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<qi-bot> [commit] David K
<wolfspraul> when does David sleep?
<dvdk> :)
<dvdk> not at the regular times :)
<wolfspraul> xiangfu: hi good morning :-)
<wolfspraul> your latest release has gotten some attention and people help to bring things back together - which is wonderful!
<dvdk> will there be a 03-18-b release? given how much is still broken?
<wolfspraul> let's continue to inrease the quality in builds and makefiles etc. to reduce our maintenance overhead going forward
<wolfspraul> oh sure, why not
<dvdk> btw, will just have a (short) look on the bard package
<wolfspraul> sometimes xiangfu is a bit lonely/overwhelmed, so he just kicked this 'release' out also for people to see the distro is still alive :-)
<wolfspraul> the long term goal is to increase quality, decrease maintenance overhead
<wolfspraul> so that we can make future new products (hw+sw combined) without running into a fork/maintenance trap
<wolfspraul> but as we can see now, it's easier said than done - things get upleveled, other things break, etc.
<dvdk> I guess most people (including me) won't have looked at he problems as long as it was still labled "testing" or "prerelease" :)
<wolfspraul> sure that's ok, we all need to be efficient with our time
<wolfspraul> high quality software does *not* rot, right? :-)
<kristianpaul> I was trying last release today.. got few apps :( (yes i'm aware rebase issues)
* kristianpaul could had also try nanonote owrt from upstream..
<dvdk> kristianpaul: wahat's missing
<dvdk> ?
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: yes but it's correct to first remove everything that drags us down, and then bring things back depending on what someone wants, where a maintainer steps up, what is easy to un-break, etc.
<wolfspraul> otherwise we would drag a bigger and bigger boatload of low-quality stuff with us, which would be bad
<kristianpaul> i dont remenner actually... i had installed the night build from late 2011
<kristianpaul> dvdk: soem gtk based apps i think
<wolfspraul> dvdk: I thought more about codecs, and I think we can and should really only focus on a very short whitelist, starting with Ogg*, and 100% clear free stuff only
<wolfspraul> basically what we do already :-)
<kristianpaul> sure remove is okay
<kristianpaul> those were working (wrong characters) well anyway
<wolfspraul> we have nothing to gain by thinking that if we just include this one MPEG whatever or other borderline codec, where patents might have/should have expired, we are doing something good
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: about jz4760, just curious when Miguel mention flash support that will require xburst tool support the specific nand chip that its board uses?
<wolfspraul> it's better to focus on the best free codecs, and support and document them well
<kristianpaul> or this is some how done by the xburst soc it self?
<wolfspraul> most likely videos or music for the Ben will have to be transcoded anyway
<kristianpaul> just curious to learn a bit of xburst tool, big unknow to me so far ;-)
<xiangfu> kristianpaul, (jz4760) I don't think so. I would guess just some configure should be ok.
<xiangfu> kristianpaul, I found the gtk/qt moved to other package feeds. I added them back yesterday. in fact include all feeds I can found. :)
<xiangfu> kristianpaul, so the gtk/qt will be back soon.
<xiangfu> dvdk, I will try to fix the package from feedback.
<dvdk> hi xiangfu. fix which packages
<dvdk> ?
<xiangfu> bard first
<xiangfu> then ase
<dvdk> xiangfu: ase already fixed
<dvdk> looking just at fixing bard
<xiangfu> you fast :)
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: gtk, good :)
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: jz4760, np, just vagly asking i dont hold much interested on it, just curious about xburst a bit as i said
<kristianpaul> actually my nanonote interest are software related, i had lear some about openwrt and linux thanks to it :)
<qi-bot> [commit] David K
<dvdk> so where do I find the font packaga dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuSans?
<dvdk> for bard?
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<xiangfu> dvdk, it's under another package feeds: svn://
<xiangfu> dvdk, let's wait this build result: it should build gtk/qt and font
<dvdk> ok, bard works now. packag here
<wolfspraul> wow
<wolfspraul> thanks!
<dvdk> hmm, I cannot open .epub files; only .txt files. maybe some libs still missing
<dvdk> but the speech synthesis is talking at least :)
<kristianpaul> bte screen is getting white after a while.. let confirm again not been my broke bus..
<wolfspraul> oh nice, wait
<wolfspraul> you can make the ben read a text aloud to you?
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<wolfspraul> I wanted to give this a solid try soon
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: check that your battery is charged
<wolfspraul> and then check that the fpc from mainboard to lcm is seated well in the connector on the mainboard
<wolfspraul> (hopefully there is no problem at the hot-glued connection on the lcm side)
<kristianpaul> not my lcm bus.. damn i hate my self for breaking it
<dvdk> hmm, which pakcage has zip.h?
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<dvdk> night.
<wolfspraul> n8
<kristianpaul> nice size
<kristianpaul> voice a bot robotic but not that bad
<kristianpaul> oh, yeah missing gnuplot octave as well..
<kristianpaul> links or was elinks..
<kristianpaul> ah wait
<kristianpaul> nv
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: what is the easiest way / command line to have the ben read a text aloud?
<wolfspraul> robotic, hmm. I am probably spoilt from some actors recording audio books.
<wolfspraul> there's no way software will easily match that in quality.
<kristianpaul> bard?
<kristianpaul> bard --text some.text
<kristianpaul> then pressed s
<wolfspraul> cool
<kristianpaul> n8
<wolfspraul> n8
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<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu: add new folder for m1 Kicad (master)
<wolfspraul> xiangfu: I think we want to keep the m1 kicad schematics/bom in github
<wolfspraul> wait for werner & adam to pick the final location
<xiangfu> wolfspraul, yes.
<xiangfu> ok
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<kristianpaul> Order is being prepared for shipment. !, finally..
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