<z0d> hi
<kyak> hey
<wpwrak> rejon: good morning :) when are you heading out ?
<kyak> wpwrak: may i ask you a fast question: how can i choose which one of 16 channels in 2.4Ghz band will be used by atben/atusb? And does it make sense to choose a channel different from the oen used by my 2.5 Ghz router nearby?
<kyak> *2.4 Ghz
<kyak> i.e. will i gain soemthing from this?
<wpwrak> yes, it's better to be far away from frequencies with interferences
<wpwrak> in atrf-*, you specify the channel with -c #
<wpwrak> in iz... you change the places where it says "11"
<kyak> my router is just 1 meter away from laptop :) so ok, i'll be changing the channel
<wpwrak> note that wlan and wpan use different channel numberings
<kyak> it's using channel 6 now btw
<wpwrak> atrf-rssi -g ca show you the map;ping
<kyak> ok, thanks
<wpwrak> press E and it'll show the channel numbers at trhe bottom, inclusing the typical EU assignment
<wpwrak> U for US, J for japan
<kyak> i'll try that, thnkas
<qi-bot> [commit] Stefan Schmidt: spi/atusb: Static info request during probe is async for usb now. (ben-wpan-stefan) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/1414ef5
<rjeffries> these guys are interesting. open license just like qi-hardware. http://leaflabs.com/devices/
<rjeffries> MIT license for hardware is A Good Thing, correct?
<rjeffries> They use KiCad. This is an interesting interview. http://dangerousprototypes.com/files/DP-LeafLabs-Maple.mp3
<kristianpaul> MIT, humm
<kristianpaul> is it copyleft?
<kristianpaul> remener not all open source and free software licenses are copyleft
<kristianpaul> remenber*
<rjeffries> their current license is actually share alike, they plan to go to MIT as it is MORE permissive
<kristianpaul> see !
<kristianpaul> not all people like copyleft,but thats a separate topic :)
<rjeffries> these guys closley resemble the qi-hardware crew check them out
<kristianpaul> old club way
<kristianpaul> closelly?
<rjeffries> well, they are not spread all over the world yet
<rjeffries> they switched to KiCad from Eagle because KiCad is open, ;)
<kristianpaul> they document how maufacture stuff?
<kristianpaul> actually do they manufacture or just sell prototypes?
<rjeffries> They manufacture. Doing some good work.
<kristianpaul> nice
<kristianpaul> how easy is to reproduce that good work?
<rjeffries> if you listen to the interview, it is really interesting
<rjeffries> go look at their site. they share oretty well I think)
<kristianpaul> no time know, but i prefer read :)
<kristianpaul> bbl
<rjeffries> they mention OpenMoko (they borrowed DFU from it)
<wpwrak> talk done :) now it's the drinking phase of the conference ;-)
<kristianpaul> hey
<kristianpaul> how was it?
<kristianpaul> interesting questions?
<kristianpaul> trolls?
<kristianpaul> Talk is it recorded somwhere?
<wpwrak> only had time for two. one was about what we learned from openmoko ;-)
<kristianpaul> nice questions :)
<wpwrak> dunnp. could be. i'll need to ask around
<kristianpaul> worth the try
<kristianpaul> so wen can link it to next news
<kristianpaul> s/wen/we
<wpwrak> the other question was about the open-source hw license
<kristianpaul> you ran the slides from the nanonote btw?
<wpwrak> naw, didn't have time to set this up
<kristianpaul> open-source, like MIT Apache and BSD ? :)
<kristianpaul> anyway, enjoy your drinks
<kristianpaul> lunch time
<wpwrak> (license) we talked about it some time here. but it wasn't too good.
<wpwrak> rejon: 5 min to go :)
<rejon> :)
<wpwrak> rejon: i'll be iin the spwaker's lounge later
<kristianpaul> milkymsit one?
<kristianpaul> rejon:'s talk i mean
<wpwrak> new, some edu thing
<wpwrak> yes
<wpwrak> M1 is on saturday
<kristianpaul> hum, like the sugar platform or something?
<kristianpaul> ok
<wpwrak> (edu) new, non-technical i think
<kristianpaul> great
<wpwrak> relocating :)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: tools/Makefile (BEN_DIRS): comment out dirtpan again, to avoid hdr dependency (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/673d29a
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: TODO: various updates (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/d94ac95
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: the streaming should be here: http://tv.softwarelivre.org/
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: will take a while for mine to show up. they first have to censor the clips ;-)
<kristianpaul> thanks for the link
<kristianpaul> changing topic
<kristianpaul> i think was wrong asume 0 and -0 as a valida value coming from the sige ADC
<kristianpaul> -3, -1, 1 , 3 looks more sensate
<kristianpaul> i said that after ecounter some division by zero warnigns in a octave i was trying with the sampled data
<wpwrak> ;-)
<kristianpaul> now it seems the missing part is a mixer for the complex values
<kristianpaul> for osgps
<wpwrak> that's what you'll find in the math textbooks ? :)
<kristianpaul> yes,but i tought it was arelady implemented
<kristianpaul> if a software said that can analize in-phase nand quadrature samples, i asumed it was implented
<kristianpaul> i still having my doubts and still reviwing osgps source code
<kristianpaul> in the other  hand i noticed that sige evb manual have some isntructions to put sige chip in real mode
<wpwrak> oh. that sounds interesting
<kristianpaul> well, acording to books and speedevil comments, this will mean 4x data compared to I/Q sampling
<kristianpaul> but indeed, most of the code i had found asume real data
<kristianpaul> what sige adds is their propietary downcoverter serializer for making esier the later processing
<kristianpaul> and it is truth in theory cause if implemente the correlator in hardware, ie namuru, i may not need to use some correlation arms, asuming i trust sige for what is I and Q
<kristianpaul> yeah, i'll try check the output for real putput with scope tonight :)
<kristianpaul> now IF sampling willbe ~16Mhz instead of 2.556Mhz from the downcoverter
<kristianpaul> actually sige chip will be kinda same as the maxim one too
<kristianpaul> but we'll se :)
<kristianpaul> see*
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: complex is the data type implemed in C99 for complex number inst?
<wpwrak> (like maxim) then you'll even have a second soure :)
<wpwrak> sourCe
<kristianpaul> cause at first grep it dint showed up from osgps..
<kristianpaul> or this graph lied to me http://home.earthlink.net/~cwkelley/receiv5.gif :p
<wpwrak> maybe they do complex math with real/int math
<kristianpaul> good point
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: yeah, not only a second source in hardware, also more code to analize the data, inclduing the SoftGNSS port to octave (thanks a lot david his fix to it), fastgps too
<kristianpaul> and gps-sdr from CTAE
<kristianpaul> okay, i'll change that resistor position and see how the data came out from it :)
<wpwrak> resistor position ?
<DocScrutinizer> 0R
<DocScrutinizer> ?
<kristianpaul> in the EVB hw1 and hw0 defines the chip mode
<wpwrak> ah :)
<kristianpaul> 47K actually DocScrutinizer
<kristianpaul> because it need to be set low
<DocScrutinizer> thought as much, but 0R been to the point ;-)
<kristianpaul> make sense, the one i have is SE4162, so this was before :)
<wpwrak> rejon: so ... when do you want me to break your M1 ? :)
<rejon> yeah
<wpwrak> when ? today ? tomorrow ? saturday befoe your talk / sat after your talk ?
<wpwrak> or some undefined future ? :)
<rejon> do we have time now?
<wpwrak> i guess we can try our luck and still make the 6pm shuttle
<wpwrak> or else another day :)
<rejon> wpwrak, sorry, getting distracted
<rejon> with fab stuff
<wpwrak> heh :)
<wpwrak> sounds like a "tomorrow" vote then
<wpwrak> and what exactly are you guys fabbricating ? :)
<kristianpaul> electric motorcycles?
<kristianpaul> :)
<methril_work> rejon, are you fabbricating something in Brazil?
<rejon> not yet
<rejon> would like to!
<viric> rejon: like what?
<methril_work> rejon, i would like to help on this matter
<methril_work> ?)
<methril_work> :)
<viric> quem e brasileiro aqui?
<methril_work> ninguem, mais estou morando no Brasil :)
<viric> na cidade?
<methril_work> Pelotas - RS
<viric> ah. nao conheço. rejon tambem?
<viric> also rejon ?
<methril_work> viric, are you in Brazil? I though you where from Barelona (Spain)
<viric> methril_work: no, from Girona, Catalunya :)
<viric> methril_work: we work with some people in Brasil related to some closed electronics :)
<methril_work> we met at Fix Party bcn
<methril_work> viric, really?
<viric> methril_work: with me? I doubt it
<viric> What is that party? :)
<viric> I never heard of it
<methril_work> you are not a Fixed OpenMoko owner?
<viric> no no
<methril_work> then i`m wrong :)
<methril_work> i`m the party fixer in Spain
<methril_work> but i rellocate last year
<viric> You got close though.
<rejon> i'm here with wpwrak at FISL
<viric> ahh
<rejon> yes, great to make qi hardware here
<rejon> nanonotes, mm1, etc :)
<viric> Congratulations :)
<kristianpaul> if you manage to bypasss customs and import laws i guess
<rejon> why?
<rejon> just make them here
<methril_work> kristianpaul, you have tax reductions if you are a producer
<rejon> not sure about raw materials
<rejon> anyway, this is all speculative optimism :)
<kristianpaul> yeah, tha was my point
<kristianpaul> methril_work: are you a producer? you just said some minutos about some magic words about electronics :)
<kristianpaul> s/abot/ago
<methril_work> kristianpaul, unfortunately i`m not a producer
<methril_work> i`m only a electronic user
<methril_work> but.... i`m brazil located so i`m interested in any qi initiative here
<kristianpaul> btw is ANATEL familiar with with you?
<methril_work> i know what ANATEL is
<kristianpaul> s/familiar/aware
<methril_work> i`m not EE, so i don`t need to be aware of
<methril_work> i`m in the middle of EE & SW
<kristianpaul> ignore me for a while i think been in a fan less place make write more than i wich
<kristianpaul> bbl i need water or somwthing, got some headched :S
<rejon> sorry guys, really not paying attn