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<Web-aptosid876_> sorry. I'm a irritating English man :|
<Web-aptosid876_> please help me by saying/pointing out when I'm not clear enough
<DocScrutinizer05> ok
<Web-aptosid876_> sometimes I opt for the easy option for my brain regarding my wording when trying to write
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<DocScrutinizer05> FSF would be well-advised to define their domain of competence as "any code that gets *executed* on the same CPU or in same RAM like the OS core under scrutiny"
<DocScrutinizer05> maybe even augment that:
<Web-aptosid876_> ever enough English is my native language. I've spent the last few years trying to use different words but it can and does get messy :D
<DocScrutinizer05> "any code that gets *executed* on the same CPU or in same RAM like the OS core under scrutiny, or on a system that can access said CPU or RAM without said CPU controlling every aspect of such access"
<Web-aptosid876_> hmm
<DocScrutinizer05> (english) sorry my english skill got trained by reading american Byte magazine
<Web-aptosid876_> hehe
<DocScrutinizer05> I hardly can understand a restaurant menu
<Web-aptosid876_> dare i say why not post to the fsf and the fsfe mailing list?
<DocScrutinizer05> becuase there's a lot of fanatics that I don't see any benefit in engaging into battles with them
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<Web-aptosid876_> I can try to help by being a middle man. I would have thought that you would be able to have a conversation like we have been having
<DocScrutinizer05> when you've read my above linked tmo posts, you know that Stallman didn't answer even a week after my last mail suggesting my better approach of close monitoring of peripherals. Well, guess what! He still didn't
<DocScrutinizer05> but then, privacy is not the primary goal of FSF. FS is
<Web-aptosid876_> I can't complain about reply times. I'm terrible my self is one reason.
<Web-aptosid876_> privacy isn't because you get privacy via FS
<DocScrutinizer05> FSF's "RYF" campain is a move to force hw and chip makers to open up their closed specs and docs
<Web-aptosid876_> good thing too
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<DocScrutinizer05> alas we're the completely wrong target
<DocScrutinizer05> and tbh I consider that hubris
<Web-aptosid876_> tbh?
<DocScrutinizer05> FSF will - or already has failed on that
<DocScrutinizer05> to be honest
<Web-aptosid876_> arr
<Web-aptosid876_> moving on....
<Web-aptosid876_> so with the OP
<DocScrutinizer05> chip manufs will NOT disclose their intelectual property in WLAN firmware and/or GPU driver stuff, since that's killing their business by handing out their best asset to their competitors
<Web-aptosid876_> going back then to firware.....
<DocScrutinizer05> there been that move in linux at large to force hw manufs to not provide linux drivers that are not completely FOSS. The result been that hw manufs didn't care and worst case simply didn't provide *any* linux drivers and/or support
<DocScrutinizer05> buzzword GPL-v3
<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak can elaborate on the details, I guess
<Web-aptosid876_> how is "software to interface with the bloody hardware" bad for showing how there hardware works in important ways. I don't want cop X to have yet another evil monoly. I don't want there so called need above mine. if we all insist on free drivers and firmware then that means for any of them to pertisetat in the markect they have to free the sofrware up or they don't get markect. and so we end up with a fair market cus
<Web-aptosid876_> they all do it. like with having the same price to post a parcel to someone who lives in the country side as someone who lives in a city
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<Web-aptosid876_> participate/sell to the market
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<DocScrutinizer05> Web-aptosid876_: I have a question for you: I have a laptop that is all fine and in line with RYF, except for the plugged in GSM module. Now I unplug that module and send the laptop to FSF for RYF cert. When I got the cert I advertise the laptop with that RYF badge but I offer customers to have the GSM modem card plugged in before I send the product to them. What we got here? Cheating? FSF cert rendered misleading? Or simply freedom
<DocScrutinizer05> of customer to decide whether or not he wants that modem card in his certified product?
<Web-aptosid876_> .com's that then don't provide support are trying to twist our arm. lets not put up with company's like that. makes it easy. don't buy there things
<Web-aptosid876_> acceptable cheating
<Web-aptosid876_> acceptable "cheating"
<DocScrutinizer05> sorry, I don't understand "cop X2 and "monoly"
<DocScrutinizer05> "pertisetat"?
<Web-aptosid876_> participate
<Web-aptosid876_> cop=company X=<name of company>
<DocScrutinizer05> >>if we all insist<< is the pint where your utopy dies
<DocScrutinizer05> point*
<Web-aptosid876_> I regetted that worded when I reread it after pressing enter
<Web-aptosid876_> wording
<Web-aptosid876_> re-read
<Web-aptosid876_> with a good amount of us insisting
<Web-aptosid876_> but we can get a lot more instst indirectly via projects like QiMod's rhombus-tech and the EOMA spec
<Web-aptosid876_> insisting
<Web-aptosid876_> s/instst/insisting/
<DocScrutinizer05> the whole linux sector is already so small that most hw manufs don't care. The percentage of linux users willing to insist in FOSS firmware stacks in peripherals like modem, WLAN, whatever is microscopically small
<Web-aptosid876_> exactly hence I'm so keen about qimod and EOMA
<DocScrutinizer05> and I have to say, I'm damn happy about not every script kiddie in my neighborjood can flash the newest leetest "make all phonecalls go down and all phones start ringing" hacked firmware to their average cheap android phone GSM chipset
<Web-aptosid876_> to put qimod and eoma and simply: a non-evil innovation apple
<Web-aptosid876_> so what?, stuff the script kiddie
<DocScrutinizer05> "so what?" nothing, it's fine the way it is
<Web-aptosid876_> lol
<DocScrutinizer05> in that regard
<DocScrutinizer05> there are savvy people like Harald Welte (also associated to Openmoko) and Dieter Spaar (too) and others, who actually can do proper RE of a GSM stack and use the GTA03 et al calypso modem chipset to investigate on properties and flaws of a GSM cell/network in a non-intrusive way.
<DocScrutinizer05> and that's absolutely enough of freedom in that regard, for my taste
<DocScrutinizer05> s/GTA03/GTA02/ dang!
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<DocScrutinizer05> I'd like to see monitormode in GSM modems being mandatory as of 3GPP AT specs, and offering a rich set of info. But that's it with my hopes for changes in the modem "freedom" situation
<Web-aptosid876_> sounds like the real issue is the gsm system needs a over-hall
<Web-aptosid876_> just becuase freedom can by used by twats doesn't make it a bad thing. and no I don't advocate gangsters -"free men"- gangsters take the freedom to fuck others and deny others there freedom. evil beeps ****
<DocScrutinizer05> anyway FSF approach of "when *we* can't write and flash a new GSM radio stack firmware to the modem, then *nobody* may do it" is not really any sane concept. It only serves for avoiding conflicts with FSF self-image
<Web-aptosid876_> hmm
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<Web-aptosid876_> hum hum
<DocScrutinizer05> whatever, I decided that Neo900 isn't interested in FSF and what they do
<Web-aptosid876_> ok
<DocScrutinizer05> big waste of time
<DocScrutinizer05> we know we do better for *our* customers than what FSF tries to establish
<Web-aptosid876_> I guess you didn't write the free software related text on the website ? :p
<DocScrutinizer05> hmm? which text? which website?
<Web-aptosid876_> neo900
<Web-aptosid876_> the same text that got me intersted
<DocScrutinizer05> all text on neo900 websitze is approved by me
<Web-aptosid876_> covered my interested
<Web-aptosid876_> s
<Web-aptosid876_> :)
<DocScrutinizer05> we don't have uch software-related text there, though
<DocScrutinizer05> mich*
<DocScrutinizer05> damn, MUCH
<DocScrutinizer05> o/
<DocScrutinizer05> n8
<Web-aptosid876_> a lot more then other projects
<Web-aptosid876_> :)
<Web-aptosid876_> it's good what there is when I look. though I had times of lack of confidence reguarding non-free blobs but then there was something I read that settled me.
<Web-aptosid876_> looked
<Web-aptosid876_> the text was good when I looked.
<Web-aptosid876_> right bed time really for me
<Web-aptosid876_> so with the open pandora: hopefully gpu 3d acel isn't needed. wifi blob is mac address and not any important security related bits basicly I need not worry and why the flip does the joystick need non-free blobs according to pcercuei. so now to find out if the non-free junk (like user apps umm like games) is easy to separate in the package manager/repos and uninstall
<Web-aptosid876_> looks like this might anwser most of my questions
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<DocScrutinizer05> lol - a 4 weeks old by still maybe news to some of you. Nokia goes android
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<Web-aptosid876_> openpandora does look like it is the best anwser for my needs, I just hope I don't regret it. cus gwc-zero sounds like it will be a fully free sytem in the future but the pandea has keyboard,2 sd, line-in even, bigger screen. when I look at i'm a little conerand about wether i might have wifi doom and I assume it comes with the usb audio interface class driver
<Web-aptosid876_> thanks for you help and I leave my irc on and for now I'll get some sleep
<Web-aptosid876_> so post any replys and i'll read them in a few hours time
<Web-aptosid876_> found this sudo su
<Web-aptosid876_> opkg remove libgles-omap3
<Web-aptosid876_> rm /lib/firmware/wl1251-fw.bin
<Web-aptosid876_> the guy also says to remove pandora-pndstore it get a free system, whys that? non-free pkgs listed in the package manager gui?
<Web-aptosid876_> it=to
<Web-aptosid876_> oh and I assume I can play full res video on the cpu. I don't see why not
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<Web-aptosid876_> opkg remove pandora-firmware
<Web-aptosid876_> i wonder if that includes the nubs? kind-a hoping note
<Web-aptosid876_> not
<Web-aptosid876_> then again theres so many twats on the OP forums I think I might go mad :( arrg
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<Web-aptosid876_> then again the gcw-zero has a vibrator moter and the OP doesn't it seams. a vibrator would help a lot with alarms. oh I don't know anymore
<Web-aptosid876_> right bed
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<larsc> freenode+ accounts, yeay!
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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer51 will be happy
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<DocScrutinizer05> I alreeady sent a "thank you2 to the blog!
<wpwrak> ?
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<Web-aptosid876_> is any one developing/supporting a OS for the Wiz? I couldn't find anything a while ago, just wondering
<zcrc_> no
<Web-aptosid876_> thanks
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<Web-aptosid876_> DocScrutinizer05: i wonder if this helps you to make sense of rms's email just dumping it out there so I can close the tab in my web browser :)
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<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer51: you may like this:
<DocScrutinizer05> not really. I got real problems right now
<DocScrutinizer05> founding of UG caused personal bankrupt, so I'm about to ponder my options
<larsc> maybe you can have your new company give free lunch to employees
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<DocScrutinizer05> hahaha
<whitequark> UG?
<larsc> german limited
<larsc> kind of
<whitequark> "LLC"?
<larsc> yes
<larsc> do you know GmbH?
<whitequark> mm, heard of it
<whitequark> of course not the gnarly legal details. for that matter I don't even know how ООО works
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer05: that sounds serious :( could you perhaps bill nikolaus for some work, to maintain liquidity
<larsc> UG is the same, excpet that you need less money
<whitequark> larsc: I see
<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak: I'm going to do exactly that now
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer05: great. let's hope it work ... and his tax advisors don't find yet another problem. they don't seem to be much better at - belatedly - finding problems than at coming up with solutions :-(
<DocScrutinizer05> yes
<DocScrutinizer05> isn't it amazing how with every entity, on every topic, always the blocking actions happen at speed of light, while the enabling actions take weeks or months to complete?
<wpwrak> well, in your case it seems that both take a lot of time. 1) you make a plan. 2) they shoot it down. 3) you come up with something else. 4) they shoot it down again. 5) you develop a plan together with them. 6) you start implementing it. 7) once you're committed, they shoot it down again.
<DocScrutinizer05> kinda
<DocScrutinizer05> but then otoh my rent for my flat doesn't get paid this month, while the idea how to pay it otherwise hasn't finished birth process yet
<wpwrak> well, you said you have a nice landlady ...
<DocScrutinizer05> sure
<DocScrutinizer05> but my energy provider is less forgiving
<wpwrak> yeah, i'd worry more about these. well, they'll probably send you a warning letter after a few days and such. so you have a bit of time.
<DocScrutinizer05> only a bit
<wpwrak> well, i hope nikolaus won't make you wait for weeks ...
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<larsc> I think in Germany they have to continue to provide you with electricity for at least 3 months
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<Web-aptosid876_> DocScrutinizer05: hope it works out for you.
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