the tech industry is quite self-referential sometimes
but actually it's only a small part of life
so if the marketing departments of a few companies are working in overdrive, so what?
Maybe you're right wolfspraul
also I think journalism is going through a lot of changes
What would it takes to reduce the production cost of the NanoNote down or close to the hypotetical price of the Raspbery Pi ?
Journalism ?
and we need it to come out well, 'we' not as tech poeple, but for society
yes sure, journalism
newspaper subscriptions falling like a rock
so a lot of what you read is written by companies for marketing reasons
don't take it too serious :-)
meanwhile new forms of paying for independent journalism are growing slower than the old ones are disappearing - right now
so naturally in a lot of places you actually look at advertisement now
because you talk about 'smartphones/cloud computing'
the media are full of it, because they copy/paste articles written by companies with vested interests in this
Oh ok
but no matter how much they repeat the same thing, I'm sure >90% of people don't give a damn, they just wait and see what actually works for them
Hum that explains
which is typically maybe 1% of what marketing claims, no? :-)
well this is my thinking
I'm all relaxed
I survived the Symbian dark age
the Symbian dark age was a time where seemingly everybody agreed that Symbian = smartphone
Symbian = great apps
Symbian = great for developers
only problem, it was all not true
end users knew, because nobody used those smartphones for anything but phone calls, because...
your guess :-)
the other stuff didn't work :-)
finally we made it through the Symbian dark age
and who remembers all the wild claims they made back then, on good pay? nobody...
because it doesn't matter
Hehe indeed
Why was it great for developers ?
it wasn't
Ah ok sorry
but it's very hard when you go against the 'commonly accepted wisdom', at that time
Propaganda from the past still fools me
maybe that's how you feel right now about cloud, smartphone, etc.
Hum yeah
but you are just arguing with an imagined enemy
maybe your own fears
Is Android still equal to "code in Java or die" ?
try to talk to someone on the street, they will agree with you about 'cloud computing' :-)
My cousin does but he's an ingeneer
it's cool, no? computers in the clouds now? great!
what do you do on a perfectly sunny day?
no computing?
makes sense! can enjoy the beach then!
yeah, this is great stuff
yes I think in Android you need to code in Java
Well maybe I just need to relax
Oh damn :(
I'll just focus on complaining about gnome 3 then :P
Something funny I see on forums theses days
Everybody is talking about forking Gnome 2 but nobody is doing it. I think I can understand why :P
the Internet seems to becoming a cluster of talkers
Also yeah
I've noticed the quality of comments sections in online publications to go down dramatically in recent years
But also Gnome 2 is a seriously heavy project, I don't need (and can't) to dive into such an amount of code.
now you basically have a competition between extremist opinionists
people who have nothing to do, and I guess draw satisfaction from this sports
the only thing the reader can get from it is that sometimes those comments are so freaking extreme that you just have to laugh
Still you haven't aswered my question about the NanoNote wolfspraul :P
ah sorry, one sec
No problem
the raspberry pi is an announcement only now
it's basically yet another proprietary breakout board
if he can use the software stack from the chip maker 1:1, then his cost should stay under control
it has no screen, no keyboard
Software stack ?
kernel mostly
with the current ingredients, we cannot bring the nanonote to 25 USD
25usb still is super good
usd sorry
maybe 49 is possible, it would require higher volume which would require more orders which would require a much more valuable software experience
let's say I make 10K units of 49USD nanos now, can I sell 10K units? I doubt it.
I'm deeply thinking theses days about how the NanoNote can do what the Raspberry Pi can't. For now it only need a good doc for kids... still 100usd is too expensive for
Even me, I'm not poor but I know my parents would have chocked if I told them the price of the NanoNote
I think a cheap Android phone with touchscreen is not bad, no?
production cost is about 30 USD, so they should exist in Europe for ca. 50 USD I would think
underground China import channels of course
I don't know, you already told me about that. I'm skeptical about the touchscreen, why not a keyboard like the Blackberry ?
ah I said the same thing earlier, great
I passed the consistency check :-)
I thin keyboards will go away
over time
I honeslty think that a ZX Spectrum look alike NanoNote (composite out, usb in) would definitely outburst the Raspberry.
the reason I like it on the NanoNote is because it was what we could really pull off at the time, and make a lot of good free software (not Android) usable
Oh how sad :(
but in the long run, over years, I cannot see how it won't all move to capacitive touch or some other even better touch technology
that's yet another big challenge for free software, we'll get to it
how sad --> keyboard disapearing
if you are typing away on a piece of glass, what's the difference?
if I think about my experience with keyboards, I started training how to type with an old typewrite of my parents, before I had my first computer
because I wanted to be able to type when the great day arrived and I got my first computer :-)
those were big clunky keys!
have to press down 2 cm or so, even more
then the first keyboards arrived, and they were also clunky
then the keys got lighter and lighter
the notebook keyboard I'm typing on now doesn't require much pressure at all. if it were a flat glass, ok I would have no tactile feedback. so?
do I really need that or did I just become used to it over the years?
if you try with a 5-year old now, would they miss the keys? or just happily type away on the glass?
wolfspraul, you mean on all devices or only mobiles one ?
Also, if childrens need to have a computer to learn about computing, the hardware need to stay the same as long as possible. Goal is to educate, not to make money and make a new machine every 6months. That's something incompatible (unfortunately) with a lot (all?) of companies.
well wait
capacitive touch is here to stay too
you run some wires, build up a field
I don't think you can do blind typing without tactile feedback
have a little firmware running at a few megahertz measuring changes to the field, and computing where you pressed
and non-blind typing will likely be slower than blind
but over 90% of people probably can't type blind anyway
hum interesting point from mth
afair I've seen works on virtual keyboard on touch screen made for blind typing
with positionate and rotate the screen depending on where you type on the screen
I like to try new things. If someone would give me a glass/touch keyboard as a replacement of my notebook keyboard, I would put it in right away and try for a few weeks
But still is no tactile feedback yes
but it's a bit too early for that I think
Yeah I don't know, I may sounds old for saying so but I don't want to change that habits at least for me.
I can imagine typing away on glass.
I tried it on an iPad in a store, it's weird
But maybe I would have no troubles after a few days ? I don't know really.
we all don't know until we try :-)
I would not want to go back to the types of keyboards I had in the 90's
That must be Asperger or something but so far I hate changing my habbits :P
do I want to go back there? no. compared to that my keyboard now is already 80% flatter, remove another 20% and I'm on a flat glass surface...
Also Linux maybe need to get rid of X in order to be ready for multitouch ?
did anybody talk to them or did they write this themselves?
I'm surprised because at least I didn't do anything, and they must have picked this up from somewhere, maybe xiangfu's announcement mail on the list
yes but where does it come from? they are subscribed to the list and saw xiangfu's mail and then wrote this themselves? that'd be pretty cool...
233139-11:14 < dvdk> hey, the freshmeat release announcement triggered an article in linux-magazine.de :)
233141-11:14 < dvdk> so this is what freshmeat is good for :)
ok next time we have software updates, we need to make sure there is an announcement on freshmeat
hey, i dint knewt it about sftp. thats good
maybe we should make a milkymist-firmware project too on freshmeat
and when there's an update, post an announcement there with a nice summary/changelog
good idea
the linux-magazin.de post brought about 750 visitors or so, that's nice as every visitor matters
makes me want to go back to the qi-hardware.com homepage and bring it to a much higher level in cleanliness etc...
I think it can be far more seductive and interesting still :-)
Your project has been submitted for verification. This process typically takes less than 24 hours. (Milkymist on Freshmeat.net)
xiangfu: nice!
hum, i dont see the in ICD- GPS-200 the ionosphere word... may be they just call it diferent ;)
argg, my fault, missing capital letter..
how is the GPS data analysis going? I mean from the live data you capture, can you tell anything already?
well, same, still on Pull-in state, so no tracking yet
Pull-in is third state for channels in osgps
now checking i have a good/proper setup of osgps, like update alamanac and utc, now checking ionosphere model parameters
so no mor updates so far wolfspraul :-)
I'm a glass half-full guy, so 'third state' sounds good
I guess first and second state already passed, so there is light at the end of the tunnel
or maybe first state is only "successful fopen()" and second state is "successfully read into ram"?
better don't tell me...
also i can ping Clifford Kelley (osgps developer), but i need be sure i have a good explanation of my issue, wich acording last conversation this format i'm using per byte (IIQQIIQQ)Â Â is keep i should not have problems
no no, nothing about fopen and such
of course I was joking about my states...
no, is okay, actually i found in osgps code, some values were harcoded to fix another sige fronted sampling clock, so well, i need to keep in mind too just in case
DocScrutinizer: (energy harvesting) victor asked me whether it would be possible to strap an RF-equipped sensor (with very low duty cycle of course) on a power cord and i wanted to find out if there's really enough power there to do something useful with it.
hmmm, interesting
wpwrak: well, there are RF lightswitches to stick on the wall and power is from piezo when pressing the switch, so...
(piezo) oh, that's nice. didn'
t know of these
of course, all proprietary system/protocols, i guess ?
\o/ my 10min experimental art shortmovie is almost uploaded
took only like 6h
is waiting for "Sorry, file too large for OVI" ;-P
hollywood will hate you. a 1:36 movie to production ratio would mean that a 1.5 hours move should be done within 7 days :)
244MB, it got to ~200MB when my DSL had reconnect and OVI-share upload started new instantly - smart sucker
wpwrak: it's spontaneous art, a live act with N900 the main character :-)
actually I think you'd have a hard time coding this if you planned
even with soundtrack ;-D
is wondering if he can find a purchase receipt for asking Logitech for a MX Revolution replacement
damn critter should last longer than 3..4 years, at a price tag of almost 90EUR
phew. the cost of the logistics of filing all receipts for that long would probably exceed that value ;-)
glares furiously at that OMRON D2C-F-7N horseshit, which is infamous for breaking after 1y avg
not that the SMT switches used in MX Rev are any much better
DocScrutinizer: what prevents you from replacing the switches yourself?
the fact I did that last time like 6 months ago
maybe you should get better replacement switches? :)
(movie) no error msg, just got silently redirected to /dev/null :-(
whitequark: indeed, but for the SMT ones the replacement sucks, and for the microswitches it's not really easy to find an exactly fitting better replacement
wolfspraul: (kbd) you could try a "flat keyboard" experience already with exiting technology. there are those laser keyboards that just use a table. e.g., this one (alas out of stock) http://www.thinkgeek.com/computing/keyboards-mice/8193/
heard it sucks
me too
and then you want me to try?
but wolfgang thinks keyboard without tactile feedback may be great
which are ironically some of the most sought-after by people who type a lot :)
nah :-) I said none of those things
the reason I don't want tablets nor phones w/o hw-kbd
I said I don't want to go back to that one
wpwrak: are you using one of those?
yes, I like the easier to type notebook keyboard I have now better than those old ones
i use the HHKB, which is somethat similar. i know the ibm keyboards and i loved them.
back then. but now we have something better :-)
wow IBM kbd *with trackball* ???
anyway everybody can choose whatever they like. I don't see a point of pressing hard being good.
zero tactile feedback is another matter
and I didn't say I like that, I said I would like to try
the layout of HHKB is a bit similar to that apple keyboard. even more compact, though. and more unix-ish
(like to try) that's why i mentioned it - you can already try it :)
if it's bad there is no need to try
I wait until you tell me there is one with zero tactile feedback that is good because you tried, and then I will try
how about that?
isn't a kbd with zero tactile fb exactly what you get on any tablet?
I don't think they are ready for fast 10-finger typing, not sure
I don't want my keyboard to slow me down, in fact I want my keyboard to make me speed up as much as posible
nor will they ever be
so I would choose the one where my typing speed is fastest, done
on small devices you have to compromise :) and indeed, there's where is see most potential for non-feedback keyboard. below a certain size, you basically can't win.
but then, if you consider things like the OQO keyboard, you can go pretty small and it still feels good
if a flat, no-feedback keyboard that supports full 10 finger typing comes out, and I can type faster on it than on my current notebook kbd, I'll switch
that's basically my point
and until that comes out, I continue on my notebook keyboard :-)
anyway, printing and tinkering a paper kbd together is a nice weekend project : use tin foil and/or silver varnish to get the electrodes, and attach a simple sensitive matrix scanner
i think you need some form of feedback for fast typing. just seeing that you messed up on the screen probably isn't enough. besides, that means that you can basically type blindly
part of the feedback could perhaps be static. e.g. a shaped surface that lets you feel whether you're at the right position or not
of course, a shaped touch screen would be a hard sell ;-)
hmm, you can inplement this to my paperkbd as well :-)
DocScrutinizer: looking forward to your paper keyboard movie then ;-)
meh, I'm not interested in such a type of kbd
(movie) the html upload page on OVI has a little note "not more than 100MB per file" :-/
DocScrutinizer: I can offer you a spare server you can upload your movie to
whitequark: thanks, got a server. just no "website" so it's not that attractive to try and watch a movie there. Pondering youtube... :-/
never uploaded *anything* to YT
DocScrutinizer: I heard vimeo is much more friendly
I've seen a lot of movies like that there
plus then of course it's an accepted fact WW3 won't use nukes but viruses and trojans
funny enough first threat (forgot the name... S.*?), to those Siemens SPS, been driven by Isreal/USA
DocScrutinizer: Stuxnet
that sounds even more funny in Russian, like "it will rot"
wolfspraul: so there is another question you may know answer to. I always wanted to develop hardware, particularly digital stuff with microcontrollers (FPGA's too)
[commit] Ayla: Merge branch 'master' of projects.qi-hardware.com:gmenu2x into install_locations http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/ef4b012
what is the best way to learn doing that?
'digital stuff with microcontrollers', hmm
you mean you want to design and manufacture a small embedded system?
like Werner did with the ben-wpan boards?
he is making 2-layer PCB at home, plus PCB antenna design
or you mean purely the programmable fpga part, on an existing board?
I don't understand how 'digital stuff with microcontrollers' and 'fpga' connect together...
what kind of app/use case do you have in mind?
wolfspraul: I don't think I can really do the full cycle for some piece of hardware, at least not now
so I think I should begin with working for some company to gain experience
but again, I must have something to show them so that they'll hire me
what app/use case do you have in mind?
what should the device be able to do in the end?
I don't have any particular device in mind currently. (well, really I do, but any of the ideas I have won't be profitable on manufacturing; that's most one-time projects for myself)
for example, I've been trying to do a home automation system for some time, which will connect most electrical devices (switches, lamps, sockets) in a wireless network and allow controlling everything in a centralized way
but I clearly don't have enough RF experience to do that, as I understand now
but that does sound like ben-wpan a little, no?
there is probably no other project like that with such extensive, actually massive, amount of documentation as ben-wpan
sounds great
maybe I should then begin with replicating ben-wpan
you probably need to zoom-in/focus on something
otherwise it may be overwhelming
that's how it is
maybe Werner has an idea for you
something that is both good for ben-wpan, and will also help you achieve your educational goals
huh, I doubt I can really make anything useful at the moment
I'll talk with him anyway, through
oh for sure you can do something useful!
even if you try something, and fail, as long as you talk about what you do, exchange your experience with others, that can be very helpful for the project overall
I'll then should get atusb/atben, to have a definitely working side
does tuxbrain sell them already?
not yet I think, last I heard was that SMT (the last production step) should be this week or next week
okay, I'll then begin with ben
whitequark: if you decide about buying atben/atusb, i suggest that we consider group buying. Just need to think, maybe it's more reliable to buy it separately (the customs will more likely get suspicious with several PCBs, then just one or two)
kyak: sure
maybe we can also buy a pack of UBBs
i already did :)
have 5 of these thingies
... or maybe not, even my skill is enough to make them manually
the price was so small, it's easier to buy UBB than to do it by hand
group bying plans for atben/atusb: can i join? :)
just an occasional "Duh! WTF! Mehehehe" from background - that's me
camera like blair witch
in ~3h it's upped
whitequark: okay. So I believe I shouldn't make it default on gmenu2x then :)
Ayla: if you're talking about SDL config, then it may still make sense
I have a question for you guys.
should we drop gp2x support on gmenu2x?
the code is over-complex and messy, and one of the causes is that the gp2x support hasn't been totally removed
some parts are commented, some are still here
Ayla: wasn't there some activity in another gmenu2x somewhere?
Ayla: I think yes, as that will make gmenu2x much more portable and usable on other devices
either we remove all GP2X stuff, or we un-comment all the GP2X stuff and encapsulate it into #ifdef/#endif
I *think* that the original author is still working on its own version
(framebuffer) looking at linux/fb.h, there is no generic interface for double buffering, so it presumably should be done in SDL anyway then
(ben-wpan) i have no updates yet. they needed some clarifications on a file earlier this week, for the boards to "enter smt" this week. but nothing since.
(ben-wpan) i pinged them again some 5-6 hours ago ... (all the experience working with uncommunicative chinese comes rather handy in this case ;-)
whitequark: for learning to do things with microcontrollers, depends a bit on what you already know. you generally need a bit of understanding of general electronics, resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, nothing too fancy, just the basics, because you;ll run into them in one way or another all the time
whitequark: then there's a lot of architecture-specific knowledge about specific microcontrollers. larger embedded SoCs (the ben's ingenic, anything ARM and such) tend to have similar features but in a more orderly patters. the smaller you get the less orthgonal the peripherals become.
wpwrak: well, I already know most of the basics. given that our XZ0032 board is comparable with Ben by complexity, I'd say that it is not a problem for me to understand a board of this level
I've got a lot of experience with atmel uCs, some with 32-bit ARMs (simpler STM32 ones), and Ingenic mips
whitequark: okay, you're already quite far then ;-) your earlier experiments suggested as much :)
but I'm still quite stupid when it comes to RF circuits and switch-mode power supplies (in the latter case, I was not able to implement even a single one which would have 80% efficiency :/)
even when fully following instructions in datasheet
whitequark: rf is tricky. there's a lot of black magic there. i only started exploring that area myself not too long ago. basically with ben-wpan, some 9-10 months ago.
whitequark: (switchd mode) you mean for low (:battery") or high (mains) voltages ?
wpwrak: I've built several variants of 3.6V->5V converter on different chips
well, they worked somehow, but the efficiency was ranging from 10% (first ones) to maybe 50%
and I have no idea why they were working so, or how should I have designed them the right way
that's surprisingly bad. were they just the usual 2-3 caps + inductor + chip type ?
yeah, I've used ones with integrated FET and sensing resistor
(I don't currently have schematics here on work, and so cannot say which ones exactly)
odd. external diode ?
what kind of inductor ? small smt type, with some generous margin for the maximum current ?
the one on board with highest efficiency I've used SMT one, through it was quite large, and rated a lot higher than the maximum possible current
like 4 times
well, it was the only one of the needed inductance I found in local store
that should be a healthy margin
maybe DocScrutinizer knows more about the pitfalls of such things
he's the resident electrical engineer. i just make things work ;-)
can I get a sum up?
DocScrutinizer: whitequark made a switching mode up-converter but got poor efficiency (<= 50%). FET is in the chip. he used a schottky. inductor has 4x the max current rating. what else could be the problem ?
parasitary capacitance
inductor operating out of spec'd freq range
also calculating "max I" for step converter inductors is a science
that's NOT average current!
if freq low, the inductor will saturate
600k IIRC
if high, you get loss in the ferromagnetics
too high freq also makes parasitary C show up everywhere
stepping converters are a bitch to pound to shape
even app notes say: "test, change, test again" :-D
oh, I found the part number: LM2700MT-ADJ
DocScrutinizer: and what if they say "ride whirl with summer wind plume" ? :)
(mount coil (inductor) with how air pencil) and yes, i just made this up ;-)
and the inductor was enanAukdosh6orwy
... not quite. more like CDRH103RNP-2R2NC-B
you need to *very* carefully read and compare all the specs, diagrams, and recommendations. Even then sometimes it just "doesn't work" and you have to change some part. It's not unusual chip manuf's app notes mention a particular brand and build of inductor to use, as it turned out to be optimum
some inductors also may have special PCB copper shape requirements (layout) so no phantom shortcircuit turns for the coil sneak in
real fun
DocScrutinizer: I don't have that board anymore, but I think I'll do a new one soon, as the topic is interesting
DocScrutinizer: (pcb) not the case, my inductor was completely isolated and there was no copper under it except for pads
even your case might matter, for same phantom turn reason
wolfspraul: can I have a folder in downloads.qi-hardware.com/people???
but maybe around it, forming a "ring"?
ground plane other side of PCB?
it's tricky, I couldn't even spot the problem if I had the actual device in my hands
hm, I've used single-sided PCB
you know those electric nail guns to nail things on wood?
I had one that refused to nail the isolation to my roof inside - turned out it was because there's been tin foil inside the whool mats
I've only seen a mechanical staple gun, not sure if it is related
electromagnetic staple gun
Hum, the gumstix products are interesting
DocScrutinizer: hmm, so it accelerates staples with a coil or something like that??
had a coil the size of a huge camembert at the upper end, ~20cm from the nailing end where the tinfoil been. Still the tinfoil caused the electromagnet to fail
the coil just pulls a hammer/bolt to neil the staple
vladkorotnev: sure, no problem
let me check how the authentication works again :-)
DocScrutinizer: that's weird
just to show you coils care for their environment way farther than you'd think, sometimes
vladkorotnev: do you want to upload with DAV or ssh?
wolfspraul: SSH better
going to home now, bbl
do you have a URL to your public key? or email it to me
depending on build of your coil it may have more or less of mag field escaping the component
btw the abstract art video is uploaded ;-)
wolfspraul: so?
did you email your pubkey?
vladkorotnev: no email yet. I need your public key.
you can give me a url if it's online somewhere, otherwise email
wolfspraul: how do I get my pubkey? especially if I have 3 PCs? :)
check in .ssh/id_dsa.pub
you can arrange your keys in any way you like, you can use the same private/public key pair on multiple computers, or you can have multiple keypairs on one computer and use them for different purposes
but if you want to upload files, I need some public key from you, then you authenticate yourself with the posession of the matching private key
if you don't have a keypair yet, you can create one with ssh-keygen
wolfspraul: cat: .ssh/id_dsa.pub: No such file or directory
run ssh-keygen :-)
wolfspraul: it made id_rsa.pub :P
now email it to me
don't ever email or publish the id_rsa anywhere, that's your private key
only the .pub
wolfspraul: ok, what email?
you have a lot from me in your inbox, no? wolfgang@sharism.cc