rejon: good morning :) when are you heading out ?
wpwrak: may i ask you a fast question: how can i choose which one of 16 channels in 2.4Ghz band will be used by atben/atusb? And does it make sense to choose a channel different from the oen used by my 2.5 Ghz router nearby?
*2.4 Ghz
i.e. will i gain soemthing from this?
yes, it's better to be far away from frequencies with interferences
in atrf-*, you specify the channel with -c #
in iz... you change the places where it says "11"
my router is just 1 meter away from laptop :) so ok, i'll be changing the channel
note that wlan and wpan use different channel numberings
it's using channel 6 now btw
atrf-rssi -g ca show you the map;ping
ok, thanks
press E and it'll show the channel numbers at trhe bottom, inclusing the typical EU assignment
U for US, J for japan
i'll try that, thnkas
[commit] Stefan Schmidt: spi/atusb: Static info request during probe is async for usb now. (ben-wpan-stefan) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/1414ef5
in the other  hand i noticed that sige evb manual have some isntructions to put sige chip in real mode
oh. that sounds interesting
well, acording to books and speedevil comments, this will mean 4x data compared to I/Q sampling
but indeed, most of the code i had found asume real data
what sige adds is their propietary downcoverter serializer for making esier the later processing
and it is truth in theory cause if implemente the correlator in hardware, ie namuru, i may not need to use some correlation arms, asuming i trust sige for what is I and Q
yeah, i'll try check the output for real putput with scope tonight :)
now IF sampling willbe ~16Mhz instead of 2.556Mhz from the downcoverter
actually sige chip will be kinda same as the maxim one too
but we'll se :)
wpwrak: complex is the data type implemed in C99 for complex number inst?
(like maxim) then you'll even have a second soure :)
cause at first grep it dint showed up from osgps..
maybe they do complex math with real/int math
good point
wpwrak: yeah, not only a second source in hardware, also more code to analize the data, inclduing the SoftGNSS port to octave (thanks a lot david his fix to it), fastgps too
and gps-sdr from CTAE
okay, i'll change that resistor position and see how the data came out from it :)
resistor position ?
in the EVB hw1 and hw0 defines the chip mode
ah :)
47K actually DocScrutinizer
because it need to be set low
thought as much, but 0R been to the point ;-)