lkcl changed the topic of #arm-netbook to: arm-netbook: Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - EOMA68 spec - ML - Logs or - For Allwinner/sunxi discussions prefer #linux-sunxi - iMX6 Card - Flying Squirrel - Allwinner A10/A20 Card -
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<lkcl> arossdotme: yehh which i think it's nicer when people get to talk instead
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<rellla> only german though
<C-Keen> cool
<C-Keen> heise is a wide reachin medium, that should get some more backers
<rellla> though comments are as always on ...
<C-Keen> don't read the comments for the sake of keeping your faith in humanity ;)
<rellla> with a general negotiating touch, mostly d**b sh*t
<rellla> "negotiating" is wrong :p "negating" should be what i meant
<C-Keen> btw is the FSF certification still pending?
<arossdotme> C-Keen, i think so, bear in mind they where busy at a conf or something so it will get decided at some point in time
<C-Keen> I am not impatient just curious
<edwin> lkcl: alongside the laptop comparison have you thought of doing a comparison with some of the recent single-board-computers in the future? (pine64/chip/etc.) AFAICT Pine64's problem is the need for libdram blob in the boot process (boot0/SPL) that you mentioned somewhere already, and they still seem to rely on pretty old kernels (3.10.x). you mentioned somewhere that eoma68 should work with newer kernels?
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<arossdotme> C-Keen, i just ment it might be a while :) sorry didnt mean to sound that i thought of ya impatient
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<C-Keen> arossdotme: no worries!
<C-Keen> lkcl: I do have a more general question about the eoma standard itself. Since all interfaces are mandatory, I suspect that over time busses like USB will become quite obsolete. That probably won't happen any time soon for USB but HDMI and/or other display outputs might change... What are your thoughts on that?
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<lkcl> edwin: just tested eoma68-a20 with 4.7 yesterday it works fine.
<lkcl> edwin: if i make a comparison against existing SBCs, you only need to do one actual SBC: they're all short-lived, they're all single-purpose, they're all impossible to put usefully into mass-volume products... it's an update that doesn't really need to be done because it wouldn't be a positive one.
<lkcl> rellla: thanks! great!
<lkcl> C-Keen: the RYF Certification is pending them having actual physical samples in their hands. i'm slightly annoyed at having the "refund" offer added without asking for my input...
<lkcl> C-Keen: because once we've made the samples, we *CAN'T* provide refunds!!!
<lkcl> lkcl: C-Keen: fortunately we've worked out a strategy to deal with that.
<lkcl> rellla: might need your help, i'm answering pretty much everything, regardless of language
<rellla> another one...
<rellla> lkcl: you should try to get an article on imho
<rellla> together with these should be the most important german ones...
<C-Keen> lkcl: do you really expect a lot of people insisting on refunds?
<rellla> comments in general are mostly silly ones. I have no "power" to answer that... The negative ones criticise the soc choice. A20 is old and from gpl violating allwinner....
<C-Keen> but has upstream kernel support so what
<C-Keen> All these arguments are just tireing
<rellla> Very superficial kind of view. Sad. Always the same problem as for the whole linux-sunxi community...
<C-Keen> None of these people can offer a better solution
<rellla> C-Keen: i know, you know.
<rellla> "Standard" users, users don't.
<rellla> ok, lkcl, saw you joined your "learning german" lesson :) good luck!
<C-Keen> lkcl: also sorry to trigger you on this issue :)
<C-Keen> lkcl: have you seen my other question relating defined interfaces becomming obsolete? Note, that I don't want to mock any of the EOMA's decissions, I am asking out of interest and wrt the earth friendliness goal. I have accumulated too many embedded thingies that have become obsolete way too fast
<lkcl> rellla: oooff.... :)
<lkcl> C-Keen: i cover this in the ecocomputing white paper interfaces analysis
<C-Keen> lkcl: will look for it thanks
<lkcl> but think about it: with 20 years of history, do you *really* think that USB, MMC, SPI, I2C and UART are going to become obselete in the next 10 years?
<lkcl> i'll find the link... 1sec...
<lkcl> C-Keen: there are literally 10s of thousands of I2C, SPI and UART sensors and ICs
<C-Keen> thanks
<lkcl> C-Keen: 10s of thousands of USB products
<C-Keen> I agree on that, I am just not so sure about the display
<lkcl> C-Keen: even the recent announcement of an upgrade to MMC i don't think is an issue
<lkcl> C-Keen: the display, ok - because of RGB/TTL, it is the lowest-common-denominator, so no
<lkcl> C-Keen: take a look on - search for some displays (make sure to tick "in production')
<lkcl> go from 320x240 to 640x480 to 800x600 to 1024x600, all the way up to 1366x768.
<lkcl> at the low end it's *always* RGB/TTL.
<lkcl> at the higher end it's LVDS (despite what the "industry" wants people to believe)
<lkcl> the SN75LVDS83b is $1... :)
<C-Keen> yeah LVDS is always an option
<lkcl> even if eDP or MIPI does actually take over, we will always be able to get a converter IC that's only 1/10th the cost of the actual LCD.
<C-Keen> true
<C-Keen> thanks for reminding me :)
<lkcl> $1 LVDS IC + $25 1366x768 15in LCD.....
<lkcl> if i had chosen LVDS or eDP or worse MIPI, it would be ridiculous: the down-converter ICs are *MORE* than the cost of some of the processors!
<lkcl> because of patent royalty licensing and built-in DRM... grrr.
<lkcl> HDMI to RGB/TTL converter ICs can only be ordered in volumes of 50,000, but because they could be used to bypass DRM with a hardware design their sale is RESTRICTED.
<lkcl> fucking idiots.
<lkcl> pisses me off
<lkcl> anyway. i gotta take a break.
<C-Keen> lkcl: take care!