<whitequark> um
<whitequark> PATHEXT anyone?
<sorear> did you know you can add an ELF header to binfmt_misc and it will preempt binfmt_elf, making it impossible to launch ELF binaries
<rqou> lol
<whitequark> there are also HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts
<rqou> have you tried not messing up your qemu-user-static registration? :P
egg|egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
<sorear> rqou: what happened is I gave someone instructions for doing a qemu-user-static registration in bash, but they decided to use zsh instead which has *slightly* different rules for backslash escapes
<rqou> lolol
<rqou> "Instructions said bash. WONTFIX"
<awygle> lol
<rqou> "Go RTFM" :P
<awygle> Lattice Diamond on Ubuntu doesn't work because Ubuntu uses bash as sh, not dash
<rqou> you can change it lol
<awygle> or, the opposite actually
<awygle> (obviously this can be fixed but it's a dumb problem to have)
<rqou> sure
<rqou> just like setting up USB drivers? :P
<rqou> (obscure reference to bunnie's 33C3 talk)
<rqou> (which was excellent btw, everybody should watch it)
<whitequark> rqou and his obsession with not having to set up usb drivers
<rqou> hey, not my fault that OSs make this ridiculously difficult
<rqou> have you seen bunnie's talk?
<awygle> daveshah: the ice40 LMs have the fast fabric, not the slow fabric, right?
<whitequark> i don't watch talks
<whitequark> awygle: so i wonder if we could say, make a tiny PCB that converts ct256 into sg48
<rqou> whitequark and her obsession with trying to avoid bga :P
<whitequark> rqou: uh
<whitequark> i've never soldered anything with paste in my life
<awygle> whitequark: the ct256 is twice as big
<whitequark> do you think i should have jumped straight to bga
<whitequark> awygle: ok then whatever package is smaller than sg48
<whitequark> ... hm
<whitequark> that
<whitequark> could be a problem
<awygle> none of them have enough I/O
<whitequark> i don't wanna redo layoooouut
<rqou> (channeling azonenberg) yes, bga is arguably easier than non-bga :P
<awygle> hmm maybe the 49-ball ucBGA? 39+2?
<whitequark> awygle: that's 0.5 right?
<awygle> 0.4
<awygle> and it's an LM
<whitequark> hm
<whitequark> i imagine the assembly house won't like it
<awygle> or no, there's an LP, but only up to 1K
<whitequark> LP1K probably doesn't have enough BRAM
<awygle> assembly house would be fine but the adapter pcb would be $$$ is my guess
<whitequark> ok i think i should get my ass to the lab to get the supplies
<awygle> the LM goes up to 4k
<whitequark> and solder it already
<awygle> oh actually the 81-ball LP goes up to 8K and is only 4mm^2
<awygle> that's probably the best bet if we were actually to do this
<whitequark> how slow is LP?
<rqou> oh what
<whitequark> and what's the pitch?
<awygle> still 0.4mm
<rqou> birbsite's algorithm just showed me sparkfun's new product announcement
<whitequark> that's pretty bad but hm
<whitequark> we could probably manage with only two outer rows?
<rqou> and apparently they are _still_ designing boards around dedicated audio decode asics
<rqou> i.e. the VS1000
<rqou> is there any reason to still be using these?
<awygle> that's how fast
<rqou> isn't an arm microcontroller better in basically every way nowadays vs these audio DSPs?
<azonenberg> whitequark: just like setting up usb drivers
<whitequark> hahaha vs1000
<azonenberg> hmmmm
<whitequark> when i was in high school i wanted to make a music player based on that
<azonenberg> you could always go ethernet and reinvent starsipraider yet again :p
<whitequark> because nothing played vorbis
<whitequark> azonenberg: CDC ECM?
<whitequark> rqou already suggested that
<whitequark> i don't think i can meet the latency i want
<whitequark> usb at least in theory has isochronous transfers
<azonenberg> no i meant actual 802.3
<azonenberg> :p
<azonenberg> Which i *know* you are not going to do
<whitequark> like 1GBASE-T?
<azonenberg> Yes
<whitequark> yeah, I don't have the FPGA for it
<azonenberg> Just get a laptop with a PoE host port and you're golden
<azonenberg> :p
<whitequark> wtf
<whitequark> do these exist?
<azonenberg> i want one
<azonenberg> i would use the heck out of it
<awygle> they don't, you'd need a line injector
<azonenberg> talking to webcams, ip phones, building pc peripherals with poe
<rqou> whitequark: just use an hx8k?
<azonenberg> awygle: how certain are you that they dont?
<azonenberg> if they do its a specialty item but i could see something made for sysadmins that had one
<awygle> azonenberg: as certain as i care to be :p
<whitequark> rqou: can that handle gmii?
<whitequark> like in reality
<rqou> gmii quite possibly
<whitequark> not in your weird fantasy where arachne-pnr lets you pin logic to sites
<rqou> yeah, gmii
<rqou> not rgmii
<whitequark> ok
<awygle> rqou: HX doesn't fit in our hypothesized replacement board
<rqou> i'm not positive though, so try it first?
<awygle> the smallest HX is 7mm^2
<rqou> gmii should be 125 MHz x 8?
<rqou> SDR
<whitequark> rqou: this is very optimistic tbh
<awygle> what's the difference between HX and LP? i assume HX has better fabric?
<rqou> it is a bit optimistic
<whitequark> also i'd need a phy and magnetics and...
<whitequark> idk
<whitequark> it's extremely maybe
<rqou> but my father definitely did successfully use gmii on a spartan 3 as a point of reference
<whitequark> i'm far more likely to go for usb3 with cy3k
<rqou> afaik s3 is approximately equivalent in performance to an ice40
<awygle> which ice40
<awygle> it matters
<rqou> hx
<awygle> k
<rqou> but then again the ice40 io cells don't seem to be as good
<rqou> and the clock resources are definitely worst
<rqou> *worse
<whitequark> what, you don't like sysCLOCK?
<whitequark> lol
<rqou> no idelay
<rqou> no quadrant clocks
<whitequark> quadrant?
<rqou> various xilinx parts can drive a clock into only a certain quadrant
<whitequark> elaborate
<rqou> iirc this won't use up a global clock net
<whitequark> oh
<rqou> azonenberg: do you remember any of this off the top of your head?
<whitequark> rqou: i wonder if you could make idelay in the fabric
<whitequark> it certainly wouldn't be very high resolution
<rqou> oh you probably can, very carefully
<rqou> in a similar way that sb0 made the TDC
<whitequark> tdc?
<rqou> time to digital converter
<rqou> hey, this is your own company's project :P
<whitequark> that was like forever years ago
<whitequark> wtf vhdl
<rqou> oh huh
<rqou> the paper on arXiv still uses the lekernel.net email
<whitequark> ha, that has a ring oscillator made from luts
<rqou> sb0 is really good
<azonenberg> awygle: would it be awful
<azonenberg> if at some point in the future i made a board (no immediate plans, just thinking out loud)
<azonenberg> that was powered by a usb3 connector, maybe included some stock chipset from ftdi etc to negotiate "give me X power"
<azonenberg> and then used 1000base-T as the data link? :p
<awygle> Not awful just wasteful lol
<azonenberg> rqou: you're thinking BUFH/BUFR
<azonenberg> 6/7 series have those
<azonenberg> ultrascale completely revamped the clock architecture and those dont exist anymore
<rqou> iirc the old s3 had actual clock pins that only fed a quadrant
<azonenberg> BUFH is basically one leaf of a global clock tree
<rqou> i guess you can file that under "silly hacks to save silicon area"
<azonenberg> meanwhile ultrascale uses BUFG for everything and the P&R figures out which buffer(s) to actually instantiate in the hardware
<rqou> O_o
<azonenberg> So you can have one global clock net with different legs being used by different nets
<azonenberg> as long as they don't overlap
<rqou> ok, they weren't quadrant clocks
<rqou> but s3 had "left-half" and "right-half" clock input pins
<rqou> that appear to be separate from the global nets
<rqou> anyways, ice40 doesn't have BUFGMUX either afaik?
<whitequark> no it just has a few BUFGs
<rqou> azonenberg: does your favorite micrel gigE phy do gmii?
<rqou> or only rgmii/sgmii?
<balrog> rqou: did m-labs not renew lekernel.net? :p
<rqou> oh
<rqou> lol
<rqou> whoops
<azonenberg> rqou: the ksz9031R is a 48-pin package that does RGMII only
<azonenberg> 90x1, i should say... the 9021 is the original, the 9031 is a more power efficient die shrink that is register and pin compatible
<azonenberg> The vanilla 90x1 does GMII too
<azonenberg> Afaik there is no SGMII offering
<balrog> rqou: yeahhhh.....
<rqou> btw azonenberg idk if you saw this, but want to try and golf a vga demo on an xc2c32a?
<balrog> btw if anyone here is interested in open tl866 firmware work, #proghq
<awygle> ksz9031m does gmii
<rqou> too bad your breakout board _sucks_ and has a slow af crystal
<azonenberg> rqou: i did see it
<azonenberg> i actually attempted it as one of my first cpld projects
<azonenberg> on a 32a or 64a, i forget
<azonenberg> And failed, i never figured out what was wrong with my timing but it easily fit
<azonenberg> I might revisit it at some point if i'm bored but i have more important thigns to do with my time right now
<azonenberg> So it wont be any time soon
<azonenberg> (actually it might have been an xc9500*?)
<rqou> hmm, "easily fit?"
<rqou> you quickly run out of macrocells for the counters unless you are smart/low resolution
<azonenberg> I cheated and ran the system at 20 MHz
<azonenberg> for 640x480 with a 40 MHz pixel clock
<azonenberg> And just accepted i was actually 320x480 (i.e. smallest addressible element 2 pixels wide)
<azonenberg> But like i said, i never got the monitor to lock to the sync
<azonenberg> it was a modern LCD monitor and just said "invalid signal"
<azonenberg> i had no feedback on what was wrong like a CRT would have given
<azonenberg> So i got nowhere
<azonenberg> i dont think i had a good LA/DSO either at the time
<whitequark> yeah LCD monitors are picky
<whitequark> I had that issue when generating VGA on an atmega
<rqou> meanwhile i managed to feed what (i thought is) 240p into one of mine and it worked fine
<rqou> looked pretty f*cked up though
<whitequark> why do you bleep out "fuck"
<rqou> because the aspect ratio was all wrong
<sorear> i wonder what fraction of late-stage CRT monitors would refuse to display, say, a 481 line display
<whitequark> late-stage CRT monitors
<rqou> 1080i CRTs :P
<azonenberg> rqou: see my latest tweet
<azonenberg> rqou.dad halp?
<azonenberg> :p
<rqou> lol
<rqou> hrm, do i want to do this last problem set?
<rqou> i'm pretty low on time to finish it
<rqou> and it's "lowest score is dropped"
<balrog> I'd try it :P
<balrog> worst case it gets dropped
<balrog> maybe worth looking over it first and making a calculated judgment as to how likely it is you'll get a score higher than your other lowest score :P
<rqou> not likely lol
<rqou> full of stuff i don't know
<rqou> herp derp how do i do feedback linearization and sliding mode control?
<rqou> O_o this is actually cool
<rqou> why is nonlinear systems so much fun (both fun and DF-style "fun")
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<whitequark> rqou: any idea where to get solder paste in hk?
<rqou> i don't know
<whitequark> unrelated
<whitequark> there's a taobao vendor that took my money and hasn't shipped jack shit
<whitequark> can you write a maximally scathing review?
<whitequark> i want to make them burst in flames from shame
<rqou> lol i don't have time for this
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<whitequark> aw
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<azonenberg> whitequark: i had a hard enough time finding halfway decent flux in HK
<azonenberg> i have no idea what the stuff i ended up using was, it did the job ok-enough that the board worked for the week i used it after i was there
<azonenberg> :p
<whitequark> where did you find it?
<azonenberg> Some random electronics store next to soldering irons with an unlabeled pot for temperature control
<azonenberg> Lol
<azonenberg> it was in the big market area in sham shui po, but i can't recall the exact store name or location
<azonenberg> at least i did find 30ga wire there
<whitequark> at the golden computer centre or outside?
<rqou> azonenberg: apliu street?
<azonenberg> rqou: it was a year and a half ago
<rqou> that's the "classic" place in hk to buy "cheap electronic crap"
<azonenberg> i recall it was like a block from the SSP mtr station
<whitequark> ah, so not gcc
<azonenberg> to the... north?
<azonenberg> no, i know the GCC
<azonenberg> i walked past it to get lunch sometimes
<rqou> almost certainly apliu street
<azonenberg> and it wasnt there
<azonenberg> ok
<azonenberg> Yeah if you were walking from the gcc to the mtr station it was on your right maybe 3 blocks?
<azonenberg> i think
<azonenberg> sorry i meant, straight ahead
<azonenberg> gcc to mtr statoin and keep going
<azonenberg> whatever direction that is :p
<whitequark> wow, google doesn't even have gcc on the map
<azonenberg> Do they have LLVM?
* azonenberg hides
<whitequark> hmmm
<whitequark> nope
<azonenberg> ok so i was right
<azonenberg> golden computer arcade is on fuk wa street right across from the mcdonalds
<azonenberg> then if you go from there down yen chow or kweilin street
<azonenberg> kweilin, yes
<azonenberg> you hit the SSP MTR station next block
<azonenberg> And then apliu street
<azonenberg> So only 2 blocks, not 3
<azonenberg> but that was it
<azonenberg> I can't tell you the store, we looked at several before we found al lthe stuff we needed
<azonenberg> rqou: Not that i expect to be back there any time soon
<whitequark> doesn't matter, i'll find it
<azonenberg> But is there a good place in HK to buy *higher end* electronic stuff?
<azonenberg> like, actual temp controlled irons
<azonenberg> good tacky syringe flux
<azonenberg> etc
<rqou> go to SZ? :P
<whitequark> azonenberg: sure
<whitequark> rs components
<azonenberg> or is that all mail order from SZ
<rqou> azonenberg: just physically go to SZ? :P
<whitequark> they're expensive af but it's not like you would care
<azonenberg> (or do you just hop on a train and go to SZ)
<azonenberg> Lol
<whitequark> of course, mouser and farnell and digikey also deliver
<whitequark> rs delivers """next day"""
<azonenberg> Yeah i know, i meant a big market like SZ has where you can buy high-end stuff
<azonenberg> in person
<azonenberg> I guess not
<whitequark> not really
<azonenberg> Rather than the cheap stuff in apliu st :p
<whitequark> too expensive i suppose
<whitequark> the rents i mean
<azonenberg> yeah hk is dense :p
<whitequark> you cant get any decent electronics either
<whitequark> like I still don't have any DDR4 ECC UDIMMs
<whitequark> not at ssp, not at wan chai, not at that other place
<whitequark> whatever it was called, at mong kok
<azonenberg> the mall we met at?
<azonenberg> isquare?
<whitequark> no
<azonenberg> i only really was there, SSP, and tourist central aka nathan rd
<azonenberg> and of course mlabs
<whitequark> mongkok computer centre apparently
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<whitequark> rqou: amazing
<whitequark> the vendor DID ship actually
<whitequark> i wanted two 4GB sticks and they sent me one 8GB
<whitequark> idiots, i was going to use two channels
<rqou> lolol
<whitequark> and it's a different vendor
<whitequark> at least it's actually an ECC UDIMM and not just a random stick
<rqou> hey balrog thanks for encouraging me to actually do the problem set
<rqou> i actually finished it
<rqou> wasn't as hard as i initially expected
* rqou nomnomnomz
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<benreynwar> I've been looking at the icestorm and symbiflow work. Is the plan to eventually use vtr-verilog-to-routing instead of arachne-pnr and icetime?
<daveshah> Yes, work is being done on that
<daveshah> Chances are vtr won't be a replacement but an alternative
<daveshah> For people who need the best possible timing performance
<daveshah> Whereas arachne-pnr will still probably have a shorter runtime and be less "clunky"
<benreynwar> I haven't looked into the vtr code yet. How is it clunky?
<daveshah> The problem is that it's not really designed for real FPGA architectures
<daveshah> Its main users are academics exploring theoretical FPGA architectures
<benreynwar> Ah, makes sense. I like the idea of being able to use the same codebase for different architectures though. Do you expect to get arachne-pnr working with the 7-series?
<daveshah> But a lot of this is probably fixable
<daveshah> No, arachne-pnr is too hardcoded for the iCE40 and its algorithms also wouldn't scale well enough to a large FPGA
<daveshah> Most likely VTR will be used for the 7-series, but in the long term maybe there will be something else altogether
<benreynwar> OK. Then I won't spend anymore timing looking at the icestorm and arachne-pnr code, but will look at VTR instead. Is there somewhere that lists what the remaining obstacles are to getting iCE40 support there?
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<daveshah> Have a look at the #vtr-dev channel here and the symbiflow-arch-defs repo
<daveshah> jhol, mithro and digshadow are mostly working on this
<daveshah> I haven't been so involved recently
<daveshah> My basic understanding is the main activities are getting HLC output from VPR to go into icestorm, and getting a routing graph (rr_graph) that is accurate into VPR
<benreynwar> While I've got you here, I was curious about the HLS work you're doing. Is you're plan to eventually get P&R timing information back to the synthesizer to do transformations?
<benreynwar> It'd be pretty exciting to get these tools to the point, where people could experiment with HLS languages more easily.
<daveshah> As it stands I haven't thought about feeding back from P&R but using approximate models
<daveshah> Because I'm an impatient bastard and I want the fastest flow possible
<daveshah> But it's a nice idea
<benreynwar> Cool. My main frustration with VHDL and verilog at the moment is that there's no way to express that I don't care how long the pipeline is. With a HLS flow the pipeline length could be estimated before synthesis, and then refined after the first iteration of P&R.
<daveshah> Yeah that's exactly why I wrote the HLS tool in the first place
<daveshah> Rapid prototyping image processing pipelines for an AR headset project
<digshadow> that one? hadn't seen that
<benreynwar> Yep, that's the one.
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<benreynwar> daveshah: Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I'm going to try to get my head around VTR now.
<daveshah> digshadow: please don't get excited, it's a very early WIP that may or may not have much time put into it
<daveshah> benreynwar: have fun with VTR!
<cr1901_modern> daveshah: Not to be a backseat coder, but I does this function work for n > 1? https://github.com/daveshah1/ElasticC/blob/master/src/ParserCore.cpp#L60-L66
<daveshah> cr1901_modern: thanks, it doesn't :P
<daveshah> I think I must have wrote it ages ago and never used it
<daveshah> Lucky you found that, or it would be a nasty bug one day
<cr1901_modern> I don't enjoy writing parsers. At. All. So I'm peering over how you do it to steal ideas.
<daveshah> Sure. Beware a disturbing percentage of the parser code was written when I was 18/19 and didn't have any formal education in this stuff
<digshadow> daveshah: got it
<daveshah> Yes, I really do use modified shunting yard to parse C expresssions
<cr1901_modern> I should consider reading that PDF of Dragon Book I conveniently found online to actually learn how to write parsers
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<Bike> do you need to write parsers yourself
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<cr1901_modern> I suppose not, but lex/yacc have given me lots of frustration in the past
<daveshah> Yeah, I've always found writing parsers surprisingly satsifying
<daveshah> *satisfying
<daveshah> I'm not sure if I were starting that project again whether I would use lex/yacc or not
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<awygle> lex/yacc drive me crazy
<awygle> but I'm really interested in other parser generator techniques
<daveshah> ANTLR looks nicer, but adds depedency hassles
<awygle> PEG, parser combinators, that Marpa thing, etc
<awygle> Lark, in python
<awygle> ANTLR looks cool but I am put off by Java. Partly from a bias standpoint and partly because none of my projects have any other Java in them so it's a whole new thing
<daveshah> Yeah, means you need Java on your build machine too
<daveshah> Plus you have to link a runtime to your code, which is another build step and dependency. Unlike bison etc which just generates C
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<mithro> daveshah: you should use python as the basis of your HLS language
<daveshah> mithro: I don't like Python :P
<daveshah> Also want something naturally strongly typed
<mithro> daveshah: have you looked at migen/LiteX/MiSoC?
<daveshah> Yeah, I have, I'm aiming somewhere a bit different though
<daveshah> My HLS stuff has always been focused on a specific niche of rapid prototyping pipelined streaming systems
<daveshah> It's never really been designed as a general HDL
<mithro> daveshah: I'm really interested in pipeline streaming systems because I do a lot of video stuff as you know
<mithro> When cr1901_modern get the other stuff he owes me done, I want him to work on something I've been calling PixelBone
<daveshah> Interesting, that does look like a similar direction to where I'm looking
<daveshah> I'll happily work on that instead as it is always better to combine efforts
<mithro> I'm already happy to have people work on my stuff
<daveshah> I would be interested in slightly higher level processing than some of that stuff, but overall quite similar stuff
<daveshah> One of my big things is automatically inserting pipeline registers to meet timing
<mithro> daveshah: I would really like the HLS to do "negotiation" around supported pixel formats / layouts / etc
<daveshah> Yeah, that would be awesome
<daveshah> As would stream port (AXI etc) and buffer insertion
<mithro> IE kind of like how gstreamer works
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<mithro> daveshah: yeah, all that would be awesome
<rqou> i don't think i would have ever considered gstreamer to be something you would want to emulate
<awygle> lol
<mithro> It's slightly complicated by the fact some thing are "pull" IE driven by needing the pixels at a certain time for output and some are "push" they receive pixels at a given rate from an input
<rqou> also, why the heck are you still supporting "stupid 'AV people' unfeatures" like interlacing, YUV, and chroma subsampling?
<mithro> rqou: why? Gstreamer is by far the most flexible and performant media framework that I have come across. Very pluggable and not afraid of getting their hands dirty when performance matters.
<mithro> rqou: because I have to interface with those systems
<rqou> including -plugins-bad and -plugins-ugly and the hilarious .nsf CVE?
<rqou> interlacing _still_ exists as something you want to support?
<rqou> i thought interlacing only existed because of idiots digitizing their formerly-analog data?
<mithro> rqou: and actually YUV makes a huge amount of sense in many applications
<rqou> you mean "make the gpu fuck up all your colors"?
<rqou> ime that's basically all that ever happens thanks to dumb defaults
<mithro> rqou: mostly want to support it on the input side (to get rid of it) and on the output side (to interface with broken systems)
<awygle> anyone have suggestions for profanity i should grep for before showing this code to anybody? (also TIL `strings python` contains SHIT)
<rqou> lol
<rqou> mithro: if all you want to do is record conferences, why isn't "RGB888 only" sufficient?
<mithro> Gstreamer is pretty clear about what you are getting in their "-bad" and "-ugly" plugin groups :-P
<rqou> my experience has been that no matter how many of -bad and -ugly groups i installed, it can still never play my mp3/h.264
<rqou> whereas VLC just works without any messing around
<mithro> rqou: because uni A/V systems are frequently horribly broken and we have to feed into them
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<mithro> rqou: if you want a media *player* then VLC is a good choice - if you want to build your own multimedia system, then gstreamer is better
<rqou> is gstreamer a similar idea to directshow?
<daveshah> rqou: in more general FPGA systems, YUV is very important
<rqou> because my experience with directshow was that that is _also_ a nice disaster
<rqou> daveshah: why?
<daveshah> for processing output from cameras for a start
<daveshah> many high end camera modules with built in ISPs use YUV
<daveshah> as do video encoders/decoders
<mithro> rqou: best I've seen is a 16:9 screen advertising a resolution of 1024*768@50Hz and _not_ supporting any other resolution while having an EDID without that format
<rqou> i thought cameras would output either RGB or bayer-filtered grayscale?
<rqou> mithro: wait wtf _50_ Hz?
<mithro> rqou: yeah directshow is an okay analogy
<daveshah> Uses YUV
<rqou> my experience with directshow is that the ecosystem was a disaster full of things like codec "failpacks"
<daveshah> They output YUV over LVDS
<rqou> daveshah: yeah, well IMHO SDI is a piece of garbage that nobody should strive to emulate
<balrog> [15:48:15] <mithro>rqou: because uni A/V systems are frequently horribly broken and we have to feed into them
<balrog> looool what do you have to deal with?
<mithro> rqou: YUV gives you half the bandwidth for video at the same perceptual quality
<daveshah> yeah
<rqou> so does... traditional compression?
<daveshah> and it's more useful for compressing etc
<mithro> balrog: most of the conferences I deal with are run at Universities - but frequently we only get access to the venues we are recording like the day before to set up
<balrog> ah...
<rqou> why would anybody make a projector that is _50_ Hz only?
<rqou> where do you even find this crap?
<daveshah> europe
<daveshah> Some cameras sold in Europe are locked to record only 50Hz too IIRC
<rqou> i thought computers always used 60 Hz anyways?
<rqou> i thought only TVs used 50?
<daveshah> By default, but most computers will be fine with 50Hz once they get the EDID
<rqou> also, i thought everybody nowadays used PAL60 or something?
<rqou> i.e. "vidya" mostly stopped supporting 50 Hz
<daveshah> Broadcast in the UK at least is still 50Hz
<daveshah> 1080i50, etc
<rqou> yeah, well, broadcast is silly :P
<rqou> daveshah: what about web video?
<daveshah> not something I've looked at actually
<Ultrasauce> rqou: it's pretty far off the mark to be shitting on chroma subsampling imo
<rqou> why?
<rqou> just use "real compression" instead of hacks?
<Ultrasauce> literally every format uses it for a reason
<rqou> so that you can get artifacts because every MPEG<foo> did the subsampling slightly differently? :P
<sorear> rqou: learn2colortheory
<sorear> rqou: rgb is computer legacy crap
<Ultrasauce> the sampling is well-specified and consistently implemented for the most part
<Ultrasauce> the actual colour space conversions, slightly less so
<rqou> sorear: then you should just directly use La*b*
<rqou> yuv is AV legacy crap :P
<rqou> Ultrasauce: this is the bug/mistake i was thinking of: There are three variants of 4:2:0 schemes, having different horizontal and vertical siting.[7]
<rqou> In 4:2:0 DV, Cb and Cr are co-sited in the horizontal direction. In the vertical direction, they are co-sited on alternating lines.
<rqou> In JPEG/JFIF, H.261, and MPEG-1, Cb and Cr are sited interstitially, halfway between alternate luma samples.
<rqou> In MPEG-2, Cb and Cr are cosited horizontally. Cb and Cr are sited between pixels in the vertical direction (sited interstitially).
<daveshah> rqou: just checked a random online video from an Austrian broadcaster and it was indeed 25fps
<rqou> oh wat
<daveshah> It's not something I've ever thought about before
<rqou> huh
<gruetzkopf> europe is pretty much all 25 Full fields/sec still
<rqou> even for direct to web?
<daveshah> I'm looking at a few other broadcasters now
<daveshah> Seems to be 25fps everywhere
<daveshah> 6.25fps lol
<rqou> wait, europe never had the even more silly "drop frame" timing, did they?
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<daveshah> no, we didn't
<daveshah> as far as I can see, anyway
<daveshah> Tbh I've always wondered why something looked a bit wrong when watching UK IPTV on a computer instead of broadcast TV
<daveshah> Assumed it was just codecs but framerates make more sense
<mithro> 24fps is common for cinema stuff
<rqou> yeah I know
<rqou> at least it's an integer
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<Ultrasauce> my partner is a filmmaker and i still havent managed to convince him that 24fps looks horrible
<rqou> not like the stupid 23.9/29.9/59.9 we've got over here
<sorear> you mean 29.997?
<Ultrasauce> it's 29.97 - 30/1001
<Ultrasauce> which still is too damn simple to deal with. irrational framerates when?
<awygle> 24fps looks fine to me
<awygle> it's 120+Hz that looks freaky
<rqou> AV always just feels like this whole other universe where everything is weird
<rqou> e.g. the AGC hack they used to put SDI over fiber
<daveshah> Yeah, and the whole crappy 75ohm business
<daveshah> And they run 12Gbit signals over BNC connectors meant for 4GHz max
<rqou> wat
<rqou> with PAM?
<daveshah> Don't think so
<daveshah> Even 24G-SDI isn't PAM I think
<rqou> so directly?!
<Ultrasauce> it's just straight ECL signalling
<rqou> and this actually works?
<awygle> 75 ohm is like, sort of weird, but a lot less weird and also a lot less of a big deal than people think
<daveshah> They accept the loss
<rqou> "AV people" just overall give me the impression that everything is just as hacky as any other subgroup
<rqou> but they don't embrace "worse is better" (currently not judging whether that's a good or bad thing)
<rqou> and instead they seem to think that their stuff is actually really good
<Ultrasauce> ...is there a field that isnt full of horrible hacks??
<rqou> probably not
<balrog> [16:48:08] <rqou>and instead they seem to think that their stuff is actually really good
<balrog> loooooool
<balrog> there's a reason that AV equipment vendors are reluctant to give non-dealers access to their programming software
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<gruetzkopf> SDI is horrible
<gruetzkopf> chooose the right magenta and get a free desync
<rqou> yup
<rqou> i don't get why people like it
<Ultrasauce> I like it because the alternative is hdmi
<rqou> at least hdmi is a commodity
<rqou> (not that it works any better)
<gruetzkopf> still like it better than hdmi
<mithro> I get everything into software as quickly as possible and then use Ethernet :-P
<rqou> ^
<rqou> ethernet is an amazing example of "worse is better"
<mithro> rqou: It has things like checksums so you know when things are broken
<rqou> FCS isn't a particularly strong checksum, but yet
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<awygle> this pc feels sort of slow but i'm not sure where the big bang-for-the-buck upgrade is
<balrog> "feels slow" -- ssd?
<awygle> it's an i5-6400, 8 GB of DDR4 2400, 128GB SSD system drive
<awygle> oh i lied, 2133
<awygle> maybe it's just shitty...
<Ultrasauce> 8 gigs is about enough for two electron apps
<rqou> lol
<rqou> why are electron apps so memory-hungry?
<awygle> good thing i'm only running one then
<awygle> i'm sitting at 66% ram usage, 2 gigs of which is firefox lol
<jn__> browsers…
<rqou> why is bml_khubbard messing around with ghetto solder paste?
<rqou> what's the point?
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<awygle> how long does solder paste last outside the tube?
<awygle> if I place a board, get dinner, place another board, and then reflow, will the first board still be OK?
<rqou> um, i don't think so
<awygle> yeah you're probably right
<lain> awygle: it might be okay, but I'd inspect carefully afterward
<lain> the main issue is the flux
<awygle> not worth it, I'll just eat early dinner
<lain> most flux I've worked with will tend to go all runny in that amount of time
<lain> that said, if you supplement new flux, it's probably fine :P
<lain> just.. stickier
<rqou> awygle you're planning to eat dinner around now?!
<rqou> what is wrong with you? :P
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<awygle> rqou: well in like an hour. which is about how long it takes to assemble a board.
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<rqou> that's still early af
<awygle> ... but I'm hungry
<awygle> 6pm is dinner
<rqou> nah, 8pm is dinner :P
<awygle> 8am is breakfast, noon is lunch, 6pm is dinner
<rqou> wtf
<rqou> such a normie :P
<rqou> ok, we finally have proof that awygle is not a white guy clone of me :P :P
<awygle> lol
<awygle> I ate differently in school (although that was mostly due to necessity)
<awygle> I get very stuck on routines and stuff
<awygle> Not sure why
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<rqou> arrgh
<rqou> once again i seem to be hitting "my actually (somewhat, attempting to be) real time system is overloading a not-real-time system"
<rqou> that is supposed to be real time