bbqbot changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | <nebkat> STO SI MUCKO KOLU | <codeworkx> KalimAz: i can see my panties | NO ETAs | Don't talk about CM10
onyx has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<Jiangyi|Dinner> codeworkx: What are you working on this late? o_o
Jiangyi|Dinner is now known as Jiangyi
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: hwcomposer
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: The bitchy I9100 one?
<codeworkx> i9300
<Jiangyi> Ah.
<codeworkx> and i9100g needs some love, too
<Jiangyi> Yay :-D
<Jiangyi> Poor I9100 though. :-P
Parth has quit [Quit: Quack!]
<codeworkx> shitphone
<codeworkx> :-D
<BrandoHD> :-(
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Most I9100 users still think they'll get CM10 soon. lol :-P
<codeworkx> lol
<Jiangyi> Especially on Chinese forums.
BrandoHD has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<smokinbroccoli> @downloads toro
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I guess I can ask the guy who leaked the ICS firmwares if Samsung's doing 4.1 or not for you. :-P
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: BTW, what did you do before Samsung phones?
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<Baskey> herp
<bbqbot> derp
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<ring1> hi, is it really necessary on a i9100 to use a bootloader version lower than lph, as the article on xda recommends? states, it is not needed. but i don't know, if the faq is still up to date :)
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<que> hello
<que> i hava a trouble with my s2
<que> i flash cm10
BrandoHD has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<que> it's appear "asset failed: getprop("ro.product.device") == "i9100g" (...) (Status 7) "
<que> my last version is cm9 rc2
<que> how can i do ? thanks
<bbqbot> derp
<que> derp what ?
Devourz has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
<Jiangyi> que: Do you have I9100 or I9100G?
<Jiangyi> If you have I9100, then CM10 is not available for your device yet.
<Jiangyi> Also, ignore bbqbot. :-P
<que> So that's how it is. I understand soon after your explanation
<que> Jiangyi thanks
<Jiangyi> Yeah no problem. :-P
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<txmoose> Evening everyone, I just grabbed the CM10 alpha to flash on my old fascinate. It seems, though, I'm stuck. The boot animation is Cyanogenmod 9 and it just runs and runs....
<txmoose> Has anyone else experienced this issue?
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<que> i has a question when the i9100 has cm10 ?
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<Schnabeltier> i would be happy to flash cm9 to my i9100.. but am unsure qith the bootloader
<nevyn> que: see first rule of CM
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<txmoose> Alright, I can't get CM10 to boot... just plays the CM9 boot animation for 30+ minutes... Also, I can not get it to go into recovery or download mode, so I'm up a creek here... is anyone else having these issues?
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<gladiac1337> txmoose: what device do you have?
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild> txmoose: no download mode? you're doing it wrong
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<xplodwild_work> @eval xplod()
<bbqbot> 'ohhai)'
<xplodwild_work> fu datagutt
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<ernie`> work work
<ernie`> why did my vacation have to end
<xplodwild_work> ernie`: mine starts next week
<ernie`> lucky
<ernie`> what will you be doing?
<xplodwild_work> ernie`: watch pron all day long
<addi> but you already do that even without vacation..
<ernie`> haha
<addi> so what's new in vacation? :p
<ernie`> I guess thats as good as any vacation
<ernie`> @8ball should I take the leap and upgrade to jelly bean?
<bbqbot> You may rely on it.
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<bsellers267> Hello world.
<xplodwild_work> ohai
<bsellers267> Hey, so this fassy rom.. will it work with my showcase?
<xplodwild_work> think so
<bsellers267> I cried a bit inside
<xplodwild_work> though you will only have CM7
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<xplodwild_work> so Gingerbread
<bsellers267> wait, what?
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<xplodwild_work> oh
<xplodwild_work> wasn't aware of it
<xplodwild_work> reported only cm7
<bsellers267> Well, I'd rather stick with GB with my showcase.
<bsellers267> These phones were never designed for JB or even ICS.
<xplodwild_work> neither was Galaxy S
<xplodwild_work> still it runs ICS fine
<bsellers267> Resulting in sluggish performance due to ram requirements.
<xplodwild_work> and probably JB even better
<bsellers267> I'm just saying why the carriers didn't continue supporting the phones.
<bsellers267> There's only so much you can do it with. I find ICS sluggish on my showcase.
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<bsellers267> Actually, Samsung produces the updates... why I thought carriers had anything to do with making the rom, I had no idea.
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<ernie`> salary comes in... salary goes out :(
<xplodwild_work> "Got my salary....
<xplodwild_work> ... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND it's gone"
<ernie`> yes exactly
<ernie`> xD
<txmoose> gladiac1337: xplodwild I can't get it to boot to anything
<txmoose> It only boots to boot animation, and then it just keeps playing the boot animation. I let it sit for over an hour
<txmoose> scratch that, I got it into download mode now
<xplodwild_work> txmoose: did you wipe data?
<bbqbot> derp
<txmoose> xplodwild_work: I did wipe data and cache
<xplodwild_work> txmoose: what device?
<txmoose> i500 fascinate
romann is now known as romann|afk
<txmoose> meh... I guess I just need to flash back to a CM7, get to recovery and try again
<txmoose> I got it in download mode, so I need to find an odin-able cm7 image
<ernie`> laaaazy monday
<ernie`> almost too tired to do anything
<txmoose> Sweet, got it into recovery mode
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<Assid> err how do i change a contact from phone /unsynced to my gmail one
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<addi> kalpik,
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<Schnabeltier> hi, is it really necessary on a i9100 to use a bootloader version lower than lph, as the article on xda recommends? states, it is not needed. but i don't know, if the faq is still up to date :)
<xplodwild_work> Schnabeltier: FAQ is a bit outdated on that one
smokinbroccoli is now known as zz_smokinbroccol
<Schnabeltier> so first flashing cwm and then installing cm9 was a bad idea, cause now i have to use the noobproof method with odin... cause my bootloader seems to be higher than lph...
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<Guest5561> hey, any idea to get the app button in trebuchet launcher to different place as in the middle of all other shortcuts?
<beer> Guest5561: no
<Guest5561> mh okay, it was worth giving a try :D
<Guest5561> thanks anyway..
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<onyx> hi all any good news for cm10 sgs2 ?;)
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> [10:46] ** Topic: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: Don't talk about CM10
<Baskey> SOEH
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<addi> datagutt_,
<addi> whats up dood
<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats up dood
<xplodwild_work> addi,
<xplodwild_work> whats up dood
<Baskey> @topic TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | see the August whore on my balls | <nebkat> STO SI MUCKO KOLU | <codeworkx> KalimAz: i can see my panties | NO ETAs | Don't talk about CM10
bbqbot changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | see the August whore on my balls | <nebkat> STO SI MUCKO KOLU | <codeworkx> KalimAz: i can see my panties | NO ETAs | Don't talk about CM10
<xplodwild_work> @eval wud = function(wut) { IRC.message("#teamhacksung-support", wut + ","); IRC.message("#teamhacksung-support", "whats up dood"); }
<bbqbot> [Function]
<addi> xplodwild_work,
<addi> whats up dood
<xplodwild_work> @eval wud("addi")
<bbqbot> addi,
<bbqbot> whats up dood
<bbqbot> undefined
<addi> xD
<xplodwild_work> @eval wud = function(wut) { IRC.message("#teamhacksung-support", wut + ","); return "whats up dood"; }
<bbqbot> [Function]
<xplodwild_work> @eval wud("addi")
<bbqbot> addi,
<bbqbot> 'whats up dood'
<addi> @eval
<bbqbot> addi: You are not allowed to run that command!
<addi> :(
<xplodwild_work> @eval wud("dataguttt_")
<bbqbot> dataguttt_,
<bbqbot> 'whats up dood'
* addi rapes Baskey in anger
<xplodwild_work> @eval wud("Baskey")
<bbqbot> Baskey,
<bbqbot> 'whats up dood'
<Baskey> addi,
<addi> that's nebkat's line!
<Baskey> DON'T CARE
<addi> OKAY
<xplodwild_work> See the August whore on my balls
* addi rapes Baskey again seeing as how he doesn't care
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<beer> @eval wud = function(wut) { return wut + ": whats up dood";}
<bbqbot> [Function]
<beer> @eval wud("xplodwild_work")
<bbqbot> 'xplodwild_work: whats up dood'
<Baskey_> Baskey: GTFO
<beer> @eval wud = function(wut) { IRC.message("#teamhacksung-support", wut + ": whats up dood");}
<bbqbot> [Function]
<beer> @eval wud("xplodwild_work")
<bbqbot> xplodwild_work: whats up dood
<bbqbot> undefined
<addi> Baskey, /ns ghost Baskey password
<addi> go!
<beer> @eval wud = function(wut) { return wut + ": whats up dood";}
<bbqbot> [Function]
<addi> Baskey_, ^
Baskey has quit [Disconnected by services]
<beer> addi: STO SI MUCKO COLU
Baskey_ is now known as Baskey
<addi> :(
<addi> beer, <3
<beer> ahahahahahahahaha
Baskey has quit [Client Quit]
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<beer> - sheeeeeeeiiiiiiitttttttt
<IamSachin> xplodwild_work: did u find the cause of memory leak bro? :)
<IamSachin> lol neb
Baskey_ has joined #teamhacksung-support
<IamSachin> hey Baskey ..whats up dood
<addi> IamSachin,
<addi> whats up dood
<IamSachin> playing CSGO :)
<beer> IamSachin: You have ten seconds to $$$ SWAG $$$ da fuck out nawmsayn?
<beer> #SWAG
<beer> #BASED
<Baskey_> IamSachin:
<addi> IamSachin, i will play Max Payne 3 in a little while :p
Baskey has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
<Baskey_> lawl
<Baskey_> org
<IamSachin> :)
<IamSachin> its a 28GB download :(
<beer> IamSachin: You have ten seconds to $$$ SWAG $$$ da fuck out nawmsayn?
<beer> #SWAG
<beer> #BASED
<Baskey_> IamSachin:
<addi> so? warez and jumbofiles links FTW
<IamSachin> lol :P
<Baskey_> OMG TYPO
<addi> Baskey_,
<addi> whats up dood
<beer> IamSachin: SWAG YOU DONT GOT IT
<datagutt_> BIEBER GOT SWAG
<Baskey_> addi,
<addi> xD
<IamSachin> what does swag mean :P
<IamSachin> @google swag
<datagutt_> UPPERCASE?
Baskey_ has quit [Client Quit]
<IamSachin> me noobsta
<beer> what's with the _?
<bbqbot> derp
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<datagutt_> hm?
<bbqbot> I want to fuck datagutt
<datagutt_> haha
<IamSachin> @google datagutt
<bbqbot> datagutt (@datagutt) on Twitter -
<bbqbot> IamSachin: STO SI MUCKO KOLU
<addi> if i is syncing repo and puts computer in sleep in between, does syncing resume from where it left off after waking computer up?
<bbqbot> addi: yes, please
<addi> thank you please
<bbqbot> you're welcome
<addi> is there no way to tell sync to NOT use the full might of the internet connection? just simply makes internet unusable on my computer :/
<addi> :(
<Baskey> bbqbot: y u caps
<Baskey> idiottebot
<Baskey> @help commands
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @userlevel @owners @admins @mods @say @join @part @kick @kickban @unban @op @deop @voice @devoice @mute @unmute @topic @invite @supported @downloads @changelog @addDevice @removeDevice @google @eightball @bash @addQuote @bomb @nuclearbomb @geo @timer @money
<Baskey> @help
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @join @part @kick @kickban @unban @op @deop @voice @devoice @mute @unmute @supported @downloads @changelog @google
<Baskey> @help prefix
<bbqbot> Usage: @prefix [<prefix>]
<bbqbot> Description: Changes prefix of bot
<Baskey> @bash
<bbqbot> quote:
<bbqbot> <disconect> Tekken and sex both give my hand a cramp if I do it for too long, though...
<addi> @bash
<bbqbot> quote:
<bbqbot> <Quan> they speak "texican"
<addi> @google Baskey
<bbqbot> HOME - Baskey new products -
<addi> 0.o
<Baskey> YEP
<addi> @google Baskey android
<bbqbot> Amazon Top Rated: best Moses Baskets -
<addi> 0_o
<Baskey> Hoohobbers Moses Basket
<Baskey> xD
<Baskey> Badger Basket Company Natural Baby Moses Basket with Hood - Pink Gingham Bedding
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<bbqbot> bigbrovar_: Badger Basket Company Natural Baby Moses Basket with Hood - Pink Gingham Bedding
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<Baskey> xD
onyx has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<datagutt_> lol
<datagutt_> goofy isnt a human
<datagutt_> lol
<beer> Baskey: #SWAG
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<beer> Baskey: ZOMG ZLOTY
<Baskey> beer: no
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<addi> "An update for the predecessor - the Samsung Galaxy S II - is also being tested, but it is less certain as Samsung is yet to evaluate how well the new OS with its customizations on top runs on the older hardware."
<addi> evaluate how Jelly Bean runs on the powerful Exynos dual-core? Yeah, right -.-
<IamSachin> #fuckSamsung
antiStatis has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
<addi> seriously. it's not like they have to put S3's TouchWiz on the S2 that they need to evaluate
<datagutt_> release AOSP
<addi> that they can't do. sorry
<datagutt_> solution sovled
<datagutt_> solved
<addi> remove TouchWiz? Blasphemy! xD
<datagutt_> true but
<addi> but anyway, SGS2 more than capable to run JB + TW
<datagutt_> sure
<datagutt_> they just take JB, shit it up
<datagutt_> shouldnt slow down the phone anything
<datagutt_> lol
<xplodwild_work> "Sorry we can't run something more optimized"
<addi> well, they already shitted ICS
<xplodwild_work> It performs too well
<addi> yeah, will slow down S3's sale and stop it from achieving 20 million sales xD
<datagutt_> lol
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<cdesai> "Sorry touchwiz can't be so smooth"
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<ernie`> I guess CM10 for i9300 isnt stable enough for a daily driver, huh?
<ernie`> My mind tells me to wait for the nightlies, but my eagerness tells me to install the previews
<cantIntoCode|A> ernie`: the previews are working great
<cantIntoCode|A> they have some minor issues but nothing showstopping imo
<ernie`> hmm
<cantIntoCode|A> great work by th :)
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<ernie`> GAH okay then
<ernie`> Im at work.. but screw it
<ernie`> I will lose everything, right?
<addi> cantIntoCode|A,
<addi> whats up dood
<cantIntoCode|A> addi: hey man hows things
harv has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
* chadouming is back (gone 68:03:21)
lenny|offline is now known as Lenny
<addi> things are good.. and hopefully shall remain so
<addi> chadouming,
<addi> things are good.. and hopefully shall remain so
<addi> whats up dood*
<addi> xD
<cantIntoCode|A> nothing just bitching to madfinger because they suck
<addi> Lenny, how was TDKR? liked it? was OK? was bad?
<cantIntoCode|A> charge for something then make it full of freemium crap
<beer> cantIntoCode|A: which ones are madfinger again
<beer> waht gaem tahy maek
kalpik has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
<addi> cantIntoCode|A, they removed all the effects from the normal version which were showing up on High earlier without the hack -.-
<cantIntoCode|A> beer: dead trigger / shadowgun
<beer> ah yeah
<beer> shadowgun sux
<addi> actually, it was freemium before yet you had to buy it as well -.-
<beer> go get nova
<beer> NOVA FTW
<cantIntoCode|A> addi: yep, and they said its free now because of androids high piracy rate
<cantIntoCode|A> nice business model
<beer> cantIntoCode|A: its kinda true
<addi> both are good, though zero aim help in Shadowgun = too much time trying to aim at enemies
<beer> android piracy is huge
<cantIntoCode|A> I know that
<addi> i mean, I get helluva bored trying to point my gun at enemies in Shadown. a little aim help would be nice
<cantIntoCode|A> but releasing a paid game then changing it to freemium
<cantIntoCode|A> no go imo
<addi> yeah, i emailed them as well. asked if they were giving out refunds, haha
<addi> no reply xD
<cantIntoCode|A> same hahahaha
<cantIntoCode|A> its only £0.75
<cantIntoCode|A> its the principle
<addi> "Hi, I've noticed that Dead Trigger is now free to play. So basically, since the paid version also needed us to buy stuff in game with real money, I'm guessing it was a waste to buy it in the first place? Are you guys offering any refunds for buying the original paid game? Because unless there's some special privileges i get for buying the game, i don't see a reason to have paid for it. "
<addi> that's what I emailed :p
datagutt_ is now known as datagutt
<cantIntoCode|A> haha :D
<cantIntoCode|A> they dont reply
<Lenny> addi: loved it
<addi> yeah
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<addi> Lenny, same here, though I made a mistake going for a second time
<Lenny> I want to go again
<Lenny> lol
<addi> it's quite slow the 2nd time around
<addi> which wasn't the case the 1st time, which is odd xD
<Lenny> hmm
<Lenny> well they did say this one was a mix of BB and TDK
<Lenny> BB was slow
<addi> tbh, the first time I thought it was going along fine, except the 'sending Batman to that prison' part seemed out of place and a time waster in a movie that is supposed to wrap up a trilogy
<Assid> so im checking out this show -- continuum.. seems to be interesting
<Lenny> addi: however it was important though, it allowed batman to recover from the fight and bane to take control of gothem
<addi> yeah
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<Lenny> and gave us the viewer the chance to know the truth about the child of ra
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<addi> that truth was a nice twist, though I had slight suspiscion about it, hehe
<Lenny> well knowing batman already I knew what was coming
<gladiac1337> bbqbot what about me?
<Lenny> I guess thats what happens when you know the comics
<addi> I didn't. never read any comics :p
<Baskey> addi: shame on you
<addi> :(
<Baskey> me neither
<Baskey> :D
<addi> Y U! xD
<Lenny> I havn't in a long time but I grew up reading batman and spiderman comics
<Lenny> the story never changes :P
chadouming is now known as wifi
<addi> i grew up reading books, didn't read many comics.
<addi> except Archies xD
<addi> go to school library, and only comics they would have was Archies -.-
<Lenny> well I read plenty of books too
<Lenny> but I always liked batman
<addi> yeah, and the Dark Knight movies just made Batman that much better
<addi> my friend asks me "is TDKR better than Avengers?" I'm like "sorry, no comparison. Avengers was great fun, but TDK/TDKR are just something else"
<Lenny> yeah it was done very well, he kept true to the story (but changed the endings a little i,e people died who never die in the comics)
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<Lenny> yeah marvel films/comics tend to be a lot more light hearted and fun than DC ones
<Frd^> hey, is thre bug on cm9 on sgs9.rc2 that keeps all cpu at 1.4G all the time?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> and that Man of Steel trailer has got me waiting impatiently for it :/
<Lenny> that will be good I am sure
<Lenny> with Nolan as executive producer
<Lenny> and the writer/director is known for his great movies too
<addi> yeah. and then there's Hans Zimmer for the music (though with too many projects he's might become a bit repetitive)
<addi> too many projects lately*
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<addi> great musicians like Zimmer should not take up too many projects continuously
<addi> wait, not musician, composer xD
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<beorn_> oh
<addi> i think that app came out 2 months ago :p
<Lenny> yeah, the free trial is new though
<neoD|ml> easy to change boot animation cm9 sgs3?
<bbqbot> DERP
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<addi> bbqbot really wants to be heard today. all caps.. -.-
<gladiac1337> he's derping hard
<ernie`> Oh jelly bean goodness
<Lenny> haha htc have abandoned beats already
<Lenny> its sold 26% of its ownership (they only had 51%)
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<BattleCat> hey guys. I think I've found a bug with the video drivers(?) on cm9 for the SGS3 (i9300). Posted issue on XDA but was not sure if you checked that as the thread for issues as its somewhat bloated. Link is here if I can report it :)
<Baskey> @money 100 usd eur
<bbqbot> 100 USD = 82.58 EUR
<Baskey> @bomb Baskey
<bbqbot> Baskey, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
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<Baskey> lawl
<Baskey> wtf just happened
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<luka> i need help. how do i get rid of yellow triangle i flashed the cm9 via the noob proof odin method. and i have the yellow triangle at boot
<luka> tnx
<luka> is anything wrong if i let it be there?
<luka> if i leave it
<BattleCat> I'm only guessing but I think its to alert Samnsung you've reflashed it as it voids warranty in case of return
<Frd^> just if you need to sendi to repair it show it's includes custom rom
<luka> ok thanks
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<ring0> hi, is it really necessary on a i9100 to use a bootloader version lower than lph, as the article on xda recommends? states, it is not needed. but i don't know, if the faq is still up to date :)
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<Baskey> [15:58] ** wifi is now known as chadoumig
<Baskey> LAME
<chadouming> @kickban Baskey
<chadouming> :(
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<chadouming> @kickban Baskey
Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [Baskey]
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<chadouming> @timer set 120 unban Baskey
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<Frd^> any1 else noticed that cpu problem on cm9 rc2 on sgs3?
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<addi> "Nokia CEO is pursuing a 'new strategy' of shifting away from selling on as many carriers/operators as possible, and going to an exclusive deal with only one carrier/operator." 0,o
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<IamSachin> lol
<nebkat> addi: aaaahahahahahhahahahaha
<nebkat> only a netchip would do that
<IamSachin> only one thing can rise nokia....using Android :)
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<IamSachin> an android device by them will be super awesome :)
<addi> yer
<addi> they clearly are awesome at software
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<addi> nebkat, Elop already called the worst CEO in history by many, now going even worser xD
<nebkat> addi: worser
<nebkat> oh god
<datagutt> nono meego
<datagutt> USE MEEGO
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<ring0> hi, is it really necessary on a i9100 to use a bootloader version lower than lph, as the article on xda recommends? states, it is not needed. but i don't know, if the faq is still up to date :)
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<addi> <nebkat> addi: worser <-- worser than worse :p
<addi> ring0, the FAQ is usually more up to date, but again, can't be sure
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<Vitor> hello
<Vitor> can someone please help me on SGS2?
<ring0> addi, alright. do you know, what the issue is, why a bootloader lower than lph is recommended?
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<addi> don't know, something about not booting up with newer ones. not really sure
<ring0> ok, but not the jig not working anymore issue
<ring0> this was with earlier bootloaders, i believe
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<PJFonseca> hello
<PJFonseca> i'm getting the opt header write failed: No space left on device
<PJFonseca> did the wipe data and cache
<PJFonseca> the rom is cm10 and the phone is sgs
<PJFonseca> any ideas on how to solve this?
<Vitor> guys, is de JB for GS2 working properly now? The thread at XDA is not showing what works and what doesnt
* chadouming is away: lunch
<PJFonseca> now i see the topic "Don't talk about CM10" LOL
<PJFonseca> ok... i will not :)
<Vitor> ?
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<iPasher> hallo. gibt es cm 10 auch für den i9100?
<ring0> look at the topic
<iPasher> ok thx
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<baliriot> hi
<baliriot> looking for codeworkx
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<vedant> codeworkx: just saw your post about needing a tester. I am building CM10 for p3100 from the teamhacksung git repos right now, build should be over in about 40 minutes. I will then boot it and see how well it works. :)
<codeworkx> baliriot: wassup?
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<vedant> codeworkx: or would you prefer that I use your build? :D
<codeworkx> vedant: doesn't matter. where did you get proprietary files from?
<baliriot> saw your post want a tester in p3100
<vedant> codeworkx: TheMuppets repo
<codeworkx> k
<codeworkx> vedant: are you able to do some easy fixes?
<vedant> codeworkx: I had actually started building about an hour ago after seeing your commits on the p3100 repo but didn't know you wanted a tester.
<vedant> like? I do software dev for a living so I am comfortable with code but don't know much about the internals of Android.
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<codeworkx> vedant: tiny_hw.xml at configs dir
<codeworkx> vedant: there are the mixer controls set for different things. speaker, earpiece, mic and so on.
<ring0> codeworkx, do you know, if it's really necessary to use a bootloader lower than lph on i9100 as xda states? the faq from teamhacksung tells me, it doesn't matter
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> vedant: if something doesn't work, have a look at cm9 files default_gain.conf and tiny_ucm.conf
<vedant> codeworkx: ok. What does ZC switch mean in the general section? Is there any documentation for the tiny_hw.conf file? The official website doesn't seem to have any.
<codeworkx> nope
<codeworkx> doesn't matter what it means
<codeworkx> just add it if it's missing and it's fine :-D
* chadouming is back (gone 00:49:28)
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<baliriot> codeworkx, where i can get the test build for p3100?
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<JCSY> hello !
<codeworkx> baliriot: do ypu have enough skillz to do things on your own?
<JCSY> codework, the new CM10 for GT5100, does WIFI tethering work?
<bbqbot> derp
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<codeworkx> JCSY: dunno. that's something i dont care about
<JCSY> alrights cause previous it wasnt working, so i assume this issnt as well =)
<JCSY> thanks bro!
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<baliriot> codeworkx, i dont have adb & linux skills to be honest
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<Baskey> @topic TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | <nebkat> STO SI MUCKO KOLU | <codeworkx> KalimAz: I can see my panties | NO ETAs | Don't talk about CM10 | DO NOT PING CODY
bbqbot changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | <nebkat> STO SI MUCKO KOLU | <codeworkx> KalimAz: I can see my panties | NO ETAs | Don't talk about CM10 | DO NOT PING CODY
<xz_> there is no Cody on that channel.
<Baskey> are you sure?
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<Baskey> hi-o
<Baskey> nebkat
<nebkat> ^ so much win
<nebkat> lets ask netchip the same xD
<Baskey> he blocked me on Twitter
<Baskey> :(
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<JCSY> thanks codework , c ya
<Baskey> nebkat: sup
<msaraiva> nebkat!
<msaraiva> The f, man...
<msaraiva> you ain't leaving for posh camp again!
<nebkat> msaraiva: sup :D
<Baskey> nebkat: MAEK TREBUCHET 1.0 STABLE NAO
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<msaraiva> Baskey: i bought nebkat on Google Play
<msaraiva> $1
<msaraiva> He's mine, now.
<Baskey> you did what?! :O
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<msaraiva> Yep, you ain't blind.
<Baskey> nebkat: is it true?
<msaraiva> I bought nebkat for 1 buck on Google Play.
<nebkat> he bogut mah app
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<Baskey> so did I
<Baskey> msaraiva: I WAZ FIRZT
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<IamSachin> lol nebkat he bought u for 1 buck :P
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<Baskey> nebkat: Y U SO CHEAP
<vedant> codeworkx: btw did you forget to enable hybrid phone+tablet mode in CM10 for p3100 as it's screen size is 7". It's an overlay setting, isn't it? Or does android automatically detect for hybrid mode?
<Baskey> meh
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<Poo-Teen> hello
<Poo-Teen> gentlemen
<bsellers267> hey
<bsellers267> Poo-Teen, what kind of phone do you have?
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<Poo-Teen> any progress on cm10 for sgs2?
<bbqbot> derp
<Poo-Teen> bsellers267 sgs2
<bsellers267> Oh.. I have the ole galaxy s showcase from c spire.
<bsellers267> I am working on a custom rom for my phone. Venturing into deep waters.
<Baskey> Poo-Teen: as a topic says: DO NOT ASK ABOUT CM10
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<Poo-Teen> oh
<Poo-Teen> sorry
<Poo-Teen> i am the president of the SOVIET UNION
<msaraiva> Baskey: Ops, i paid in Euro too.
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<addi> hah, I knew my BNC was stuck. was wondering why all channels stopped talking -.-
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<cantIntoCode|A> addi: derp
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<addi> cantIntoCode|A,
<addi> whats up dood
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<cantIntoCode|A> tired -_- yourself?
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<addi> not tired. took an hour long nap in the evening ^_^
<cantIntoCode|A> lucky haha :D
<codeworkx> vedant: does it work?
<cantIntoCode|A> anyways time to phone some indian food for dinner, brb
<vedant> codeworkx: just booted it up. And immediately there's an issue: no home button anywhere on the screen.
<vedant> what's the package name for trebuchet?
<codeworkx> there'S no trebuchet
<codeworkx> what dpi is this device?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> density
<vedant> ~170 ppi pixel density (from gsmarena)
<codeworkx> it's set to 160 currently.
<codeworkx> should be fine
<codeworkx> you've no navbar at the bottom?
<vedant> nope
<codeworkx> look at android_device_asus_grouper
<codeworkx> also 7"
<vedant> syncing repo
<Veyka> Dammit trollw0rkz where my JB for sgs2? :(
<Veyka> </trolol>
<vedant> codeworkx: grouper has <bool name="config_showNavigationBar">true</bool> in frameworks config.xml overlay. Now building p3100 with that config.
<codeworkx> oh
<pmgnet> Is anyone other than me having problems getting ADB with GS3 on another cable than the one from Samsung? I've had two models now, and they behave the same on three different computers.
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<aarcane_> I was just looking for the latest CM10 nightly for my device, when I noticed something strange. The CM7 builds have been steadily growing a few KB at a time every build. I was wondering why ?
<IamSachin> latest CM10 nightly???? never heard of those :P
<bbqbot> derp
<aarcane_> IamSachin, I hadn't heard much about them either. Just rumors and myths on google+ for some of the galaxys devices, but not mine it seems :( Anyway, the real question: What's up with the increase in size over time of the CM7?
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<vedant> codeworkx: that did it, navbar is visible now.
<codeworkx> k
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<codeworkx> vedant: do you have any sound?
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<vedant> codeworkx: yes, call also works.
<codeworkx> lol
<codeworkx> i'm good
<codeworkx> :-P
<codeworkx> voice search might be a problem
<codeworkx> there's something wrong with the sample rate
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<MarioTME> Good evening
<vedant> codeworkx: about screen: call log screen (the layout is incorrect here):
<codeworkx> what's wrong there?
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<vedant> the blue line should be below 0 mins ago I believe
<codeworkx> ah this
<codeworkx> there shouldn't be any blue line xD
<vedant> s/below/above
<codeworkx> vedant: oh there is
<vedant> actually the search and menu buttons be on the top and the below line below them
<codeworkx> yep
<codeworkx> maybe wrong dpi set?
<vedant> let me change it to 170 and see if it works any better.
<vedant> another 18 minutes of waiting
<codeworkx> vedant: 170 would be correct
<nebkat> Baskey: ahhahahahahahaah
<chadouming> @op remove baskey
<nebkat> @admins remove Baskey
<bbqbot> User Baskey got removed as admin.
<nebkat> @mods remove Baskey
<bbqbot> User Baskey got removed as mod.
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<nebkat> doh
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<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats up dood
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<chivas> hey guys
<chivas> do you have an eta for p5110 cm10?
<nebkat> chivas: you have ten seconds to SWAG the fuck out nawmsayn?
<nebkat> #SWAG
<nebkat> #BASED
<datagutt> @google SWAG SWAG, SWAG ON YOU
<codeworkx> vedant: you can build from cm mainline now
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<koud> how are you doing today workx? :)
<vedant> codeworkx: cool. btw, boot animation hangs a lot while running dexopt.
<codeworkx> vedant: probably more worse on the 10.1
<codeworkx> vedant: JB is very hungry
<vedant> codeworkx: hm, your merge was slightly premature. 170 dpi is worse.
<codeworkx> sure? :-D
<bbqbot> derp
<vedant> there's a black bar at the bottom but the nav bar buttons don't show up. :D
<codeworkx> did you do a full clean?
<codeworkx> before rebuild?
<vedant> codeworkx: ah no, that would take about 80-90 minutes on my system. but aren't the apps supposed to be density independent?
<vedant> it kinda looks like android thinks it's a 10" tab now, with the way everything is placed.
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<Player> hi everyone
<vedant> codeworkx:
<codeworkx> chieftex:
<codeworkx> vedant:
<codeworkx> PRODUCT_AAPT_CONFIG := normal xlarge mdpi
<codeworkx> PRODUCT_AAPT_PREF_CONFIG := mdpi
<codeworkx> try this
<vedant> codeworkx: no buttons on the navbar:
<codeworkx> PRODUCT_AAPT_CONFIG := normal xlarge mdpi
<codeworkx> PRODUCT_AAPT_PREF_CONFIG := mdpi
<codeworkx> 160 dpi
<codeworkx> wait
<codeworkx> large
<codeworkx> is 7"
<codeworkx> PRODUCT_AAPT_CONFIG := normal large mdpi
<codeworkx> PRODUCT_AAPT_PREF_CONFIG := mdpi
<vedant> but definitions of mdpi etc haven't changed in JB. :-\
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<codeworkx> on ics i didn't define dpi at all
<codeworkx> but if you don't define it, it gets more worse xD
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<X7> Hey all, my SGS2 has the following specs Kernel: XWLP7 Build: IML74K.XWLP7, I rooted the device with a CFRoot kernel. Can I now simply just install CM9 from CWM ?
<codeworkx> simply follow the instructions
<vedant> codeworkx: doing a full rebuild now with PRODUCT_AAPT_CONFIG := normal xlarge mdpi, PRODUCT_AAPT_PREF_CONFIG := mdpi and PRODUCT_LOCALES += mdpi (I guessed that should change too). Should take about 90 more minutes. I will be buying more RAM today morning. :)
<X7> yes, that is what I would do im just unsure, because the Instruction says that "Make sure you're running ICS bootloaders lower than LPH! " and my device is running LP7
<X7> thank you btw :)
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<nebkat> Baskey: try now
<Baskey> [21:34] (Baskey) nebkat: JUST LIKE ME
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<mongi> cm9 support call record?
<neoD|ml> any support for voltagetweaks supported in cm9 sgs3?
<addi> mongi, no
<mongi> hm...
<neoD|ml> bad sentence but hey
<addi> call record is illegal in some countries
<addi> so it's not included
<addi> at least, as far as i know
<codeworkx> right
<mongi> oh... yeah, mayce that's the reason
<mongi> *maybe
<neoD|ml> addi u know anything about voltagesupport? ^^
<mongi> i remmeber cm7 was able to disable camera sound, but it'd warning you about being illegal in some countries too
<mongi> cm9 removed the ability to disable camer sound?
<bbqbot> derp
<neoD|ml> derp
<neoD|ml> so far yes mongi
<neoD|ml> but if u have silentmode its silent
<mongi> yeah, i realized that... so it's kind... wired...
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<koud> neoD|ml: is that also for leagal reasons?
<koud> or wait I guess not since it is silent in silentmode
<neoD|ml> ^^
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<koud> something wrong with the patch?
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<Cym> that is pretty sweet about the cm10 build for the p31xx and p51xx
<Cym> thanks codeworkx for all your efforts
<Cym> does that mean cm10 will also be in the nightly build server?
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<lubosz> hi. i have flashed a custom kernel with heimdall on my GT-I9100G and installed the current CM9 nightly. now it will only boot the cmw recovery. if i turn it on or do a reboot system now.
<lubosz> i have flashed other kernels but it does the same. a strange thing is that only the current cm9 nightly is installable with the recovery. other builds do a bad zip error.
<Cym> i would do a md5sum on the files
<Cym> maybe they are not copying over
<lubosz> when i flash the current cm9 nightly i get a CMW 6 recovery. the custom kernels that i flash with heimdall do a cmw 5.5
<lubosz> i extracted the roms from the sd card and did md5 checks
<lubosz> they are correct
<lubosz> but i could retry
<Cym> yah but then you copy it to the device afterwards?
<lubosz> no i check it on the device (sd card)
<Cym> ok
<lubosz> but should CM9 boot when i install a correct build?
<lubosz> or is it the cmw version that is wrong?
<lubosz> or the custom kernel
<Cym> cwm usually does not need to change
<lubosz> ok, but when i install the cm9 zip I have a CWM 6 version
<Cym> i just saw cwm 6 added
<vedant> codeworkx: RIL is flooding radio logs when screen is on. . Is it the same on p5100 too?
<bbqbot> derp
<Cym> are you using RomManager?
<lubosz> nope. the system does not boot
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<Cym> maybe there is a problem with what they just added to the nightly build
<lubosz> that is correct. but i sadly can't install other builds
<lubosz> i am recalculating the md5sums on the sdcard
<Cym> if you can install one, why not another?
<lubosz> okay the files are indeed crap
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<Cym> ah
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<Cym> that will do it
<Cym> so are you guys testing cm10?
<Cym> how is it?
<Cym> :-)
<Cym> exciting
<Cym> so does that mean codeworkx is going to maintain cm9 and cm10?
<Cym> or prolly only cm10
<Cym> cm9 is not released yet and its already deprecated
<Cym> I will be on the lookout for a new thread on xda :-)
<lubosz> where can i get cm10 builds?
<Cym> not yet
<Cym> and depends on your device
<Cym> codeworkx is testing out the cm10 builds on the tab2 i heard
<Cym> asking for testers i read
<Cym> but im sure there were enough volunteers
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<pmgnet> cyanogen is making killer progress with i747. down to minor issues
<Cym> im looking forward to it
<Cym> and i appreciate all the efforts going on
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<Cym> it must be confusing trying to maintain so many devices at one time though
<codeworkx> vedant: is your new build finished?
<bbqbot> derp
<Cym> speak of the devil
<Cym> thanks for your work
<vedant> codeworkx: not yet. Building libv8 right now.
<Cym> codeworkx, if you still need testers, just let me know
<codeworkx> Cym: i'll drop a build later
<Cym> thanks
<Cym> you going to make a new thread on xda you mean?
<codeworkx> aye
<Cym> cool
<Cym> any known issues?
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<Cym> its too bad you dont have more test devices to look at
<Cym> you maintain a lot of devices
<codeworkx> aye
<codeworkx> nobody else wants to do it
<codeworkx> someone has to CM all teh things
<Cym> maybe they just dont have the skillz
<codeworkx> learning by doing
<vedant> true, I wish I had the skills.
<Cym> it takes a certain type of mind
<codeworkx> vedant: if you're brain can handle logic/code, then np
<codeworkx> just a matter of time
<Cym> im waiting for the day that there is just one setup for all devices
<Cym> like installing ubuntu
<msaraiva> codeworkx: teach us, oh great master. NovaThor U8500 needs some love.
<Cym> i wonder if ubuntu will ever come out for smartphones and tablets
<msaraiva> My GF is sleeping with her jeans on because i can't build JB for her phone.
<msaraiva> lol
<Cym> codeworkx, its your fault this guy is not getting some tonight
<Cym> thats a first
<msaraiva> :P
<Cym> you should look at the disclaimer
<Cym> its the leading cause of male impotence
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<Mattofsweden> Fuck. Just found my old GF on :/
<Cym> did she look happier or sadder?
<Mattofsweden> Long time ago, but she did porn back then too. She looked older, and a bit sadder though.
<vedant> codeworkx: it's such a huge codebase and there are so many hacks that I get lost. example: CM10 isn't building for my xperia ray, complains about a missing member in a struct. I presume that is defined in some qcom library but don't know where. Earling it built but LCD didn't work (but backlight and touchscreen did) and I also got that VideoEncoderProfile error.
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<msaraiva_> IDK why Samsung released the I9070...
<codeworkx> vedant: grep is my best friend
<msaraiva_> It's such a weird beast.
<Jiangyi> The Galaxy S Advanced eh?
<msaraiva_> Yep
<msaraiva_> It's called "Galaxy S II Lite" here.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Did you sleep at all? lol
<codeworkx> aye
<Mattofsweden> codeworkx: agreed. Grep is king. I always forget how to run a good find or locate so I usually do find on everything and grep what I want :D "find /* | grep whatevah"
<koud> codeworkx: never sleeps
<spY|da> hey pays people to do that for him
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<msaraiva_> Maybe when Sony releases Xperia Go source code i'll try and port ICS/JB to the I9070.
<msaraiva_> It uses the same SoC.
<Mattofsweden> codeworkx: Did you brainstorm anything regarding the camera last night? I'm still perplexed about the "three different sensors" thing, because I can't find the third one :D
<msaraiva_> WTF did Samsung released a GB phone in 2012?!
<bbqbot> derp
<Mattofsweden> derp derp
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<vedant> msaraiva_: xperia go source code was released a few days ago.
<koud> msaraiva_: I think more than one no?
<codeworkx> Mattofsweden: i meant 3 different versions
<codeworkx> Mattofsweden: cm9 thread
<msaraiva_> vedant: really?
<Cym> codeworkx, have you already submitted the p31xx/p51xx code for cm10 to be reviewed for the nightly builds?
<vedant> Cym: he directly merged it bypassing review. :D
<codeworkx> Cym: no, i pushed them directly :-D
<Cym> hehe
<Mattofsweden> codeworkx: I'll do a search after I get out of the shower. see ya later
<codeworkx> vedant: that RIL thingy is cool
<msaraiva_> vedant: thx
<codeworkx> vedant: somehow, it scares me
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<vedant> msaraiva_: np.
<Cym> was the interface to the video hardware acceleration in jelly bean easier to do?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx is scared? :O IMPOSSIBLE
<Cym> i read that google provided the api this time
<lubosz> hm. i now installed cm9 rc2 (and it also installed cwm 6). i get a black screen when i do "reboot system now". when i reboot the phone it gets into recovery. any suggestions?
<bbqbot> derp
<Cym> i dont understand how cm9 installs a new recovery
<vedant> codeworkx: what event could the baseband be sending every 10 ms? the tablet is even disconnected from the network (the cell network for the SIM is down)
<codeworkx> vedant: the i9100g does it too
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<codeworkx> calling works fine
<codeworkx> strange shit
<codeworkx> i like proprietary binaries
<lubosz> should i try another kernel? is the recovery broken? can i debug that black screen?
<Cym> blobs
<Jiangyi> [16:54] <@codeworkx> i like proprietary binaries <- O_O.......
<msaraiva> Jiangyi: "/sarcasm", maybe? :P
<Cym> if you cant replicate the proprietary code, just cut a section of it out and emulate
<Jiangyi> msaraiva: In that case, sarcasm transfers badly over the internet.
<Cym> codeworkx, how much code is your ROM is proprietary
<Cym> in*
<Cym> err maybe some proprietary firmware is embedded in the kernel
<Cym> and the kernel hotplugs it
<msaraiva> Well, off to home...
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<msaraiva> later guys
<Jiangyi> Later.
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<Jiangyi> Hmm... Gerrit doesn't understand Chinese characters in comments and reviews. Shows up as question marks.
<Jiangyi> This isn't good.....
<Cym> i dont think utf-8 works
<lubosz> what exactly could be broken when i can only boot into recovery? when i turn on the phone and when i do "reboot system now"
<Cym> the data partition could be messed up
<RoBz> what was that issue people were having on the s2 with recent nightlies where their internal storage/sd card was getting wiped?
<lubosz> Cym: i did a couple of factory resets
<RoBz> about to install the latest nightly and im a bit spooked
<lubosz> Cym: but it is not an issue of reflashing a kernel image?
<Cym> a different kernel could make it so your devices wont boot up
<lubosz> Cym: even don't boot the recovery? i tried server kernels
<bbqbot> derp
<lubosz> and my device only boots recovery, so it does not boot the system
<Cym> i would not change the kernel
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<Cym> leave it stock
<lubosz> Cym: it's not a stock kernel. i flashed a few
<Cym> if you flash the rom over, the kernel will go back to stock
<lubosz> k
<Cym> and you dont have to do a factory reset
<lubosz> so could the boot manager be wrong?
<Cym> but you may as well if you are still having trouble and have already done it a few times
<vedant> codeworkx: same issue.
<Cym> lubosz, i dont understand how your recovery would change just by flashing a ROM
<Cym> CM9 does not change the recovery
<vedant> PRODUCT_AAPT_CONFIG := normal xlarge mdpi
<vedant> PRODUCT_LOCALES += mdpi
<lubosz> strange. maybe the i9100G version?
<vedant> codeworkx: ^^
<lubosz> Cym: and how about booting only into recovery? when does this happen?
<codeworkx> vedant: strange
<codeworkx> vedant: i'll let the gui guys look at it
<Jiangyi> OMG other Chinese people on Gerrit :-D
<Cym> lubosz, when you boot into recovery and flash the CM9 zip file, it only changes your system partition. Clockworkmod is not affected by flashing CM ROMs.
<Jiangyi> Finally people to review translation stuff!
<Jiangyi> (For Chinese anyways)
<Cym> I would stay away from ROMs that try to flash a recovery
<lubosz> Cym: thats very strange. maybe it does not boot the correct recovery partition?
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<Cym> lubosz, maybe you downloaded a rom for a different version device?
<vedant> codeworkx: this time the home screen is also different. previously the apps near the app drawer button were properly arranged and the search icon didn't have google written beside it.
<lubosz> i am very sure i donwloaded the rc2 from here
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<Cym> lubosz, CM Roms install the system partition and a boot.img
<Cym> but the boot.img is not the same as clockworkmod
<Jiangyi> Hmm.... This guy and I are having translation conflicts between JB and ICS on the same things. :-|
<lubosz> Cym: so is my clockworkmod installing wrong things? what are my options in your opinion?
<bbqbot> derp
* Mattofsweden is back
<Cym> lubosz, what version of clockworkmod are you using?
<lubosz> currently, installed by the CM9-RC1
<lubosz> which should not be installed by that rom
<Cym> lubosz, that sounds correct
<lubosz> RC2 has
<Cym> ok, now you lost me because clockworkmod is not in cm9
<Cym> it may get installed by rommanager
<lubosz> it says "CMW-based Recovery"
<Jiangyi> Cym: Umm.... CWM is part of the kernel that goes with CM9.
<lubosz> and it has cyan colors
<Cym> ok, but the recovery is not in CM
<Cym> there must be a kernel part and a recovery part
<Cym> the kernel needs clockworkmod to get the permissions i assume
<Cym> what i mean is that your version of clockworkmod will never change just by flashing cyanogenmod roms
<Cym> i assume
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<lubosz> hm, thats strange. then its not the recovery that is booted but something else. something that changes CWM version with different CM9 roms
<Cym> or am i saying something totally wrong here
<lubosz> because it only boots the recovery
<Jiangyi> Cym: No it changes.
<vedant> codeworkx: hm, video recording is also not working, however timelapse recording works.
<Jiangyi> It will be whatever version of CWM that was built with the CM9 kernel
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<Cym> is that also with cm7?
<lubosz> Jiangyi: what could be the problem that i can only boot into recovery?
<Jiangyi> lubosz: No download mode?
<Cym> Jiangyi, does CWM also change with CM7?
<lubosz> Jiangyi: also download mode
<lubosz> Jiangyi: but if i turn the device on, it goes into recovery. with the power key only
<Jiangyi> Cym: I would think so, but I don't know for sure since I've never used CM7.
<Cym> because I am using a very old version of CWM on my HTC Desire and it has never changed just by flashing CM7 ROMS
<Jiangyi> lubosz: Did you attempt to reflash through CWM or download mode?
<lubosz> Jiangyi: both
<Jiangyi> lubosz: What phone again?
<bbqbot> derp
<lubosz> Jiangyi: I9100G
<Cym> i dont see CWM recovery even in the zip
<Jiangyi> Cym: I guess it could be different for different phones.
<Cym> all i see is /system and boot.img
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<Jiangyi> On Samsung devices CWM is in boot.img I believe.
<Cym> no
<Cym> wrong size
<Cym> its not there
<vedant> codeworkx: logcat while trying to record video.
<Cym> the recovery is 5.2mb and boot.img is 4mb
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<Cym> so it could not change
<Jiangyi> lubosz: I know a guy who had the exact same issues.
<lubosz> Jiangyi: and did he recover the device?
<Jiangyi> lubosz: Reflash stock ROM with the PIT file and it should fix it.
<Jiangyi> Yeah he did.
<Jiangyi> But he lost quite a bit of data. :-|
<lubosz> ok cool. i dont need any data
<lubosz> can i flash that with CWM?
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<Jiangyi> lubosz: No, use download mode.
<Cym> Jiangyi, are you sure about that?
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<Jiangyi> Cym: The CWM part? Yeah I think so.
<lubosz> Jiangyi: do you think of one of these?
<Cym> cause i dont see it in the zips
<Jiangyi> lubosz: No, reflash a complete stock ROM.
<lubosz> i tried ICS - and ICS LP7 -
<Cym> not in the roms
<lubosz> Jiangyi: ok, where can i find it?
<Jiangyi> lubosz:
<lubosz> thx
<Cym> yah that is good advice
<Jiangyi> You most probably need the PIT file too.
<Cym> if all else fails, go back to stock and root over
<Jiangyi> lubosz: Your 9100G's not Chinese right?
<bbqbot> derp
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<lubosz> Jiangyi: no, european
<lubosz> thx Jiangyi. i try to read up how to do that. can you recommend me a guide?
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<Cym> do you guys repartition the system since cyanogenmod leaves about 1 gig of unused space on the system partition?
<codeworkx> vedant: easy fix
<Jiangyi> lubosz: Put the Stock ROM in the PDA section of Odin, put the file I just sent you in the PIT section of Odin, and off you go.
<Cym> what does the PIT file do
<Cym> is that partition info?
<lubosz> Jiangyi: is odin a windows only tool?
<Jiangyi> lubosz: Yeah.
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<lubosz> Jiangyi: can i do this on linux or do i need to reboot :) ?
<Jiangyi> Umm....
<Cym> heimdall
<Cym> err however it is spelled
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Can heimdall flash PIT files? o-o
<lubosz> i have heimdall
<Cym> it has the option
<lubosz> k
<Cym> i would stick to command line interface
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<Cym> you could even paste the cmd in here to be sure before you do it
<Jiangyi> Well, ok, you can try that then.
<codeworkx> vedant: fixed
<Mattofsweden> codeworkx: all right. I've now gone through all quoted logcats in CM9 thread regarding the camera.
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<lubosz> Cym: first i need to make a account on that firmware site
<Mattofsweden> codeworkx: If I get it correctly now the string "s5c73m3_get_sensor_fw_version" either reports a GD sensor or ZD sensor. The s5c73m is, according to the document yesterday, the samsung sensor. I guess we're yet to see the Sony one...
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<codeworkx> Mattofsweden: and different versions of the sensor itself
<Mattofsweden> codeworkx: ... either reports GD or ZD "version".
<codeworkx> FE01, FE02 bla bla
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<codeworkx> FD afaik
<Mattofsweden> codeworkx: nah, the GD and ZD is the versions of the sensor. FE01, FE02, FF02, FF02 is firmware that can be flashed. I can upgrade mine from FD06 to FF02, and it most likely will say FF02 as sensor date, and sensor version will report GDFD06 before flash and GDFF02 after.
<codeworkx> ah ok
<Mattofsweden> codeworkx: so, two versions of the samsung sensor. GD and ZD. I do wonder where the sony one is. if it even exists yet.
<Mattofsweden> codeworkx: If you look at the bottom of the OP there, you will find the two very different looking sensors.
<Mattofsweden> codeworkx: metal casing sensor is ZD, and plastic casing sensor is GD
<Cym> Why are OMAP devices so much better to work with?
<lubosz> Jiangyi: when this works, should i retry to install CM9 again?
<Mattofsweden> codeworkx: ever seen a logcat showing anything else than GD or ZD? ever suspected the rumored sony sensor
<Mattofsweden> ?
<Jiangyi> lubosz: Yeah go ahead.
<Jiangyi> Cym: Because OMAP is the most open platform and what the Galaxy Nexus uses.
<Jiangyi> In codey's words: <3 OMAP
<codeworkx> Mattofsweden: not yet
<codeworkx> HAIL TI
<Cym> OMAP has to do with the processor used huh
<Cym> what kinds of processor does the nexus 7 have
<Mattofsweden> codeworkx: how would CM behave when it happens? Because the call for "s5c73m3_get_sensor_version" yadda yadda would not work on a sony IMX175
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> Cym: Tegra 3.
<Mattofsweden> Cym: tegra 3
<Jiangyi> brb gotta take my nephew out to play for a bit =[
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|Away
<Cym> btw, i find it funny that google stopped selling the nexus 7 because of being "sold out". The real problem is that there were major problems in manufacturing and the screens were coming off.
<Cym> i hear that tegra 3 has issues
<Cym> that all tegra 3 devices suffer from flicker
<Mattofsweden> Damn... Why doesn't the scene adhere to some x264 standards. every damn episode of a show got it different. VLC on the phone only likes march/april episodes. may/june/july ends up crashing it.
<Cym> at a low brightness
<codeworkx> Mattofsweden: will be same kernel driver
<Mattofsweden> Cym: Rumors
<codeworkx> Mattofsweden: they're reading out the sensor info and then using code for samsung or code for sony
<codeworkx> Mattofsweden: not a big deal
<Cym> True, I can neither confirm or deny
<Mattofsweden> codeworkx: As you probably noticed, I'm can descipher bits and pieces from source code, but thats about it. Even writing a simple batch script is beyond me :(
<Cym> well, i will choose samsung over asus
<Cym> asus used to make good motherboards, but not tablets
<vedant> codeworkx: thanks. syncing and building.
<Cym> i can imagine buying a tablet and then having to attach some big dumb looking dongle to it just to get it to work right
<Cym> with a big dumb dangling dongle
<Cym> no thanks
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<codeworkx> Mattofsweden: reading code is a good start ;-)
<Cym> I can only read code from the childrens section
<Mattofsweden> codeworkx: All right. What makes you think there exist a third sensor version/model btw? Something in the source code ?
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<koud> Mattofsweden: what device are you working with?
<Mattofsweden> codeworkx: If I really need a shell script or something, I usually can put something together by googling and copying code here and there.. (netchip )
<Mattofsweden> koud: Not working with any. Just pumping codeworkx brain a bit for some info :D
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<Cym> codeworkx, have you done any changes to the wifi for the p31xx? The wifi is always disconnecting when it goes to sleep.
<koud> Mattofsweden: but for what device?
<Mattofsweden> koud: GT-i9300
<koud> ok
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<Cym> When I goto look at my tab2 in the morning, it is usually always disconnected from the network
<Cym> and soon as I pick it up, it connects
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
<Cym> I was sorta curious
<Cym> i thought you were talking xrated
<Cym> that looks like someone out of the Matrix
Jiangyi|Away is now known as Jiangyi
* Jiangyi is back
<Jiangyi> lubosz: Any luck?
<Mattofsweden> Cym: well, did you really think I would send a link to the video? no way. Some sense of morale and decency I do have
<Cym> alright
<Cym> I guess it doesnt really matter though, because I dont know you are her
<Cym> or*
<Cym> heh
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<Jiangyi> Mattofsweden: We're in the same boat. The most I ever coded was Hello World in C. :-D
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<Jiangyi> Cym: I love the Transformer tablets personally.
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<Cym> except for the gps
<vedant> so this is weird; when on the jelly bean initial google setup screen, if you press emergency call (labeled as mother), the only way to go back is to press the power button two times. There are no buttons in the nav bar at that time and nothing else works for back.
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<lubosz> \o/ flashing stock firmware worked
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<lubosz> now i have stock samsung. how should i install cyanogen now?
<bbqbot> derp
<Cym> lubosz, now you have to install clockworkmod over and then install cyanogenmod
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<lubosz> Cym: the question is which kernel version i should use.
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<Cym> dont worry about the kernel version
<Cym> just install the right version of clockworkmod recovery
<lubosz> i think its in the kernel image
<Cym> no
<lubosz> because flashing the kernel will install cwm
<Cym> get this:
<lubosz> "codeworkx's Kernel with the ClockworkMod Recovery Download"
<Cym> get that file
<Cym> then use odin to flash it in pda mode
<Cym> and you will have a permanent recovery
<lubosz> so the LP7 kernel
<Cym> that is not a kernel
<lubosz> ok. i try that thx
<Cym> that is the recovery you need for a I9100g
<Cym> make sure you have cm9 and gapps already copied to your sdcard
<Cym> before you do it
<Cym> so that you can flash the recovery, then boot into it and flash the zips
<Cym> and go through the steps for first time installing
<Cym> you are on the second step to install clockworkmod
<Cym> I assume you are already running ICS bootloaders
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<Cym> flashing the kernel will NOT install clockworkmod
<Cym> flashing the ROM will also NOT install clockworkmod
<Cym> cant be
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<Cym> the clockworkmod does not exist in either one of those files
<Cym> the ROM installs a boot.img but that is not the same thing as the clockworkmod
<Cym> the stock rom installs a recovery over clockworkmod though
<Cym> you have to be careful with ROMS that try to replace the recoveyr
<Cym> those could brick you
<Jiangyi> Cym: Nope, flashing codeworkx's kernel gives you CWM.
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<Cym> it does?
<Jiangyi> Yep.
<Cym> ive never heard of that before, but it must be custom
<Jiangyi> lubosz: Flash LP7 or ICS to get CWM.
<Cym> the recovery is a compressed image file that is 5.2mb in size
<Jiangyi> lubosz: I assume you don't care about flash counters now.
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<Jiangyi> Cym: Don't know about that, but it is in the kernel.
<lubosz> no i dont care. the triangle is away anyway since i flashed the pit file
<Cym> GT-I9100G_LP7_ClockworkMod-Recovery_5.5.0.4.tar <-- this file is a kernel?
<lubosz> and it works \o/
<lubosz> thank you very much Cym and Jiangyi
<lubosz> i now run cm9
<Jiangyi> Cym: Yep.
<Cym> good deal
<Jiangyi> lubosz: Yeah no problem, glad it worked out.
<Cym> ok, im checking it out
<Cym> oh
<Cym> sorry about that
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<Cym> Jiangyi, is correct and I am totally wrong
<Cym> i guess it really depends on the device
<Cym> the clockworkmod for your device is the kernel
<Cym> but for my device it is something totally different
<Cym> so, i guess cyanogenmod does install clockworkmod but only if your device is rooted by changing the kernel only
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<Cym> some devices need to change the recovery partition
<eurodata> i keep forgetting, i am about to flash the rc2, of cm9, backup with nandroid, but only reset cache not factory reset, right?
<Cym> you dont have to reset the cache
<Cym> if you are just updating from a previous nightly
<addi> Cym, yes, depends on device. Samsung devices typically have CWM in the kernel but also the possibility to only flash CWM without kernel
<eurodata> Cym: thanks
<addi> Nexus devices have separate recovery, as do HTC devices (I think)
<Cym> yah, that is why i was like confused
<Cym> thanks
<addi> Sony on the other hand has recovery/CWM inside kernel only, something which Samsung earlier followed then abandoned
<addi> Motorola, well, they have locked bootloader, so they have Safestrap/Bootstrap recovery which are completely different :D
<Jiangyi> Screw Moto lol
<addi> screw Samsung!!!!
<addi> screw HTC!!!!
<addi> screw them all! until it's a Nexus device they're making :P
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<Cym> so the devices that have cwm in the recovery partition probably don't loose root as easily
<Jiangyi> Cym: Lose root? What? o.o
<Cym> lol addi
<Cym> i mean if the kernel is what gives you clockworkmod, then a rom could easily mess it up
<addi> root is lost due to ROM, not due to CWM :p
<addi> yes, though such devices always have kernels with CWM
<addi> no custom kernel for such devices comes without it
<Cym> but if clockworkmod is not affected by the ROM, then it seems less likely to have trouble recovering
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<addi> yes, that's a valid point
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<Jiangyi> A temporary CWM can actually be flashed through stock recovery on the S2 these days. :-P
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<maddav> So, flashed CM9 RC2 to my international galaxy S3 today. It seemed to working alright, but I'm getting memory leaks now.
<maddav> I've started using poweramp which seems to have coincided with the leaks
<maddav> any thoughts?
<addi> Jiangyi, and permanent CWM can be flashed from stock recovery on GNote afaik :P
<Jiangyi> Really?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> I know that you can flash a CWM kernel with that temporary CWM, but it's permanent on Note?
<Jiangyi> maddav: I've only heard of memory leaks on CM10 for the S3, not CM9....
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<addi> Jiangyi, a signed CWM package
<addi> but not really sure
<addi> me never actually had the device :P
<Jiangyi> addi: How did they get it signed anyways?
<maddav> Hmmm, it's pretty bad, in a matter of 6 mins most of the services are stuck on restarting. Incidentally I popped in a 64GB micro SD at the same time. I've removed it now and am testing to see if the leak happens again
<addi> that's something I have no idea about. where these guys sometimes get signed files is beyond me xD
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<addi> wait, Galaxy Ace also can be installed CWM on with a signed file through stock recovery
<addi> have done it on my sis' Ace
<addi> Baskey,
<Jiangyi> Yeah that, or Samsung did something stupid with stock recovery in ICS.
<addi> whats up dood
<addi> Jiangyi,
<addi> whats up dood
<Baskey> hi, addi
<addi> NO
<addi> addi
<addi> whats up dood
<Jiangyi> addi: There was one guy who flashed CM9 through stock recovery and it worked. o_o
<addi> that's what you need to say
<addi> 0_o
<Jiangyi> Hmm....
<Jiangyi> Cousin asks me to download games on his iPhone.
<Jiangyi> After spending 5 min with it, I'm already fed up lol
* Jiangyi loves Android and its apk downloading ways
<Jiangyi> And not having to download from the Official store :-P
<Baskey> Jiangyi: never heard of Cydia etc.?
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<Jiangyi> Baskey: Not my phone, so I can't jailbreak it. :-[
<Baskey> ah, I see
<Jiangyi> Android don't need root to do those things lol
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<Jiangyi> <3 Android
<maddav_> bah, internet's playing up. So without the SD card everything's ok. I'll try using poweramp now to see if anything happens
<Jiangyi> WTH?
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<Jiangyi> Apple: Your account has been disabled for security purposes.
<addi> Baskey, he's lying. iPhone is his, Android is his friend's. Jiangyi loves iOS
<addi> using his friend's Android in order to look cool :p
<Jiangyi> Apple: -Takes me to password retrieval page-
<Jiangyi> And then the Next button's grayed out on that page. -.-
<addi> haha, Apple will probably ask for some $$$ to reactivate account. heard they charge for every damn service :P
<Jiangyi> Great, they're saying that your password is at least 8 digits when mine was 6. ._.
<maddav_> So
<maddav_> not using the sd card seems to fix the problem
<Jiangyi> OK, Apple's making me want to stab my head out right now.
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<maddav> ok, so removing the sd card and using poweramp locally
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<maddav> has worked in halting the memory leaks
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<maddav> looks like google's media scanning service
<maddav> not sure whether I should let this run or block the service from running
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<crispybacon> @downloads toro
<bbqbot> Download at:
<addi> how do I get a crash log for an app? :/
<cantIntoCode|A> adb shell logcat | grep appname should work?
<addi> so gotta use the computer. okies xD
<addi> w00t, 2 hr 6 min screen time on GNex, only 39% battery lost. that's a first for my GNex :D
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<vedant> codeworkx: video recording works now, thanks. going to sleep now, it's 4:54 am already :o
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<addi> vedant, 4.56 actually :p
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<cantIntoCode|A> 00:29 here
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<addi> bloody Scotlander xD
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<Cym> im a little confused why the clockworkmod versions for p3100 say there is one for JellyBean and one for ICS when they are not kernels (recovery.img)
<Cym> there is a for ICS and for JB
<Cym> but they are not bzImages
<Cym> so why would they be dependent on the android versions?
<bbqbot> derp
<Virtual-R> noobquestion: Why do people refer to for cm10-changes? All I see there is cm9 changes?
<Cym> I can see how a kernel would be
<Cym> but these dont look like kernels
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<Virtual-R> Nevermind, lol, i'm stopid, I found it, should be /next too...
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<Cym> Do I have to update CWM if I want to use jelly bean?
<Cym> as far as I know, my CWM is separate from the kernel
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<sinc> cwm is actually part of the kernel
Jiangyi has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Cym> even if it is just a recovery.img and not a bzImage?
<Cym> we had that discussion a few hours ago and i thought there are two types of recoveries
<Cym> some use the kernel and some use the recovery partition
<Jiangyi> Just connected back. What are you guys talking about?
<Cym> i noticed that there is a separate cwm for the tab2 now
<Cym> for jelly bean
<Cym> but it does not look like a bzImage
<Cym> so Im confused
<Jiangyi> Umm... Link please?
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<Cym> for the P3100
<Cym> there are now two
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<Cym> one for ics and one for jb
<Cym> i downloaded the files and looked in them and they only contain a recovery.img