cedar2.c can read cedar register and do right IOCTL before
oh very neat
but it so cedar reset every time it called
so use cedar2.c for first
it leave cedarx on
than use devmem2.c
hno: YOu say you need sodlering iron, wire and a scalpel. Is it to break the trace between R24's two pads? r23 and r24 are not solderd, r24 has the coppy going between it, shorttening it; r23 is unpopulated
ok so we can also do cedar2x on; write registers for idct, read result, check data?
hno: also, one of the r23 pads connects to 2.5V
oliv3r: but it better if you extend cedar2.c to make it jpeg Poc
maybe use cedar2c yeah
but i want to use pure libjpeg.so and 'hack in' jpeg poc
since allwinner also uses libjpeg; makes it much easier/logical
but i want to start by ONLY doing idct
idct only is easy and can be followed
hno: from the pcb it looks like it's 2.5V -> R23.1 - R23.2 -> R24.1 -> R24.2 -> GND
with - meaning open
so don't see T9 going anywhere, but my eyes are tired :p
oliv3r: just include lib jpg
oliv3r: i realy have no real example only for idct
oliv3r: it do whole jpeg
but i'm sure it's possible by the register names
i cannot imagine that cedar dus a full frame jpeg
you just need configure , copy data and press "START"
and for a start, that's awesome
aand I should write that soon :)
yes . but Mpeg engine clock init / reset still not in wiki
anyway, if we have idct only support
we can write generic fft using idct if i'm not mistaken
if we have generic fft, we can offload audio decoding too :)
oliv3r: idct only can be done in 200 cup cycles , onlt it will have small impact
yeah but it's only as a PoC :)
and then there's context switches etc etc, so even offloading that is still nice :p
olvi3r: I still have no Idea how do idct only (register bits)
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wingrime: i'll try to find time to do full jpeg PoC
oliv3r: can you upload you trace to cedarx-traces
for mjpeg
and mark it as a10
if can do it on a20
add a20 trace too
wingrime: we have a jpeg trace
the other guy made it
i haven't been able to make or replay a trace yet
oliv3r: you upladed to cedar-trace only mjpeg file , nor trace itself
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hno: it is the memory =P
oliv3r, yes, the scalepl is for breaking R24, and the wire is for making a 0R resistor on R23.
R35 (next to R23) is also interesting. That's JTAG_SEL.
leowt, your speed problems?
hno: yep
MemFree: 2592 kB
doesnt help much
MemTotal: 362044 kB
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ssvb_: funny to see you on phornonix :)
leowt: that's more then i have, i think mine is at 315 M normally
leowt: but memfree is of course before caches
oliv3r: :)
oliv3r, anyways i am good to see that it is not a 2d acell problem
and yeah that was me :p but i'm sure you guessed it
leowt: the big advantage with 1G is, that you only have to substract the video memory once; so you actually really get 512 additional mb
so you'll end up with 700 or 800 free MB which is plenty
300 MB is just very tight
i can see that
by the way
is allwinner getting friendly over the work being done over their abandoned kernels?
how is that relationship?
that specific one, very bad :0
we've done a lot of work on 3.0 and 3.4 kernels
tehy didn't use those, they simply continued with their own kernels
or not using at all
u just dont understand
* i just
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so much dirty work was fixed
not using at all; not even patches that fixes horrid bugs
they would only gain
on the upside, we now have a20 hardware slowly getting into develoeprs hands
so we can backport/merge new drivers
and the vendor relation continues to be the same?
it seems like rockchip is about to take a more friendly approach
well, i mean legal approach
leowt: how so?
does it have an unsigned bootloader?
dunno yet
full GPL sources?
GPL video decoder?
but i would only ask for sources
even with blobs
like the other vendors
we only currently have 2 blobs with allwinner; mali (duh) cedarx userspace
yeah but we still have to wait until someone release the source
and a unmaintained one
leowt: allwinner has released source
they gave us their git tree
what more could you want?
all gpl licensed
so technically; they are quite compliant
Allwinner frequently releases full kernel + u-boot sources.
a few months ago, march 2nd or so
we have A20 sources later than that.
it's up on amery's github under the import/lichee-3.3/ bits
and that!
because i remember the times
that i was here
there was no official sources
the only 'better' thing that could happen with that regard, is give is git fetch access :) (read-only)
Allwinner released A10 kernel + u-boot sources before this channel existed.
so i was confused than
Turl: anti-pattern! andy responded what it is, it's instead of: if (statement); if (!statement) (see his respons for details
wrt 8192cu: sunxi-v3.4.43-r0 contains v3.3.2_3192.20120103 version, although v3.4.4_4749.20121105 is available
is there anyplans to update things ?
those look really old
oh 8192cu
erm, what's upstream status for it?
does upstream have full 8192cu sources?
if so, backport them and submit them to the ML; mnemoc will happily merge them
oliv3r: by upstream you mean ?
vanilla linus 3.11 kernel
Turl: ping
upstream is rtl8192cu
oliv3r: it is full-sized rtlwifi there, i doubt it is doable honestly
linux-sunxi has both rtl8192cu and 8192cu
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the latter is directly from Realtek, I assume
lioka: well feel free to submit a patch porting the newest 8192cu to 3.4 for us
rm: i would agree
rm: yes, i mean RTL8192CU_SW
so lioka i would suggest trying rtl8192cu :)
oliv3r: tried on hackberry, doesn't seem to work. 8192cu otoh works, but now i've got another pad with rtl8188, and things went really bad
as for patching newest realtek sources to sunxi-3.4 -- there are some sunxi-related tweaks, it seems
sooo you want someone else to dig into that mess
the plan is to abandon 8192cu completely
if it works for you, then just be happy
that it is not removed yet
no use chasing the latest version just for the sake of it
the quicker you can use the vanila version, the sooner
the better*
i see. well, that's what i want to know
if ours is to old, you can try backporting it
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yep. may i suggest, that there is no sunxi-specific other than script_parser_fetch("usb_wifi_para", ... or sw_usb_enable|disable ... -- that sort of stuff ?
s,suggest,assume, sorry
yeah, all drivers need that hacked in
until we move to sunxi-next
which will be devicetree dependany
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lioka: I updated the realtek one some time ago, sec
rm, I have never got the vanilla driver to work reliably with the rtl8188cus, annoys me greatly. Backported rtlwifi from upstream but still no joy (but a bit better).
mripard_: ok i'll change it to be not required and pass it as var along
I don't see the other issue, at least not looking just at that function
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oliv3r: the thingis, you're not exporting it today. so it's like overengineering :) if you ever need to export it you can add the pointer
thing is*
Turl: yeah i went with mripards version! :p
you people just don't like german cars do you :p
oliv3r: the point I was trying to make was not a technical one actually. On a general basis, when you feel that the way the comment goes is not the one you want, say it
german overengineering!
don't discard it
mripard_: sorry :(
mripard_: you are right of course
it just pisses off people for nothing, while we could have a nice discussion about this part
and actually agree :)
yeah, but i'm just this little dev in the land of the giants
Most of the time, it doesn't matter
as long as you ask for explanations
yeah but when you feel insignificant, you only look up :)
everyone has to start at some point :)
stand on a piece of furniture ;-)
hramrach_: hahah
mripard_: i don't find rullel commenting specifically on the global far, only that it was non-static at some point accidentally
Turl, look at offset.
where I did reply it wasn't supposed to be static
offset <= SID_SIZE
Yes. What values can offset have?
No, what values can offset have?
not which values are valid.
hno: 8188cus
oliv3r: "
So what happens if you have two of these devices?"
mripard_: ah yeah, i completly forgot about that, not ignored!
hno: ~ -MAX_INT/2 - MAX_INT/2? or does the const play tricks on us?
const does not matter.
hmm, very good point, I do the size > 0 and offset < SID_SIZE on line 78 in the sysfs read function, but if you do it 'internally' you can poke anything in there
so you could have negative numbers there indeed
hno: should be unsigned int right? so <0 does not happen
unsigned int is easier to deal with yes.
also would prevent funny values when >>
oliv3r, the other if is also botched. if (likely(size > 0) && ((size + pos) <= SID_SIZE)) {
nvm my last comment
pos could be negative
sid_key is unsigned already
hehe, picking apart a poor driver
yeah but you only ioread into that
hno: so the proper thing is to put guards in both places then
oliv3r: or just make it unsigned :) guaranteed it'll never be negative
Turl: allready done :p
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you need jdk 1.6 for android build? the reals thing? not openjdk, not 1.7? /o\
hramrach_: openjdk works just fine
that's the buildsystem bitching only :)
1.6 or 1.7?
Turl: to come back to your question, is it not nicer to have that antipattern there; I think i prefer in this case the 'pattern' there. Only run do_something(); when you are within your parameters
Turl: you say 'in this confeined space are you only allowed to do something'
hramrach_: I think I'm using 1.7 atm, pretty sure .6 works too
1.6 is *old*
Turl: whereas the other way around you say, 'you fail if you don't, otherwise, do what you want'
but I would not be surprised if you required something that was current at the time ICS was developed
the matson-hall repo is correct or is there one more recent one?
oliv3r: if you ever worked with specification, theorems and that kind of stuff, the antipattern looks more like a precondition
oliv3r, I would drop the sid_read_byte function, it's only 2 lines if ignoring the double conditions..
hramrach_: if you're building ics you'll probably need openjdk6
it says to build ics on the Android guide
I don't really care what version comes out as long as it's bootable
hno: well the idea was that you can export the read function so you can call it elsewhere, use it as Key or MAC for example (if not 0) or an eeprom framework even
Ok. Yes then it's needed. And likewise the static pointer.
I added a comment clarifying the global pointer
* To have sunxi_sid_read_byte not depend on any other parameters we keep a
* pointer here. This allows sunxi_sid_read_byte to be exported if needed.
Note: only used when mandatory due to hardware design etc...
it's mandatory due to hardware design :/
- environment ("ethaddr", "eth1addr", ...) (see CONFIG_ETHADDR)
Note: this is the preferred way to permanently store MAC addresses
But will likely add something for the A20 OLinuXino, it actually have a real MAC address EEPROM. But the I2C driver needs to be improved a bit first.
ho, about the i2c
it's the same controller than the one used in the marvell chips
mripard_: have you confirmed this allready?
only with a slightly different register layout
oliv3r: yep
will you merge them or merge them later?
never saw the answer to your qquestion
I don't know, I'm waiting for Wolfram answer
mripard_, I know they are similar. But learnt it after the driver was written.
same thing here
Complete build of working 3.10 Debian package with EMAC from net-next is now up at http://dl.linux-sunxi.org/users/niall/3.10+emac/ It supports nbdroot anyway. / on nfs should also be fine but I didn't test it. armmp is the kernel flavour for sunxi.
and iirc there is some other small differences, not only register offsets.
I didn't catch any
oliv3r, file I/O is expected to return what is possible. Not reject all if you try to read more.
hno: yeah i allready changed it to your suggestion, it's much better
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mripard_, looked again, and differ in register offsets, clocking and the sunxi have some more functions (none used)
bfree: great :) thanks
Turl: well thank you for discovering how I could confirm it really works ;)
hno: yeah, the enhanced feature thing
the newer versions of the marvell controller have some kind of extensions to have a saner behaviour and not get an interrupt each time you have to do something
maybe the two are related, I'd need to look closer on this.
what clocking changes are there?
when I looked at it, the clock computation function looked like what was documented into the allwinner datasheet
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hmm, there seems to be jb-cubieboard branch but repo init refuses to use it
its far away from an real libjpeg replacement, but its poc
jemk: looks great, thanks
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jemk: can you try to document it on the wiki?
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jemk: I mean the things that are done in set_quantization_tables(), set_huffman_tables(), etc.
i'll try, but especially these things are hard to explain
the purpose of the hardware registers, the valid range of input data and corner cases cedarx can accept, the way how these registers are linked to the data structures described in jpeg spec, ...
jpeg is a rather simple, so it can be used for practice before moving to more difficult codecs
valid ranges corner cases, good question, i dont really know yet
I believe these can be tried with specifically crafted input files
lioka: the one on linux-sunxi is 'sanitized' I think
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lioka: you can diff with -w
jemk: it does not mean that you should do really extreme experiments, but we preferably would want to know whether cedarx can deal with the common jpeg bitstream variants used in the wild
btw, is arithmetic coding not supported at all?
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progressive didn't work
mripard_, to verify that the I2C bus is idle.
i didn't test arithmetic coding
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as said, its only first proof of concept
yeah, it is a really great milestone (after a working cedarx tracer), I just wondered about what are your next plans
mripard_, but looking at that code again I do not think it works....
hno: which code?
the mv64xxx one?
I have some patches here that ran and i2cdetect/i2cdump successfully yesterday
I don't have my logical analyzer here however
so it need to be confirmed
but it looks ok
maybe the code to check bus status
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hmm, gihub is suposed to be online but android still does not sync
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maybe they hav a download limit? the andriod stuff is large and seems to be fetched fully again when re-synced
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jemk: sorry for pestering you, I'm just too excited and the first fully open source proof of concept hw accelerated jpeg decoder is a really great news
* ssvb_
shuts up
mripard_, my code using lctl
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ssvb, np, ill do more when i have time, but i have to do other things too
ssvb_: that reminds me I need to post my SS proof of concept tools :p
rz2k: tnks, gotta go now, but will be back soon
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rz2k, ext4 on mtd?
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just for testing mtdblock
(i know that ext4 on mtd is superbad idea)
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ext4 on mtd is not a superbad idea by definition, but mtdblock on mtd is...
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what is the difference between ext4 on mtd, and ext4 on mtdblock on mtd?
also, ext4 on mtd is no issue at all; if its read only :)
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oliv3r, you can't do block filesystems such as ext4 on mtd.
you need a FTL between.
but isn't ext4 a block fs?
mtdblock is the simplest possible FTL you can make.
yes ext4 is a block filesystem. So it can't run directly ontop of mtd.
well you said 'ext4 on mtd is not superbad; but mtdblock on mtd is
i thought, as you said, you always need mtdblock inbetween
so it confused me
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ext4 on mtdblock on mtd is extremely superbad idea, but it's not really ext4 fault.
anything on mtdblock is a bad idea, even read-only.
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why even when read-only?
I mean, you only write once, after that, it shouldn't matter any longeR?
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because even if only reading you still need to relocate blocks and in most cases also handle bad blocks somehow. Reading from a NAND wears the data stored in the accessed page(s) so you need to periodically rewrite it. Erasing a block wears the NAND cells as such.
ah ok that makes perfect sense
except for the 'relocating blocks after read'
meant reloate pages/sectors. nand uses block for a larger element..
yeah erase blocks
but if you don't write, i don't see why you have to relocate them
because the stored levels in the NAND cells gets worn out the more you read.
i know they wear from writing, didn't know from reading
ah, didn't know that
NOR doens't have that problem does it
It's mainly a problem for MLC cells.
ok, learned something again :)
mripard_: i did find 1 use for sunxi; but it's used internally; the entropy fill is done in the same driver
mripard_: so technically, 2 users, the sysfs read + entropy
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oliv3r, entropy fill from where?
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linus actually suggested to use the sid to fill the kernel entropy pool with
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even if it can be 0 on some devices, it's still okay to do it
that way, you have device specific 'random' entropy added to your kernel pool
quite nifty
i think it's safe to say that our sid's are 'random' enough for this purpose
it's not random. Highly predictable. But OK as a one-time seed to the entropy pool.
how is it highly predictable?
i haven't found a pattern for bits 192-256 yet
the other bits do follow some pattern
0x4848 seems to be something specific to a10 and a20 aswell a10s and a13 use 7030 and 3030 respectivly there
and ftr < BTS> Opened #711998 in linux-image-3.10-rc4-armmp 3.10~rc4-1~exp1 by Niall Walsh <niallwalsh@users.b...> «net: Add EMAC ethernet driver found on Allwinner A10». http://bugs.debian.org/711998
oliv3r, yes.. Olimex is already past that barrier which helps. But they dod not get any programming information.
Wasn't aware they even got information on what voltage to connect. But they must have got that 2.5V from somewhere.
there really are tooooo many sunxi boards/targets now in u-boot sunxi-current, build time gone through the roof ;)
bfree, I know... and there will be more.
i'm really gonna try to work on dram read from mmc (raw); should reduce it enormously
Just having it in a identified section of the SPL is sufficient.
I'm clueless about them ... I kinda presume it's going to have to wait now for 2013.10 at the earliest?
All of it is not possible in that timeframe. But maybe the core support can make it so that it's at least possible to boot boot0->boot1->u-boot->serial load. maybe even tftpboot.
SPL support and MMC driver needs a fair bit of work.
but if you inject it into a header, you need tomodify your binary. if we reserve 1k beteween spl and u-boot for example, we can have a static exe
what is the difference? We do add a header anyway.
and if it's in the header then it will be loaded automatically at a known location in memory.
you only write a small blob too the mmc?
1 binary per platform people can dl and use, unmodified, md5-able
I build u-boot-spl.bin, then pass that to mksunxiboot which adds the header.
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in theory there can be one single u-boot-spl.bin for all a10+a13+a10s+a20 boards, but one for each soc generation is no problem at all.
Turl: u there?
hno: thanks for the update (and your work in general on it of course)
bfree, thanks.
right now, only dram settings are diff per gen
but I only looked in schematics, haven't looked at what is on the board.
Turl: nope, that wasnt me, I dont usually do android stuff
rz2k: it was techn, just checked
leowt: any specific thing you need help with?
im trying to figure out what specific bits go into android source from the hw vendor. i am reading some doc about android's architecture to get to know it better
Turl: will ping you tomorrow, what is your local time?
leowt: GMT-3, 20:20 now
Turl, cool, tomorrow then, tnks ;)
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