Well, come to think of it, it's been a few years since I started RE'ing the PSoC5LP -- cluelessly, until I could load values into registers with openocd. Maybe my next RE'ing target will go faster hahas
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carl0s, cyrozap: The bottom row of DSI's only use the most significant VS nybles. The top row use only the least significant VS nybles. This sounds like Tx and Rx. Inside a UDB pair, only the UDB inputs need Port Interface (Pi) configuration.
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This all has me thinking that the structure may lend itself to putting together a cluster.
pointfree: It sounds more like they just split the upper/lower connections by nybles.
As for DSI PI configuration, we have DSI[0..15]_DSIOUTT[0..5] and DSI[0..15]_DSIINP[0..5] (DSI HC to DSI HC?) and DSI[0..15]_DSIOUTP[0..3] (DSI VS to DSI VS)
cyrozap: The middle two rows of VS use both nybles.
And by cluster, do you mean a cluster of PSoCs? Or just that the UDB array is expandable?
cyrozap: By cluster I mean a cluster of PSoC's.
pointfree: Right, because they have rows above and below them.
One nyble corresponds to the connections to the upper row, and the other to the lower row.
Unless I misunderstand how the VS works?
cyrozap: Yeah that's pretty much how it works, but going into the routing fabric does not require port interface configuration: going from the HC into the input terms requires configuring PI tiles, outputting from a PLD into the HC tile does not.
Not sure if there is enough port pin i/o to support this.
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pointfree: Just to make sure I understand how routing works, can you please confirm if the following statements are correct?
Sure thing.
1. The HC is the horizontal connection between the UDBs and the HV, and the HC config bits control which UDB pins are connected to the HC.
Err, s/which UDB pins are connected to the HC/which UDB pins are connected to which HC "wires" and the direction of that connection/
2. The HV is the connection between the HC and the VS, and the HV config bits control which HC "wires" are connected to which VS "wires".
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3. VS "wires" either connect to the HV in the row above or the row below, but not both.
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Anyways, if those three statements are correct, and we know what each bit means in the registers that control the HCs and HVs, I can start adding code to convert entire bitstreams to Verilog (at least up until the DSI connections).
1) Yes. The switches in the HC and the HV's, when set, connect a their horizontal wire to their vertical wire. 2) Yes, the switches work like they do in HC, albeit the HC pattern starts out with the in-series switches, and the HV pattern starts with the in-parallel switches. 3) Yes, I think so, although I haven't tested it.
cyrozap: The p3archdump.txt gives all the facts we need to know about DSI connections and UDB connections.
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pointfree: When you say "in-series" and "in-parallel" switches, what do you mean by that?
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Looking at the patent diagrams again, I think I'm finally beginning to understand...
Oh, and the HS is what controls which horizontal wires connect to each other horizontally (and their direction), and the VS does the same thing vertically.
Ok, good, so now I understand your diagrams :)
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pointfree: Any chance you could generate (please don't do it manually...) some register docs for the routing stuff? Right now I know you have that visual map, and while that's really nice for visualizing everything, it's really hard to write the bitream RE code based on that. Ideally, it should be kind of similar to the Cypress docs, where you list the register name and address and explain what each of
pointfree: I'd hate to generate a ton of work for you, and I'm not sure exactly how you have all your docs recorded (other than the ones you've posted), so please tell me if this is a ridiculous request.
Or, if you have formulas for determining what bits in various registers (HC, HV_L, HS, etc.) do, I can generate docs from that.
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As it stands, I'd have to hunt for each register and bit in that diagram in order to write the parsing code, since the code of course is just going to see the raw bits and needs to know what to do with them.
Or, if you don't have an actual formula, but just a description of the pattern(s), I can do the rest myself.
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