bbqbot changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | <Baskey> POKAŻ CHUJA, PIERDOLCU | <codeworkx> KalimAz: i can see my panties | IRC stats :
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<koud> :P
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<xplodwild_work> @eval xplod()
<bbqbot> 'Yes master, I will destroy the world'
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<DuperMan> that's... quite... eval
<DuperMan> oO
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<DuperMan> ehrrrrr.. who's USAian?
<xplodwild_work> I read "USAsian"
<DuperMan> I meant it as intended misliteration for american
<DuperMan> or knight of freedom
<DuperMan> it's dumb but I have a really good price on a sweet Jacket oO
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<Eventyret> Morning :)
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<Noob-Frager> Hallo alle
<Noob-Frager> ich hätte eine Frage über CM9
<Noob-Frager> wie kann ich CM9 deinstallieren?
<Espenfjo> Ich glaube, Sie werden eine größere Veränderung an Hilfe haben, wenn Sie Englisch schreiben
<Noob-Frager> thanks...
<Noob-Frager> i try to write English now
<xplodwild_work> Espenfjo: o_O
<Noob-Frager> I ask q question, how can I uninstall/remove CM9 ?
<Espenfjo> But.. You can uninstall CM9 by flashing another ROM and then doing a factory reset/wiping
<xplodwild_work> Noob-Frager: install another rom on top of it?
<DuperMan> Bedienungstafel/deinstallieren
<DuperMan> :D
<Espenfjo> :D
<xplodwild_work> Take CM9 icon and put it into the recycle bin
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<Noob-Frager> @xplodwild_work ich want to have back Andriod 4.0.4 without CM9
<bbqbot> Noob-Frager: Command does not exist!
<DuperMan> schreiben dich English aber nur Das Kaliberen verstehen
<DuperMan> schreiber* (?)
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> wat
<DuperMan> we only have android :(
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<slainer68> so... nobody succeeded in running JB on SGS3 ?
<xplodwild_work> slainer68: none of us tried yet
<xplodwild_work> I'm in charge of doing it, started the work this morning
<slainer68> xplodwild_work: ok great ;p. don't forget to tease us on twitter, i'm following you :p
<xplodwild_work> sure
<xplodwild_work> I love doing so
<slainer68> google has promoted JB to smooth animations thanks to Project Butter. I've tried Chrome as main browser on ICS for some days, but scrolling is really not smooth in some page even with SGS3. I'd like to know if PB also enhances scrolling in browser/chrome ?
<xplodwild_work> uh
<xplodwild_work> Project Butter is in JB
<xplodwild_work> nobody cares about Chrome?
<xplodwild_work> and yes it enhances everything
<cdesai> go to some shop with your gnex if you got one
<cdesai> shop one should have ics
<cdesai> try them side by side
<xplodwild_work> duh
<xplodwild_work> cm10 buildsystem isn't ready yet
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<jamesn_> hey guys
<jamesn_> just wondering i just got a kernel panic upload mode error thing
<jamesn_> what do i do :S
<jamesn_> lol
<slainer68> wah i've never had a kernel panic, what does it look like :D ?
<jamesn_> been updating cm9 on my galaxy
<jamesn_> looks awesome
<jamesn_> lol
<jamesn_> anyways yeah so i've been on cm9 for awhile and its just seems to be getting glitcher on my phone... should i do a clean wipe with odin and update to the lastest one, or just update
<jamesn_> ?
<jamesn_> someone tell me what to do with this :S
<xplodwild_work> slainer68: play music, get notification
<xplodwild_work> slainer68: music volume goes down and never goes up
<slainer68> xplodwild_work: ok this bug. nice.
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<rootbox_> i remember this bug from i9100 ;)
<rootbox_> if you press volup it should go normal
<rootbox_> if it's any similar bug
<larsemil> what recovery should i flash to be able to install nightly cyanogen on my galaxy tab 10.1?
<larsemil> i tried the pershoots recovyry but odin gives wrong md5 mismatch
<cdesai> larsemil: re download
<larsemil> cdesai: okay. will try to download again
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<larsemil> cdesai: same problem again i am afraid
<cdesai> strange
<larsemil> anyone else running galaxy tab? what recovery are you using?
<larsemil> cdesai: download is heck slow though
<larsemil> this is the one i am trying to use
<larsemil> and get md5 error.
<cdesai> check md5 via some other program ?
<bbqbot> derp
<larsemil> cdesai: mismatch
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<cdesai> get this
<larsemil> cdesai: thanks will try!
<larsemil> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 tf300t
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<chadouming> @eval netchip
<bbqbot> 'idiotte'
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<xplodwild_work> Jiangyi: everything but Camera and GPS works, I'll take a look at what's wrong with it, but besides that it's feeling fine
<Jiangyi> Xplodwild_work: Good enough. Barely anyone uses the cam on a tablet. :-P
<xplodwild_work> same applies for GPS on a Wifi only tablet :p
<Jiangyi> Lol
<Baskey> xplodwild_work: MAEK BELLY JEAN FOR SGSII
<Jiangyi> Users use GPS with over 9000 Google map caches :D
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<xplodwild_work> heh probably
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<Mardos> whattt TF300T has priority over the s3 LOL
<trackz> sounds nice
<trackz> what about i9100? ;)
<cdesai> tf300t is more open even though it's nvidia
<cdesai> coz nexus 7
<Mardos> fucking sweet cant wait for cm10 :D excited
<Baskey> @8ball IZ PLODY A LAME DEV?
<bbqbot> Don't count on it.
<Mardos> @8ball will google wallet work with cm10 ?
<bbqbot> Most likely.
<Mardos> BOOM
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<Mardos> where is netchippp lol
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<Jiangyi> Aw damn, the 9100G uses digital outputs for FM.
<Jiangyi> Chances of Spirit FM working on this phone just diminished quite a bit. :-(
* Jiangyi loved FM
<Mardos> hii jiangyi
<Jiangyi> Hello there.
<Mardos> how are youu
<sahibunlimited> Mardos , he is building JB for S2 and fooling users
<bbqbot> derp
<Mardos> who xplod or jiangi
<Mardos> oh netchip lol where does he post now a days since hes not on XDA anymore
<cdesai> Mardos: must be on rootz
<sahibunlimited> twitter
<Baskey> TWATTER
<Mardos> lets twat him lol
<Baskey> netchip is fucktarded,
<cantIntoCode> netxhip lol
<cantIntoCode> netchip*
<sahibunlimited> paradoxxx defending netch
<sahibunlimited> netchip
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<chadouming> lawl
<msaraiva> xplodwild: Y U NO JB
<msaraiva> Morning all.
<Baskey> hi msaraiva
<Baskey> afternoon*
<Jiangyi> O_o
<sahibunlimited> evening
<chadouming> xplod is JB'ing
<Mardos> fucking 13 year olds coming out porting stuff lol
<YeahRight> can someone tells me if the PIT file for a sgs ever changes between all stock android / cyanogen mod versions out there
<chadouming> anyway, Netchip will endup by screwing some people phone or scam them
<cdesai> Mardos: don't insult all 13 yos
<chadouming> like he did
<cdesai> tho i'm a bit older :P
* Jiangyi leaves for 10 secs and Netchip-fest started
<Mardos> not insulting saying there good
<chadouming> YeahRight, never change the PIT
<Baskey> Mardos: nebkat is just one year older than netchip
<Mardos> bitch please
<chadouming> @eval netchip
<bbqbot> 'idiotte'
<cdesai> xD
<msaraiva> Baskey: it's still morning here! >:|
<Mardos> nebkat is who and what?
<Baskey> afternoon
<Mardos> 9:35AM
<Baskey> [15:34] (Mardos) nebkat is who and what?
<Baskey> really?
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<Baskey> BOMB HIM
<msaraiva> lol
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<msaraiva> somebody put fire on him
<msaraiva> OMG, netchip is still discussed around here?
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<Baskey> yep
<msaraiva> Evolve, guys!!
<cantIntoCode> why did he become just a hot topic here?
<bbqbot> derp
<cdesai> ^
<cantIntoCode> I just seen people retweeting his crap
<Mardos> cuz hes doing JB OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG
<Mardos> netchipp is awesomeeee i support him :s
<cantIntoCode> the funniest one was 'new framework in JB, its much more logical'
<cdesai> new fk off
<cdesai> it's just split up
<xplodwild_work> netchip is the most talented dev around
<cantIntoCode> xplodwild_work: I concur
<Baskey> netchip is TEH BOSS OF BBQDROID
<msaraiva> cantIntoCode: i see you're new here
<msaraiva> You didn't see The Great Netchip War
<cantIntoCode> nope xD
<cantIntoCode> I usually just idle on irc haha
<cdesai> netchip's making opensauce GPU drivers
<Mardos> netchip ported everything !!! ICS and now JB hes doing this all with NO DEVICEEE = AMAZINGGGG
<cantIntoCode> Been looking at all the shit hes been posting on gerrit
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<xplodwild_work> opensource bootloaders
<msaraiva> Good ol' days of #aospsgs2.
<cantIntoCode> LOL
<cantIntoCode> cdesai: did he really say hes doing that?
<cantIntoCode> because if soo
<cantIntoCode> mega facepalm
<Baskey> yeah... good ol' #aospsgs2...
<msaraiva> Lol, we made netchip cry many times there.
<xplodwild_work> if not more
<Baskey> he' still mad at me
<Baskey> he's*
<Mardos> is he banned lol
<Baskey> :(
<cantIntoCode> please explain this is highly amusing
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<EgotisticalElf> on s3 for att, does cwm run backups/ it doesn't on stock roms
<cantIntoCode> 'fully working'
<sochii> Hi all
<EgotisticalElf> and i'm not sure if that is a bug or not atm (nor how to report it as such)
<cantIntoCode> who the fuck arse these people lol
<cantIntoCode> for a few days, okay master chief!
<msaraiva> I still don't know if he's really twelve, though
<cantIntoCode> bahahhahaha
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<sochii> who from russia?
<Baskey> xplodwild is from Russia
<cdesai> he a spy?
<sahibunlimited> Chadouming nice one
<msaraiva> cantIntoCode: basically, netchip is a f* little brat that sparked many flame wars among us when ics was released, because of his "l33t skillz".
<cantIntoCode> ahhh
<msaraiva> He's like the "reirom" of android.
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<cantIntoCode> so he said he fixed shit and was doing 1337 work when he wasn't?
<msaraiva> Yep.
<Mardos> alright random question, does anyone know a app that can make a video less pixelated ?
<cantIntoCode> hahaha
<Mardos> something to optimize the video or enhance
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<chadouming> Mardos that doesnt exist
<chadouming> it would be increasing the resolution
<chadouming> and that's impossible
<Mardos> darn
<EgotisticalElf> Mardos: go work for the CSI, they do it every day
<EgotisticalElf> it's a top-sekret app they use to do it
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<chadouming> Mardos, try it first to see the "magic"
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<xplodwild_work> I'm loosing faith on xda
<xplodwild_work> people thinking Paradoxxx is a dev
<xplodwild_work> *facepalm*
<chadouming> what did he make beside theming a rom ?
<Mardos> yaa let mes ee the magicc right now baby
<xplodwild_work> he made money
<xplodwild_work> that's what he made
<xplodwild_work> xD
<chadouming> he never fixed any problem
<chadouming> here is a good proof
<Mardos> moeny from what ?
<xplodwild_work> Mardos: from the 9999999999999 donations links he has everywhere
<chadouming> Anyway, about JB this seems a bit more complicated that what devs tought. Seems Hacksung, will have to patch all video related stuff once more again... Afaik, no JB ( or at least fully working ) for at least some days.
<xplodwild_work> and I'm still sad he's not either banned from XDA
<chadouming> from his last post
<xplodwild_work> either his donation links removed
<xplodwild_work> or both
<chadouming> he is not doing any work, he only replace image
<Mardos> isnt he the hydrogen ics rom createter or what
<Mardos> oh thats crappy
<xplodwild_work> yeah
<Mardos> copy & paster eh
<chadouming> yup
<xplodwild_work> HydrogenICS is a themed CM9
<chadouming> even I can do that
<sahibunlimited> It became famous because of its fancy name of something?
<Jiangyi|Phone> I can probably theme too, and I'm a noob. :-p
<slainer68> the two only projects i've ever donated are CM and teamhacksung :D
<slainer68> ftw!
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi|Phone> Once I get my credit card, I know where that money's going to first. :-)
<sahibunlimited> Jiangyi i don't have a credit card too
<xplodwild_work> koud: hey you're talking to the big netchip, xD
<xplodwild_work> ?
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<Jiangyi|Phone> <- raymonddull would be happy about this. :P
<koud> xplodwild_work: yep!
<Baskey> lolololol
<koud> he is giving me good advice! ;)
<koud> I eat it with a lot of salt
<koud> A LOT
<xplodwild_work> koud: lawl advices like what?
<slainer68> wat? no credit card? are you still kids guys :D ?
<bbqbot> derp
<koud> that I am missing skia stuff, and I should rebase
<koud> dropping lots of words :P
<koud> linking me to his rom, which I guess he has not even got to compile yet
<xplodwild_work> lawl
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<cantIntoCode> but u dunt hav netchipz 1337 skill`
<cantIntoCode> skillz*
<xplodwild_work> yeah
<xplodwild_work> this is still amazing
<koud> yeah I dont
<xplodwild_work> that's how far he could get with ICS on SGS3
<xplodwild_work> so I don't even imagine JB
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<koud> :P
<cantIntoCode> reboots on touch?
<cantIntoCode> LOL
<cantIntoCode> thats a feature xD
<EgotisticalElf> there are no bugs, everything is a feature
<Jiangyi|Phone> Lol
<xplodwild_work> "Black video" => "It's to protect from pron"
<chadouming> hmmm, that's not a windows phone
<xplodwild_work> "No sound" => "It's to protect from bad words"
<xplodwild_work> "No 3G data" => "It's to protect from going over your plan"
<chadouming> xplodwild_work, his mommy wouldnt want him to hear that kind of things
<xplodwild_work> true
<bbqbot> derp
<Mardos> wy do you not have a credit card?
<chadouming> @google Why to not have a credit card
<bbqbot> 10 Reasons Not To Use Credit Cards -
<chadouming> choose one of the reason mardos
<koud> 404 - File or directory not found.
<koud> that is a good reason
<Mardos> 404 damn it
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<Jiangyi|Phone> Lololol
<rootbox_> so there is no reason?
<chadouming> lol, they are using server, that's a good reason to not ahve a credit card
<Mardos> whos they! ?
<rootbox_> no it's a good reason to never use ;)
<chadouming> lol
<chadouming> pennyjobs website admin Mardos
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<pmgnet> anyone know why GS3 requires its provided USB cable to connect to PC vs. any old normal USB cable that works on every other device?
<pmgnet> Seems like it's some kind of goofy USB 2.5
<Jiangyi> pmgne
<xplodwild_work> pmgnet: wut?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> pmgnet: I know that the MHL cable is different, but not USB....
<Mardos> yaa stupid mhl is different i bought one the other day and will be returning it toay
<pmgnet> I have a GS3 (i747) and I can't use any other USB cable than the one that shipped with the phone.
<Mardos> only 1 pin
<Mardos> false! im using a bb charger at work and in my car
<pmgnet> Not for charging... PC can't recognize the device.
<Mardos> mine does...
<Mardos> mine charges and i even trasnsfered files
<Mardos> in other words CHU CRAZY BRO
<pmgnet> Nah... Seen a few posts on not being able to connect with adb shell until using the provided cable.
<chadouming> pmgnet, dont connect it in USB3 port
<Mardos> no issues her eon my i9300
<pmgnet> I'm not. don't have any
<pmgnet> Mardos: yeah, I think it's an i747 thing
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<Jiangyi> Did they screw up the NA version again?
<Jiangyi> :-|
<Mardos> lmao they did with the S3
<Mardos> qualcomm"
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<xplodwild_work> "260 errors"
<xplodwild_work> close enough
<Jiangyi> Meh, it's Qualcomm Krait, so it's not that bad
<Jiangyi> A15-like cores^^
<pmgnet> my i747 is screaming fast. I'm not missing any of those extra cores.
<pmgnet> But the phone is too bleeping big.
<Jiangyi> It's like desktop CPUs
<pmgnet> I think Motorola got it right with the 4.5" screen.
<Jiangyi> Would you like a dual-core Intel i5 or the AMD Quad-cores?
<pmgnet> No kidding.
<Mardos> i5 baby
<Mardos> go big or go home
<Mardos> AMD Phenon II X4 955 Black Edition Barebones PC Kit $29
<Mardos> $299 lol
<Mardos> the only reason i dont like the North American S3 is cause of the lack of development
<msaraiva_> Which is still a pretty fast machine.
<xplodwild_work> I got my new SSD
<xplodwild_work> 8GB RAM
<msaraiva_> Kids these days...
<xplodwild_work> 3770K CPU
<xplodwild_work> BUT
<xplodwild_work> not the motherboard.
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<Jiangyi> xplodwild_work: I'm jealous. I still have a Core 2 Quad Q9550.
<msaraiva_> Jiangyi: and he got all this with the backdoor that's in CM.
<msaraiva_> Ops
<msaraiva_> xplodwild: shouldn't have said it out loud
<msaraiva_> :P
<xplodwild_work> msaraiva_: no, I'm not a work for nothing :p
<xplodwild_work> spent half my monthly paycheck on this xD
<xplodwild_work> anyway, going home
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<Mardos> damnmy work pc is core 2 duo 6320 1.86GHz sooooo fastt :P
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<Mardos> lmaoo check if crysis 2 runs on it
<Jiangyi> Apsh
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<chadouming> lol, work PC is Pentium 4 HyperThread xD
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<DennisBPM> What up guys!
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<pmgnet> 486SX ftw.
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<Mardos> oh fuck that is an ugly mac lol
<Mardos> P4 at work ya a lot of users here at work still run p4 collectors and etc dont need that much juics to run basic apps
<chadouming> yeah, but i'm an programmer and often compile my programm xD
<chadouming> take around 5 mins to compile while it would take about 1 mins with any quad core CPU xD
<Mardos> oh that would be annoying
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<Mardos> wow shockedd
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<cryystyy> hello guys
<chadouming> hi
<cryystyy> could someone help me with some info
<chadouming> sure
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<chadouming> @geo user cryystyy
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for cryystyy
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for 4f759523@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<cryystyy> i want to install cynogen on my tab 2
<cdesai> *cyanogenmod
<cryystyy> but i can't understant how can i enter in recovery mode
<chadouming> lol, grammar nazi
<chadouming> hmm, you need to install clockworkmod recovery first
<cryystyy> how can i do that ? :-?
<chadouming> you got the 7" or the 10.1"
<chadouming> ?
<cryystyy> the 7
<cryystyy> i have the recovery.img file but i don't know how to use it
<EvilBelgian> Hey people
<Mardos> belgiann damn it
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<chadouming> follow instruction there cryystyy
<EvilBelgian> Mardos, what?
<cryystyy> ok,thx for the help ^^
<Mardos> ola
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<chadouming> cryystyy, once recovery is installed, to enter recovery you must reboot the phone and hold power + vol up. Once the boot logo is shown, release power button but keep vol up pressed
<chadouming> yw
<cryystyy> ok :)
<cryystyy> also after i install the cynogenmod can i go back to the original galaxy tab cfw ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> yes
<Mardos> snitches get stiches
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* chadouming is away: dinner
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<Mardos> dinner?
<Espenfjo> Thats... early
<Espenfjo> Is it not noon or something now, chadouming?
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<cryystyy> guy i have a little problme.i managed to flash the tab with cyanogen mod 9 but when i start the tap it block at the cyanogen logo
<cryystyy> i doesn't freez it just stays like that
<cryystyy> *it
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<Mnfear> Hi , anyone else experiencing "No Voice " while talking on the phone ? (Galaxy SIII Cyanogen Mod 9 )
<bbqbot> derp
<IamSachin> Mnfear: Use LFB modem
<Mnfear> ok thanks
<Mnfear> Can i ask how ?
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<cryystyy> no one ? :( how the hell i make it start ?
<Ravenheart> evening dudes
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<Mnfear> ok thanks
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<Mardos> fuck its 12:21pm and hes havin dinner DAMn
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<Ravenheart> its 19:21 here Mardos
<Ravenheart> timezones are real
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<Mardos> im est
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<cryystyy> come on guys help me a bit
<cryystyy> how can i bring a galaxy tab 2 7" to normal if the cyanogen mod doesn't start
<slainer68> cryystyy: sorry, throw it through the window.
<slainer68> cryystyy: JUST KIDDING, don't do it, don't do it!! too late.
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<cryystyy> <_<
<cryystyy> not funny
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<Ravenheart> something is very wrong with the freenode server i keep getting transfered to
<codeworkx> cryystyy: reboot into recovery?
<codeworkx> cryystyy: and do a factory reset. that's what you've missed to do
<Mardos> do a backup of oyur current rom in cwm
<codeworkx> dont backup samsungs shit
<codeworkx> ;-)
<Mardos> incase of emergency :P
<codeworkx> throw it away
<codeworkx> IamSachin: don't use LFB modem. Use a modem which is working. :-P
<Mardos> samsung tabs are shit
<codeworkx> The tab2 rockz with cm
<IamSachin> codeworkx truly said :P
<Mardos> i have tab 10.1 with cm but i just find no use for a tab since my s3 rocks
<Mardos> my tab 10.1 is a big xbmc remote :D
<cryystyy> yup it works now after i did the factory reset.thx for the help
<codeworkx> cryystyy: learn to read :-P
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<codeworkx> cryystyy: instructions are saying -> do a factory reset
<noxxx> HALO
<bbqbot> derp
<cryystyy> did not see that XD
<cryystyy> sry
<Mardos> codeworkx are you the one who got cm to work on AT&T S3
<codeworkx> i dont care about US phones and i'll never touch one
<noxxx> codeworkx halo
<Mardos> ahaah nice !
<Mardos> amen
<codeworkx> sprint, vzw, att&t -> HATE HATE HATE
<Mardos> i agree with the gods here
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<Mardos> nice new nightly for the s3
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<noxxx> guys
<noxxx> pls tell me how i can now what app kills my battery?
<RoBz> settings > battery
<Mardos> get bbs
<peterperfect> better battery stats
<noxxx> pf
<brgroover> where can i view jb cm10 merges?
<noxxx> RoBz there is just "Android System 36%"
<noxxx> peterperfect thanks will try
<noxxx> does anyone have huge battery drain on CM?
<RoBz> nope
<RoBz> :s
<noxxx> *foreveralone face*
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<slainer68> brgroover: where can i view jb cm10 merges? > In Uranus
<noxxx> better battery stats is paid app :(
<slainer68> noxxx: yes i have it, it's the best app to know what causes battery drains.
<slainer68> noxxx: you should buy it eyes closed
<noxxx> slainer68 i cant hit buy button with my eyes closed :(
<noxxx> i always miss
<brgroover> the work already began with the CM10? im curious, i dont want shit etas
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<IamSachin> noxxx Check for syncs, or any rogue app running in the background. Avoid WhatsApp and all :P
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<steinex> hmm, people: i have the following in /data/local/
<steinex> the command works when the device finished booting up, but not in
<steinex> echo 800000 800000 950000 > /sys/class/misc/gpu_voltage_control/gpu_control
<steinex> does this get overwritten elsewhere later?
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* chadouming is back (gone 01:03:23)
<chadouming> Espenfjo, right now, here it's 13h00
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<Espenfjo> yup
<Espenfjo> exactly
<Espenfjo> Noon an hour ago
<noxxx> it is 21:00 here
<noxxx> do not cheating em
<steinex> noxxx: uh? then i'm still in the office ^^
<steinex> cat noxxx
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<noxxx> wut?
<bbqbot> derp
<noxxx> how to use better battery stats?
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<IamSachin> simple, just look for kernel and partial wakelocks
<IamSachin> read the betterbatterystats xda page first
<IamSachin> it'll explain you about wakelocks
<noxxx> IamSachin could you give me a link pls?
<IamSachin> read the complete first post
<noxxx> IamSachin thank you very much
<IamSachin> noxxx: :)
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<noxxx> ok i read first post
<noxxx> now i know what is partial wakelock
<IamSachin> yes. now install BBS and run it
<noxxx> did it
<noxxx> lookin at red stripes
<IamSachin> yeah
<IamSachin> those stats will show u the time and counts for which a particular lock was there
<noxxx> how long should i run it so i could see the process dat eats battery?
<IamSachin> some locks run for a long time, and some run for many number of times
<IamSachin> those cause battery drops
<noxxx> well google+ is on the 1st place
<noxxx> 8 times for 75s
<IamSachin> it gathers data from android itself, so whnever u run it u will find fresh stats
<IamSachin> thats very less actually and nothing to worry aboyt
<IamSachin> i ll give u an example from my BBS
<noxxx> well there's nothing more than g+
<noxxx> but i have battery drain
<IamSachin> i had a wlan_rx_wake wakelock for 4m47s ...count is 172
<IamSachin> this wakelock is known though, whenever an app is using continuos wifi this one exists, like while downloading
<IamSachin> now you need to figure out if there are some wakelocks, come back after a few hours and tell me what the BBS shows
<noxxx> ok
<noxxx> and there is nothing on kernel wakelocks
<noxxx> is it ok?
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<IamSachin> yeah maybe it didnt collect any data as of now..
<IamSachin> wait for a few hours and check back
<noxxx> ok thanks
<chadouming> are you on a particular kernel or stock ?
<chadouming> because some kernel has logger disabled
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<noxxx> chadouming i am on stock cm9
<chadouming> you didnt changed the kernel ?
<noxxx> nope
<chadouming> hmk, then just wait and you will see ^^
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<davidism> ./ galaxys2
<davidism> make: *** No rule to make target `out/target/product/galaxys2/obj/lib/', needed by `out/target/product/galaxys2/obj/EXECUTABLES/mediaserver_intermediates/LINKED/mediaserver'. Stop.
<davidism> What am I missing?
<koud> run extract script
<koud> for proprietary files
<koud> should be some mention about that in the guide
<davidism> ah, it's not mentione under "the easy way" section
<davidism> Maybe that should be part of the build script?
<koud> maybe
<koud> not sure where you are reading :P
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<chadouming> good thing it's not in, help to separate the noobs and advanced user
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<koud> well
<koud> what is missing is that you need to get proprietary files
<davidism> I don't think I'm a noob, but then I'm also not an Android developer by default...
<koud> for that you need to connect your phone running cm9
<koud> and then go to device/samsung/galaxys2/ folder
<koud> and run
<koud> and it will extract the files it need
<davidism> yeah, I got it now, thanks koud
<koud> after that it should work
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<noxxx> can i haz JB?
<chadouming> do iyt
<chadouming> it*
<noxxx> i could ask my wief to do it
<Baskey> ping xplodwild
<noxxx> but she only can make BJ
<noxxx> not JB
<Baskey> HUH
<xplodwild> pong
<noxxx> so is it true dat JB sources is out?
<Baskey> xplodwild: make us BJ
<Baskey> yep
<Baskey> @google Android 4.1 AOSP
<bbqbot> AnandTech - Android 4.1 hits AOSP, Verizon Galaxy Nexus regains ... -
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<noxxx> Baskey pff i need no BJ from xplodwild
<Baskey> I do
<noxxx> Baskey are you gay?
<steinex> no BJ, but JB
<steinex> eheheheh.
<Baskey> noxxx: I'm just in love with xplodwild
<noxxx> Baskey so you're gay
<noxxx> i see
<Baskey> nope
<noxxx> yep
<Baskey> nope
<Baskey> @8ball am I gay?
<bbqbot> Yes — definitely.
<noxxx> how a guy can be in love with other guy>
<Baskey> ...
<IamSachin> codeworkx says incompatible binaries, Will result in no audio, no camera, no hwcomposer, no video codecs.....
<noxxx> Baskey see?
<IamSachin> gotta wait for samsung now :P
<noxxx> IamSachin so i guess there will be no JB for sgs2
<noxxx> :(
<IamSachin> for S3 he said
<Baskey> @8ball is xplodwild gay?
<bbqbot> Outlook good.
<noxxx> IamSachin and for sgs2?
<xplodwild> @8ball do I prefer girls?
<bbqbot> Most likely.
<noxxx> lol
<chadouming> @8ball do i prefer girls ?
<bbqbot> Ask again later.
<noxxx> xplodwild is tough huy and Baskey is gay
<chadouming> @8ball do i prefer girls ?
<bbqbot> You may rely on it.
<IamSachin> noxxx: not much of a difference, they obviously need a leaked build for proper binaries
<chadouming> :D
<Baskey> lol
<noxxx> nice
<noxxx> 1h 44m of bbs work
<Baskey> @8ball are you lying?
<bbqbot> Signs point to yes.
<Baskey> :)
<noxxx> no kernel wakelocks
<noxxx> no significant changes in partial wakelocks
<chadouming> look on partial wakelock
<IamSachin> xplodwild: where is ur infamous Tshirt u wore while haxxing ICS in December
<IamSachin> :P
<Baskey> good question
<Baskey> and... WTF IS HWCOMPOSER?
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> xplodwild
<IamSachin> noxxx: its strange that kernel log is not working
<noxxx> IamSachin so what should i do?
<peterperfect> Baskey its a composer for the HW
<IamSachin> xplodwild: your fav question :P
<peterperfect> idiotte
<noxxx> how to check if it works or not?
<Baskey> peterperfect: wow :O
<chadouming> @google hwcomposer
<bbqbot> Platform/Android/ICSwithSoftwareGL - Linaro Wiki -
<chadouming> IS THAT HARD ?
<chadouming> learn2google
<IamSachin> chadouming nope, its a joke actually..last november/december xplodwild was asked a million times from million users "what is hw composer?" :P
<chadouming> ah xD
<Baskey> chadouming: GOOGLE IS FOR PUSSIES
<noxxx> IamSachin what is AudioOut_178 partial wakelock?
<chadouming> music
<Baskey> @8ball am I rite?
<bbqbot> Without a doubt.
<Baskey> :)
<IamSachin> Audio_Out is for audio, whenever ur speakers are on for anything
<noxxx> 1h36s, 4 times
<chadouming> if you are listening to music, it will keep a wakelock
<IamSachin> be it touch sound, clicks, or music, or game audio
<noxxx> what if i do not listen to music?
<chadouming> then you have a problem
<IamSachin> disable touch sounds, lock sound in Sound options
<IamSachin> otherwise this partial wakelock might exist
<IamSachin> old problem
<noxxx> no lock sound, touch sound
<IamSachin> restart and check if it exists again
<noxxx> nice
<noxxx> AudioOut_178 for 1h36s, AudioOut_187 for 13m1s and AudioOut_1 for 9m9s
<IamSachin> donno about others, i just get get audioout_1
<chadouming> if i'm not wrong , its simply other application
<noxxx> well i restarted phone
<noxxx> will see
<noxxx> is there any way to know what something means without annoying you guys?)
<noxxx> what is networkstats>
<noxxx> ?
<koud> xplodwild: nexus 7 or secondhand tf300? what do you think? :P
<IamSachin> i dont get annoyed :P
<xplodwild> nexus 7
<chadouming> nexus 7
<noxxx> IamSachin SO ANSA ME
<chadouming> and noxxx it's the radio part
<noxxx> what is networkstats?
<IamSachin> donno actually :P
<IamSachin> SGS3 next :)
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<noxxx> what is the point for dos builds?
<noxxx> it is useless
<IamSachin> they wanna see Smooth UI and Google Now and then shift back to CM9 IMO :P
<Mardos> bring it on for S3 !!!
<IamSachin> netchip trolling a lot on twitter :P
<Mardos> send me his twitter account
<koud> xplodwild: you say it so easily? tf300 is not good?
<bbqbot> derp
<IamSachin> check xplod's tweets, u'll find him
<Mardos> netchip ‏@NetchipTl
<Mardos> @Paradoxxx_1337 @Faryaab @codeworkx and @xplodwild are saying audio is broken etc...
<bbqbot> Mardos: Command does not exist!
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<IamSachin> anyone remembers unholy coentje44? :P
<Mardos> netchip is so smart
<pier> :lo
<noxxx> me haz jb on sgs2 neede URGENTLY
<noxxx> gooby plz (c) dolan
<pier> go buy a gnexus
<noxxx> it is ugly
<pier> :D
<addi> gnex is ugly? pfft
<chadouming> woah, they stole our template !
<IamSachin> GNex looks great, try it for once
<addi> noxxx is ugly
<addi> GNex is the sexiest device made by Samsung
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<addi> followed up by a cutesy and girly SGS3 -.-
<IamSachin> I find blue SGS3 good too, just wish they made it pure black instead of blue
<addi> no black is the biggest fail imo
<Espenfjo> Or pink ^^
<addi> SAMOLED blacks + black device = epic win
<noxxx> addi ma wief says you're gay
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<addi> noxxx, OKAY
<xplodwild> did netchip do anything while I was under shower?
<addi> he took a picture of you and uploaded it on the interwebz :p
<IamSachin> haha, no...he is just building for S3 without owning a S3 :P
<addi> but no, don't see any tweet from him
<addi> um, he doesn't have the S3?
<IamSachin> xplodwild: he just tweeted "And no, I didn't gave up at #SGS2. Why should I? I just take some time, with in my head we can't have audio without #bigS releasing JB"
<koud> also I don't think he managed to compile it yet
<addi> and his head houses a bright mind? :p
<koud> "My tree isn't clean anymore. I got to wait until CM10 compiles."
<IamSachin> winzippers, winzippers everywhere
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<addi> i thought people used 7-zip? :p
<bbqbot> derp
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<addi> @8ball does bbqbot derp too much?
<bbqbot> Yes — definitely.
<addi> ^^
<Mardos> xplodwild oyu have time to shower lol
<xplodwild> I'm done
<pier> :o
<pier> weird
<Mardos> very lol
<pier> /wii kangster
<lolwat> @8ball do niggers steal bikes?
<bbqbot> Ask again later.
<lolwat> pls
<lolwat> u so stupid
<pier> @8ball doh
<bbqbot> Better not tell you now.
<pier> :(
<pier> @8ball does netchip have a sgs3?
<bbqbot> Don't count on it.
<pier> bah
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<Mardos> lolwat lol
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<onyx> hi all any progress on the CM10? ;)
<peterperfect> yeah
<peterperfect> almost finished
<peterperfect> we are dropping a build in 5 minutes
<noxxx> onyx i am playing around with it on sgs2
<noxxx> with test build
<peterperfect> here is the known issues list
<noxxx> the only thing doesnt work for me is booting
<peterperfect> audio not working / calls are not working / camera is not working / wifi is not working
<noxxx> other features are awesome
<peterperfect> 3g is not working / display is black and white and upside down
<Espenfjo> +1
<Espenfjo> But it is buttery smooth
<IamSachin> JB being BJ
<peterperfect> hell yeah!
<onyx> Great work ;) JB fantastic android ;)
<noxxx> yep
<noxxx> and smooth
<noxxx> 60fps
<chadouming> the good thing is that battery life is crazy !
<peterperfect> 61fps
<Baskey> 60.9 actually
<IamSachin> yeah, charge now and it'll last till key lime pie releases
<IamSachin> 60.89939488819 to be precise
<Baskey> indeed
<Baskey> sorry for my inconvenience
<peterperfect> no
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<xplodwild> hmm
<xplodwild> nexus 7 HAL seems pretty generic
<xplodwild> MAYBE we could have some audio on weird devices
<chadouming> isnt it the goal of nexus device ?
<xplodwild> it's meant to work on the device
<xplodwild> not all devices
<xplodwild> but audio hal is very generic
<xplodwild> that's cool
<peterperfect> cool
<peterperfect> <3 TF300T
<Baskey> FU TF300T
<peterperfect> using nexus 7 stuff
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<peterperfect> use tf300 hal on sgs2
<peterperfect> lulz
<peterperfect> theres nothing else to try
<Baskey> use Spica hal on SGS2
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<akSeya> @8ball will netchip release a JB build to SGS2 before teamhacksung?
<bbqbot> Yes — definitely.
<akSeya> @8ball is xplodwild is copying netchip code?
<bbqbot> Ask again later.
<akSeya> XD
<xplodwild> lawl
<xplodwild> bbqbot is crazy tonight
<xplodwild> he's drunken
<IamSachin> Jack Daniel's
<akSeya> he surely is!!
<akSeya> but netchip has ETAs!!
<akSeya> something as "as soon as CM10 in out, i'll have a nightly"
<akSeya> true story
<peterperfect> Kangly
<bbqbot> . . . hic !
<DuperMa> netchip has a guesstimate
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<chadouming> lol, akSeya
<akSeya> ;)
<chadouming> so true
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<chadouming> as soon has their code is avalaible for CM10, netchip will drop an "AOSP" rom
<DuperMa> "when the people doing it do it it I'll have it rebranded as mine"
<akSeya> guys, I'm having a strange problem with face unlock in build 20120710 ... when configuring it front camera shows vertical green things
<akSeya> actually never used faceunlock on cm9, so can't tell when it started...
<chadouming> dont use it :P
<akSeya> nhá
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* CoowBooy brings upon Baskey with a not-yet-discovered jelly vibrator
* chadouming is not sure of what he just read
<CoowBooy> slap script ;>
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<peterperfect> Daniel Hillenbrand7:43 AM
<peterperfect> Patch Set 2: I would prefer that you didn't submit this
<peterperfect> @Netchip Please stop trying as hard as possible to get your name into any of the cm repos just to be able to say "i did something".
<peterperfect> That's stuff device maintainers will do if it's time for it. No need to rush.
<peterperfect> If you wanna do something usefull, do fixes, but don't pick the cherry's laying around and flood gerrit with it.
<bbqbot> peterperfect: Command does not exist!
<peterperfect> We know for sure that you don't own a grouper, so please stop doing stuff for devices you don't own. I told you 100 times before.
<peterperfect> Thank you.
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<Mikael> Hi allemaal everybody!
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<xplodwild> MODVERSION: 10-20120711-UNOFFICIAL-i9300
<xplodwild> Zipping package...
<xplodwild> Signing package...
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<PiCkLeS> And working?
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<xplodwild> PiCkLeS: downloading build from build server
<PiCkLeS> Cool
<slainer68> xplodwild: GREAT :D. Wanna know what's working and what's not :D. same as TF300T or better?
<xplodwild> no idea
<xplodwild> ./adb push /sdcard/
<xplodwild> in progress
<PiCkLeS> Im too old for excitement. But ill grin a little.
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<Kaik541> anyone in here got a US variant of SGS3?
<Espenfjo> eww?
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<Kaik541> Espenfjo: I know, trying to figure something out
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<PiCkLeS> Well hope it worked,as you wanted considering whats not released.
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<Karbowiak> cm-10 for the i9300 ?!
<Karbowiak> mothafuka :(
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<sk8erwitskil> so i got 4.1 aosp to compile and install but it wont boot and adb wont start. it gets stuck in a boot loop.
<sk8erwitskil> any ideas on where i could start to get adb working so i can debug?
<bbqbot> derp
<sk8erwitskil> its for a samsung skyrocket
<sk8erwitskil> i just dont even know where to go from here
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<koud> sk8erwitskil|afk: check logcat
<koud> maybe compile linker with debug turned on
<koud> and push it to get more output
<koud> linking issues are common for bootloops like that
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<sk8erwitskil> i cant even get logcat to start cuz adb doesnt work
<sk8erwitskil> and it just gets to the samsung logo and then reboots
<sk8erwitskil> ill look into compiling linker with debug turned on
<sk8erwitskil> thanks