phoe changed the topic of #lisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | <> <> <> <> | SBCL 1.4.14, CMUCL 21b, ECL 16.1.3, CCL 1.11.5, ABCL 1.5.0
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<krwq> hey, i think i've encountered some bug in perhaps sbcl - could anyone take another look to check if I'm perhaps not missing something? I've done something like this (simplified) as a top level form in one of my systems. in my .sbclrc I've put ql:quickload on that system and ocassionally I get extra characters ('.' specifically) in the string. I suspect this is a dot coming from quicklis
<krwq> p when it's loading stuff. when i click recompile or load it from slime everything seem to be working
<minion> krwq, memo from pjb: In the case of oddp, it's implementation dependent since it returns a generalized boolean. But in the case of digit-char-p, the result is precisely specified. (however, all the main implementations return T from (oddp 3)).
<aeth> someone should create a troll-CL that returns things technically allowed by the implementation. so e.g. for any unspecified generalized boolean, return 1 for true. Of course, in CL, 0 is also true, so that's why it would be a troll-CL
<aeth> mess with expectations
<aeth> Could actually have a use in seeing if certain programs aren't as portable as they could be
<no-defun-allowed> is there a way that i can make, say handler-case, use a restart every time a certain condition is signalled?
<krwq> no-defun-allowed: yes, let me find the example
<krwq> what you do is do handler-bind and in the condition say something like this: (let ((restart (find-restart 'restart)))
<krwq> (when restart
<krwq> (invoke-restart restart)))
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<no-defun-allowed> nice! thanks.
<krwq> so i.e. something like (handler-bind ((error 'my-handler)) (do-something-which-makes-error))
<krwq> and in the my-handler do the invoke-restart
<krwq> i can't ever remember the syntax for that lol
<sjl> It's common to define a function with the same name as the restart that invokes the restart, so you can then just (handler-bind ((foo-error #'some-restart)) ...)
<krwq> sjl: i personally need it so rarely i can't even remember where to search for it but at least now I'll probably remember it's somewhere in the PCL
<krwq> sjl: also same issue with conditional expressions in the format - always have to go to PCL
<no-defun-allowed> got it, thanks
<sjl> yeah I've googled for "clhs 22.3" probably several hundred times at this point
<no-defun-allowed> had to reach in for the right restart symbol since it's an sbcl encoding problem
<sjl> I should probably just print it out
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<LdBeth> Could someone suggests some historical readings about LOOP macro?
<vms14> LdBeth: what you mean for "historical readings"
<PuercoPop> LdBeth: historial readings?
<vms14> you mean a good post or something that explains well what is the loop macro?
<vms14> or just an old one
<LdBeth> About the design and origin
<vms14> hmm
<vms14> I'll try to search better
<vms14> but sure will be inside historical lisp posts
<LdBeth> Thanks
<vms14> LdBeth: the only thing I see is when they proposed the loop macro, but there is not a "standalone" post
<vms14> just some comments and mailing lists
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<wusticality> hey folks - i'm looking for reasons to prefer CL instead of Clojure ..
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<wusticality> I'm having a hard time coming from Clojure - I enjoy the consistency of Clojure's APIs, their use of [] {} #{}, its consistency, etc
<thrig> I found clojure (java) too slow to get off disk
<no-defun-allowed> clojure's use of [] {} #{} isn't consistent though
<vms14> well, clojure has some advantages, like when you need to work with java, and when you need to work with js
<vms14> and has some cool things, like the memoize some guy wanted to port to cl
<vms14> weren't you?
<vms14> xD
<no-defun-allowed> which is about 10 lines of CL but ok
<vms14> wusticality: for what you want cl or clojure?
<no-defun-allowed> in fact, i'd wager most of clojure can be done in components, each 10 ballpark lines of CL
<vms14> clojure has the advantage that it works on top of java, so it can just call its api
<vms14> but then also has the disadvantages of java
<wusticality> I'm finding it hard to come to CL, it being a Lisp 2
<vms14> like eating ram as if it were a chrome browser
<wusticality> I'm sure that's heresy, but it drives me crazy
<vms14> what are you missing in cl?
<wusticality> Also got used to Clojure's namespaces
<vms14> just use the language with you feel more comfortable
<vms14> but remember that clojure will have java's problems
<buffergn0me> wusticality: Have you tried Racket
<wusticality> I'm an engine programmer, but just sick of C / C++, so I'm building a real game in Lisp for fun
<wusticality> Not a fan of Racket
<vms14> sounds nice
<wusticality> Clojure's concurrency primitives are pretty awesome
<wusticality> Not sure about CL
<buffergn0me> Depends on the implementation
<wusticality> Clojure is not ideal, ironically, because of it's immutability (which I love)
<buffergn0me> LispWorks has really nice concurrency support
<wusticality> never gonna hit 60 fps allocating tons of stuff every frame
<wusticality> like, even their vector type is actually like a trie I think, memory isn't contiguous
<wusticality> vms14: what's the story for namespaces in CL?
<wusticality> is it just a global function namespace?
<buffergn0me> CL has packages, which is a single level (no nesting) namespace virtualization
<vms14> you mean something to avoid name conflicts?
<vms14> there it was something which I don't remember for avoiding name conflicts without using packages
<wusticality> yeah sure - clojure has namespaces
<vms14> I'll look about
<wusticality> was it like classnames or something
<wusticality> it's all namespace/function
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<vms14> oh man I cannot find it
<vms14> but it made a symbol with a weird name like #gsr12
<LdBeth> I heard these days JVM can be very compact, but I think it’s about mobile phone version
<vms14> and only the function inside could call this symbol by it's name
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<vms14> wusticality: gensym
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<krwq> wusticality: i don't know much clojure but maybe this: or lparallel would work for you as concurrency routines
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<vms14> also sbcl seems to have some thread support
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<vms14> SBCL provides support for native threads via its sb-thread package. These are very low-level functions
<LdBeth> I think there’s some packages provided actor model based concurrency
<vms14> btw LdBeth, I found nothing interesting about the history of lisp
<vms14> lisp loops*
<LdBeth> vms14: at least CLtL gives some insight, and I find something from CMU AI Repo
<krwq> vms14: the most popular low level package for threads is usually bordeaux-threads
<krwq> iirc lparallel builds on top of that, not sure about cl-flow
<vms14> I've just tried a bit the C fork, so atm I don't care much about threads and processes XD
<vms14> but I need to learn about sooner or later
<LdBeth> vms14: May not very related to the topic, but I think the paper The Connection Machine has some interesting ideas about the importance of parallel computing
<vms14> I have a book waiting for me
<vms14> Unix network programming volume 1, which I started and talks only about sockets
<vms14> it shows how to make concurrent servers in C
<vms14> and the same name, but volume 2 which teachs about process interaction
<vms14> fifos, semaphores, shared memory, etc. Whatever is IPC
<vms14> I just steal books and finish no one
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<beach> Good morning everyone!
<LdBeth> Morning
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<vms14> my first macro use
<vms14> (defmacro ohh (name) `(defparameter ,name `oh))
<vms14> I want this for let the caller choose a name for a clx window
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<vms14> (defmacro createwin (name w h)
<vms14> `(defparameter ,name `(xlib:create-window :x 0 :y 0 :width ,w :height ,h)))
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<vms14> but is sad to know I won't have xpm, so I'll need another library for loading images
<vms14> someone worked with clx?
<vms14> how do you load images?
<vms14> I guess I won't be able unless I'll use new-clx
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<loke> vms14: That looks somewhat bad. I'd never expect something called CREATEWIN to declare a global variable.
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<loke> vms14: You create a pixmap in CLX the same way you do in regular Xlib
<vms14> a pixmap is just an empty rectangle where you can draw
<vms14> it's classified as a drawable and is in fact the same as one window
<vms14> both are drawables, but in the window you cannot draw until be sure it's mapped
<loke> vms14: Of course. I know X :-)
<vms14> and if you refer to bitmaps
<vms14> they are in black and white
<vms14> and you're right, my code is shit xD
<vms14> even it does not work
<vms14> loke: then how you load images?
<loke> vms14: CLX doesn't have anything for that. You have to build the pixel array yourself
<vms14> shit
<vms14> when I started with X I wanted to create a new image format because I didn't know how to work with xpm
<loke> vms14: You might want to look at the OPTICL library
<vms14> xpm gives segfault if you don't assign one variable to 0
<loke> it contains functions to load various image formats that you can then draw to a pixmap using CLX
<vms14> the format I had in mind was to use negative numbers as colors and positive ones as pixels with this color
<vms14> loke: nice
<loke> Then you do something like this to create an appropriate RGBA array:
<loke> (code taken from McCLIM that does the same thing)
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<vms14> tnx for the hint,loke
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<loke> vms14: You can also use McCLIM if you want something higher level.
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<vms14> I just wanted to use xpm
<vms14> I don't care with other formats, since I just need one
<vms14> xpm was the choice because it comes with X
<vms14> now it doesn't matter the format I guess
<vms14> oh
<vms14> you mean an entire gui library
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<phoe> Xach: fixed, thanks for the heads-up.
<vms14> loke: I guess I can do a bad thing and run a program which loads the xpm and gives me the int number xD
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<vms14> should work
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<vms14> 29360129, 2936013 the pixmap and the mask
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<phoe> Is there a way to treat all warnings as errors when loading an ASDF system?
<beach> I think that's true, yes. I fact, it used to be the case by default in some version of ASDF.
<beach> Let me see if I can refresh my memory.
<beach> Maybe asdf:*compile-file-failure-behaviour* [sic]
<phoe> Yes - thanks
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<random-nick> why don't packages have docstrings?
<jackdaniel> random-nick: but they do
<jackdaniel> (defpackage foo (:documentation "docstring"))
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<random-nick> huh, I thought the hyperspec didn't list any documentation option, but I looked again and it
<random-nick> does list it
<jackdaniel> I've put it there to make you confused a few seconds ago ;-)
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<phoe> jackdaniel is such a mighty lisper that he retroactively edits the common lisp standard
<phoe> I want to be like him one day
<jackdaniel> lol
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<flip214> phoe: I guess you might want to have been like him one day, retroactively speaking ;)
<phoe> (:
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<flip214> jdz: looking at your (?) rfc2388 library I notice that it looks for the TNBL package (file uploads); hunchentoot still has that as a nickname, but perhaps it should be changed nowadays?
<flip214> and another question - how do you feel about supporting file-uploads but not storing the file but just piping buffers into some function (in my usecase to hash it)?
<jdz> flip214: Maybe. But then again, nobody is removing the TBNL nickname, right?
<jdz> flip214: I was thinking about improving the library, but have not gotten around to do it...
<flip214> jdz: btw: hunchentoot has a hook that should get called by rfc2388 after creating a file, but it seems it doesn't get called anywhere
<jdz> A test case would be nice.
<flip214> # curl -F profile=@portrait.jpg
<flip214> ^^ like that? straight from the curl manpage ;)
<flip214> alternatively, DRAKMA allows PATHNAMEs as parameter values, and then does an upload
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<Xach> tbnl nickname will never go away!
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<dlowe> tbnl. There's a name I haven't heard in a long, long time.
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<Selwyn> i would like to configure SLIME so that M-. jumps to a source code file on a remote machine using plink/ssh, as opposed to searching for the source code on the local machine
<Selwyn> does anyone have any pointers on how to do this?
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<jackdaniel> Selwyn: in slime manual there is a passage about source pathname traslations
<jackdaniel> this is not enogh, but that will show you what interfaces are used
<jackdaniel> when you investigate how it is implemented you will notice, that that are easy to write elisp lambda which do the translation
<jackdaniel> so you'll have to hack it to use your functions which perform translation with ssh:// path (this is not supported out of the box, but api is ready for that)
<jackdaniel> so instead of (add-to-list 'slime-filename-translations (slime-create-filename-translator …)) you need to write your own selwym-create-filename-translator which initializes structure with your own translation functions
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<Selwyn> thanks very much
<jackdaniel> you're welcome
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<luis> phoe: hey, did you want to submit to SBCL rather than CFFI?
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<atgreen> Does the quicklisp client provide a simple way to redirect to a mirror of the ql repos?
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* ober looks for input on popular templating format in the lispy/scheme world
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<dlowe> I like but I'm kind of a biased sample.
<aeth> They're probably not that popular.
<dlowe> I'd be interested in your experience if you decide to actually use it.
<aeth> Usually things go the other way around and you embed an s-expression format of the desired language (which trivially maps to generated strings) in your Lisp/Scheme file rather than directly working in the syntax of the language with some embedded Lisp or mini-scripting-language or whatever
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<ober> interesting
<ober> thanks
<aeth> dlowe: do you use reader macros in your system?
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<dlowe> aeth: yeah, it's essentially just a couple of reader macros plus some supporting functions.
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<dlowe> I've thought about making a more complete templating solution, which would track dynamic evaluation contexts that would basically be filters on the output of embedded code.
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<dlowe> So, for instance, it would know if an embedded value needed to be url-encoded
<dlowe> Simple is good too, though.
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<rk[ghost]> suggest library for communicating to a tty serial device?
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<pjb> rk[ghost]: iolib
<pjb> There's also a iolib.termios around. eg.
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<phoe> luis: yes, I was stupid while submitting this. Sorry about that.
<luis> phoe: no worries, I've reassigned it to sbcl
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<phoe> luis: I saw, thanks.
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<hjudt> hi! i got a problem installing the shirakumo dist. (ql-dist:install-dist
<hjudt> "") dies because of too many redirects. however,
<hjudt> (ql-dist:install-dist "") dies because of unknown scheme. So
<hjudt> what now?
<hjudt> it seems ql can't deal with https?
<ober> hjudt: yeap
<hjudt> this sucks
<hjudt> any workarounds?
<ober> set http and it should 302 to https
<hjudt> i guess it already does. that's part of the problem. and it is not my server.
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<hjudt> hm. but maybe 302 is not a plain redirect?
<hjudt> no, at the moment it is 301. i will suggest this.
<ober> I had the same issue.
<hjudt> i have posted this proposal at #shirakumo. we'll see...
<ober> search the logs, Xach had explained the problem
<ober> when I brought this up previously
<d4ryus> Hi, is this: expected behaviour? (sbcl 1.4.13) If so, why? can anyone point me to some documentation explaining what iam missing?
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<Bike> That's because sbcl's LOOP just alters a single i over the course of the loop, rather than establishing a new binding each time.
<Bike> It's a confusing point.
<Bike> If you replace the lambda with (let ((x i)) (lambda () (format t "~a~%" x))) you should see what you presumably expect.
<Bike> let me see if i can find a clhs reference.
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<Bike> i don't remember where it is.
<d4ryus> Bike: ok, thanks
<dlowe> the inner lambda saves the box, not just the value
<dlowe> the box (along with its bound value) persists as long as the lambda does
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<relligions> hey
<relligions> if I write bitcoin in lisp vs C
<makomo> hello qo
<minion> makomo, memo from jackdaniel: please leave me your email address on query, I want to contact you (and you seem to be disconnected)
<relligions> will lisp one be faster than C
<makomo> \o*
<makomo> ah
<relligions> provided both are optimized
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<dlowe> no.
<dlowe> relligions: you should write bitcoin in C.
<d4ryus> dlowe: yes, makes sense, thank you
<relligions> why? not lisp?
<Josh_2> How do you write bitcoin?
<relligions> by writing the software in C
<Josh_2> (format t "bitcoin")?
<relligions> I'd like my own
<relligions> Josh_2: stop joking.
<dlowe> relligions: have you ever programmed before?
<relligions> This is serious . I am tallking of some other coin. yes I do
<relligions> I know C
<anamorphic> Am I basically SOL if I'm Windows and want to use a library that does "grovelling"?
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<dlowe> anamorphic: grovelling just automates a tedious process. You could write your own ffi definitions.
<relligions> if I were to write my own cryptocurrency will lisp sbcl be faster than optimized C ?
<Josh_2> Probably not
<dlowe> relligions: probably not.
<pjb> relligions: have a look at
<pjb> It can be as fast.
<relligions> but they told me on #lisp it would be faster than C
<dlowe> This is #lisp
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<relligions> ok as fast is enough. dlowe on ##c they told me this is ##c
<relligions> I just don't want lisp to be slower- that's all
<dlowe> however, computation speed isn't very relevant for a cryptocurrency implementation
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<jackdaniel> usually biggest bottlenecks come from wrong structures / naive algorithms used
<jackdaniel> of course highly optimized code may get even x1000 faster than the same code which is not optimized by the compiler, but wrong structure/algorithms give you systematic performance drop (i.e polynomial)
<relligions> so if I use python ... it depends on the algorithm ?
<relligions> can I use python?
<dlowe> implementation speed provides a lower bound for performance
<jackdaniel> if you pick good algorithm / data structure and implement it in python, you are good. also nobody forbids you to use python
<relligions> ok then
<jackdaniel> that said python is offtopical on this channel, so you'd need to look for other people to help you (guide, advise etc)
<relligions> but if I use the best algorithm for both C and lisp how slow is lisp when compared, provided both are optimized.
<relligions> I already know c and python. but it's time I think for me to try lisp
<jackdaniel> that depends on the problem.
<relligions> lisp is slow on all those programs.
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<makomo> hm, i guess to achieve partial evaluation from the compiler or something, because N will be known at the time EVAL is called
<Josh_2> can't be slower than Java, thats just shameful
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<jackdaniel> I don't find such benchmark games very useful either way
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<relligions> bitcoin is running into massive bottlenecks
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<pjb> Yep.
<pjb> They increased the difficulty too fast.
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<pjb> minion: memo for relligions: have a look at
<minion> Remembered. I'll tell relligions when he/she/it next speaks.
<aeth> Expect 1.5x to 3x slower than C if both are equally-optimized. Perhaps more if the C uses SIMD.
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<pjb> Expect wrong results in C!
<aeth> well you don't use CL to rewrite a major, mature C program for *better* performance
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<aeth> our visitor seems to have had the impression that Lisp is the thing you switch to for the sake of performance
<aeth> (of course, rewriting in CL *might* give you better performance, if the architecture of the C program was rubbish)
<jackdaniel> my (maybe unjustified) impression is that he wanted to troll us but didn't find enough rage so left with disappointment
<aeth> pjb: you can't do factorial in C without some library like GMP, so your comparison isn't really fair.
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<aeth> jackdaniel: on the other hand, everyone who doesn't use Lisp seems to have a strange view about Lisp
<pjb> You cannot do anything in C without some library and 30x more code than in lisp!
<pjb> just use libecl.
<jackdaniel> libecl is a C program, but it is also a Common Lisp
<jackdaniel> that gives are clear conclusion, that C is exactly as fast as Common Lisp
<pjb> :-)
<jackdaniel> because how libecl could be faster (or slower) than libecl?
<aeth> I think the correct answer to which language is faster is: Common Lisp is as fast of a language as C, we just don't have the massive amount of resources like GCC and LLVM have to actually complete the optimizations.
<aeth> I doubt the implementations would turn down the patches.
<pjb> Of course we have them. We have jackdaniel to implement ECL!
<pjb> jackdaniel is a massive amount of resources like gcc in himself! :-)
<jackdaniel> even correctER answer is that that languages are notation which doesn't have inner speed
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<jackdaniel> nb: gcc is not very good for compiling lisp to for many reasons
<jackdaniel> compiling to LLVM's IR gives you more latitude
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<jackdaniel> s/to gcc/to c/
<aeth> On the one hand, implementations have speed, not languages. On the other, some languages (and language features, like fexprs) are harder to make fast than others.
<pjb> jackdaniel: well, LLVM is not C. Targetting C has some advantages. I guess LLVM retain them (portability) in a different way.
<aeth> With CL, you should be able to reach C-level speed (or faster) with a fast subset of CL with the only necessary overhead being the GC. The 1.5x to 3x slower at best in practice comes from the implementations not being as fast as they could be.
<dlowe> "as fast as they could be" is either empirically determined or an unknown quantity, depending on how you interpret it
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<aeth> dlowe: Empirically, write the same thing in C or C++ and optimized CL, time them (make sure C is at max optimizations), do a ratio of CL over C. That shows you roughly how much the CL implementation could be improved in that microbenchmark for that particular thing. You do have to choose something that's semantically identical and could in theory generate the same ASM, though.
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<aeth> Of course, the C/C++ probably could also be improved a bit, but I'm assuming diminishing returns in optimizations, too, so it probably won't be off by much.
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<dlowe> Assuming I didn't do something dumb like unintentionally prevent the compiler from generating vector operations.
<aeth> Yes. You would need expert-level optimized C (or C++, if that's what you choose as the "about as fast as current compilers get" representative) and optimized CL, which could mean writing things in non-obvious ways. Not easy.
<aeth> And I suspect the former is what's usually missing with various published "$foo is faster than C" microbenchmarks.
<pjb> THe problem is to write the same thing. As this lisp-vs-c example demonstrate, writing the same thing implies greenspunning, or using libecl.
<pjb> Ie. the only valid comparison leads you to use Common Lisp.
<aeth> pjb: you picked a bad example.
<pjb> Nope.
<pjb> There are tons of examples. C is not a language to write applications in. It's a high level assembler to write unix kernels.
<aeth> There's lots of e.g. numerical code that could afaik run pretty much identically, especially e.g. single-float/double-float code with float traps disabled, assuming the optimizers don't ruin the semantics of the calculations
<dlowe> cryptocurrency hashing is certainly not something that needs greenspunning
<aeth> I mean, you probably won't get much beyond numerical stuff, but, hey, at least you get CL as a better FORTRAN...
<pjb> aeth: just activate the new -fsanitize options and have fun with your numerical C code (just integer already!)
<pjb> dlowe: crypto usually needs bignum.
<pjb> dlowe: also, see
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<pjb> There's not only the running speed.
<dlowe> pjb: what does it matter that I use libgmp or some CL implementor's bignum
<aeth> pjb: no, crypto probably would do better with manual bignums, stuff like (make-array 4 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 64) :initial-element 0)
<aeth> bignums are good for the general case, but if the specific case is well specified, you can make a better specific representation
<dlowe> FSVO "you"
<dlowe> I think "language implementations provide a lower bound on performance that can only be roughly estimated" as about as specific as one can say
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<White_Flame> aeth: or a compiler could be taught that fixed-size integers larger than fixnum could be optimized
<White_Flame> it doesn't (shouldn't) always fall on the user
<aeth> White_Flame: Compilers (can) do that for (unsigned-byte 64) and (signed-byte 64)
<aeth> Of course, there is a line somewhere.
<thrig> and Johnny Cash walks it
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<White_Flame> aeth: yeah, I obviously mean multiples of the register size
<White_Flame> (greater than 1 ;) )
<aeth> well even 1 is something that's not always supported
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<hjudt> Xach: have you considered for quicklisp using ql-http only for initial setup and once setup load some other system like drakma or dexador and use that for doing https?
<jmercouris> hjudt: having http anywhere is an issue, it has to be https from the very beginning or nothing, ql could come WITH drakma
<jmercouris> instead of loading drakma, bundle it into the QL codebase, however heavy and clunky that would be
<hjudt> jmercouris: one could use some stripped down version perhaps, but that's probably still missing the cl-ssl stuff or whatever is needed.
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* hjudt chuckles. this is a bit like rubygems which still can't do ipv6
<hjudt> anyway, as long as servers can still do http this should not be a big problem.
<zigpaw> I think lack of embedded https (so using http), at least for bootstrapping is not an issue if ql would come with checksums for those libraries needed for ssl that it would pull in while installing. On the other hand, embedding everything might be just easier.
<thrig> a checksum written by whom?
<zigpaw> by ql author presumably?
<zigpaw> (for bootstrapping ssl libraries only - so hardcoded, if that wasn't clear enough)
<thrig> so the attacker checksums something, and then...
<Xach> hjudt: it is possible now to do that
<zigpaw> I think I don't follow, what checksums the attacker? if he can alter the hardcoded checksum inside ql bootstrapping code he can already change anything.
<Xach> I have a setup that is nearly ready to be deployed that works like this: download bootstrap via https, bootstrap code verifies fetched client code via openpgp, client code verifies indexes via openpgp, indexes include digests to verify further downloads.
<Xach> portable ssl/tls is a problem that led to this somewhat convoluted solution
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<zigpaw> As long as someone can curl/wget the bootstrap code via https, openpgp is even an overkill in my opinion. So congratulations :-)
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<thrig> other package systems do not rely on https
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<zigpaw> they always should relay on pulling bootstrap code via https (or indirectly via https from linux/bsd distro package manager), or users should verify checksums manually - which they never do.
<thrig> got a lot of trusted certificates in that there bloaty browser