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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer: about the GSM modules
<whitequark> suddenly, some holidays happened, so I'd probably won't send them this week
<whitequark> (pesky holidays. they always get in the way between me and electronics. New Year, then Chinese New Year, then something, then this. :/)
<rz2k> no holidays for nerds! :3
<whitequark> my schedule isn't significantly affected by holidays nor weekends
<whitequark> the fact that others' schedules are sucks.
<wolfspraul> whitequark: found this site recently about notebook schematics
<whitequark> wolfspraul: interesting. a russian site
<whitequark> well, it mostly does not work
<wolfspraul> what does not work?
<whitequark> I've tried to get schematics for several Samsung notebooks
<whitequark> none of the ones I've selected worked, both random and those who I have
<whitequark> IT HAS FAILED!!111one
<rz2k> grammar nazis in da channel
<whitequark> er, I didn't even notice the "was"
<whitequark> just was joking stupidly on the capitalization
* rz2k compromised himself
<rz2k> :(
<xiangfu> whitequark, it continue compile now. :-) some package fail to build :(
<wolfspraul> no worries all fine :-)
<wolfspraul> server access is available for anyone who wants to help
<whitequark> well, tuxbrain still did not manage to deliver anything
<whitequark> so...
<wpwrak> whitequark: that FAILED repeated over and over has a touch of this one, doesn't it ?
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<wolfspraul> whitequark: [tuxbrain] we are scramling everywhere. I have writing to you in my todo list, but it keeps slipping from the top, urgh
<wolfspraul> just one more thing before...
<wolfspraul> :-)
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<kyak> i swear it used to be "has FAILED" :)
<DocScrutinizer> anybody heard of solar storm that hits us just this moment?
<xiangfu> kyak, so the correct is 'has FAILED' not 'was FAILED' ?
<kyak> xiangfu: as far as my English grammar skills go, yes :)
<xiangfu> ok.
<kyak> DocScrutinizer: oh! and i thought i had a headache because of yesterday's party..
<DocScrutinizer> hehe, same here, though actually I don't recall any party yesterday
<DocScrutinizer> I just heard the storm is almost over and had no negative impact yet on COMSATs or power grids - but it will continue another few hours and may still get worse during that time
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu: fix English grammar error (master)
<DocScrutinizer> the scary part in that sidenote in TV news was that this allegedly been known since 3 days, and I completely missed it
<kyak> yeah, i actually heard it several times on TV, even though i watch TV only during breakfast :) it was like top news here
<DocScrutinizer> and such an even at least potentially could cause EU wide blackouts
<DocScrutinizer> event*
<DocScrutinizer> which - for unclear reasons - makes me remember the fact that the sun twice a year(?) passes by exactly behind any arbitrary TV geostationary sat, which usually should cause massive interference in all dishes pointing at that sat and potentially even can fry LNBs
<DocScrutinizer> funny coincidence: 1 year Fucku anniversary, nice date for an EU wide blackout
<DocScrutinizer> which would also be a nice hard test for all nuclear power plants' powerless shutdown resilience
<wpwrak> kyak: "was failed" would be the passive form. like in "several human rights activists were disappeared by the military regime"
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<DocScrutinizer> LOL
<wpwrak> kyak: so that would suggest some sort of sabotage that breaks our builds. now, combine this with the solar storm and you have a nice conspiracy story ;-)
<DocScrutinizer> anyway could somebody kick that job outa the buildqueue please?
<DocScrutinizer> seems it's triggered to rebuild and fail each time *anything* builds on the buildhost
<DocScrutinizer> or is it that actually somebody adds this job over and over again, and never gets it right?
<kyak> wpwrak: haha :)
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer: i think it's just some endless loop. maybe with some rate limit.
<kyak> yeah, just an endless loop to build the whole image from scratch.. usually takes mor ethan one day
<kyak> but if it fails early, it can become annoying :)
<DocScrutinizer> does it make sense to compile that stuff again and again on an automated schedule, until eventually random bittoggles on HDD fix the errors?
<kyak> it's supposed that someone will have a look and fix it ocasionally :)
<wolfspraul> I fail to see the problem with that 1-line. just ignore the bot if you don't like it, but there are definitely people interested in regularly maintained and updated nanonote and milkymist software.
<wolfspraul> maybe we can remove some redundancy?
<DocScrutinizer> give me the URL and ssh credentials, I know the 2-letter cmd to fix it ;-)
<DocScrutinizer> rm
<wolfspraul> you don't use a nanonote and don't care about software updates for it
<wolfspraul> that could explain your impatience with those log lines :-)
<kyak> yeah, i'm also with the 1 line.. you can add the "Has FAILED" pattern to your IRC client, if you wish
<kyak> s/also/also fine
<qi-bot> kyak meant: "yeah, i'm also fine with the 1 line.. you can add the "Has FAILED" pattern to your IRC client, if you wish"
<DocScrutinizer> I'm just concerned about the abstract waste of time and resources to build the obviously unchanged package over and over again
<wolfspraul> that i agree with, if there is redundancy/noise, we should improve that
<DocScrutinizer> that doesn't feel right
<kyak> this is perhaps a good idea. the build bot should check if the repo has changed and it makes sense to rebuild
<wolfspraul> but I think xiangfu is actively working on a new ben image right now, with testing, rebuilds, etc.
<DocScrutinizer> indeed
<wolfspraul> kyak: yes but I think that may already be the case
<wolfspraul> but if not - yes, fully agree
<xiangfu> kyak, (check repo) not in nanonote image build.
<kyak> xiangfu: do you think it can be easily done, while you are on it? (check if the repo has changed since last FAILED build)
<xiangfu> kyak, since the upstream package change every day.
<DocScrutinizer> isn't it as simple as "rm /build-this" ?
<xiangfu> kyak, that is easy. I already done that in milkymist stuff build (milkymist have 10 repos to check :)
<DocScrutinizer> and ">build-this" when you edit something
<xiangfu> DocScrutinizer, you mean disable/enable the build?
<DocScrutinizer> yes
<xiangfu> I am done that by a ''
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<xiangfu> DocScrutinizer, comment lines means disable :)
<xiangfu> once I found a good openwrt package svn revision. I will stick to that revision for release. then debug the error for our side.
<DocScrutinizer> well, that isn't disabling the build once the compiler barfed up on it
<DocScrutinizer> the "rm /build-this" was meant to be done by the buoldhost automatically
<DocScrutinizer> and you even could do the "touch /build-this" by inotifywatch or inotifywait (dunno which of both is the more suited one)
<xiangfu> kyak, this file have the code that check if there new commit. we can just use that one for openwrt-xburst.
<DocScrutinizer> or you actually use "find /$buildpackage -cnewer /$buildpackage/last-built"
<xiangfu> ( that isn't disabling the build once the compiler barfed up on it) yes. don't have that feature
<DocScrutinizer> if find /$buildpackage -cnewer /$buildpackage/last-built; then build-it; else echo "nothing changed in $buildpackage since last build, skipping"; fi;
<xiangfu> and it's hard to kill all process if the build already start. every time I have to manually to that by using htop
<DocScrutinizer> if find /$buildpackage -cnewer /$buildpackage/last-built >/$buildpkg/changed-files; then echo "either those files changed: $(cat /$buildpkg/changed-files) or pkg never been built or compiler missed to create /$buildpkg/last-built tagfile. Building now"; build-it; else echo "nothing changed in $buildpackage since last build, skipping"; fi;
<xiangfu> every build we want start from scratch.
<DocScrutinizer> sure, it does
<DocScrutinizer> depending on what you do in build-it
<DocScrutinizer> it just doesn't start at all if there's already been a build that created the tagfile by "touch ./last-built" abd no file in the package changed since then
<DocScrutinizer> obviously you want to touch ./last-built *after* the compiler created any new logfiles, *.o and whatnot else
<xiangfu> what is the different on compare svn revision of openwrt packages repo?
<DocScrutinizer> I.E. add "touch last-built" as very last line of your build-it job
<xiangfu> if there is new commit rebuild from scratch. that is simple for me :-)
<DocScrutinizer> meh
<DocScrutinizer> quite obviously there's been no new commit for that openwrt pkg for the last few days
<DocScrutinizer> yet it's rebuilt every day it seems
<DocScrutinizer> the above sketched two shellscript lines would deal with that in a very convenient manner
<DocScrutinizer> wait, you can make that one line, in one place:
<DocScrutinizer> if find /$buildpackage -cnewer /$buildpackage/last-built >/$buildpkg/changed-files; then echo "either those files changed: $(cat /$buildpkg/changed-files) or pkg never been built or compiler missed to create /$buildpkg/last-built tagfile. Building now"; build-it; touch /$buildpkg/last-built; else echo "nothing changed in $buildpackage since last build, skipping"; fi;
<DocScrutinizer> whatever build-it is for you, I guess it's the command that shall execute one line out of
<DocScrutinizer> ooh, not really
<DocScrutinizer> err, what, did that file change?
<xiangfu> confuse :-). $buildpackage you mean openwrt package svn repo?
<DocScrutinizer> aah, I see I missed your comment about the Yeah it checks if new version exists in git
<xiangfu> DocScrutinizer, yes. that one have new commit check. but don't have and I don't have plan add it :-)
<xiangfu> the step I work on nanonote is : 1. make sure the kernel compilef ine. 2. leave all other build to buildhost.
<DocScrutinizer> well, I didn't even think of git, I just thought of some structure where a master script parses across a couple of $builpkg directories in something like /var/sources/all-packages/*
<DocScrutinizer> #!/bin/sh\n #this is the master script that gets invoked once a day e.g. by cron\n \n cd /var/sources/all-packages; for buildpkg in *; do if find /$buildpackage -cnewer /$buildpackage/last-built >/$buildpkg/changed-files; then echo "either those files changed: $(cat /$buildpkg/changed-files) or pkg never been built or compiler missed to create /$buildpkg/last-built tagfile. Building now"; build-it; touch /$buildpkg/last-built; else
<DocScrutinizer> echo "nothing changed in $buildpackage since last build, skipping"; fi; done
<DocScrutinizer> umm
<DocScrutinizer> #!/bin/sh\n #this is the master script that gets invoked once a day e.g. by cron\n \n cd /var/sources/all-packages; mkdir ../build-date; for buildpkg in *; do if find ./$buildpkg -cnewer ../build-date/$buildpackage >/tmp/${buildpkg}-changed-files; then echo "either those files changed: $(cat /tmp/${buildpkg}-changed-files) or pkg never been built or compile-job missed to create $(pwd)/../build-date/$buildpackage tagfile. Building
<DocScrutinizer> now"; build-it $buildpkg; touch ../build-date/$buildpkg ; else echo "nothing changed in $buildpkg since last build, skipping"; fi; done
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<DocScrutinizer> of course you have to check what find does when file referenced in -cnewer <file> doesn't exist
<DocScrutinizer> o/, daywork (WinXP :-S )
<xiangfu> if the $buildpackage mean openwrt package svn repo. that repo delete and checkout from scratch in every build.
<DocScrutinizer> ouch
<xiangfu> WinXP. there is Win 8 now. :-)
<DocScrutinizer> well, that tells sth about confidence of big companies in that new crap from Redmond
<xiangfu> DocScrutinizer, the openwrt make distclean , delete everything. include all package source(Makefiles)
<DocScrutinizer> yeah, but only if HEAD != $whatever, AIUI your script. You could touch ../build-date/$packagename in that case
<DocScrutinizer> anyway, my suggestion wasn't meant for git based infra. So nevermind
<xiangfu> I have saved your script to my memo folder just in case :-)
<DocScrutinizer> HEAD_OLD=`cat ${IMAGES_DIR}/../openwrt-HEAD`
<DocScrutinizer> if [ "${HEAD_NEW}" == "${HEAD_OLD}" ]; then
<DocScrutinizer> echo "No new commit, ignore build"
<xiangfu> yes.
<DocScrutinizer> should be done like that for all pkg
<lindi-> be careful with "==". does that work with dash?
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<DocScrutinizer> o/, now for real, already late
<xiangfu> !tweet @milkymistvj New video on DJ + Milkymist One :
<qi-bot> Tweet created:
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu: flite: update to 1.5.5 (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu: bard: udpate to 0.7 (master)
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<xiangfu> wpwrak, you code on WPAN work out of box in linux v3.2.1.
<xiangfu> wpwrak, no luck on ks7010. everytime update kernel. have to modify ks7010 driver.
<viric> what is ks7010?
<wolfspraul> viric: history :-)
<kristian1aul> that one started tuesday?
<kristian1aul> oops
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<wpwrak> (wpan working out of the box) yippee! :)
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<kristianpaul> wpwrak: testing last image build? :-)
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<wpwrak> kristianpaul: just commenting on what xiangfu wrote
<wolfspraul> we should officially drop ks7010 support and focus on ben-wpan, we just don't have the resources for ks7010 and it's a dead-end
<wolfspraul> unless an avid ks7010 user speaks up...
<wolfspraul> let me know, I'll read the backlog to face the ks7010 uprising :-)
<wolfspraul> n8
<xiangfu> my plan is will try 1 or 2 hours to fix the ks7010. if no luck. will stop working on that. keep test image. :-)
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<qi-bot> Jon Phillips: Via @qihardware qihardware: @milkymistvj <xiangfu> New video on DJ + Milkymist One : ( 178143337440747520@rejon - 5s ago via )
<viric> xiangfu:
<viric> I can't build xbursttools...
<viric> libusb should be there
<viric> ah, 0.1.12.
<viric> 1.0.0!? ok!
<viric> what an outdated libusb we have..
<viric> thank you for your help! ;)
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<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: m1r4/dsv/: updated for Adam's "official" BOM (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: m1r4/dsv/milkymist_one_bom_r4.csv: removed duplicate C19 and C21 (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: Merge branch 'master' of (master)
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<whitequark> viric: 1.0.0 is like 4 years old already
<whitequark> but there's really nothing to add
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