<tuxbrain> and it's over!!!! atben 100% yield , 135 bright and powerful tiny boards tested and filling my head with 2,4GHz waves!!! atusb not bad just 3 down so 117 totally operative (116 if the sugru thing fails)
<wpwrak> whoohoo !! :)
<roh> nice. congrats.
<wpwrak> 100% yield for atben makes sense. it's quite simple and has no mechanical components at all. so the yield - if non-zero - should be very high
<wpwrak> atusb is more complex and has a mechanical component, hence more trouble
<roh> you mean the usb plug?
<tuxbrain> sugru:report, well now it pas the gpios but the spectrum still as low as before, I will test tomorrow night  to see there is any improvement
<wpwrak> roh: yup. i was a bit worried about this one. it "snaps" in. far from ideal for SMT.
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: (sugru) good. so the surface has cured and is no longer conductive. but the core still is. it may still work. this kind of stuff usually cures at ~8 h/mm.
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: yeah, luckly the local smt fab are kind guys and had remove the anoying part of the panel, I'm sure in less considerated fabs, we will have a mess instad of a cool usb plug
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: you put about 2.5 mm. if we assume that the inside cures much more slowly, due to limited access to air, about 24 h would be the minimum until you can expect useful results
<tuxbrain> ok ok you know wait is not my strong point
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: (nice smt guys) weren't they in the loop when you discussed panelization with the PCB fab ? i thought they were. well, anyway the way the board was panelized, removing that part was easy.
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: (wait) it'll cure while you sleep ;-)
<tuxbrain> sleep? what's that? ah! the thing my family does when I'm working
<wpwrak> they must have enjoyed a few rather restful days :)
<tuxbrain> nah, my family also goes to the park while I'm working, my daughter goes to school while I'm working and my wife also enjoys tv while I'm working....
<tuxbrain> feels soooo sad
<wpwrak> so they figured out that it's a bad idea to try to sync with you ;-)
<wpwrak> why ? were you hoping for a few interesting failures to spend the rest of the night on analyzing ? ;-)
<tuxbrain> nah, this month is specially hard in workload (you also know some of the reasons) and I miss to spend time just sitting in the sofa or listening my daughter theories about live
<tuxbrain> with nothing else in the head
<tuxbrain> that's the worst part, even if I found 5mins to sit down, there is a lot of mess in the head
<tuxbrain> ok a lot money save on psiquiatrics thanks to IRC
<tuxbrain> I think the announce post will be rescheduled for tomorrow at some point, no enough stamina today
<tuxbrain> gonna sync with may family for 4 hours, tomorrow I need to look less an dungeon beast than I look now
<wpwrak> hehe ;-)
<wpwrak> the green PASS will haunt your dreams ;-)
<wpwrak> and the squiggly white snake in the red tunnel
<tuxbrain_PASS> aaaaargh no the dancing white line and the green dot!!! aaaaarg
<wpwrak> tuxbrain_PASS: for the next run, you should try the testing with psychedelic drugs. the repetitiveness and general strangeness of the setting ought to produce interesting effects ;-)
<tuxbrain_HxxHhzo> mmmm drugs.... so far in time and so ... not  tuxbrain bad boy bad boy, not until june has pass by :P
<tuxbrain_HxxHhzo> PASS by
<wpwrak> should add audio indications to the testing process
<tuxbrain_HxxHhzo> metal please :)
<tuxbrain_HxxHhzo> good night dude
<DocScrutinizer> giggles
<DocScrutinizer> http://r33b.net
<wpwrak> ;-)
<wolfspraul> tuxbrain_away: for my atben/atusb order, do you have some stuff you need to ship back to Taipei? Maybe some returned nanos, or even more important, the jtag-serial pods from your m1 and hopefully the ones you got from h:d?
<wolfspraul> I would like to combine it all into one shipment you can send with a good courier...
<wolfspraul> I'll send you a mail :-)
<toenail> Hi, I have an Intel d915pcy Motherboard, and the front panel (in particular: the Firewire por) is not working. I've downoaded the manual and connected everything correct.
<toenail> I've also check Intel's site for a 1394 driver, and nothing. I also, updated the Bios software,and yet, nothing
<DocScrutinizer> shouldn't the channel's /topic be a *bit* more specific, and also have some URL to a relevant website?
<wpwrak> larsc: hmm, does 6960c45fc0eefbd9ae025fe35121e7eb4efd2bfb (in jz-2.6.38) have any known issues besides what you fixed in 7968eee8c23b92d5a6b064dc020f7397e6016421 ?
<wolfspraul> DocScrutinizer: yes, good point!
<wpwrak> larsc: i seem to have a regression (USB doesn't enumerate anymore) that points to this. not entirely sure yet, though
<DocScrutinizer> I mean, freenode users picking channels from chanlist based on what's in the /topic
<DocScrutinizer> so a bit more descriptive topic wouldn't really hurt
<wolfspraul> we need a super short explanation what copyleft hw is
<wolfspraul> "copyleft hardware is built out of free knowledge"?
<wpwrak> how about "HHHH0HzH.HxHxHHHh.oHzHH0HH" ? at least tuxbrain will find it exceedingly descriptive ;-)
<DocScrutinizer> keep in mind that most IRC clients allow searching chanlist incl topics by regex
<DocScrutinizer> so a few buzzwords would help as well
<wolfspraul> sure, like I said let's find something and change it
<DocScrutinizer> "hardware hackers join here to discuss Ben NanoNote and other community driven hw projects"
<wolfspraul> sure why not. I need to find out how to change the topic...
<wolfspraul> DocScrutinizer: don't you have those topic-changing superpowers already?
<DocScrutinizer> sure
<DocScrutinizer> toss a text to c&p ;-)
<DocScrutinizer> it's "your" chan
<mth> wpwrak: this might fix the USB problem: https://github.com/mthuurne/opendingux-kernel/commit/e6ec57a4
<wpwrak> mth: thanks ! now .. how do i cherry-pick this one ...
<DocScrutinizer> where's he gone?
<wpwrak> ah, google knows. as usual ;-)
<DocScrutinizer> lost while searching how to change topic?
<wpwrak> except that there doesn't seem to be a way to pick from a repository without cloning it. grmbl ...
<mth> as a last resort, you could copy-paste the diff and apply it
<wpwrak> sigh
<mth> the web page seems to be designed with that in mind: it doesn't select the line numbers
<DocScrutinizer> wpwrak: URL for topic?
<mth> a download link for the patch would be more useful though
<wpwrak> mth: thanks a lot !
<wpwrak> whee ! there we ride again !
<wpwrak> mth: works great, thanks a lot !
<DocScrutinizer> still waiting for suggestions/critics about chan topic :-)
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: Revert "config.full_system: add liballegro stuff into image (=y>, not as module (=m)" http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/07fdef0
<rjeffries> DocScrutinizer the chan topic reads fine IMO
<DocScrutinizer> rjeffries: OK
<kyak> tuxbrain_away: huh? 5 minutes ago AtBEN-AtUSB Combo was 59 EUR
<kyak> now it is 50 EUR
<kyak> should i wait another 5 minutes? :)
<kyak> ah, 5 minutes ago i wasn't registered.. That's interesting
<tuxbrain_away> with vat without vat :)
<tuxbrain_away> due you are from out side of EU vat doesn't apply :)
<tuxbrain_away> Rusian and Southamerican people please wait until this night I update the shippin cost to you via fedex
<kyak> good
<kyak> i'll be waiting impatiently
<kyak> i'll be saving 9 euro, this makes be wanna buy two :)
<kyak> tuxbrain_away: how many did you produce?
<kyak> wpwrak: can one atusb handle two atben's simultaneously?
<kyak> wpwrak: and, can two atben's communicate between each other?
<wpwrak> kyak: yes. yes.
<kyak> good, good :)
<wpwrak> kyak: i'm not even sure where the maxium size of a PAN is. could be ~2^16 nodes. or maybe ~2^64.
<wpwrak> kyak: in any case, there are not enough atben/atusb in the world to overflow even a single PAN ;-)
<wpwrak> not are there ben, for that matter. including the ones still in wolfgang's warehouse :)
<kyak> there is even not enough living things on Earth to overflow it :)
<kyak> browsing tuxbrain's shop, i stumbled upon EFIKA MX Smartbook. It's interesting
<xiangfu> just read one news about JZ4770: ftp://ftp.ingenic.cn/2soc/4770/JZ4770_ds.pdf
<xiangfu> 1Ghz, 65nm
<wolfspraul> DocScrutinizer: cool, you already changed the topic it seems!
<wolfspraul> we can also shorten it and remove the relatively meaningless 'time is on our side' meme
<DocScrutinizer> wolfspraul: like that?
<wolfspraul> he
<wolfspraul> how about you?
<wolfspraul> also remove the 'welcome and please ask your question...'?
<wolfspraul> a bit cheesy maybe
<wolfspraul> yeah
<wolfspraul> what do you think?
<DocScrutinizer> I think it's ok, maybe missing buzzwords like milkymist?
<wolfspraul> DocScrutinizer: thanks a lot!
<DocScrutinizer> no problem
<wolfspraul> there's actually the #milkymist channel as well
<DocScrutinizer> ok
<wolfspraul> the overlap (or non-overlap) between #qi-hardware and #milkymist is not 100% clea
<wolfspraul> clear
<wolfspraul> which is OK I think
<wolfspraul> #qi-hardware for me remains about copylef hardware, manufacturing, etc.
<wolfspraul> #milkymist is definitely about the SoC, and then about Flickernoise (there is no separate flickernoise channel)
<wolfspraul> it's also about Milkymist One, the video synthesizer, although somewhere there on the manufacturing side it starts to become part of the qi project :-)
<wolfspraul> bottom line: no need to mention milkymist in the topic
<wolfspraul> I think what you have now is perfect
<dvdk> currently writing  a slashdot submission for atben/atusb
<dvdk> wondering, what's the driver status?  still much work to do?
<dvdk> (6lopan kernel drivers)
<wolfspraul> dvdk: oh nice! crossing my fingers that you have some genius ideas for the headline :-)
<wolfspraul> without speaking for Werner, I think on the driver side there is still a lot to do
<wolfspraul> to get all this clean and into kernel.org, I think that's a whole new effort, maybe comparable in size to where Werner and Tuxbrain got things today
<wolfspraul> Stefan Schmidt has signaled some support, which is encouraging. So maybe the Slashdot headline should be a call for participation?
<wolfspraul> but what's the catchiest way to describe why this is important...
<wolfspraul> 802.15.4? 6LoWPAN? why?
<dvdk> wolfspraul: sorry didn't catch your reply until it was submitted
<dvdk> anybody with slashdot accounts wish to mod it up?  
<dvdk> but going into sw details would have been to verbose for a slashdot story anyways.
<wolfspraul> your headline gives a nice reason already
<dvdk> (low attention span of slashdot readers :)
<dvdk> the ben-wpan wiki page is pretty large.  hopefully it can survive the slashdot effect
<dvdk> ouch. should have linked to a perma-link (i.e. dated version) of the page.
<dvdk> well, let's see how it goes.
<wolfspraul> I clicked on '+' - does this help?
<wolfspraul> 'replacement' is good, a bit radical like 'abuse' last time...
<wolfspraul> I somehow can't see any effect of me clicking on '+', even though I'm logged in with my account.
<dvdk> wolfspraul: the only effect is, that the '+' gets marked for you
<dvdk> maybe sd editors are going to see the number of '+' counts (but nobody else sees them)
<wolfspraul> ah I see
<dvdk> you prefer radical ?   "Qi-hardware tries to killing propritary wlan" :)
<wolfspraul> well then
<wolfspraul> no no
<wolfspraul> :-)
<dvdk> *to kill
<wolfspraul> hold that back for later, ok?
<dvdk> always a question of audience, isn't it :)
<roh> hihi
<wolfspraul> hi
<DocScrutinizer> sold OM's bq27k kernel module to meego-arm
<DocScrutinizer> it's a pity how few of that stuff gone upstream. The effect is now other really crappy shit is occupying that niche
<DocScrutinizer> which basically means the good OM stuff will never aver make it upstream now
<DocScrutinizer> and eventually this will bite our ass for the local build, when crap comes back downstream and collides
<DocScrutinizer> curses OE
<whitequark> the downstream of crap...
<wpwrak> (keeping a low profile) "revolutionary WPAN frees universe from the shackles of the Wifi-industrial complex, heralds new golden age"
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: (sw) yes, still a lot to do
<wpwrak> (checking the article ...)
<wpwrak> djvdk: "compatability" .. intentional ? someone once suggested "combatablity", because it's always a fight :)
<wpwrak> a number of capitalization errors, e.g., it'e 6LoWPAN. also, the capitalization of atben/atusb should be just that. (hmm, but i see where you got the bad precedent from :-( )
<wpwrak> hmm, would have been good to wait a bit with the announcement until after cleaning up the (very messy) wiki page ...
<wpwrak> tuxbrain_away: and you didn't update the commercial description. ("24 kB used")
<dvdk> wpwrak: next time we should edit /. submission as a wiki page like community news :)
<dvdk> wrt spelling: just used copy-pasted, yeah 6LowPAN is a my mistake
<wpwrak> dvdk: yes, or at least have a quick review cycle
<dvdk> i thought: why review, if we can just re-submit over and over again? :)
<dvdk> everybod his/her own version of the story
<wpwrak> ;-))
<wpwrak> oh dear ;-)
<DocScrutinizer> ok, nm. bq27k driver is upstream, according to our kernel hacker larsc
<qi-bot> [commit] Benson Leung: gpio-charger: Add gpio_charger_resume http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/0b8eee2
<qi-bot> [commit] Lars-Peter Clausen: udc http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/ef7f1fc
<qi-bot> [commit] Lars-Peter Clausen: jz4740: Fix compile error http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/1c110d7
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: USB: Fix packet read/write functions. http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/29cacc9
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: at86rf230: move register and protocol definitions to header file http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/b213088
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: at86rf230: remove irq_disabled flag and clean up IRQ freeing http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/41fca64
<wolfspraul> unfortunately I forgot to fix the line wrappings, oh well :-)
<wolfspraul> the power of copy/paste got me
<dvdk> wolfspraul: at least you fixed all the typos :)
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: hmm, should mention that this is with EU taxes. abroad, these come off. (and local ones get added)
<wpwrak> tuxbrain_away: would be nice if your shop always mentioned what price it's showing (e.g., "with 18% IVA - click here for non-EU prices" or "without taxes - click here for EU prices")
<wolfspraul> wpwrak: yes but I just wanted to get the news out asap, and if price comes down, even better
<wolfspraul> I should have seen the line wraps at least...
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: Jane will like the long line ;-)
<kristianpaul> wow, that anoucement was fast :-)
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: dirtpan support comunication between one or more atben/atusb ?
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: at the moment, it doesnt' support atusb because the kernel doesn't. but once that it solved, it will, yes.
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: in fact, it will support communication between any pairs of IEEE 802.15.4 devices that have a kernel driver
<qi-bot> [commit] David Kühling: cmake.mk: fix bogus values for FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_*; kept plplot from compiling http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/e1cbfbf
<kristianpaul> oh, thats even better :-)
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: u mean atusb support will be in linux upstream?
<kristianpaul> that will be awesome
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: i can't make such a promise. but i'm working on getting the driver ready for merging in richard's usb skeleton.
<kristianpaul> ok
<rjeffries> wpwrak what do you think of this tool, for the money?
<GNUtoo> rjeffries, what about the FLOSS one?
<GNUtoo> from seed studio
<rjeffries> are the specs similar?
<GNUtoo> no idea
<rjeffries> ok
<GNUtoo> ah I don't find it anymore
<GNUtoo> hmmm but they seem to have that:
<GNUtoo> no idea about the specs
<samgee> I just read the AtBEN announcement. Awesome news. Big thank you to wpwrak, tuxbrain_away and anyone else who made (and is still making) it happen. I hope we can support this work in gNewSenses soon.
<Jay7> hm..
<Jay7> nice idea to use NN as wallet :)
<Jay7> I'll prefer to have there OPIE/SKEY calculator and some secured storage
<Jay7> and password generator (apg?)
<Jay7> then we may position NN as banking e-token ;)
<Jay7> connect it via USB, enter password and get access to your online banking :)
<Jay7> $99 only :)
<Jay7> iirc, e-tokens here are selled to customers about $50
<Jay7> comparable price :)
<DocScrutinizer> rjeffries: the ad gave me LULZ
<rjeffries> ok I do not know enough to judge
<DocScrutinizer> "gobbledigobble"  "send it over!"  "jokus pokus" "WUT??"
<kristianpaul> samgee: hey :-)
<kristianpaul> samgee: sure, i was about to point in gns, add support for atusb at least
<DocScrutinizer> rjeffries: I missed any pricetag for that 8ch-logprobe
<samgee> kristianpaul: it'd be nice if we could be early adopters for support, but probably not feasible in the short term.
<qwebirc625> Hello! Does any of you know how could I get a nano-note here in Argentina?
<kristianpaul> well
<kristianpaul> may be wpwrak have some nanonote avaliable to sell? :-)
<kristianpaul> but in the wort case you have to order from sharism
<qwebirc625> oh! Thanks a lot Kristian!
<qwebirc625> great!
<qwebirc625> (btw, Werner does not have any available to sell it :( )
<qwebirc625> then, Sharism
<wpwrak> (selling stuff) yup. argentine biz bureaucrazy is way too messy for me to get into. well, if there was demand for 1000+ units per month, maybe :)
<qi-bot> [commit] David Kühling: add icon and starter for ASE (aseprite) image/animation editor http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/31e1f3c
<qi-bot> [commit] David Kühling: ase: hack gui to emulate mouse via keyboard; change keymap to not interfere. http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/5c9e2b8
<wpwrak> tuxbrain_away: any news on the sugru front ? pass or fail ? :)
<tuxbrain_away> I have let my already setup NN to victor to make pretty pics on NN , and I have other more urgent work to do than seting up a new NN to test the sugru thing, I will test as soon as my NN come back
<tuxbrain_away> pics on NN atben and atusb of course :)
<wpwrak> tuxbrain_away: (pis) great !
<wpwrak> s/pis/piCs/
<wpwrak> (pis being a particularly bad typo in spanish ;-)
<tuxbrain_away> yeah on first read before the typo correction I was thinking you where celebrating a great toilet achievement that want to share with me
<wpwrak> sometimes, right after them, the feel very much like worth celebrating. but no, i haven't thought of sharing my exploits on the throne here. maybe i should start a blog ;-)
<tuxbrain_away> nah a tweet or ident is just enough :P
<wpwrak> when did i go. how did it feel and sound. how was my weight difference. what had i eaten before. picture for premium subscribers. oh yes, i could see a nice business model ;-)
<wpwrak> you have to go with the times. nobody cares about technology these days. a quick fart joke, yes, that's more than enough intellectual challenge for a day ;-)
<tuxbrain_away> too much information dude (what is the emoticon for extremelly disgusting near to throw up)
<wpwrak> ;-))
<tuxbrain_away> wpwrak: what was the aviable free mem? don't make me search on the list
<wpwrak> tuxbrain_away: alright, i searched it for you: http://pastebin.com/MnWG9Efw
<wpwrak> the relevant sentences are at the bottom :)