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<pie__> says polychip is for inkscape diagrams tho...?
<awygle> That description of many pin connectors is so accurate it hurts
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<awygle> i am bummed that the LM1K seems to be different silicon than the LM2K and LM4K
<awygle> based on bitstream sizes
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<rqou> azonenberg: ping?
<azonenberg> ack
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* awygle twitches
<rqou> azonenberg: so, now that counters kinda work on xc2
<rqou> what do you think should be the next step?
<azonenberg> rqou: what features are missing? :p
<rqou> a huge one is the inability to effectively use the XOR gate
<rqou> buried macrocells are coded but haven't really received much testing
<rqou> designs that are very close but just barely fit/don't fit need a lot more testing
<rqou> and then there's stuff like "make it accept what the xilinx tools accept"
<azonenberg> makes sense
<azonenberg> Well, you could always do a timing analyzer :p
<rqou> meh
<rqou> not that useful for a cpld tbh
<azonenberg> um
<azonenberg> you've clearly never run a cpld fast
<rqou> don't you think we should do a lot more refactoring/usability first?
<azonenberg> i havent seen your code
<azonenberg> been too busy making sure i'll have a place to live next month
<rqou> just crash at monochroma's place, nbd :P :P
<azonenberg> lol she made the offer but that basically means putting all my stuff in boxes
<azonenberg> and moving twice
<azonenberg> rather than just moving stuff over in one go
<azonenberg> Which i *really* want to do if possible
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<rqou> huh, TIL from nurdrage that you can set off CO/flammable-gas detectors with hydrogen
<pie__> well technically its a flammable gas no...?
<rqou> exactly
<rqou> also O_o new nilered lab
<rqou> which apparently only took ~2 months
<rqou> hurry up azonenberg :P :P
<rqou> nilered lab has a fire extinguisher :P
* azonenberg watches
<azonenberg> i heard he was making a video but last i checked it wasnt out
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<rqou> wow i really like nilered's lab
<rqou> it's so clean and organized
<rqou> not *) in a bedroom *) in a shed in the yard
* azonenberg continues watching
<azonenberg> i cant wait to have a proper lab, i'm so close i can taste it lol
<azonenberg> its not going to be 100% a chem lab obviously, mostly an electronics lab
<azonenberg> but thats still way better than i have now
<rqou> O_o nilered's lab is only CAD$18k
<azonenberg> my main expense now is the house renovation :p
<rqou> so USD$14k
<rqou> which is actually much lower than i expected
<azonenberg> i have my eye on a ~3K USD new ductless fumehood
<rqou> get it
<rqou> nilered paid about that much for a not-ductless fumehood used :P
<azonenberg> I am intentionally going ductless, even though they often cost a bit MORE especially including TCO for the filters
<azonenberg> because it means i dont have to do hvac work and worry about plumbing or environmental codes
<azonenberg> This was a deliberate tradeoff, at the expense of cash and flexibility for what i can work with
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<rqou> so azonenberg, when are we going to set up a semiconductor-grade cleanroom? :P
<azonenberg> Not for a while :P
<azonenberg> a glove box might happen in the new lab, fingers crossed
<azonenberg> but no promises
<azonenberg> also "proper lab cabinetry" yes that stuff isnt cheap
<rqou> you mean "the floor" is not the proper place to store RFNA? :P
<azonenberg> Lol
<azonenberg> I actually have a proper cabinet for storing corrosives and solvents already
<azonenberg> I just have to put them somewhere
<rqou> i've been trying to convince my parents to buy me one :P
<rqou> too much $$$
<rqou> right now the risk is "mitigated" by storing the solvents in the opposite corner :P :P :P
<azonenberg> lol
<rqou> btw, "the floor" was actually a deliberate choice
<rqou> because "the table" would be even worse if you somehow knocked the bottle over
<azonenberg> Lol yes
<azonenberg> so he keeps all of his solvents in a flammables fridge, interesting
<azonenberg> i dont have anything except solder paste that has to be refrigerated (and i just throw it out when it goes bad lol, seems to take long enough in this climate that i just use it until it stops printing well)
<azonenberg> i have a double walled steel cabinet with flash arrestors on the air vents
<azonenberg> designed for flammables
<azonenberg> But it's not chilled
<azonenberg> basin sink - i will most likely do the same myself
<azonenberg> Hot water i can live without, there's a bathroom nearby if i really need it
<azonenberg> Cold water can be supplied from a container of some sort
<azonenberg> Drain water can go into a container
<rqou> why not just put in plumbing?
<azonenberg> You can buy self contained eye wash/shower units that dont require plumbing either, just a bucket of saline + bacteriostatic additive
<azonenberg> So, there's a cold water supply line in the ceiling
<azonenberg> easy peasy
<azonenberg> The nearest hot water line to the garage is in the bathroom a good 30 feet away
<azonenberg> Annoying, but i could run it if i had to
<azonenberg> the BIG deal is drain
<azonenberg> Sewer lines are gravity fed
<azonenberg> you need to be able to flow downhill to the main drain
<azonenberg> there is no path from the garage to the bathroom area that is downhill, too many doorways in the way
<azonenberg> and all of the walls are 2x4" so not thick enough for a pipe anyway
<azonenberg> the best option i had was a) run vertically up with a pump to between the floor joists, then horizontally into the bathroom ceiling and join the main stack there
<azonenberg> several thousand dollars for the pump and associated stuff, plus difficult to run a big drain pipe in existing construction, plus i'd need to put a hole in the roof for a drain vent
<azonenberg> or b) jackhammer out the concrete slab in the garage floor and put a T in the main house drain line
<azonenberg> I almost did that, i went so far as to rent pipe locating equipment
<azonenberg> ... which allowed me to determine that the main drain never touched the garage floor
<rqou> wait, why is a pump so expensive?
<azonenberg> it went out from the bathroom in the other direction to the edge of the foundation then to the street
<azonenberg> So, no access to the line
<rqou> also, you can have running water but drain into a container?
<azonenberg> i forget the exact numbers, even if i had one
<azonenberg> the logistics of hooking it up would have been nontrivial
<azonenberg> I don't think plumbing code allows that
<azonenberg> pretty sure they require a drain anywhere you have a sink
<rqou> really?
<azonenberg> HOWEVER
<rqou> i thought our microfab lab was set up that way
<azonenberg> chem labs with hazmat waste etc might be a special exception
<pie__> twitter had a building where the drains were fake
<azonenberg> anyway... if it has NEITHER a connection to city water NOR drain
<pie__> i mean there was a tweet on #craplab
<azonenberg> it's not exactly plumbing, is it? :)
<azonenberg> So code doesnt really apply
<rqou> lol
<azonenberg> its just two buckets and a basin plus some valves
<rqou> but i'm pretty sure our microfab lab was somehow allowed
<azonenberg> Which means i can do this however i want, no codes or inspections
<rqou> oh right, it doesn't have a normal tap
<rqou> it has some kind of distilled water spray head thingy
<azonenberg> more importantly, it means i don't have to have it done by the move-in date
<rqou> plus hazmat
<rqou> so maybe that's why it's ok
<azonenberg> i can build it whenever i ant
<azonenberg> the eye wash will be purchased pretty soon after movein, they're a few hundred bucks and self contained
<azonenberg> the shower i have my eye on is nearly $10K so that's a ways out unless i get a deal on one
<azonenberg> it's basically a giant pressurized water fire extinguisher hooked to a showerhead and valve
<azonenberg> something like 30 gallons
<azonenberg> not enough for the osha 15-minute requirement but enough for me to get the bulk of a contaminant off before sprinting the 30 feet to the bathroom and getting in the actual shower
<azonenberg> in the short term i'll accept the risk of not having a shower in the room and just call the bathroom my emergency shower
<azonenberg> but an eye wash in the room is a must
<rqou> yes
<pie__> azonenberg, are you by any chance doing a writeup on this stuf
<rqou> i had a friend that somehow actually managed to get flux into their eye
<rqou> and there was no eyewash easily found
<rqou> that was "fun"
<pie__> :O
<pie__> it kind of bothers me that my safety glasses arent really closed...
<azonenberg> pie__: once i finish the construction i'll probably do a blog on the whole process of the house remodel
<rqou> nah, nobody really uses safety glasses for soldering :P
<azonenberg> then another on the lab remodel, which is a ways out
<azonenberg> rqou: i do, except when under a microscope
<rqou> well, you're weird :P
<azonenberg> in that case i consider the stick-up rubber eye cups to be sufficient protection against anything getting in them
<azonenberg> rqou: i also wear a fall protection harness when working in my attic
<rqou> wtf
<rqou> you do realize this isn't a commercial lab, right? :P :P
<azonenberg> there are spots where there's a 16-foot drop into the first floor
<azonenberg> i really dont want ally to hose me off the stairs
<pie__> xD
<pie__> dont attics have floors...
<pie__> ?????
<azonenberg> rqou: I'm voluntarily following as many of the commercial codes as i can even though i'm only required to build to residential standards
<azonenberg> pie__: first off, no - they generally just have the plaster or sheetrock of the ceiling below
<azonenberg> Which normally will not hold your weight
<pie__> huuuuh
<azonenberg> the beams the ceiling is nailed to will
<azonenberg> but if you slip between them, you go through
<pie__> well now i know
<azonenberg> it's somewhat forgiving, it'll hold part of your weight for a short time if you slip a foot or something
<azonenberg> but you will go through if you put any significant force on it
<pie__> rqou, ive read people getting solder in their eye somehow. also i think i almost did it once
<azonenberg> OSHA requires fall protection above six feet working height
<pie__> i still dont know how
<pie__> i think iron temp may have been too high or something
<azonenberg> The attic is 8 feet above floor level for the main house, and over the stairwell is 12-16 feet depending on where oyu are
<rqou> there was that one tweet i posted here, remember?
<azonenberg> you*
<rqou> involving chemically-permeable contacts trapping something
<azonenberg> rqou: for example, ordinary civilians don't HAVE to have fire extinguishers at home
<pie__> im pretty sure i mentioned this before that
<azonenberg> If they voluntarily do so, they dont have to get them inspected or serviced
<rqou> wait, they're not required?!
<azonenberg> There is no law requiring a random person to own one, no
<azonenberg> Most people do not have them
<pie__> if they were maybe we wouldnt have all those oil fire PSAs
<rqou> O_o
<pie__> i mean idk
<azonenberg> some cities might require them to be provided in rentals or something
<azonenberg> but in general only commercial properties have to
<azonenberg> Personally, I do monthly inspections plus annual maintenance on all of mine
<azonenberg> Which is the commercial requirement
<rqou> hmm, i should remind my parents to go and inspect our fire extinguisher
<pie__> how do you know how to do all this, christ
<azonenberg> and i actually fill out the inspection tags
<azonenberg> pie__: pretty simple
<azonenberg> every month...
<azonenberg> 1) is the extinguisher still there? if not, fail
<pie__> lol
<azonenberg> 2) is the pin still there, with the anti-tamper tag in place? if not, fail
<azonenberg> 3) is the pressure gauge in the green range (for non-CO2), or is the weight correct (spring scale, for CO2)? If not, fail
<azonenberg> 4) are there any signs of physical damage, dirt clogging the nozzle, etc? If damaged fail, if dirty clean
<azonenberg> 5) Fill out inspection tag and date, if there's no spaces left on the tag then bring it in to a shop for annual serving
<rqou> so i bought a dedicated fire extinguisher for my really safe lab closet and it didn't even come with an anti-tamper tag
<azonenberg> this is intentionally simple enough to be done by a layperson
<azonenberg> rqou: ones sold for consumer use normally dont
<rqou> iirc the ones the landlord bought do
<azonenberg> commercail ones actually i think dont come with them out of the box either, they're put in at service time by a dealer
<azonenberg> There's a pin you have to pull
<azonenberg> but the pin is typically held to the body of the extinguisher by a very weak (pre-fractured) ziptie or similar
<pie__> azonenberg, i mainly meant in general though
<azonenberg> So you can easily remove it with a few pounds of force but not without leaving some evidence
<azonenberg> and flagging it as "this extinguisher might have been used, go get it refilled"
<azonenberg> pie__: reading :p
<pie__> fair enough i guess :P
<azonenberg> in the case of a fire extinguisher the manufacturer normally publishes two service / maintenance guides
<rqou> so if you're a generic "potential entrepreneur and owner of a small business" how are you supposed to even know you have to do any of this stuff?
<azonenberg> the first one is for laypeople and covers monthly inspections
<azonenberg> the second is for professional service shops
<rqou> other than the classic "wait until you get fined first lol"
<azonenberg> and is divided into two categories
<azonenberg> annual inspection, done without opening the thing up (mostly just more detailed inspections plus lubing valves etc)
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<azonenberg> and every couple of years, where you relieve pressure, open it up, and do a more thorough service
<azonenberg> pie__: oh and i almost forgot for the monthly inspection, if it's dry chemical shake it up to remove clumps
<azonenberg> rqou: I suspect most do that
<azonenberg> :p
<rqou> azonenberg: ooh i should do that (shake the fire extinguisher to make sure it works)
<azonenberg> For water or co2 then that step isnt required
<rqou> azonenberg: how do you feel about the "silicon valley startup" technique of "know about the law and ignore it anyways because the penalty will be less than the value of competitive advantage gained" :P :P
<azonenberg> rqou: it's one of the reasons i don't work in the bay area
<azonenberg> also, i'm not sure it's always "know about the law and ignore it" so much as "don't bother to learn the law"
<azonenberg> willful violation normally only happens after they get in trouble the first time
<azonenberg> many of them just get away with it
<rqou> i was thinking e.g. uber
<azonenberg> they're a different story
<jn__> know that laws exists in general and ignore them anyways because the penalty will be less than the value of competitive advantage gained ;)
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<whitequark> awygle: any free time to work on glasgowjtag?
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<awygle> whitequark: that's my plan for today when not occupied by Easter with family. I've actually implemented those two opcodes but can't tell if they don't work or if the tests are broken.
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<whitequark> oh, Easter
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<awygle> yeah same honestly, didn't know it was this weekend until Wednesday
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<whitequark> awygle: i forgot it was a thing
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