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<wpwrak> hmm. you know that you've built a dual-voltage converter, don't you ? it outputs a high positive and a high negative voltage. they're roughly symmetric.
<nicksydney> true...i was not sure in terms of whether i'm taking the measurement correctly as this is my first time building a complex circuit than a blinking led :)
<wpwrak> and yes, the values you're observing are what you should get :)
<wpwrak> well, with a bit of tolerance
<nicksydney> nice !...ok that means i've done everything correct (except for the botchy soldering work)
<nicksydney> you said yesterday to test the resistor without any load and the reason for debugging that way to make sure that the resistor was soldered properly ? that is something useful that i've learned from you
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<qi-bot> [commit] Paul Cercueil: Don't consider *.dge files as being executables (master)
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* whitequark tries to figure out why did he dream about brutally murdering Kim Jong Un with... a lot of things in sequence, but eventually a spatula
<whitequark> wtf, brain
<viric> spatula? brain? Kim Jong Un?
<viric> remember that their minister of foreign affairs has access to internet
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<whitequark> woohoo, endmills!
<whitequark> sixty this time
<whitequark> (I learn on my mistakes)
<wpwrak> seems you got the quantity figured out. how about the quality ? :)
<whitequark> :)
<whitequark> these endmills in particular worked pretty well for me
<wpwrak> nicksydney: (check resistor) yes, to check that it a) has contact, and b) isn't shorted. unfortunately, it's more difficult to predict the value you're supposed to get in a circuit, since there will usually be other current paths around the resistor. but you can almost always get the basics.
<whitequark> also, I've got some UV [unintelligible symbols]
<whitequark> which *probably* translates to English as "UV curing silkscreen ink"
<whitequark> but could be anything
<wpwrak> so you now buy by the prettiness of the chinese squiggles ?
<whitequark> how else?!
* whitequark also got a slide rule
<whitequark> I think I now see why we all use calculators
<wpwrak> because we've forgotten how to use slide rules ? :)
<whitequark> because it's a pain in the ass
<whitequark> I mean, I'll do multiplication quicker in my head than mechanically
<wpwrak> one robot to another: "I'll do multiplication quicker in my head than mechanically"
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<Lumocolor> Looking for a tiny 5v 2A min power supply & Li-* battery charger and if possible, that is suitable for charging from solar
<Lumocolor> this is for a diy handheld/pockect computer. 5inch (screen)
<Lumocolor> I allreadly know of the microups
<whitequark> Lumocolor: there's plenty. look at sparkfun for example
<Lumocolor> oh yea
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