<kristianpaul> what is your comb-drive ref?
<kristianpaul> s/ref/specs
<azonenberg> My tentative plan calls for it to be made from <110> Si wafer, 15-30 microns high, 20 micron wide fingers
<azonenberg> But that depends on the aspect ratios i'm able to hit experimentally
<azonenberg> If i'm lucky i could potentially get like a 10:1 aspect ratio which would permit 200um high fingers
<azonenberg> other papers have done that
<azonenberg> it depends really on how well my hardmask sticks to the wafer and how well it survives exposure to KOH
<azonenberg> Right now sol-gel Ta2O5 appears to fill both of those very well
<azonenberg> its almot impossible to remove, the "scotch tape test" doesnt damage the film whatsoever
<azonenberg> And its etch rate in KOH according to several publications is usper low
<azonenberg> usper*
<azonenberg> super*
<azonenberg> like angstroms per year
<azonenberg> effectively zero
<azonenberg> And now that i've almost solved the problem of patterning it, i should get very good results
<azonenberg> 44% KOH is extremely anisotropic - the etch rate of <110> is around 600 times that of <111> planes
<azonenberg> So 100:1 aspect ratios are potentially feasible
<azonenberg> that's on par with deep RIE
<azonenberg> But i havent seen any literature using KOH for more than around 10:1 or 15:1
<azonenberg> It really seems that KOH is a near-ideal etchant because it's fast, gives relatively smooth surfaces if you use it right, and is extremely selective
<azonenberg> the only downside is metal ions which are a problem for CMOS but not MEMS
<azonenberg> And while it's pretty fast it still will take a bit over 2.5 hours to do the 500um etch i need lol
<azonenberg> wonders if he should have gotten thinner wafers to start with
<XgF> I guess slow etchants are one of the reasons why foundries like big wafers?
<azonenberg> You think that's slow? Lol
<azonenberg> XeF2 will take overnight to go this fart
<azonenberg> far*
<azonenberg> But it doesnt have metal ions and is therefore CMOS compatible
<azonenberg> But yes
<azonenberg> It costs about the same amount to process a big wafer or a small one
<azonenberg> but they make more money with big ones
<XgF> On a commercial scale, I bet thats a bottleneck :p
<azonenberg> Lol yeah
<azonenberg> very interesting paper describing fabrication of MEMS micromirrors
<azonenberg> the mirror is on a <110> plane
<azonenberg> <111>*
<azonenberg> and is produced by a KOH etch of a <110> wafer
<bart416> azonenberg, electron gun assembly from crt extracted
<Laurenceb> nice
<bart416> Still need to cut the glass all the way down
<bart416> But considering how to best do that