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<whitequark> anyone here knowledgeable about metalworking/welding?
<whitequark> because I just tried to fix a metal thingy and failed miserably
<whitequark> also found out that my butane torch has enough power to melt copper, but if it's at least a little bit less thick than the one I need
<qi-bot> [commit] David K
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<qi-bot> Jon Phillips: Via @qihardware qihardware: Video drones fly and hover above the city creating ad hoc networks in a new form of noma... ( 185539602306699264@rejon - 57s ago via )
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<kristianpaul> ergh i could reproduce that VID00003.MP4 file from rejon
<kristianpaul> could not*
<rejon> ok
<kristianpaul> oh you here
<kristianpaul> VID00002.MP4 seems ok, but the other well
<rejon> ha
<rejon> ok, I'll try a reupload of that file
<kristianpaul> thanks !
<kristianpaul> ISO: Unknown File Type Major Brand: MSNV
<kristianpaul> said mplayer
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* DocScrutinizer moos a little
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<cladamw> (M1r4 KiCad version) schematic symbols/libraries are under creations, see not finished yet.
<qi-bot> [commit] Adam Wang: ignore *.bak & *.bck (master)
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<kyak> bartbes: just a version update (2.0.0 -> 2.0.2)
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: nightsky: fix build (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu: nanonote-files add more nanonote config files (master)
<kyak> bartbes: and yeah, nlove build is broken -\
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu: nanonote optimize (master)
<kyak> xiangfu: btw, we don't have to do that.. If we have BUILD_NLS, uClibc is automatically compiled with locale support
<xiangfu> kyak, ok. I don't know that.
<xiangfu> so I will revert the code. thanks
<kyak> yeah, it's some recent change.. thanks to jow
<kyak> and it also works :)
<viric> mth: I let to you the fixing of the commit for the kernel, ok?
<mth> viric: ok
<mth> I don't understand his second comment though
<mth> "And why this should be out of order case?"
<viric> maybe it is not an English sentence :)
<viric> out of order means that it does not work, isn't ti?
<mth> it can mean that ("elevator out of order"), but it can also mean that things are done in a different order ("out of order execution")
<mth> also, I don't know if "case" means "situation"/"instance" or refers to upper/lower case letters
<mth> I mailed asking for a clarification
<viric> perfect
<mth> actually, why does the JZ4740 need a different address? is it implied by the hardware somehow or is it just a convention that the existing tooling uses?
<mth> for Dingoo, I changed it because the existing boot loader required it, but I don't know if that address was originally picked at random or whether it was the only sensible option
<viric> I think it's hardcoded in another place of the tree
<viric> I recall little though.
<qi-bot> [commit] Adam Wang: added libraries: nxp, diodes_inc; changed outlook same as datasheet as possible. (master)
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<bartbes> kyak: because of physfs? I'm pretty sure we've been building against 2.0.2 for a while now
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<DocScrutinizer51> sigh
<DocScrutinizer51> ~cookie
<infobot> Hey docscrutinizer51, zip 62433 is Hutsonville Crawford IL
<DocScrutinizer51> ~botsnack
<infobot> DocScrutinizer51: thanks
jivs has joined #qi-hardware
<DocScrutinizer51> wpwrak: what's new?
<DocScrutinizer51> and exciting
<DocScrutinizer51> hmm, ok. so back to boring ClearCase mess, brunch break declared finished :-S
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer: not much new and exciting, i'm afraid. oh, maybe from daily politics - argentina implemented a de facto ban on book and newspaper imports, basically as an overnight surprise. and lifted it a few days later.
<viric> mth: so we'll have to investigate why I committed such a particular case for jz4740
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer51: you seen the atheros/qualcomm article?
<kristianpaul> zrafa_: what you think about that python allegro, and gmenux replacement with a programable script?
<kristianpaul> sounds powerfull consider no need write your own SDL stuff..
<kristianpaul> tough i may allow us better integration with console based apps
<zrafa_> kristianpaul: should work. You already has pygame as well I think. python has bindings for everything.. BUt why you would like to replace gmenu2x?
<zrafa_> kristianpaul: better integration: replace /usr/bin/gmenu2x with
<zrafa_> kristianpaul: /bin/bash ;)
<mth> the plan we had for integration is to add a boolean to the icon info that indicates whether something is a console app or not
<mth> and switch to a text terminal or not based on that
<kristianpaul> zrafa_: i dont, i ask you about it :)
<kristianpaul> zrafa_: i alredy replace by bash ;)
<zrafa_> kristianpaul: cool :)
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<mth> larsc (or anyone else who knows the answer): is it safe to assume that if the RTC is taken from an external clock, it will either be 32 kHz or a frequency near that value?
<mth> never mind, the issue only starts if RTC is over 40 GHz, which simply won't happen
<mth> for some reason I thought it could wrap at somewhat realistic freqs
<viric> a rtc at 40GHz may need einstein relativity correction
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<kristianpaul> zrafa_: ha i just saw you mail about genode-fx ;)
<kristianpaul> so it compile under linux without minor/zero modifications
<kristianpaul> ?
<zrafa_> kristianpaul: yes. Using sdl as canvas. You can build several targets
<zrafa_> kristianpaul: I just tried on my PC "make sdl"
<zrafa_> kristianpaul: (and tested of course)
<viric> mth: for the patch, add also a comment of *why this address*
<viric> otherwise it's quite a magic number for reasons out of the kernel tree
<mth> oh, I already sent a new patch
<viric> ah
<viric> :)
<mth> and I don't really know why
<viric> ah you looked like having done a research, in your answer
MabYwen has joined #qi-hardware
<mth> I know that booboo's u-boot uses that address and that you adopted it for the NN as well
<mth> since the original patch only forced it for the A320
<mth> how does a computed load address even work, by the way?
<mth> I don't think injecting it into the boot loader would be an option, since then you'd always have to replace boot loader and kernel at the same time
<mth> but the alternative would be to have the boot loader figure out the load address at run time, which is extra overhead
<mth> provided that the vmlinuz.bin image even has the desired load address in it in a way that is discoverable
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<zrafa_> kristianpaul: I am downloading root.tar.gz from your host. Which has some tools for jlime and sie
<zrafa_> kristianpaul: do you remember if you tried some test with fpga and your tools there?
GNUtoo has joined #qi-hardware
<Jay7> hello, ppl
<Jay7> just quick question
<Jay7> do NN have 8Gb NAND flash?
<Jay7> i.e. is it NAND and is it 8Gb? :)
<wpwrak> Jay7: i'm certain it's NAND. but i think it's less (don't have a machine up to check). wikipedia says 2 GB.
<Jay7> hm.. seems I confised a bit
<Jay7> *confused
<viric> mine, 2GiB
<viric> mth: the load address is determined at mkimage, isn't it?
<viric> I mean... there is the kernel start point. Then we make a vmlinuz, which has a specific load address. Then we make mkimage of that vmlinuz, telling to mkimage the same load address.
<viric> no?
<viric> or mkimage takes vmlinux, and it compresses it? Why did I want vmlinuz at all?
<DocScrutinizer> whitequark: yes, very interesting
<zrafa_> Jay7: wpwrak: if we need to check wikipedia to know the size of the nn nand then we are lost :)
<wpwrak> zrafa_: well, the qi-hw wiki is a bit chaotic, wouldn't you say so ? :)
<wpwrak> zrafa_: and the nand size hasn't troubled me yet, so it's not the sort if number i'd keep in my head
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<MabYwen> zrafa: my nn has 10cmx7.5cmx1.7cm in size :-D
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<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: genex/: generate expanded component view (WIP) (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] David K
<qi-bot> [commit] David K
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<mth> viric: I don't know why you wanted vmlinuz, but I wanted it because it loads quicker
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