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<wpwrak> there are two "receivers"
<DocScrutinizer> fig7 is completely different in that respect
<wpwrak> i think "receiver" is actually source. and "receiver (2)" is the actual receiver.
<wpwrak> fig. 5 is bidirectional. and confusing ;-)
<wpwrak> yes, fig 7 is cool. just terminate in the middle ;-)
<DocScrutinizer> wpwrak: whatever fig5 is meant to be, the schematics are clearly more like fig2 rather than fig7, regarding terminating impedance on both ends
<DocScrutinizer> whatever that 18R in fig2 right end means, it's there
<DocScrutinizer> their simulation net in fig7 is completely messed up regarding that
<DocScrutinizer> err s/fig2/fig5
<wpwrak> they admit that: "From the above discussion this is not an optimal configuration."
<wpwrak> (page 4. right column)
<wpwrak> they may be concerned that people trying to achieve a perfect but complicated termination would do more damage than good :)
<DocScrutinizer> they picked that compromise solution for sake of BOM
<DocScrutinizer> as they state somewhere
<DocScrutinizer> this doesn't put any sense into fig7 for me
<DocScrutinizer> as this sim net assumes termination impedance of infinite + 5pF
<DocScrutinizer> or zero, which wouldn't make any more sense
<DocScrutinizer> actually the sim net is garbage, they neither placed any proper source symbol in there, nor a proper sink that in any way siggests what impedance (4) shall have
<DocScrutinizer> *usually* you assume impedance of zero for sources and infinite for sinks, in such cases
<DocScrutinizer> zero for surce is in line with 15R at left side, which models the actual driver impedance
<DocScrutinizer> I don't see anything at right side modelling the sink impedance (unless we assume the chip actually has near to infinite resistive component, and 5pF capacitive component)
<DocScrutinizer> actually this might match the real chip's input characteristics
<DocScrutinizer> for me the 7nH and 5pF on right side fig7 are similar to left side, and indeed part of the chip pin sim
<DocScrutinizer> looking into fig9* you see the effect of this mismatching: overshots
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<DocScrutinizer> wpwrak: also note please that this is an optimization for DQ line, aka bidir
<wpwrak> yes. for unidirectional, they use more traditional termination
<DocScrutinizer> :nod:
<wpwrak> which makes me wonder ... do we ? checking ..
<DocScrutinizer> at least for unidir you should stick with fig2
<DocScrutinizer> which directly leads to a series R for source, and a parallel R to GND for sink
<DocScrutinizer> also note that even a transmission line with massive mismatch at one end still can work reasonably well when other end is optimally matched
<wpwrak> micron actually recommend to do the same for bidir and unidir
<DocScrutinizer> there will be reflections (aka overshots) but they get killed after one travel along the line
<wpwrak> yeah
<wpwrak> transmission lines are fun :)
<DocScrutinizer> and actually I think that's what they do with their center termination
<wpwrak> yup. sounds like it's that
<DocScrutinizer> anyway, doesn't that give you an invincible desire to do your own spice tests?
<wpwrak> so totally not ;-))
<DocScrutinizer> hehe
<DocScrutinizer> they offer ready made spice data ;-)
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<DocScrutinizer> >> Micron provides both IBIS and Spice models to help in this area (see
<wpwrak> feel free ;-)
<DocScrutinizer> I'm actually tempted, alas it's again almost midnight here
<DocScrutinizer> I start to hate this making_money
<wpwrak> having a dayjob kinda sucks ;-)
<wpwrak> and it's not the money. it's the day :)
<DocScrutinizer> there's a design glitch in this big simulation
<DocScrutinizer> maybe the parameter "MONEY" been a totally useless change to the original setup
<wpwrak> mmh ? what original setup ?
* DocScrutinizer wanders off, searching for the RED PILL
<wpwrak> ah, the hour of the tranquilizer :)
<DocScrutinizer> nah, RED PILL isn't tranquilizer, rather a POP on stack
<wpwrak> return to sleep mode :)
<DocScrutinizer> but we all learnt from Matrix, that it's a SIM in a SIM in a SIM (btw a concept that's as old as "Welt am Draht" at least)
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<wpwrak> a film that would have greatly benefited from some cutting :)
<DocScrutinizer> so maybe not going to take RED PILL will be the more comfortable alternative / the better SIM, despite this MONEY thing
<wpwrak> heh :)
<DocScrutinizer> tw as cool as those delay elements in FPGA may be, they need nasty config - I strongly suggest to try and keep traces same length
<DocScrutinizer> .s/tw/btw
* whitequark has read 10 lines of backlog
<DocScrutinizer> whitequark: then yu missed all the good stuff ;-)
<wpwrak> ah, you've dropped off the cc again
<whitequark> wpwrak: cc?
<wpwrak> i forwarded you the missing mails
<wpwrak> no, DocScrutinizer
<DocScrutinizer> umm?
<DocScrutinizer> aah
<DocScrutinizer> mail
<wpwrak> whitequark: he prefers if we copy him explicitly on our mails instead of simply subscribing to the list. so every once in a while, the cc: is lost and the thread goes on without him
<wpwrak> whitequark: then he gets confused when we discuss in a context that has already changed. until someone detects the problem and forwards him what seem to be the missing mails
<whitequark> hmm, context
<wpwrak> they're of course unthreaded then, possibly increasing the confusion :)
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer: looks like your SP gets corrupted sometimes
<whitequark> and you suddenly find yourself in a middle of a wrong stack frame
<whitequark> err... recompile yourself with -fstack-smashing-protector ?..
<DocScrutinizer> no increased confusion here :-D
<DocScrutinizer> yep, a slightly caring layout should result in a routing that "just works"
<DocScrutinizer> except for those "differential lines"... o.O - we got any of those?
<wpwrak> yes, the clock is differential
<DocScrutinizer> :nod:
<DocScrutinizer> so you may consider 2-laxered design for those traces
<DocScrutinizer> 2-layered*
<wpwrak> hmm. just parallel should do the trick. otherwise you need to consider the vias as well
<DocScrutinizer> you can easily make via length identical
<wpwrak> but they're on the same side. so one would go down and then up again
<wpwrak> unless you have a pcb with buried components. that would be fun ;-)
<DocScrutinizer> 2/6 via + trace + 4/6 via, vs n/6 via + trace + (6-n/6) via
<DocScrutinizer> down and then up, what's wrong about it?
<wpwrak> but why ?
<wpwrak> just seems to make things more complicated
<DocScrutinizer> to do sth about your concerns regarding via length
<wpwrak> you mean trace
<DocScrutinizer> nope, via
<wpwrak> now you lost me :)
<DocScrutinizer> >>>... otherwise you need to consider the vias as well
<wpwrak> simplest design: everything on the surface
<wpwrak> next to simplest: both dive out of the FPGA, then come back up together somewhere
<DocScrutinizer> as long as your traces are straight line, yes
<DocScrutinizer> have some bend in them and you run into length issues
<wpwrak> as long as they are exact copies of each other
<DocScrutinizer> and 0.5mm i actually a bit demanding
<wpwrak> yes. different radii would be trouble.
<wpwrak> they're probably exaggerating ;-)
<wpwrak> just consider the propagation speed of the signal
<wpwrak> units 0.5mm/c ps -> 1.667
<DocScrutinizer> c on PCB is not what you might think it is
<wpwrak> even if we assume 66% of c, that's merely 2.5 ps
<DocScrutinizer> I frown on that unit, mil
<DocScrutinizer> maybe they meant millimeter?
<wpwrak> i doubt it :)
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<DocScrutinizer> nice
<DocScrutinizer> TL for dummies
<DocScrutinizer> ;-D
<DocScrutinizer> >>> Velocity factor is a fractional value relating a transmission line's propagation speed to the speed of light in a vacuum. Values range between 0.66 and 0.80 for typical two-wire lines and coaxial cables
<wpwrak> that sounds like "chess in hyperbolic n-spaces for dummies" :)
<wpwrak> see. 2/3 was already a pessimistic estimate.
<DocScrutinizer> no really, it's nice
<wpwrak> i think it should be a bit faster on the pcb (if i interpret wikipedia right :)
<DocScrutinizer> even with extremely slower velocity we get not even in pall park where 0.5mm matters
<wpwrak> yes, seems to me that way,too
<DocScrutinizer> DANG
<DocScrutinizer> 0.1ns results in ~0.025mm if my math doesn't suck
<wpwrak> i think it does :)
<wpwrak> units 0.1ns*0.66c mm -> 19.786302
<DocScrutinizer> yeah, sth is wrong with my math
<DocScrutinizer> my feeling tells
<DocScrutinizer> 1ns = 1GHz
<DocScrutinizer> GHz wavelength is not sub-mm
<wpwrak> only for very slow light :)
<wpwrak> tardions, not tachyons
<DocScrutinizer> meh, time for zzZZzz
<wpwrak> sweet suspend ! :)
<DocScrutinizer> :-)
<DocScrutinizer> one last thing, I think I heard they built some sort of TL for light, that was actually in range of mm/s
<DocScrutinizer> also c inside sun is astonishingly low
<DocScrutinizer> needs several 1000 years to reach surface from center
<wpwrak> must be a huge traffic jam for those poor photons
<DocScrutinizer> indeed, it is
<DocScrutinizer> luckily they can crowd up really dense
<DocScrutinizer> ;-D
<DocScrutinizer> afaik they won't ever collide with their own kind
<wpwrak> can't have the same kind of particle at the same place at the same time
<wpwrak> that's why you never read of, say, rolls royces colliding
<DocScrutinizer> I think they never are in one place at one time, since Heissenberg
<DocScrutinizer> but they must have *some* mass. I guess e/c^2
<DocScrutinizer> so too many of them crowded up in one spot may result in a black hole
<DocScrutinizer> is there any theoretical upper limit for frequency of electromagnetic waves?
<DocScrutinizer> IOW what's that radiation that starts where gamma spectrum ends?
<wpwrak> one period per Planck length ?
<wpwrak> and only relativistic mass. m0 = 0. or they couldn't travel at c.
<DocScrutinizer> sure, as I said, e/c^2
<DocScrutinizer> planck length, hmmm
<DocScrutinizer> Planck-Kreisfrequenz 1,85487 · 10^43 s−1
<wpwrak> future generations will have a heck of a time getting their layout constraints right :)