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<DocScrutinizer05> quiet earth?
<DocScrutinizer05> that's kinda scary when even the gaby #openpandora turns silent
<DocScrutinizer05> gabby even
<DocScrutinizer05> !ping
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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: I was sleeping :p
<whitequark> so, yes, those holes *are* weird
<whitequark> I fixed the PCB with the clamp attachment system of my own invention
<whitequark> I used to use masking tape but it was too elastic, as you've said
<wpwrak> maybe try a single slot cut and see how it turns out
<whitequark> I can say one thing, if I mill it CW instead of CCW, the direction in which those gaps point inverts
<wpwrak> then add two parallel cuts at, say, +/- tool_radius/2
<whitequark> *nod*
<wpwrak> hmmm. that doesn't sound too good
<wpwrak> something is moving
<whitequark> I'm suspecting cutter radius compensation a bit
<whitequark> though, not sure
<wpwrak> maybe. anyway, those test cuts shouldn't be affected by radius compensation
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<whitequark> ok. lemme check with a slot.
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<whitequark> wpwrak:
<whitequark> without any cutter compensation
<wpwrak> hmm, on both ends
<wpwrak> something is moving
<wpwrak> what would a perpendicular cut look like ?
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<wpwrak> and i wonder whether your clamps really hold it well enough. better: make a "bridge" where each clamp has two screws. you already made nice holes for just that ... :)
<whitequark> that wouldn't really work well with arbitrarily sized material
<whitequark> (well enough) I can't feel any movement when jerking workpiece with my hands as hard as I can
<wpwrak> let's worry about that later :)
<whitequark> I'd rather move the whole machine than workpiece against table
<whitequark> unlike my previous setup with masking tape & etc
<wpwrak> hmm
<wpwrak> how about movement along the Z axis ? can you move the end that's far from the screws ?
<whitequark> let me just fix it with 4 clamps
<whitequark> absolutely no difference whatsoever
<wpwrak> ah well, at least know we know it's not that
<wpwrak> perpendicular ?
<wpwrak> and is this the entry or the exit hole ?
<whitequark> left is entry
<whitequark> perpendicular: exactly same thing rotated by 90°
<wpwrak> what happens if you make two cuts in the same run ?
<whitequark> hm?
<wpwrak> (two parallel ones)
<whitequark> well... you've seen that on board from yesterday, haven't you?
<whitequark> I'm not sure what you're looking for
<wpwrak> i wonder whether the head may have some play that gets "consumed" when you start cutting
<wpwrak> but yes, given yesterday's results, maybe not
<whitequark> yeah
<whitequark> so on entry and exit cuts, head for some reason moves to the right relative to cutter movement
<wpwrak> that would suggest that the head or the spindle has some play no matter what
<whitequark> hm
<whitequark> no, I think not!
<whitequark> I have an idea
<wpwrak> space aliens ?
<whitequark> no
<whitequark> rightmost cut is better, isn't it?
<whitequark> what do you think changed?
<wpwrak> speed ?
<whitequark> yeah, feedrate
<whitequark> it's not entry/exit holes which are screwed up
<whitequark> it's the cut itself
<wpwrak> bafore/after ?
<wpwrak> s/ba/be/
<qi-bot> wpwrak meant: "before/after ?"
<whitequark> this endmill is *long*, it's almost 5mm
<whitequark> so it deflects when I move it at 300mm/min
<wpwrak> what diameter ?
<whitequark> 1mm
<whitequark> and yes, this is definitely not a drill
<wpwrak> grr. wasn't "go slower" the first thing i suggested ? :)
<whitequark> well... that's first thing one usually does :p
<whitequark> anyway, I should've used my favorite endmill, it's carbide instead of HSS and just 3mm long
<whitequark> that one doesn't deflect half a millimeter
<wpwrak> oh, that 5 mm critter is HSS ? maybe it looks like an endmill but is a broken drill ? :)
<whitequark> hehe
<whitequark> well, at least now we know why were they so cheap
<wpwrak> hope your time has very little cost :)
<whitequark> anyway, they work much better as drills than the drills I've got, and they're perfectly fine for cutting wood
<wpwrak> yeah, wood is quite forgiving. and versatile, too. a bit of pinewood goes a long way ...
<DocScrutinizer05> (([2014-03-21 06:34:22] <whitequark> it's the cut itself)) toldya
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<whitequark> right, right. I'll just move back to lower feedrate and proper endmill
<whitequark> talking about that... need to make another attempt at plating
<whitequark> "after disconnecting external monitor"
<whitequark> how does this thing even happen? LCD driver gone completely mad?
<eintopf> crazy
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<whitequark> ohhh crap
<whitequark> I forgout about it being blue
<whitequark> meaning there's more than just water in solution; there's also captured water coordinated together with salt, giving it its blue color, characteristic for H2O complexes of copper
<whitequark> and that water boils no worse than the regular one
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<whitequark> wow, seems wpwrak was right
<whitequark> if I *slowly* heat up copper hypophosphite, it produces some kind of gold film on surface
<whitequark> I really wonder wtf is that compound
<whitequark> oh wow, if I crank up the heat, that black thing actually turns into copper
<whitequark> so it's surely not CuO
<whitequark> honestly I'm entirely lost as to what chemistry describes this process
<whitequark> yeah, at the end it has almost entirely turned to something copper-colored
<whitequark> WTF
<whitequark> so in various stages of the process I've seen surface becoming gold-colored, black, white and blue
<whitequark> and I've seen copper, grayish-white and black crystals grow and disappear
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<whitequark> hm, what if I make a cross-section of the board? seems to be used in industry for examining things unaccessible to eye
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<whitequark> hrm. no clue whether it is legitimately that bad, or milling it in half with an endmill made it worse.
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<wpwrak> (monitor gone wild) seems that is figured out where you keep he "acid" :)
* whitequark giggles
<whitequark> wpwrak: latest try:,73saqVL,YVPIst4#0
<whitequark> quite beautiful, isn't it?
<whitequark> esp 2nd hole in lowest row
<wpwrak> they look pretty smooth indeed
<whitequark> still needs more work. but, the direction is right.
<whitequark> perhaps a bath with more carefully set pH and pCl¯ would work better.
<wpwrak> does the copper rub off ?
<whitequark> rub off? you mean like by fingers?
<whitequark> no, this time it's as strong as factory-plated copper
<wpwrak> great !
<whitequark> in fact I was curious and inserted an 1.0mm endmill used to drill those holes and turned it a few times inside
<whitequark> the copper is still there, now just more shiny
* whitequark *really* likes the color of freshly plated copper
<whitequark> oh by the way, it also solders really well
<whitequark> even without tinning!
<wpwrak> hmm, with that huge unbroken copper surface ? that should be nearly impossible to solder
<wpwrak> well, unlesss you preheat the board
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<whitequark> wpwrak: nah, not very hard
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<nicksydney> wpwrak: completed KL25Z bootloader upgrade can flash from Linux
<nicksydney> wpwrak: are you able to use the serial from the SDA usb ?
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<nicksydney> ok found the serial looks like mine is called /dev/ttyACM0
<nicksydney> got the sample code from here and the makefile covers everything from downloading the gcc to compiling and flashing..very convenient
<wpwrak> whitequark: perhaps i shouldn't ask about your soldering iron then :) does it even need electricity or does it come with an ex military power source with a "lifetime guarantee" ?
<wpwrak> nicksydney: congratulations. ah, it has serial ? never tried ;-)
<wpwrak> yes, bare-metal-arm is very very convenient :)
<nicksydney> wpwrak: yes it has serial...the sample from that github shows the accelerometer and touch values
<whitequark> wpwrak: a 30W iron I believe
<nicksydney> the serial is in the SDA USB
<wpwrak> ah, right. now i remember. briefly used it as well.
<nicksydney> ok time to hit the bed
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<whitequark> wpwrak: very fascinating
<whitequark> since I stopped using NaOH for preparing copper surface and instead use isopropanol+5second etch, persulphate started to work really well
<whitequark> seems I inadvertently passivated it
<whitequark> also, when persulphate works well, it emits a *ton* of SO2. I wanna a fume hood
<whitequark> *cough*
<whitequark> pretty good irritant
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<whitequark> grmbl. 1 via out of 7 actually survived etching
<whitequark> I need better electrodes and better alignment of negative...
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<wpwrak> i wonder what the industrial sequence for etching, plating, and drilling is
<wpwrak> hmm ... "Conventional through-hole processing usually relies on 3 or more baths to prepare the hole walls for copper plating."
<wpwrak> (and then they suggest their magic pixie dust to do it in one step)
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<eintopf> ahhh another party night
<eintopf> wpwrak: I get a 404
<wpwrak> what kind of drink is this ?
<eintopf> becks gold, a drink made for womens... or for a pussy like me
<eintopf> i mean with 404 your link
<eintopf> :D
<eintopf> my next semester begins at monday...
<eintopf> so this os my last weekendcin freedom
<eintopf> and there are so many todos in 6lowpan
<wpwrak> the thinktink link ? should work
<wpwrak> doesn't seem to be too bad:
<eintopf> ok. seems that my phone cant parse it
<eintopf> sry
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<DocScrutinizer05> >>CH29-0000-050Conductive plating ink - 50 grams (w/dispenser cap) $109.25 << hmm, sounds fair enough
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<DocScrutinizer05> I mean, how much of that stuff will get used by a thru-hole/via wall coted by a 0.005mm thick coating of that stuff? 50g will last a loooong way, I guess
<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak: prolly that magic pixie dust is worth each penny
<wpwrak> dunno. i found the 3 baths intriguing.
<DocScrutinizer05> not because of the "three kinds of carbon", not even because of the silver it contains, but merely because of the adhesive
<DocScrutinizer05> or we all go the classical way again:
<DocScrutinizer05> will get a tad nasty for in-pad vias
<DocScrutinizer05> but then, when you need in-pad vias, you also need 6 layers at very least
<DocScrutinizer05> so this seems to be a non-issue for all that matters
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<DocScrutinizer05> actually I wonder if simple conductive ink to fill the complete via hole wouldn't over-accomplish the task we're discussing here, which seems to simply be: connect top and bottom copper layer traces of a 2-sided PCB
<DocScrutinizer05> sure, won't result in proper thermal vias, but hey
<DocScrutinizer05> for proper thermal vias you're probably better off with copper rivets anyway, even when comparing to via plating
<DocScrutinizer05> o.O
<DocScrutinizer05> seems I need a break - I just thought about dentists and amalgam filler
<DocScrutinizer05> FSCK RoHS! ;-P
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<wpwrak> i'm just waiting for the first exploding wire experiments :)
<DocScrutinizer05> oooh, those been done ~30 to 40 years ago
<DocScrutinizer05> pretty funny. Particularly when coating glass. It's amazing how strong it sticks to the glass
<DocScrutinizer05> ;-)
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<DocScrutinizer05> actually for such experiments unfiltered 220V mains is the most adequate power source. You should maybe use a fast 10A protective breaker
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<DocScrutinizer05> not that it usually would kick in, just in case you mess up stuff
<DocScrutinizer05> finding the right switch for such stuff is quite an interesting task. You want it to be very fast on closing, with low ESR and no bouncing
<DocScrutinizer05> surge killers are probably best for that task. the small ones with axial wires and a glass thingie of ~10mm diameter and 5mm height in the middle
<DocScrutinizer05> trigger that critter with a spark of some kV, e.g. from car ignition
<DocScrutinizer05> of course you rather want to use one for 110V rather than 220V, so it doesn't cut out immediately after the spark from ignition ended
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<DocScrutinizer05> moin dos1
<dos1> hello!