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<whitequark> wpwrak: err... headless chicken? wat?
<whitequark> oh shi~~ I turned a module on without antenna soldered to it
<whitequark> seriously I need some sleep :/
<wpwrak> whitequark: (chicken) see the wings in the NORAD logo ? do you see a head, too ?
<whitequark> ahhh, got it. funny!
<rz2k> whitequark: srsly dude, being up more thatn 14 hours is pure masochism.
<wpwrak> rz2k: some would consider it a good beginning :)
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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer51: hmm, attached the second module
<DocScrutinizer51> whitequark: my PC has barfed up, about to reboot
<whitequark> oh, sure
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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer: got your PC fixed?
<DocScrutinizer> reboot
<whitequark> ok. so, I connected the second module, they both seem to work
<whitequark> ... and they ofcourse have slightly different internal clock frequency, which drives me crazy as the leds are a bit out of sync :/
<DocScrutinizer> now for some suspend of my wetware, in 6 hours I'll enjoy a 3 day code quality training by ENEA
<whitequark> ah ok, tomorrow then
<whitequark> ... code quality training?..
<whitequark> like "don't put all code in your main()"?
* whitequark always thought that you get to write better code by not being an ignorant fuck rather than attending any trainings. still...
<whitequark> ewww. according to my scope, that module just got 8V+ ripple into the power source
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<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: cgminer: most patches merged to upstream (master)
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<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: icarus-miner: remove outdata package (master)
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<DocScrutinizer> whitequark: yep, something like that
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<qi-bot> Jon Phillips: @thisisparker @kaepora, @qihardware found here in beijing for $15 ALL USB powered. You can do more more more. ( 176600903757991936@rejon - 10s ago via web )
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<DocScrutinizer51> friggin spam
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<wolfspraul> Jon is just excited about this hyper-integrated little computer :-)
<wolfspraul> supported well by openwrt
<roh> well.. nothing really new or special ;)
<wolfspraul> I wouldn't agree. it's a full computer with case and wifi and antenna for 16 USD.
<larsc> DocScrutinizer51: /ignore qi-bot
<wolfspraul> and usb 2.0 host
<wolfspraul> but it's not open hardware, for sure
<viric> what computer?
<viric> 16USD? what children mounted it? :)
<wolfspraul> a router, TL-WR703N (risking more spam :-))
<viric> aah
<rejon> viric, its ok, it was part of a conversation
<viric> ?
<viric> what conversation?
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<whitequark> wolfspraul: define "full computer"
<wolfspraul> cannot
<whitequark> is atmega8 a "full computer"? is stm32f103rb? it has usbhost too.
<whitequark> and 32k of ram. more than Apple II
<viric> ;)
<whitequark> just a cheap little router on stupid mips
<roh> wolfspraul: yes. but that still isnt something special. most tp-link wifi routers and aps are in that pricerange if you buy more than single digit volumes
<wolfspraul> I'm not here to defend tp-link or this router
<wolfspraul> if you don't like it, please ignore it :-)
<wolfspraul> it's not even open hardware
<rejon> or better, get nanonote and milkymist up to compete with the tplink routers :)
<wolfspraul> maybe I can include a 703n as a wifi-gateway for m1 though, but I shall work on that silently :-)
<wolfspraul> to bring out the beauty of m1 *today* :-)
<viric> hehe
<roh> sure. i also dont want to talk it down. i use tp-link atheros chipset based devices myself. but its nothing special per se. neither the price nor its features
<whitequark> srsly, usbhost and wi-fi are just readymade ip cores with a little bit of external components, and a readymade linux driver
* whitequark uses tplink too, fwiw
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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer51: I assembled your coupling circuit, and it, er, works very bad
<whitequark> (through it's probably because I screwed something up)
<whitequark> there is a LOT of noise which comes from somewhere, and has a peak on 875Hz
<whitequark> according to fft
<whitequark> simple: the gnd was broken in audio cable I used.
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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer51: yeah, works fine
<whitequark> but I removed a potentiometer across mic lines; the sound is better without it
<whitequark> (the circuit is
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<DocScrutinizer51> OMFG, that training will kill me, at wednesday the latest
<whitequark> what's with it?
<DocScrutinizer51> ENEA code quality
<DocScrutinizer51> about all related to C and C++
<DocScrutinizer51> ALL
<DocScrutinizer51> starting from pre/post-increment to communications in team to 'are you better thasn LINT?'
<DocScrutinizer51> the booklet has 270p, we managed to eat thru 57 today. will be fun on day3
<DocScrutinizer51> I already start feeling sick ;-D
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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer51: I connected two modules simultaneously
<whitequark> they work
<whitequark> also, there's ~500mV ripple at the Vdd of each module (measured at its pin)
<whitequark> and a 700mV ripple at the power source (three AA batteries)
<whitequark> how bad is that?
<DocScrutinizer51> probably not too bad yet
<DocScrutinizer51> though you should make sure you use low ESR powersourse and thick wires for VDD
<DocScrutinizer51> and GND
<DocScrutinizer51> too high ESR is main culprit of strange annoying connection faults
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<DocScrutinizer51> most likely AA batteries might be a suboptimal power source
<whitequark> well, I use my wires in packs of 3
<DocScrutinizer51> then OTOH you could add a 5000uF
<whitequark> each one is .05, through
<DocScrutinizer51> 4700 actually
<whitequark> also, near to each module I added a low-ESR 100u tantalum cap and a 100n ceramic one
<DocScrutinizer51> way too low for the 2A bursts
<DocScrutinizer51> anyway, I'm wasted. May I'll be back in an hour or so
<whitequark> sure
<DocScrutinizer> hey, Adam gave a new schem to us :-)
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<DocScrutinizer> sorry whitequark - did you say your wires are 0.05mm^2 ?
<DocScrutinizer> if that's correct, you probably want to use 20..50 of them
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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer51: er, not sure. I shoulda find a caliper somewhere...
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer51: btw, would you recommend to keep using a mechanical caliper, or are digital ones generally better (worse)?
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<wpwrak> whitequark: some are as precise (and a lot more convenient). some are worse. ironically, the cheapest-looking digital one i have is very good.
<DocScrutinizer> whitequark: I have no experience, but I heard the electronic calipers need *a battery* ;-)
<whitequark> wpwrak: yeah, I observed the latter at times. For example, $1.5 chinese "switzerland" tweezers were way better than 5 times as expensive bought here...
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer: oh. yes. a battery. that answers the question.
<DocScrutinizer> sometimes for me that pretty much actually does
<viric> I also dislike batteries
<viric> we want supercapacitors.
<DocScrutinizer> lemme do the math: battery: 2$, selfdischarge EOL: after 2 years the latest, number of usage during that period (YMMV): max 10 times avg.
<DocScrutinizer> so one usage would cost me 20ct
<viric> not to mention the ecological impact
<DocScrutinizer> plus inconvenience of flat bat when I *really* need it
<whitequark> viric: do you like RoHS too?
<viric> whitequark: I don't know details of it
<viric> whitequark: I've only seen marketing
<whitequark> ... or maybe think that there is "damage to ozone layer" which is "harmful to the planet"?
<viric> I think a digital caliper is more polluting than a mechanical caliper
<viric> for a very little win
<whitequark> sigh
<whitequark> on the topic of supercaps: we already have two kinds
<whitequark> 1) ionistors, but they kinda self-discharge in a few days
<whitequark> 2) rechargeable lithium batteries. have (almost?) the same look as the common coin-cell ones, but can be recharged with a small constant current; used in RTCs
<whitequark> through I don't know where one can buy the 2)
<whitequark> and afaik they can't be recharged in the "cellphone" mode, that is, go from 0% to 100% in a few hours
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer: for me, the problem with these batteries is that you'll have a hard time finding $RANDOM pcs of LR$RANDOM when you least want to deal with it
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer: i think my battery-powered one has been up for more than 2 years by now. still works great. probably hundreds of measurements in that time. i use it almost daily. ymmv indeed :)
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer: i don't quite like the short (~ 1 yr) battery life of my micrometer, though. but then, that one is kinda hard to read without electronics. (it has the traditional scale, too)
<wpwrak> (and yes, that one gets about 10 uses per year on average. for cases where i really want to know and where i need reproducible pressure)
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<whitequark> ... oh.
<whitequark> this module has 2.8V inputs.
<whitequark> and I thought they were 3.3V.
<whitequark> fuck.
<wpwrak> barbecue time ! ;-)
<rz2k> lol
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