whitequark: why not use generic code and the synthesizer?
instead of platform-dependent code with LUT instantiations
sb0: so that they don't get optimized into nothing
if you're using pseudo-differential I/O that isn't registered in the IOB you want same delay on both
it's niche, yes
but I just wanted to make it work well no matter the requested settings
I tested it on ice40 and the inverter delay skews the edges quite noticeably
[nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #78: Implement XDR buffer factories for all platforms - https://git.io/fjruM
[nmigen] whitequark closed issue #78: Implement XDR buffer factories for all platforms - https://git.io/fjEMr
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sb0: should we reword the "under development" README warning in nMigen yet?
I don't really anticipate any more core language changes
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[nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #92: Using Yosys with Xilinx Series 7 devices (and non-standard tool flows) - https://git.io/fjrzz
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