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<xiangfu> hmm...
<wolfspraul> xiangfu: hey good morning :-)
<xiangfu> good morning.
<wolfspraul> good morning dear troubles
<wolfspraul> :-)
<wolfspraul> (reference to the failing build)
<xiangfu> I work on the build host yesterday. update the config file. include package that fixed.
<xiangfu> let's wait next build.
<xiangfu> I have added those 2 usb device to
<xiangfu> no picture yet. too late yesterday. I will upload 2 pictures and put more information in that page.
<wolfspraul> ah yes, nice
<wolfspraul> we should document a number of usb devices and why they do not work
<wolfspraul> as inspiration and todo list, if an interested hacker comes along
<wolfspraul> what do we have?
<wolfspraul> usb speakers
<wolfspraul> usb audio cards/mic
<wolfspraul> usb video capture and tv as you have there
<wolfspraul> usb-midi, already working to a degree
<wolfspraul> usb storage
<wolfspraul> usb webcam
<wolfspraul> what else?
<wolfspraul> usb-ethernet maybe for completeness, although m1 has a built-in ethernet of course
<wolfspraul> of course usb mice & kbd, we have those already
<wolfspraul> usb-wifi
<wolfspraul> there's some nice and cheap tablets like the wacom tablets (but cheap no-name)
<wolfspraul> yeah
<wolfspraul> enough :-)
<wolfspraul> for most of those we just document that and why they don't work :-)
<cladamw> wpwrak, i think that the symbol of Varistor i didn't use common one in AD m1r4 sch, in KiCad, its varistor is the same as Wikipedia, but TDK uses a different one from its datasheet. so what would you suggest ?
<wolfspraul> Wikipedia
<wolfspraul> (without looking at either one)
<wolfspraul> when in doubt, reuse and make references to stuff on wikipedia
<wolfspraul> if we do something different and follow a vendor, we must be really sure about that, then it's ok
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<wolfspraul> let's see what werner says about the specific symbol :-)
<wpwrak> hmm, what would be the wikipedia symbol ? i don't see any on
<cladamw> if you clicked in Chinese version wikipedia, see
<wpwrak> ;-))
<wpwrak> compare this with
<cladamw> Wikipedia is the same symbol as Littlefuse, but still not the same as KiCad part "VR" component in library: /library/device.lib
<cladamw> man ! i think that Chinese Wikipedia is unreliable. :-)
<wpwrak> hmm, varistor = overvoltage protection. thermistor = overcurrent protection. don't confuse the two :)
<wpwrak> "VR" may be just the symbol for a general variable resistor of unspecified nature. lemme check ...
<cladamw> yeah....but they are easy to confuse. so I think when I create new symbol that I should follow vendor's symbol, how do you think ?
<cladamw> KiCad calls "VARISTANCE" in its "Description"
<cladamw> now i think those *.dcm file, we should always to fill p/n, description, datasheet link, then in Library Editor it will show up very good information.
<cladamw> said that we could have different projects with different vendor p/n, the *.dcm file is good to fill up specific datasheet link, description, p/n.
<cladamw> then load that component into KiCad Library Editor, it shows directly into GUI.
<wpwrak> IEC has S00558 for voltage-dependent resistors. but note the "U"
<cladamw> (i.e.) your boom should directly generate datasheet link to find parts in Digikey from *.dcm file
<wpwrak> i wouldn't maintain such information in .dcm. they're too messy to edit
<wpwrak> better have a separate file with human-friendly text. like the BOOKSHELF files
<wpwrak> then populate .dcm with a script if necessary. note that you'll probably lose local caching this way, though
<cladamw> well...since I am editing those new components for m1r4, I can still fill them into *.dcm file, since KiCad uses it(fields) for part information to fill up.
<wpwrak> yes, but good luck finding _the_ data sheet for, say, varistors ;-)
<cladamw> so how do you think that i directly to use vendor's symbol ?
<wpwrak> cool. IEC have no thermistor, no PTC, no NTC. no surprise there's such a chaos
<cladamw> hmm....i think that I follow the vendor datasheets to create 'varistors.lib' to include different vendor varistors, they will be added into varistors.dcm & varistors.lib :-)
<cladamw> i lilke to do this way if you still against ?
<cladamw> :-)
<cladamw> we're not a super team on parts management in naming whole libraries systems. ;-) I would speed up to append. then we sometimes or later to clean up ?
<wpwrak> i think the two symbols represent different technologies and different physical principles to arrive at the same result
<wpwrak> since we often don't care what technology is inside the chip, we have a 50% chance of getting the symbol right :)
<cladamw> yes, so they may be just suffering from patent conflicts.
<wpwrak> no, not that. it's just different physics
<cladamw> i think the library for chip varistors, maybe i just call it "chipvaristors.lib', is that okay to you ?
<wpwrak> some use the Zener effect, others use some other effect. there are many ways to get something to conduct when there's overvoltage. spark gaps, anyone ? ;-)
<cladamw> whatever their physics, they are the varistors. :-)
<cladamw> i am thinking the qi's libraries(components/modules). How we gather/collect those parts we're using now. :-)
<wpwrak> see, there's more than one way to do this :)
<cladamw> he, nice link.
<wpwrak> the IEC symbol would be like the kicad symbol or maybe even the thermistor symbol (it's very poorly drawn), but with an U letter on the side
<wpwrak> i've never seen this used in practice
<wpwrak> uses the kicad symbol
<wpwrak> and even shows the Zener equivalence
<cladamw> mmm...left one is the same as TDK's symbol.
<wpwrak> seems to be the best compromise
<wpwrak> they have a total of three variants ;-) also the one from the chinese wikipedia. and weird Z(orro?)-shaped one
<wpwrak> well, that's the same as TDK's
<wpwrak> never saw that anywhere else either
<wpwrak> by the way, there's about half a dozen IEC symbols for spark gaps ;-)))
<cladamw> yeah...great link, so we can take this url for example to create/naming libraries, okay ?
<wpwrak> okay. it's a start :)
<cladamw> great, thanks for your great surf skills in google. ;-)
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<cladamw> so for (V24), i should use a name for Voltage Dependent Resistor, i.e. vdr.lib
<wpwrak> everybody seems to use varistor ...
<cladamw> phew~ alright, name it as 'varistor.lib' ;-)
<wolfspraul> surf skills :-)
<wpwrak> and now, dinner-eating skills :)
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<xiangfu> A New Milkymist Firmware Release:
<xiangfu> I am still testing...
<xiangfu> so far so good :-)
<xiangfu> the MIC boost make Mic works much better then before.
<kyak> xiangfu: hi! i think we need to disable xfce repo in feeds.conf for good. Only need to have qi-packages, packages, desktop and xorg. What do you think?
<xiangfu> kyak, already disabled. :)
<kyak> great :)
<kyak> now we just wait till we hit the qt4 compilation issue...
<kyak> ah, mirko has fixed it.. great
<kyak> xiangfu: i tried to have a look an ncursesw problem.. This is magic.. Do you mind i paste you something in pm in order not to clutter the channel?
<xiangfu> kyak, ok
<xiangfu> kyak, just send them to me
<xiangfu> cladamw, here. I just upload a new release. that I am testing...
<xiangfu> cladamw, if this M1 is for ship out. please reflash again.
<xiangfu> I just fixed the 'latest' symlink.
<cladamw> xiangfu, oah..okay, i tried it again. :-)
<xiangfu> reflash again with ' --qi --data', if if for ship out don't forget reflash the mac address.
<cladamw> sure. ;-)
<xiangfu> there is a MIC improve. :-)
<xiangfu> in next release.
<cladamw> xiangfu, aha...okay.. btw, i recorded my steps here:
<cladamw> since sometimes if steps of reflash for ship out has been changed, i have to record myself though. :-)
<xiangfu> cool :)
<xiangfu> watched. :)
<cladamw> no need to watch that. it's my own tool. :-) well...since my steps will always comes from you. you know that i still can't interpret/understand script. :-O
<cladamw> I'll just ping you when i get stuck. :)
<xiangfu> ok
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu: nanonote-files: config.full_system use DirectFB as drawing-backend (master)
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<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu: package: ncurses: fix the libncursesw disappears when select some package thanks to kyak (release_2012-03-18)
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu: package: ncurses: fix the libncursesw disappears when select some package thanks to kyak (master)
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<xiangfu> kyak, <--- reported.
<xiangfu> thanks again
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<qi-bot> [commit] Adam Wang: added few symbols (master)
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<jluis> top
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<mirko> is somebody using python on the nanonote?
<mirko> if so, are you willing to test the following python-upgrade with the apps you use? -
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<mirko> wolfspraul: ping
<mirko> larsc: ping
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<larsc> mirko: pong
<whitequark> 121 minute rtt
<larsc> well, he hasn't received the response yet
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<Ayla> larsc: maybe he's UDP
<whitequark> larsc: I have been measuring rtt to you using irc as a zero point
<wolfspraul> mirko: pong
<wolfspraul> didn't he say something about drinking last night? :-)
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<wpwrak> if he's been drinking for the last 6 hours, he may slowly begin to show some effects :)
<whitequark> Ayla: LOL
<whitequark> well I advise everybody here to read that
<whitequark> very on topic :D
<Ayla> yeah
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