DocScrutinizer05 changed the topic of #qi-hardware to: Copyleft hardware - | hardware hackers join here to discuss Ben NanoNote, atben / atusb 802.15.4 wireless, and other community driven hw projects | public logging at and
<nicksydney> ok is this a fire inside a nuclear plant or just a shadow and smoke
<nicksydney> at 1:16 into the video
<DocScrutinizer05> this is cubism art, with somebody bringing a tad of color into it by car light
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<nicksydney> something to think about for future design (Adapting Qi-compliant wireless-power
<nicksydney> solutions to low-power wearable products)
<nicksydney> DocScrutinizer05: cubism art ? you always come out with words that sounds circuitry to me .. heheh
<nicksydney> looks like nano pcduino3 is in the pipeline
<wpwrak> luckily, it doesn't seem to be yet another *duino*. people do seem to grow up :)
<DocScrutinizer05> nfc what that's meant to be. some cheesy green and black sketch and people asking all sorts of seemingly unrelated questions
<DocScrutinizer05> I gather the real source of info is somewhere else?
<DocScrutinizer05> e.g I can't see what switching of cam interface somebody could read out of that green mockup
<DocScrutinizer05> >>I don't know about this camera interface, but the ability and power this board has is pretty cool.<< aha!
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<DocScrutinizer05> found the "root" page. sorry no excitement here
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<nicksydney> just had an idea which making sandwich to buy a used old sandwich press for baking pcb
<nicksydney> much easier and cheaper no ?
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<wpwrak> suuuure .... "design with [...] online tools". bondage meets idiots ?
<DocScrutinizer05> hehe
<larsc> _free_ online tools
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<paul_boddie> They could have at least checked the "more information" link to Digi-Key. Not a great advert for a product when you get a 404. :-)
<paul_boddie> And Freescale excludes Quebecois and Puerto Ricans: are they trying to reproduce the same kind of controversy that the penultimate Seinfeld episode generated?
<paul_boddie> nicksydney: Is that a new business model: go and get a panini and have the shop bake your PCB at the same time? :-)
<nicksydney> paul_boddie: nice idea but will not work :)
<paul_boddie> Given that a shop near where I live turned from being an Indian take-away to a mobile repair shop, don't underestimate the diversification potential of the average food vendor!
<nicksydney> don't know whether this is true or rumor only --- (Rockchip rumored Intel strategic investments in three layers of meaning)
<paul_boddie> Great machine translation from Chinese! Three layers of meaning at the very least. Three layers of truth as well. :-)
<paul_boddie> "This led rockchip has been unable to login to local capital markets."
<paul_boddie> They've changed the password!
<nicksydney> hahahahaaha
<paul_boddie> Perhaps Rockchip has to get a new password sent by e-mail. And fast!
<paul_boddie> nicksydney: Did you have the patience to understand any of it? I guess they mean to say that Intel is sniffing around looking for a cheap way in to ARM markets.
<nicksydney> paul_boddie: pretty much that's the summary
<paul_boddie> And the share price? Or is the intent of the article to manipulate it? Anyone wanting to do that would probably need to pay some Wall Street type to write it up in a "respectable" outlet, though.
<nicksydney> we will see in few days whether this is a hoax or true
<nicksydney> wpwrak: (Kicad Interactive Router)
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<nicksydney> wow! the router is awesome !
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<paul_boddie> They could make a game out of that!
<DocScrutinizer05> hmm
<paul_boddie> nicksydney: Rockchip doesn't seem to be listed anywhere, so they don't have a "financial cloud" login, maybe only one for a private "military-industrial financial cloud". ;-)
<wpwrak> (router) pretty neat. and he doesn't even use the grid. one problem is that it depends on opengl, though. that'll be very very slow.
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<whitequark> hmm?
<whitequark> why would opengl would be very slow?
<wpwrak> opengl usually means that you have to use either closed drivers or mesa and mesa is slow
<wpwrak> supposedly there are now some accelerations possible with the open drivers as well, but i've never seen this in real life
<whitequark> well, living in the past century because there are no open drivers is dumb
<wpwrak> i need to be able to modify my kernels
<whitequark> huh?
<whitequark> what prevents you from doing this with, say, nvidia?
<wpwrak> binary driver = kernel is locked down
<whitequark> what?
<whitequark> I think I'm using a custom kernel with a binary driver right now, here
<wpwrak> well, i could go back to whatever kernel they did their driver for. but then i'd be disconnected from current development. so that doens't work either.
<wpwrak> well, you're probably not doing linux kernel development.
<wpwrak> if you're just a user, then you can do such things
<whitequark> wpwrak: oh also, you've forgot the intel driver
<whitequark> it works well enough for, say, games. it clearly will handle some measly CAD--I mean, it handles a real CAD here
<whitequark> and it's fully FOSS
<wpwrak> yes, intel drivers are great. but my desktop hardware doesn't have intel graphics. didn't exist in that category back then
<whitequark> yeah, that can be an issue
<paul_boddie> How old is your desktop hardware? Even my almost ten-year-old desktop has Intel 3D-capable graphics support.
<wpwrak> i could use my netbook, but i doubt this would speed things up ;)
<wpwrak> paul_boddie: should be around 6 years. it's a Q6600
<wpwrak> with triple-head
<paul_boddie> Mine is the 865 chipset, if I recall correctly. Not great, but certainly not the earliest Intel integrated graphics product, either.
<wpwrak> dunno what mine has. maybe something like Q3[135] ? i think it has to be a Q-something because of the Q6600.
<paul_boddie> The 8xx series are probably the first or second generation. They probably then redid the whole thing in subsequent generations.
<wpwrak> mine may be an Asus P5K, P35 chipset.
<whitequark> they changed it twice just between Westmere and Ivy Bridge
<whitequark> and then once again for Haswell
<wpwrak> hmm, my rv610 should in theory have acceleration support
<wpwrak> the G72 (nv46) so-so
<wpwrak> hmm, glxinfo says Yes/No/... then segfaults
<wpwrak> funny. glxgears is smooth on the nouveau, at 30 fps (it says). it's bumpy on the radeon, at a stunning 68 fps. gotta love them benchmarks :)
<whitequark> glxgears is not a benchmark
<whitequark> glxspheres is more like it (still bad though)
<wpwrak> hmm, ubuntu doesn't even know that one
<whitequark> mesa-utils
<wpwrak> i have mesa-utils. must be something very new or optional then
<whitequark> hm
<wpwrak> upgrading now .. let's see what happens
<whitequark> oh, apparently it's from virtualgl
<whitequark> and in mesa-utils in post-13.10
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<DocScrutinizer05> excuse my ignorance, but don't all manufacturers provide their closed driver blobs in an open wrapper now that compiles fine with whatever kernel you want to build it for?
<DocScrutinizer05> or has this successfully been defeated by the insane GPL3 and associated effort who tried to force those closed drivers to be a GPL violation?
<wpwrak> even that would yield a patchfest, since that wrapper obviously couldn't be part of the vanilla kernel
<wpwrak> and the closed drivers have more problems, e.g., that your hardware may suddenly become unsupported
<wpwrak> and they you're stuck as well. they seem to be pretty bad in that regard, apparently operating as if this was windows
<roh> wpwrak: its not bumpy at 68fps, its not framesynced, thus looks bumpy when interferrence hits
<wpwrak> hmm. not sure if that's what's happening. it looks as if the wheels would simply turn very slowly. this doesn't look like bad sync. well, unless bad sync means that many intermediate frames are lost without trace.
<roh> only really new nv and ati cards need binaries besides the embedded cruft. the rest of the gpus has foss drivers. (intel, all ati/nv older than 2 years)
<wpwrak> yeah, all mine are pretty old :)
<roh> nvidia recently removed their kernel component from their closed driver, replacing it with the foss one (drm/dri stuff)
<roh> jup. dont worry.. anybody but gamers can have foss drivers now.
<roh> even bunnie gets some ;)
<wpwrak> well, let's see if ububtu 14.04 handles this any better than 13.10 ...
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<wpwrak> hmm, first boot after upgrade: triple-head is gone :-(
<wpwrak> the glxgears turn fast, though :)
<Lumocolor> DocScrutinizer05: what do you mean " successfully been defeated by the insane GPL3", doesn't sound like my memory of the gpl3
<wpwrak> let's see if i can get some more heads back ....
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<wpwrak> hmm, mixed impressions with the new kicad: eeschema got slower. changing the rendering method in pcbnew also changes a number of things in the user interface, not only the router
<wpwrak> for example, middle-click to center is replaced with middle-drag to pan
<whitequark> wpwrak: nvidia is pretty great at supporting really old cards
<whitequark> I mean, they still have their "old" driver (167.xx or someshit like that... the versioning scheme makes no sense) and it's *still* updated
<whitequark> you could probably make it work with Riva TNT2, and it was already obsolete when I went to high school
<whitequark> on 3.xx kerels
<whitequark> kernels*
<whitequark> there's quite a few things wrong with closed-source drivers, but your criticism so far is entirely misplaced
<wpwrak> well, let's home nouveau reaches such standards, too :) for now, Gl just hangs on the nv (where it apparently worked before). but it now works on the ATI, where it didn't.
<whitequark> have you even tried closed-source nvidia driver?
<wpwrak> of course not
<whitequark> then do
<wpwrak> naw. closed = i'll pass
<whitequark> do you still use closed-source BIOS, though?
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<whitequark> ... which has an SMM component, which runs alongside linux, you know?
* whitequark waits for wpwrak to disappear in a puff of logic
<wpwrak> not sure if the critter actually "runs" alongside in the proper sense. it know that some hardware can do things at a level below the OS, though.
<larsc> it can even filter your IP packets
<larsc> and it has a built-in webserver
<wpwrak> not sure if my P35 already has all that
<whitequark> here's the SMRAM dump for P35:
<DocScrutinizer05> if you're interested (particularly update#2)
<whitequark> "I run several projects in parallel" would bother me a bit (if I didn't already mentally write off the money as lost.)
<DocScrutinizer05> 2014-05-15, 19:39 till Today, 19:30 - not too bad
<whitequark> I mean, neo900 alone is quite complex enough...
<DocScrutinizer05> well, I don't know of *anybody* who doesn't "run several projects in parallel"
<whitequark> well, it depends on what do you mean by "run a project"
<whitequark> but if it causes updates to be rare, that's worrying
<DocScrutinizer05> who said that?
<DocScrutinizer05> Nik never been supposed to publish any updates
<whitequark> oh, I misread your message
<whitequark> nevermind what I said
<DocScrutinizer05> now we need to secure that Nik doesn't feel uncertain about what to do in the project. Thus we need an agreement about which tasks GDC wants to accept and which conditions apply to that
<DocScrutinizer05> since I have no particular requirements to that, I don't think this could cause any problems
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: hm, have you ever heard of anyone getting a self-employment visa (selbstständigen Erwerbstätigkeit, apparently)?
<whitequark> I wonder how much pain is that
<DocScrutinizer05> ouch
<DocScrutinizer05> sounds horror
<DocScrutinizer05> you most likely need an invitation of a company, or somesuch
<whitequark> it doesn't *appear* to be too bad, but there's probably a bureaucratic behemoth lying beside
<whitequark> hm, no, from what I gather, I need to present a business plan and prove that I have financing
<whitequark> if it truly boils down to that, it's about what I'd expect
<DocScrutinizer05> oh yeah! >> Strukturierte und detaillierte Beschreibung der Ge schäftsidee<< and >> Finanzierungsplan/Nachweis Finanzierung<<
<DocScrutinizer05> I know that shit, guess why!
<whitequark> the basic idea is that I'd call myself a "consultant" and do the same thing I usually do
<whitequark> I see like 1000 reasons why that could not work, but still worth a try
<DocScrutinizer05> you need contracts to show that will already bring you money from beginning
<whitequark> sure.
<DocScrutinizer05> then no problem
<DocScrutinizer05> basically identical with an invitation
<whitequark> because even considering the level of bureaucracy I'll encounter (over 9000), I highly prefer this to being basically a slave to some big foreign (US, most likely) company, that is nice enough to employ me while it's profitable
<DocScrutinizer05> show off your contract with SAP as consultant, starting June 2014, and off you go. Welcome to Germany
<whitequark> *nod*
<whitequark> most of my friends who currently work from aboard are doing visa runs regularly. I can't even comprehend how one would (or would want) to live like that
<whitequark> you have no rights, you're basically a criminal. wtf.
<DocScrutinizer05> actually consultant makes your finace plan simple, just add a bank account printout that proves you can pay for your flat and food for at least 3 months
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: even better!
<whitequark> thanks for explaining
<DocScrutinizer05> np
<DocScrutinizer05> however I strongly recommend searching for help and advice from an experienced entity, some german lawyer or whatever
<whitequark> of course
<DocScrutinizer05> such stuff is terribly tricky, and usually you got no second try
<whitequark> but it's great to know that it's viable in general
<whitequark> *nod*
<DocScrutinizer05> we have a "green card initative" running since some years, which searches to make foreign highly qualified workers migrate to Germany
<DocScrutinizer05> it's flawed since it doesn't guarantee how long you may stay, and a few other aspects as well
<whitequark> blue card, right
<whitequark> I think it requires a diploma, and I don't have one
<DocScrutinizer05> dunno, afaik it usually works by invitation from a company who plans to employ you
<DocScrutinizer05> a contract as freelancer is just as good I guess
<whitequark> hmm
<DocScrutinizer05> actually better prolly
<whitequark> good thing to consider
<whitequark> but... Conditions for application
<whitequark> A German university degree, a foreign university degree which is accepted or a foreign university degree that is similar to a German one.
<whitequark> like I said, diploma
<whitequark> in addition to a contract
<DocScrutinizer05> I guess that has to be incorrect
<DocScrutinizer05> I seem to remember a certain minimum annual salary
<whitequark> hm, maybe that is some phishing site or someshit? "© Verein Für soziales Leben e.V."
<DocScrutinizer05> get advice of somebody who knows trhat shit!
<whitequark> looks fishy
<whitequark> yeah, I will
<DocScrutinizer05> bpb is "official"
<whitequark> um... discontinued in 2004?
* whitequark is confused now
<DocScrutinizer05> >>Das „Sofortprogramm zur Deckung des IT-Fachkräftebedarfs“ lief Ende 2004 aus und wurde durch ein neues Zuwanderungsgesetz ersetzt, das es IT-Fachkräften weiterhin privilegiert ermöglichte, nach Deutschland einzuwandern.<<
<DocScrutinizer05> >>Mit der Einführung des Zuwanderungsgesetzes wurde die Greencard-Regelung in die Beschäftigungsverordnung aufgenommen, so dass die gesonderte "Greencard-Verordnung" überflüssig wurde. Seitdem besteht die Möglichkeit, IT-Fachkräfte bei Bedarf im Ausland anzuwerben, ohne dass eine zahlenmäßige Begrenzung von Kontingenten besteht. Allerdings muss die Beschäftigung zu branchenüblichen Gehältern im Rahmen eines in Deutschland
<DocScrutinizer05> sozialversicherungspflichtigen Arbeitsverhältnisses erfolgen<<
<DocScrutinizer05> in short: companies can hire foreign IT employees, when they pay the usual salary
<whitequark> yup, I gathered as much
<DocScrutinizer05> so a contract as freelancer consultant is even better, since you wouldn't acquire any rights to receive social welfare when they fire you
<whitequark> oh! I see
<DocScrutinizer05> just *without* any such contract, you're on class worse than all the poor self-employed unemployed people here who hope for welfare to support their newly started business. No chance
<whitequark> hm, I actually know a guy from DE who is a freelancer consultant
<whitequark> just realized
<DocScrutinizer05> usually a company offering such contract to xou will also be willing to do all the "immigration" hassle for you
<whitequark> I'm still thinking whether I could stick to the same company I'm currently working for
<DocScrutinizer05> and a SAP or acme-corp GmbH that goes to Immigration Office and asks for a stamp to your papers has no problems to get such stamp
<DocScrutinizer05> as long as such acme-corp is a german company
<whitequark> the difference in typical salary in RU and DE is what'll probably kill that idea, though
<DocScrutinizer05> an RU company can't ask for a visa for germany on your behalf
<whitequark> exactly
<whitequark> so if I want that, I'll have to figure it out myself
<DocScrutinizer05> unless they have a german branch
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<DocScrutinizer05> or they have a contract with some german enterprise that requires them to send you as their executive to do the job
<whitequark> hmmm
<wpwrak> (refund going directly to neo900 ugh) excellent !
<DocScrutinizer05> ugh
<whitequark> that latter thing may actually be feasible, I'll have to ask
<whitequark> thanks again! very useful info
<DocScrutinizer05> yw, looking forward to meet you here
<whitequark> same :)
<DocScrutinizer05> already met your co-citizen Paul Fertser
<whitequark> we'll probably meet earlier, I hope I'll get to ESHM this year
<whitequark> fairly certain I will
<DocScrutinizer05> seems for him the visa was less of a problem than the import of a N900 to Russia
<whitequark> well, visa didn't require him to talk with RU officials...
<DocScrutinizer05> right :-)
<DocScrutinizer05> you might nevertheless want to meet him for a beer and a chat about his experience with visa and all
<DocScrutinizer05> I know, moscow is laaaarge
<whitequark> was it a long-stay visa? or just a regular short-stay one?
<DocScrutinizer05> short
<whitequark> I don't think I'll have any problems getting a short-stay one, the process is straightforward
<DocScrutinizer05> where short also was 6 months iirc
<whitequark> give a bank statement, hotel name, get visa back
<DocScrutinizer05> :nod:
<DocScrutinizer05> however he had to prove he's no prostitute, I guess X-P
<whitequark> really? O_o
<whitequark> that's some oddly specific thing to verify
<DocScrutinizer05> just kidding
<DocScrutinizer05> but that been a concern of Visa office back when
<DocScrutinizer05> (and prolly still is)
<DocScrutinizer05> I guess for this reason he needed an invitation from german bailsman
<DocScrutinizer05> can't recall details, it's 4 or 5 years back
<DocScrutinizer05> just give him a ping
<DocScrutinizer05> might be worth it
<whitequark> could you PM his email?
<whitequark> actually nevermind, just googled it
<DocScrutinizer05> [2014-05-21 Wed 23:30:04] [Whois] PaulFertser is (Paul Fertser)
<DocScrutinizer05> #openmoko-cdevel
* whitequark zzz. 1:32AM here and he got up early
<DocScrutinizer05> [2014-05-21 Wed 23:30:04] [Whois] PaulFertser is a user on channels: #openmoko #openmoko-cdevel
<DocScrutinizer05> yeah, he has a job that requires getting up early, it seems
<whitequark> no, I mean, I got up early
* whitequark writes /me-tells in 3rd person, since it's grammatically correct
<DocScrutinizer05> well, then the both of you have 2 things in common already
<DocScrutinizer05> he's also "away"
<DocScrutinizer05> [2014-05-21 Wed 23:30:05] [Away] PaulFertser is away: afk
<DocScrutinizer05> a /query can't hurt
<DocScrutinizer05> irc isn't realtime
<DocScrutinizer05> hey, I just thought: maybe it's most easy procedure to come here with a short-time visa, get a job, and then ask for long-time visa here
<DocScrutinizer05> unless short-time forbits work
<DocScrutinizer05> forbids*
<DocScrutinizer05> then it would be the most silly thing to do
<whitequark> tourist visa does.
<whitequark> that'd be a really bad idea :)
<whitequark> you can do that with a student's visa, you have 18 months to find a job after getting a diploma
<whitequark> that's actually a plan as well, though it requiers way more time
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<wpwrak> student visa would also be a way to finally get that diploma that opens so many doors
<wpwrak> well, a step towards it :)
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<DocScrutinizer05> fsck diploma
<DocScrutinizer05> Jeff Simmons tries to corrupt Napoleon Murphy Brock by showing him a lewd dance and suggesting that he'd smoke a high-school diploma . . .
<DocScrutinizer05> The evil dope pusher is cutting up a white gym sock, formerly owned by Carl Zappa and still damp. The shredded sock will be placed inside of a high-school diploma And ignited with a sulphur preparation . . .
<DocScrutinizer05> Now the next step of this operation
<DocScrutinizer05> The evil corrupter of youth is going to take him from Step One, which is a mere high-school diploma stuffed with a gym sock, to Step Two, which is a college-degree stuffed with absolutely nothing at all. Smoke that and it'll really get you out there!
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<DocScrutinizer05> >>I still don't feel as good as I felt this mornin' . . .<<
<DocScrutinizer05> No no, the college-degree is stuffed with absolutely nothing at all, you get . . . you get nothing with your college-degree . . .
<DocScrutinizer05> A true Zen saying: Nothing is what I want . . . The results of a higher education!
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<DocScrutinizer05> >>you learn a more structured approach to problem-solving.<< sorry, proven flase every day
<DocScrutinizer05> false even
<wpwrak> i've seen good people without formal education make very typical mistakes that good people with formal education don't make
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<wpwrak> of course, formal education doesn't mean that you're good. but if you have what it takes, it's an improvement
<DocScrutinizer05> I've seen so many CS students doing voluntary month and really knowing no shit about nothing
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<DocScrutinizer05> I think university is a nice serive to simplify learning what you'd learn anyway, with ot without "higher education"
<DocScrutinizer05> service*
<DocScrutinizer05> and actually for somebody highly interested in some particular topic it's a waste of time in my book, unless you value the diploma/degree higher than the education
<DocScrutinizer05> I've not seen a single EE doing a better job after finishing his degree than (s)he did before. Rather the opposite
<wpwrak> the trick is to learn something while you're at the university. and yes, there are plenty of people who manage to avoid most of the former while still completing the latter :)
<DocScrutinizer05> and actually almost same for any CS
<wpwrak> so i suppose you're in the same boat as whitequark ?
<DocScrutinizer05> not really, since I *never* regretted not having a "higher edication"
<wpwrak> ah well, that explains it then :)
<DocScrutinizer05> it been a pretty well calculated decision to _not_ do that nonsense and rather start _learning_ something
<DocScrutinizer05> I occasionally studied the books and whatnot of my best friend back when who decided differently
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<DocScrutinizer05> and yes, I lack some familiarity with some particular methods that I probably had to make familiar with at university
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<DocScrutinizer05> But I learned sth you usually don't learn at university: know where to look for stuff
<dos1> wpwrak: asking on TMO when you have 2/3 of the team here? suspicious! ;)
<DocScrutinizer05> hah, dos1 been faster than me again
<DocScrutinizer05> nah, ok
<DocScrutinizer05> pretty fine asking on tmo, se we have a chance to clarify
<DocScrutinizer05> so*
<wpwrak> exactly my thought :)
* DocScrutinizer05 tunes his email polling frequency from 5 to 1 minute
<DocScrutinizer05> ;-P
<wpwrak> dos1: thanks ! :) that was basically my question - Q: what am i expected to do ? A: wait. :)
<DocScrutinizer05> and welcome to TrollsMoronsOxes ;)
<DocScrutinizer05> aka tmo
<DocScrutinizer05> allegedly the worst forum by far (though others say heise forum is the worst)
<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak: interested in production QA software for Neo900?
<wpwrak> (worst forum) yes,having these shitty captchas all the time is rather annoying
<wpwrak> (qa sw) looking for volunteers or offering a job ? :)
<wpwrak> neat. chromium has an "undo" for closing tabs. someone understands the human condition :)
<nicksydney> Is It A Bird? Is It A Plane? No It's A Russian ICBM.. Over Iran? - .. huh ?
<DocScrutinizer05> (volunteer or job offer) to get negotiated
<DocScrutinizer05> nicksydney: those google translations from japanese make me sick
<wpwrak> nicksydney: given the source, it's probably photoshop :)
<nicksydney> DocScrutinizer05: that's why it's better to draw your own conclusion and the translation makes you woozy :)
<DocScrutinizer05> zerohedge seems a pretty non-trustworthy and low-effort site
<nicksydney> wpwrak: nah they must be using GIMP :)
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer05: (negotiated) given that anelok doesn't seem to go anywhere and i'm eyeing my finances with increasing concern, it could indeed be interesting if it puts some money into my pocket ... :)
<wpwrak> nicksydney: the tendency is that the less you care the more you use the "standard" set of tools of the windows ecosystem
<DocScrutinizer05> right now we don't have much money to offer, but we can discuss this part as well as the specification of task. Welcome on board already
<nicksydney> wpwrak: go crowdsourcing you will nail it for sure :)
<wpwrak> hehe, thanks :)
<nicksydney> wpwrak: like it or not i still have VM running WIndows 7 just in case :)
<wpwrak> nicksydney: crowdsourcing requires a running prototype. or a framework in which "miniinvestment" can be handled. i have neither.
<nicksydney> so does this mean that wpwrak is now 'officially' working on Neo900 ? :)
<wpwrak> tbd, i guess
<nicksydney> yipppeee ! ... let's open some tequilla :)
<DocScrutinizer05> when he agrees, then yes. At least on a yet undifined volume of "working on"
<dos1> *reading backlog* hey, should I include something more in the progress update I'm finishing right now? :D
<DocScrutinizer05> why not? ask werber if he agrees and what that "something2 should look like
<DocScrutinizer05> werner
<DocScrutinizer05> sorry
<nicksydney> werner = gerber ? :)
dvdk has joined #qi-hardware
<nicksydney> hehehe
<wpwrak> not so fast :)
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