeya> \o/
<neeljain> dowld links sabchutiyedevelopers.com
<neeljain> du visit tom at 25.15
<neeljain> hrs
<neeljain> soo gaye kya lavde llog
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<Lupusceleri> I'd just like to say I am truly baffled by the job you've done on CM10 alpha 0718 on the GT-i9000
<Lupusceleri> it's brilliantly smooth, even if not all the features are there yet.. kudos!
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<tortho> cm10 on i9100 not 9100G? Where?
<RoBz> GT-i9000
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<tortho> RoBz: any link to the rom?
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<tortho> sorry, did see it now.. :-(
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<RoBz> its for the S not the S II
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<bbqbot> derp
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<Lariat31> hello i flashed build 15 for the samsung fascinate on my c spire galaxy s and everything works but the data, is there a way i can get the data working
<Lariat31> ics build 15
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<Jiangyi_> Wow, there's no CM9 for the Fascinate? :O
* Jiangyi_ didn't know that
Jiangyi_ is now known as Jiangyi
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<Jiangyi> Lariat31: Support given here is mainly for CM, not for other ROMs. :-|
<chieftex> i should really update my galaxy note to cm9. im still on stock gb lol
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<Lariat31> oh ok well it looks like i need to add an apn for c spire does anyone know how to do that
<Jiangyi> Lariat31: Try HiAPN.
<Jiangyi> chieftex: Just do it in a way that you'll never have to deal with the Superbrick Bug lol
<Lariat31> good advice lol
<chieftex> jiangyi - thats actually what scares the shit out of me :)
<Jiangyi> chieftex: Well, looks like you can go from GB to ICS through CWM, so that should be fine. :-P
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<Jiangyi> Just avoid stock kernels and wiping data on them like the plague lol
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<chieftex> my internet broke
<Baskey> @geo user chieftex
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for chieftex
<bbqbot> {"range":[2515599360,2515664895],"country":"GB","region":"","city":"","ll":[54,-2]}
<chieftex> ?
<Jiangyi> chieftex: Don't worry about it, Baskey's weird and stalkery. :-P
<Baskey> yeah, as Jiangyi said, don't worry
<chieftex> im not worried
* chieftex looks around
<Jiangyi> lol
<chieftex> anyway, whats the last thing you saw me say?
<Jiangyi> Umm
<Jiangyi> [19:13] <chieftex> jiangyi - thats actually what scares the shit out of me :)
<chieftex> ah
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<chieftex> [12:18.36] <chieftex> yeah actually my device prompted me to update (OTA) yesterday, for the first time. Im assuming it might be 4.0.4 but im not sure how to find out
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<Jiangyi> What country's firmware are you on?
<chieftex> uk
<Jiangyi> Yeah, probably 4.0.3. :-P
<chieftex> oh dear :)
<Jiangyi> Quote: " - I STRONGLY RECOMMEND TO FLASH FROM A CF-ROOTED STOCK GINGERBREAD ROM, JUST TO AVOID YOU HARD BRICKS. - People bricked their phones using LPY kernel! You're warned!"
<chieftex> yeah im not gonna do it. But i imagined it was 4.0.4 because its the first time my phone has asked me to update
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<Baskey> @geo user xz__
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for xz__
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ~xz@90-191.tau.pl
<bbqbot> {"range":[1540184064,1540185087],"country":"PL","region":"75","city":"Biala Podlaska","ll":[52.0313,23.1214]}
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<Jiangyi> Baskey stop being a stalker. :-P
<Baskey> I can't
<Baskey> just... can't
<Baskey> it's just stronger than me
<Baskey> :(
<chieftex> @geo user Baskey
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Baskey
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ~intersect@unaffiliated/baskey
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for unaffiliated/baskey
* chieftex turns the tables :)
* chieftex fails :(
<Jiangyi> :-|
<Baskey> :(
<Jagster> should I flash Jellybean on my S3 or CM9 while waiting for CM10?
<Jagster> Whatdya guys think?
* chieftex tosses a coin
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<Jiangyi> Wait, waiting for CM10? o.O
<bbqbot> derp
<Jagster> ya
<Jiangyi> Isn't CM10 already out?
<Jagster> hm?
* chieftex prepares to lol
<Jagster> maybe in a very unstable mentally retarded version
<Jiangyi> Wait, let's take a step back.
<Jagster> I dunno
<Jiangyi> Which Jelly Bean ROM are you referring to?
<Jagster> eh
<Jagster> stock
<Jiangyi> .......
<Jiangyi> Link please?
<Jagster> regular jellybeans
<Jagster> -s
<Jagster> haven't got a link yet
<Jiangyi> Yeah, I'm not following what you mean by regular jelly bean. =[
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<Jagster> Galaxy nexus Jellybean
<Jagster> 4.1
<Jiangyi> Umm.... And that is available on the S3 now? O_O
<Jagster> somewhere probably
<Jagster> not through samsung
<Jiangyi> Ehhhh.... I'd say no. Best JB implementation for the S3 right now is CM10. :-|
<Jiangyi> chieftex: I think you can lol now. :-P
* chieftex pulls out a massive LOL
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