<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: it's a mystery ;)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: heh
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: I bet its some function that contains random() and hours modulo
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: anyway, hacking on the atusb driver now
<stefan_schmidt> added correct printout for 231 (id 3) and ignoring interface 1 so far
<stefan_schmidt> without ignoring the interface or driver gets probed two times. One for each interface. And if I get it correctly 1 is only for DFU?
<stefan_schmidt> at least ignoring it does no harm as I can still talk to the chip
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: heh, cool. how do you structure it ?
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: well, strcuture...., well the branch is called atusb-bastard :)
<wpwrak> ;-))
<stefan_schmidt> but maybe I should not do it to dirty
<wpwrak> is it an spi host, a fork of at86rf230.c, ... ?
<stefan_schmidt> I wonder how much my work will clash with the work from Richard
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: I was thinking about getting all usefull logic/function from at86rf230.c and gluing usb logic to it
<wpwrak> yeah, if you get anything to work, you should sync with him
<stefan_schmidt> but on the other hand I want to use it long term
<stefan_schmidt> he is in charge for the usb part and you for the transport split?
<wpwrak> well, i changed my plan a little: no big transport split but just make it an SPI host
<stefan_schmidt> hmm
<wpwrak> a very specialized one ;-)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: --verbose?
<wpwrak> it can figure out what to do by looking at the structure of the requests
<wpwrak> did yuo see that i added three new requests, ATUSB_SPI_WRITE, ATUSB_SPI_READ1, and ATUSB_SPI_READ1 ?
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: ive seen your commits but could not make out much of it
<wpwrak> they map to register read/write, frame buffer read/write, and - in case we use it - SRAM read/write
<stefan_schmidt> it seemed the interrupt work is done
<stefan_schmidt> ok, mapping calls sounds easy
<wpwrak> the interrupt work is a bit trouble
<stefan_schmidt> so we just have some functions abstracting real spi and usb-spi?
<wpwrak> i haven't figured out how to efficiently synchronize control transfers and interrupts
<wpwrak> atusb could just be an SPI driver that knows a few magic tricks
<wpwrak> if you send it requests it doesn't understand, it would just complain
<stefan_schmidt> hmm
<stefan_schmidt> thinks about it
<wpwrak> what worries me is the interrupt synchronization
<stefan_schmidt> it shuffles the work away from the transport split to writing a spi driver
<stefan_schmidt> how are interrupts handled over USB anyway in the kernel?
<wpwrak> if the interrupt synchronization can't be hidden cleanly and reasonably efficiently in the SPI driver layer, the whole SPI host idea may not fly after all
<wpwrak> i think you just enqueue an URB and get it when it has been served. but i don't think there are sequence guaranteed
<wpwrak> s/guaranteed/guarantees/
<wpwrak> but .. i'm not an expert of the USB subsystem
<stefan_schmidt> I haven't seen much that we could use for int from the spi framework
<wpwrak> there may also be a problem with the firmware using edge-triggered interrupts. not sure if the avt re-arms them when entering or when leaving the ISR. in the latter case, we may lose interrupts. but that can be fixed.
<wpwrak> (int) you have to create a "fake" interrupt, then pass its number to at86rf230.c
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: but the drivers gets the interrupt from the platform data and not from spi?!
<wpwrak> the spi driver picks it up from the platform data and then passes it on. so you can fake all that :)
<stefan_schmidt> what I like about the transport split is that it is straight forward to implement (int aside)
<stefan_schmidt> what I like about the spi way is that it abstracts it nicely and we don't have to touch the main driver
<stefan_schmidt> (spi) ah, thats possible to hook in there then
<wpwrak> yeah, and we want the spi split for atben, too. spi_gpio must be pretty slow.
<wpwrak> also, the transport split is easy at the top (the transfer functions) but gets messy at the bottom (driver registration, removal, etc.)
<stefan_schmidt> I actually would expect some more bottlenecks on the way from the chip to the flash :)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: so how would we best work together on this? (Also including Richard of course)
<wpwrak> (chip to flash) flash ?
<wpwrak> you should let richard know that you're hacking on it, so that he can sync with you when he has time (or if he's done anything already, update you)
<stefan_schmidt> (bottleneck) I meant the whole system performance from getting data from atben to the actual nand flash for storage. Nor sure if spi_gpio is the bottleneck there
<wpwrak> regarding the overall architecture, i'm not quite sure yet what to do about the interrupt problem. several approaches come to mind. all of them suck in one way or another:
<stefan_schmidt> letting him know as in sending patches to the ml?
<wpwrak> 1) stop handling control transfers while there's a pending interrupt. that would require the user of atusb to have an asynchronous bulk/interrupt read pending all the time, or it'll hang. okay the kernel, messy for user space.
<wpwrak> (letting know) more polite to warn him before sending patches :)
<stefan_schmidt> I will put the politeness in the cover letter :P I'm fine with the patches getting thrown away if he has somehting better already
<stefan_schmidt> Just want to get started with it
<wpwrak> 2) keep the current approach but make some means to explicitly sync after register accesses where we actually care about the interrupt situation. that would be the ones that need the interrupt/worker synchronization ritual.
<wpwrak> 3) convert everything to use bulk transfers, so that all the data flows in the same stream.
<wpwrak> suckiness of 1): would either complicate user space or require a sync/async mode switch. also, not sure if blocking control transfers is such a nice idea.
<wpwrak> suckiness of 2): at86rf230.c needs to know about this
<stefan_schmidt> I would avoid making user space more complicated. Its the kernel job to make it easy (INHO)
<wpwrak> suckiness of 3): parsing of messages in a stream is harder than just getting handed a nice message in the form of a control transfer.
<wpwrak> (user space) i mean the user space only tools. they don't use the kernel code.
<stefan_schmidt> ah, the tools/ section
<wpwrak> yup
<stefan_schmidt> not much of an opinion here. They all have benefits...
<wpwrak> right now i use a bulk EP, not an interrupt EP, but it seems they're very similar
<stefan_schmidt> I have some more days working on this. So it would make sense to pput our effort together instead of me going off in one direction due to time pressure
<wpwrak> will be easier to change once i've split the firmware build into boot and app usb stack
<stefan_schmidt> given that you know hardware, firmware and drivers the architecture decision should be in your hands
<stefan_schmidt> I'm happy to help coding it though
<wpwrak> yeah. i need to read a bit more about usb. see if there are any useful hints about the interrupt model
<stefan_schmidt> 3:30 am here. I think I call it a day.
<stefan_schmidt> Will send my small mini patches to the list and Richard to let him know what I'm doing
<wpwrak> the at86rf230/1 is a bit nasty when it comes to interrupt synchronization, due to the shared interrupt bit and the shared buffer, but it's still not *that* outlandish
<stefan_schmidt> So he can decide what to do with it
<stefan_schmidt> oh, its one frame buffer for both tx and rx?
<wpwrak> alright. i think for now, i don't have any clear recommendation about what to do.
<wpwrak> yup
<stefan_schmidt> oh, the cc2420 has one for each direction
<wpwrak> must have saved a lot of precious gates :-(
<wpwrak> i know ...
<stefan_schmidt> but no re-submit in hardware
<wpwrak> seems that someone at atmel really liked the old 3c501
<stefan_schmidt> heh
<stefan_schmidt> (recommendation) seems so :P
<stefan_schmidt> I will be back here tomorrow to discuss this further. Or ml both fine with me.
<wpwrak> alright. meanwhile, i'll ponder the interrupt situation a bit more.
<stefan_schmidt> great
<wpwrak> hmm. one aproach may be to not read the interrupt status and just send a zero byte instead of the status. that may get rid of some trouble.
<wpwrak> the interrupt may still be late/weird, but at least IRQ_STATUS would be correct
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: mails are out. Hopefully polite enough. :)
<stefan_schmidt> time to move my body into the bed
<stefan_schmidt> night all
<qwebirc62324> A question... stupid question..  Is the USB port on the NN fully functional?
<rjeffries> Nanonote USB is a device port, not host
<qwebirc62324> What does that mean?
<qwebirc62324> "Devices" as in like flash drives... or..?
<rjeffries> good analogy. Nanonote can NOT attach to e.g. USB drives, or a USB WiFi stick, ora USB Flash drive. it has the same type of connection as those other devices
<qwebirc62324> So, what could the USB port be used for?
<qwebirc62324> I don't claim to be an expert.
<rjeffries> it can be used with Linux Ethergadter s/w to provide a connection to a Linux PC, and thence to the internet
<qwebirc62324> Ok. I knew that.. but wasn't sure if it could actually do more.
<qwebirc62324> Thanks.
<kristianpaul> oh, cool, deaddrops.com for the offline lovers :-)
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: about sige, i think i was confuse because i forgot this chip  (SE4162) have complex output, not real ! as before ones and others IC's like the one from maxin
<kristianpaul> he, i was doubing but namuru core implement tracking for I and Q already ;-)
<kristianpaul> so.. from a sample at least i should implement two correlators
<lekernel> mh, yes
<wpwrak> (buddha) nice plastic. how do you make vertical walls with bumps ?
<wpwrak> ah, the bumbs are wheels. no bumps in the plastic then.
<wpwrak> pity that the battery cover isn't shown fully. i'm rather curious whether is has any parts that fold back on itself. that's a problem i'be been trying to solve for about a year or so - how to make a battery cover if all you have is a mill with 3 degrees of freedom (for making the part or a mold)
<dvdk> hmm, cannot push after xiangfu's renaming of the branch
<dvdk> git push origin master
<dvdk> -> To prevent you from losing history, non-fast-forward updates were rejected
<dvdk> git pull --rebase origin master
<dvdk> -> Current branch trunk is up to date.
<dvdk> any ideas?
<wolfspraul> ouch, and xiangfu is MIA today...
<kyak> dvdk: we just rebased yesterday
<dvdk> i could just try a 'git pull' but that's going to mess with the logs?
<dvdk> how can i retrieve a diff for the stuff already committed?
<kyak> so you need to git reset --hard origin/master (save your commits first)
<dvdk> sve cmomits how?
<kyak> save commits via git format-patch
<kyak> save uncommited via git stash
<dvdk> shows empty
<kyak> do you have commits to save?
<dvdk> i already committed, just didn't push
<dvdk> yup
<dvdk> just a diff against remote head.  
<dvdk> how?
<kyak> i just checked, git format-patch -n should work
<dvdk> doesn't do anything
<dvdk> git log --branches shows my commit
<dvdk> now i just need to extract it
<kyak> how do you do it? (format-patch)
<dvdk> format-patch -n
<kyak> huh?
<kyak> you should at leasst supply a range
<dvdk> you mean two revs
<kyak> yes
<kyak> you could also use a log with -p
<kyak> and reapply your patches after reset
<dvdk> git log -p --branches does the job
<kyak> great
<dvdk> extremely large file (>50MB) going to cut out my changes
<kyak> something is wrong
<kyak> the patch should be small, only contain your changes
<dvdk> git log -p --branches is a full log of not only my changes
<dvdk> btw i still cannot push
<dvdk> error: failed to push some refs to 'git@projects.qi-hardware.com:openwrt-xburst.git'
<dvdk> do i need to run 'git pull' ?
<kyak> you need to: 1) save your changes, this way or another
<kyak> 2) git reset --hard origin/master
<dvdk> did both
<kyak> 3) reaplply your changes
<dvdk> did that too
<kyak> and don't forget to git fetch -a
<kyak> as a first step
<dvdk> fetch as 1,2,3,4?
<kyak> fetch as 1)
<dvdk> it's not going to work :)  so again:
<dvdk> git fetch -a
<dvdk> git reset --hard origin/master
<dvdk> patch -p1 < ./mypatch
<kyak> yea
<kyak> this shoudl work
<dvdk> git commit toolchain/gcc/
<dvdk> -> ...   2 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
<dvdk> git push origin master
<dvdk> -> rror: failed to push some refs to 'git@projects.qi-hardware.com:openwrt-xburst.git'
<dvdk> hates git
<kyak> show the 'git status' after 'git reset --hard origin/master'
<dvdk> git reset --hard origin/master
<dvdk> HEAD is now at a2997e2 uboot-xburst: update to 2010.06
<dvdk> git status
<dvdk> # On branch trunk
<dvdk> # Untracked files:
<dvdk> [..]
<kyak> ha
<dvdk> nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
<kyak> you are on trunk
<dvdk> but how?  that's not my fault
<kyak> git checkout master
<dvdk> aha
<kyak> why are you on trunk? yo ushouldn't be
<dvdk> hmm.
<kyak> if you followed xiangfu's isntructions
<dvdk> something about the rename? whon knows
<dvdk> or maybe i did a wrong pull?
<kyak> you should've checkouted to master and removed (pruned) the trunk
<dvdk> i did all the stuff that xiangfu wrote in his mail yesterday
<qi-bot> [commit] David Kühling: toolchain/gcc: add option SJLJ_EXCEPTIONS to select gcc's exception handling http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/2c58e58
<dvdk> maybe now it worked
<kyak> "git branch -D trunk" - if you've done that, why it shows "# On branch trunk" ? :)
<kyak> yeah, now it's all right
<dvdk> but i'm sure that there wasn't a trunk branch earlier today
<dvdk> :)
<dvdk> i once typed in 'git push origin trunk' out of habit, but that won't create a branch, would it?
<kyak> hm.. dunno
<dvdk> my command from yesterday was
<dvdk> git fetch -a && git checkout -b temp && git branch -D master && git checkout -b master && git remote prune origin && git branch -D trunk
<dvdk> maybe i should use ; instead of && next time :)
<dvdk> (just to be sure)
<dvdk> btw aseprite works with my toolchain fixes
<dvdk> should i enable config_SJLJ_EXCEPTIONS in config.full_system?
<kyak> your changes look great
<kyak> we need to push it upstream ):
<dvdk> yeah, the right fix would be to repair the default exception handling code
<kyak> sure, enable it
<dvdk> but using SJLJ_EXCEPTIONS as workaround for now so we can build/test c++ code
<dvdk> next time interacting with git i'll use use 'script' for proof (and understanding :)
<kyak> heh :)
<kyak> dvdk: would you create a ticket in openwrt? I think it's not so good when i created a ticket for cmake's "fix bogus values"
<kyak> on behalf of you :_
<dvdk> you mean for the cmake issue?  yeah will do that later
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: got my 5.5 hours sleep (damn postman)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: Will reply to Richards mails now. qi-hw git is fine with me.
<kyak> dvdk: this one here, is already upstream: https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/9573
<dvdk> so this is already fixed.  what else should i open a ticket for?  the c++ issue?
<kyak> yea, i meant the c++ issue
<dvdk> ok, maybe add our info to the already existing ticket
<dvdk> (see my mail)
<kyak> ah yeah, that's a good point
<qi-bot> [commit] David Kühling: config.full_system: enable SJLJ_EXCEPTIONS to workaround toolchain bugs http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/b8736d6
<jow_laptop> kyak, dvdk: I added gfortran and the sjlj option
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: (postman) you should be ahppy you heard him ;-)
<kyak> jow_laptop: hey, cool! seems we can drop at least two of our patches
<kyak> thanks!
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: only packages for my gf :)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: I'm moving my patches over to qi-kernel now and should have a new set with maybe some mor epatches later today
<wpwrak> larsc: okay to give stefan commit access for qi-kernel, so that he can work on the ben-wpan branch ?
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: the IRQ race is tough when we are just trying to pass it from spi to usb I fear
<kyak> jow_laptop: btw, i've managed to make Ctrl+r (reverse-search) work somehow in busybox's ash, here is the first draft: http://downloads.qi-hardware.com/people/kyak/tmp/busybox.patch . I'll try to polish it and make it configurable. Let's see if it get's accepted then by busybox upstream :)
<stefan_schmidt> but emulating two irqs and two frame buffer is problematic as well. To much logic in the firmware
<dvdk> jow_laptop: cool
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: yeah, i wouldn't go as far a trying to emulate something wildly different
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: ok, firmware is your part :D
<dvdk> about the mtd-utils problem (missing ubiattach)
<dvdk> just did feeds/install mtd-utils
<dvdk> but looking at the makefiles i don't find any utilities that were split out
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: I'm going to plug in the driver into the ieee802154 driver layer
<dvdk> is the build-server using a different feeds.conf?  because the one that is in nanonote-files does source an old version of mtd-utils without the splitting of tools
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: alright. that gives you the maximum flexibility
<kyak> dvdk: grep mtd-utils .config
<kyak> dvdk: and you'll see all of them :)
<dvdk> not here
<dvdk> CONFIG_PACKAGE_mtd-utils=m
<kyak> ah
<kyak> of course, you need to enable it
<dvdk> enabled it no more options here
<kyak> to see the submenu items
<dvdk> my feeds.conf: src-svn packages svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/packages@25513
<dvdk> @25513 is the problem?
<kyak> probably
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: and it keeps the userspace API over sockets my other code bases on :)
<dvdk> but where does the build server take his feeds.conf?  im using the one from nanonote-files
<kyak> dvdk: why are you even pinning the revision, if you are playing with trunk?
<dvdk> because i want reproducable builds :)
<kyak> the build server has it's own
<kyak> you can see it there
<dvdk> where?  can i get it?
<dvdk> but i'm not on trunk, i'm on master :)
<kyak> we are all on master now, there is no trunk
<dvdk> ah, well
<kyak> backfire is done :)
<dvdk> but there must still be a deterministic, pinned feeds.conf, no?
<kyak> in nanonote-files?
<dvdk> yes
<kyak> so yes
<dvdk> used by the build server, so that build results do not change over time
<dvdk> (without _us_ hacking anything)
<kyak> huh?
<kyak> this is the purpose of build server
<kyak> to build the latest
<kyak> not to build the same
<dvdk> i mean, if we don't change our git repos, then build shouldn't have different results
<dvdk> i thought the latest of _our_ stuff, not uncontrollable (and not easily patchable) openwrt upstream
<kyak> there is always latest feeds on build server. After the images is built, which is considered to be a release, then feeds can be pinned to reproduce it
<kyak> you can always see which feeds we base on
<kyak> here
<dvdk> ok
<kyak> packages svn 27245
<kyak> the next build will be probably some other (next) svn revision
<kyak> it's been pretty stable for the last several build
<kyak> you can read the failed_packages.txt
<kyak> no too many of them
<kyak> at least nothing that's coming from qi-packages :)
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: oh, the socket API wouldn't change in any case :)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: sure, but right now the driver does know nothing about ieee802154
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: I'm just teaching it the ops
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: aaah, yes. of course not. no meat on the skeleton :)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: need .... to .... be .... fixed
<wpwrak> hmm, interesting. for once, i now have a system there the interrupt handling doesn't deadlock even in simple tests.
<wpwrak> s/there/where/
<methril> morning
<wpwrak> (of course, it's not the approach that i plan to use in the end. that would be too easy :)
<dvdk> kyak: if you have all the latest upstream packages in your feeds, can you enable the ubiattach tool and copy the config to config.full_sysytem?
<dvdk> doesn't want to wait for 'make world ' after changing the feeds
<kyak> dvdk: yup. In fact, maybe i should enable all mtd-utils*?
<dvdk> kyak: good idea
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusb/fw/: aggregate interrupts while waiting http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/27fc0a0
<dvdk> kyak: you mean i should commit?
<kyak> all right then
<wpwrak> and now, let's try something completely different ... ;-)
<kyak> no, i can do that
<dvdk> ok thx, so i just have to wait 2-3 days for the next  "nightly" build :)
<kyak> why?
<kyak> it's already there
<dvdk> because i'm lazy
<dvdk> there, where? in the nightly build?
<kyak> yeah
<dvdk> ok, time to upgrade (yet again).  you're moving faster than i can follow :)
<dvdk> (didn't see any commit related to ubiattach)
<kyak> nighly build builds all packages
<kyak> therefore they are there
<kyak> built as =m
<dvdk> i understand, the package.  but 'opkg search' didn't find it.
<dvdk> opkg search '*mtd*'
<dvdk> base-files - 71-r27114
<dvdk> mtd - 15
<dvdk> nanonote-script-files - 1.2
<dvdk> opkg install mtd-utils-ubiattach
<dvdk> Unknown package 'mtd-utils-ubiattach'.
<dvdk> this VERSION=2011-06-18
<kyak> do you have your opkg.conf pointed to the right build?
<kyak> did you run opkg update?
<dvdk> ah, points to:
<dvdk> wrong?
<dvdk> but this is how the image shipped
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: config.full_system: enable mtd-utils-* http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/6cf325e
<kyak> no, this is not right
<kyak> it should point to fidelio*
<dvdk> yeah, need to fix Makefile of nanonote-files?
<kyak> in the //downloads.qi-hardware.com/software/packages/NanoNote/Ben/latest, there is the latest RELEASE image
<dvdk> change it depending on build?
<kyak> if only yo uthink it is worth it :)
<dvdk> definitely :)
<dvdk> needs more coffe
<kyak> it is easir for me do it manually after reflash..
<dvdk> hmm, reflashing so often, already have a directory with 'make install' here to configure my nanonote after reflash
<kyak> i have a ben.sh for that
<dvdk> but guessing the right value for opkg.conf too difficult?
<kyak> that i scp to Ben and just run it after reflash
<kyak> dvdk: perhaps it would make sense to modify the opkg.conf while running the build (via shell script)
<dvdk> it's more complex here: it uploads a whole bunch of files, than runs a script (installing ubiattahc/mount scripts + ssh, emacs config and more)
<dvdk> kyak: nmaybe that's easiest, just hack into the trunk build script
<kyak> yup
<kyak> again, if it is worth it :)
<kyak> which i doubt
<dvdk> is searching for the right directory on fidelio
<kyak> it's in xiangfu's ~/bin
<kyak> :)
<dvdk> huh?
<dvdk> opkg install mtd-utils-ubiattach
<dvdk> Installing mtd-utils-ubiattach (20090227-1) to root...
<dvdk> Collected errors:
<dvdk> * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for mtd-utils-ubiattach:
<dvdk> * mtd-utils *
<dvdk> opkg install mtd-utils
<dvdk> Unknown package 'mtd-utils'.
<dvdk> package dependencies broken?
<dvdk> hum
<dvdk> opkg --force-depends install mtd-utils-ubiattach
<dvdk> finally i have my data back
<kyak> mtd-utils is a submenu in which mtd-utils-* reside, not the real package. During build it is set to =y (even if mtd-utils-* are =m), so such dependency doesn't appear
<kyak> this is a completely legal case to use --force-depends :)
<dvdk> doesn't want to know any more details :)
<jow_laptop> meh, there's a dependecy on a not existing mtd-utils ?
<dvdk> jow_laptop: looks like it, don't like it, too
<jow_laptop> well its wrong
<jow_laptop> plain wrong
<qi-bot> [commit] David Kühling: gmenu2x: update to use latest revision from git http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/238cd35
<qi-bot> [commit] David Kühling: ase: use libjpeg,libz,libpng,libfreetype from openwrt instead of included ones http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/cbb09a5
<dvdk> kyak: btw our libfreetype seems to do subpixel aliasing, ASE fonts look a little nicer now
<stefan_schmidt> 6: wpan0: <BROADCAST,NOARP> mtu 127 qdisc noop state DOWN qlen 10
<stefan_schmidt>     link/ieee802.15.4 de:ad:be:af:ca:fe:ba:be brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: ^^ ieee802154 registration is working
<stefan_schmidt> only stub functions so far
<xMff> hail the caffeebabe ;)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: Next is a small xmit function following the atrf-rxtx style
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: nice ! :)
<wpwrak> xMff: bee2 bee2 ! ;-)
<mstevens> can one get these atusb things with a case on?
<wpwrak> mstevens: for now, you have to get the case on :)
<qi-bot> [commit] jow: [toolchain] introduce option to enable setjump()/longjump() based C++ exceptions (#9185, patch from David Kuehling via Qi hardware) http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/814de68
<qi-bot> [commit] jow: [toolchain] add gfortran compiler support (#9600, patch from Xiangfu Liu via Qi hardware) http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/63ef78f
<qi-bot> [commit] mirko: [toolchain/eglibc] manual/Makefile: Don't mix pattern rules with normal rules. http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/cdc9ae5
<qi-bot> [commit] mirko: [package/hotplug2] fix conditional dependencies to libbsd http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/b7bfccb
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: optimize for ben nanonote http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/4fbcfcb
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: [xburst] Improve mounttime http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/84a97b0
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: nanonote optimize http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/4f0e8bb
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: add kernel patch for setfont2 http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/5552f9d
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: optimize for ben nanonote http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/977f8d2
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: config-2.6.37: enable battery, disable RNDIS http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/8b9adc1
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: patches-2.6.37: support for Ben NAND partitioning http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/05361e7
<qi-bot> [commit] David Kühling: linux kernel: add CONFIG_PROC_PAGE_MONITOR=y to allow for clean user-space DMA http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/e364a13
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: config-2.6.37: enable options needed for keymouse http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/9c17987
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: trunk: fix kernel keymap for VolUp/Down and Del http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/8c5f57a
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: trunk: build sound modules in kernel http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/63b7c82
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: trunk: add ks7010 support patch http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/06a3076
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: base-files, move it to openwrt-package/nanonote-files http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/5486ce2
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: Disable syslogd and klogd http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/9a18096
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: uboot-xburst: update to 2010.06 http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/c8f7f0d
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: now we have a deadline - friday evening, us west cost time ;-)
<wpwrak> mstevens: tuxbrain has ben experimenting with using sugru as a cover, but the results are inconclusive this far
<mstevens> interesting
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: Where does the deadline come from?
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: richard powering up friday evening ;-)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: heh
<RichardSharpe> Hey stefan_schmidt ...
<stefan_schmidt> hi RichardSharpe
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: atrf_reg_write(dsc, REG_PHY_CC_CCA, (1 << CCA_MODE_SHIFT) | channel) is all I need to set the channel?
<stefan_schmidt> RichardSharpe: The driver is plugged into the ieee802154 layer now. We can see it in ip and set and address, etc
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusb/fw/board_app.c: do not read and accumulate IRQs; flash LED when EP1 busy http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/23c5922
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: tools/lib/atusb-common.c: updated for new interrupt handling in firmware http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/8a2d80a
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: tools/lib/misctxrx.c (wait_for_interrupt): enforce a minimum timeout of 10 ms http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/d8363d8
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: tools/atrf-xmit/atrf-xmit.c: cleaned up timeouts and interrupt polling http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/7c12bf0
<wpwrak> hi RichardSharpe !
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: yes, and wait a little for the PLL to lock again
<wpwrak> (commits) new interrupt mechanism, new luck ;-)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: for basic xmit should I look into atrf xmit or atrf-txrx?
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: atrf-txrx. atrf-xmit is a little weird :)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: oki
<stefan_schmidt> but tx has to wait now. Need to do something else first.
<stefan_schmidt> Will send out the patches I have until now
<RichardSharpe> stefan_schmidt: THanks & will look at this tomorrow etc ...
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: hmm, maybe just queue them up in the ben-wpan branch for now
<stefan_schmidt> RichardSharpe: sure. The first one will need a SOB from you anyway. Its your driver skeleton and I set you as author but can 't sign off for you :)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: should I have access?
<wpwrak> larsc: okay to add stefan_schmidt as a committer for qi-kernel ?
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: so far, only locally :)
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: btw, what's you user name on projects.qi-hardware.com ?
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: that I have already done :)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: not sure I have a user there :P
<stefan_schmidt> creating one...
<stefan_schmidt> should be stefan
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: done, user is stefan
<wpwrak> RichardSharpe, stefan_schmidt: i've added you both to ben-wpan, in case you need to commit anything there
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: I guess I have to upload my ssh key there?
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: to commit, you'll a ... yes :)
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: clock on your name (afyer Welcome), then on "update your account"
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: I will push it into my patches into a ben-wpan-stefan branch to review before merge into the main branch
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: sounds good
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: hmm, does the ssh uri is different from the normal one? besides git@...
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: what do you have in your .git/config for origin?
<stefan_schmidt> Repository write access denied.
<stefan_schmidt> fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: url = git@projects.qi-hardware.com:qi-kernel.git
<RichardSharpe> wpwrak: Ok ...
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: same here
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: I'm I really added there?
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: I'm not shon at the happy crew table on the project page...
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: oh ... not yet to the kernel. awaiting larsc's placet.
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: ah, heh
<stefan_schmidt> then it can't work of course
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: better patches for now then until you got that?
<wpwrak> if you want to. or just wait for larsc to wake up
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: I don't care much as _I_ have the patche here :P
<stefan_schmidt> Can wait. RichardSharpe has only time tomorrow to look at them.
<wpwrak> i thought so ;-)
<wpwrak> yup
<stefan_schmidt> maybe I come to the tx part later tonight
<stefan_schmidt> will be off for some time now
<larsc> wpwrak: yes
<wpwrak> larsc: thanks ! :)
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: now you can commit :)
<GNUtoo|bug20> hi stefan_schmidt, you're involved in qi-hardware community?
<wpwrak> GNUtoo|bug20: atusb lured him our way ;-)
<GNUtoo|bug20> ah ok
<GNUtoo|bug20> will atusb come to the bug20?
<wpwrak> bug20 ?
<stefan_schmidt> GNUtoo|bug20: nope, atusb is for my diploma thesis and buglabs is freelance OE work
<stefan_schmidt> GNUtoo|bug20: I just happen to work on both :)
<GNUtoo|bug20> ok
<GNUtoo|bug20> wpwrak, bug 2.0 from buglabs
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: http://store.buglabs.net/
<GNUtoo|bug20> it's great(free software,free hardware), but not cheap
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: open hardware and rapid prototyping for the company pocket :P
<GNUtoo|bug20> it's like an arduino running GNU/Linux
<wpwrak> aaah, i see :)
<wpwrak> nice shiny plastic cases :)
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: thats what I have right now. Will keep pushing there.
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: yup, nice hardware actually. Sadly not really in the range for the usual hacker price wise.
<GNUtoo|bug20> personally I'm here because I know some people in this channel
<GNUtoo|bug20> I do not have QI-hardware
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: (driver) nice. now on to the nasty bits :)
<stefan_schmidt> GNUtoo|bug20: I neither have a nanonote. But I work with ieee 802.15.4 during my diploma thesis and the atusb does fit well into it
<GNUtoo|bug20> but I'm interested in it and follow the hardware
<GNUtoo|bug20> ok nice
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: some experimenting with TX and then we need to decide what to do about the communication.
<wpwrak> stefan_schmidt: yup
<whitequark> hmm. ubbs just arrived
<wpwrak> whitequark: busy weekend ahead ? ;-)
<kristianpaul> he,finally started using octave for the nanonote :-)
<kristianpaul> hum mathomatic, looks usefull too :)
<bartbes> octave was a math thing, wasn't it?
<kristianpaul> :-)Alex4
<kristianpaul> no, openwrt qi is really goodnow to get back to jlime :-)
<kristianpaul> i think my Ben is more that a  music player now
<kristianpaul> but i need some manuals.. at least for octave..
<kristianpaul> let see how behave with a differential eauqtion :D
<kristianpaul> yes it is bartbes
<bartbes> kristianpaul: what do you use it for?
<bartbes> I mean, it's not too often I need to do complex math without a graphical calculator nearby
<kristianpaul> pplot !
<kristianpaul> well i'm not doing complex math (yet),playing with some linear equations and matrix for [D[Dnow
<kristianpaul> man, i never used octave before, is _so_ usefull !!
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: fix postinstall sections of fbterm and nightsky http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/3e633e9
<bartbes> I didn't mean complex numbers, I meant complicated math, bit of a language fail on my part ;)
<kristianpaul> octave is not  CAS, so for octave you need to put stuff in some particular way
<kristianpaul> but seems mathomatic is for that
<whitequark> wpwrak: kind of. sadly it won't include qi hardware things, through :/
<bartbes> have you guys heard of termbox?
<whitequark> bartbes: the library?
<bartbes> yeah
<bartbes> I guess that's a yes ;)
<bartbes> I was wondering whether it had been ported
<qi-bot> [commit] jow: [package] hotplug2: make libbsd depend on "not uclibc" for now, the conditional depdendency handling needs fixes http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/b6b061e
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: optimize for ben nanonote http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/54388fe
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: [xburst] Improve mounttime http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/7b31e48
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: nanonote optimize http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/20ac0a4
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: add kernel patch for setfont2 http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/3bc6720
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: optimize for ben nanonote http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/62d85e5
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: config-2.6.37: enable battery, disable RNDIS http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/6d6c7e9
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: patches-2.6.37: support for Ben NAND partitioning http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/4c5a117
<qi-bot> [commit] David Kühling: linux kernel: add CONFIG_PROC_PAGE_MONITOR=y to allow for clean user-space DMA http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/3953784
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: config-2.6.37: enable options needed for keymouse http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/f8612b5
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: trunk: fix kernel keymap for VolUp/Down and Del http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/f6712ec
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: trunk: build sound modules in kernel http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/67667b1
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: trunk: add ks7010 support patch http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/0c8db99
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: base-files, move it to openwrt-package/nanonote-files http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/4c947ee
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: Disable syslogd and klogd http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/ea6dd03
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: uboot-xburst: update to 2010.06 http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/1717418
<bartbes> woah, qi-bot, easy
<bartbes> this a huge merge, perhaps?
<kyak> is a small rebase :)
<xMff> kyak: maybe rebase again, I jsut committed an important fix to the depdency handling
<kyak> ok, since i'm already making noise here :)
<qi-bot> [commit] jow: [scripts] metadata.pl: fix handling of multiple conditional depends that reference the same package (exposed by previous hotplug2 changes), also kill duplicate dependency specs while we're at it http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/8d14610
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: optimize for ben nanonote http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/a1506c8
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: [xburst] Improve mounttime http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/103eec5
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: nanonote optimize http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/d6bbf43
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: add kernel patch for setfont2 http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/dd4a76e
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: optimize for ben nanonote http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/d30f3a9
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: config-2.6.37: enable battery, disable RNDIS http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/da7f01a
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: patches-2.6.37: support for Ben NAND partitioning http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/d43df82
<qi-bot> [commit] David Kühling: linux kernel: add CONFIG_PROC_PAGE_MONITOR=y to allow for clean user-space DMA http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/7fbc3a0
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: config-2.6.37: enable options needed for keymouse http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/fe7c08d
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: trunk: fix kernel keymap for VolUp/Down and Del http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/64937ed
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: trunk: build sound modules in kernel http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/0aa9a55
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: trunk: add ks7010 support patch http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/ea26e02
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: base-files, move it to openwrt-package/nanonote-files http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/82e90b8
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: Disable syslogd and klogd http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/84c0548
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: uboot-xburst: update to 2010.06 http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/f280002
<kyak> xMff: thanks a lot, if seems to be fixed now
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: really fix postinst for fbterm, lingot, nightsky http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/7fbd519
<stefan_schmidt> wpwrak: having the driver attached to atusb and doing a make dfu to update the firmware works like a charm :)
<wpwrak> nice :)
<qi-bot> [commit] Stefan Schmidt: ieee802154/atusb: Print out the fimrware build information during probe. http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/72c7c17
<wpwrak> nice :)
<wpwrak> loves his idbg :)