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<wpwrak> kyak: (location field) i mean he field where you enter url or search term
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<kyak> wpwrak: ah, the address bar :)
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<DocScrutinizer05> it never appealed to me to have *search* funtions in *URL* address text input box
<whitequark> why not? it's convenient
<whitequark> Ctrl+L ? query
<DocScrutinizer05> and *redefining* that search to point to a web site / webservice of the liking of the page I just visit opens up a vulnerability vector huge enough to drive Putin's complete army through it
<DocScrutinizer05> insaen concept
<DocScrutinizer05> insane*
<DocScrutinizer05> instant http proxy for everything
<whitequark> oh, I see, wpwrak's message
<whitequark> it doesn't change anything for me though
<whitequark> and in my experience chromium is pretty stringent about asking permissions for websites...
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer05: i find having search and url combined very convenient. about as nice as the "gg:" or such prefixes in konqueror (the latter give me a bit more control, though that rarely matters)
<DocScrutinizer05> I'm reminded of stupid lusers who got google as their browser start page and never even got the catch what for the URL address text input box might be, since they eneter *every* URL to the google search input box
<wpwrak> but yes, the overriding is evil
<DocScrutinizer05> and yes, gg: (or wp: or wpe:) is a very convenient function in Konqueror
<DocScrutinizer05> but really not at all related to a general default searching of every text I type to URL addr txt inp
<DocScrutinizer05> even worse when I can't be sure *which* search engine is used to do that search for me
<DocScrutinizer05> developers must be on crack to implement such a function
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: right-click, "edit search engines", duckduckgo or whatever it is you like
<whitequark> it's not "on crack", it's basic ux design
<DocScrutinizer05> yeah sure
<DocScrutinizer05> nonsense
<DocScrutinizer05> [2014-04-06 Sun 05:48:01] <wpwrak> wow. seems to redirect the search in the location field of chromium to i didn't even know that as possible.
<wpwrak> naw, most of the time it works very nicely. i like it. what i don't like is that it sometimes changes the input for me on horizontal cursor movement. i really hate that.
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: that's a bug *shrug*
<whitequark> I'm not saying random websites should be able to change that on a whim, rather the opposite
<DocScrutinizer05> I'll set up a webpage that owns your system on visiting it with such a idiotic browser
<DocScrutinizer05> and a few minutes later it owns your bank account
<DocScrutinizer05> and all your email accounts
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: by the way, by this logic linux was done on crack
<whitequark> because it has vulnerabilities
<DocScrutinizer05> (given you're a standard luser)
<DocScrutinizer05> nevermind. I know I lost my communication abilities.
<DocScrutinizer05> or probably my actual thinking happens on a level of abstraction that is not compatible with the level assumed by others by deduction from the way I communicate
<DocScrutinizer05> discussing about BS like "a bug. *shrug* you're saying unix been created by idiots since it had and has bugs" -- sorry, I have no nerves for such idiocy
<DocScrutinizer05> what makes you think you're entitled to define this as a bug? maybe it's a feature?
<wpwrak> whitequark: you idiot :)
<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak's post clearly sounded like this was a feature
<DocScrutinizer05> or do you suggest is exploiting a *bug* to create added value in UX of their website?
<wpwrak> well, it does look like a bug, no matter how useful may find it
<wpwrak> oh, and it's limited to the tab, at least something. so if you go to another, everything is back to normal
<eintopf> mhh, hi
<larsc> wpwrak: it's probably a feature
<wpwrak> larsc: it does smell too well thought-out to be a genuine bug. well, so let's call it a design flaw. that's what you get for letting your boss go through the second bottle of whisky of the day before writing the specs
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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: yes, I'm suggesting that
<whitequark> if it's a feature, it runs counter to everything else I've seen in chromium
<whitequark> despite what you may believe, it's pretty strict about not allowing websites to randomly mutate parts of your environment
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