<swkhan> hi =)
<swkhan> i want to deposit copper onto silicon. i want to be able to pattern where the copper goes for electrical addressability of the devices i want to grow on top of this patterned copper
<azonenberg> Ok
<azonenberg> At what resolution
<swkhan> i have silicon wafers. i have copper tape. i have copper wire.
<azonenberg> How thick copper?
<swkhan> i have phosphoric acid and sodium hydroxide
<azonenberg> do you want
<swkhan> i am not sure. rivaling something i could sputter
<azonenberg> First off, be advised that copper doesnt stick well to Si by itself
<azonenberg> You normally need a thin Cr adhesion layer
<swkhan> why not?
<swkhan> awww
<azonenberg> And the only process i've gotten good results with is vacuum evaporation
<swkhan> so electrochemical deposition wouldn't work?
<azonenberg> Not in a cleanroom, using the one my school's mat sci department uses for SEM sample coating
<swkhan> what happens if you don't have an adhesion layer?
<azonenberg> evaporate 5nm Cr + 1000nm Cu without breaking vacuum
<azonenberg> and it tends to peel off
<azonenberg> you get more overetch
<azonenberg> i've had 200nm films with tens of microns of overetch without the adhesion layer
<swkhan> i don't have access to chromium. i am doing this because a sputtering machine we had broke
<azonenberg> Do you have access to an evaporator?
<azonenberg> Electroplating of Cr followed by Cu might work if your wafer is heavily doped
<swkhan> i don't have access to an evaporator
<swkhan> i think the wafers are heavily p doped. we also have heavily n doped wafers
<swkhan> so i'd gotten part of a process ready in my head
<swkhan> i just finished up reading a textbook that gives me the equivalent knowledge of 1 year's worth of chemistry
<swkhan> and i feel like i don't know anything when it comes to applying it =\
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> I havent taken any chem either
<azonenberg> And if they're heavily doped in general, you may have luck with electroplatnig
<azonenberg> If you do, i'd be very interested in details so i can try duplicating the process
<swkhan> but how does electroplating work with a semiconductor?
<swkhan> sure, i was trying to come up with my own process
<azonenberg> You have to have it doped heavily enough that you can make ohmic contacts
<swkhan> everyone seems to use fancy electrolytic solutions
<swkhan> may be for a reason...
<azonenberg> Lol, yes
<azonenberg> I focused on evaporation as i was depositing metal over a nonconductive surface
<swkhan> i see
<azonenberg> I want to build my own evaporator at some point but for now i'm using the one on campus
<swkhan> cool!
<azonenberg> Not many people use it (most people use the matsci lab's sputter coater for SEM prep and the cleanroom's sputtering or e-beam evaporation system for semiconductor processing)
<azonenberg> so i just ordered some new filaments and 99.999% copper evaporation pellets from ted pella myself
<swkhan> oooh
<azonenberg> they were short on filaments last time i checked
<azonenberg> In any case, i can definitely provide process development for etching
<azonenberg> thats a reasonably well studied problem
<azonenberg> What's your lithography setup look like?
<swkhan> very crappy. i'm ms. super low budget =)
<swkhan> i am masking with aluminum foil
<swkhan> i'm not sure if it'll work
<azonenberg> Where are you located?
<swkhan> nasa ames (i work with ucsc)
<azonenberg> And what kind of feature sizes are you trying to achieve
<swkhan> to be PhD EE starting this fall =)
<azonenberg> i mean, are you looking to hit 22nm or 25 microns :P
<azonenberg> And do you have a spin coater? If not, as long as you dont need deep submicron resolution they're decently easy to hack together
<azonenberg> I made one out of a 2x4, an electric drill, and a sanding wheel
<azonenberg> that has given me good photoresist film quality down to 5 micron features (the smallest i've tried hitting with my exposure system)
<lekernel> azonenberg, btw, could this spinning technique be used for PCBs as well?
<lekernel> when you buy microwave-friendly PCB materials like duroid or alumina, they never come with photoresist
<lekernel> this is quite annoying
<azonenberg> lekernel: Yes
<azonenberg> Dip coating is doable as well but requires a big tank
<azonenberg> Spin coating of copper clad PCB is on the todo list
<azonenberg> i have blank board but havent tried because i have so much precoated PCB :P
<azonenberg> But the resist i have was sold for that purpose
<azonenberg> ... oops you left?
<azonenberg> (16:55:24) azonenberg: Dip coating is doable as well but requires a big tank
<azonenberg> (16:55:32) azonenberg: Spin coating of copper clad PCB is on the todo list
<azonenberg> (16:55:45) azonenberg: i have blank board but havent tried because i have so much precoated PCB :P
<azonenberg> (16:55:52) azonenberg:  But the resist i have was sold for that purpose
<azonenberg> hi nathan7
<azonenberg> Do you have a GDS viewer program on hand?
<nathan7> GDS?
<azonenberg> IC layout database
<azonenberg> guess not :p
<nathan7> mhm
<nathan7> How so?
<CIA-67> homecmos r115 | trunk/lithography-tests/default_600dpi/ (7 files in 7 dirs) | Committing previous changes to existing test masks
<azonenberg> I guess i'll just send you a screenshot then h/o
<nathan7> :o
<nathan7> isitisitA GRATING?
<azonenberg> Going to be, i havent actually made it yet
<nathan7> :D
<nathan7> kisses azonenberg's feet
<azonenberg> disinfects feet with IPA
<nathan7> hey
<nathan7> that's nazi
<azonenberg> no, it's just the absence of a foot fetish :p
<nathan7> it is a sign of respect
<azonenberg> In what culture?
<nathan7> dunno
<azonenberg> Here are two different mask patterns I'm considering
<azonenberg> The left is what i expect it will actually look like
<azonenberg> the right is what i'll be exposing (compensating for overetch etc)
<azonenberg> 1.058 microns per pixel is the nominal scale
<azonenberg> will be printed at 600DPI and then reduced 40x optically
<nathan7> mhm
<nathan7> aewesome
<nathan7> exciting
<nathan7> :D
<azonenberg> nathan7: i should have those etched later today
<azonenberg> i'll also be doing a PCB but the chemistry is similar enough i can use the same batches of developer and etchant
<azonenberg> so it'll save me time
<azonenberg> should be finished around 22:00 - 23:00 EDT
<azonenberg> About time i did a proper line edge roughness test lol
<nathan7> mhm
<nathan7> it's 00:24 here
<bart416> btw, in case you're interested in it, a low powered pulsed UV laser is enough to expose photoresist it seems
<bart416> Can't say much about the resolution yet cause I don't have the right optics for it
<azonenberg> define low powered
<azonenberg> 5 mW? 5 kW? :P
<bart416> low as in I found it in my desk low, lol
<azonenberg> And are you talking about shining it through lenses and a mask or using it focused to a spot in a direct-write setup?
<bart416> direct write at the moment
<azonenberg> direct write laser is a tech i've wanted to explore for a long time
<nathan7> that
<nathan7> is
<azonenberg> but been too busy
<nathan7> so
<nathan7> cool
<bart416> Well I wanted to see if it was even possible
<azonenberg> Oh
<bart416> And looks like it works
<azonenberg> I already ran the math, it's definitely doable
<bart416> the laser exposed it sufficiently to develop
<berndj> you have a UV laser in your drawer??
<azonenberg> a blu-ray diode on a micron square spot was something like 1ms exposure required
<bart416> but wasn't focused enough obviously
<bart416> berndj, you don't want to know what I have in my desk drawers...
<azonenberg> maybe less
<bart416> Actually maybe you do
<berndj> oh wait, does bluray use UV?
<azonenberg> berndj: 405nm
<azonenberg> long UV
<berndj> close enough
<bart416> bluray laser could probably do the trick, but depends on the resist
<azonenberg> its not 197nm DUV
<azonenberg> but for most DNQ-novolac resists anything in the 365-405nm range will work well
<azonenberg> mercury vapor H- to I-line
<bart416> An electron gun assembly form a crt, a vidicon tube, copper windings from that crt it seems, 10 nixie tubes
<berndj> at least normal glass-based optics should still work at 405nm
<bart416> a roll of electric cable from a vacuum cleaner I disassembled
<bart416> two floppy drives
<bart416> CCFL inverters
<azonenberg> Lol - the desk i'm sitting at right now is pure office
<bart416> an old soldering iron
<azonenberg> the workbench in the other room is where all of the fun stuff is
<bart416> apperantly water based paint for kids
<bart416> some dremel tools
<bart416> hot glue gun
<bart416> parts of what I think used to be a computer psu
<bart416> 1ohm 5W resistors, too much to count
<bart416> A dev board of something
<bart416> hd platers
<bart416> neodynium magnets
<bart416> antistatic screen cleaner that I use to clean my whiteboards
<bart416> enough duct tape to fix anything in the universe except my love life
<bart416> several pens
<bart416> a green laser pointer from dx that is advertised as 5mW but actually puts out about 100mW
<bart416> two sets of callipers
<bart416> dentist mirror
<berndj> 100mW of green, or 100mW of IR?
<bart416> Good question
<bart416> We only compared the intensity with a 100mW one
<berndj> or, how do you know it's 100mW?
<bart416> Not the spectrum
<bart416> Should do that again
<bart416> well, if it manages to trigger the same displacement in a light intensity meter at same distance
<bart416> Then it tends to be about the same
<bart416> Needles as well it seems
<bart416> An old ring I didn't wish I found
<bart416> My keys that I lost months ago
<bart416> nail clippers, yay
<bart416> a roll meter of 2m
<berndj> i imagine 100mW of green would be pretty damn intense - maybe even visible scattering in air
<bart416> a spoon
<bart416> You can see the beam in the air
<berndj> wow
<bart416> It also damages cheap cmos sensors
<bart416> enough 7400 series logic to build a small 1960s era mainframe
<bart416> an old PS/2 mouse
<bart416> a snickers bar
<bart416> desoldering braid
<bart416> some lcd screens
<berndj> either way, i imagine it IS just a doubled Nd:YAG filtering out many more hundreds of mW or IR
<bart416> A tuner for my guitar that I lost months ago as well
<bart416> pencils
<bart416> rolls of solder
<bart416> And I'll have to start digging if I want to see more
<bart416> That's what's immediately vissible in my drawers
<bart416> As a matter of fact I also know I have coppersulfate crystals in there somewhere in a sealed bottle
<bart416> And a silver ring
<bart416> (That I do want to find but can't be bothered to look for)
<bart416> Due to the risk of getting stabbed by sewing needles that are near the bottom near the ring
<bart416> Also a breadboard and a sponge apperantly
<bart416> And some steppers
<bart416> And elastics from when I used to wear braces
<bart416> and average office supplies as well I guess
<bart416> So I told you what's in my desk
<bart416> Now your turn :P
<bart416> pokes berndj
<nathan7> well damn
<nathan7> 00:36:54 < bart416> And elastics from when I used to wear braces
<nathan7> puts the goddamn things on
<azonenberg> lol
<berndj> my turn? oh, i, erm, i don't have anything interesting
<berndj> i don't have drawers!
<nathan7> oh the curses of being a teenager :|
<azonenberg> Lol, in *this* desk? A slide rule, MIPS instruction set reference, some old graphing calculators
<azonenberg> tons of batteries ranging from AAA to LiPo for my laptop
<nathan7> o:
<berndj> only a PM tube, a 1000A fuse, selenium rectifiers, boring stuff in my junkboxes!
<azonenberg> a big stack of targets from rifle club last semester
<azonenberg> assorted office supplies
<azonenberg> and thats about it
<azonenberg> all of the fun stuff is over in the lab
<berndj> looks like if i want to do photo pcb process i'll have to suck it up and find dnq
<azonenberg> berndj: where you located?
<berndj> that's the "normal" pcb PR, right?
<azonenberg> I believe so, yes
<berndj> south africa
<azonenberg> its what i've been using for all of my fab
<azonenberg> and cant help you donw there
<azonenberg> only supplier i know outside of large chemical companies is a reseller about 50 miles from Albany, NY
<berndj> yeah.  everything's available, from china, if you want kiloliter quantities
<azonenberg> These guys will sell - to USA at least - in 2, 4, 8, 16 fluid ounce volumes
<berndj> some shops have a spray, but i'm suspicious of that and balk at the price
<azonenberg> presumably bought by the liter (or more) and repackaged
<azonenberg> i do not suggest a spray
<azonenberg> spin coating ftw
<berndj> ok.  what's wrong with spray? pinholes?
<azonenberg> Thats a guess
<azonenberg> although i admit i havent tested
<azonenberg> But there's a reason semiconductor work uses spinning :p
<bart416> Actually, just spotted the ring and managed to pull it out with a tweezer
<bart416> lol
<bart416> Spray won't give a nice equal distribution
<berndj> for now i'll just try toner transfer though
<berndj> i'll take the build-a-receiver route to getting my ham licence
<bart416> Just study for the exam
<berndj> yeah, gotta do that also
<berndj> i want the first class licence, not the baby one you get just from passing the exam
<swkhan> does anyone know of a spray can that sprays metal?
<swkhan> i want to be able to deposit metal contacts using it
<azonenberg> swkhan: How thick?
<azonenberg> You can spin coat some metallic solutions
<azonenberg> But they're gonna be reeeally thin
<swkhan> really think is okay
<swkhan> purity is more important i think
<azonenberg> 10nm?
<azonenberg> :P
<swkhan> maybe okay
<swkhan> not sure
<azonenberg> What are you using it for
<azonenberg> in any case goldfilm is around $500 per 4-ounce bottle last i checked
<azonenberg> prices vary based on raw material costs
<azonenberg> it should last you a long time if my experience with tantalumfilm (which actually deposits Ta2O5, not Ta) is any hint
<swkhan> i still want to deposit some sort of metal onto my nano scale device
<azonenberg> Sputtering or evaporation is really the best bet
<swkhan> =(
<azonenberg> electroplating, among other things
<swkhan> i'm trying to be creative and use any other methods i've got
<azonenberg> means that you cannot deposit over an insulator
<bart416> You can get metalic paint that's slightly conductive
<azonenberg> bart416: that's a resin with silver flakes etc in it
<azonenberg> i could not recommend it for anything small
<azonenberg> "small" meaning <20 um
<bart416> ah
<bart416> if it's less than 100 µm plating is your only option
<azonenberg> swkhan: you still havent told us the feature size and layer thicknesses you'e trying for
<azonenberg> that makes a huge difference
<swkhan> i am not sure how thick i need the metal i'll look around. feature size? let's say smaller is better, but reproducible and cheap is even better
<bart416> If it's for coating a large object, plate if it's already metalic, else first ensure it's metallic by spray painting it, then plate
<swkhan> at least less than 0.5 mm
<bart416> yeah, plating for sure
<azonenberg> swkhan: 500 um? Oh, thats nothing
<azonenberg> swkhan: I have hit 20um features using a living-room lithography rig
<swkhan> let's say 20 um with shadow mask?
<azonenberg> and am pushign to 5
<swkhan> wow
<bart416> Reminds me, I need to go and steal some CNC position encoder tomorrow
<azonenberg> as in, my first and only attempt at 5um litho was last lab session
<azonenberg> i overdeveloped :(
<swkhan> okay how about this. i have silicon. i deposit some metal contact on top and then something else on top of the metal no more than let's say 100 nm thickness that's essentially an insulator
<azonenberg> swkhan: 20um per pixel
<azonenberg> evaporated Cu on Si
<bart416> could be worse azonenberg
<swkhan> aww evaporated...
<azonenberg> ~1000nm Cu over ~5nm Cr
<azonenberg> done in one step from two sources w/o breaking vacuum
<nathan7> :>
<azonenberg> and ok, so you want to deposit an insulator
<azonenberg> Do you have one in mind?
<azonenberg> Or at least a deposition process?
<nathan7> ooh
<nathan7> when your MEMS works, azonenberg, could you make it switch two beams?
<azonenberg> SiO2 for example can be formed by processes ranging from PECVD of SiH4 to sol-gel deposition
<azonenberg> nathan7: you mean a relay of some sort?
<swkhan> i have the insulator deposition process down. cvd
<nathan7> azonenberg: yeah
<nathan7> azonenberg: for light
<swkhan> i was just wondering how i can get a metal contact
<swkhan> doesn't have to be deposited
<azonenberg> ok, so now i'm starting to get the picture
<nathan7> azonenberg: so I could alternately spectrometer a reference and a sample
<azonenberg> you have access to CVD SiO2
<swkhan> sorry it took me so long to explain azonenberg =\
<azonenberg> you have blank wafers
<swkhan> i have blank wafers
<azonenberg> and you want to put metal directly on top of the Si
<swkhan> yes but not using the cvd
<azonenberg> Do you have any need to deposit metal over a dielectric layer?
<swkhan> just out in the open in a fume hood or something
<swkhan> i do, yes
<azonenberg> That rules out electroplating
<berndj> speaking of vacuum tech, i must practice welding some more
<swkhan> azonenberg: awww. no way around it?
<azonenberg> nathan7: MEMS micromirror is a possibility for that
<nathan7> azonenberg: mhm
<azonenberg> swkhan: There are some theoretically possible ways
<azonenberg> You could spin coat with goldfilm or something similar to make a thin conductive surface over the dielectric
<swkhan> what about silver conducting pens
<azonenberg> and then electroplate up
<berndj> azonenberg, do you have any plans for metal contacts yet?
<bart416> swkhan, silver is easy enough to deposit normally
<azonenberg> silver pens? Depends on your feature size
<azonenberg> they're silver flakes in a resin
<azonenberg> as your feature size approaches flake size you'll get problems
<swkhan> i am afraid that my deposited insulator might break off or something
<bart416> Gold is where it gets tricky generally
<azonenberg> i also am not sure about patterning it
<swkhan> that was one thing i was considering... patterning
<azonenberg> swkhan: You are worried about adhesion between the CVD SiO2 and the metal?
<azonenberg> Or the SiO2 and the underlying Si where you dont have metal
<swkhan> well i want a top and bottom contact
<swkhan> so initially yes on sio2
<azonenberg> Let me get this straight
<swkhan> and then on some insulator's top side
<azonenberg> your device consists of silicon, a metal layer, a dielectric layer, and another metal layer
<swkhan> yes
<azonenberg> Ok
<azonenberg> Tackling them one at a time, adhesion of metal to silicon isnt that bad if you evaporate but I am not too familiar with adhesion of electroplated films
<swkhan> ideally i'd like to use the same process for both the top contact and the bottom contact
<swkhan> how do you know that the adhesion of metal onto silicon isn't bad?
<azonenberg> I've worked with evaporated Cu over Cr adhesion layers
<azonenberg> you can put scotch tape onto the die and press it on
<swkhan> why does chromium keep coming up?
<azonenberg> then pull off and the metal wont peel
<swkhan> huh cool
<azonenberg> Because without the Cr the Cu peels off
<azonenberg> It wont do so spontaneously but under the slightest provocation it will
<swkhan> what aspect of science tells you about this stuff?
<swkhan> i want to learn how to get good at analyzing this
<azonenberg> for example, when you etch the etchant will get in under the Cu and undercut your mask
<swkhan> chemistry? physics? what specifically should i study
<azonenberg> mat sci? Not really sure
<swkhan> i read a whole book on chemistry but i'm not sure i'm prepared for it
<azonenberg> My undergrad degree was in comp sci
<swkhan> oh wow
<swkhan> my undergrad was in EE (more circuits and programming)
<azonenberg> swkhan: All of my EE background is self taught
<azonenberg> i'm now a first year phd student also in comp sci lol
<azonenberg> havent taken any ee classes whatsoever
<azonenberg> only engineering course i took was machine shop :P
<swkhan> wow!!!
<azonenberg> Re etching, check out "Etch rates for micromachining processing, part ii" and the part 1
<azonenberg> they're considered the bible of etching
<azonenberg> My preferred metal etch for Cu and Cr is a dilute version of SC2 from the RCA clean
<swkhan> well i want to keep it cheap, reproducible, and easy as possible
<azonenberg> 1 part conc. HCl, 6 parts 3% H2O2, 50 parts distilled or DI water
<swkhan> oh that's easy and reproducible and cheap
<azonenberg> etches at around 350-400nm/min
<azonenberg> I'm not even using trace metal grad stuff
<swkhan> so chromium helps stuff adhese for some reason
<swkhan> metal to silicon at least
<swkhan> i think i'd like to electroplate as that seems like the method that has the most chance for success given our lab setup
<swkhan> we have some acids
<swkhan> we have loads of copper tape and copper wire
<swkhan> we have fume hoods
<swkhan> we have a power supply
<swkhan> we have silicon and that's aluminum foil for shadow masking
<azonenberg> You dont mask the metal
<azonenberg> Deposit metal everywhere
<azonenberg> then etch
<azonenberg> for electroplating you should be able to do a lift-off proces
<azonenberg> deposit photoresist over the entire wafer, expose, develop
<azonenberg> then electroplate
<azonenberg> it'll only stick to the conductive (uncoated) areas
<azonenberg> so wherever you have resist there's no metal
<azonenberg> then you dip it in solvent and you're done
<azonenberg> But like i said, see about getting down some chrome if you can possibly figure that out
<azonenberg> i can virtually guarantee you will have adhesion problems without it
<azonenberg> take it from somebody who tried
<azonenberg> There are solutions out there for doing Cr plating
<azonenberg> so i suggest you check them out
<azonenberg> looks like you can use chromium chloride
<azonenberg> The benefit of liftoff is that you will be able to get by without etching, it eliminates a process step
<azonenberg> the downside is that you have to do all of your patterning at once
<nathan7> azonenberg: I'm considering doing the selective plating trick for PCBs
<azonenberg> nathan7: you mean lay down resist and plate up?
<nathan7> mhm
<azonenberg> I'd be curious to see results
<nathan7> then have Sn as a resist
<azonenberg> let me know if you get around to it
<nathan7> etch with persulphate
<nathan7> need to order some SnCl2, dissolving Sn solder isn't cost-effective
<azonenberg> lol
<nathan7> (probably most of that money ends up in the Ag powder that is a byproduct from the 3% Ag)
<azonenberg> what about just pure Sn strips?
<nathan7> was fun to make H2O2 fizz with homemade Ag catalyst though
<nathan7> 3% H2O2, fizzed, fine
<azonenberg> 30? :P
<nathan7> 3%. all I can buy here OTC
<azonenberg> Same here
<azonenberg> i'm told you can get 5-10% in some places as a hair bleach
<azonenberg> but 3% is all i need, in fact sometimes i dilute it
<azonenberg> since i want a slow and controllable etch
<nathan7> I read US pharmacies have 35%
<azonenberg> maybe allowed to sell that highi
<azonenberg> i called every one in town and nobody has it
<berndj> i can get 12% OTC here, just a random pharmacy
<azonenberg> you want something like that presumably
<berndj> some of the homebrew pcb guys were talking about 30% H2O2 at pool shops
<azonenberg> berndj: i know people who have gotten up to 30% somewhere
<azonenberg> but i dont know where
<berndj> but i suspect they mistook "30 volume" for "30 percent"
<azonenberg> the strongest i've seen in supermarkets or drugstores is 3%
<azonenberg> and i've seen enough of what it does on contact with things to know that this guy's 30% really was what the label said :P
<berndj> rocket fuel
<azonenberg> Pretty much