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<Tsutsukakushi> lkcl: sorry for bombarding you with messages in the thread
<Tsutsukakushi> this video you linked is pretty good
<Tsutsukakushi> and sorry for bothering you with that tor stuff
<lkcl> Tsutsukakushi: no it's great!
<Tsutsukakushi> but i kind of expect a free software/open hardware/privacy stuff to let me access them with Tor
<Tsutsukakushi> and it's way too often that they don't
<lkcl> Tsutsukakushi: i'd rather know that tor isn't working because we have to have people access the site anonymously
<Tsutsukakushi> and it really annoys me
<lkcl> Tsutsukakushi: i didn't know!
<Tsutsukakushi> :3
<Tsutsukakushi> yea
<Tsutsukakushi> now you do
<Tsutsukakushi> i suggest you start using Tor all the time
<Tsutsukakushi> you'll really start hating cloudflare
<lkcl> Tsutsukakushi: there *is* a possible way... but hmmm.... you'd end up leaking your IP address to me - i run a VPN which i run all my HTTP traffic through
<Tsutsukakushi> this stuff kind of reminds me of the joanna rutkovska talk in the last CCC
<Tsutsukakushi> about the stateless laptop
<Tsutsukakushi> that's kind of what the laptop you have is
<lkcl> why the hell don't cloudfare run an onion node?
<lkcl> oo i have to go look that up
<Tsutsukakushi> and the card is the dongle that she was theorizing
<Tsutsukakushi> i'll get you a link
<Tsutsukakushi> few seconds
<lkcl> ack, appreciated.
<lkcl> well if you look at the Motorola Atrix Laptop USB-HDMI dongle hack you might find it's pretty similar
<Tsutsukakushi> page for it
<Tsutsukakushi> i'll get you a direct link
<lkcl> ack
<Tsutsukakushi> :3
<Tsutsukakushi> there
<Tsutsukakushi> the usb stuff inside the laptop is quite genious
<Tsutsukakushi> way to get around that planned obsolessence of usb devices :p
<lkcl> it's an idea that comes from the alwaysinnovating touchbook... which so many people haven't even heard of!
<Tsutsukakushi> i haven't heard of that
<Tsutsukakushi> gonna look it up
<lkcl> ahh it's such a pity they didn't do a modular design, they used an OMAP3530 which was of course great at the time but very very quickly a load of rubbish. the entire design - otherwise absolutely brilliant - was let down by *one* part... the processor
<lkcl> it's a hard lesson to learn