<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: reset should be ok now (can't verify) and I'm now working on the actual SPI transfers
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: spi_atben: correct interrupt cleanup order when removing the driver (ben-wpan) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/d8bd10a
<wpwrak> (spi xfers) great
<wpwrak> maybe unbinding the driver before rmmod helps:
<wpwrak> cd /sys/bus/spi/drivers/at86rf230
<wpwrak> echo spi*.0 >unbind
<wpwrak> at least with this, i get only one spi master and one reset after re-insmodding
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: cool, let me try
<wpwrak> the platform device is still around, though. hmm.
<stefan_schmidt> nope, does not help
<stefan_schmidt> back to good old reboot here.
<stefan_schmidt> At least I'm able to test stuff that way :)
<stefan_schmidt> talking about it.... reboot time :)
<kristianpaul> (tempest) interesting concept, i wonder if a 1 bit ADC/DAC can implemented using a UBB and some glue logic
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: why stop at 1 bit if you have 4 of them ? ;-)
<kristianpaul> ya, but that will require a ADC chip, for the one bit i was thinking in a flip-flop
<wpwrak> how many DAC chips do you see on ubb-vga ? ;-)
<wpwrak> ADC would be admittedly trickier
<kristianpaul> i never said ADC chip :)
<kristianpaul> well glue logic plus glue resistors :p
<wpwrak> no glue needed. just the Rs ;-)
<kristianpaul> lol
<rjeffries> the only (slight) bummer is one must choose to EITHER do VGA OR 802.15.4 OR AM radio transmitter.
<kristianpaul> for now i have UBB's so the choice is already set ;)
<kristianpaul> ah, there is 433Mhz too using rfm12b modules rjeffries
<kristianpaul> i really enjoy my off line nanonote, be disconnected is good from time to time
<wpwrak> rjeffries: in the 1970ies, the avantgarde were the DJs. 20 years later, the VJs. 20 years later again, the UBB-Jockeys ;-)
<rjeffries> kristianpaul you are correct. wonder wht happened with the Hope RF module project
<rjeffries> if there is ever a next Nanonote, in addition to 802.15.4 being built-in, I'd vote to also have VGA (prolly using a chip rather that wpwrak's magic
<kristianpaul> wpwrak:  you wizard !! :)
<kristianpaul> i knew it xD
<zear> rjeffries, the hardware would then need to support running programs at a decent framerate in higher res
<rjeffries> maybe. but the use case for me is simply a larger screen. not watching videos.
<zear> rjeffries, well, sdl apps will also be very laggy
<rjeffries> any follow-on to Ben will use a considerably faster cpu. amd will support much better memory bandwidth
<zear> rjeffries, unless you don't mind running 320x240 on a TV screen
<zear> then phisically you have a larger screen, but the same resolution
<kristianpaul> rjeffries: i gues you aware of last 4770 ingenic chip ;)
<kristianpaul> man i want a laptop with that chip for sure :D
<rjeffries> I tried to gey data sheet on 4770 but ingenic site seemed to time out
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: your spi classifier works here now. Time for me to get the spi read and write functions running
<rjeffries> zear i expect a nanonote 2.0 will support somewhat greater resolution on the lcd, but probably nothing radically better
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: http://pastebin.com/MATaxrep
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: you have some guide or code sniped about implementing a NCO in C? :-)
<zear> rjeffries, 2x the current res would make a lot of X11 apps usable
<rjeffries> has 4770 been seen in the wild? we know there are tablets based on 4760
<kristianpaul> i dont think so, seems kinda new
<rjeffries> oh 64x480 would be sweet yes
<zear> rjeffries, then just add a touchscreen and you have tons of software perfect for the nanonote
<rjeffries> 640x480
<rjeffries> capacitive touch screen technolgy is a commodity now
<wpwrak> rjeffries: you shuold be able to have VGA with the ben already. just make an 8 bit analog RGB mixer and program the LCD controller accordingly
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: (flip flop) some resistors and transitors, and thats it the, 1 bit ADC
<rjeffries> wpwrak pardon my ignorance, but what would be used as i/o with ben?
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: (read 1) nice :)
<rjeffries> seen tuxbrain
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: while (1) { int n; for (n = 0; n != period; n++); asm(""); }  ? ;-)
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: okay,but the asm part what for?
<kristianpaul> i mean asm? is not all about C and pointers?
<wpwrak> rjeffries: the ben's SoC can do up to 800x600. considering that ubb-vga manages 1024x768 with semi-reasonable timing, i don't think 800x600 would be too difficult to get right.
<rjeffries> that will be some VERY compact machine code;(
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: gcc -O9 -S whatever.c   ;-)
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: or what exactly was your question ?
<zear> wpwrak, do the -O* past 3 have any actual effect?
<wpwrak> zear: wrong question :) the right question would be "do i read all the gcc release notes" ?
<zear> wpwrak, no i don't, but i remember reading somewhere that 3 is the limit ;)
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: (1 bit adc) hmm, what's the flip-flop doing ?
<wpwrak> rjeffries: (vga i/o) you'd have to either solder to the test points under the battery, or make an FPC and connect instead of the LCM.
<wpwrak> rjeffries: if you want a fancy solution, make a PCB with pogo pins that touches the test points.
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: (adc) is like a sampler, well i just read it from here http://www.s5tech.net/s53mv/navsats/n12.gif
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: (exactly question) implement something like this in C http://www.colorado.edu/geography/gcraft/notes/gps/gif/costas.gif
<kristianpaul> but actually seems more esier for 1 bit using digital logic..
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: (adc) at looks more like a 16 bit adc :)
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: no no, there is no 16 bits anywhere
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: (demodulator in c) you should visit your friends at the university. they ought to have some fun books in the EE section. books that go well beyond my head ;-)
<kristianpaul> hehe
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: (16 bit) "integrator (counter)" and "16 bits/millisecond"
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: true, but not the adc !
<wpwrak> ah ! you mean the "SAMPLER" "D-FF" bit
<kristianpaul> since 10 minutes ago, yes
<kristianpaul> still need to improve comunication skills
<wpwrak> concept looks a bit odd. it may be more a synchronizer. you don't need that if you just want to sample analog data to memory
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: spi_atben: refcount the master (ben-wpan) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/d377794
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: maybe this helps. the sequence would be: insmod ....; unbind the at86rf230; rmmod spi_atben
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: if you don't unbind, the rmmod will still succeed, with disastrous effects
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: ok, thanks
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: its already past 3am here. Will work on this more tomorrow.
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: At least I'm some good steps forward now. SPI read and write should work tomorrow
<stefan_schmidt> After that there is only IRQ left
<wpwrak> kewl. you'll be bored most of the week then ;-)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: heh
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: how long are you at FISL?
<wpwrak> i should be back home sunday late afternoon, airlines and volcano willing
<stefan_schmidt> ok
<kristianpaul> brazil, how is you portun~ol going? ;)
<stefan_schmidt> hopes wpwrak has some little time left tomorrow for atusb and the parcel arrives in time :)
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: when i talk to them in spanish, and they answer in portugese, that's usually sufficient for taxis or to buy some beer :)
<kristianpaul> sound good :)
<stefan_schmidt> night all
<kristianpaul> n8
<kristianpaul> "Digital Signal Processing Techniques for Radio Amateurs, Theoretical Part"
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: i dont have too much friends at university..
<kristianpaul> "Global Positioning by Satellite" P. Mattos
<wolfspraul> wpwrak: did you get your atben/atusb in time?
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: i didn't get them yet. but they should be delivered tomorrow. that would be just in time. within less than 24 hours of me heading to the airport :)
<wolfspraul> ouch
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: any news about yours ?
<wolfspraul> nah
<wolfspraul> just fired an email to the headquarters, cc you :-)
<wolfspraul> on the other hand someone just rang Adam's bell...
<wolfspraul> the plot is thickening
<wpwrak> :)
<wolfspraul> read the backlog - you forgot a major accomplishment of mine - SAKC!
<wolfspraul> :-)
<wpwrak> yeah ! and AVT2 too
<wolfspraul> that was a beautiful little project, if the software effort would not have broken down almost immediately after the run, it could help us quite a big going forward...
<wolfspraul> sure there's more stuff
<wolfspraul> was wikireader in that list?
<wpwrak> of course, nothing that could compare with the experience gained from 1 year of hard thinking ;-)
<wpwrak> oh, right. that one too
<wolfspraul> i've seen that 'CPU on a DIMM' idea last at this rfid project that is so totally screwed up that nobody knows how to rescue it
<wolfspraul> let me see what happened there since last time I looked :-)
<wolfspraul> still not dead yet it sems :-) http://www.rfidguardian.org/index.php/Main_Page
<wpwrak> modules don't make sense in such a design. they're wrong at at least 3 levels
<wolfspraul> it's amazing how this type of academic funded project just never dies, has some similarities to Qi :-)
<wolfspraul> (i hope the similarities end there...)
<wpwrak> ;-))
<wolfspraul> I like the timeline "17 Oct 2008: RFID Guardian v4 will be commercially available"
<wolfspraul> "25 Aug 2010: Engineering samples of (a part of the whole thing) have been delivered"
<wolfspraul> nobody say anything about the Ben and the Ya anymore :-)
<wolfspraul> last I heard funding was running out in Nov 2010
<wpwrak> well. both dates are on the same side of the big bang ;-)
<wolfspraul> with the project totally completely irrevocably screwed up (we looked at it in detail)
<wolfspraul> maybe they got an extension and can go in circles a little longer
<wolfspraul> one of their many design mistakes was a 'cpu on a dimm' idea
<wolfspraul> truly grandiose
<wpwrak> the domain will expire in october. then you'll know jusr how dead the project is :)
<wolfspraul> it will live on as an ipad app
<wolfspraul> :-)
<wolfspraul> at least that's a fashionable way to show what one is 'working on'
<wpwrak> (cpu on dimm) from a 3rd party ?
<wolfspraul> forgot
<wolfspraul> that's just the project that popped into my mind hearing this idea
<wolfspraul> Adam got the m1 rc3 pcbs!
<wolfspraul> unfortunately not the atben/atusb shipment I'm waiting for, oh well
<wpwrak> let's see what comes from barcelona. now there's no excuse not to react :)
<wolfspraul> wpwrak: there is one funny story in the rfidguardian project that I have never heard in that way, one-of-a-kind
<wolfspraul> so their entire hw design approach is utter nonsense
<wolfspraul> anybody with manufacturing experience will come to that conclusion (we ran this by multiple people)
<wolfspraul> but...
<wolfspraul> now comes the best part
<wolfspraul> the managed to take their main manufacturing partner down with them!
<wolfspraul> they went bankrupt
<wolfspraul> that could never ever happen with a Chinese company
<wolfspraul> no matter how stupid the customer is, it's impossible
<wolfspraul> but in this case, the poor small corp that took on this project went bankrupt over the nonsensical attributes it had!
<wolfspraul> and their customer, being on an academic slow-but-sure dripping funding, outlasted them
<wolfspraul> argh
<wpwrak> wow ;-)
<wolfspraul> when I hear this kind of story I look at my Chinese guys here and I smile and I know they do something right...
<wpwrak> that takes skills
<wolfspraul> yes you totally have to protect yourself from the stupidity of your customer
<wolfspraul> don't take 1 penny risk on your shoulder, if that risk relates to the smartness of your customer - NO!
<wolfspraul> you ordered this - here it is! tracking number... 100% prepaid...
<wolfspraul> :-)
<wpwrak> (skills) kinda like rambus almost taking down intel with that rdram
<freakazoid0223> patent trolls wouldn't be what they are today without them (rambus)
<wpwrak> or NTP
<kyak> AM signals using LCD screen? Sounds like trolling to me :)
<DocScrutinizer> missing context but they did that "For Elise" from CRT iirc
<kristianpaul> Any gnu octave hacker around and awake?
<kyak> DocScrutinizer: i'm talking about the e-mail to ML
<DocScrutinizer> my life pretty much became ML free due to *massive* overload and no smart filters around in this world
<kristianpaul> arghhh
<DocScrutinizer> I even have difficulties to spot news on the 7 ML I'm still following, under all the "23756" tagged to ML I can't follow anymore
<kristianpaul> is confusing debug a octave with lasterror
<kristianpaul> _last_
<kristianpaul> so the error i wanted wasnt the last one :/
<rsharpe> wpwrak: It seems you have to have a device before you can successfully call platform_driver_probe
<DocScrutinizer> kristianpaul: what was your comment about "nice link" about? I forgot
<kristianpaul> the top url for tha gif
<DocScrutinizer> aah the gps stuff
<kristianpaul> thaT
<kristianpaul> yes
<DocScrutinizer> yep, excellent work
<DocScrutinizer> got it from speedevil
<DocScrutinizer> this guy is incredible
<kristianpaul> ah, yes
<DocScrutinizer> half the wiki - the better half - on openmoko and on maemo is made by him
<kristianpaul> actually speedevil gave me that link again in #hihgaltitude
<kristianpaul> oh
<kristianpaul> high*
<DocScrutinizer> yeah, he's doing balloon with methane
<DocScrutinizer> living somewhere rural where next building seems 5 miles away :-)
<kristianpaul> cool :-)
<DocScrutinizer> kinda reminds me on our modem hacker dspaaron
<kristianpaul> and he has internet, something i can achieve again if tried that..
<kristianpaul> s/can/cant
<DocScrutinizer> well, maybe not next building but next post office is 5 miles away ;-D
<kristianpaul> haha
<DocScrutinizer> actually the best part in hanging out on irc in dozens of chan is you get to know some smart people after a few years ;-)
<DocScrutinizer> WTF!! [Notice] -NickServ- 19 channel access matches for the nickname jOERG_rw
<DocScrutinizer> I need to drop responsibilities...
<DocScrutinizer> and ML
<DocScrutinizer> idly wonders how to properly close down a chan for good
<DocScrutinizer> or if that's even feasible, desirable, and of any benefit
<DocScrutinizer> good, server chanlist not even shows #openmoko.de, #opie.de etc
<DocScrutinizer> there's still an #opie chan though :-o
<wpwrak> rsharpe: (device before probe) such as platform_device_register ? i do that before calling platform_driver_probe
<wpwrak> rsharpe: it appears that the problem is now that the at86rf230 doesn't get removed when removing the underlying SPI master. if i manually unbind it first and only then rmmod spi_atben, things appear to be okay
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: (boards arrived) great ! soon, you'll be able to play ! ;-)
<wolfspraul> yeah, definitely
<wolfspraul> I demoed NanoNote and M1 to 2 people from Intel Labs today, ben-wpan would have been a nice addition of coolness factor...
<wolfspraul> use 2 Ben, and start the music on Ben A from Ben B, connected with ben-wpan. just for the heck of it...
<wpwrak> heh :)
<wpwrak> just don't try to stream the music over wpan :)
<wpwrak> until we have proper csma-ca (an "upstream" issue), bulk data transfers quickly end up in both stations jamming each other. they'll recover nicely enough once you make one stop, but ...
<kyak> the list of failed packages is awasingly stable :)
<jow_laptop> *g*
<jow_laptop> same over on openwrt
<kyak> that's another good news :)
<kyak> hm
<kyak> perl and qt4 build fine on our buildhost
<kyak> that's strange
<kyak> vim, too
<jow_laptop> false positives
<jow_laptop> it scans the log for *** ERROR or something
<jow_laptop> that is normal in some compile outputs
<jow_laptop> (e.g. ignored failed make targets)
<kyak> would it be better to scan for "ERROR: package .* failed to build"?
<jow_laptop> maybe
<kyak> btw, i wonder why "kernel" package always results in error?
<kyak> ok, there really is an error..
<wpwrak> kyak: have your wpan boards arrived yet ?
<kyak> wpwrak: if everything goes fine, i'll have it tomorrow
<kyak> i'm not sure yet what would be the first thing to do with it :) perhaps i'll try to reproduce the dirtpan hack and start using some network applications
<wpwrak> kyak: sounds like a good idea :) you'll notice that, if you have bulk traffic, TCP will hang. that's because there's no collision detection yet, so at some point both sides just jam each other.
<kyak> yeah, i read earlier today
<wpwrak> kyak: other tools to try are atrf-rssi -g and atrf-txrf -P. the latter allows you to find out how far the signal can travel.
<kyak> i think, if there is no fix for it, it can be workarounded by traffic shaping
<wpwrak> kyak: for these tools, the kernel driver must be absent/disabled. otherwise, kernel and tool will fight for access, usually both losing
<wpwrak> (fix) naw, that's something quite low-level. the chip can do it. we just haven't enabled it yet.
<kyak> yeah, that's a cool thing to explore.. Whether i can still use Ben in a bathroom :)
<wpwrak> kyak: i think that will be an extremely common usage scenario ;-)
<kyak> right.. so it will also be a himudity testing for atben
<wpwrak> and the ben ;-)
<kyak> yeah, this, too
<kyak> is there an accepted solution for casing?
<kyak> or is it not clear yet?
<wpwrak> kyak: still unclear. i don't even know how well or bad the sugrus worked in the end (after curing)
<kyak> wpwrak: do you mean the production samples?
<wpwrak> kyak: tuxbrain wrapped one atusb in sugru, then tested it. he said rf performance suffered a lot. but the sugru was still wet at that time. he didn't report back yet if it got better after letting the sugru dry (takes ~24 hours)
<kyak> ah, i see
<kyak> i was thinking maybe covering it with lacquer wouldn't do a lot of harm (if it isn't already covered during production)
<wpwrak> lacquer may be a possibility. that adds very little material.
<wpwrak> the board is convered with solder stop, but all the pins and such are exposed
<kristianpaul> Is it posible that a corrupted uboot dont allow the nanonote to power on by the power button, and the only power it on seens to be when you connect the battery for first time?
<wpwrak> seems somewhat unlikely, but it's hard to tell what a bad u-boot could or couldn't do
<kristianpaul> he ;)
<kristianpaul> i think the bad is the user, liers !!
<wpwrak> yeah. that's what all the people from support say ;-)
<methril_work> most of the time it's users fault :)
<kristianpaul> well, just trying to a friend in the town use his nanonote and stop it from taking dusts...
<kristianpaul> btw wpwrak  you have a mm1 already sint?
<kristianpaul> isnt*
<kristianpaul> s/to/that
<kristianpaul> kyak: there is an official image with allegro srpite editor, alex4 and Allegro demo?
<kyak> kristianpaul: official - no, but there is a "nightly" image
<kyak> her eis it
<kristianpaul> k
<kyak> it has the stuff you mentioned included
<kristianpaul> why nobody told this byobu existed before
<kristianpaul> my .screenrc is full of custom configs when somebody upstream already had done thye dirty work  :)
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: that's the new ubuntu desktop ?
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: is a debian package
<kristianpaul> ubuntu dekstop dunno i dont use ubuntu since 6.04..
<kristianpaul> yeah, finally i can quit gnome applets !
<kristianpaul> still worldclock but well
<kristianpaul> methril: it was you that help with octave the other day?
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: (m1) nope, i'll see one for the first time at fisl (rejon's)
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: :-)
<kristianpaul> i tought mm1 was bigger
<kristianpaul> intiialy :)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: got your parcel and had already fun with broken hardware I see :)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: ah, and some first 6lowpan patches have been posted
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: nice that Siemens is doing the work for you ;)
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: yeah ! but i'm not sure if they're still at siemens
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: Dmitry should still be there and he has spoken about his colleague doing the 6lowpan work
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: no idea if they do it in their spare time though
<stefan_schmidt> Anyway, less work for you. :)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: everything prepared for FISL or doing some late minute packaging
<stefan_schmidt> ?
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: doing the traditional last minute talk writing
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: packing will come later
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: heh
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: good boy. Don't break with old habits :)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: I leave you alone with atusb pestering then
<wpwrak> yeah. that may take a while. and you're almost done anyway ;-)
<stefan_schmidt> a penny for everytime I heard that
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: feels good when people believe in you, eh ? ;-)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: lol
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: I happily believe in myself. Just want more spare time :D
<wpwrak> grmbl. already 20 slides. and i haven't even touched anything technical :-(
<kristianpaul> what is the university you are going to give speech? :)
<dvdk> hi kristianpaul, had problems with octave?
<wpwrak> FISL is hosted at Centro de Eventos PUCRS. pucrs = Pontifícia Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul
<wpwrak> dvdk: btw, did you order any ben-wpan boards too ?
<dvdk> wpwrak: not yet, waiting for the firmware-related dust to settle :)
<dvdk> s/firmware/driver/
<wpwrak> dvdk: ;-))
<dvdk> btw,
<dvdk> even without 6lowPAN, can i access the 802.15.4 layer with the normal unix socket api (as just another address family?)
<kristianpaul> dvdk: yes
<dvdk> yes, and? :)
<wpwrak> dvdk: as ieee 802.15.4 sockets or, with dirtpan, also as IPv4
<kristianpaul> moment !!
<dvdk> wpwrak: so that would actually make it useable. hmm.
<wpwrak> dvdk: ;-) tools/dirtpan/dirtpan.c shows you how to open IEEE 802.15.4 sockets
<dvdk> hmm, cannot click that link :/
<dvdk> :)
<dvdk> (but first hit on google)
<kristianpaul> dvdk: see it your self
<kristianpaul> i alrady did some hacks, but still work to do
<dvdk> why does everybody around here have an accuont to upload to qi-hw/people?
<dvdk> kristianpaul: many functions, which one to invoke?
<kristianpaul> dvdk: init.m
<kristianpaul> ah i forgot some additional files
<kristianpaul> minute
<dvdk> ok, let's see whether the latest build of octave has any problems
<kristianpaul> dvdk: ( upload to qi-hw/people) may be because our home made servers dont have enought bandwicht or storage avaliable?
<kristianpaul> wich is at least my personal case
<kristianpaul> this code was made for matlab
<dvdk> wpwrak: looked at your example.  this looks perfectly usable to me.  cool.  just need to think about what i can do with the 802.15.4 feature :)
<dvdk> kristianpaul: yeah but /me doesn't have an account.  even hosting some source-code snaphsots (gforth) that is used by the our firmware on my dyndns.
<dvdk> kristianpaul: you mean it's not working because it's written for matlab?  not because the nanonote's octave is broken?
<kristianpaul> dvdk: i'll remenber that to wolfgang, but sure he never asked you?..
<dvdk> kristianpaul: nope.  i wouldn't have cared before my university finally closed my account a few weeks ago
<kristianpaul> ouch..
<dvdk> ouch
<dvdk> gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
<kristianpaul> arggh
<kristianpaul> see, my ISP hate me..
<kristianpaul> i'll upload again
<dvdk> just an incomplete upload?
<kristianpaul> yes
<kristianpaul> was 13Mb actually..
<kristianpaul> this is last "error" i dealing with http://paste.debian.net/121192/
<kristianpaul> dvdk: http://downloads.qi-hardware.com/people/kristianpaul/GNSS_signal_records.tar.gz uncompress in same folder GNSS_SDR__ is
<kristianpaul> s/folder/directory
<kristianpaul> you can run git diff to discover hacks i did
<kristianpaul> my friends in octave shell are lasterror.stack.file and lasterror.stack.line
<dvdk> just came back
<dvdk> downloading...
<wpwrak> dvdk: if you want an account, one word to wolfgang will be enough ...
<kristianpaul> indeed
<dvdk> kristianpaul: on my PC (octave 3.2.4) I get "Probing data (../GNSS_signal_records/GPS_and_GIOVE_A-NN-fs16_3676-if4_1304.bin)", then
<dvdk> `pwelch' undefined near line 97 column 5
<dvdk> the paste from you, was that run on a nononote?
<kristianpaul> nope
<kristianpaul> on my PC
<kristianpaul> nanonote not yet, first pc :)
<dvdk> ok, thought so :)
<kristianpaul> for pwelch i installed in debian octave-signal
<dvdk> ok, insatlling
<dvdk> btw, that change "+    pwelch(data-mean(data), 16384, 0.1024, 2048, settings.samplingFreq/1e6)"
<dvdk> changes semantics.
<dvdk> you mean octave 'pwelch' needs different arg?
<kristianpaul> no
<kristianpaul> i just wanted to skip the message :p
<dvdk> you replaced 1024 with 0.1024
<kristianpaul> yes
<dvdk> ok
<dvdk> ah, same result as your paste.  but it had already opened a  plot
<kristianpaul> sure me too
<kristianpaul> two plots actually
<dvdk> BTW I did some SDR work a while ago at Frauenhofer, always refusing to use matlab.  
<dvdk> most of our code was SIMD C-code for Cell-CPU, but then test-cases and lookup table-generation etc. was done in octave
<kristianpaul> refuses SIMD code
<kristianpaul> ah,
<dvdk> well, it ran > 10^6 times faster than octave :)
<kristianpaul> hhe
<kristianpaul> sure !
<kristianpaul> in octave overlap is four variable to pass
<kristianpaul> in mathlab third
<kristianpaul> lets fix that :)
<kristianpaul> ha no
<kristianpaul> pwelch(x,window,noverlap,nfft)
<kristianpaul> pwelch(x,window,overlap,Nfft,Fs, range,plot_type,detrend,sloppy)
<kristianpaul> but octave said pwelch: arg 3 (overlap) must be real from 0 to 0.950000
<kristianpaul> when thats 1024
<dvdk> kristianpaul: fixed the plotAcquisition.m file, I think
<dvdk> now it runs a little further, and aborts there
<dvdk> postProcessing.m at line 113, column 1
<dvdk> (fclose: invalid stream number = 4)
<dvdk> here's the output http://paste.debian.net/121195/
<kristianpaul> :o
<dvdk> btw plotAcquisition.m: need to double-check my changes, maybe i broke something (don't know how it would look when correct)
<dvdk> now trying to do more sth more relaxing for the rest of the evening :)
<kristianpaul> what can i see you disablet the partially the plot
<kristianpaul> right?
<dvdk> kristianpaul: no, just fixed the syntax to correspond to octave (the 'handle' stuff isn't fully supported)
<kristianpaul> hum
<dvdk> and hold(h, 'on') triggers an octave bug here
<dvdk> so without handle sohuld be ok , too
<kristianpaul> hAxes=gca() ?
<dvdk> see the manual.  just a guess.  
<dvdk> 'get current axes'
<dvdk> seems to be ok.  
<dvdk> also look at  /usr/share/octave/3.2.4/m/plot/hold.m
<dvdk> octave tries to emulate matlab syntax, but it seems to be mostly untested code.
<dvdk> just go for the std octave syntax instead
<dvdk> going to be online again tomorrow
<dvdk> good night
<kristianpaul> nite
<kristianpaul> thanks for the help
<kristianpaul> (be mostly untested code) :D
<dvdk> kristianpaul: regarding the overlap, just convert the sample-number into a "relative window size" i.e. 'overlap_samples / windowsize_samles' should be ok
<dvdk> (just widely guessing )
<dvdk> cu
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: I now get the right requests and answers in the spi transfer function but rf230 is unhappy while waiting for it:
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: http://pastebin.com/qijkRNRj
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: You can see that two register values are requested MAN_ID0 and MAN_ID1
<stefan_schmidt> and they come back with the correct values: 0x1f and 0x00
<stefan_schmidt> but while this happens I got hit my a scheduling while being atomic. Do I get this right?
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: hmm, can you push your current code ?
<wpwrak> (or upload spi_atusb.c somewhere)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: moment
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: I need to clean up my local mess in some sane commits. Will do this right after the dentist appointment tomorrow
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: (scheduling while atomic) Thinking about it rf230 may hold a spinlock and usb_control_msg is not safe for this
<stefan_schmidt> hmm, it holds a mutex lock around the spi communication
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: for the registers, why not use the ones defined in  #include "../ieee802154/at86rf230.h"  ?
<wpwrak> oh, you're doing synchronous transfers. interesting idea ;-)
<wpwrak> naw, they should be async
<wpwrak> so you call completion when the URB is returned to you
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: I took what was there from the usb skeleton driver I got
<wpwrak> sync is messy and inefficient
<stefan_schmidt> And it worked fine for the other parts. Yeah, I know without SPI involved, directly from the ATMega no lock
<stefan_schmidt> I see your point
<stefan_schmidt> need to rework using async urbs
<wpwrak> if you really want to go sync, then you'd have to add yet another worker, etc.
<wpwrak> async is a lot cleaner than sync. also, the whole at86rf230 driver should be async, too. also the stack above it.
<stefan_schmidt> *sigh*
<wpwrak> there should be countless examples to pick from :)
<stefan_schmidt> ok, some sleep now, early dentist appointment tomorrow, clean up my mess and push out current state, rewrite the USB side to be async using submit_urb and friends
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: picking the right is difficult :)
<wpwrak> if you hack all night, then you'll be tired and numb tomorrow and won't feel so bad in the torture chamber ;-)
<stefan_schmidt> On the positive side is that if it takes longer and longer I'm even more happy when its done :)
<wpwrak> excellent philosophy ! ;-)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: I could ask the dentist if he has a problem with me sleeping while he does his work ;)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: sleeping now. I wish you a unproblematic flight
<wpwrak> btw, the conflict with sleeping is probably with something inside spi.c
<wpwrak> at86rf230.c now only has the mutex left. the spinlock is already dead :)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: will keep you informed if you have a chance to connect to the internet from FISL
<wpwrak> kewl. sweet dreams ! :)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: hmm, maybe a spinlock in spi_sync() itself
<stefan_schmidt> night