4:23 PM <cloudhead> the only conceivable thing I might do which involves writing code is a game
cloudhead: word
Lol that was david
who's david
We're out to dinner
4:24 PM <cloudhead> it's isolating me too much from life
4:24 PM <cloudhead> can't have it that way
ELLIOTTCABLE: cloudhead: and I mean if you compile to JS now, when there's better in-browser vm support in the future, you can simply start compiling to that instead
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god damn iiiiiit
i collected 256 fucking cobblestone and smelted ALL of it
and I needed 64
so much wasted coal
<elliottcable> sephr ⑊ nothx
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cuttlebone: oh come on, Apple doesn't have any creative bones at the moment. or at least, not any that they're showing. they're being safe, not daring. it's not really all that surprising.
could be that they're just saving up for something really really big that they think is too risky at the moment, but I doubt it
joelteon: lol I did that with glass earlier
joelteon: I made a shitton of glass, converted it all to glass panes, and then realized I didn't need that many glass panes but would later need glass blocks...
joelteon: and sand is a bitch to get because you can't really take it without destroying the landscape
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<alexgordon> the problem with C++ is: literally every part
<sephr> so now you must live in constant fear of the possibility of sephr cursing your bits
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