I'm still interested in your observations tho, ZipCPU
I have not indicated any specific solver in te makefile though
ZipCPU|Laptop has joined #yosys
Try using yices. To do that, add "-s yices" to your yosys-smtbmc command line.
(Assuming you have yices installed ....)
Iirc isn't yices the default?
I certainly have to specify Z3 on every run
awygle: Either way, 100k plus iterations isn't going to be easy with *any* solver.
Sure. I wonder how much spinning up a fat AWS instance would help...
In other words, what is the limiting factor in performance and how does it scale
I'll add that to the list of things to investigate I suppose
Well, consider this ... everything that can toggle will be toggled in a formal solver.
Hence, if you can limit your inputs to being well-behaved, that lowers a 2^n search space down to n.
For example, when does the transmitter receive its request?
If the transmitter is busy, will the module controlling it make requests on one clock, withdraw its request on another, and make an additional request on a following clock?
Or will the controller be well behaved, making one request at one out of N time-instants, and then holding that request for the rest of time.
Oh I very much agree that shrinking the space to search is a bigger win than throwing compute at it. But there's a fundamental limit on the former and only practical limits on the latter.
So I'm curious
I would expect it to be compute bound and parallel, but I wouldn't be surprised to learn it was serial or that it was thrashing out to disk a lot.
awygle: The big thing I'm struggling with in promach's design is the fractional baud clock divider. It divides the input clock by (roughly) 5000x. My problem is ... I just don't know how to simplify that for the solver.
promach: The difficult part regarding the assertion on line 29 of that module is that it will take roughly 5000 clocks (10k sim timesteps) to prove.
To do that, the formal solver will need to maintain 2^32 initial states, and only weed them down to 1-2 after 5000 clock ticks.
No, I take that back, ... the 2^32 possible states will be whittled down to roughly 860k after 5k clock ticks, not 1-2.
I assume you are proving this module independently? Not as part of the larger system?
I wonder what the effect would be if you reversed the order of the if and the assert