lkcl changed the topic of #arm-netbook to: arm-netbook: Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - EOMA68 spec - ML - Logs or - For Allwinner/sunxi discussions prefer #linux-sunxi - iMX6 Card - Flying Squirrel - Allwinner A10/A20 Card -
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<C-Keen> lkcl: I see, it would have made sense to lower the campaign then imho
<C-Keen> but I am a pessimist, it will all turn out just fine!
<lkcl> C-Keen: i made the estimates without knowing any idea of the ratios!
<lkcl> C-Keen: how could i know that it would be 5:1 computer cards to laptop housings? :)
<lkcl> C-Keen: an ordinary crowd funding campaign, one main thing, one estimated cost per unit, no problem
<lkcl> C-Keen: this campaign? it's completely unique - there aren't *any* other campaigns like it: nobody's done modular computing before as a crowd-funded campaign
<C-Keen> lkcl: well, we can clearly see what the effects of modularisation is. People order what they need. So for me I don't need the 15" laptop model, so I go with a mini desktop first, then switch to a 12" laptop should that be available.
<C-Keen> less overproduction, less junk
<C-Keen> and the crowdfunding platform is not prepared for this
<lkcl> C-Keen: nnope - but neither was i :)
<lkcl> oh i got fedora 24 up and running btw
<C-Keen> coole
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