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For migen, should I send patches to the list?
rjo, maybe those registers have been pushed into the BRAM?
BRAMs can absorb two registers (and need to have at least one). the second one has ridiculous timing on slowtan6 and generally should not be used.
by "ridiculous" I mean that it improves the clock-to-output delay of the BRAM by a negligible amount, but removes a register that could be a lot more useful within the logic
and since LUTs have dedicated registers, those are not more expensive than the built-in second register of the BRAM
so the bottom line is, the second BRAM register should not be used, unless you have about zero combinatorial logic between the BRAM and some other non-LUT component. unfortunately, it seems that ISE does not implement this behavior...
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hmm. i can't see how it can absorb the register out of the loop. the number of cycles around that loop must remain constant during absorbing/balancing afaict.
maybe putting it on the second register will prevent it from absorbing it into the BRAM
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whitequark, seems that some of this cheap taobao vacuum gear is made on order
which is interesting, because they can probably customize then
hmmm interesting
rjo: do you need persistence in redis?
we need persistence in our databases, yes.
speaking of databases
your influxdb parameter example
b = self.pdb.query("select avg(value) from foo where time > now()
- 1h group by time(1m)")
would break reproducibility...
if you re-run the experiment, now() and therefore the values returned by the DB will have changed
that's ok ;)
you can also do "self.delay(random.random()*100*us)"
everything beyond the current snapshots in the databases will break reproducibility.
rjo, also, how much work should we put into the ad9858 core? just hack the FSM so it passes timing with the kc705/new adapter board, or add a number of CSRs that control timing at runtime and make those parameters part of the DDB?
damn. the problem was actually in the CDC constraints. with the bufgmux, you apparently have to make the paths from either input to sys_clk (and the reverses) TIG. just the output of the bufgmux does not work.
nah. hack it but make the timing a synthesis-time parameter.
afaict there would be a write duration and a read duration, both in cycles, right?
i hacked the READ{12345} things into it before I figured out timeline() and/or the way to du synchronous stuff in FSM.act().
fsm.delayed_enter may also be useful
but I'll have to look at it... haven't touch this code in a while
slightly different shape and color but yes
those are dirt cheap... that one is 30E
it has an 1/8" NPT inlet, epoxied in, that I forcibly unscrewed and replaced with a 1/8" to hose barb
screwed into using teflon tape
they're noisy, but cheap, and despite being made for A/C duty they can pump for days with no apparent issues
and you back a turbo with that?
I measured pressure at turbo inlet and it's within 1 OOM of ultimate pressure in 2 hrs
rjo: redis is not a good idea for persistence
it's sort of acceptable for some use cases as an in-memory store, but do keep in mind it's ultimately single-threaded (it's a feature) and while all of its operations alone have linear or logarithmic complexity...
... that doesn't help you if you have lots of data, for example
however, never ever store anything of value in redis, because it has relatively little measures to ensure your data is intact and it will, in fact, lose it
why is that any better than the python built-in types then?
it's popular among startup webdevs because you usually run several (single-threaded or effectively single-threaded) appserver processes and this lets you share the cache
there is also usually little data of any value, so...
rjo: as a first approximation, I would go with postgres.
Has anyone come across migen test "test_replace (migen.test.test_fifo.SyncFIFOCase)" failing? All the other tests seem to pass
passes here
I'm at commit c6904f9d63302daff3b2ae091cde199dac0b8a51
did the pep8 conversion break something?
sb0: it passes on most of my machines
sb0: just fails on the other machine
the place where it seems to diverge is on the second clock cycle where reading top.dut.syncfifo_re returns 0 rather than 1
interesting bug. no, I haven't seen it
same iverilog version?
sb0: looks like it's an older iverilog version - is there a minimum requirement?
yes, but it's a version from early 2012
and with older versions, all simulations break completely
we should rewrite that simulator in python and radically get rid of iverilog issues...
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whitequark: sounds like redis persistence would be at least as reliable/fast as the one we are doing. and it is not really lots of data. 1e3-1e5 keys <100MB total. resore from backups would be sufficient for us as well afaict.
sb0: i was playing with it, yes. but not a heavy user.
sb0: re s6ddrphy, phase_sel: do you see any way to make this faster apart from changing the phase of the _half clock? sometimes ise misses it by a few ps.
ah. maybe sneaking another cycle and shifting the others.
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