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<wpwrak> that's a clever joke :)
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<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: ircstat/ML: update for 2014-03 (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: ircstat/README: run "mlabs" for IRC statistics (master)
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<natsukao> Milkymist one, is it UnTruStEd HaRdWaRe ?
<DocScrutinizer05> could somebody savvy of chinese/japanese(?) please translate for me what the cat is saying?
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<kyak> "miyauuuu"
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<eintopf> meow
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<zrafa> DocScrutinizer05: xiangfu should know
<whitequark> wpwrak: a bit concerned about clicking on that link
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<whitequark> is that... a woman or a man?
<wpwrak> look somewhat androgynous, but i'd say male
<wpwrak> or did you mean the cat ? :)
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<whitequark> no (I knew you'd ask that!)
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: I just received your small packet \o/
<wpwrak> damn. i'm too predictable.
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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: in the future, please do write the recipient's name
<whitequark> lack of a name tends to aggravate post office workers. I'd rather avoid that
<wpwrak> did he put you IP address ?
<wpwrak> once the cats learned to make signs, their rise to power was unstoppable
<whitequark> hmm, so joerg sent the package at 2014-03-23. exactly 12 days DE->RU
<whitequark> that's actually not bad
<whitequark> and to think that a polite (!) competent (!!) postal worker dialed me at saturday morning (!!!)
<whitequark> wtf
<whitequark> Message from syslogd@raidho at Apr 5 15:47:52 ... kernel:[313653.582307] Uhhuh. NMI received for unknown reason 30 on CPU 0. kernel:[313653.582314] Do you have a strange power saving mode enabled? kernel:[313653.582316] Dazed and confused, but trying to continue
<whitequark> >Dazed and confused
<wpwrak> maybe the call wasn't from the postal office. and someone at your local citizen compliance monitoring service branch was a bit clumsy when checking what you needed all that stuff for
<whitequark> I feel like dmesg is becoming more incomprehensible with years
<whitequark> stuff like: [313592.968473] [drm:intel_dp_start_link_train] *ERROR* too many voltage retries, give up
<whitequark> [297945.028239] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20131115/nsarguments-95)
<whitequark> so *THIS* is why backlight is fucked
<whitequark> morons
<wpwrak> that deep link doesn't work
<wpwrak> yeah, that worked !
<wpwrak> now i'd need to understant the references. link, i get, but the train or the warrior, no idea. maybe i should have played a bit more zelda. got bored a the dexterity tests ...
<wpwrak> not use a high-density chip and pee those ultra-high resolution cameras
<wpwrak> (i hate it when i stumble upon a new comic ...)
<whitequark> I can understand it so well
<whitequark> lol
<whitequark> it's actually possible to bear a child which is not "yours", naturally
<whitequark> tl;dr: chimerism is a thing
<wpwrak> would still be the same woman, though
<wpwrak> unless you move on to more modern fertilization techniques
<whitequark> well, no, I mean the child would in theory fail a DNA maternity test
<whitequark> that actually happened a few times
<whitequark> ("in theory" because, I believe, it depends on how crude your test is. but if you pick the more precise ones, yeah)
<wpwrak> hmm, you mean because "three parents" would confuse a simpler test ?
<whitequark> no, it would be "two parents"
<whitequark> except the eggs and the somatic cells of the mother would have been slightly different
<whitequark> I mean, no one picks eggs as the source of genetic material, it's too invasive. you usually take a swab from the lining of the mouth
<whitequark> the reason for them being different is a mutation early in the development, which occured, say, for one cell of the eight the embryo had
<whitequark> it's pretty rare
<wpwrak> wikipedia: "however, it has been detected in the course of proving parentage" that 's a weird way for scientific discovery ;-)
<whitequark> why so? complex medical procedures (and even not complex) frequently are a source of discoveries
<whitequark> the amount of papers on pubmed which could as well be stories on is pretty impressive
<whitequark> keywords: "case study" and, say, "alcohol"
<whitequark> or "intoxicated"
<whitequark> I mean, right the first one: [Case of honey intoxication in Japan]
<whitequark> >An unusual foreign body in the urinary bladder.
<whitequark> yeeeeah, probably not looking at that one
<whitequark> >[Passive cocaine inhalation by a 25-month-old child].
<whitequark> >[Sodium dichloroisocyanurate-induced acute lung injury in a child].
<whitequark> >[Fall from height--surprising autopsy diagnosis in primarily unclear initial situations].
<whitequark> >Hand warmer related corrosive injury.
<whitequark> what?!
<wpwrak> and some people think science is boring :)
<whitequark> wow: Massive hemoptysis after aspiration of a toothpick.
<whitequark> >Postoperatively, the patient confirmed that 1 year prior he had fallen asleep with a toothpick in his mouth while intoxicated.
<wpwrak> that's what you get for not going all that way with the drinking, so that you don't just pass out before it occurs to you to clean your teeth
<larsc> whitequark: I think chimerism typically happens when twins fuse in an early stage of development
<whitequark> >Intoxication with mouthwash presenting as psychosis and delirium in a combat theater.
<whitequark> larsc: that's another cause
<whitequark> >Subarachnoid hemorrhage and vasospastic stroke after self-enucleation.
<whitequark> ಠ_ಠ
<DocScrutinizer05> (([2014-04-05 Sat 16:12:59] <whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: in the future, please do write the recipient's name)) DUH!
<whitequark> >"I am flying to the stars"--suicide by aircraft in Germany.
<wpwrak> (arachnoids and stuff) did she dead ?
<whitequark> no
<wpwrak> (the abstracts has me wondering ... "The patient developed postoperative contralateral visual loss followed by middle cerebral artery vasospasm and bilateral cortical infarcts.")
<whitequark> >A 31-year-old intoxicated woman self-enucleated her left eye during an acute psychotic episode. CT revealed avulsion of the intracranial optic nerve, chiasmal edema, and adjacent subarachnoid hemorrhage. Exploration via transconjunctival orbitotomy was performed, and the globe and 4.8 cm of contiguous optic nerve were removed. The patient developed postoperative contralateral visual loss followed by middle cerebral artery vasospasm and bila
<whitequark> >Self-amputation of penis and tongue after use of Angel's Trumpet.
<whitequark> ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ
<whitequark> >Homicidal cerebral artery aneurysm rupture.
<whitequark> >Methanol-intoxicated donors: an acceptable source of organs.
<whitequark> that's... a very bloodthirsty way of putting it
<whitequark> ummm
<whitequark> >Simulation of attempted homicide by dog bite in unconscious state].
<DocScrutinizer05> WTF? I get a "you'll be redirected in <countown from 30> seconds. Or <a href>skip this add</a>" and when it counts down to zero or you click 2skip2 it starts all over again. GREAT pun :-S
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: cookies.
<wpwrak> whitequark: dog lover, beware ! also about his:
<whitequark> >Pseudonecrophilia following spousal homicide.
<whitequark> ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ
<whitequark> okay, I'm done with pubmed
<DocScrutinizer05> whitequark: I have "ask" set for cookies. No cookies getting asked
<whitequark> weird
<DocScrutinizer05> unless that site previously nagged me so much that I said "reject all cookies from this site"
* DocScrutinizer05 wishes some WWAN carriers would decide to do SPI and filter out *all* cookies
<whitequark> >A fatal impaling-type head injury is described in a young man, sustained when he crashed his car while intoxicated, his head being transfixed by a broken wooden fence post.
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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: wat? how am I supposed to use stateful websites like anything with a login then?
<whitequark> also everything must be over https and SPI is useless then
<wpwrak> whitequark: it wasn't exactly a fence post. here's the picture:
<whitequark> wow, that is some sturdy construction
<whitequark> >Fulminant acute colitis following a self-administered hydrofluoric acid enema.
<whitequark> WHAT
<whitequark> he actually survived that
<whitequark> >Aviators intoxicated by inhalation of JP-5 fuel vapors.
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<wpwrak> some jobs have more entertaining risks that others :)
<wpwrak> but wait, there's more of that. lemme search ...
<wpwrak> note: all from the same airline. when boarding one of their planes, triple-check you have a barf bag. maybe ask for a few extras, as you'll probably need them.
<whitequark> >[A case of acute tobacco poisoning by enema].
* whitequark sighs
<wpwrak> sat on a tobacco plant ?
<whitequark> (airline) how about... not flying by them?
<whitequark> (tobacco) ... almost
<wpwrak> that sounds like a reasonable precaution
<whitequark> The authors report the case of a 5 month old child intoxicated with nicotine through an enema. A mother who wished to treat her infant for constipation had administered to him as an enema a decoction of green tobacco leaves;
<wpwrak> sweet, natural medicine :)
<larsc> in russia it probably had been vodka instead of tabacco leaves
* whitequark reads a paper describing self-mutilation under meth
<whitequark> O_O
<whitequark> I don't think I could sleep for a few days after this
<whitequark> for sake of your sanity, I will not actually quote it
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<whitequark> whee, the other package contained more chinese endmills I bought. some more cnc fun is possible!
<whitequark> hmmm, these are very different from the ones I have. mine have a more, umm
<whitequark> "diagonal" cutting edge
<whitequark> er
<whitequark> "diamond"
<whitequark> like I'm not even sure these are endmills and not something else
<whitequark> can't find anything with this kind of cutting edge
<whitequark> seems very similar to this:
<whitequark> and apparently this kind of cutting edge is only ever present on PCB bits
<whitequark> sold by chinese
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<roh> whitequark: diamond carved thingies
<DocScrutinizer05> looks nice
<whitequark> mmh. let me try cutting something with "new" cutters
<whitequark> ... sigh
<whitequark> the hard drive in my CNC controller has died.
<DocScrutinizer05> OMG
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<whitequark> ugh. so disgusting inside
<whitequark> great. the thread on the HDD screw is killed.
<wpwrak> in russia, discs are threaded
<whitequark> where the hell am I supposed to find an IDE drive in 2014
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<whitequark> grrrrrrr
* whitequark drops the drive from 1m
<whitequark> surprisingly, still doesn't work. how can it be, percussion maintenance is flawless!
<whitequark> oh. no. the thread is fine. some genius simply put an M3 screw instead of a 6-32 screw there
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<roh> whitequark: what kind of drive was it?
<roh> maybe you can replace it with a compact flash with adapter or some ide flash
<whitequark> 40-pin IDE
<whitequark> 80gb Seagate
<roh> ebay?
<pcercuei> < whitequark> where the hell am I supposed to find an IDE drive in 2014
<pcercuei> I know xbox1 has a 20 GB IDE hdd
<pcercuei> or was that 10 GB?
<pcercuei> but a compact flash is probably a better idea
<whitequark> roh: slow
<roh> pcercuei: small...
<pcercuei> definitely
<whitequark> that's fine actually. linuxcnc needs what, 4 gb of space?
<whitequark> otoh finding a >4gb compact flash may prove hard, and expensive
<roh> i had to replace a broken ide pata flash in a symbol wifi controller appliance recently... found a 1.2gb disk and it worked
<roh> the flash had 512mb
<whitequark> could just stick a thumb drive into it. it can boot from USB
<roh> the really hard part was finding the disc, and the image
<whitequark> atleast it claims to
<pcercuei> < whitequark> otoh finding a >4gb compact flash may prove hard, and expensive
<pcercuei> no, you can find 8GB / 16GB ones quite cheap
<whitequark> well, seems I can pick a pair of 40GB drives for $6, at craigslist (local clone)
<whitequark> they will fail after some time though
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<whitequark> tell me why I shouldn't buy that, quick
<wpwrak> don't buy them !
<wpwrak> ... so that i can get 'em :)
<wpwrak> some actually look more like drills. but that may just be the camera angle.
<wpwrak> even if they suck, you'll have a nice collection of different sizes
<wpwrak> (well, unless they suck really really badly)
<wpwrak> of course it would be better if it said "... to 1/8". not only are the big ones useless but they also add a lot of weight
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