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wpwrak: the case fits on a atben?
or are you getting ready to free memory sticks readers? ;-)
but looks nice
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DocScrutinizer: could you hint me a case where a white noise generator is desirable?
my intiution says there are enough valid ones to put a hw lfsr in a uC DAC, but I couldn't think of any
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adjusting audio equipment
ah. stupid me, ST has listed applications in the appnote
"electronic music, <...> testing frequency response, sound masking with a Tinnitus masker
and, er, "oversampling with white noise"?
there's an AN link, but it is defunct :/
testing freq response was exatly what I meant
DocScrutinizer: I don't quite get how you could ever _increase_ SNR by _adding white noise_
if you add white noise to a signal, then A/D convert it severla times, you can get higer accuracy than your ADconverter has digits/bits
well, that's what it means. but why does it work that way?
won't ADC give you better precision without noise?
hm. like if the value is between two values, then by adding noise you "diffuse" it between the values and some measurements will show one and other ones another, and thus the average would be better?
*two ADC presets, or how are they called
it's basically dithering
if you get 90 probes N and 10 N+1, then your atual value is N+0.1
ah, I got it. by adding white noise you increase the perceived resolution of ADC near your desired value, given that the value doesn't change more than zero "raw" ADC bits during the measurement
i.e. you could get the same by offseting the ADC with a DAC, but a white noise generator is way cheaper
what a clever idea
... wait, they generate white noise with a DAC
and by not using a fixed sawtooth signal you average out any irregularities in the measurement
seriously, this is incredibly clever.
DocScrutinizer: am I right that for uninterrupted audio play with DMA I generally need two buffers, and when one empties I switch to another and fill the empty one?
,usually you do it that way
oftren with more than 2
8k of RAM
so, I think 2 are enough
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depends on your source process' worst case latency
but I have to go back to sleep now, sorry
ok, thanks a lot
YW :)
whitequark: check manpage of sox, I think there's also been a usecase of white noise added to improve sound (anti-aliasing)
or was it quantisation noise ?
kristianpaul: ah no, that's not for atben. i think atben would be best handled by some thin silicone coating. something as hydrophile as wood would be the last thing i'd consider for 2.4 GHz technology :) (alright, second to last. metal would be worse :)
DocScrutinizer51: insomnia? :)
btw you're right, it's to deter quantisation noise. basically the same thing as I understand it
indeed, each time the phone yells with highlight
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wpwrak: I tried to put a logo (er, Aperture Science logo) on the case and utterly failed
can you guess how? :)
on what case ?
of my device
which I try to make in a CAD
and which will be laser cut
hmm. many possibilities of failure :)
ah, laser. that eliminates weak fixtures :)
laser cutting better than planned ? :)
nah, not even a single run (thankfully)
well, you know, there's some letters like A and R
and P
i actually wonder what the tables of laser cutters are made of
where you have a central element which would certainly fall out
several decades ago, people made forms for spray painting
they solved your problem :)
yes. I seen them. but the letters with thin guides aren't so visually attractive as letters without them
apart from that, laser tends to overheat thin parts afaik
ah, the hard choice between a flawed tangible result and an unattainable ideal :)
so, er, I think I'll inscribe it, again with laser. every fab I seen offers both of the services. shouldn't be hard to convince them
and it won't hurt if it'll get moved by a few mm away
yes, engraving is possible
we even have it on m1 :)
yeah, I feel that my case will be a straight m1 case ripoff
it even looks quite the same
after a few iterations
(the first one would just fall apart.)
wpwrak: maybe you have any idea what format should I store 8K, 8-bit, 1-channel audio data?
s,data?,data in?,
ima adpcm is bigger than raw u8
ah, nevermind, it is not. I specified wrong conversion settings
depends on many factors. like space constraints, what you do with it, processing capabilities, and so on
in general, the simpler, the better :) so WAV/u8 are great.
not fitting into the flash
and SPI flashes over 128k are somewhat more expensive/hard to get than I expected
and I _really_ don't want to put an SD card in because of 160k of audio data
lower the sample rate ? ;-)
under 8k? this degrades the quality substantially
similarly I have no benefit of using >8k because: a) it's voice b) it's transmitted via gsm
wpwrak: ADPCM decoder is like seriously huge
with 118 bytes of code and 176 bytes of LUT
wpwrak: also, have you considered using clang for your projects?
for me it gives a 10% code size decrease over gcc, both being untweaked
gcc is with -Os and clang is with -Os -flto
wpwrak: HAH, your licky day with the characteristics of those particular LEDs you use. Some may easily start shining at < 1/3 nominal U(forward)
lucky even
esp when mixing e.g red and green or (God forvid) blue
yeah, with blue in the mix, abandon all hope :-)
DocScrutinizer meant: "esp when mixing e.g red and green or (God forbid) blue"
this bot is way too permissive
(bot) why ? it worked
yeah, though it was meant not to do
DocScrutinizer meant: "yeah, thxugh it was meant nxt tx dx"