<awygle> hm, i wonder if there's an algorithm for "pretty good sequence of colors"
<rqou> lol i want one too
<awygle> where "pretty good" means "adding a new one adds a minimum of confusion between it and the existing ones"
<rqou> kicad and the other-unnamed-but-also-shitty-ecad-software both have godawful default colors
<rqou> (i assume this is want you want it for? :P )
<awygle> you have accurately sussed out my motivation (well, accurately enough)
* awygle awards rqou a gold star
<awygle> oh i actually know someone who might have an answer to this. to twitter!
<rqou> some fancy "design" person?
<awygle> dataviz
<rqou> dataviz is its own subfield now?
<awygle> i don't actually know any designer-designers, which is unfortunate, both because that stuff is very interesting and because a friend like that would be very useful
<awygle> and also, friends are just good things to have
<rqou> hmm, i'm not sure everybody agrees with that :P
<awygle> dataviz is at least as distinct from designer as, like, compiler engineer and kernel hacker
<awygle> even if they both write C++
<awygle> (or javascript in the former case)
<awygle> also, i may not know what a designer is. they may not write code at all and just do photoshop.
<rqou> yeah, i just feel a lot of these boundaries are pretty artificial and unnecessary
<awygle> that's fair. i feel like they are useful as long as they're not limiting. once it devolves into "you can't sit with us" then it's a problem.
<awygle> i can say "i'm an embedded guy, not a compiler guy" and it conveys useful if incomplete information to you about my skill set
<awygle> also, everyone check out @sxywu on twitter, she does really cool work
<rqou> er, i've seen her posts via the algorithm(TM) before, but i couldn't really figure out "what she does"
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<rqou> so at the risk of starting a flamewar, wtf is going on in the Ruby ecosystem? (context is https://twitter.com/sailorhg/status/987495034244161536)
<qu1j0t3> oh, a conference? that always brings out the best in people
<qu1j0t3> well i did a search on "rubytogether" and skimmed the results and i'm none the wiser. /me closes window
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<rqou> azonenberg: do you have a pcb-proven sfp cage footprint?
<azonenberg> Negative
<azonenberg> I'm working on the line card design now though
<azonenberg> this is 2x4 RJ45s
<rqou> ok
<azonenberg> i plan to make a dummy board with a mechanical mockup of the footprint and verify before doing this
<azonenberg> ditto for the sfp
<azonenberg> in particular stewart/bel fuse do not provide step models
<rqou> i wanted to spin a very very quick test of bridging SFP and TB3/USB-C
<azonenberg> i'm a lot less spooked by using a new, complex footprint on an expensive board
<azonenberg> if i have a step to sanirty check against
<rqou> azonenberg: want to let me piggyback my test on your mechanical fit test? :P
<azonenberg> as long as its not a rush sure
<azonenberg> i wont be doing it for a while
<rqou> definitely not
<rqou> also, wtf why is everybody on birdsite suddenly running into the "high-bandwidth over wires is hard" problem at the same time?
<rqou> i've been shilling "fancy" ethernet for days :P
<gruetzkopf> PCIe over SFP works far better than it is supposed to be
<rqou> what do you mean "supposed to be"
<gruetzkopf> -be
<rqou> i thought everybody did either that or SAS cable
<gruetzkopf> pcie cable
<gruetzkopf> has a few more pins than a SAS cable
<rqou> afaik nobody has ever run PCIe over its official external cabling
<gruetzkopf> PCIe-over-SFP-el-cheapo involves turning off host-side SSC and having a local refclock oscillator at the device end
<rqou> use QSFP? :P
<gruetzkopf> i haven't even tested 8GT/s mode on a SFP+
<rqou> should work
<rqou> i had an 8G one that works at 10G
<gruetzkopf> 5GT/s mode works over FC SFPs i have which are supposed to be good to 4600
<gruetzkopf> 2.5GT/s mode works on 2300 ones
<gruetzkopf> you're losing quite a lot of range, then, but *shrug*
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<rqou> gruetzkopf, azonenberg: anybody got BER estimates for HDMI/DP? :P
<azonenberg> lol nope
<azonenberg> I'm just working on this pcb until i get a bit sleepy
<azonenberg> Was out on a SAR call all day today and yesterday
<azonenberg> and i have a mass casualty drill tomorrow at 0815
<azonenberg> So i wont be sleeping much :p
<azonenberg> (and then i have work to do on the house, then stuff for $dayjob to make up the hours i missed when i was out in the woods)
<rqou> sounds fun
<rqou> azonenberg: have they done mass shooting drills yet? :P
<azonenberg> rqou: This particular one is focusing on an earthquake since that's the main situation where the fire dept would be overwhelmed and need additional responders
<azonenberg> We're also not trained go into a hot/warm zone, we're not tactical medics
<azonenberg> That being said, local LE does do them periodically
<azonenberg> I was out of town on a sar mission but they had volunteers playing casualties for a few of them
<azonenberg> i recall one was called "Operation Hostile Bookworm" and took place in, predictably, the library
<rqou> oh wtf
<rqou> azonenberg: high-bandwidth HDMI cables can be ridiculously cheap
<azonenberg> rqou: pcie over hdmi cable? :p
<rqou> i wonder what the BER you would get is
<rqou> supposedly i read that normal BERs for digital video are atrocious
<rqou> and ethernet would never allow anything like that
<rqou> maybe that's why the cables are so cheap
<whitequark> awygle: i disagree about rust and apache btw
<whitequark> all you would achieve is less adoption of rust if it was GPL'd
<whitequark> and as a consequence, we would still have been stuck with shitty C code where it matters
<whitequark> you're not really negotiating from a position of power when you choose a software license, those days are long gone; there are way too many people who will gladly take your ideas and reimplement them under 0BDS
<azonenberg> incidentally this is why i bsd'd antikernel
<whitequark> *0BSD
<whitequark> like me!
<azonenberg> And why jtaghal exists, to provide a permissively licensed openocd etc alternative :p
<whitequark> what you want to do is basically go into policy
<whitequark> but that requires, like, actual work, not just slapping a LICENSE.txt
<rqou> huh, so HDMI cables that really are specced for 4x10G are back to the same price point as every other type of cable specced for 4x10G
<rqou> it's almost like there's a conserved quantity here :P
<rqou> seriously, why is everybody on birdsite currently learning about "wires r hard"?
<azonenberg> Because wires aren't really wires :p
<rqou> it just seems like a coincidence that everybody (including whitequark :P ) is hitting this same problem this week
<rqou> azonenberg: does 40gbase-t exist in reality?
<azonenberg> Don't know, don't really want to know
<azonenberg> 10Gbase-T is already unobtainium and super picky about cabling
<rqou> what's the total analog bandwidth of an SFP+ designed for 10gbits/s rates?
<azonenberg> i mean you might be able to calculate from the SFF eye opening spec
<rqou> some maxim appnote claims 16 GHz
<azonenberg> But they have digital buffers etc in the path
<rqou> er, not maxim
<rqou> some other vendor
<rqou> whatever
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<azonenberg> :P
<rqou> whitequark: wtf are you currently working on too that needs high bandwidth?
<rqou> m-labs stuff?
<whitequark> rqou: nope
<whitequark> i was thinking about the successor to glasgow
<rqou> you mean starshipraider/bus-armada? :P
<whitequark> my previous view was that all of the technologies i could use suck
<whitequark> my current view is that they all, indeed, suck
<rqou> nah, "fancy" ethernet is pretty cool
<whitequark> fx3 *might* be acceptable but then i don't have any good fpga
<whitequark> i don't want ethernet because i want it to be usable in laptops
<whitequark> well
<rqou> which is why i've been asking people to RE thunderbolt
<azonenberg> whitequark: you can do ethernet point to point from a laptop to a board
<azonenberg> This is the main reason starshipraider will have a 1000baseT interface
<rqou> because there really isn't any good other way
<whitequark> azonenberg: if I was fine with 1 Gbps then I'd just put an USB 3 to GbE chip right on the board
<azonenberg> For when you're willing to tolerate not having 10G, and need to use it on the go
<rqou> azonenberg: lol laptops don't have ethernet anymore get with the times :P
<azonenberg> rqou: the ones i have for work always will
<rqou> no donglehell for you?
<azonenberg> nope
<rqou> don't enjoy playing with your dongles? :P
<whitequark> lol rqou
<whitequark> get a ... roommate or something
<rqou> lol why? there are already housemates :P
* whitequark goes back to reading yuri manga instead of being frustrated about USB 3
<rqou> lolol
<rqou> l-lewd :P
<whitequark> no, not lewd yuri manga
<whitequark> i don't like that one
<rqou> ah, cute yuri manga
<rqou> or not that either?
<rqou> depressing yuri manga?
* azonenberg continues laying out 8x baseT line card
<whitequark> it's kind of cute yes
<whitequark> not depressing yet
<azonenberg> i have to be awake in... 3-4 hours
<azonenberg> lol
<whitequark> lol azonenberg
<whitequark> i slept 14 hours today
<azonenberg> whitequark: i hiked... i'm not entirely sure how far
<azonenberg> today
<azonenberg> off trail thorough all kinds of nasty forest full of thorn bushes
<whitequark> i like sleep
<whitequark> and yuri manga
<whitequark> :p
<azonenberg> While wearing, thankfully, only an ~8kg load bearing vest
<azonenberg> and not my full ~23 kg vest+pack combo that we use when further from civilization
<rqou> azonenberg: do you know @cybergibbons?
<rqou> birdsite's algorithm(TM) keeps showing me their tweets
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<whitequark> awygle: poke
<awygle> whitequark: I'm awake but it's two hours before I intended to be :-P
<awygle> What's up?
<whitequark> awygle: I'm conscious now
<awygle> "the two members of the garden club who forcefully recruit yurine" lobeliaaa
<whitequark> awygle: elaborate
<awygle> whitequark: is from the description of the manga you linked and it reminds me of the zuka club from Ouran
<awygle> anyway. I2C slave is where we left it, right?
<whitequark> correct
<florolf> whitequark: is the mirror feature of irclog.whitequark.org broken or am i too dumb to use it correctly? i keep getting a 403
<whitequark> florolf: it was using too much CPU time because postgres query planner is a piece of shit
<whitequark> if you need it tell me and I'll punch a hole for you
<florolf> nah, i'm fine with the web interface (though grep would be nice)
<florolf> maybe just remove the comment about that then
<whitequark> well, I still want people to use it, I just can't open it to the world for technical reasons
<florolf> okay. in that case: punch along
<whitequark> florolf: Cookie: access_key=svRXmJGFVFTiMe7TQRBneqB2VVGD6mXv
<florolf> whitequark: thanks
<whitequark> awygle: ok so hm
<whitequark> do you think you can finish the footprint saga? there's only one left
<awygle> whitequark: yeah I can do that
* pie_ plays with Coq
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<q3k> holy cow, I just now noticed that the upduino (the one with the ridiculously bad pcb layout) is actually an official lattice product
<q3k> i mean, somewhat official
<q3k> more official than most diy lattice boards
<whitequark> >GnarlyGreyUPDuinoBoard.aspx
<whitequark> it's not even grey
<daveshah> IIRC the person responsible for it is/was a Lattice FAE
<daveshah> Has several lattice patents to his name too
<gruetzkopf> poor clients
<q3k> the design wasn't by him, but was outsourced
<q3k> still doesn't excuse the end result
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<whitequark> what's so bad about the layout?
<whitequark> (I haven't looked at it closely)
<daveshah> The first version didn't have a ground plane at all
<daveshah> Nor remotely adequate decoupling
<daveshah> q3k: snap!
<q3k> i like the capacitor with the scenic route ground trace
<whitequark> wtf lol
<daveshah> it all works fine, until you try and use the PLL
<daveshah> that wasn't fun when reverse engineering the chip and having no board other than an upduino at the time
<daveshah> ultimately added a load of capacitors and it started working
<whitequark> that ground plane on 2.0 doesn't really help does it?
<whitequark> it's really roundabout and there are no vias stitching top and bottom grounds
<daveshah> i've still seen PLL reliability issues on the 2.0 but I haven't investigated much
<daveshah> ultimately a board that size needs to be 4 layer, no question
<daveshah> it's not like it even costs *that* much, lattice are subsidising I think
<daveshah> you would think they wouldn't want to totally cripple their pll performance
<whitequark> lol
<daveshah> oh wait they messed up the PLL layout on their $60 breakout board too
<daveshah> you have to pay $300 to get a decent VccPLL config
<whitequark> I suppose you could rework the $60 board
<whitequark> this one is beyond saving
<awygle> I bet it could be made to work with better routing, pinouts, stitching etc in that form factor
<daveshah> yeah, I think they are best saved for "destructive bitstream testing"
<gruetzkopf> it's not like 4 layer is expensive anymore
<awygle> that's true too
<daveshah> this is a $7 board inc worldwide shipping
<daveshah> from the US, not China
<daveshah> then again it ships in an envelope and there are reports online of them falling out and people getting empty ripped envelopes
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<q3k> daveshah: totally not designing an UP board myself, this should work, right? https://q3k.org/u/26801f28cf6ff57a73c45586a397677effecf21c0789ccb56f8292ad02bb7b21.png
<q3k> (the lack of GNDPLL pin that they mention in the appnote is... peculiar)
<q3k> (the decoupling caps for other rails are elsewhere in the design)
<daveshah> q3k: looks good, although arguably the 0R could be left out for lowest possible impedance
<daveshah> otherwise absolutely perfect
<q3k> well, I'm keeping it just in case
<q3k> I like my DNP/0ohm resistors
<daveshah> yeah, may as well
<whitequark> q3k: yep, I hit the lack of GNDPLL pin as well, you'd think they would update the appnote
<daveshah> yeah, leftover from earlier parts. no idea why it was left in the ultra/ultraplus datasheets
<whitequark> what's the point of that 0R anyway?
<whitequark> reproducing lattice's broken design?
<whitequark> q3k: also, why do you bother with 2V5?
<whitequark> according to everything I found you can just connect it to 3V3, unless you want to program NVCM
<daveshah> yep, or for a premium lattice reference design feel connect with a random diode to 3V3
<q3k> yes, saw that diode
<q3k> fucking hell
<daveshah> although IIRC someone said they actually populate with a schottky diode
<whitequark> what
<q3k> whitequark: it's just a label - it'll end up going through a jumper and into 3v3
<awygle> lol wow
<daveshah> and given the low current it ends up near as hell 3v3 anyway
<whitequark> *what*
<q3k> whitequark: (the design is a semi-devboard, as it's my first iCE40 design)
<q3k> ^ lattice devboard
<whitequark> yes, I know the diode
<whitequark> I haven't realized it's a schottky
<whitequark> "Features-Low forward voltage" AHAHAHAHA
<daveshah> I think it was originally not a schottky
<daveshah> then someone changed it
<q3k> yeah, the schottky makes no sense there
<gruetzkopf> oh wow
<daveshah> after all schottky diodes are better
<q3k> daveshah: it's probably what happened :D
<awygle> hehe
<q3k> daveshah: someone looked at the BOM
<q3k> daveshah: >pff, a diode? that's so 2002. let's replace it with this random schottky our ODM has in stock
<daveshah> given vpp is <<10mA the forward drop will be 0.1V ish
<daveshah> what a waste
<daveshah> it's not even small either
<whitequark> even less
<whitequark> according to the datasheet it's more like 30 mV
<daveshah> lol
<whitequark> oh wait that's at higher temperature
<whitequark> it's 150 mV
<whitequark> at 25°
<daveshah> still
<daveshah> notably btw there are two upduino reference designs, a camera and an LCD - https://github.com/gtjennings1/UPDuino-LH154Q01-Display and https://github.com/gtjennings1/UPDuino-OV7670-Camera
<daveshah> despite what you would expect, neither use a PLL
<daveshah> because it is broken on the upduino of course...
<awygle> lol
<awygle> wish they'd do UPduino style dirt cheap boards for the other families
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<whitequark> hahaha
<daveshah> I'm pretty impressed he got a MIPI DSI display working without needing a PLL
<rqou> wtf
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<rqou> ugh
<rqou> one of my machines just hit the btrfs "ran out of metadata" issue
<whitequark> lol btrfs
<whitequark> why do you run btrfs
<rqou> what should i be running?
<rqou> i want CoW snapshots
<balrog> ENOSPC?
<rqou> yeah, that
<rqou> ugh, moving to a new computer while using nightly rust just doesn't f*cking work
<balrog> did you use btrfs for a while before 3.18?
<rqou> ok, apparently i just need to copy Cargo.lock
<rqou> balrog: not sure, i don't remember exactly how old this FS is
<balrog> ah
<rqou> debugging all the random issues in nightly rust is a trashfire still
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<whitequark> rqou: zfs or lvm
<whitequark> and you should check cargo.lock into VCS
<rqou> i thought you weren't supposed to check in Cargo.lock?
<rqou> also, zfs on linux is nice and drama-ful
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<rqou> lvm was just not great IME
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<whitequark> you shouldn't check in Cargo.lock for libraries (which should be tested on CI against latest versions of dependencies *at least*) but should for applications
<whitequark> precisely to avoid the issue you have hit
<qu1j0t3> rqou: dramaful? it's been around for a while, surely it's reasonably stable...
<whitequark> I don't like how much RAM it eats but otherwise it seems okay
<awygle> There's license drama and recently there was a big issue that got a bunch of press
<qu1j0t3> oh, license drama. well yeah that's normal for zfs lists........
<rqou> whitequark: am i technically supposed to eventually make my application work with all the latest versions of libraries? so Cargo.lock just defers the problem
<whitequark> rqou: um, no.
<whitequark> Cargo.lock is like -Werror.
<rqou> meaning?
<whitequark> you're supposed to update your dependencies regularly, but users of your application should never be exposed to dependencies you haven't tested
<rqou> ah ok
<rqou> well, the current error is deep inside the guts of proc_macro2, so i don't think I'll be updating my dependencies anytime soon
<rqou> anyways, nightly gets a ridiculous amount of churn considering that there's already been a "stable" release
<rqou> especially since I'm not using any particularly fancy features
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<whitequark> uhm
<whitequark> that's why it's nightly?..
<whitequark> it sure would have been better to have a shitty design locked in forever /s
<rqou> worked for unix /s
<rqou> i guess I've just been disappointed at the new features of the past few releases
<whitequark> no love for NLL?
<rqou> what's NLL?
<whitequark> nonlexical lifetimes
<rqou> the only major visible new feature in 1.25 is setting struct alignment
<whitequark> oh, you mean stable
<rqou> yeah
<rqou> and the only new feature in 1.24 stable is messing up panic and reverting it
<rqou> *major new feature
<whitequark> um, incremental compilation? hello?
<rqou> that doesn't change what you can write in your code
<whitequark> that's a major new feature
<rqou> i was thinking of major features that affect the code i can write
<rqou> such as nll, which apparently hasn't shipped yet
<whitequark> that's a really narrow view of useful changes
<rqou> or letting derive work on arrays with more than 32 elements
<whitequark> I find that the quality of tooling is far more interesting than fancy language features, of which there are enough already to make for unexpected bad interaction between them
<whitequark> const generics still don't have a fully specified design because that's... hard
<whitequark> for example, given struct X<const N>, and a const generic parameter M, should X<M+1> unify with X<1+M>?
<whitequark> if yes, how far should you go trying to prove equivalence of expressions?
<whitequark> do you do constant folding? reassociation?
<rqou> they fixed it for Clone?
<rqou> anyways, i personally am only really interested in fancy new features and ergonomics improvements
<rqou> but it seems that nobody is prioritizing these things
<whitequark> what
<whitequark> the focus of rust 2018 roadmap is literally "productivity"
<rqou> ok, well, what i see as an "outsider" is:
<whitequark> you've, like, read it, right? before starting to whine as usual
<rqou> 1.23: messing with rustdoc and moving AsciiExt
<rqou> moving AsciiExt is great but not exactly a huge change
<rqou> 1.24: messing with panic which imho didn't need to be messed with (and it broke things anyways)
<rqou> 1.25: adding align
<rqou> i have read the roadmap
<rqou> we're ~1/3 of the way through 2018 and none of those things seem to have happened
<whitequark> why do you expect them to happen 1/3 of the way through 2018?
<rqou> as an "outsider", i haven't seen _any_ of the things
<rqou> ok, the new book is being written
<rqou> but: NLL - not here
<rqou> "the long-awaited impl Trait" - not here
<rqou> module system - not here
<whitequark> what?
<rqou> async/await - not here
<rqou> SIMD - not here
<rqou> custom alloc - not in stable
<whitequark> *what*
<rqou> at least none of these are in stable
<whitequark> why the fuck do you expect any of these things to become stable less than halfway into 2018?
<whitequark> given that
<whitequark> different people work on them in parallel
<rqou> ok, when should i expect some of these to start appearing? all right before christmas?
<whitequark> it's a roadmap for 2018, so, by the end of 2018?
<rqou> i just expected that ~1/3 of the features would show signs of appearing ~1/3 of the way in
<whitequark> that's obviously not how it works
<rqou> should i instead be expecting a huge holiday present?
<whitequark> no
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<balrog> for impl Trait
<whitequark> most of the features you talk about are *massive*
<whitequark> actually, all of them are
<rqou> even custom alloc?
<rqou> just make malloc a weak symbol, done?
<rqou> or is that too hacky for rust?
<whitequark> yes it is
<whitequark> doesn't guarantee that signatures match, or that you have exactly one global allocator
<whitequark> well, I guess "massive" isn't fair for custom allocators
<rqou> O_o i had no idea they were even trying to achieve that
<whitequark> oh btw SIMD is stable for x86
<rqou> i guess that's better than "you declared malloc wrong? <insert simpsons 'HA HA' here>"
<rqou> it is?
<rqou> why isn't it in the blog?
<whitequark> isn't in a release yet
<whitequark> that got merged like 5 days ago
<rqou> that doesn't really count then
<rqou> :P
<whitequark> now you're just being deliberately obtuse
<rqou> no?
<whitequark> yes you are
<rqou> i'm thinking of the features that i get if i just use rustup and install stable
<balrog> rqou: 2018 roadmap is 2018
<rqou> like a "normal person"
<balrog> we're not halfway through 2018 yet
<whitequark> the feature has shipped, the fact that it isn't included in a release that happens purely on a schedule is orthogonal
<awygle> i would really like stable asm... :/ i feel like the objections to it are born out of a belief that it can be made safe which i don't share
<whitequark> awygle: no
<awygle> but i'm also perfectly happy using nightly so oh well
<whitequark> the objection is that stabilizing asm! right now is uh
<balrog> whitequark: rust releases on a regular schedule?
<whitequark> I mean it's literally not possible to stabilize because there's no design
<whitequark> balrog: yes
<whitequark> like chrome
<whitequark> every 6 weeks rust gets a release
<rqou> which means that new features by whitequark's definition can take up to 12 weeks to be usable by "just installing stable with rustup"
<whitequark> yep
<awygle> which is ~what "stable" means
<whitequark> you install stable, you get exactly what you asked for
<whitequark> stable features that have been tested in the wild for months
<whitequark> doing otherwise would be a disservice
<awygle> yup
<rqou> ah, so it's like the debian problem
<rqou> you either get debian broken or debian stale
<awygle> "problem"
<whitequark> the obsession with getting the absolute latest software at all times is disturbing
<awygle> that said i am excited for the new epoch. backwards compatiblity is great but also sometimes a huge burden.
<whitequark> sure, it makes sense for a browser
<awygle> ... we're not calling it "epoch" anymore, but whatever it is
<whitequark> because a browser is an attack surface with a content rendering feature
<rqou> i'm _not_ trying to get the absolute latest software
<rqou> which is why i normally run stable
<kmehall> if you're wondering when things will/might ship, they have a spreadsheet tracking all the 2018 edition features: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/188xuIgrzGLCu68UKpRjcmpRZ0ytxe-HG_ClViBqFvbI/edit#gid=1916240332
<awygle> personally i'm pretty happy running whatever version i need to of a compiler, because it's not a user-facing tool (unless you're writing a library and then your users are developers)
<awygle> if i have to pin to rust 1.26.1~ebf6d, oh well
<awygle> but i don't maintain any widely used software
<whitequark> kmehall: oh thanks
<kmehall> ...which is apparently publicly editable and somehow not full of spam
<rqou> O_o i didn't know this existed
<rqou> since i find rust's issue tracker completely unreadable
<rqou> ok, so how do i read this spreadsheet? e.g. simd says "done" on april 16
<rqou> so does that mean that after 6-12 weeks i'll see it?
<awygle> yes
<awygle> at least that's my understanding
<rqou> so NLL says "SOS" under "Plan"
<rqou> so it's f*cked?
<awygle> someday i'll learn what "impl trait" means and why it's good
<awygle> i wish i had more opportunity to write rust
<rqou> so generators is even more f*cked?
<rqou> it says "SOS" "not planned"
<rqou> and "not started" as of 19 march with no further updates
<kmehall> SIMD stabilization just merged, so it will be in 1.27 = May 10
<rqou> that soon?
<whitequark> generators are actually already implemented
<rqou> wat
<rqou> so the spreadsheet is wrong?
<whitequark> and async/await uses them
<whitequark> I think that line in the spreadsheet is for *standalone* generators
<whitequark> i.e. not when used as a part of async/await
<rqou> kmehall: i thought the may 10 release should be 1.26?
<whitequark> which desugar into generators internally
<rqou> what's a "standalone" generator?
<kmehall> rqou: you're right, it's released as beta on may 10, stable on june 21
<whitequark> a generator explicitly used in code
<rqou> hmm, since i have no idea what the current design looks like i don't really know what you mean
<whitequark> || { yield 1; yield 2; }
<rqou> right, so i would expect that to create a generator object?
<whitequark> yes
<rqou> is that a "standalone" generator?
<whitequark> yes
<rqou> so what is a not-standalone generator?
<rqou> await || { yield 1; }
<rqou> something like that?
<whitequark> a generator used internally by async/await
<rqou> ah, ok
<whitequark> #[async] fn foo() { await bar(); }
<whitequark> you should read the spreadsheet keeping in mind that design and implementation happen concurrently on these large features
<rqou> async-await at least says "on track"
<rqou> expected in 1.29
<whitequark> you can't really design them fully in abstract because they touch enough of the languages that unexpected issues arise
<rqou> which is 4 versions out
<rqou> or ~20 weeks or 5 months
<whitequark> yup
<rqou> huh, actually almost everything says ~1.27-1.29
<rqou> so i'm going to have a great summer and not a christmas timebomb
<rqou> :)
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<whitequark> do you see why it's a 2018 roadmap now
<rqou> yeah, now i see what they're going for
<whitequark> well, schedules will slip
<rqou> i figured the rust people have enough experience to not deliver christmas timebombs :P
<whitequark> it's a software project, schedules always slip
<rqou> "gotta ship everything before i go on vacation and show up in january"
<whitequark> nah, that never really happened
<whitequark> even 1.0, which was quite rushed, wasn't too bad
<whitequark> unwinding *might* have been a wrong choice
<whitequark> but lang design decisions are hard and I won't pretend that I know what would happen to Rust without unwinding
<whitequark> awygle: regarding asm
<whitequark> the LLVM inline assembly is basically defined by implementation
<rqou> i just don't see why this is a problem
<whitequark> what is a problem?
<rqou> much better than go replacing your supposedly-constant-time code with an "optimized" version
<whitequark> um
<rqou> just make asm! be defined as "shoves code into the backend"
<whitequark> what
<whitequark> you're being obtuse again
<rqou> why?
<rqou> it's always worked this way
<rqou> or is that also not up to rust's standards?
<whitequark> "stable" means "is guaranteed to work on newer rust versions modulo bugfixes"
<whitequark> if LLVM migrates from LLVM to Cretonne, then your proposed solution will break
<whitequark> or even forget that
<whitequark> LLVM makes no guarantees about inline assembly syntax
<rqou> sure, but people have somehow managed to survive that
<whitequark> people wrote code in C too
<awygle> hm, i didn't know that. does clang make guarantees?
<whitequark> nope
<awygle> wow
<awygle> that's somewhat horrifying
<whitequark> nor does gcc
<whitequark> and gcc has a *fuckton* of bugs around inline assembly
<whitequark> and gcc's inline assembly is incompatible with clang's
<awygle> that i knew
<whitequark> gcc is *way* too permissive about accepting blatantly insane constructs
<whitequark> if it works on clang, it usually works on gcc too, but not the other way around
<awygle> inline asm is almost never what i want, i just want to hand-code a function or something
<awygle> so i usually end up dropping to a separate .s file
<whitequark> I think module-level assembly might be stabilized before inline assembly
<whitequark> a major point of contention is gcc's insane register constraint specifiers
<awygle> i'd be happy about that
<whitequark> another major point of contention is that if you shove the wrong variable into the wrong register constraint, LLVM asserts
<whitequark> and there is literally no way to learn why other than reading LLVM sources
<rqou> is rust trying to explicitly avoid "foo_x86_masm.asm" "foo_x86_gas.S" "foo_x86_nasm.asm" "foo_arm_gas.S" "foo_arm_rvds.S" "foo_ppc_darwin.S" "foo_ppc_gas.S"
<rqou> ?
<rqou> ?:
<rqou> i suppose avoiding that would be pretty great
<whitequark> have I mentioned that the code that handles gcc's insane register constraints is horrible?
<sorear> *insane and barely documented
<whitequark> "barely documented" is optimistic.
<rqou> i've seen docs
<rqou> for arm and x86 at least
<whitequark> LLVM does actually document them all https://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html#constraint-codes
<whitequark> well, sort of
<whitequark> many constraints carry additional hidden invariants
<whitequark> e.g.: es, o, Q, Z, Zy: A memory address operand, currently treated the same as m.
<whitequark> this doesn't tell you which of these won't work on gcc
<whitequark> "M: An immediate integer 0x7fffffff." why the fuck is this a constraint
<whitequark> "A: Special case: allocates EAX first, then EDX, for a single operand (in 32-bit mode, a 64-bit integer operand will get split into two registers). It is not recommended to use this constraint, as in 64-bit mode, the 64-bit operand will get allocated only to RAX – if two 32-bit operands are needed, you’re better off splitting it yourself, before passing it to the asm statement.
<whitequark> why does this even *exist*
<rqou> wait, is this gcc?
<whitequark> this is llvm's documentation for gcc-compatible constraints
<whitequark> "a: A 32, 64, or 128-bit integer address register (excludes R0, which in an address context evaluates as zero)."
<whitequark> oh
<whitequark> "x: Invalid."
<whitequark> useful.
<rqou> so are these gcc bugs or llvm bugs?
<whitequark> it's impossible to say since there's no spec
<whitequark> if you count gcc's implementation as the spec, these would technically be llvm bugs
<whitequark> but my conscience is incompatible with that
<rqou> you seem to hate gcc way more than reasonable
<sorear> whitequark: the answer to all of those are “some instruction needed it”. The constraints are how gcc does isel IIUC and are being abused for asm
<whitequark> because gcc is a piece of shit whose only redeeming quality is that long ago it was better than a bunch of even shittier proprietary compilers
<whitequark> sorear: oh my god.
<whitequark> this is even worse than I thought.
<rqou> i just use whatever i can get working or is documented to be working, and (at least for some window in time) vendors had a vested interest in making gcc work
<whitequark> rqou: yes. you love crappy, fragile hacks that have zero thought put into their maintainability
<sorear> Relatedly: without checking docs, what type is a “TFmode”
<rqou> well, people claim they work, and in many cases it worked for me
<whitequark> "works for me" is literally the lowest bar any software can pass
<whitequark> gcc is "works for me, the compiler"
<whitequark> don't even get me started on glibc
<balrog> gcc has improved a bunch since 4.x
<balrog> dunno about glibc
<gruetzkopf> guess who's currently running 802.11n@2.4GHz right in the middle of thousands of DC-Switching relays
<whitequark> yes. because clang forced it to improve
<balrog> having more than one good compiler available is a good thing
<whitequark> many of these gcc improvements are just outright copied from llvm/clang
<awygle> and many devs are still salty about it
<balrog> clang also is forcing MSVC to improve
<whitequark> and that's a good thing
<awygle> have you seen this thing with ASTs and emacs?
<balrog> (since e.g. Chrome is now compiled with clang-cl)
<whitequark> balrog: some people speculate that MS may replace their compiler with clang
<awygle> that would be pretty in keeping with New Microsoft
<rqou> works for me and whoever wrote the document/tutorial
<whitequark> I think it's not very close because you have loads of weird shit like C++/CX
<gruetzkopf> (i'm guessing somewhere between 7600 and 8900 relays)
<rqou> ugh, f*cking wifi here
<whitequark> Clang will likely never support C++/CLI
<rqou> awygle: AirBears is garbage, news at 11? :P
<whitequark> however, I think it is likely that MS will ship clang with MSVC, optionally
<rqou> wait whitequark you also knew about C++/CX?
<rqou> i just found out about that a few days ago
<whitequark> um
<balrog> > produces entirely unmanaged code
<balrog> lol
<whitequark> C++/CX has been considered in clang since like 2012
<gruetzkopf> (60s grade control logic best control logic)
<rqou> how come you don't call C++/CX and C++/CLI godawful hacks?
<whitequark> I am not familiar with C++/CX at all
<whitequark> it doesn't seem any more inherently broken than, I dunno, Objective-C++
<whitequark> and yes I have used Objective-C++
<rqou> years ago my housemate tried to use Objective-C++11
<rqou> mixing a C++ lambda, a boost lambda, and an objc lambda-like thing
<rqou> it caused llvm to assert :P
<rqou> also, wtf
<rqou> why would you have used Obj-C++?
<whitequark> solvespace
<rqou> why does that require Obj-C++?
<whitequark> solvespace is written in C++?
<rqou> what's the Obj- part for?
<whitequark> a Cocoa UI
<rqou> ugh
<rqou> and this is why i have completely given up on native gui toolkits
<awygle> this is why i've completely given up on mac
<whitequark> lol
<rqou> browsers are the best cross-platform gui toolkit
<awygle> does qt use native widgets now btw?
<awygle> i saw someone implying that was the case the other day
<rqou> i don't get this obsession with "native widgets"
<whitequark> browsers are the Unix of UIs
<whitequark> they sort of work, but everything is fractally broken
<awygle> browsers are the unix of everything
<rqou> as long as widgets connect correctly to IMEs and a11y it doesn't matter if they're "native"
<whitequark> sure it does
<whitequark> all the usual platform keybindings should work
<rqou> i specifically _don't_ want that
<rqou> i want the _same_ keybindings to work on every platform
<whitequark> I don't
<awygle> i would like it if both of those things were true but since that's impossible i'll take platform
<rqou> have fun swapping between Ctrl and ⌘ all the time then
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<whitequark> people who switch platforms are a minority
<rqou> i especially hate programs that have one set of keybindings for *nix/windows and a totally different set for macos
<awygle> blame apple
<awygle> (see above)
<rqou> and then they use apple's stupid little icons and it takes me forever to figure out what actual key they mean
<gruetzkopf> blender is (was when i last used it) using SGI irix keybinds on all platforms
<rqou> sure
<rqou> whatever
<whitequark> fuck blender
<whitequark> everything about blender's UI is awful
<gruetzkopf> (which is totally fine if you're running it on irix)
<whitequark> I'd rather stick my hand into an actual blender
<rqou> it's afaict fully scriptable with python
<whitequark> yes, and also you can remove your tonsils through your asshole
<rqou> wtf why so hostile?
<rqou> blender always appeared to work just fine?
<whitequark> because you're responding to "blender's GUI is awful" with "don't use blender's GUI, use something completely different"
<sorear> because you’re not making much sense?
<whitequark> ^
<whitequark> all your arguments boil down to "it works for me therefore it's objectively good, and here it doesn't work for me therefore it's objectively bad"
* awygle closes irc, goes to make dinner
* whitequark is really irritated
<whitequark> this is exactly how we got into this hole with modern software
<rqou> i never said anything about "objectively good"
<rqou> more like "accomplished my goal, good enough"
<whitequark> "accomplished rqou's goal" is not necessary and sufficient for software to be "good enough"
<rqou> well, i don't have infinite time to go and make everything better. so if it accomplishes my goal of e.g. "finished problem sets" I'm satisfied
<pie_> <whitequark> yes, and also you can remove your tonsils through your asshole
* pie_ wont even bother reading the rest of scroll, today has peaked
* pie_ goes back to playing with coq
<whitequark> pie_: it's an idiom okay
<whitequark> it has a counterpart idiom for especially odious hacks, "removing your tonsils through someone else's asshole"
<pie_> now you have me thinking about removing tonsils through assholes and induction on assholes
<whitequark> rqou: thank you for nicely demonstrating why academic code is so universally terrible
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<gruetzkopf> at this point in this project i'd rather rip out all the processors in this project exept for one and replace them with programmable logic
<pie_> dont cross the streams kids.
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<gruetzkopf> sadly that's not possible
<awygle> ... I threw out my back.
<awygle> Since when am I this old
<rqou> gruetzkopf are you working on a telephone exchange? :P
<gruetzkopf> no
<rqou> or is this a signal controller?
<gruetzkopf> the relay system is one
<rqou> wait, modern train signals still use relays?
<rqou> not the internet of targets?
<qu1j0t3> :)
<rqou> "the 'S' in 'IoT' stands for security"
<gruetzkopf> "modern"
<gruetzkopf> this class of interlocking systems was designed in the early 60s
<rqou> oh, is this decommissioned?
<gruetzkopf> hundrets of them are still in operation, with some of germanys biggest stations having such systems
<whitequark> early 60s is recent in railway time
<gruetzkopf> the oldest relay-based interlocking system i know of that's still in operation in germany is from 1953, the oldest overall (lever-frame) from 1897
<gruetzkopf> there's even two newer relay-only systems in germany
<gruetzkopf> late 80s
<gruetzkopf> (like types, not installations)
<gruetzkopf> find me one semiconductor-based system that'll still be in full manufacturer service in 75 years ;)
<TAL> better don't tell em that those "modern signals" are standardized since 1935 :P
<qu1j0t3> :)
<balrog> whitequark: just like how 8 bit PIC is a pile of odious hacks? :D
* whitequark vomits
<balrog> What if I told you that it looks like they’re planning to release more chips in those series....
<whitequark> no
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<whitequark> the worst timeline
<balrog> I don’t get why people like it so much. Are the peripherals that good?
<whitequark> no they suck
<whitequark> you can't even do PORTA|=1
<whitequark> since the input and output registers are multiplexed
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<cr1901_modern> whitequark: I think TRISA = 0x00 will ensure PORTA |= 1 works. Also I think "LATA |= 1" will work if PORTA is in input mode.
<whitequark> cr1901_modern: huh, I can't believe I missed LATA
<cr1901_modern> I haven't actually used it yet. When I do PORTA |= 1, I treat anything set as input ("TRISAbits set to 1") as having undefined output latch values. >>
<cr1901_modern> Since "TRISAbits = 0" will feed the value of the pin back to PORTA during a read of PORTA, this works for any pins set as output.
<cr1901_modern> But this is probably a bad idea and I should actually use LATA as intended :P
<q3k> ahhh, I haven't seen the letters 'TRISA' since I did PIC development in middle school
<q3k> holy flashback batman
<qu1j0t3> looks like the acronym for dodgy legislation
<qu1j0t3> some piece of*