
<elliottcable> What the FUCK are you people talking about?
<frogor> elliottcable: And I'd paste the email, but it's work related and names names - but it's an idiot that's 2 pay grades above mine that's supposed to be a project manager for an entire agency that doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.
<elliottcable> ^uck ⑊ THAT FUCKING FEEL
<^uck> Fuck you xmodmap
<elliottcable> th'fuck is %C2?
<elliottcable> the fuck is hexchat?
* elliottcable gays the fuck up
<elliottcable> fuck arrows, it's unsemantic
<elliottcable> fuck weechat
<elliottcable^> 'cause it's pretty as all fuck?
<elliottcable^> who the fuck is ^^^^^^
<elliottcable> what the fuck have I done, coming back
<Nuck> No fuck bitbucket
<purr> joelteon: “Dont”, blink-182: <http://tinysong.com/py1Y>, “Family Reunion”, Blink 182: <http://tinysong.com/K6U3>, “Fuck You Tom”, blink-182: <http://tinysong.com/hoZE>
<vil> th' fuck do you type that? what's the option-combo?
<elliottcable> Seventh: This juxtaposition is *fucking perfect*:
<elliottcable> Fifth: I'm currently trying to fucking understand git's source-tree and contribution guidelines so I can submit a patch.
<elliottcable> Fuck the clouds.
<elliottcable> 54 ſ 747 23 +alexgordon: or fuck, node
<micahjohnston> god irccloud is being so fucking slow
<joelteon> fuck being sick
<Nuck> Oh shut the fuck up purr and get your genitals sorted out
<joelteon> the fuck?
<Nuck> God mega.co.nz is fucking awesome
<joelteon> trust skype to fuck up absolutely everything it can
<whitequark> Nuck: fuck you
<Willox> fuck power supplies
<Nuck> You fucking yiffer, vil
<joelteon> 101domain is absolutely fucking horrible
<Nuck> It's not fucking easy
<joelteon> yeah, no fucking kidding
<joelteon> clearly fuck encodings
<alexgordon> or fuck, node
<alexgordon> why the fuck would you use haskell
<elliottcable> and it's pretty fucking loud
<Nuck> What the fuck is going on
<elliottcable> Having to write fucking ten lines of test per line of code for this function.
<elliottcable> fuckin fuck
<elliottcable> Ruby's fucking excellent for sysadmin/scripting stuff;
<Nuck> But it's fucking *serious*
<elliottcable> What the fuck is this shit?
<elliottcable> Which is easy as fuck to get out of A) package.json or Gemfile.lock or whatever, and B) the stack-trace (as a hint, nothing more.)
<elliottcable> I'm probably going to end up parsing the fucking source-code and looking for CoffeeScript idioms (_class.apply, or something)
<elliottcable> Fucking FUCK
<elliottcable> Fuck.


<elliottcable> Fuckin' fuck.
<elliottcable> So fucking ill.
<elliottcable> I feel fucking ill.
<Nuck> toilet is fucking useful
<Nuck> Nobody fucking lives in Ohio
<elliottcable> fuck C++
<Nuck> I wrote a PulseAudio Lua lib at some point in the past month and have no fucking clue where I put it. Wonderful.


<elliottcable> but it's beautiful as fuck
<purr> elliottcable: “Fucking Best Song Everrr”, Wallpaper: <http://tinysong.com/10yJ9>
<elliottcable> ♪ FUCKING BEST SONG
<elliottcable> Why the fuck is the esoling mediawiki icon a bunch of limes?
<elliottcable> if it is, then I fucked up royally >:
<elliottcable> which is still a fucking cool idea.
<elliottcable> whitequark ⑊ Micah's pretty fucking mature in a lot of ways.
<Nuck> Jesus christ holy fuck my lag is terrifying me
<micahjohnston> fucking black keys + rza
<micahjohnston> elliottcable: piano in rap music for the fucking win
<micahjohnston> fuck javascript
<micahjohnston> fuck coffeescript
<elliottcable> fucking faux-classist bullshit ...
<micahjohnston> pissed away this whole fucking day
<purr> elliottcable: Learned `fuck dA`.
<elliottcable> -learn fuck dA = I concur.
<elliottcable> fuck dA
<elliottcable> I fucking love git. http://ell.io/iay1p
<Nuck> What the fuck derpgordon
<elliottcable> okay fuck
<elliottcable> fuck UJD, it's gonna be UMJD
<elliottcable> Wat fuck is this shit. http://ell.io/iU1Pb
<elliottcable> fuck.
<elliottcable> but more importantly, yeah, expect() is *fucking ugly* with CoffeeScript
<micahjohnston> anyway tabs and spaces fucking suck
<elliottcable> You're the type who would insist on using a non-standard CSS property, say “fuck you” to all the users whose browsers' don't support it the way you want it to be, and then say “take it up with the browser developers” to anyone who disagrees with you.
<Nuck> The *only* negative of using hard tabs is that some retards set some things to default to 8-wide tabs. But that's like catering to IE6, why the fuck should I do it?
<Nuck> ... Okay, maybe not that one. Fuck them, I will rewrite the entire fucking thing
<elliottcable> Me: “ ... most browsers are *not customized*, so your website is going to look fucking stupid in most of them. You're being a bad steward of your design.
<elliottcable> You: “Just set your browser to have a background of fucking magenta, and then design for that!
<Nuck> And that's a user thing. Just set the fucking variable.
<elliottcable> and there is NOTHING IN THE WORLD more ugly than code indented with a full fucking EIGHT SPACES before each block.
<Nuck> I didn't even realize how bad CoffeeScript is until now. How the fuck do you even manage that outside of Python?
<micahjohnston> etymology is so fucking cool
<alexgordon> it looks a bit like a goatse? praise fucking jesus that it's vanilla and not chocolate
<alexgordon> WHAT THE FUCK


<purr> micahjohnston: “Fuck Tha World”, Lil Wayne: <http://tinysong.com/p1Td>
<micahjohnston> ♪ fuck
<purr> micahjohnston: “Fuck Tha World”, Lil Wayne: <http://tinysong.com/p1Td>
<micahjohnston> ♪ fuck
<devyn> sharkbot: who the fuck a' you
<elliottcable> It's not even interesting. Just fucking confusing.
<elliottcable> honestly, I haven't the slightest fucking clue what's going on with the receiver(parameters) thing
<elliottcable> judofyr ⑊ haven't the slightest fucking clue.
<elliottcable> th'fuck is that shit
<elliottcable> So, moving on to the more *conceptually* complex shit ... I don't have the mind-space to *both* be trying to figure out whether it makes any fucking sense to call into an execution paused within on bubble from another parallel co-enclosed bubble **and** try and figure out why I'm getting `undefined is not an object` errors, at the same time.
<elliottcable> even *I* can't make heads nor tails of it when something goes wrong, and given that everything is completely fucking untested and there's absolutely no error-checking or sanity verificatiomn anywhere in it, things go wrong *constantly*.
<judofyr> "elliottcable: have you seen [something I made]? it's an insane fucking mess." :D
<elliottcable> have you seen µpaws.js? it's an insane fucking mess.
<elliottcable> fuck
<whitequark> fucking ALSA :/
<whitequark> what the fuck did it capture
<whitequark> why the fuck it 400's my curl request :/
<elliottcable> -best fuck wit @ whitequark
<whitequark> the fucking thing compiles for exactly six minutes and thirty seconds
<whitequark> because THE FUCK
<whitequark> what the fuck
<elliottcable> th'fuck is Adrian Thurston
<whitequark> do you fucking see the problem here
<whitequark> fuck
<elliottcable> or whatever the fuck it was.
<elliottcable> Fucking squizzards. Fuzzy little creepy-ass bastards.
<elliottcable> I kid you not, whatever the fuck it was looked exactly what one might expect the offspring of a grey squirrel and a common green gecko to look like.
<devyn> what the fuck, windows?
<devyn> well, holy fuck, I'll be interested to see what's causing this… o__o
<elliottcable> VIM hilights xxd output? that's fucking cool.
<whitequark> I need a diploma to get the fuck out of here
<elliottcable> But I fucking need to make a fucking programming language, or I can't focus, damnit.
<elliottcable> NLP by breaking language down into fucking continuations and then processing them?
<elliottcable> I can't be a generalist when I'm trying to keep an entire fucking abstracted stack of programming-environment sane in my head
<elliottcable> function composition looks so fucking out-of-place in CoffeeScript.
<elliottcable> man, I want to go fuck with global prototypes and see how badly I can break the langauge, now.
<devyn> I wonder if eboy fucked with Object.prototype.valueOf?
<elliottcable> What the everloving fuck, as purr puts it ...
<elliottcable> the syntax rules are too fragile and non-deterministic to fuck with. Everything just breaks if I try to elliottcable.
<elliottcable> There's almost nothing I can do to fuck up CoffeeScript. Believe me, I've tried.
<purr> elliottcable: what the ever loving fuck are you saying
<elliottcable> I FUCKING TOLD YOU.
<elliottcable> maybe. Not sure. Really fucking weird.


<elliottcable> FUCKING
<elliottcable> all set to broken donkey-kong music and fucked-up visuals.
<elliottcable> These videos are FUCKING GOLDEN
<elliottcable> “That is FUCKING TERRIFYING. NOPE. NOPE.”
<elliottcable> THE FUCK AM I LOOKING AT.
<elliottcable> FUCKING MICAH


<elliottcable> Also, I fucked up that huge commit. Gotta re-do it. Ugh.
<elliottcable> fuck *me*. I need sleep. Bad.
<elliottcable> I *fucking love* GitHub.


<elliottcable> fuck.
<devyn> fuck yeah GPU


<elliottcable> So fucking MUCH.
<elliottcable> Fuck.
<elliottcable> FUCK me.
<elliottcable> Oh. My fucking god.
<elliottcable> I mean, fucking *seriously*.
<Nuck> How the fuck does testling work on iPhones
<elliottcable> eh. got nothing, fuck.


<Nuck> They're just smiling and trying to condescend when they don't fucking comprehend caching.
<elliottcable> fucking too drunk to, uh, “parse”
<micahjohnston> fuck me
<micahjohnston> but I fucking guarantee they were making out like last weekend
<micahjohnston> I fucking love the whole soundtrack
<micahjohnston> fucking awesome scene
<elliottcable> fuck
<elliottcable> fuck news
<elliottcable> that's fucking scary
<eccloud> I need *knowledge* to feel safe, fucking with my blood/brain barrier.
<eccloud> fuck meeee
<eccloud> But fuck.
<eccloud> “You're high, but your car is a fucking manual. you FUCK.”
<micahjohnston> so basically this is just me feeling fucked up lol
<elliottcable> fuck
<micahjohnston> fuck
<micahjohnston> fuck
<elliottcable> Fuck Kendal.
<micahjohnston> but anyway I was a dumb fuck and didn't realize this
<elliottcable> oh, fuck.
<elliottcable> SO fucking confused.
<elliottcable> - new Paws needs to work in the browser, because old one doesn't, and that's fucking stupid, because that's onle of the most important things Paws can do (work in the browser, that is)
<elliottcable> my fucking mind is fucking blown
<elliottcable> what the fuck
<elliottcable> FUCKING MICAH™
<alexgordon> elliottcable: so where the fuck are you now


<purr> elliottcable: what the ever loving fuck are you saying
<elliottcable> remember that time I trolled the everliving fuck out of nuck and, uh, I don't remember who, with that ‘get along’ shit?
<alexgordon> fuck it
<alexgordon> somehow I don't think my sleep schedule could be more fucked up
<elliottcable> fuck Boston
<alexgordon> they're all fucking free
<alexgordon> tbh, who gives a fuck
* alexgordon is lucky to have a common name, since he doesn't want to be associated with squirrel fucking
<alexgordon> including the stuff about fucking a squirrel


<devyn> are you going to fucking complain
<elliottcable> After Coinbase, if you don't want to go through a *lengthy* and *painful* verification process with Dwolla *and* Mt. GOX, your next-best option after Coinbase is walking fucking cash to that shady CVS down the street with all the hoodies hanging out.
<alexgordon> not fucking coinbase


<AarakulWraith> i have no idea what the fuck i've been doing since my husband went to sleep except wandering around the house o.o


<micahjohnston> jesus fucking christ
<micahjohnston> fuck dating


<Nuck> Rebuild is much simpler... Or so I thought, but now 3.33 just fucked that to bits
<sanitypassing> basically the tl;dr for this "Evangelion is confusing as fuck"


<purr> <alexgordon> I couldn't understand paws if it fucked me in the ass
<purr> <Yuffste__> Fuck the R.


<alexgordon> also the way every fucking thing is given a cute name


<purr> <Yuffste__> Fuck the R.
<purr> <alexgordon> I couldn't understand paws if it fucked me in the ass


<whitequark> that is confusing as fuck


<alexgordon> elliottcable: FUCK YOU
<Nuck> Then I try resetting, hey, maybe it didn't like the symbols? NOPE, it's just a fucking poorly programmed site, which doesn't understand how do I ==
<devyn> “...or maybe he's scared fucking shitless, living under constant threat of death trying to find any way to not carry out his crazy military's plans and not be assassinated in the mean time. ...and wishes he'd been born into a normal European famy instead, like his school friends.”


<Nuck> Holy FUCK Ben Howard is british as fuck
<Nuck> It's the fucking castanets


<alexgordon> fuck it
<alexgordon> holy fucking shit
<elliottcable> A) when the fuck did brr say that,
<purr> alexgordon: what the ever loving fuck are you saying
<purr> alexgordon: what the ever loving fuck are you saying
<purr> elliottcable: what the ever loving fuck are you saying
<elliottcable> fuck me I can't spell
<elliottcable> Brew Free or Die IPA's packaging is fucking excellent.
<whitequark> fuck english
<elliottcable> Nuck ⑊ Fuck right off. Dubstep is delicious.
<elliottcable> Fucking *excellent* dubby shit
<jdhartley> I tried joining as "JD FUCKING HARTLEY" but it truncated it
<Nuck> The fuck was that
<Nuck> Because you certainly can't get them to shut the fuck up


<whitequark> I know what specifically I'm doing, how I'm doing it, why it's applicable here and why everyone can fuck off... well, except the last part. Maybe.
<purr> elliottcable: FUCK YOU
<whitequark> and the answer is, always, I fucking don't. if you are trying to solve a hard problem, one at which a generation of two of people more clever than you have failed, you're fucking doing it wrong.
<locks> on that note, fuck google
<Nuck> locks: I'm fucking proud of that.
<elliottcable> This is an extremely dynamic subject; just like any other software-development subject, there's no fucking right answer *until* it impacts a particular interface with the user.
<Nuck> But what I'm saying is that sometimes you have to ignore the 1% of old applications to help the 99% of modern stuff. And in that case, fuck the old shit
<whitequark> that's because people thought *BEFORE* writing fucking code
<Nuck> If it's holding you back, FUCK IT ALL
<Nuck> And that's fucking dumb
<whitequark> fuck you a thousand times.
<whitequark> Nuck: fuck you royally
<elliottcable> I don't mean hateful as in mean, I mean, fucking terrible
<whitequark> a single... ok, several dozen fucks here or there in a 100LOC file don't matter
<whitequark> I'm totally satisfied with it, except WHY THE FUCK CANNOT IT ADD A NEWLINE AAAAAAARGH
<elliottcable> that's fucking excellent!
<Nuck> Anything to get rid of fucking eboy's shit code
<Nuck> elliottcable: This sounds fucking tasty.
<whitequark> elliottcable: actually. it's not about influence. I just have no idea if I can apply the ideas anywhere else except at #elliottcable... and if the owner of the channel disagrees [that it is useful], it's not worth the time spent. sure, exploring ideas is fun, but it's 10% exploring ideas and 90% fucking with the LL(k) machine to make it work, and boring JSON crap, and whatever.
<whitequark> which I need to NOT FUCKING MISS today
<elliottcable> ... to late. fuck.
<elliottcable> I fucking hate how complex it is to buy bitcoin.
<Nuck> What the fuck


<elliottcable> fuck me now he's spamming me PMs
<elliottcable> The FUCK is this
<elliottcable> Finally, he threatened to take ops away from anybody who invited me back, and made it clear that he didn't care what I did for the better, or if I changed, or anything the fuck else ... I was never to be allowed in again.
<elliottcable> fucked this up royally.
<elliottcable> FUCKING FUCK
<whitequark> tldr: I'm contributing code to RP, zenspider replies with "fuck you"
<elliottcable> I was like fuck it, I'm elliott goddamned cable.
<elliottcable> fucking love Kaufmann Mercantile
<elliottcable> In this case, A), we're standing next to a fucking drug dealer, and want to Move Fast™
<elliottcable> fucking weird.
<Nuck> elliottcable: You lucky fuck
<Nuck> Why the fuck do you have $10,000 in bitcoins alone
<whitequark> fuck my internet
<Nuck> You guys fucked that continent worse than we fucked the Native Americans
<Nuck> Europe really fucked south africa up, changing their borders and grouping tribes awkwardly
<Nuck> Which is fucking dumb, because despite what some of the dumber economists claim, Keynesian economics is still good
<alexgordon> still just a fucking number
<devyn> it's not going to go way the fuck down long enough for you to actually get all that much
<Nuck> I have a plan and that's when it goes the fuck down


<vil> if everyone would just calm the fuck down, it would stop
<whitequark> I'm buying a fucking canadian phone because you can't buy a phone compatible with russian lte in russia
<Nuck> But then UK fucked up
<whitequark> Nuck: us post never, ever, delivered the parcel to WRONG FUCKING COUNTRY
<whitequark> these fucking morons seemingly cannot distinguish Russia and UK
<whitequark> what the fuck is wrong with canada post
<Nuck> Also, I'm fapping to that nazi propoganda elliott linked. BECAUSE I FUCKING CAN.
<elliottcable> My server's fucked up. I don't want to spend tonight fixing this. Damnit.


<elliottcable> Mmmm. The first ASIC miners are starting to ship now. I expect the proliferation of easily-available mining silicon to fuck everything to shit and back.
<elliottcable> Fuck ME sideways.
<elliottcable> it's fucking ugly right now
<devyn> fuck I'm not with it tonight
<whitequark> devyn: also why the fuck did you kick it


<gqbrielle> fuck me.
<gqbrielle> my parakeets think i'm having a fucking seizure
<gqbrielle> we're talking arealouea a;sdigy how the fuck is that spelled
<purr> Let it be known that Nuck is indifferent to Fuck you too, purr.
<Nuck> ++ Fuck you too, purr
<purr> Let it be known that Nuck is indifferent to Fuck you too.
<Nuck> -- Fuck you too
<purr> Let it be known that Nuck loves Fuck you too.
<Nuck> ++ Fuck you too


<purr> whitequark: Nuck hates penis, elliottcable, Bush was an idiot. At least Bush Jr., Nuck, Mormons., I give up, Fuck you too, purr, node.js so much, PHP, and .
<vil> sanitypassing: and obviously fucking magic too
<devyn> fuck
<whitequark> alexgordon: fuck.
<whitequark> vil: fuck
<vil> whitequark: those words were not fuck
<whitequark> ... fuck?
<vil> fuck
<whitequark> fuck!